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We have isolated and sequenced the gene encoding the human embryonic/atrial myosin alkali light chain isoform (MLC-1emb/A). The gene is split into seven exons by six introns; the last exon, as in all MLC isoform genes sequenced to date, is completely 3' untranslated sequence. Comparison of the MLC-1emb/A isoform gene with the other MLC-1 genes showed that the exon-intron arrangement of the human MLC-1emb/A isoform gene is analogous to that of the other MLC-1 type isoform genes. We have also mapped the human MLC-1emb/A isoform gene to the long arm of chromosome 17; the corresponding mouse gene has been mapped to chromosome 11. This gene, together with a number of others such as the collagen(I) alpha 1, galactokinase, and thymidine kinase genes, is part of the largest syntenic group between mouse and man.  相似文献   

Vertebrate myosin heavy chains (MHC) are represented by multiple genes that are expressed in a spatially and temporally distinct pattern during development. In order to obtain molecular probes for developmentally regulated human MHC isoforms, we used monoclonal antibodies to screen an expression cDNA library constructed from primary human myotube cultures. A 3.4 kb cDNA was isolated that encodes one of the first MHCs to be transcribed in human skeletal muscle development. A portion of the corresponding gene encoding this isoform has also been isolated. Expression of this embryonic MHC is a hallmark of muscle regeneration after birth and is a characteristic marker of human muscular dystrophies. During normal human development, expression is restricted to the embryonic period of development prior to birth. In primary human muscle cell cultures, devoid of other cell types, mRNA accumulation begins as myotubes form, reaches a peak 2 days later and declines to undetectable levels within 10 days. The expression of the protein encoded by the embryonic skeletal MHC gene follows a similar time course, lagging behind the mRNA by approximately two days. Thus, expression of the human embryonic gene is efficiently induced and then repressed in cultured muscle cells, as it is in muscle tissue. The study of the regulation of a human MHC isoform with a central role in muscle development and in muscle regeneration in disease states is therefore amendable to analysis at a molecular level.  相似文献   

The gene coding for the human ventricular/slow twitch myosin alkali light chain isoform was isolated and sequenced. It was found to contain a total of seven exons, the last of which is completely 3'-untranslated sequence. Comparison of this gene sequence with that of the various fast twitch skeletal isoform gene sequences revealed that the exon-intron arrangement is conserved within the myosin alkali light chain gene family. In fact the introns are in exactly the same positions within analogous codons. Comparison of the derived amino acid sequence from the human ventricular/slow twitch isoform gene with that of other isoform protein sequences indicated that the protein encoded by this gene is more homologous to the chicken cardiac isoform protein sequence than to any of the other protein sequences. These results indicate that the gene duplication which gave rise to the ventricular/slow twitch and fast twitch isoform genes must have occurred prior to the divergence of mammals and avians. We have also localized the human ventricular/slow twitch isoform gene to the short arm of human chromosome 3. Interestingly the corresponding mouse gene has been mapped to the distal region of mouse chromosome 9 which contains a conserved syntenic group of genes that map to the short arm of human chromosome 3.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation and characterization of cDNA and genomic sequences corresponding to a rat embryonic myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein. This gene, which is present as a single copy in the rat genome, comprises about 25 kilobase pairs of DNA and contains approximately 80% intronic sequences. The embryonic MHC gene belongs to a highly conserved multigene family, and exhibits a high degree of nucleotide and amino acid sequence conservation with other sarcomeric MHC genes from nematode to man. S1 nuclease mapping experiments using cDNA and genomic probes show that this MHC gene is transiently expressed during skeletal muscle development. Its mRNA is detected in fetal skeletal muscle during early development and persists up to 2 weeks after birth with the overlapping expression of neonatal and adult skeletal MHC mRNAs. However, this MHC is not expressed in the adult skeletal muscle with the exception of extraocular muscle fibers. The transient expression during muscle development of the isoform produced by this gene and its sequential replacement by other MHCs raises interesting questions about the mechanism controlling MHC isozyme transitions and the physiological significance of the individual MHCs in muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Adult rabbit smooth muscles contain two types of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms, SM1 and SM2 which are generated through alternative RNA splicing from a single gene (Nagai, R., Kuro-o, M., Babij, P. & Periasamy, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 9734-9737). We previously reported that the expression of SM1 and SM2 during vascular development is differentially regulated at the level of RNA splicing, whereby SM1 is constitutively expressed from early development but SM2 appear after birth (Kuro-o, M., Nagai, R., Tsuchimochi, H., Katoh, H., Yazaki, Y., Ohkubo, A. & Takaku, F. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 18272-18275). We also demonstrated that embryonic vascular smooth muscles contain a third type of MHC isoform, referred to as SMemb in this report, which comigrates on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with SM2. In the present study we have isolated and characterized a cDNA clone (FSMHC34) for SMemb. FSMHC34 encodes the light meromyosin region including the carboxyl terminus and showed 70% amino acid sequence identity with SM1 or SM2. SMemb is a nonmuscle-type MHC and identical with brain MHC, but clearly distinct from 196-kDa nonmuscle MHC in cultured smooth muscle cells. The expression of SMemb was predominant in embryonic and perinatal aortas, but down-regulated with vascular development. Interestingly SMemb was reexpressed in proliferating smooth muscle cells of arteriosclerotic neointimas. These results suggest that smooth muscle proliferation is coupled to the expression of SMemb and that dedifferentiation of smooth muscles toward the embryonic phenotype is involved in the mechanisms underlying atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

