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Through use of a recently developed technique that can measure CO2 exchange by individual attached roots, the influences of soil O2 and CO2 concentrations on root respiration were determined for two species of shallow-rooted cacti that typically occur in porous, well-drained soils. Although soil O2 concentrations in the rooting zone in the field were indistinguishable from that in the ambient air (21% by volume), the CO2 concentrations 10 cm below the soil surface averaged 540 μLL−1 for the barrel cactusFerocactus acanthodes under dry conditions and 2400 μLL−1 under wet conditions in a loamy sand. For the widely cultivated platyopuntiaOpuntia ficus-indica in a sandy clay loam, the CO2 concentration at 10 cm averaged 1080 μLL−1 under dry conditions and 4170 μLL−1 under wet conditions. For both species, the respiration rate in the laboratory was zero at 0% O2 and increased to its maximum value at 5% O2 for rain roots (roots induced by watering) and 16% O2 for established roots. Established roots ofO. ficus-indica were slightly more tolerant of elevated CO2 than were those ofF. acanthodes, 5000 μLL−1 inhibiting respiration by 35% and 46%, respectively. For both species, root respiration was reduced to zero at 20,000 μLL−1 (2%) CO2. In contrast to the reversible effects of 0% O2, inhibition by 2% CO2 was irreversible and led to the death of cortical cells in established roots in 6 h. Although the restriction of various cacti and other CAM plants to porous soils has generally been attributed to their requirement for high O2 concentrations, the present results indicate that susceptibility of root respiration to elevated soil CO2 concentrations may be more important.  相似文献   

施磷对干旱胁迫下箭竹根际土壤养分及微生物群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以箭竹及其根际土壤作为研究对象,采用两因素随机区组实验,设置2种水分处理(正常浇水和干旱胁迫)和2种施磷量处理(施磷和不施磷),探究施磷对干旱胁迫下箭竹根际土壤养分及微生物群落结构和多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)干旱胁迫显著降低了箭竹根际土壤中微生物量碳、可溶性有机氮和有效磷的含量,虽对箭竹根际土壤微生物群落的多样性无显著影响,但显著降低了箭竹根际土壤中总PLFA(phospholipid fatty acid contents)的含量和真菌、细菌、革兰氏阳性菌与革兰氏阴性菌的PLFA含量以及革兰氏阳性菌/革兰氏阴性菌的PLFA比值,显著改变了箭竹根际土壤微生物群落结构,结果显著降低了箭竹的生物量。(2)施磷显著增加了受旱箭竹根际土壤中微生物量碳和有效磷的含量,虽大体上对受旱箭竹根际土壤微生物群落的多样性无显著影响,但显著增加了受旱箭竹根际土壤中总PLFA和真菌PLFA的含量,并在一定程度上增加了细菌、革兰氏阳性菌、革兰氏阴性菌和放线菌的PLFA含量以及革兰氏阳性菌/革兰氏阴性菌和真菌/细菌的PLFA比值,也在一定程度上改善了受旱箭竹根际土壤微生物群落结构,从而改善受旱箭竹的生长。(3)主成分分析表明,干旱对箭竹根际土壤微生物群落结构的影响显著,而施磷的影响不明显。(4)相关分析发现,箭竹根际土壤微生物群落结构与箭竹根际土壤微生物量碳、可溶性有机氮及箭竹生物量呈显著正相关。综上,干旱降低了箭竹根际土壤养分含量和微生物生物量,改变了箭竹根际土壤微生物群落结构,抑制了箭竹的生长;施磷能增加受旱箭竹根际土壤养分含量和微生物生物量,改善受旱箭竹根际土壤微生物群落结构,进而改善受旱箭竹的生长。  相似文献   

