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Hyperthermia and reflex apnea may both contribute to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Therefore, we investigated the effect of increased body temperature on the inhibition of breathing produced by water injected into the larynx, which elicits the laryngeal chemoreflex (LCR). We studied decerebrated, vagotomized, neonatal piglets aged 3-15 days. Blood pressure, end-tidal CO(2), body temperature, and phrenic nerve activity were recorded. To elicit the LCR, we infused 0.1 ml of distilled water through a polyethylene tube passed through the nose and positioned just rostral to the larynx. Three to five LCR trials were performed with the piglet at normal body temperature. The animal's core body temperature was raised by approximately 2.5 degrees C, and three to five LCR trials were performed before the animal was cooled, and three to five LCR trials were repeated. The respiratory inhibition associated with the LCR was substantially prolonged when body temperature was elevated. Thus elevated body temperature may contribute to the pathogenesis of SIDS by increasing the inhibitory effects of the LCR.  相似文献   

The laryngeal chemoreflex (LCR), elicited by a drop of water in the larynx, is exaggerated by mild hyperthermia (body temperature = 40-41 degrees C) in neonatal piglets. We tested the hypothesis that thermal prolongation of the LCR results from heating the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), where laryngeal afferents first form synapses in the brain stem. Three- to 13-day-old piglets were decerebrated and vagotomized and studied without anesthesia while paralyzed and ventilated. Phrenic nerve activity and rectal temperature were recorded. A thermode was placed in the medulla, and the brain tissue temperature was recorded with a thermistor approximately 1 mm from the tip of the thermode. When the thermode was inserted into the brain stem, respiratory activity was arrested or greatly distorted in eight animals. However, the thermode was inserted in nine animals without disrupting respiratory activity, and in these animals, warming the medullary thermode (thermistor temperature = 40-41 degrees C) while holding rectal temperature constant reversibly exaggerated the LCR. The caudal raphé was warmed focally by approximately 2 degrees C in four additional animals; this did not alter the duration of the LCR in these animals. Thermodes placed in the NTS did not disrupt respiratory activity, but they did prolong the LCR when warmed. Thermodes that were placed deep to the NTS in the region of the nucleus ambiguus disrupted respiratory activity, which precluded any analysis of the LCR. We conclude that prolongation of the laryngeal chemoreflex by whole body hyperthermia originates from the elevation of brain tissue temperature within in the NTS.  相似文献   

Membrane potentials of respiratory neurons in the ventral respiratory group were recorded using intracellular techniques in the medulla of newborn piglets. Three types of neurons were demonstrated: inspiratory neurons with an augmenting pattern of spike activity during inspiration; postinspiratory neurons with a short decrementing firing pattern that started immediately after inspiration ended; and stage II expiratory neurons with an augmenting spiking pattern that began shortly after inspiratory termination and ended before onset of the next inspiration. When not firing, the membrane potential trajectories of each cell type revealed two complementary patterns of relative inhibition. This latter finding suggests arrival of inhibitory synaptic potentials during these periods. These findings suggest that the respiratory control mechanisms of the newborn piglet are organized in a three-phased manner similar to that of adult cats.  相似文献   

Serotonin 5-HT(3) antagonists have been suggested for treatment of several disorders involving altered gastrointestinal (GI) function. CCK also has well documented GI actions on both food intake and vago-vagal reflexes. To evaluate potential interactions, the effect of a 5-HT(3) antagonist, ondansetron, on exogenous CCK induced satiety and c-fos activation was determined. Ondansetron reduced both actions of CCK by approximately 50%. The reduction in c-fos was localized to a specific subregion of the dorsal medulla, suggesting that a distinct subpopulation of CCK receptive fibers are modulated by 5-HT(3) ligands. Treatments using 5-HT(3) antagonists also may affect endogenous CCK functions.  相似文献   

