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七株聚丙烯酰胺降解菌对PAM的降解性能评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了从油田产聚合物污水和污泥中分离到的7株聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)降解菌对纯PAM的降解效果。结果表明,PAM微生物降解的过程中,会伴随有pH的降低。由于7株菌组成的微生物群落对PAM的生物降解作用,使得培养基中的PAM的运动粘害怂650.mm^2./s降低至100mm^2/s左右。添加液蜡或酵母膏等导致微生物菌群的共代谢作用,可加快PAM的生物降解。  相似文献   

解烃细菌处理油田污水的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从油田污水中分离到一组可高效降解石油烃的混合菌群F6。室内模拟实验证明,该菌群适于油田含油污水的净化处理。采用粒状活性炭为载体的生物流化床系统处理辽河油田“兴一联”(辽河油田兴隆台第一联合站)污水,可使含油量由45mg/L降至4.1mg/L、CODcr由 470mg/L降至42mg/L。处理后的石油污水达到国家石油污水一级排放标准。  相似文献   

城市污水土地处理专家系统研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
在进行污水土地处理适宜性调查和研究基础上,应用TurboProlog和C程序语言建立了污水土地处理专家系统(LTES).通过测试表明,该系统能对土地处理系统的进水水质、场地适宜性、出水目标等指标进行快速准确的判断和预测,解决了污水土地处理的选址、处理工艺类型选择等问题,是科学设置污水生态工程的重要工具.  相似文献   

研究确定土壤微生物基因组DNA提取方法、PCR扩增条件、DGGE电泳条件,为进一步研究分析土壤中微生物结构变化规律提供理论依据。土壤微生物基因组DNA提取采用直接法和间接法进行比较; PCR扩增条件调整扩增体系、DGGE电泳条件调整变性剂范围,并对其结果进行比较分析。通过对DGGE电泳相关条件的研究,结果显示,土壤中粗基因组DNA采用直接法提取,然后进行纯化; PCR扩增体系中加入BSA,DGGE电泳系统组成中变性剂浓度范围为35%~55%。确定了土壤微生物基因组DNA提取方法、PCR扩增条件、DGGE电泳条件,为后续的相关研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

聚3-羟基丁酸酯(PHB)生物降解过程的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
利用DS9701菌株对聚3-羟基丁酸酯(PHB)膜进行降解,对降解到不同程度的PHB膜采用扫描电子显微镜观察其表面形态结构的变化,并对其降解产物进行分析测定.结果表明,PHB的生物降解首先发生在PHB表面的非晶部分,随后结晶部分开始降解,并且降解首先发生在球晶的中心部分.DS9701菌株所产生的PHB解聚酶主要降解PHB的第二个酯键,降解产物为二聚体.  相似文献   

1-MCP处理对金百合切花保鲜效应的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以金百合“普瑞头(Prato)”为试材,研究1-MCP对切花瓶插寿命及相关生理代谢的影响。结果表明:金百合“普瑞头(Prato)”为呼吸跃变型切花。30n1 L^-1的1-MCP能显著延长切花瓶插寿命2.15d、盛开天数增加0.43d,使其花径增大1.68倍(P〈0.01);有效延缓了水分代谢的失调与呼吸峰的出现时间;明显降低了呼吸强度与细胞膜透性,为供试百合品种最适应用浓度。  相似文献   

红景天经生物酶处理后,其总物质及有效成分的溶出比直接醇提增加25%以上。其中,酶解前热蒸处理的作用和酶水解的作用效果大约各占一半。热膨化和超声波也有利于有效成分的溶出。  相似文献   

方芳  曹以诚  陈晓曦  曾炳佳 《生物磁学》2009,(14):2634-2636
目的:探讨利用点突变方法改善EGV热稳定性的可能性和有效性。方法:对来源于Melanocarpus albomyces endoglucanase的耐热性纤维素酶maEG进行同源建模和序列比较,删除49位脯氨酸49P(del)进行定点突变,并将得到的突变体在毕氏酵母X33中表达,对表达产物进行酶活性和热稳定性检测。结果:突变酶49P(del)在70℃处理120min,热稳定性比EGV提高了21.6%,且突变酶其他性质与野生型酶基本相似。结论:通过对中性纤维素内切酶EGV的定点突变,提高了该酶的热稳定性,并为进一步研究其结构和功能提供了材料。结果同时表明利用生物信息学和分子模拟技术,缩短表面环区对于酶的热稳定性有一定的作用。  相似文献   