Pinus pinaster seedlings were grown in a sandy dune soil either inoculated withHebeloma cylindrosporum or let to natural colonisation. Six months later, half of the seedlings of both treatments were subjected to a 3-week moderate drought. Root colonisation analysis showed that root tips were colonised to almost 100% independent of the inoculation. DNA determination of the ectomycorrhizal morphotypes showed that inoculated seedlings were extensively mycorrhized byH. cylindrosporum (more than 75%) whereas non-inoculated seedlings were mycorrhized by the exotic speciesThelephora terrestris (50%) andLaccaria bicolor (30%) and to a lesser extent byH. cylindrosporum (20%). Drought did not affect these frequencies. Total plant biomass was not affected by the mycorrhizal status or by drought but the root/shoot biomass ratio as well as the root/leaf surface area ratio were much lower in seedlings extensively colonised byH. cylindrosporum. Root hydraulic conductivity was higher in plants mainly mycorrhized byH. cylindrosporum, showing that this fungus improved the water uptake capacity of the root system as compared toT. terrestris and/orL. bicolor. This positive effect was also found under drought but to a lesser extent.H. cylindrosporum also increased the amount of root-adhering soil as compared to the other fungal symbionts, illustrating the performance of this association in aggregating sandy soil particles and developing the rhizosheath. The origin of the reduced root hydraulic resistance byH. cylindrosporum mycorrhization is discussed for the whole path including soil, soil-root interface and root cortex.  相似文献   

倪秀雅  冯永霞  李如华  尚鹤  陈展 《生态学报》2023,43(17):7203-7215
不同林型土壤的酸化缓冲能力不同,真菌在土壤系统中扮演着重要的角色,而对土壤真菌群落结构和组成与土壤酸化的关系缺乏深入研究。以重庆铁山坪林场的马尾松纯林(Pi)和经马尾松纯林改造后的香樟纯林(Ci)、木荷纯林(Sc)、马尾松-香樟混交林(Pi_Ci)以及马尾松-木荷混交林(Pi_Sc)为研究对象,每个林型分别设置4个20 m×20 m的样地,分别采集腐殖质层(O层)和淋溶层(A层)土壤进行土壤性质及真菌群落分析,以探讨酸雨区森林土壤真菌群落与缓解土壤酸化的关系。研究表明:(1)与Pi相比,Ci土壤酸化明显缓解(高pH低NH4 : NO3),且能有效提高土壤全磷(TP)含量;而Sc虽然土壤pH值与Pi没有显著差异,但显著(P<0.05)提高了NH4 : NO3,且显著降低土壤TP和全钾(TK)含量(P<0.05);(2)不同林型土壤真菌群落多样性以Ci最为丰富,且表征土壤酸化的指标pH值、阳离子交换量(CEC)与真菌多样性显著正相关(P<0.05),NH4 : NO3与多样性显著负相关(P<0.05);(3)林型和土层都对真菌群落结构有显著影响(P<0.001),且林型的影响大于土层的影响;而土壤酸化程度将五个林型的土壤真菌群落区分成两个大类:Ci和Pi_Ci;Pi,Sc以及Pi_Sc。(4) Ci中有益菌(如Mortierella)更多,Pi以外生菌根真菌占优势(Russulaceae、Russula、Tomentella以及Sebacina);Sc以及Pi_Sc则含有更多的植物病原菌(Cladophialophora,Paecilomyces,Venturiales)、嗜酸菌及产酸菌(Paecilomyces,Penicillium)。在酸雨区受损马尾松林地种植香樟促进土壤真菌多样性提高,且产酸真菌、嗜酸菌丰度降低,而有益真菌丰度增加,可有效缓解土壤酸化;而种植木荷后土壤中的病原菌、嗜酸菌和产酸菌相对丰度增加,导致土壤进一步酸化。因此,通过将受酸雨损害严重的马尾松纯林改造成香樟纯林或马尾松-香樟混交林,有助于缓解土壤的酸化,实现酸雨区森林生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

干旱对杉木幼苗根系构型及非结构性碳水化合物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过比较不同时期不同强度干旱胁迫下杉木1年生盆栽苗地上部分生长、根系构型以及根系中非结构性碳水化合物含量(TNC)的变化,并分析各指标之间的相关性,探究杉木根系在干旱胁迫下的适应性策略以及抗旱生理机制,以期为杉木造林生产和水分管理提供科学依据和技术指导。结果表明:随着干旱程度的加强,杉木幼苗地上部分干重(SDW)、根干重(RDW)、根长(RL)、根表面积(SA)、根体积(RV)、根尖数(RT)、根系分支角度(Angle)、分形维数(FD)逐渐减小,根冠比(R/T)逐渐增大,根系拓扑指数(TI)、根系平均直径(RD)先增大后减小,比根长(SRL)先减小后增大。而根系连接长度(LL)、TNC、糖淀比在不同时期表现出不同的趋势。连接长度随着干旱胁迫的加强在30 d和60 d时表现出逐渐增加趋势而在90 d时则表现出先减小后增大的趋势。TNC在30 d和60 d时先增大后减小,但90 d时,呈逐渐下降的趋势。糖淀比随着干旱胁迫的加强在30 d和60 d时表现出先增加后减小趋势,90 d时,表现为先减小后增大。干旱胁迫显著影响根系在不同径级的分布长度,且随着胁迫时间的延长不断变化。杉木地上部分生长与根系生长指标(RL、SA、RV、RT、RDW)以及根系构型指标(Angle、FD)之间存在显著的正相关(P < 0.01),根系平均直径与TNC存在显著的正相关(P < 0.05)。总之,杉木通过增加根系光合产物的积累、提高根系建成成本,增加有限成本下根系的复杂程度和延伸范围,降低根系分支角度,使根系"更陡更深"来适应不同强度的干旱胁迫。  相似文献   