1. Experiments performed in precollicular decerebrate cats indicate that neurons located in the caudal part of the locus coeruleus and locus subcoeruleus as well as in the surrounding reticular formation were greatly depressed during the cataplectic episodes induced by i.v. injection of 0.1 mg/kg of eserine sulphate. 2. These units actually showed a slow regular firing rate when the rigidity was present. Moreover their firing rate greatly decreased during the episodes of postural atonia produced by the anticholinesterase. In some instances a complete abolition of firing occurred during these episodes. The depression of unit discharge anticipated the onset of postural atonia and lasted throughout the episodes. 3. Some of the neurons described above responded with steady changes in their discharge rate to natural stimulation of macular labyrinthine receptors during postural rigidity. However, the response of these neurons to lateral tilts was suppressed during the episodes of postural atonia induced by the anticholinesterase, This and other arguments suggested that these units were tonically inhibited during the induced cataplectic episodes. 4. The time course of the rate deceleration shown by these neurons during transition from postural rigidity to muscular atonia represents a mirror image of the rate acceleration which affects most of the pontine reticular neurons located in the gigantocellular tegmental field (FTG) during the induced cataplectic episodes. These reciprocal rate relations suggest that a functional interaction exists between the two cell groups. In particular it is postulated that the pontine FTG neurons are self-excitatory and excitatory to the locus coeruleus neurons, while the last neurons may be self-inhibitory and inhibitory to FTG neurons. These findings can be related to previous observations showing that neurons located in the region of locus coeruleus undergo a rate deceleration during desynchronized sleep which mimics the time course of firing to the pontine reticular neurons. 5. In conclusion it appears that the decerebrate rigidity is present in so far as the cholinergic reticular neurons, which trigger the bulbospinal inhibitory system, are tonically inhibited by neurons located in the monoaminergic structures of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum. On the other hand the suppression of the decerebrate rigidity ,which occurs during the cholinergically induced cataplectic episodes results from activation of the cholinergic reticular neurons, which escape tonic inhibition from monoaminergic structures.  相似文献   

1. The possibility that vasopressin (VP) acts on the dorsal pontine reticular formation (pRF) and the related medullary inhibitory reticulospinal (RS) system to control posture as well as the vestibulospinal reflexes has been investigated by injecting small doses of VP in precollicular decerebrate cats. 2. Unilateral microinjection of VP (0.25 microliters at the concentration of 10(-11) micrograms/microliters saline) in the pRF decreased the extensor rigidity in the ipsilateral limbs, while that of the contralateral limbs either decreased or increased. The same injection also produced a moderate or a prominent increase in gain of the multiunit EMG responses of the ipsilateral triceps brachii to roll tilt of the animal (t-test, P less than 0.001 for either group of responses). In the first instance the response gain of the contralateral triceps brachii to animal tilt slightly increased, while the pattern of response remained always of the alpha-type, as shown for the ipsilateral responses (increased EMG activity during ipsilateral tilt and decreased activity during contralateral tilt). In the second instance, however, the response gain showed only slight changes, while the pattern of responses reversed from the alpha- to the beta-type. These findings occurred 5-20 min after the injection, fully developed within 30-60 min and disappeared in about 2-3 hours. 3. The structures responsible for the postural and reflex changes described above were located in the dorsal pontine tegmental region immediately ventral to the LC, and included the peri-LC alpha and the surrounding dorsal pRF. The induced effects depended upon the injected neuropeptide, since previous injection of an equal volume of saline stained by the pontamine sky blue dye into the same dorsal pontine area was ineffective. 4. We postulated that VP exerts an excitatory influence on ipsilateral dorsal pRF neurons. The increased discharge of these neurons and the related medullary inhibitory RS neurons would lead to a decreased postural activity in the ipsilateral limbs. However, since these inhibitory RS neurons fire out of phase with respect to the excitatory vestibulospinal neurons, it appears that the higher the firing rate of the RS neurons in the animal at rest, the greater the disinhibition that affects the limb extensor motoneurons during ipsilateral tilt. These motoneurons would then respond more efficiently to the same excitatory volleys elicited by given parameters of stimulation, thus leading to an increased gain of the EMG responses.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The dorsomedial medulla plays an integral role in the processing of primary sensory afferent information from the respiratory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems. A correlation has also been made between the topographical organization of these vagal afferent fibers in the dorsal medulla and the distribution of a variety of neuropeptides and their receptors in this brain region. In this paper, the evidence for the presence of several neuropeptides and their receptors in the dorsomedial medulla and intra- and/or extracranial segments of the vagus nerve is presented. The possible physiological significance of these peptides and their putative receptors in the vagus nerve is also addressed, with emphasis on angiotensin II and its cardiovascular actions in this region.  相似文献   

