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Three separate prostaglandin-generating activities are associated with plasma membranes, mitochondria and microsomal fractions from rabbit kidney medulla. In the plasma membranes and mitochondria, but not in microsomal fractions, Ca2+ ions stimulate the activity of phospholipase A2, yielding selective release of arachidonic acid and linoleic acid and concomitant increase in prostaglandin E2 formation.  相似文献   

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aspirin, indomethacin and meclofenamic acid were compared for their potency and duration of inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis in rabbit kidney medulla. Indomethacin and meclofenamic acid showed equal potency of inhibition (IC50 0.88 μM and 0.85 μM respectively) while aspirin was a much weaker inhibitor (IC50 120 μM). , indomethacin was the most powerful inhibitor (ID50 0.034 mg/kg) followed by meclofenamic acid (0.45 mg/kg) and aspirin (2.35 mg/kg).Studies on the duration of inhibition by these compounds showed the effect of indomethacin and meclofenamic acid to be completely reversed within 4–6 hours. In contrast, return of kidney prostaglandin biosynthetic activity following aspirin inhibition is very slow and significant inhibition is still present 48 hours after a single aspirin injection. The inhibitory effect of aspirin could be blocked by pretreatment with indomethacin, indicating that both drugs interact with related sites on the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme. The irreversible inhibition of the cyclo-oxygenase by aspirin as demonstrated in studies of other investigators suggests that the return of kidney prostaglandin synthetase activity after aspirin inhibition represents synthesis of new cyclo-oxygenase protein.  相似文献   

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aspirin, indomethacin and meclofenamic acid were compared for their potency and duration of inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis in rabbit kidney medulla. Indomethacin and meclofenamic acid showed equal potency of inhibition in-vitro (IC50 0.88 micron and 0.85 micron respectively) while aspiring was a much weaker inhibitor (IC50 120 micron). In-vivo, indomethacin was the most powerful inhibitor (ID50 0.034 mg/kg) followed by meclofenamic acid (0.45 mg/kg) and aspirin (2.35 mg/kg). Studies on the duration of in-vivo inhibition by these compounds showed the effect of indomethacin and meclofenamic acid to be completely reversed within 4-6 hours. In contrast, return of kidney prostaglandin biosynthetic activity following aspirin inhibition is very slow and significant inhibition is still present 48 hours after a single aspiring injection. The inhibitory effect of aspirin in-vivo could be blocked by pretreatment with indomethacin, indicating that both drugs interact with related sites on the cyclo-oxygenase enzyme. The irreversible inhibition of the cyclo-oxygenase by aspirin as demonstrated in studies of other investigators suggests that the return of kidney prostaglandin synthetase activity after aspirin inhibition represents synthesis of new cyclo-oxygenase protein.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins (PGs) belong to a subclass of eicosanoids and are classified based on the structures of the cyclopentane ring and their number of double bonds in their hydrocarbon structures. PGs are important lipid mediators that are involved in inflammatory response. The biosynthesis of diverse PGs from unsaturated C20 fatty acids containing at least three double bonds such as dihomo-γ-linoleic acid (20:3Δ8Z,11Z,14Z), arachidonic acid (20:4Δ5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z), and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5Δ5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z,17Z) is enables by various PG synthases, including prostaglandin H synthase (PGHS), 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-HPGD), PGES, PGDS, PGFS, PGIS, and thromboxane A synthase (TXAS). This review summarizes the biochemical properties, reaction mechanism, and active site details of PG synthases. Because PGs are involved in the immune system, an understanding of PG synthases is important in the design of new anti-inflammatory drugs. The biosynthesis of PGs in various organisms, such as mammals, corals, florideae (a class of red algae), yeast, and fungi, is also introduced. The expression of PG synthases in the microbial systems for the synthesis of PGs is discussed. Now, the biosynthesis of PGs from glucose or glycerol is possible using metabolically engineered cells expressing both unsaturated fatty acid-producing enzymes and PG synthases.  相似文献   