温度和水分影响森林生态系统的结构与功能,而全球变暖和降雨格局的改变是未来气候变化的趋势。我国中亚热带地区森林覆盖率大,碳库丰富,可溶性有机质(DOM)作为森林生态系统的重要组成部分,气候变化对它的数量和组成具有重要的影响。本文对我国湿润亚热带地区杉木人工林土壤进行模拟增温以及隔离50%的降雨试验,利用光谱技术手段研究增温及隔离降雨对土壤可溶性有机质(DOM)的数量及其结构的影响。试验设对照(CK)、增温(W)、隔离降雨(P)、增温与隔离降雨的交互作用(WP)4种处理。结果表明,与对照相比,土壤增温后,0—10cm和10—20cm土层的土壤可溶性有机碳(DOC)和可溶性有机氮(DON)增加,但其芳香性指数和腐殖化程度降低,增温加速DOM的流失,不利于土壤有机质的稳定。季节变化影响土壤的环境,导致隔离降雨有使DOM的数量增加或减少的趋势;在旱季(2014年10月和2015年1月),隔离降雨降低了土壤DOM的数量,但其芳香性指数和腐殖化程度增加,而进入雨季(2015年4月),隔离降雨有使DOM增加的趋势,但其组分中的芳香化合物较少。增温和隔离降雨的交互作用在一定程度上促进DOM的产生,其结构比对照简单。温度和降雨对DOM的影响较为复杂,在全球气候变化背景下,只有长期对其进行观测并探讨其他因素带来的影响才能深入了解气候变暖和降雨格局的变化对土壤碳、氮的影响。  相似文献   

The N2O flux from the surface of grass-covered pots was only significant following grass maturing. Removal of the above-ground plant material resulted in an immediate and long-lasting increase in N2O production in the soil. The results suggest that easily available organic matter from the roots stimulates the denitrification when the plants are damaged. Grass cutting might therefore result in a marked nitrogen loss through denitrification. The quantitative effect was equal in soil with and without succinate added. The size of the anaerobic zone around the roots is therefore sufficient to allow for denitrification activity mediated by increased organic matter availability because of plant cutting.  相似文献   

Bouma  Tjeerd J.  Bryla  David R. 《Plant and Soil》2000,227(1-2):215-221
Estimates of root and soil respiration are becoming increasingly important in agricultural and ecological research, but there is little understanding how soil texture and water content may affect these estimates. We examined the effects of soil texture on (i) estimated rates of root and soil respiration and (ii) soil CO2 concentrations, during cycles of soil wetting and drying in the citrus rootstock, Volkamer lemon (Citrus volkameriana Tan. and Pasq.). Plants were grown in soil columns filled with three different soil mixtures varying in their sand, silt and clay content. Root and soil respiration rates, soil water content, plant water uptake and soil CO2 concentrations were measured and dynamic relationships among these variables were developed for each soil texture treatment. We found that although the different soil textures differed in their plant-soil water relations characteristics, plant growth was only slightly affected. Root and soil respiration rates were similar under most soil moisture conditions for soils varying widely in percentages of sand, silt and clay. Only following irrigation did CO2 efflux from the soil surface vary among soils. That is, efflux of CO2 from the soil surface was much more restricted after watering (therefore rendering any respiration measurements inaccurate) in finer textured soils than in sandy soils because of reduced porosity in the finer textured soils. Accordingly, CO2 reached and maintained the highest concentrations in finer textured soils (> 40 mmol CO2 mol−1). This study revealed that changes in soil moisture can affect interpretations of root and soil measurements based on CO2 efflux, particularly in fine textured soils. The implications of the present findings for field soil CO2 flux measurements are discussed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

