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The publication of scientific articles that receive few or no citations raises questions of the appropriate use of resources as well as ethics. In the case of animal research, the ethics issue extends beyond human patients to nonhuman animals, as the research subjects them to pain and, typically, to death. This study is a citation analysis of animal research conducted at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children (HSC). Of the 594 publications (1990 to 1995) on animal research by affiliates of HSC, 29% received fewer than 10 citations in a 10-year period. We compare the research history of 13 “best ”and 13 “worst ”HSC scientists. Worst researchers continue to do infrequently cited research. Recommendations indicate how institutions and researchers can become more effective and accountable.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates four recent randomized clinical trials in which the informed consent of participants was either not sought at all, or else was conducted with critical information missing from the consent documents. As these studies have been taking place, various proposals to conduct randomized clinical trials without consent have been appearing in the medical literature. Some of the explanations offered for why it is appropriate to bypass consent or disclosure requirements appear to represent a fundamental misunderstanding of applicable government regulations and even the research enterprise. Others are the result of conceptual disagreements about the importance and application of traditional research ethics norms to ‘comparative effectiveness research’ and modern research environments. Common among these explanations, however, is a failure to appreciate when a research intervention, rather than merely an observation or review of data, is taking place. Review committees and investigators are failing to see, or choosing to ignore, interventions in the lives of research subjects. When these studies have come to light, government agencies with oversight authority have done little or backed down. Prestigious medical journals have published research results knowing that the required consent was not obtained, or they have stood by the published studies even after the inadequacy of consent is discovered. This article critically examines this erosion of consent in theory and practice and calls for restoring the requirement of informed consent to its proper place as a priority in human subjects research.  相似文献   

The U5 monoclonal antibody developed by immunizing mice with Japanese monkey lymphocytes could react with lymphocytes of primate species including Old World monkeys, apes, and human. However, the distributions of U5 antigen on major functional subsets of lymphocytes were different in primate species. The U5 antigen was mainly distributed on natural killer (NK) cells in human, but on B cells in Old World monkeys. On the other hand, U5 antigen was detected on both B and NK cells in chimpanzees and gibbons, indicating that the distribution of U5 antigen on lymphocyte might change from B cells to NK cells during primate evolution.  相似文献   

Small arms firing ranges at military training facilities can have enormous heavy metal burdens (percent level) in soils. Currently there are few published works that quantify the metal content of soils and waters at military installations or speculate on the potential for migration of these contaminants into groundwater. This article documents metals in soils and waters at nine small arms training ranges at three military installations in the U.S. Soil samples were collected from the surface and shallow subsurface. The results demonstrated that lead, antimony, copper, and zinc were the principal contaminants of interest and mapping a site's lead and copper surface distributions would adequately define the extent of impacted soil. Lower metal concentrations at three of the ranges reflected previous remediation by means of physical separation and mechanical removal of metallic fragments followed by fixation treatment with MaectiteTM. Except for the treated ranges where mixing had occurred, subsurface soil samples indicated limited vertical migration. Several of the ranges were also monitored for trace element migration in the vadose zone by means of suction-cup lysimeters. This pore-water sampling indicated ceramic suction-cup lysimeters are useful for assessing relative concentrations but require care in evaluation because of potential sorption losses. Monitoring of soil water at ranges should include antimony and zinc; the former because, in contrast to the other metals, it is typically soluble in an anionic form, and the latter because of its greater solubility and mobility.  相似文献   

The various animal welfare laws, regulations, policies, accreditation standards, and welfare groups have an obvious impact on the activities of managers of nonhuman primate colonies. Federal organizations such as the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Interior, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Transportation, and the Justice Department regulate many aspects of animal management. Pertinent guidance is available through scientific organizations such as the American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care and the National Academy of Sciences. Finally, the recommendations of responsible animal welfare organizations should also receive careful consideration.  相似文献   

