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Among peridomestic structures, chicken coops are sites of major importance for the domestic ecology of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). The aim of this study was to evaluate in an experimental context the effects of a cypermethrin pour‐on formulation applied to chickens on blood intake, moulting and mortality in T. infestans, under the natural climatic conditions of a region endemic for Chagas' disease. Experimental chicken huts were made of bricks and covered with plastic mosquito nets. Ninety fourth‐instar nymphs were maintained in each hut. The study used a completely random design in which chickens in the experimental group were treated with a cypermethrin pour‐on formulation. Five replicates (= huts) of the experimental and control groups were conducted. The number of live T. infestans, blood intake and moults to fifth‐instar stage were recorded at 1, 5, 20, 35 and 45 days after the application of cypermethrin. Cumulative mortality was higher in nymphs exposed to treated chickens (> 71%) than in control nymphs (< 50%) (P < 0.01). Blood intake and moulting rate were lower in nymphs fed on treated chickens than in control nymphs (P < 0.05). Pour‐on cypermethrin was able to cause significant mortality, although it did not eliminate the experimental population of T. infestans.  相似文献   

Chagas disease control requires an innovative approach to strengthen community participation in vector surveillance. This paper presents a case study of a community-based bug-hunting campaign in Guatemala. The campaign was implemented in 2007 in the following three stages: (i) a four week preparation stage to promote bug-hunting, (ii) a one week bug-hunting stage to capture and collect bugs and (iii) a 10 week follow-up stage to analyse the bugs and spray insecticide. A total of 2,845 bugs were reported, of which 7% were Triatominae vectors, such as Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma dimidiata. The bug-hunting campaign detected a five-six-fold higher amount of vectors in one week than traditional community-based surveillance detects in one year. The bug-hunting campaign effectively detected vectors during a short period, provided information to update the vector infestation map and increased community and political awareness regarding Chagas disease. This approach could be recommended as an effective and feasible strategy to strengthen vector surveillance on a larger scale.  相似文献   

Triatoma infestans Klug (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) populations were sampled in various localities throughout most of the species' geographic range of distribution in Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru. In order to contribute to understanding of the diversity and population structure of this major vector of Chagas' disease, cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles were analysed by capillary gas chromatography and variations evaluated by statistical methods of classification and ordination. High levels of intrapopulation variation were detected, along with low levels of variability among populations. Based on relative amounts of the major odd-numbered straight-chain hydrocarbons n-C27 to n-C33, two hydrocarbon phenotypes were evident, unequally distributed along the species' geographic range. Analysis of CHC patterns showed that T. infestans populations segregate into two major groups consisting of an Andean group, which comprises specimens from Peru and most parts of Bolivia, and a non-Andean group, which includes all specimens from Argentina and Paraguay, together with those from Tarija (Bolivia). Pyrethroid-resistant and -susceptible specimens were differentiated based on relative amounts of some straight and monomethyl-branched hydrocarbon components.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is one of the most important insect-vectored diseases in Brazil. The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae was evaluated against nymphs and adults of Panstrongylus megistus, Triatoma infestans, and T. sordida. Pathogenicity tests at saturated humidity demonstrated high susceptibility to fungal infection. The shortest estimates of 50% lethal time (LT50) for P. megistus varied from 4.6 (isolate E9) to 4.8 days (genetically modified strain 157p). For T. infestans, the shortest LT50 was 6.3 (E9) and 7.3 days (157p). For T. sordida, the shortest LT50 was 8.0 days (157p). The lethal concentration sufficient to kill 50% of T. infestans (LC50) was 1.9 × 107 conidia/ml for strain 157p. In three chicken coops that were sprayed with M. anisopliae, nymphs especially were well controlled, with a great population reduction of 38.5% after 17 days. Therefore M. anisopliae performed well, controlling Triatominae in both laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   

This study estimates the factors of artificial environments (houses and peridomestic areas) associated with Triatoma sordida occurrence. Manual searches for triatomines were performed in 136 domiciliary units (DUs) in two rural localities of Central-West Brazil. For each DU, 32 structural, 23 biotic and 28 management variables were obtained. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed in order to identify statistically significant variables associated with occurrence of T. sordida in the study areas. A total of 1,057 specimens (99% in peridomiciles, mainly chicken coops) of T. sordida were collected from 63 DUs (infestation: 47%; density: ~8 specimens/DU; crowding: ~17 specimens/infested DU; colonisation: 81%). Only six (0.6%) out of 945 specimens examined were infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The final adjusted logistic regression model indicated that the probability of T. sordida occurrence was higher in DU with wooden chicken coops, presence of > 30 animals in wooden corrals, presence of wood piles and presence of food storeroom. The results show the persistence of T. sordida in peridomestic habitats in rural localities of Central-West Brazil. However, the observed low intradomestic colonisation and minimal triatomine infection rates indicate that T. sordida has low potential to sustain high rates of T. cruzi transmission to residents of these localities.  相似文献   

