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Selected interactions between the encrusting sponge Halichondria panicea and its primary predator, the dorid nudibranch Archidoris montereyensis, were investigated in a high-latitude rocky intertidal community spatially dominated by H. panicea. Feeding experiments were conducted in which A. montereyensis pairs were provided with sponge containing symbiotic zoochlorellae or sponge in which the zoochlorellae population had been reduced or removed by shading. Nudibranchs consuming H. panicea with symbiotic zoochlorellae had higher feeding, growth, and egg production rates than individuals eating aposymbiotic sponge. We simulated A. montereyensis predation on H. panicea by creating typically sized feeding grooves in the sponge. H. panicea's response was high linear growth rates into the experimental feeding grooves, generally recovering most of the groove area within 4 weeks. Overall, the sponge's rapid response to tissue damage minimizes grazing impacts and substrate loss and reduces susceptibility to wave removal.  相似文献   

We investigated interactions between two dominant invertebrate species of intertidal soft-sediment environments of the northwest Atlantic, the mud snail Ilyanassa obsoleta and the burrowing amphipod Corophium volutator, on a mudflat of the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada. Distribution of I. obsoleta on the mudflat was highly patchy and negatively correlated with density of C. volutator. Manipulation of snail density in cages showed that I. obsoleta influences C. volutator; specifically, increasing density of snails reduced density, increased patchiness in distribution, decreased recapture rates and decreased immigration of C. volutator. Ilyanassa obsoleta seems to be affecting C. volutator through an influence on survival rate and emigration rate, although temporal variation in these effects was observed. Given that both I. obsoleta and C. volutator show a preference for tide pools, an important microhabitat on mudflats, snails might have a profound impact on C. volutator population dynamics.  相似文献   

Ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) are associated with strictly entomochoric and mutualistic fungi. We studied the mycobiota associated with Scolytodes unipunctatus, ambrosia beetles that infest Cecropia trees in Central America. Isolates were characterized using morphology and rDNA sequences (ITS region, LSU, and SSU rDNA). Four species are described here: Raffaelea scolytodis sp. nov. (Ophiostomatales), Gondwanamyces scolytodis sp. nov., Custingophora cecropiae sp. nov., and Graphium sp. (Microascales). The genus Custingophora is emended to include Knoxdaviesia anamorphs of Gondwanamyces based on uniformity of DNA sequences and phenotype.  相似文献   

The Abildgaardieae tribe within the family Cyperaceae comprises six or seven genera, among which Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis pose a challenge regarding their morphological delimitation. Molecular phylogenetic analyses including species of Abildgaardieae are rare, but in most of those studies, Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis appear as more closely related to each other than to the Bulbostylis genus. Duration of the style base has been one of the most widely used characters for delimiting these three genera. The style base is a persistent structure in most species of Bulbostylis and deciduous in Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis. The reasons why the style base may persist or fall off have been scarcely discussed. The assumption that abscission layers are present in the style base of all three genera and the fact that tracheids have been observed in the style base of Bulbostylis suggest that this structure might have histological complexity. In view of this, a complete ontogenetic and anatomical study of the gynoecium has been carried out for all these three genera. It turned out that the style base is histologically simple in Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis and shows similar structure and development in all three genera. The fact that the style base has a shorter duration in Abildgaardia and Fimbristylis than in Bulbostylis might be related to the lower number of sclerotised cells that make up such structures in the mature fruit of the former two genera. Abscission of the style and style base may be the result of much simpler reasons than the differentiation of an abscission layer, resulting merely from mechanical shear force effects. Differences among genera have been observed in the shape of the style base and the development of the style. The histological simplicity of the style base is consistent with the homoplastic appearance of this structure in genera that are not closely related (e.g. Rhynchospora). Because of this, while the presence of the thickened style base seems to be a synapomorphy in species of Abildgaardieae, its persistence on or detachment from the fruit might have emerged repeatedly during this clade evolution and might not be a suitable character for genera delimitation.  相似文献   