张雪  梅莉  宋利豪  刘力诚  赵泽尧 《生态学报》2019,39(6):1917-1925
以2年生马尾松(Pinus massoniana)盆栽苗土壤为对象,通过施氮肥模拟氮沉降对土壤理化性质、微生物群落结构及温室气体释放的影响,探明氮沉降对森林土壤温室气体释放的驱动机制。结果表明,模拟氮沉降处理显著提高了土壤速效氮含量和苗木根系氮含量;土壤微生物碳(SMBC)含量比对照显著下降78%,而土壤微生物氮(SMBN)则提高2.6倍。模拟氮沉降处理显著降低土壤中微生物群落总含量。施氮肥对马尾松土壤N_2O和CO_2的释放速率均有显著影响,增施氮肥不仅显著提高了土壤N_2O的释放速率,而且CO_2释放速率短期内也显著提高,但伴随微生物群落的下降,施肥后期CO_2释放速率表现下降趋势。相关分析表明,土壤CO_2和N_2O释放与土壤pH值、土壤温度、土壤湿度、土壤速效氮含量及SMBC、SMBN相关;逐步回归分析表明,土壤硝态氮含量的变化是驱动土壤温室气体释放的主导因子。3株种植单位土壤体积内根系生物量较高,增加了土壤水分的消耗速率和氮的吸收固定,因而减少N_2O的释放速率。以上研究阐明了氮沉降或过量施肥对土壤氮含量、土壤pH值、根系生物量及氮含量、土壤微生物群落结构等因子的影响,这些因子直接或间接影响土壤温室气体释放速率。氮沉降及施用氮肥是加快土壤温室气体(CO_2和N_2O)排放进程的重要因素。  相似文献   

火烧对马尾松林土壤酶活性和有机碳组分的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘俊第  林威  王玉哲  姜婧  方熊  易志刚 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5374-5382
土壤酶参与土壤有机质矿化过程,林火能通过改变土壤中微生物的群落结构等来改变土壤酶的活性,进而影响土壤有机碳的动态过程。土壤有机碳库是陆地碳库的重要组成部分,火烧会使土壤有机碳组分发生变化,研究火烧后土壤有机碳组分的变化对于土壤有机碳库的管理具有重要意义。以我国中亚热带典型马尾松人工林火烧迹地为研究对象,通过对比研究,探讨了火烧对土壤酶活性和土壤有机碳组分的影响以及两者之间的关系。结果表明:(1)与对照相比,火烧后一年0—10 cm土层土壤p H值明显升高(P0.05),土壤总碳含量显著降低(P0.05),土壤全氮含量平均降低17.5%(P0.05)。0—10 cm土层和10—20 cm土层土壤含水量均显著低于对照(P0.05)。(2)相比对照,土壤β-葡萄糖苷酶活性在0—10 cm土层显著降低(P0.05),土壤酚氧化物酶活性和过氧化物酶活性显著升高(P0.05)。(3)火烧后一年0—10 cm土层土壤微生物量碳、土壤颗粒性有机碳、土壤易氧化碳含量比对照分别降低26.4%、30.9%和2.69%,但无显著差异,土壤溶解性有机碳含量则显著降低(P0.05);两个土层土壤不稳定有机碳含量和粘粒有机碳含量变化不显著。  相似文献   