In the preceding paper [Maita, T., Miyanishi, T., Matsuzono, K., Tanioka, Y., & Matsuda, G. (1991) J. Biochem. 110, 68-74], we reported the amino-terminal 837-residue sequence of the heavy chain of adult chicken pectoralis muscle myosin. This paper describes the carboxyl terminal 1,097-residue sequence and the linkage of the two sequences. Rod obtained by digesting myosin filaments with alpha-chymotrypsin was redigested with the protease at high KCl concentration, and two fragments, subfragment-2 and light meromyosin, were isolated and sequenced by conventional methods. The linkage of the two fragments was deduced from the sequence of an overlapping peptide obtained by cleaving the rod with cyanogen bromide. The rod contained 1,039 amino acid residues, but lacked the carboxyl-terminal 58 residues of the heavy chain. A carboxyl-terminal 63-residue peptide obtained by cleaving the whole heavy chain with cyanogen bromide was sequenced. Thus, the carboxyl terminal 1,097-residue sequence of the heavy chain was completed. The linkage of subfragment-1 and the rod was deduced from the sequence of an overlapping peptide between the two which was obtained by cleaving heavy meromyosin with cyanogen bromide. Comparing the sequence of the adult myosin thus determined with that of chicken embryonic myosin reported by Molina et al. [Molina, M.I., Kropp, K.E., Gulick, J., & Robbins, J. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6478-6488], we found that the sequence homology is 94%.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence and exon/intron structure of the rat embryonic skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (MHC) gene has been determined. This gene comprises 24 X 10(3) bases of DNA and is split into 41 exons. The exons encode a 6035 nucleotide (nt) long mRNA consisting of 90 nt of 5' untranslated, 5820 nt of protein coding and 125 nt of 3' untranslated sequence. The rat embryonic MHC polypeptide is encoded by exons 3 to 41 and contains 1939 amino acid residues with a calculated Mr of 223,900. Its amino acid sequence displays the structural features typical for all sarcomeric MHCs, i.e. an amino-terminal "globular" head region and a carboxy-terminal alpha-helical rod portion that shows the characteristics of a coiled coil with a superimposed 28-residue repeat pattern interrupted at only four positions by "skip" residues. The complex structure of the rat embryonic MHC gene and the conservation of intron locations in this and other MHC genes are indicative of a highly split ancestral sarcomeric MHC gene. Introns in the rat embryonic gene interrupt the coding sequence at the boundaries separating the proteolytic subfragments of the head, but not at the head/rod junction or between the 28-residue repeats present within the rod. Therefore, there is little evidence for exon shuffling and intron-dependent evolution by gene duplication as a mechanism for the generation of the ancestral MHC gene. Rather, intron insertion into a previously non-split ancestral MHC rod gene consisting of multiple tandemly arranged 28-residue-encoding repeats, or convergent evolution of an originally non-repetitive ancestral MHC rod gene must account for the observed structure of the rod-encoding portion of present-day MHC genes.  相似文献   

To evaluate the distribution of smooth muscle myosin heavy chain isoforms (SMB, with head insert), we examined frozen sections from the various regions of swine stomachs using isoform-specific antibodies. We previously reported variable SMB myosin heavy chain (MHC) expression in stomach cells that correlates with unloaded shortening velocities. This is consistent with the generalization of tonic fundic muscle having low expression and phasic antral muscle having high expression of the SMB MHC isoform. Using immunohistochemistry (IHC), we show a progression of the SMB MHC from very low immunoreactivity in the fundus to very intense immunoreactivity in the antrum. In the body, the average level of SMB MHC immunoreactivity lies between that of the antrum and fundus. Intercellular heterogeneity was observed in all stomach regions to a similar extent. However, the intercellular range in SMB MHC immunoreactivity decreases from fundus to antrum. All stomach regions show isolated pockets or clusters of cells with similar SMB MHC immunoreactivity. There is a non-uniform intracellular immunoreactivity in SMB MHC, with many cells showing greater-intensity staining of SMB MHC in their cell peripheries. This information may prove useful in helping to elucidate possible unique physiological roles of SMB MHC.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated and characterized five overlapping clones that encompass 3.2 kb and encode a part of the short subfragment 2, the hinge, and the light meromyosin regions of the myosin heavy chain rod as well as 143 bp of the 3 untranslated portion of the mRNA. Northern blot analysis showed expression of this mRNA mainly in ventricular muscle of the adult chicken heart, with trace levels detected in the atrium. Transient expression was seen in skeletal muscle during development and in regenerating skeletal muscle following freeze injury. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an avian ventricular myosin heavy chain sequence. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this isoform is a distant homolog of other ventricular and skeletal muscle myosin heavy chains and represents a distinct member of the multigene family of sarcomeric myosin heavy chains. The ventricular myosin heavy chain of the chicken is either paralogous to its counterpart in other vertebrates or has diverged at a significantly higher rate.Department of Pharmacological and Physiological Sciences, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL60637, USA  相似文献   