Presympathetic neurons in the different anteroposterior aspects of rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) are colocalized with expiratory [B?tzinger complex (B?tC)] and inspiratory [pre-B?tzinger complex (pre-B?tC)] neurons of ventral respiratory column (VRC), suggesting that this region integrates the cardiovascular and respiratory chemoreflex responses. In the present study, we evaluated in different anteroposterior aspects of RVLM of awake rats the role of ionotropic glutamate and purinergic receptors on cardiorespiratory responses to chemoreflex activation. The bilateral ionotropic glutamate receptors antagonism with kynurenic acid (KYN) (8 nmol/50 nl) in the rostral aspect of RVLM (RVLM/B?tC) enhanced the tachypneic (120 ± 9 vs. 180 ± 9 cpm; P < 0.01) and attenuated the pressor response (55 ± 2 vs. 15 ± 1 mmHg; P < 0.001) to chemoreflex activation (n = 7). On the other hand, bilateral microinjection of KYN into the caudal aspect of RVLM (RVLM/pre-B?tC) caused a respiratory arrest in four awake rats used in the present study. Bilateral P2X receptors antagonism with PPADS (0.25 nmol/50 nl) in the RVLM/B?tC reduced chemoreflex tachypneic response (127 ± 6 vs. 70 ± 5 cpm; P < 0.001; n = 6), but did not change the chemoreflex pressor response. In addition, PPADS into the RVLM/B?tC attenuated the enhancement of the tachypneic response to chemoreflex activation elicited by previous microinjections of KYN into the same subregion (188 ± 2 vs. 157 ± 3 cpm; P < 0.05; n = 5). Our findings indicate that: 1) L-glutamate, but not ATP, in the RVLM/B?tC is required for pressor response to peripheral chemoreflex and 2) both transmitters in the RVLM/B?tC are required for the processing of the ventilatory response to peripheral chemoreflex activation in awake rats.  相似文献   

Serotonin neurons of the caudal raphe facilitate ventilatory and sympathetic responses that develop following blood loss in conscious rats. Here, we tested whether serotonin projections to the caudal portion of the dorsomedial brain stem (including regions of the nucleus tractus solitarius that receive cardiovascular and chemosensory afferents) contribute to cardiorespiratory compensation following hemorrhage. Injections of the serotonin neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine produced >90% depletion of serotonin nerve terminals in the region of injection. Withdrawal of ~21% of blood volume over 10 min produced a characteristic three-phase response that included 1) a normotensive compensatory phase, 2) rapid sympathetic withdrawal and hypotension, and 3) rapid blood pressure recovery accompanied by slower recovery of heart rate and sympathetic activity. A gradual tachypnea developed throughout hemorrhage, which quickly reversed with the advent of sympathetic withdrawal. Subsequently, breathing frequency and neural minute volume (determined by diaphragmatic electromyography) declined below baseline following termination of hemorrhage but gradually recovered over time. Lesioned rats showed attenuated sympathetic and ventilatory responses during early compensation and later recovery from hemorrhage. Both ventilatory and sympathetic responses to chemoreceptor activation with potassium cyanide injection were attenuated by the lesion. In contrast, the gain of sympathetic and heart rate baroreflex responses was greater, and low-frequency oscillations in blood pressure were reduced after lesion. Together, the data are consistent with the view that serotonin innervation of the caudal dorsomedial brain stem contributes to sympathetic compensation during hypovolemia, possibly through facilitation of peripheral chemoreflex responses.  相似文献   

The responses to vestibular stimulation of brain stem neurons that regulate sympathetic outflow and blood flow have been studied extensively in decerebrate preparations, but not in conscious animals. In the present study, we compared the responses of neurons in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), a principal region of the brain stem involved in the regulation of blood pressure, to whole body rotations of conscious and decerebrate cats. In both preparations, RVLM neurons exhibited similar levels of spontaneous activity (median of ~17 spikes/s). The firing of about half of the RVLM neurons recorded in decerebrate cats was modulated by rotations; these cells were activated by vertical tilts in a variety of directions, with response characteristics suggesting that their labyrinthine inputs originated in otolith organs. The activity of over one-third of RVLM neurons in decerebrate animals was altered by stimulation of baroreceptors; RVLM units with and without baroreceptor signals had similar responses to rotations. In contrast, only 6% of RVLM neurons studied in conscious cats exhibited cardiac-related activity, and the firing of just 1% of the cells was modulated by rotations. These data suggest that the brain stem circuitry mediating vestibulosympathetic reflexes is highly sensitive to changes in body position in space but that the responses to vestibular stimuli of neurons in the pathway are suppressed by higher brain centers in conscious animals. The findings also raise the possibility that autonomic responses to a variety of inputs, including those from the inner ear, could be gated according to behavioral context and attenuated when they are not necessary.  相似文献   

