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Kinetic studies of the uptake of aspartate aminotransferase and malate dehydrogenase into mitochondria in vitro.

E Marra S Passarella E Casamassima E Perlino S Doonan E Quagliariello 《The Biochemical journal》1985,228(2):493-503
Kinetic measurements of the uptake of native mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase and malate dehydrogenase into mitochondria in vitro were carried out. The uptake of both the enzymes is essentially complete in 1 min and shows saturation characteristics. The rate of uptake of aspartate aminotransferase into mitochondria is decreased by malate dehydrogenase, and vice versa. The inhibition is exerted by isoenzyme remaining outside the mitochondria rather than by isoenzyme that has been imported. The thiol compound beta-mercaptoethanol decreases the rate of uptake of the tested enzymes; inhibition is a result of interaction of beta-mercaptoethanol with the mitochondria and not with the enzymes themselves. The rate of uptake of aspartate aminotransferase is inhibited non-competitively by malate dehydrogenase, but competitively by beta-mercaptoethanol. The rate of uptake of malate dehydrogenase is inhibited non-competitively by aspartate aminotransferase and by beta-mercaptoethanol. beta-Mercaptoethanol prevents the inhibition of the rate of uptake of malate dehydrogenase by aspartate aminotransferase. These results are interpreted in terms of a model system in which the two isoenzymes have separate but interacting binding sites within a receptor in the mitochondrial membrane system. 相似文献
To study the effect of facilitated diffusion of the intermediate metabolite, oxaloacetate, on the coupled reaction of aspartate aminotransferase (L-aspartate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC and malate dehydrogenase (L-malate:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC, these enzymes were co-immobilized on the surface of a collagen film. The kinetic properties of the immobilized enzymes were compared with those observed with the enzymes in solution. Since the reactions correspond to the cytosolic enzymes, they have been studied in the direction aspartate aminotransferase toward malate dehydrogenase. Coupled enzymes in solution showed classical behaviour. A lag-time was observed before they reached a steady state and this lag-time was dependent on the kinetic properties of the second enzyme, malate dehydrogenase. The same lag-time was observed when malate dehydrogenase in solution was coupled with aspartate aminotransferase bound to the film. When aspartate aminotransferase in solution was coupled with malate dehydrogenase bound to the collagen film, a very long lag-time was observed. Theoretical considerations showed that in the latter case, the lag-time was dependent on the kinetic properties of the second enzyme and the transport coefficient of the intermediate substrate through the boundary layer near the surface of the film. Then both enzymes were co-immobilized on the collagen film. The coupled activity of aspartate aminotransferase and malate dehydrogenase was compared for films with an activity ratio of 5 and 0.8. In both cases, a highly efficient coupling was observed. In the former case, where malate dehydrogenase was rate-limiting, 81% of this limiting activity was observed. In the latter case, aspartate aminotransferase was rate-limiting and 82% of its rate was obtained for the final product formation. The linear increase of product formation with time corresponded fairly well to the theoretical equations developed in the paper. To interpret these rate equations, one should assume that the intermediate substrate oxaloacetate formed by aspartate aminotransferase was used by malate dehydrogenase in the diffusion layer near the film, before diffusing in the bulk solution. 相似文献
The present work describes the purification from rat heart of the mitochondrial and cytosolic forms of the enzymes of the malate--aspartate shuttle, aspartate aminotransferase (EC and malate dehydrogenase (EC, by a single procedure after the preparation of the original crude extract. In 10 purification steps, the four enzymes were obtained electrophoretically pure in yields ranging from 6 to 54% of their respective isoenzyme levels in the crude extract. Apoenzymes were formed from the aminotransferases by reacting them with cysteine sulfinate and dialyzing. Complete reconstitution was obtained after a brief incubation with pyridoxal phosphate. All four enzymes are dimers. The mitochondrial isoenzymes are of slightly lower molecular weight than their respective cytosolic forms. Michaelis constants and maximal velocities were derived by the use of primary and secondary plots. In general, the properties of the enzymes from rat heart are similar to the properties of the enzymes from other animal sources. 相似文献