The bivalent cations Ca2+, Mg2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ were compared for their stimulatory or inhibitory effect on prostaglandin formation in rabbit kidney medulla slices. Ca2+, Mn2+ and Sr2+ ions stimulated prostaglandin generation up to 3--5-fold in a time- and dose-dependent manner (Ca2+ greater than Mn2+ congruent to Sr2+). The stimulation by Mn2+ (but not by Sr2+) was also observed in incubations of medulla slices in the presence of Ca2+. Mg2+ and Co2+ ions were without significant effects on either basal or Ca2+-stimulated prostaglandin synthesis. The stimulatory effects of Ca2+, Mn2+ and Sr2+ on medullary generation of prostaglandin E2 were found to correlate with their stimulatory effects on the release of arachidonic acid and linoleic acid from tissue lipids. The release of other fatty acids was unaffected, except for a small increase in oleic acid release. As both arachidonic acid and linoleic acid are predominantly found in the 2-position of the glycerol moiety of phospholipids, the stimulation by these cations of prostaglandin E2 formation appears to be mediated via stimulation of phospholipase A2 activity.  相似文献   

The formation in vitro of prostaglandins E2, D2, and F2alpha from arachidonic acid by rabbit kidney medulla homogenate or microsomal fraction is markedly affected by the composition of the incubation medium employed. Optimal biosynthesis is obtained in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer, with the optimum pH being 8.0--8.8. Under these conditions prostaglandin formation is linear up to arachidonic acid concentration of 30 muM. The initial rate of formation of prostaglandin E2 + prostaglandin D2 is 3--4 times higher than that of prostaglandin F2alpha. Reduced glutathione (1 mM) did not affect the biosynthesis by medulla homogenate and produced only small stimulation of the biosynthesis by microsomal powder. Hydroquinone produced a small stimulation at a low concentration of 0.005 mM, and a strong inhibition at concentrations of 0.1 mM or higher. Addition of bovine serum albumin (0.1%) reduced the microsomal biosynthesis of prostaglandins by approximately 80%. Addition of boiled homogenate or boiled 140 000 X g supernatant produced small stimulation of microsomal biosynthesis while 140 000 X g supernatant (not boiled) caused small inhibition which was not dose-related. It appears that rabbit kidney prostaglandin-synthetase converts arachidonic acid to prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha in comparable amounts, without apparent need for a cytoplasmic soluble cofactor or specific reducing agents.  相似文献   

The enzymatic capacity to form and degrade prostaglandins was studied in kidneys from fetal sheep (gestational ages 40,44,49,77,116 and 140 days). The prostaglandin system was detectable at all ages. Only prostaglandin F was formed by renal homogenates at 40 and 44 days gestation; prostaglandin E2 was first formed by the 77 day kidney and became the major prostaglandin by 116 days (3 fold relative to prostaglandin F). Prostaglandin catabolism took place via the PG 15-hydroxy dehydrogenase and PG 13-reductase pathways. Catabolism was first detected at 40 days gestation and rose with age to an activity (15-PGDH) approximately 80 ng/min/mg protein in the term kidney. Only PG 15-hydroxydehydrogenase activity was detected at 40 days gestation, but PG 13-reductase activity became evident by 116 days and persisted until term. As with fetal sheep lungs (see preceding publication) PG 13-reductase activity was saturated quickly. These results confirm our observations with other tissues that prostaglandin catabolism is variable during ontogeny.  相似文献   