Torrubiella is a genus of arthropod-pathogenic fungi that primarily attacks spiders and scale insects. Based on the morphology of the perithecia, asci, and ascospores, it is classified in Clavicipitaceae s. lat. (Hypocreales), and is considered a close relative of Cordyceps s. 1., which was recently reclassified into three families (Clavicipitaceae s. str., Cordycipitaceae, Ophiocordycipitaceae) and four genera (Cordyceps s. str, Elaphocordyceps, Metacordyceps, and Ophiocordyceps). Torrubiella is distinguished morphologically from Cordyceps s. lat. mainly by the production of superficial perithecia and the absence of a well-developed stipitate stroma. To test and refine evolutionary hypotheses regarding the placement of Torrubiella and its relationship to Cordyceps s. lat., a multi-gene phylogeny was constructed by conducting ML and Bayesian analyses. The monophyly of Torrubiella was rejected by these analyses with species of the genus present in Clavicipitaceae, Cordycipitaceae, and Ophiocordycipitaceae, and often intermixed among species of Cordyceps s. lat. The morphological characters traditionally used to define the genus are, therefore, not phylogenetically informative, with the stipitate stromata being gained and/or lost several times among clavicipitaceous fungi. Two new genera (Conoideocrella, Orbiocrella) are proposed to accommodate two separate lineages of torrubielloid fungi in the Clavicipitaceae s. str. In addition, one species is reclassified in Cordyceps s. str. and three are reclassified in Ophiocordyceps. The phylogenetic importance of anamorphic genera, host affiliation, and stipitate stromata is discussed.  相似文献   

Hyaloscyphaceae is the largest family in Helotiales, Leotiomycetes. It is mainly characterized by minute apothecia with well-differentiated hairs, but its taxonomic delimitation and infrafamilial classification remain ambiguous. This study performed molecular phylogenetic analyses using multiple genes including the ITS-5.8S rDNA, the D1–D2 region of large subunit of rDNA, RNA polymerase II subunit 2, and the mitochondrial small subunit. The primary objective was to evaluate the phylogenetic utility of morphological characters traditionally used in the taxonomy of Hyaloscyphaceae through reassessment of the monophyly of this family and its genera. The phylogenetic analyses inferred Hyaloscyphaceae as being a heterogeneous assemblage of a diverse group of fungi and not supported as monophyletic. Among the three tribes of Hyaloscyphaceae only Lachneae formed a monophyletic lineage. The presence of hairs is rejected as a synapomorphy, since morphologically diversified hairs have originated independently during the evolution of Helotiales. The true- and false-subiculum in Arachnopezizeae are hypothesized to have evolved through different evolutionary processes; the true-subiculum is likely the product of a single evolutionary origin, while the false-subiculum is hypothesized to have originated multiple times. Since Hyaloscyphaceae sensu lato was not resolved as monophyletic, Hyaloscyphaceae sensu stricto is redefined and only applied to the genus Hyaloscypha.  相似文献   

An increase in clinical cases of Candidiosis globally as well as fungal resistance to drugs prompted the search for novel anti-Candida albicans agents from plant sources. Leaf extracts of Markhamia obtusifolia were screened for activity against C. albicans in vitro. An acetone extract obtained following serial exhaustive extraction contained mainly the active components with at least four active zones on the bioautogram. Bioassay guided fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of three compounds which inhibited the growth of three C. albicans strains. Based on spectroscopy studies (NMR and MS), the compounds were identified as 3β-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, ursolic acid (1) 3β, 19α-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, pomolic acid (2) and 2β, 3β, 19α -trihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid, 2-epi-tormentic acid (3). The most active compound was 3β, 19α-dihydroxy-12-ursen-28-oic acid (2) with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 12.5 µg/mL for C. albicans isolated from dog and 25.0 µg/mL for C. albicans from cat and ATCC 90028 at 24 h following incubation. However, at 48 h of incubation MICs were > 400 µg/mL for all the three compounds isolated. This study indicated that M. obtusifolia could be a potential source of active principles against C. albicans.  相似文献   