The relationship between root Al concentrations and Al fractions in the soil solution was examined in a mature Abies amabilis ecosystem in the Cascade Range of Washington State. The naturally acidic soils in these ecosystems lead to high concentrations of aqueous Al in soil solutions and contribute to the biocycling of Al by the A. amabilis/T. mertensiana stand. Root concentrations of Al were very closely related to aqueous Al3+ activities, but poorly correlated with total aqueous Al concentrations. The solution Al/Ca molar ratios followed a seasonal cycle with low values during the fall and high values during the spring. Ratios remained <1 throughout the year in the Oa horizon while they varied between 2 and 14 in the E and Bhs horizons. The vertical distribution of roots and the mortality of fine roots may be linked to the soil solution Al/Ca ratio. Root cation exchange capacity ranged between 180 and 225 mol g-1 and the exchangeable Al fraction represented from 12–17% of the total Al content in the root. Evidence for solid-phase co-precipitates of Al with PO4 and oxalate was indicated from selective dissolution of the root tissue. Sufficient quantities of PO4 and oxalate exist in the roots to tie up 20–40% of the Al present in the roots of the Oa and E horizons, but only 9% of that present in the Bhs horizon. Species differences in the distribution of Al between the above-ground and below-ground components may be dictated by these retention processes in the fine roots.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳是土壤碳库的重要组成部分,对生态系统生产力和全球碳循环有着重要作用。采用凋落物收集器和DIRT法(添加和去除凋落物法)研究三工河流域两处不同琵琶柴群落凋落物的产量、现存量、凋落物处理对土壤有机碳的影响。结果表明:群落1和群落2的凋落物产量季节变化趋势相同,均呈"N"型变化,在10月份达到最大值,7月或8月份达到次大值。凋落物现存量随季节均呈现"W"型变化,在10月份达到最大值,最大值分别为30.65 g/m~2和57.87 g/m~2。土壤有机碳随土壤深度的增加均逐渐降低,群落1和群落2分别下降了61.73%—62.39%和18.24%—25.84%。与对照处理相比,去除凋落物处理(NL)的群落1和群落2土壤有机碳分别降低了6.97%和18.38%;添加凋落物处理(DL)的土壤有机碳分别增加了19.64%和13.66%;去除凋落物处理(NL)的群落1和群落2土壤有机碳储量分别为1007.36 kg/hm~2和709.30 kg/hm~2,添加凋落物处理(DL)的土壤有机碳储量分别为1197.88 kg/hm~2和1010.78 kg/hm~2。双因素方差分析表明群落1的土层深度和三种处理对土壤有机碳的交互作用不显著,群落2的交互作用显著。回归分析显示:土壤水分、电导率、pH、容重和温度是导致两琵琶柴群落土壤有机碳不同的主要生态因子。相对较高的土壤pH和盐分含量抑制了凋落物的分解,导致凋落物现存量较高、土壤有机碳含量低;相对较高的土壤含水量和较小的容重,有利于土壤生物的活性和土壤有机碳的矿化,导致土壤有机碳含量降低。  相似文献   

In 1981 a two-year field plot experiment was established to assess the effects of quantities (0, 7.5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 t ha−1) of fresh kelp (Macrocystis integrifolia) on crop growth and nutritional response and chemical properties of a fine-textured soil. Soil was analyzed for NO3−N, NH4−N, electrical conductivity, pH, Cl and exchangeable cations (K, Mg, Ca, Mn and Na). The plots were planted to beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) in the first year and peas (Pisum sativum) in the second year. Marketable bean yields increased in the first year with kelp applications up to 60 t ha−1, with yields, emergence and flowering being reduced by the 120 t ha−1 application. Soluble salts (EC) and Cl concentrations in the soil eight days after application increased linearly and sharply with increasing quantities of kelp. Increased K concentration and moisture content, characteristics of plants growing in a salt-stressed soil environment, were measured. A subsequent companion greenhouse experiment confirmed that the reduced bean emergence and growth with 120 t ha−1 applications of kelp were primarily due to soluble salts. The only growth effects upon peas in the second year was a slight reduction in leaf plus stem yields with increasing applications of kelp.  相似文献   

董琦  王一媚  管平婷  宋传涛  吴东辉  王平 《生态学报》2023,43(23):9784-9793
土壤微食物网生物是影响土壤养分循环的重要驱动因素,其对植物生长和土壤养分的影响大于广受关注的土壤微生物。通过土壤生物添加实验,对比分析了在土壤微食物网生物添加、土壤微生物添加和灭菌土壤三种处理条件下,湿生草本植物小星穗薹草的生物量、形态和生理性状以及土壤养分含量等指标,以探究土壤微食物网生物和土壤微生物对植物生长和土壤养分的差异性影响。结果表明,土壤微食物网生物对植物的促进作用显著大于土壤微生物的作用。土壤微食物网生物未改变植物的根系性状,而土壤微生物使植物的根系形态发生明显改变。不同土壤生物添加处理的土壤有效养分含量也存在显著差异。该研究证明了土壤微食物网生物更有利于植物生长。研究结果为深入认识土壤微食物网生物对植物生长和土壤养分周转的重要性、推动植物与土壤生物相互作用过程和影响机制研究提供了新视角和可靠数据。  相似文献   