Some victims of sudden infant death syndrome have arcuate nucleus abnormalities. The arcuate nucleus may be homologous with ventral medullary structures in the cat known to be involved in the control of breathing and the response to systemic hypercapnia. We refer to putative arcuate homologues in the piglet collectively as the rostral ventral medulla (RVM). We inhibited the RVM in awake and sleeping, chronically instrumented piglets by microdialysis of the GABA(A) receptor agonist muscimol. Muscimol dialysis (10 and 40 mM) had no effect on eupnea but caused a significant reduction in the response to hypercapnia during both wakefulness (34.8 +/- 8.7 and 30.7 +/- 10.1%, respectively) and sleep (36.7 +/- 6.7 and 49.5 +/- 8.9%, respectively). The effect of muscimol on the CO(2) response was entirely via a reduction in tidal volume and appeared to be greater during non-rapid-eye-movement sleep. We conclude that the piglet RVM contains neurons of importance in the response to systemic CO(2) during both wakefulness and non-rapid-eye-movement sleep. We hypothesize that dysfunction of homologous regions in the human infant could lead to impaired ability to respond to hypercapnia, particularly during sleep, which could potentially be involved in the pathogenesis of sudden infant death syndrome.  相似文献   

We examined pH regulation in two chemosensitive areas of the brain, the retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) and the nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS), to identify the proton transporters involved in regulation of intracellular pH (pHi) in medullary glia. Transverse brain slices from young rats [postnatal day 8 (P8) to P20] were loaded with the pH-sensitive probe 2',7'-bis (2-carboxyethyl)-5,6-carboxyfluorescein after kainic acid treatment removed neurons. Cells were alkalinized when they were depolarized (extracellular K+ increased from 6.24 to 21.24 mM) in the RTN but not in the NTS. This alkaline shift was inhibited by 0.5 mM DIDS. Removal of CO2/HCO3- or Na+ from the perfusate acidified the glial cells, but the acidification after Na+ removal was greater in the RTN than in the NTS. Treatment of the slice with 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)amiloride (100 microM) in saline containing CO2/HCO3- acidified the cells in both nuclei, but the acidification was greater in the NTS. Restoration of extracellular Cl- after Cl- depletion during the control condition acidified the cells. Immunohistochemical studies of glial fibrillary acid protein demonstrated much denser staining in the RTN compared with the NTS. We conclude that there is evidence of Na+-HCO3- cotransport and Na+/H+ exchange in glia in the RTN and NTS, but the distribution of glia and the distribution of these pH-regulatory functions are not identical in the NTS and RTN. The differential strength of glial pH regulatory function in the RTN and NTS may also alter CO2 chemosensory neuronal function at these two chemosensitive sites in the brain stem.  相似文献   

This paper uses a steady-state modeling approach to describe the effects of changes in acid-base balance on the chemoreflex control of breathing. First, a mathematical model is presented, which describes the control of breathing by the respiratory chemoreflexes; equations express the dependence of pulmonary ventilation on Pco(2) and Po(2) at the central and peripheral chemoreceptors. These equations, with Pco(2) values as inputs to the chemoreceptors, are transformed to equations with hydrogen ion concentrations [H(+)] in brain interstitial fluid and arterial blood as inputs, using the Stewart approach to acid-base balance. Examples illustrate the use of the model to explain the regulation of breathing during acid-base disturbances. They include diet-induced changes in sodium and chloride, altitude acclimatization, and respiratory disturbances of acid-base balance due to chronic hyperventilation and carbon dioxide retention. The examples demonstrate that the relationship between Pco(2) and [H(+)] should not be neglected when modeling the chemoreflex control of breathing. Because pulmonary ventilation controls Pco(2) rather than the actual stimulus to the chemoreceptors, [H(+)], changes in their relationship will alter the ventilatory recruitment threshold Pco(2), and thereby the steady-state resting ventilation and Pco(2).  相似文献   