A two-chambered microbial fuel cell (MFC) with potassium ferricyanide as its electron acceptor was utilized to degrade excess sewage sludge and to generate electricity. Stable electrical power was produced continuously during operation for 250 h. Total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) of sludge was reduced by 46.4% when an initial TCOD was 10,850 mg/l. The MFC power output did not significantly depend on process parameters such as substrate concentration, cathode catholyte concentration, and anodic pH. However, the MFC produced power was in close correlation with the soluble chemical oxygen demand (SCOD) of sludge. Furthermore, ultrasonic pretreatment of sludge accelerated organic matter dissolution and, hence, TCOD removal rate in the MFC was increased, but power output was insignificantly enhanced. This study demonstrates that this MFC can generate electricity from sewage sludge over a wide range of process parameters.  相似文献   

植物淹水胁迫的生理学机制研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
潘澜  薛立 《生态学杂志》2012,31(10):2662-2672
淹水胁迫引起弱光环境,使气体扩散受限,叶片细胞膜脂过氧化加剧,体内保护酶系统受损,叶绿素降解,丙二醛含量积累,光合速率下降。为了适应淹水环境,植物通过生理生化机制的调节来保证淹水条件下的生命活动。如细胞通过调节渗透物质的含量来保持渗透势的平衡;细胞内各种抗氧化酶活性增加,以清除自由基,避免或者减轻细胞受到伤害;改变代谢途径和激素调节以保持能量储备和低的代谢速率。本文综述了淹水胁迫对细胞膜系统及功能、植物光合作用、植物呼吸、激素、生理代谢、基因调控的影响和淹水结束后植物的生理生态学变化,介绍了植物适应淹水胁迫的机制,并指出植物耐淹响应的分子机理,环境因素对淹没植物的影响,森林淹水胁迫的定位观测是今后需要研究的方面。  相似文献   

James M. Nance 《Hydrobiologia》1991,220(3):189-204
Little is known about how climatic events (i.e., drought) inhibit or enhance movement of petroleum hydrocarbon laden sediments in estuarine systems and how this in turn effects the macrobenthic populations exposed to these sediments. Seventeen collection stations were established and monitored at New Bayou, Texas, a small gradient estuary which receives petroleum products via oil/gas field produced water discharge. Hydrographic, geologic and biotic samples were taken monthly from each station during a period of reduced rainfall. Both temperature and dissolved oxygen data taken during the study followed patterns typical for the area. Salinity values increased into the polyhaline range at near-bay stations during the reduced rain period, while upper bayou stations remained within the oligohaline range. Sediment grain sizes along the bayou were generally in the silty-clay range. Sediment hydrocarbon concentrations were highest (11.4 mg g−1 dry sediment) around the produced water discharge site and lowest at near-bay stations (0.2 mg g−1 dry sediment). Ninety-six macrobenthic species were collected during the study. General effects from produced water discharge on macrobenthic populations followed the classical pattern outlined by other research in shallow bay systems. A sediment hydrocarbon concentration of 2.5 mg g−1 dry sediment was found to reflect the average value needed to depress population abundances. Both abundance and diversity values were lowest at central stations near the discharge site. This zone of depressed macrobenthic populations extended from the discharge site at least 107 m downstream and 46 m upstream. The zone of stimulated macrobenthic populations occurred 1486 m downstream and 381 m upstream from the discharge site.  相似文献   

马海港  范鹏来 《生物多样性》2023,31(1):22374-S173
被动声学监测(passive acoustic monitoring,PAM)技术指将自动录音机安装在自然环境中收集野生动物及其所在环境的声音信号的监测方法。20世纪90年代以来,PAM技术陆续被应用于翼手目和灵长目等陆生哺乳动物的监测和研究,探究了陆生哺乳动物行为学、生态学和保护生物学等方面的科学问题。然而,当前缺乏对这些研究的系统性总结和展望。本文从活动规律和时间分配、栖息地利用、物种分布、种群大小与密度、生物多样性、人为干扰的影响等领域综述了PAM技术在陆生哺乳动物中的研究进展,并列举了相关应用实例。总体上,PAM技术涉及到生物学、生态学、声学、计算机科学等多学科的交叉融合,其应用受限于声学数据的储存和管理、物种或个体自动化识别以及声学指数评估的普适性,设备价格也相对昂贵,这些可能是导致该技术在我国陆生哺乳动物监测和研究方面的应用还相对滞后于其他国家的原因。最后,本文对未来研究方向进行了展望,并建议尽快建立和完善我国陆生哺乳动物PAM网络和数据共享平台、组织开展面对面访问调查或生物多样性保护相关的知识竞赛等公民科学项目、向更多科研机构或保护区推广PAM技术的应用,使该技术成为陆生...  相似文献   