为了研究人工湿地处理中碳/氮水平的废水时植物种类及多样性对系统甲烷释放及功能基因丰度的影响,我们构建了实验尺度的人工湿地微宇宙实验系统。选取千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria L.)和海寿花(Pontederia cordata L.)2种人工湿地常用、景观效果好的植物,在系统中配置了单种处理和两物种混种处理。结果表明:千屈菜与海寿花混种系统的甲烷释放强度(8.78 mg CH_4 m~(-2) d~(-1))高于两物种单种系统的平均值(6.97 mg CH_4 m~(-2) d~(-1))(P0.001),同甲烷释放一样,混种系统的mcrA基因绝对丰度(977541.6 copies/g dw soil)也高于两物种单种系统的平均值(585146.8 copies/g dw soil),但混种系统的pmoA基因绝对丰度(326956.6 copies/g dw soil)低于两物种单种系统的平均值(1043616.0 copies/g dw soil)(P0.001)。此外,混种系统的微生物量、植物生物量高于两物种单种系统的平均值(P0.01),但出水铵态氮浓度低于两物种单种系统的平均值(P0.05),出水总有机碳浓度和硝态氮浓度在单混种系统间无显著差异(P0.05)。千屈菜单种系统和海寿花单种系统间的甲烷释放强度、pmoA基因绝对丰度、微生物量、植物生物量和出水铵态氮浓度存在显著差异(P0.05),但mcrA基因绝对丰度、出水总有机碳和硝态氮浓度无显著差异(P0.05)。为了达到人工湿地的高净化效率,需要将千屈菜与海寿花混合种植,但混合种植强化甲烷释放。通过植物种类和丰富度对各指标变异的解释度(ω~2)分析发现,植物种类对甲烷释放、pmoA基因绝对丰度、出水铵态氮的影响大于植物丰富度,但对mcrA基因绝对丰度的影响小于植物丰富度。  相似文献   

高钰  索奥丽  高敏  王忆文  陈锋  刘晓东 《生态学报》2023,43(22):9281-9293
林火通过改变土壤理化性质显著影响土壤固碳能力及土壤有机碳各组分含量。阐明不同火烈度对云南松林土壤有机碳的影响,对于云南松林火后生态系统恢复及土壤碳库管理具有重要意义。以火烧2年后四川泸山林场云南松林0-5、5-10、10-15、15-20cm层土壤为研究对象,根据不同火烈度(未过火、低烈度、中烈度、高烈度)设置3块20m×30m样地,共12块样地,野外采集土壤样品,室内测定土壤全氮、容重等理化性质和土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon,SOC)、土壤活性有机碳(易氧化有机碳,Readily oxidizable carbon,ROC;颗粒有机碳,Particulate organic carbon,POC;微生物生物量碳,Microbial biomass carbon,MBC;水溶性有机碳,Water-soluble organic carbon,WSOC),采用方差分析研究不同火烈度下土壤有机碳各组分含量的差异性和变化趋势,并采用相关性分析和冗余分析从土壤理化性质角度探究林火对土壤有机碳的影响机制。研究结果表明:(1)不同火烈度显著影响土壤理化性质,其中土壤全氮、有效磷、阳离子交换量、毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度随火烈度增大而增加,而土壤pH、速效钾、碱解氮、容重随火烈度增大而减少。(2) SOC随火烈度增大而减少,其中5-10cm土层降幅最大为44.79%;4种土壤活性有机碳随火烈度增大而减小,其中0-5cm土层下降幅度最明显,各组分降幅大小依次为ROC (36.31%-61.31%) > POC (30.05%-53.61%) > MBC (20.60%-48.19%) > WSOC (13.47%-29.29%),不同组分对林火的不同响应显著影响了土壤ROC、POC、WSOC的占比。(3)土壤有机碳及其活性组分与阳离子交换量、毛管孔隙度、总孔隙度、有效磷、碱解氮呈显著正相关(P<0.05),与容重呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。火烧后土壤有机碳的变化主要与阳离子交换量、容重、全氮、含水率有关,且阳离子交换量影响最大(解释率为61.7%)。  相似文献   

