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白鱀豚的肠   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于白暨豚Lipotes vexillifer的消化道,我们已作过胃的形态学研究并指出它与其它淡水豚的胃的区别(周开亚等,1979),另有两文简略提及肠的外形(姚闻卿等,1974、陈宜瑜等,1975),肠的构造尚未见报道,在解剖和组织学观察中,我们发现白暨豚的肠也有值得注意的特征。 白暨豚的肠取自在长江下游采到的四个个体。肠的长度和管径用福尔马林固定标本测量。组织学材料用Susa液或10%福尔马林固定,苏木精和曙红及Van Gieson法染色。嗜银细胞用改良龙桂开嗜银细胞银浸法显示。  相似文献   

白鱀豚的胃   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于鲸类胃的复杂分室早有许多详细研究。现代生存的四类淡水豚中,恒河豚Platanista gangetica及拉河豚Pontoporia blainvillei的胃在十九世纪就作过观察(Anderson,1878;Burmeister,1867),近年有详文论述(Yamasaki等,1971,1974),但对白暨豚Lipotes vexillifer及亚河豚Inia geollrensis的胃尚缺了解。白暨豚的胃仅两篇报道(Hinton和Pycraft,1922;陈宜瑜和陈炜.1975)曾提到几句,但未正确阐明其构造。鉴于白暨豚的形态研究对淡水豚类的系统发生及分类均具一定意义,现报道其食管后部和胃的解剖及组织学观察结果。  相似文献   

白鱀豚的肾脏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了4头雄性和9头雌性白鱀豚肾脏的结构和各项指标。白鱀豚肾脏是由许多小肾组成。肾脏和小肾的各项指标随着个体体长的增加而增加。与其他3种淡水豚相比,白鱀豚成体肾脏的小肾数比恒河豚多,比哑河豚少,而与拉河豚相近。白鱀豚幼体的肾脏和小肾的各项指标与恒河豚和亚河豚相近,但成体肾脏和小肾的各项指标比上述2种淡水豚大得多。并证实鲸类动物肾脏的小肾并生群在幼体即已存在,随着个体的长大,小肾化加剧,而并不是次级融合的结果。白鱀豚小肾的髓旁肌肉带的排列并无规律,它并不构成白豚鱀所特有的排列结构。    相似文献   

白鱀豚是我国特有的珍贵水生哺乳动物,也是世界现存的4种淡水豚(拉河豚Pontoporia blainvillei,亚河豚Inia geoffrensis,恒河豚Platanista gangetica和白鱀豚)中存活头数最少的一种。近几年来,白鱀豚已为很多人所熟知,并像大熊猫一样,被视为我国的“国宝”。 对白鱀豚进行系统的研究工作,开始在中华人民共和国成立之后。特别是七十年代以来,我国的科学工作者对其进行了大量的调查研究。  相似文献   

白鱀豚脑的解剖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对采自长江的三头白暨豚(Lipotes vexillifer Miller)的脑进行了解剖研究。白鱀豚的脑表现出典型的鲸脑特征。与海洋齿鲸类比较,淡水鲸科的种类普遍呈现出视觉系统的退化,这是一种生态适应的结果。从神经解剖学的观点看来,白鱀豚与亚马逊河海豚(Inia)、拉普拉塔河海豚(Pontoporia)的脑的结构是近似的,而与恒河海豚(Platanista)显着不同,  相似文献   

白鱀豚(Lipotes vextllifer Miller)是我国特有的一种珍稀淡水鲸类。在学术上有特殊的重要价值。在五十年至七十年代,周开亚等曾作过白鱀豚的形态解剖及地理分布的一些零星报道。近十年来中国科学院水生生物研究所对白鱀豚的形态解剖、地理分布、生活习性、生物学特征以及组织学进行了较全面系统的研究,并发表了有关研究报告(陈佩薰等1980,1985;刘仁俊等1980;林克杰等1985;李钟杰1985)。    相似文献   

作者对采自长江的三头白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer Miller)的脑进行了解剖研究。白鱀豚的脑表现出典型的鲸脑特征。与海洋齿鲸类比较,淡水鲸科的种类普遍呈现出视觉系统的退化,这是一种生态适应的结果。从神经解剖学的观点看来,白鱀豚与亚马逊河海豚(Inia)、拉普拉塔河海豚(Pontoporia)的脑的结构是近似的,而与恒河海豚(Platanista)显著不同,这与骨骼形态上表现出的系统发育关系是一致的。    相似文献   