It has been extensively documented that exposure of amphibians and teleost fish to exogenous steroid hormones like estrogen, androgen, xenoestrogen or steroid biosynthesis inhibitors can impair their gonadal development or induce sex reversal against genotypic sex. However, the molecular pathways underlying sexual development and the effects of sex steroids or other exogenous hormones in these aquatic vertebrates remain elusive. Recently, a germ plasm-associated piRNA (piwi-interacting RNA) pathway has been shown to be a determinant in the development of animal gonadal germline cells. In the current study, we examined whether this piRNA pathway is involved in the regulation of sex steroid hormones in gonadal development. We firstly established developmental expression patterns of three key piRNA pathway genes (mael, piwi and vasa), during Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis embryogenesis and early larval development. All three genes exhibit high expression at early developmental stages and have significantly decreased expression thereafter, indicating a very active involvement of piRNA pathway at the beginning of embryogenesis. We further examined gene expression changes of those genes in frog larvae exposed to two sex steroid biosynthesis inhibitors, fadrozole and finasteride, both of which are known to result in male-biased or female-biased phenotypes, respectively. We found that fadrozole and finasteride exposures increased the expression of piRNA pathway genes such as mael and vasa at the larval stage when the expression of piRNA pathway genes is programmed to be very low. Therefore, our results indicate that the piRNA pathway is likely a common pathway by which different sex steroid hormones regulate gonadal sex differentiation.  相似文献   

Crabs of the species Liocarcinus depurator and Pilumnus hirtellus, collected on the west coast of Scotland, showed hydrozoan and protozoan epibionts. The epibionts of Liocarcinus depurator were the protozoan Ephelota plana and the hydrozoans Clytia gracilis and Leuckartiara sp. The epibionts of Pilumnus hirtellus were the protozoans E. plana and Zoothamnium sp. For Liocarcinus depurator the number of Ephelota per crab fluctuated between 0 and 47 and the greatest number of suctorians were located on the chelipeds, carapace and anterior pereiopods. The hydrozoans, for Liocarcinus depurator, showed densities of 0-20 (Clytia gracilis on the second pereiopod) and 0-507 individuals per crab (Leuckartiara sp., principally on chelipeds, carapace and the fourth right pereiopod). For Pilumnus hirtellus, Ephelota plana showed densities between 3 and 56 individuals per crab, the greatest number of suctorians being located on the same areas as on Liocarcinus depurator. There was a density of 10-69 individuals per crab of Zoothamnium sp. on Pilumnus hirtellus (located on the carapace). Ephelota plana has not been observed previously as an epibiont on crustacea, nor had Zoothamnium sp. as an epibiont on Pilumnus hirtellus. Both hydrozoans, Leukartiara and Clytia, have not been previously described as epibionts on Liocarcinus depurator. Data about the morphological characteristics and distribution of these epibionts are included.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of septa and septum-associated septal pore caps are important taxonomic markers in the Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota, Fungi). The septal pore caps covering the typical basidiomycetous dolipore septum are divided into three main phenotypically recognized morphotypes: vesicular-tubular (including the vesicular, sacculate, tubular, ampulliform, and globular morphotypes), imperforate, and perforate. Until recently, the septal pore cap-type reflected the higher-order relationships within the Agaricomycotina. However, the new classification of Fungi resulted in many changes including revision of existing and addition of new orders. Therefore, the septal pore cap ultrastructure of more than 325 species as reported in literature was related to this new classification. In addition, the septal pore cap ultrastructures of Rickenella fibula and Cantharellus formosus were examined by transmission electron microscopy. Both fungi have dolipore septa associated with perforate septal pore caps. These results combined with data from the literature show that the septal pore cap-type within orders of the Agaricomycotina is generally monomorphic, except for the Cantharellales and Hymenochaetales.It appears from the fungal phylogeny combined with the septal pore cap ultrastructure that the vesicular-tubular and the imperforate type both may have arisen from endoplasmic reticulum. Thereafter, the imperforate type eventually gave rise to the perforate septal pore cap-type.  相似文献   

The anamorphic fungal genus Monotosporella (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes) has been reco-vered from a piece of Early Eocene Indian amber, as well as from the surface of extant resin flows in New Caledonia. The fossil fungus was obtained from the Tarkeshwar Lignite Mine of Gujarat State, western India, and was part of the biota of an early tropical angiosperm rainforest. The amber inclusion represents the second fossil record of Sordariomycetes, as well as the first fossil of its particular order (either Savoryellales or Chaetosphaeriales). The fossil fungus is distinguished from extant representatives by possessing both short conidiophores and small two-septate pyriform conidia, and is described as Monotosporella doerfeltii sp. nov. Inside the amber, the anamorph is attached to its substrate, which is likely the degraded thallus of a cladoniform lichen. The extant New Caledonian species is assigned to Monotosporella setosa. It was found growing on semi-solidified resin flows of Agathis ovata (Araucariaceae), and is the first record of Monotosporella from modern resin substrates.  相似文献   