[目的] 不同植物对外来入侵植物的抵御能力不同,研究不同植物对入侵植物根际土壤生态的影响可为筛选入侵植物的竞争替代植物提供科学依据。[方法] 利用同质园试验,以入侵植物黄顶菊为研究对象,设置黄顶菊单种、黄顶菊与不同植物(地肤、苘麻、苏丹草、反枝苋)混种处理,采用磷脂脂肪酸分析方法来研究不同植物对黄顶菊根际土壤微生物群落结构的影响,并结合土壤养分的变化探究不同植物对黄顶菊根际土壤生态的影响。[结果] 与黄顶菊单种相比,地肤和苘麻降低了黄顶菊根际微生物的总含量,改变了黄顶菊根际微生物群落结构。地肤、苘麻能竞争性抑制黄顶菊对铵态氮的吸收,从而抑制黄顶菊的生长。[结论] 不同植物的抵御能力与其土壤生态有关,替代植物通过改变黄顶菊根际土壤微生物,抑制黄顶菊对氮的吸收,从而抑制黄顶菊的生长,实现对黄顶菊的替代控制。  相似文献   

Soil moisture affects microbial decay of SOM and rhizosphere respiration (RR) in temperate forest soils, but isolating the response of soil respiration (SR) to summer drought and subsequent wetting is difficult because moisture changes are often confounded with temperature variation. We distinguished between temperature and moisture effects by simulation of prolonged soil droughts in a mixed deciduous forest at the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts. Roofs constructed over triplicate 5 × 5 m2 plots excluded throughfall water during the summers of 2001 (168 mm) and 2002 (344 mm), while adjacent control plots received ambient throughfall and the same natural temperature regime. In 2003, throughfall was not excluded to assess the response of SR under natural weather conditions after two prolonged summer droughts. Throughfall exclusion significantly decreased mean SR rate by 53 mg C m?2 h?1 over 84 days in 2001, and by 68 mg C m?2 h?1 over 126 days in 2002, representing 10–30% of annual SR in this forest and 35–75% of annual net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of C. The differences in SR were best explained by differences in gravimetric water content in the Oi horizon (r2=0.69) and the Oe/Oa horizon (r2=0.60). Volumetric water content of the A horizon was not significantly affected by throughfall exclusion. The radiocarbon signature of soil CO2 efflux and of CO2 respired during incubations of O horizon, A horizon and living roots allowed partitioning of SR into contributions from young C substrate (including RR) and from decomposition of older SOM. RR (root respiration and microbial respiration of young substrates in the rhizosphere) made up 43–71% of the total C respired in the control plots and 41–80% in the exclusion plots, and tended to increase with drought. An exception to this trend was an interesting increase in CO2 efflux of radiocarbon‐rich substrates during a period of abundant growth of mushrooms. Our results suggest that prolonged summer droughts decrease primarily heterotrophic respiration in the O horizon, which could cause increases in the storage of soil organic carbon in this forest. However, the C stored during two summers of simulated drought was only partly released as increased respiration during the following summer of natural throughfall. We do not know if this soil C sink during drought is transient or long lasting. In any case, differential decomposition of the O horizon caused by interannual variation of precipitation probably contributes significantly to observed interannual variation of NEE in temperate forests.  相似文献   

有机磷(Po)是土壤磷库的重要组成部分。为探究马尾松人工林近自然化改造对土壤团聚体Po分布特征的影响,该研究以南亚热带的马尾松纯林(PP)和近自然化改造后的马尾松-阔叶树种混交林(CP)为对象,采集0~10 cm土样后利用干筛法将其筛分为>2 mm、0.25~2 mm和<0.25 mm三部分粒径团聚体,并测定原土及各粒径团聚体中各Po组分、微生物生物量磷(MBP)含量和酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性。结果表明:(1)CP的土壤Po组分与PP相比发生了变化,高稳定性有机磷(HRO-P)和中度活性有机磷(MLO-P)在原土以及各团聚体径级中均显著高于PP(P<0.05),而活性有机磷(LO-P)和中度稳定性有机磷(MRO-P)在CP和PP中并无显著差异,PP和CP各组分Po在原土和各团聚体径级中无明显变化规律。(2)各形态Po在PP中占比大小为HRO-P>MRO-P>MLO-P>LO-P,而在CP中为HRO-P>MLO-P>MRO-P>LO-P。(3)CP中的MBP含量和ACP活性在原土及各团聚体径级中均显著高于PP,并且随着团聚体径级的减小,ACP活性上升。(4)冗余分析发现,土壤有效磷(AP)、土壤团聚体平均重量直径(MWD)、MBP和全氮(TN)为土壤Po组分的主要驱动因子。综上认为,近自然化改造有利于马尾松人工林土壤中磷的积累与转化,该研究结果为马尾松人工林土壤质量和生产力的提升提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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