关于海豚和几种淡水豚类的血液学和血液生化指标国外有过研究4-13。白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer)血液有形成份已有过报道2,3。本实验对白鱀豚血液生化指标进行了研究,以期建立白鱀豚血液正常生理生化指标,为白鱀豚的临床诊断,健康监测和保健措施提供血液学参数,并且为完善淡水豚类血液学比较研究提供基础资料。    相似文献   

白鱀豚核型的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对于豚类染色体核型,国外有过关于海豚类方面的研究,而关于淡水豚类迄今尚未见有报道。本文是对白鱀豚核型研究的初步结果。材料取自一头体长为1.97米的雄性白鱀豚“淇淇”。此豚自1980年元月12日以来一直饲养在本所的饲养池内。采用哺乳动物常规的外周血培养法,空气干燥制片,吉姆萨染色法。我们共分析9个中期相,对其中2个中期相进行了测量。    相似文献   

白鱀豚和某些海豚体内油脂性质的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白鱀豚(Lipotes vexillifer Miller)是我国特有而又珍贵的动物。关于白鱀豚的分布、分类、形态解剖、生活习性等,我国已有一些论文发表(周开亚等1977,1979),但尚未见到关于油脂成份和性质方面的研究报道。国外近十年来,某些学者认为海豚的体温、声学性质与其油脂的成份有关,并作过某些海豚油脂成份和性质的研究报道。(Morris et al.1973;Tsuyuki et al.1971;Tsuyuki et al.1972)因而,从生理生化角度,探讨白鱀豚,将是一个  相似文献   

Previous studies of the odontocete forelimb have not considered flipper anatomy in an evolutionary context. This study of 39 cetacean species (1 extinct archaeocete, 31 extant and 3 extinct odontocetes, and 4 mysticetes), provides a detailed comparative analysis of the major bones and muscles of the odontocete flipper. Differences across families in the anatomy of the deltoid, supraspinatus, coracobrachialis, and subscapularis muscles correspond directly to size and shape of forelimb elements. Specialization of the different shoulder girdle muscles allows for more maneuverability of the flipper by independent control of muscular columns. Maximum likelihood analyses helped determine the correlation of characters studied by ancestral state reconstruction, and revealed independent evolution of osteological and external characters among various lineages. Comparative Analyses by Independent Contrast (CAIC), found several contrasts between flipper area and body length for several extant odontocetes and a linear relationship was inferred. Degree of hyperphalangy and the soft tissue encasing the flipper helped determine three flipper morphologies based on aspect ratio (AR) and qualitative data. These results suggest that differences in flipper shape have an evolutionary component and are likely largely in response to ecological requirements.  相似文献   

The structure of the longitudinal body muscles of Branchiostoma caribaeum has been studied by light and electron microscopy. These muscles are shown to be composed of fibers in the form of flat lamellae about 0.8µ in thickness, more than 100 µ wide, and reaching in length from one intermuscular septum to the next, a distance of about 0.6 mm. Each flat fiber is covered by a plasma membrane and contains a single myofibril consisting of myofilaments packed in the interdigitating hexagonal array characteristic of vertebrate striated muscle. Little or no sarcoplasmic reticulum is present. Mitochondria are found infrequently and have a tubular internal structure. These morphological observations are discussed in relation to a proposed hypothesis of excitation-contraction coupling. It is pointed out that the maximum distance from surface to myofilament in these muscles is about 0.5 µ and that diffusion of an "activating" substance over this distance would essentially be complete in less than 0.5 msec. after its release from the plasma membrane. It is concluded that the flat form of amphioxus muscle substitutes for the specialized mechanisms of excitation-contraction coupling thought possibly to involve the sarcoplasmic reticulum in higher vertebrate muscles.  相似文献   

江豚鼻道肌的解剖和构筑研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
江豚的鼻部肌共分为后外肌、前外肌、后内肌、前内肌和深肌5层,无间肌和大小内肌较退化,无对角膜肌。通过测定各肌的肌重、平均肌纤维长、平均肌小节长以及肌纤维角度,计算了各肌的生理横截面积,估计最大强直张力和肌鲜重对估计最大强直张力之比值等指标。鼻部肌各肌的相对肌纤维长度相似。各鼻部肌的肌纤维角度均为零。前部肌比后部肌具有较大的收缩速度和收缩位移优势,后部肌则具有较强的张力产生能力。着于额隆和唇部吻肌的张力产生能力很强。  相似文献   