Stimulation of the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), a parasympathetic ganglion of the facial nerve, or the dorsal facial area (DFA), an area in the lateral tegmental field just dorsal to the facial nucleus, induces an increase in blood flow of the common carotid artery (CCA). This study attempted to clarify the anatomical and functional relationships between the SPG and the DFA, and to demonstrate putative serotonergic (5-HT) and substance P (SP) innervations to the neurons of the DFA in regulation of the CCA blood flow in cats. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP), a retrograde tracer, was injected in the SPG. All HRP-labeled neurons were distributed in the reticular areas dorsal and lateral to the superior olivary nucleus and the facial nucleus, extending from the caudal half of the superior olivary nucleus to the rostral 3/4 of the facial nucleus on the HRP-injected side. They were grouped into five clusters, namely lateral circumference of the superior olivary nucleus, dorsal circumference of the superior olivary nucleus, lateral circumference of the facial nucleus, dorsal circumference of the facial nucleus, and the DFA. The percentage of HRP-neurons in each cluster was 0.5 +/- 0.1% (mean +/- S.E., n=6), 15.2 +/- 1.9%, 23.7 +/- 0.9%, 52.5 +/- 1.7%, and 8.3 +/- 0.7%, respectively. Glutamate stimulation of the DFA (at 5.0 to 7.0 mm rostral to the obex, 2.8 to 4.0 mm lateral to the midline, and 2.5 to 3.5 mm ventral to the dorsal surface of the medulla), but not other areas, resulted in the increased CCA blood flow. The 5HT- and SP-immunoreactive nerve terminals abutted on the ChAT-immunoreactive cell body (preganglionic neurons) in the DFA. In conclusion, parasympathetic preganglionic neurons in the DFA project fibers to the SPG, are innervated by 5HT- and SP-like nerve terminals, and are responsible for regulation of the CCA blood flow. They may be also important in regulation of the cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   

Actin in the adrenal medulla.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study describes the projection of cervical spinal afferent nerve fibers to the medulla in the brush-tailed possum, a marsupial mammal. After single dorsal roots (between C2 and T1) were cut in a series of animals, the Fink-Heimer method was used to demonstrate the projection fields of fibers entering the CNS via specific dorsal roots. In the high cervical spinal cord, afferent fibers from each dorsal root form a discrete layer in the dorsal funiculus. The flattened laminae from upper cervical levels are lateral and those from lower cervical levels are medial within the dorsal columns. All afferent fibers at this level are separated from gray matter by the corticospinal fibers in the dorsal funiculus. All cervical roots project throughout most of the length of the well-developed main cuneate nucleus in a loosely segmentotopic fashion. Fibers from rostral roots enter more lateral parts of the nucleus, and fibers from lower levels pass to more medial areas; but terminal projection fields are typically large and overlap extensively. At more rostral medullary levels, fibers from all cervical dorsal roots also reach the external cuneate nucleus. The spatial arrangement here is more complex and more extensively overlapped than in the cuneate nucleus. Rostral cervical root fibers reach ventral and ventrolateral areas of the external cuneate nucleus and continue to its rostral pole; more caudal root fibers project to more dorsal and medial regions within the nucleus. These results demonstrate that projection patterns of spinal afferents in this marsupial are similar to those seen in the few placental species for which detailed data concerning this system are available.  相似文献   

Mechanisms underlying the circadian rhythm in lung ventilation were investigated. Ten healthy male subjects were studied for 36 h using a constant routine protocol to minimize potentially confounding variables. Laboratory light, humidity, and temperature remained constant, subjects did not sleep, and their meals and activities were held to a strict schedule. Respiratory chemoreflex responses were measured every 3 h using an iso-oxic rebreathing technique incorporating prior hyperventilation. Subjects exhibited circadian rhythms in oral temperature and respiratory chemoreflex responses, but not in metabolic rate. Basal ventilation [i.e., at subthreshold end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure (PET(CO(2)))] did not vary with time of day, but the ventilatory response to suprathreshold PET(CO(2)) exhibited a rhythm amplitude of approximately 25%, mediated mainly by circadian variations in the CO(2) threshold for tidal volume. We conclude that the circadian rhythm in lung ventilation is not a simple consequence of circadian variations in arousal state and metabolic rate. By raising the chemoreflex threshold, the circadian timing system may increase the propensity for respiratory instability at night.  相似文献   

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