Microsomal prostaglandin synthase (EC from rabbit kidney medulla was assayed with [5,6,8,9,11,12,14,15-3H]-and [1-14C]-arachidonic acid as the substrate. The ratios of prostaglandin F2 alpha to prostaglandin E2 and to prostaglandin D2 were determined by both 3H and 14C labelling. When 3H was used as a label the ratios were much higher than with 14C labelling indicating that the removal of hydrogen at C-9 or C-11 was the rate-limiting step in the biosynthesis of prostaglandin E2 or prostaglandin D2. This finding shows that the octatritiated arachidonic acid is not the appropriate substrate marker for studying the regulation of the synthesis of different prostaglandins by various agents. When the enzyme assay was carried out in the presence of SnCL2, which was capable of accumulating exclusively prostaglandin F2alpha at the expenses of prostaglandin E2 and prostaglandin D2, the addition of L-adrenaline to the microsomal fraction either alone or with reduced glutathione equally stimulated the formation of prostaglandin F2alpha, whereas the addition of reduced glutathione to the microsomal fraction either alone or with L-adrenaline produced no additional effect. These results suggest that endoperoxide is formed as the common intermediate for the biosynthesis of three different prostaglandins in rabbit kidney medulla, and that L-adrenaline stimulates the synthesis of endoperoxide, whereas reduced glutathione facilitates the formation of prostaglandins from endoperoxide.  相似文献   

A simple radioactive-substrate assay for prostaglandin synthase (EC, which uses t.l.c. to measure simultaneously different prostaglandins synthesized from one precursor substrate, was developed. Rabbit kidney-medulla prostaglandin synthase catalyses the formation of prostaglandin E2, prostaglandin F2alpha and prostaglandin D2 from arachidonic acid. Fractionation of crude homogenates indicated that the microsomal fraction possessed the highest specific activity of prostaglandin synthase, whereas the soluble fraction exhibited little enzyme activity but rather contained a heat-labile inhibitory macromolecular factor(s), which might be attributed to the serum albumin present in this fraction. The microsomal fraction possessed low intrinsic enzyme activity, but the actvity could be fully stimulated by the presence of both GSH (reduced glutathione) and a phenolic cofactor. Only cysteine could partially replace GSH, whereas other thiols were inactive and some were even inhibitory. A variety of phenolic compounds, including catecholamines, dopamine (3,4-dihydroxyphenethylamine), 5-hydroxytryptamine and quinol, were active in stimulating prostaglandin synthase. In all cases, the stimulation was reflected in the synthesis of all three prostaglandins with ratios not significantly altered by different phenolic cofactors. The synthesis of each of the different prostaglandins appeared to have similar pH optima. The enzyme system was not inhibited by thiol-group inhibitors or a variety of metal chelators except for cyanide and 8-hydroxyquinoline. Characterization of the kidney-medulla prostaglandin synthase system indicated that it exhibited properties similar to those of the enzyme system present in seminal vesicles.  相似文献   

Lipolysis in rat fat pads was studied by determination of free fatty acid and glycerol production in various experimental conditions (in the absence or presence of glucose, adrenalin and insulin). These results were compared to the accumulation of endogenous prostaglandins E2 and F2alpha during lipolysis. In the absence of glucose the prostaglandin production followed the adrenalin-induced fluctuations in released free fatty acids both in the presence or absence of insulin. In the presence of glucose and insulin, a drop in prostaglandin accumulation was observed whereas free fatty acids production was strongly stimulated. These results suggest that either free fatty acid composition is modified, influencing the activity of prostaglandin synthetase, or that there exists a specific mechanism controlling prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

The prostaglandin synthesizing system in rabbit kidney microsomes was characterised using a radiometric assay. Three prostaglandins (F2alpha, E2 and D2) were formed form (1-14C)arachidonic acid, a small amount of prostaglandin A2 was also detected but this was formed non-enzymatically. Biosynthesis was stimulated by reduced-glutathione and 1-adrenaline and was inhibited by aspirin-like drugs. The enzyme system was sensitive to small changes in pH. There were substantial differences in drug sensitivity and optimal reaction conditions between this prostaglandin synthesizing system and the one from bovine seminal vesicles.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of prostanoids is regulated by three sequential enzymatic steps, namely phospholipase A2 enzymes, cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, and various lineagespecific terminal prostanoid synthases. Prostaglandin E synthase (PGES), which isomerizes COX-derived PGH2 specifically to PGE2, occurs in multiple forms with distinct enzymatic properties, expressions, localizations and functions. Two of them are membrane-bound enzymes and have been designated as mPGES-1 and mPGES-2. mPGES-1 is a perinuclear protein that is markedly induced by proinflammatory stimuli, is down-regulated by antiinflammatory glucocorticoids, and is functionally coupled with COX-2 in marked preference to COX-1. Recent gene targeting studies of mPGES-1 have revealed that this enzyme represents a novel target for anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer drugs. mPGES-2 is synthesized as a Golgi membrane-associated protein, and the proteolytic removal of the N-terminal hydrophobic domain leads to the formation of a mature cytosolic enzyme. This enzyme is rather constitutively expressed in various cells and tissues and is functionally coupled with both COX-1 and COX-2. Cytosolic PGES (cPGES) is constitutively expressed in a wide variety of cells and is functionally linked to COX-1 to promote immediate PGE2 production. This review highlights the latest understanding of the expression, regulation and functions of these three PGES enzymes.  相似文献   