B E Glatthaar G R Barbarash B E Noyes L J Banaszak R A Bradshaw 《Analytical biochemistry》1974,57(2):432-451
A single procedure for the preparation of the mitochondrial and cytoplasmic forms of malate dehydrogenase and aspartate aminotransferase from pig heart is described. l-3-Hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase may also be obtained from this procedure. The five enzymes are obtained in preparative amounts in homogeneous form with specific activities equal to or higher than those previously reported. These experiments also have established that the subforms of the mitochondrial isozyme of malate dehydrogenase are apparently the result of preparative manipulations. 相似文献
Serine modulates substrate channeling in tryptophan synthase. A novel intersubunit triggering mechanism 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Tryptophan synthase, an alpha 2 beta 2 complex, is a classic example of an enzyme that is thought to "channel" a metabolic intermediate (indole) from the active site of the alpha subunit to the active site of the beta subunit. We now examine the kinetics of substrate channeling by tryptophan synthase directly by chemical quench-flow and stopped-flow methods. The conversion of indole-3-glycerol phosphate (IGP) to tryptophan at the active site proceeds at a rate of 24 s-1, which is limited by the rate of cleavage of IGP to produce indole (alpha reaction). In a single turnover experiment monitoring the conversion of radiolabeled IGP to tryptophan, only a trace of indole is detectable (less than or equal to 1% of the IGP), implying that the reaction of indole to form tryptophan must be quite fast (greater than or equal to 1000 s-1). The rate of reaction of indole from solution is much too slow (40 s-1 under identical conditions) to account for the negligible accumulation of indole in a single turnover. Therefore, the indole produced at the alpha site must be rapidly channeled to the beta site, where it reacts with serine to form tryptophan: channeling and the reaction of indole to form tryptophan must each occur at rates greater than or equal to 1000 s-1. Steady-state turnover is limited by the slow rate of tryptophan release (8 s-1). In the absence of serine, the cleavage of IGP to indole is limited by a change in protein conformation at a rate of 0.16 s-1. When the alpha beta reaction is initiated by mixing enzyme with IGP and serine simultaneously, there is a lag in the cleavage IGP and formation of tryptophan. The kinetics of the lag correspond to the rate of formation of the aminoacrylate in the reaction of serine with pyridoxal phosphate at the beta site, measured by stopped-flow methods (45 s-1). There is also a change in protein fluorescence, suggestive of a change in protein conformation, occurring at the same rate. Substitution of cysteine for serine leads to a longer lag in the kinetics of IGP cleavage and a correspondingly slower rate of formation of the aminoacrylate (6 s-1). Thus, the reaction of serine at the beta site modulates the alpha reaction such that the formation of the aminoacrylate leads to a change in protein conformation that is transmitted to the alpha site to enhance the rate of IGP cleavage 150-fold.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS) 相似文献
Tatsuya Ohshida Kohei Koba Junji Hayashi Kazunari Yoneda Taketo Ohmori Toshihisa Ohshima 《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(12):2084-2093
ABSTRACTThe orientation of the three domains in the bifunctional aspartate kinase-homoserine dehydrogenase (AK-HseDH) homologue found in Thermotoga maritima totally differs from those observed in previously known AK-HseDHs; the domains line up in the order HseDH, AK, and regulatory domain. In the present study, the enzyme produced in Escherichia coli was characterized. The enzyme exhibited substantial activities of both AK and HseDH. L-Threonine inhibits AK activity in a cooperative manner, similar to that of Arabidopsis thaliana AK-HseDH. However, the concentration required to inhibit the activity was much lower (K0.5 = 37 μM) than that needed to inhibit the A. thaliana enzyme (K0.5 = 500 μM). In contrast to A. thaliana AK-HseDH, Hse oxidation of the T. maritima enzyme was almost impervious to inhibition by L-threonine. Amino acid sequence comparison indicates that the distinctive sequence of the regulatory domain in T. maritima AK-HseDH is likely responsible for the unique sensitivity to L-threonine.Abbreviations: AK: aspartate kinase; HseDH: homoserine dehydrogenase; AK–HseDH: bifunctional aspartate kinase–homoserine dehydrogenase; AsaDH: aspartate–β–semialdehyde dehydrogenase; ACT: aspartate kinases (A), chorismate mutases (C), and prephenate dehydrogenases (TyrA, T). 相似文献