Invertebrates in soft-bottom marine communities exhibit a range of responses to predators and competitors, including both emigration and avoidance. Corophium volutator (Pallas), a burrowing amphipod abundant in the upper Bay of Fundy, Canada, frequently interacts with the eastern mudsnail, Ilyanassa obsoleta (Say), as both species utilize similar habitats and food resources. Typically these interactions result in negative effects on C. volutator. There is evidence that Corophium species exhibit avoidance behaviour when interacting with other species, but whether such a response occurs in the presence of I. obsoleta is unknown. To investigate C. volutator response to I. obsoleta, total C. volutator abundance and vertical distribution within the sediment was examined in a field experiment involving I. obsoleta enclosures and exclosures at two mudflats in the upper Bay of Fundy. I. obsoleta densities were manipulated between June and August 2008 and their effects on C. volutator abundance and vertical distribution observed. Results varied between mudflats and C. volutator size classes. At Peck's Cove, total C. volutator abundance was largely unaffected by I. obsoleta. No size class exhibited a distribution shift in response to I. obsoleta, though both mid-sized individuals and adults occupied deeper layers of sediment late in the summer. Abundance of C. volutator in all size classes at Grande Anse was reduced in July in direct proportion to exposure to I. obsoleta, and adults occupied higher sediment layers in July when I. obsoleta were excluded, suggesting that I. obsoleta curtailed use of these upper layers. Juvenile abundance rebounded in August, possibly due to the mass dispersal of a newly produced juvenile cohort. Adults were reduced in all treatments in August, probably as a result of normal seasonal mortality. Differences in C. volutator responses between mudflats highlight the site-specific nature of such interactions.  相似文献   

Free-living amoebae are widely distributed in aquatic environments and their hygienic, medical and ecological relationships to man are increasingly important. The purpose of this study was to isolate free-living amoebae from water-hyacinth root (Eichhornia crassipes) and the water of an urban lake in Mexico City. Five grams of wet root were seeded on non-nutritive agar with Enterobacter aerogenes (NNE). Water samples were concentrated by centrifugation at 1200g for 15 min and the pellet was seeded on NNE. Of the 16 isolated genera, 10 were detected in both habitats. The most frequent were Vannella in root and Acanthamoeba and Naegleria in water. The total number of isolates and genera isolated from root was higher than that isolated from water. The differences between root and water are probably due to the morphological characteristics of water-hyacinth root, which provides a large habitat and refuge area for many organisms.  相似文献   

In the light of the poor culturability of Acidobacteria and Verrucomicrobia species, group-specific real-time (qPCR) systems were developed based on the 16S rRNA gene sequences from culturable representatives of both groups. The number of DNA targets from three different groups, i.e. Holophagae (Acidobacteria group 8) and Luteolibacter/Prosthecobacter and unclassified Verrucomicrobiaceae subdivision 1, was determined in DNA extracts from different leek (Allium porrum) rhizosphere soil compartments and from bulk soil with the aim to determine the distribution of the three bacterial groups in the plant-soil ecosystem. The specificity of the designed primers was evaluated in three steps. First, in silico tests were performed which demonstrated that all designed primers 100% matched with database sequences of their respective groups, whereas lower matches with other non-target bacterial groups were found. Second, PCR amplification with the different primer sets was performed on genomic DNA extracts from target and from non-target bacteria. This test demonstrated specificity of the designed primers for the target groups, as single amplicons of expected sizes were found only for the target bacteria. Third, the qPCR systems were tested for specific amplifications from soil DNA extracts and 48 amplicons from each primer system were sequenced. All sequences were > 97% similar to database sequences of the respective target groups. Estimated cell numbers based on Holophagae-, Luteolibacter/Prosthecobacter- and unclassified Verrucomicrobiaceae subdivision 1-specific qPCRs from leek rhizosphere compartments and bulk soils demonstrated higher preference for one or both rhizosphere compartments above bulk soil for all three bacterial groups.  相似文献   

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