Abstract: The genetic similarity between humans and nonhuman primates makes nonhuman primates uniquely suited as models for genetic research on complex physiological and behavioral phenotypes. By comparison with human subjects, nonhuman primates, like other animal models, have several advantages for these types of studies: 1) constant environmental conditions can be maintained over long periods of time, greatly increasing the power to detect genetic effects; 2) different environmental conditions can be imposed sequentially on individuals to characterize genotype-environment interactions; 3) complex pedigrees that are much more powerful for genetic analysis than typically available human pedigrees can be generated; 4) genetic hypotheses can be tested prospectively by selective matings; and 5) essential invasive and terminal experiments can be conducted. Limitations of genetic research with nonhuman primates include cost and availability. However, the ability to manipulate both genetic and environmental factors in captive primate populations indicates the promise of genetic research with these important animal models for illuminating complex disease processes. The utility of nonhuman primates for biomedical research on human health problems is illustrated by examples concerning the use of baboons in studies of osteoporosis, alcohol metabolism, and lipoproteins.  相似文献   

For four temperate lakes (Northeast U.S.A.) we identify periods of persistent phytoplankton assemblages and investigate the ecological conditions that correlate to these persistent assemblages. Periods of persistent assemblages, here considered as steady-state phases, were defined according to equilibrium criteria (two or three coexisting species, contributing to 80% of the standing biomass, for at least 2 weeks) defined by Sommer et al. (1993, Hydrobiologia 249: 1–7). For all four lakes, samples were taken weekly during the ice-free season and phytoplankton attributes (biomass, assemblages, diversity, species richness, change rates) and abiotic variables (temperature, I* – as light mean in the mixing zone – zmix, and nutrients) were analysed. Chodikee (CH), an eutrophic and rapidly flushed lake, did not show any persistent phase. The remaining three lakes showed single steady-state phases that occurred at varying times during the ice-free season. Steady-state phases occurred during early stratification in late spring in the stably stratified oligotrophic Mohonk Lake (MO), in the late summer stratification in the meso-eutrophic Stissing Lake (ST), and during spring mixing in Wononscopomuc Lake (WO). MO showed a 3-week period with dominance of F assemblage (Botryococcus braunii, Willea wilhelmii and Eutetramorus planctonicus), characteristic for clear epilimnia, tolerant to low nutrient and sensitive to high turbidity. For three weeks, ST had a stable assemblage with dominance of Lo(Woronichinia sp.), common assemblage in summer epilimnion of mesotrophic lakes and sensitive to prolonged or deep mixing; and P, assemblage able to live in eutrophic epilimnia with mild light and sensitive to stratification and silica depletion. In contrast, the mesotrophic Wononscopomuc Lake (WO) showed persistent assemblages during a 4-week period of spring circulation, when a dinoflagellate (Lo) was co-dominant with Nitzschia acicularis (C). The latter species is characteristic for mesotrophic lakes, tolerant to low light and sensitive to stratification and silica depletion. Both Lo and P assemblages, among seven others, had before been quoted, in literature, as dominant in maturing stages. We could not find consistent statistical differences between the periods classified as steady-state and non-steady-state. However, the data demonstrated that prolonged period of both mixing and stratification can maintain dominant assemblages. Although, historically sensed as opposite mechanisms, both mixing and stratification, if persistent, were observed maintaining dominant assemblages because both scenarios are characterized by environmental constancy.  相似文献   

Little is known about species composition, distribution, and abundance of pelagic fish in the U.S. portion of the Beaufort Sea continental shelf and slope. To inventory the community and describe pelagic fish distributions relative to water characteristics, a systematic survey was conducted in August 2008. Acoustics (38 kHz), midwater trawling, and CTD casts were used to sample water depths from 20 to 500 m. Age-1+ polar cod (Boreogadus saida) was the dominant fish species, with peak densities of 155,000 # ha−1 at bottom depths of 100–350 m. Age-0 fish (polar cod, sculpin (Cottidae family), and eelblenny (Lumpenus sp.)), dominated the pelagic biomass at bottom depths between 20 and 75 m, with peak densities of 160,000 # ha−1, but were also found in surface waters at bottom depths >75 m. Age-1+ polar cod were associated with cold, saline waters likely of Chukchi Sea origin and mirrored published foraging distributions for beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Conversely, age-0 fish were found in warm, fresher water, likely of ice melt and/or riverine origin, throughout the study area. This study provides a necessary baseline for the development of Arctic assessment surveys and management plans for polar cod.  相似文献   