D J Nicholls J Miller M D Scawen A R Clarke J J Holbrook T Atkinson C R Goward 《Biochemical and biophysical research communications》1992,189(2):1057-1062
The malate dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli has been specifically altered at a single amino acid residue by using site-directed mutagenesis. The conserved Arg residue at amino acid position 102 in the putative substrate binding site was replaced with a Gln residue. The result was the loss of the high degree of specificity for oxaloacetate. The difference in relative binding energy for oxaloacetate amounted to about 7 kcal/mol and a difference in specificity between oxaloacetate and pyruvate of 8 orders of magnitude between the wild-type and mutant enzymes. These differences may be explained by the large hydration potential of Arg and the formation of a salt bridge with a carboxylate group of oxaloacetate. 相似文献
A Thermus thermophilus HB27 strain was constructed in which the malate dehydrogenase (mdh) gene was deleted. The Deltamdh colonies are recognized by a small-colony phenotype. Wild-type phenotype is restored by transformation with Thermus plasmids or integration vector containing an intact mdh gene. The wild-type phenotype provides a positive selection tool for the introduction of plasmid DNA into Thermus spp., and because mdh levels can be readily quantified, this host-vector system is a convenient tool for monitoring gene expression. 相似文献
K Kitagishi K Hiromi S Tanase F Nagashima Y Morino T Nishino S Murao 《Journal of biochemistry》1988,103(4):585-588
The reaction of pig heart mitochondrial and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferases (abbreviated to mAspAT and cAspAT, respectively) with an enzyme-suicide substrate (mechanism-based inhibitor), gostatin (5-amino-2-carboxyl-4-oxo-1,4,5,6-tetrahydropyridine-3-acetic acid) was studied kinetically, by following the spectral change with a micro-stopped-flow apparatus, as well as the inactivation of the enzyme activity. No significant difference in kinetic behavior was observed between mAspAT and cAspAT. From the analysis of time-dependent spectral change, no positive evidence for the existence of spectrophotometrically distinguishable intermediates was obtained. Both the spectral change and the inactivation followed, at least in appearance, simple bimolecular association kinetics, under the conditions studied. However, the second-order rate constant of the spectral change was found to be 1.5 to 2 times as large as that of the inactivation. The effects of pH and temperature on k(on) (the second-order rate constant of the spectral change) were also studied. 相似文献
Effects of fixation and substrate protection on the isoenzymes of aspartate aminotransferase studied in a quantitative cytochemical model system

The cytochemical technique of Lee and Torack for the demonstration of aspartate aminotransferase activity was tested on a model system consisting of either total liver homogenate or the mitochondrial or soluble cytoplasmic fraction, incorporated in polyacrylamide film. After incubation of portions of film in a medium of α-ketoglutarate, L-aspartate, and lead nitrate, the lead oxaloacetate formed was converted to lead sulfide. The absorbance determined at 520 nm in a film spectrophotometer and expressed in terms of unit weight of film provided a measure of the contained enzymatic activity, and was directly proportional to the concentration of chemically determined oxaloacetate in the film. Both mitochondrial and "soluble" isozymes of aspartate aminotransferase reacted with the cytochemical media to a quantitatively similar degree, but were considerably inactivated after 15 min of treatment with 1% glutaraldehyde or 3.7% formaldehyde in imidazole buffer, the rate of inactivation being greater for the soluble isozyme. Application of the principle of substrate protection delayed inactivation. Thus, for both isozymes the rate of inactivation decreased if ketoglutarate was added to the fixative. Similarly, it was shown that the optimal incubation medium for the demonstration of the soluble isozyme must contain 4 mM of α-ketoglutarate and 20 mM of L-aspartate. Under these conditions the turnover-number for the cytochemical system is 70% of the value obtained from biochemical estimations. Cytochemical Km values differed for each isozyme and were in accord with values determined by biochemical techniques, indicating that the model system can be used as a link between biochemical and cytochemical data in enzymatic studies. 相似文献