The concurrent effect of indomethacin or aspirin on prostaglandins (PGs) biosynthesis and on cellular fatty acid efflux were compared. Studies with rabbit kidney medulla slices and with isolated perfused rabbit kidney showed a marked difference between the two non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, with regard to their effects on fatty acid efflux from kidney tissue. While aspirin effect was limited to inhibition of PGs biosynthesis, indomethacin also reduced the release of free fatty acids. In medullary slices, indomethacin inhibited the Ca2+ stimulation of phospholipase A2 activity and the resulting release of arachidonic and linoleic fatty acids. In the isolated perfused rabbit kidney, indomethacin inhibited the basal efflux of all fatty acids as well as the angiotensin II — induced selective release of arachidonate. Indomethacin also blunted the angiotensin II — induced temporal changes in the efflux of all other fatty acids. Neither indomethacin nor aspirin affected significantly the uptake and incorporation of exogenous (14C)-arachidonic acid into kidney total lipid fraction.Our tentative conclusion is that indomethacin inhibits basal as well as Ca2+ or hormone stimulated activity of kidney lipolytic enzymes. This action of indomethacin reduces the pool size of free arachidonate available for conversion to oxygenated products (both prostaglandin and non-prostaglandin types). The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can therefore be divided into two groups: a) aspirin-type compounds which inhibit PGs formation only by interacting with the prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase and b) indomethacin-type compounds which inhibit PG generation by both reduction in the amount of available arachidonate and direct interaction with the enzyme.  相似文献   

Prostaglandin (PG) synthesis in rabbit renal medullary homogenates was investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry utilizing two internal standards. The internal standards were added immediately after homogenization to an aliquot of the fresh homogenate. Another aliquot of the homogenate was incubated and subsequently the internal standards were added. The internal standards were 3,3,4,4 tetradeutero PGE2(d4-PGE2) for quantification of PGE2, the PGA1 for quantification of PGA2 and 3,3,4,4 tetradeutero PGA2, the latter representing an invitro dehydration product of d4-PGE2 generated during work up of the samples. In 6 experiments on 6 rabbits levels of PGE2 were 4.4 ± 1.6 μg/g (mean ± SD) renal medulla increasing during incubation to 14.95 ± 6.5 μg/g (p < 0.01) PGA2 levels were 0.03 ± 0.02 μg/g in the non-incubated samples and did not increase during incubation. When PGA2 levels were corrected for the amount of PGA2 formed by in virto dehydration from PGE2 as measured by the amount of d4-PGE2 dehydrated to d4-PGA2 during workup, PGA2 levels were indistinguishable from zero.  相似文献   

The effect of diarachidonin on the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 in rabbit kidney medulla slices was examined. The addition of diarachidonin stimulated prostaglandin E2 production in a dose-dependent manner. At three concentrations (10, 50 and 100 microM), increases in prostaglandin E2 formation induced by exogenous diarachidonin were 2-fold greater than those induced by exogenous arachidonic acid. Diacylglycerol or phosphatidic acid from egg lecithin had little or no effect on prostaglandin E2 production. Moreover, EGTA failed to inhibit diarachidonin-stimulated prostaglandin E2 formation, indicating that the stimulatory effect of diarachidonin is not mediated through the activation of endogenous phospholipase A2 (including phosphatidic acid-specific phospholipase A2). These results are discussed in the light of our former hypothesis that arachidonic acid release from kidney medulla phospholipids might occur through the sequential action of a phospholipase C coupled to diacylglycerol and monoacylglycerol lipases [Fujimoto, Akamatsu, Hattori & Fujita (1984) Biochem. J. 218, 69-74].  相似文献   