刺猬的皮肤,包括皮肤肌和皮下脂肪,是一个质量很大的器官,平均占体重43形,最多可达57%以上。刺猬的皮肌,如果不是动物界中最发达的,也是非常发达的,尤其环状皮肌带约占体重11%(赵以炳等1958)。在功能上,刺猬的皮肌是重要的生理性体温调节器官,背面带针刺的部分有保温御寒作用,腹部有散热机能(赵以炳等1950a)。清醒的刺猬当遇到强敌或其它干扰时,常蜷缩成带剌的球。不活动的冬眠刺猬也取同样姿势,以防侵害。可以说,蜷缩是一种主动的保护性行为,这种强烈的蜷缩主要是由于环状皮肌带持续有力的收缩。尤其令人惊奇的是冬眠时的蜷缩,这是在一般生理活动明显降低的  相似文献   

The differentiation of the indirect flight muscles was studied in the various pupal stages of Drosophila. Fibrillar material originates in the young basophilic myoblasts in the form of short myofilamants distributed irregularly near the cell membranes. The filaments later become grouped into bundles (fibrils). Certain "Z bodies" appear to be important during this process. The "Z bodies" may possibly be centriolar derivatives and are the precursors of the Z bands. The first formed fibrils (having about 30 thick myofilaments) are already divided into sarcomeres by Z bands. These sarcomeres, however, seem to be shorter than those of the adult fibrils.The H band differentiates in fibrils having about 40 thick myofilaments; the fibrils constrict in the middle of each sarcomere during this process. The individual myofibrils increase from about 0.3 µ to 1.5 µ in diameter during development, apparently by addition of new filaments on the periphery of the fibrils. The ribosomes seem to be the only cytoplasmic inclusions which are closely associated with these growing myofibrils. Disintegration of the plasma membranes limiting individual myoblasts was commonly seen during development of flight muscles, supporting the view that the multinuclear condition of the fibers of these muscles is due to fusion of myoblasts.  相似文献   

卢筝 《昆虫学报》1998,41(2):174-178
小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rott.雄性外生殖器由第8腹节的5对肌肉支持,它具有充分功能的抱器(clasper)和第9腹节的侧骨片,具有8对外生殖器特有的肌肉。具有一对由第9,10,11节原始腹部神经节的侧神经组成的成对的粗大神经干9+10+11,神经干的神经分支分布神经到外生殖器。  相似文献   

Rhodnius prolixus, a South American insect, molts five times in its development to an adult after emerging from the egg. Each molting cycle is triggered with a blood-meal. The ventral intersegmental abdominal muscles of Rhodnius develop during each molting cycle and are functional at molting. The fine structure of these fully developed muscles from fourth stage larval insects is studied. They have the characteristic structure of slow muscles. They have multiple motor nerve endings, and the myofibrils are poorly defined in cross-section. Longitudinal sections show long sarcomeres (8–10 µ), irregular Z-lines, and no apparent H zones. No M line is seen. Transverse sections through the A-band region show that each hexagonally arranged thick filament is surrounded by 12 thin filaments. Two thin filaments are shared by two neighboring thick filaments. The ratio of thin to thick filaments is 6:1. This structure is related to that found in vertebrate skeletal muscle and insect flight muscle.  相似文献   

1. The reflex effect of direct mechanical stimulation of the exposed ampulla of the horizontal canal has been graphically recorded for each of the six extrinsic muscles of the eyeball. 2. Stimulation of a horizontal ampulla evokes a strong contraction of the homolateral rectus internus and of the contralateral rectus externus; at the same time the homolateral rectus externus and the contralateral rectus internus relax. 3. A single mechanical stimulus applied to the horizontal ampulla is sometimes followed by a nystagmus resulting from a series of rhythmic contractions of the externus and internus muscles. 4. Excitation of a horizontal ampulla gives rise to weak contractions of the superior and inferior recti and of the two oblique muscles of both eyes, simultaneously with the stronger contractions of the externus and internus respectively. 5. It is pointed out that the small simultaneous contractions of the four muscles just mentioned provide a virtual axis upon which the eyeball rotates. In other words these four act as fixation muscles. 6. It is suggested that some of the abnormal responses to horizontal rotation, seen in clinical cases, are due to the inaction of one or more of the fixation muscles.  相似文献   