Several mutant Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferases (eAATases) have been characterized in the attempt to evolve or rationally redesign the substrate specificity of eAATase into that of E. coli tyrosine aminotransferase (eTATase). These include HEX (designed), HEX + A293D (design followed by directed evolution), and SRHEPT (directed evolution). The A293D mutation realized from directed evolution of HEX is here imported into the SRHEPT platform by site-directed mutagenesis, resulting in an enzyme (SRHEPT + A293D) with nearly the same ratio of k(cat)/K(m)(Phe) to k(cat)/K(m)(Asp) as that of wild-type eTATase. The A293D substitution is an important specificity determinant; it selectively disfavors interactions with dicarboxylic substrates and inhibitors compared to aromatic ones. Context dependence analysis is generalized to provide quantitative comparisons of a common substitution in two or more different protein scaffolds. High-resolution crystal structures of ligand complexes of HEX + A293D, SRHEPT, and SRHEPT + A293D were determined. We find that in both SRHEPT + A293D and HEX + A293D, the additional mutation holds the Arg 292 side chain away from the active site to allow increased specificity for phenylalanine over aspartate. The resulting movement of Arg 292 allows greater flexibility of the small domain in HEX + A293D. While HEX is always in the closed conformation, HEX + A293D is observed in both the closed and a novel open conformation, allowing for more rapid product release. 相似文献
Satinder K Singh Stephen P Miller Antony Dean Leonard J Banaszak David C LaPorte 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2002,277(9):7567-7573
In Escherichia coli, the homodimeric Krebs cycle enzyme isocitrate dehydrogenase (EcIDH) is regulated by reversible phosphorylation of a sequestered active site serine. The phosphorylation cycle is catalyzed by a bifunctional protein, IDH kinase/phosphatase (IDH-K/P). To better understand the nature of the interaction between EcIDH and IDH-K/P, we have examined the ability of an IDH homologue from Bacillus subtilis (BsIDH) to serve as a substrate for the kinase and phosphatase activities. BsIDH exhibits extensive sequence and structural similarities with EcIDH, particularly around the phosphorylated serine. Our previous crystallographic analysis revealed that the active site architecture of these two proteins is almost completely conserved. We now expand the comparison to include a number of biochemical properties. Both IDHs display nearly equivalent steady-state kinetic parameters for the dehydrogenase reaction. Both proteins are also phosphorylated by IDH-K/P in the same ratio (1 mole of phosphate per mole of monomer), and this stoichiometric phosphorylation correlates with an equivalent inhibition of IDH activity. Furthermore, tandem electrospray mass spectrometry demonstrates that BsIDH, like EcIDH, is phosphorylated on the corresponding active site serine residue (Ser-104). Despite the high degree of sequence, functional, and structural congruence between these two proteins, BsIDH is surprisingly a much poorer substrate of IDH-K/P than is EcIDH, with Michaelis constants for the kinase and phosphatase activities elevated by 60- and 3,450-fold, respectively. These drastically disparate values might result from restricted access to the active site cavity and/or from the lack of a potential docking site for IDH-K/P. 相似文献
Redesign of the substrate specificity of Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase to that of Escherichia coli tyrosine aminotransferase by homology modeling and site-directed mutagenesis. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1

J. J. Onuffer J. F. Kirsch 《Protein science : a publication of the Protein Society》1995,4(9):1750-1757