Early embryonic and late fetal mouse myogenic cells showed distinct patterns of perinatal myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression upon differentiation in vitro. In cultures of somite or limb muscle cells isolated from Day 9 to Day 12 embryos, differentiated cells that expressed perinatal MHC were rare and perinatal MHC was not detectable by immunoblotting. In cultures of limb muscle cells isolated from Day 13 to Day 18 fetuses, in contrast, the perinatal MHC isoform was easily detected and was expressed in a substantial percentage of myocytes and myotubes. Analyses of clonally derived muscle colonies and cytosine arabinoside-treated fetal muscle cell cultures suggested that different fetal muscle cell nuclei initiated perinatal MHC expression at different times. In both embryonic and fetal cell cultures, the embryonic MHC isoform was expressed by all differentiated cells examined. A small number of myotubes in fetal muscle cell cultures showed a mosaic distribution of MHC isoform accumulation in which the perinatal MHC isoform accumulated in a restricted region of the myotube near particular nuclei, whereas the embryonic MHC isoform accumulated throughout the myotube. Thus, the myogenic program of fetal, but not embryonic, mouse myogenic cells includes expression of the perinatal MHC isoform upon differentiation in culture.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of a vertebrate nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-B isoform (MHC-B, 1976 amino acids, 229 kDa) has been deduced by using cDNA clones from chicken brain libraries. The chicken nonmuscle MHC-B shows overall similarity in primary structure to other MHCs in the areas contributing to the ATP-binding site and actin-binding site. Similar to other nonsarcomeric MHC IIs, there is a short uncoiled tail sequence at the carboxyl terminus of the molecule. It is in the uncoiled tail sequence that the greatest number of differences in amino acids sequence between MHC-A and B were found, which allowed generation of isoform-specific antibodies. These antibodies were used to determine the relative content of MHC-A and MHC-B in various tissues. During the cloning of the cDNA encoding chicken brain MHC-B, we found a 63-nucleotide insertion encoding 21 amino acids located in the head region of the MHC near to the actin-binding site and a 30 nucleotide insertion encoding 10 amino acids near to the ATP-binding site. Analysis using S-1 nuclease showed that both inserts are expressed in a tissue-dependent manner; mRNA containing the inserts is present in tissues of the nervous system, but is absent from other non-muscle cells, which contain the noninserted isoform of MHC-B. Similar inserts were found in corresponding positions in human cerebellar mRNA. Antibodies raised against a peptide synthesized based on the 21 amino acid insert found in chickens recognize a MHC isoform in the same tissues that are enriched for the mRNA. These insertions appear to be a mechanism for generating additional MHC-B isoforms specific to the nervous system.  相似文献   

In the homozygous condition, the mutation adr (arrested development of righting response) of the mouse causes a myotonia and a drastic reduction of the Ca2+-binding protein parvalbumin (PV) in fast muscles. Using a rat PV probe, a mouse cDNA clone was isolated from a lambda gt11 wild-type fast-muscle library and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The protein coding and the 3' nontranslated regions of the mouse gene show extensive homology with the rat PV gene. The result of Southern blot hybridization is consistent with a single copy gene for parvalbumin. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between Mus musculus domesticus (e.g. C57BL/6) and Mus spretus (SPE) were detected with the enzymes Eco RI, Pst I, and Sst I. The restriction fragment patterns of DNA samples from 65 individual offspring of (C57BL/6 x SPE)F1 x C57BL/6 backcrosses were tested with the PV probe and matched, for linkage detection, to pre-existing patterns established with various RFLP probes on the same samples. A co-distribution of PV-RFLPs with Pvt-1 and Mlvi-2, which had been localized on chromosome 15, was detected. Thus, the structural gene for PV, designated Pva, maps to chromosome 15 of the mouse whereas the adr mutation shows no linkage with markers on this chromosome. Gene locus homology between chromosome 15 of the mouse and chromosome 22 of man (which carries the human PV gene) is discussed.  相似文献   

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