The microsomes of rabbit kidney medulla converted arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2 in the presence of hemoglobin, tryptophan and glutathione as activators. When themicrosomal suspension was treated with 1% Tween 20, a solubilized enzyme was obtained which catalyzed the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandins G2 and H2. The solubilized enzyme was adsorbed to and then eluted from an omega-aminooctyl Sepharose 4B column, resulting in about 10-fold purification over the microsomes. The partially purified enzyme produced predominantly prostaglandin G2 in the presence of hemoglobin, while prostaglandin H2 was produced in the presence of both hemoglobin and tryptophan. The stimulation of prostaglandin endoperoxide formation was also observed with other heme and aromatic compounds. Prostaglandin H2 synthesis was inhibited by a variety of compounds including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, thiol compounds and prostaglandin analogues with a thiol group(s).  相似文献   

Serum and/or arachidonic acid stimulated prostaglandin production by dog kidney (MDCK) cells. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) at concentrations of 10?9 to 10?10 M stimulated the biosynthesis of prostaglandins by MDCK cells but not that by human fibroblasts (D-550), mouse fibroblasts (3T3), transformed mouse fibroblasts (MC5-5), and rabbit aorta endothelial cells (CLO). EGF also stimulated the release of radioactivity from MDCK cells radioactively labelled with [3H]arachidonic acid.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism of guanosine 3′,5′-monophosphate (cGMP) production in rabbit parotid acinar cells. Methacholine, a muscarinic cholinergic agonist, stimulated cGMP production in a dose-dependent manner but not isoproterenol, a β-adrenergic receptor stimulant. Methacholine-stimulated cGMP production has been suggested to be coupled to Ca2+ mobilization, because intracellular Ca 2+ elevating reagents, such as thapsigargin and the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, mimicked the effect of methacholine. The cGMP production induced by Ca2+ mobilization has also been suggested to be coupled to nitric oxide (NO) generation because the effects of methacholine, thapsigargin and A23187 on cGMP production were blocked by NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a specific inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and hemoglobin, a scavenger of nitric oxide (NO). Sodium nitroprusside (SNP), a NO donor, stimulated cGMP production. Furthermore, methacholine stimulated NO generation, and NOS activity in the cytosolic fraction in rabbit parotid acinar cells was exclusively dependent on Ca2+. These findings suggest that cGMP production induced by the activation of muscarinic cholinergic receptors is coupled to NO generation via Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   

t-Butyl hydroperoxide and H2O2-Fe(2+)-EDTA-glutathione system which produces hydroxyl radicals did not affect the 15-hydroxy prostaglandin dehydrogenase activity in rabbit kidney cortex. On the other hand, H2O2-Fe(2+)-EDTA-glutathione system inhibited the prostaglandin delta 13 reductase activity. Mannitol, a scavenger of hydroxyl radicals, had no effect on the inhibitory action of this system, indicating that the effect of H2O2-Fe(2+)-EDTA-glutathione system on the prostaglandin delta 13 reductase may not be due to produced hydroxyl radicals. As a result of further investigation, it was shown that glutathione disulfide, which is synthesized concomitantly with hydroxyl radicals from H2O2-Fe(2+)-EDTA-glutathione, inhibited the prostaglandin delta 13 reductase activity. These results suggest that hydroperoxides and hydroxyl radicals may not be likely candidates for the modulator of the catabolism of prostaglandins in the kidney cortex, and that glutathione disulfide has the potential to modulate the prostaglandin catabolism by affecting the prostaglandin delta 13 reductase activity.  相似文献   

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