不同流速下水华生消的模拟   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
河道型水库建成后,支流库湾水动力学条件改变,水流减缓,遇到适宜环境条件和充足营养条件后,易产生水华,从而给水生态系统带来不利影响.为调查不同水动力学条件对水华生消的影响,以流速为表征指标,在封闭循环模型中设置不同水体流速,控制环境条件和营养条件,开展室内水华生消模拟试验.结果表明:在一定范围内(<0.4 m·s-1),流速增大有利于藻类生长和水华暴发;不同流速下,藻类生长均符合微生物生长的一般规律,即经迟滞期、指数期到稳定期,最后达衰退期,水华相应出现暴发高峰和消退低谷.表明一定范围内(<0.4m·s-1)水流流速的提高并不能抑制藻类生长和水华暴发,与水华暴发有关的水动力学条件的表征指标有待深入研究.  相似文献   

我国大多数陆上主力油田已进入"双高"(高含水、高采出程度)开采阶段。为进一步提高聚合物驱后油藏的石油采收率,本研究发现了一种促进油藏内源微生物生长代谢的高效激活剂,且该激活剂已通过室内产气和物理模拟驱油实验及岩心电镜观察和454(Pyrosequencing)焦磷酸测序方法的评价。结果表明激活剂在高压容器中静置培养60 d后产气增压达到2 MPa,用量0.35 PV,浓度为1.8%(W/W)的激活剂溶液在聚合物驱后的天然岩心上石油采收率可再提高3%,并在电镜观察到岩心内部激活的内源微生物菌体及其代谢产物。现场于2011年12月在萨南南二区东块的1注4采井组开展了试验,监测到4口有效生产井的甲烷和二氧化碳气体δ13C(PDB)含量产生明显变化,与萨南南二区东块对照试验区产油量增幅35.9%,含水稳定在94%,在3年半期间阶段累计增油5 957 t,为同类油藏进一步提高石油采收率提供了一条有效途径。  相似文献   

超氧化物岐化酶在医学领域的研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是生物体内清除超氧阴离子自由基(O2-.)的一种重要金属酶,具有重要的生理功能,在医药、食品等方面有广泛的应用前景,是目前医学、分子生物学领域研究的热点之一。现对SOD的分类、分布、结构、性质、在相关疾病中的研究进展、临床应用等方面做一综述。  相似文献   

The performance of a laboratory scale rotating biological contactor (RBC) towards shock loadings of 2-fluorophenol (2-FP) was investigated. During a period of ca. 2 months organic shock loadings of 25 mg L?1 of 2-FP were applied to the RBC. As no biodegradation of 2-FP was observed, bioaugmentation of the RBC with a 2-FP degrading strain was carried out and, along ca. 6 months, organic shock loadings within a range of 25-200 mg L?1 of 2-FP were applied. Complete biodegradation of 50 mg L?1 of 2-FP was observed during operation of the reactor. The RBC showed to be robust towards starvation periods, as after ca. 1month of non-supply of the target compound, the reactor resumed 2-FP degradation. The inoculated strain was retained within the biofilm in the disks, as the 2-FP degrading strain was recovered from the biofilm by the end of the experiment, thus bioaugmentation was successfully achieved.  相似文献   

This article reviews some of the aspects of single cell oil (SCO) production using solid-state fermentation (SSF) by fungi of the genus Mortierella. This article provides an overview of the advantages of SSF for SCO formation by the aforementioned fungus and demonstrates that the content of the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) depend on the type of fermentation media and culture conditions. Process variables that influence lipid accumulation by Mortierella spp. and the profile of the fatty acids are discussed, including incubation temperature, time, aeration, growth phase of the mycelium, particle size of the substrate, carbon to nitrogen ratio, initial moisture content and pH as well as supplementation of the substrate with nitrogen and oil. Finally, the article highlights future research trends for the scaled-up production of PUFAs in SSF.  相似文献   

Microbial response to reinjection of produced water in an oil reservoir   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The microbial response to produced water reinjection (PWRI) in a North Sea oil field was investigated by a combination of cultivation and culture-independent molecular phylogenetic techniques. Special emphasise was put on the relationship between sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB), and results were used to evaluate the possibility of nitrate treatment as a souring management tool during PWRI. Samples were collected by reversing the flow of the injection water, which provided samples from around the injection area. The backflowed samples were compared to produced water from the same platform and to backflowed samples from a biocide-treated seawater injector, which was the previous injection water treatment of the PWRI well. Results showed that reinjection of produced water promoted growth of thermophilic SRB. Thermophilic fatty acid oxidising NRB and potential nitrate-reducing sulphide-oxidising bacteria were also found. The finding of thermophilic NRB makes nitrate treatment during PWRI possible, although higher nitrate concentration will be necessary to compensate for the increased SRB activity.  相似文献   

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