Federal Government expenditures for medical research have increased apace in the last ten years. The increase in federal research funds has stimulated support from private sources; contributions from other than federal sources have doubled. More than half of medical research funds are being used by universities, hospitals, and other nonprofit institutions, and less than one-fourth by laboratories of the Federal Government.Grants-in-aid of research, fellowships and extended training are made on the advice of Advisory Councils made up of leaders in the various research fields. The previous record of research by staffs and faculties of institutions is taken into account. Special attention is given to unknown investigators and small projects. Noninterference with a scientist in the conduct of research is a basic principle of all grants. He may change the direction of his research to pursue promising leads without asking permission. Continuity of grants so that promising projects need not be abandoned at the end of a grant period is given special consideration.  相似文献   

  • 1 We quantified the relationships between diatom relative abundance and water conductivity and ionic composition, using a dataset of 3239 benthic diatom samples collected from 1109 river sites throughout the U.S.A. [U.S. Geological Survey National Water‐Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program dataset]. This dataset provided a unique opportunity to explore the autecology of freshwater diatoms over a broad range of environmental conditions.
  • 2 Conductivity ranged from 10 to 14 500 μS cm?1, but most of the rivers had moderate conductivity (interquartile range 180–618 μS cm?1). Calcium and bicarbonate were the dominant ions. Ionic composition, however, varied greatly because of the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.
  • 3 Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and Monte Carlo permutation tests showed that conductivity and abundances of major ions (HCO + CO, Cl?, SO, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+) all explained a statistically significant amount of the variation in assemblage composition of benthic diatoms. Concentrations of HCO + CO and Ca2+ were the most significant sources of environmental variance.
  • 4 The CCA showed that the gradient of ionic composition explaining most variation in diatom assemblage structure ranged from waters dominated by Ca2+ and HCO + CO to waters with higher proportions of Na+, K+, and Cl?. The CCA also revealed that the distributions of some diatoms correlated strongly with proportions of individual cations and anions, and with the ratio of monovalent to divalent cations.
  • 5 We present species indicator values (optima) for conductivity, major ions and proportions of those ions. We also identify diatom taxa characteristic of specific major‐ion chemistries. These species optima may be useful in future interpretations of diatom ecology and as indicator values in water‐quality assessment.

Objective: To study the secular trends in the disparity of obesity across socioeconomic status (SES) groups among U.S. adults. Research Methods and Procedures: We used national representative data collected in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys conducted in 1971 to 1974, 1976 to 1980, 1988 to 1994, and 1999 to 2000 from 28, 543 adults 20 to 60 years old. Obesity was defined based on BMI calculated using measured weight and height. Trends in the relationship between obesity and education levels were analyzed controlling for age, gender, and ethnicity. Results: The disparity in obesity across SES (less than high school, high school, and college or above to indicate low, medium, and high SES, respectively) has decreased over the past 3 decades. In National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys I (1971 to 1974), there was as much as a 50% relative difference in the obesity prevalence across the three groups, but by 1999 to 2000, it decreased to 14%. This trend was more pronounced in women. The trends of diminishing disparities in obesity were also revealed by our logistic and linear regression analyses. The odds ratio converged to 1 from the 1970s to 2000. In most sociodemographic groups, the relationship between BMI and SES (coefficients) has been weakened over time. Discussion: The association between SES and obesity has been weakened over the past 3 decades, when the prevalence of obesity increased dramatically. There are considerable variations in the changes in the associations across gender and ethnic groups. Our findings suggest that individual characteristics are not likely the main cause of the current obesity epidemic in the U.S., whereas social‐environmental factors play an important role. Strategies for obesity prevention and management should target all SES groups from a societal perspective.  相似文献   