1. X-ray diffraction studies of sartorius muscles of Rana pipiens were made in a new x-ray diffraction camera which permits exposures of 3 to 6 minutes. The object-film distance can be varied from 20 to 80 mm; the muscle inside the camera can be electrically stimulated while contracting isotonically or isometrically, and can be observed by a special device. After exposures up to 30 minutes (approximately 40,830 r) muscles are still alive and responsive. 2. Contrary to the x-ray diffraction pattern of powdered dry muscle, which pattern consists of two rings corresponding to spacings of 4.46 Å.u. and 9.66 Å.u., both moist and dried whole sartorius muscle show signs of orientation in both rings, consisting of two equatorial streaks (wet) or points (dry) and meridional sickles. The moist muscle shows in addition a diffuse water ring. The spacings corresponding to the orientation points and elliptical structure show only slight differences in moist and dried samples. Through statistical computations based on two different series consisting of thirteen moist and twenty-eight dried samples, and nine muscles before and after drying, it was shown that only the divergence in the smaller spacing has some real significance, which indicates that most water of the moist muscle is bound intermolecularly. Upon resoaking of dried muscle the x-ray diffraction pattern of the moist muscle is restored. 3. Stretching of muscle by weights below the breaking point produces an additional well defined diffraction line, corresponding to a spacing of 4.32 Å.u. A similar diffraction line can be produced in frog tendon upon stretching. 4. The influence of heat on the x-ray diffraction pattern of muscle depends upon the maximum temperature and the length of action; 5 minutes at 50° C. markedly reduces the orientation of the sample; 5 minutes'' immersion in boiling Ringer''s solution destroys the orientation and produces a ring corresponding to a spacing of 5.3 to 5.5 Å.u. in the moist and sharpening of the backbone reflection in the dried specimen. 5. Ultraviolet light brings forth changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern varying with the intensity of the irradiation. Ultimately a disappearance of the equatorial points and of the outside sickles is achieved while the elliptical shape of the outside ring and its diffuseness persist. In addition two salt rings characteristic of NaCl indicate that the irradiated muscles have become permeable to the surrounding medium (Ringer''s solution). 6. Both faradic and single shock electrical stimulation were tried on muscles. If shortening of the muscle is prevented either by sufficient weight or by tying the muscle in a frame, no changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern occur; if the muscle is allowed to shorten without weights or by using insufficient weights, then the orientation either disappears completely or partially. When the muscle is stretched while contracted by electrical stimulation the orientation of the x-ray diffraction pattern reappears. 7. A number of salts with uni- and bivalent ions in concentrations corresponding osmotically to 0.73 per cent NaCl and 10 per cent NH4Cl were studied in their effects upon the x-ray diffraction of muscles. Of the salts with univalent ions in the lower concentration only KCl causes a marked decrease of orientation and an increase in the permeability of the fiber membranes. Similar effects on the orientation seem to be produced by CaCl2 while MgCl2 causes rather a more pronounced orientation. At hypertonic salt concentrations the orientation disappears completely and the corresponding salt rings become visible. Besides, NaCNS seems to have a specific effect on the outside ring and LiCl produces a ring at 21.3 Å.u. and a splitting of the outside ring. 8. Strong mineral and lactic acids in concentrations up to 0.005 N have little if any influence upon the x-ray diffraction of muscles. A further increase in acidity to 0.01 N and above destroys the orientation completely, causes sharpening of the backbone reflection, and increased membrane permeability. These changes are irreversible upon neutralization. Also the effects of swelling upon the water ring of fresh muscle become manifest. Weak acids at higher concentrations show an effect similar to that of strong acids. 9. Rigor mortis produces a more or less complete loss of orientation. The muscles show signs of increased permeability. 10. Alkalies destroy the orientation of the x-ray diffraction pattern. The effective concentration is higher than the corresponding amount of acid. 11. Formaldehyde produces only minor changes in the x-ray diffraction patterns of muscles. 12. The effects of alcohol depend primarily upon the concentration applied. Low concentrations (5 per cent) seem to have a passing stimulating effect, at concentrations of 15 per cent, the anesthetizing effect becomes manifest in well defined orientation. The diameter of the water ring is reduced. If 95 per cent alcohol is allowed to act upon muscle for more than 12 minutes, then the orientation disappears completely and the backbone spacing becomes as sharp as in boiled muscle. 13. The effects of chloroform depend upon whether the muscle is allowed to contract or not. Only if the muscle is allowed to contract in chloroform-saturated Ringer''s solution is the orientation lost and salt rings appear as well as a ring corresponding to a spacing of 22 Å.u,, which has been observed in other changes in muscles. 14. In muscles allowed to shorten in a caffeine-Ringer''s solution the orientation disappears, salt rings become visible as well as a decrease in size of the water ring; a new arc corresponding to a spacing of 4.18 Å.u. was observed in one case.  相似文献   

Controversy has existed about the power stroke of cetacean locomotion. We therefore measured cross-sectional areas of the appropriate muscles of the tail and computed possible forces and bending moments. The muscle areas are approximately equal in size and a similar relationship holds for the caudal tendons. It appears that the hypoaxial and epiaxial muscles are capable of generating forces that are approximately equal. Thrust delivered in the upstroke and downstroke may therefore be equal.  相似文献   

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