Although several high-resolution X-ray crystallographic structures have been determined for Escherichia coli aspartate aminotransferase (eAATase), efforts to crystallize E. coli tyrosine aminotransferase (eTATase) have been unsuccessful. Sequence alignment analyses of eTATase and eAATase show 43% sequence identity and 72% sequence similarity, allowing for conservative substitutions. The high similarity of the two sequences indicates that both enzymes must have similar secondary and tertiary structures. Six active site residues of eAATase were targeted by homology modeling as being important for aromatic amino acid reactivity with eTATase. Two of these positions (Thr 109 and Asn 297) are invariant in all known aspartate aminotransferase enzymes, but differ in eTATase (Ser 109 and Ser 297). The other four positions (Val 39, Lys 41, Thr 47, and Asn 69) line the active site pocket of eAATase and are replaced by amino acids with more hydrophobic side chains in eTATase (Leu 39, Tyr 41, Ile 47, and Leu 69). These six positions in eAATase were mutated by site-directed mutagenesis to the corresponding amino acids found in eTATase in an attempt to redesign the substrate specificity of eAATase to that of eTATase. Five combinations of the individual mutations were obtained from mutagenesis reactions. The redesigned eAATase mutant containing all six mutations (Hex) displays second-order rate constants for the transamination of aspartate and phenylalanine that are within an order of magnitude of those observed for eTATase. Thus, the reactivity of eAATase with phenylalanine was increased by over three orders of magnitude without sacrificing the high transamination activity with aspartate observed for both enzymes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
J P Rotmans 《Experimental parasitology》1978,46(1):49-58
Immunoelectrophoresis of Schistosoma mansoni homogenates against mouse antisera resulted in only one precipitation line, which showed malate dehydrogenase activity. Immunoprecipitins against schistosomal malate dehydrogenase were also demonstrated in sera from individuals with schistosomiasis. Analysis by the double-diffusion method showed that malate dehydrogenase antigens in S. mansoni, S. haematobium, and S. bovis are immunologically indistinguishable. Immunoelectrophoresis of isolated mitochondrial and cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase, showed that only the mitochondrial enzyme is able to form a malate dehydrogenase active precipitation line. Rabbit antisera directed against purified mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase showed a reaction with the enzyme as judge by immunoelectrophoresis. A purified mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase preparation, coupled to Sepharose 4B, was used in the defined antigen substrate spheres (DASS) test. Sera from experimentally infected mice contained considerably higher levels of antibodies against the mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase preparation than sera from infected individuals. 相似文献
We have derived analytical expressions for the kinetics of the two mechanisms involved in ligand substitution reactions. These mechanisms are (i) a dissociative mechanism in which the leaving ligand is first dissociated prior to the binding of the incoming ligand and (ii) an associative mechanism where a ternary complex is formed between the incoming ligand and the complex containing the leaving ligand. The equations obtained provide the theoretical basis for differentiating these two mechanisms on the basis of their kinetic patterns of the displacement reactions. Analysis of these equations shows that an associative mechanism can only generate an increasing kinetic pattern for the observed pseudo-first-ordered rate constants as a function of increasing concentration of the incoming ligand and plateaus, in most cases, at a value higher than the off-rate constant of the leaving ligand. However, a dissociative mechanism can generate either an increasing or a decreasing (kapp decreases with increasing concentrations of the incoming ligand) kinetic pattern, depending on the magnitudes of the individual rate constants involved, and, in either case, it will plateau at kapp equal to the koff of the leaving ligand. Therefore, the decreasing kinetic pattern is a hallmark for a dissociative mechanism. This general method was used to settle the dispute of whether NADH is transferred directly via the enzyme-enzyme complex between glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH; EC and L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; EC TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献