DNA marker technology represents a promising means for determining the genetic identity and kinship of an animal. Compared with other types of DNA markers, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are attractive because they are abundant, genetically stable, and amenable to high-throughput automated analysis. In cattle, the challenge has been to identify a minimal set of SNPs with sufficient power for use in a variety of popular breeds and crossbred populations. This report describes a set of 32 highly informative SNP markers distributed among 18 autosomes and both sex chromosomes. Informativity of these SNPs in U.S. beef cattle populations was estimated from the distribution of allele and genotype frequencies in two panels: one consisting of 96 purebred sires representing 17 popular breeds, and another with 154 purebred American Angus from six herds in four Midwestern states. Based on frequency data from these panels, the estimated probability that two randomly selected, unrelated individuals will possess identical genotypes for all 32 loci was 2.0 × 10−13 for multi-breed composite populations and 1.9 × 10−10 for purebred Angus populations. The probability that a randomly chosen candidate sire will be excluded from paternity was estimated to be 99.9% and 99.4% for the same respective populations. The DNA immediately surrounding the 32 target SNPs was sequenced in the 96 sires of the multi-breed panel and found to contain an additional 183 polymorphic sites. Knowledge of these additional sites, together with the 32 target SNPs, allows the design of robust, accurate genotype assays on a variety of high-throughput SNP genotyping platforms.  相似文献   

M Michejda 《Acta anatomica》1975,91(1):110-117
Cross-sectional studies of the degree of the cranial base flexion were carried out in infant, juvenile and adult skulls in four genera of nonhuman primates (P. paniscus, H. lar, P. urinus, and M. mullatta). The cephalometric observations of the cranial base included linear and angular measurements of each specimen. The data obtained in this study showed that the anterior portion of the cranial base exhibits a significant shortening trend as the mammalian evolutionary scale ascends. Moreover, the growth pattern of the anterior portion of the skull base follows that of the facial bony structures. The ontogenic growth changes of the posterior portion of the skull base follows the growth pattern of the endocranial cavity. The significant trend of elongation in this area directly contributes to the posterior migration of the foramen magnum. The magnitude of these growth changes decreases as the evolutionary scale ascends. The angular measurements of the cranial flexion showed a less obtuse cranial base angle in young specimens and the ones higher on the mammalian scale. The skull kyphosis was less pronounced in these specimens and the anatomical features of the cranial base were more humanlike, including the balance of the head expressed by the position of the foramen magnum.  相似文献   

In personal interviews, people surrendering their dogs and cats to 12animal shelters in 4 regions of the country discussed their reasons for relinquishing their companion animals and answered questions about their own characteristics and those of their pet. The interviews identified 71 reasons for relinquishment. Personal issues lead the class of reasons for relinquishment of cats and ranked 3rd among those given for relinquishment of dogs. The top 3 health and personal issues cited for giving up cats were allergies of a family member to cats, owner's personal problems, and anew baby. For dogs, the top 3 reasons cited were lack of time for the dog, owner's personal problems, and allergies. Analysis of these health and personal issues suggests that education and counseling before and after acquisition of a pet, as well as the availability of temporary accommodations for pets during times of personal crisis, may reduce relinquishments.  相似文献   

The development of species priorities for conservation at local or regional scales (for example, within a state or province) poses an interesting paradox. One the one hand, locally or regionally-derived species priorities may lead to greater interest in and resources directed to biodiversity conservation by local or regional institutions. On the other hand, locally or regionally-derived species priorities could overlook national or global priorities. We assessed U.S. state government agency endangered-threatened bird lists to determine the comparative representation of species of global versus local conservation significance on them. State lists tended to be represented primarily by species of low global risk-low global responsibility (range: 15–100%; mean 51%) and high global risk-high global responsibility (range: 0–73%; mean 35%). In 25 states, more than half of the species on the state lists were in the low global risk-low global responsibility category. Most U.S. state agency lists represent a combined strategy of highlighting species of both local and global conservation significance. Even with this combined local-global strategy, most state lists were predominated by species that represent local but not global conservation significance. Such a strategy could have profound negative consequences for many species that are not formally recognized under national endangered species protections but that are also left off of state-level endangered species lists.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from 90 mature pigs and 548 growing pigs from 65 litters were screened with cytotoxic antibodies against swine lymphocyte antigens. Pigs included in the survey were from the Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Landrace and Yorkshire breeds. Significant differences between breeds were found in the frequency of the three haplotypes tested. Such differences may provide the genetic variability needed to determine associations between disease susceptibility and the pig's major histocompatibility gene complex.  相似文献   

1. Cladophora glomerata is the dominant filamentous green alga in the tailwaters of the Colorado River, U.S.A., below Glen Canyon Dam, but becomes co-dominant with filamentous cyanobacteria, Oscillatoria spp., below the confluence of the Paria River (26km below the dam) where suspended sediments are elevated. 2. Benthic algal assemblages played an important role in the distribution of the amphipod, Gammarus lacustris, in the dam-controlled Colorado River through Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. Cladophara and G. lacustris showed a weak positive relationship at ten cobble-riffle habitats in the Colorado River from Lees Ferry (25km below the dam) to Diamond Creek (362km downstream), while no relationship was found between Oscillatoria and G. lacustris. 3. The relationship between algal substrata and G. lacustris was tested by a series of in situ habitat choice experiments. G. lacustris showed a significant preference for Cladophora (with epiphytes) over Oscillatoria spp., detritus and gravel in treatment pans at Lees Ferry. 4. Epiphytic diatoms (i.e. food) were the overriding determinant of subtratum choice by G. lacustris in laboratory experiments. Gammarus chose the Cladophora/epiphytic diatom community over sonicated Cladophora with few diatoms. The amphipods also chose string soaked in diatom extract over string without diatom extract. 5. Importance of mutualistic interactions in aquatic benthic community structure is discussed.  相似文献   



Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure causes disease and death among nonsmokers. With a plethora of smoke-free legislation implemented and a steady decrease in cigarette consumption noted over the past decade in the U.S., this study assessed trends in indoor SHS exposure among U.S. adolescents in grades 6–12 during 2000–2009.


Data were obtained from the 2000–2009 National Youth Tobacco Survey – a national survey of U.S. middle and high school students. SHS exposure within an indoor area within the past seven days was self-reported. Trends in indoor SHS exposure during 2000–2009 were assessed overall and by socio-demographic characteristics, using the Wald''s test in a binary logistic regression. Within-group comparisons were performed using chi-squared statistics (p<0.05).


The proportion of U.S. middle and high school students who were exposed to indoor SHS declined from 65.5% in 2000 to 40.5% in 2009 (p<0.05 for linear trend). Significant declines were also observed across all population subgroups. Between 2000 and 2009, prevalence of indoor SHS exposure declined significantly among both middle (58.5% to 34.3%) and high school (71.5% to 45.4%) students. Prevalence of indoor SHS exposure was significantly higher among girls (44.0% in 2009) compared to boys (37.2% in 2009) during each survey year. Similarly, prevalence of indoor SHS exposure during 2000–2009 was highest among non-Hispanic whites (44.2% in 2009) and lowest among non-Hispanic Asians (30.2% in 2009). During each survey year, prevalence was highest among the oldest age group (≥18 years) and lowest among the youngest (9–11 years). Also, prevalence was significantly higher among current cigarette smokers (83.8% in 2009) compared to nonsmokers (34.0% in 2009).


Significant declines in indoor SHS exposure among U.S. middle and high school students occurred during 2000–2009. While the results are encouraging, additional efforts are needed to further reduce youth indoor SHS exposure.  相似文献   

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