Abstract Competition is a major aspect of the ecology of insect communities exploiting ephemeral and fragmented resources. We analysed the effect of intraspecific (single species culture) and interspecific (mixed species culture) competition on larval viability, developmental time and wing length in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii and Drosophila koepferae (Diptera: Drosophilidae) reared in cultured media prepared with fermenting tissues of three common natural cactus hosts in nature at different densities. Our results show that all traits measured were affected by both intra‐ and interspecifc competition, although the effect of competition depended on the Drosophila species and the rearing cactus. In fact, flies tended to have a lower viability, shorter wing size and longer developmental time as a function of increasing density in single species culture in both D. buzzatii and D. koepferae (intraespecific competition). Besides, the performance of both species was seriously affected (shorter body size, slower developmental times, lower viability) by the presence of heterospecific competitors except in the case of D. koepferae reared in its primary host plant, Trichocereus terschekii. We also show that D. koepferae successfully utilized Opuntia quimilo, which is absent in most parts of its distribution range. We discuss the roles of intra‐ and interspecific competition as determinants of the relative abundance of these two species in the arid zones of Southern South America.  相似文献   

Peridomestic structures are considered the main sites where Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) remain and disperse, representing the first risk factor for intradomestic invasion, even after vector control activities. This study analyzed T. infestans dispersal during vector control interventions in six rural houses of the arid Chaco (La Rioja, Argentina). Flying and walking dispersers were captured during five months of two consecutive warm seasons after insecticide spraying of intra‐ and peridomiciles. These data were compared with previous published data in the same scenario but without insecticide spraying in peridomiciles. Recorded climatic conditions were favorable for active dispersion during the study. Total number of T. infestans dispersers moving among domestic habitats decreased after insecticide spraying. Sylvatic triatomines T. guasayana, T. eratyrusiformis, T. garciabesi, and T. platensis, not targeted by insecticide spraying, were captured simultaneously within peridomestic areas and showed higher invasion pressure than T. infestans. Adult T. infestans peridomestic populations showed high nutritional status, indicating low dispersion probability. Some peridomiciles remained infested at the end of the study. However, no intradomiciles were recolonized. These results suggest that there is a low probability of intradomestic recolonization by active dispersion from peridomiciles during 15 months post‐spraying.  相似文献   

Little is known about how the virulence of a human pathogen varies in the environment it shares with its vector. This study focused on whether the virulence of Trypanosoma cruzi (Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae), the causal agent of Chagas' disease, is related to altitude. Accordingly, Triatoma dimidiata (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) specimens were collected at three different altitudes (300, 700 and 1400 m a.s.l.) in Chiapas, Mexico. The parasite was then isolated to infect uninfected T. dimidiata from the same altitudes, as well as female CD‐1 mice. The response variables were phenoloxidase (PO) activity, a key insect immune response, parasitaemia in mice, and amastigote numbers in the heart, oesophagus, gastrocnemius and brain of the rodents. The highest levels of PO activity, parasitaemia and amastigotes were found for Tryp. cruzi isolates sourced from 700 m a.s.l., particularly in the mouse brain. A polymerase chain reaction‐based analysis indicated that all Tryp. cruzi isolates belonged to a Tryp. cruzi I lineage. Thus, Tryp. cruzi from 700 m a.s.l. may be more dangerous than sources at other altitudes. At this altitude, T. dimidiata is more common, apparently because the conditions are more beneficial to its development. Control strategies should focus activity at altitudes around 700 m a.s.l., at least in relation to the region of the present study sites.  相似文献   

Triatoma infestans is the main vector of Chagas' disease in South America between latitudes 10°S and 46°S. A multilocus microsatellite data set of 836 individuals from 27 populations of T. infestans, from all its range of distribution in Argentina, was analyzed. Our results favor the hypothesis of two independent migration events of colonization in Argentina and secondary contacts. The majority of the populations of the western provinces of Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan and the west of Cordoba province, had almost no shared ancestry with the rest of the populations analyzed. Probably those populations, belonging to localities close to the Andean region, could have been established by the dispersal line of T. infestans that would have arrived to Argentina through the Andes, whereas most of the rest of the populations analyzed may have derived from the dispersal line of T. infestans in non-Andean lowlands. Among them, those from the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe shared different percentages of ancestry and presented lower degree of genetic differentiation. The migratory movement linked to regional economies and possibly associated with passive dispersal, would allow a higher genetic exchange among these populations of T. infestans. This study, using microsatellite markers, provides a new approach for evaluating the validity of the different hypotheses concerning the evolutionary history of this species. Two major lineages of T. infestans, an Andean and non-Andean, are suggested.  相似文献   

Abstract. Interspecific competition between two species of triatomine bugs (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), vectors of Chagas disease, was assessed for 16 months through comparative fecundity and mortality of experimental populations in chicken nests, maintained indoors with ambient conditions. Triatoma sordida (Stål), the secondary vector in north‐eastern Argentina, was compared with Triatoma infestans (Klug) the more widespread domestic vector in the southern cone of South America. Both species populations originated from females collected in 1995 from the community of Empedrado, Corrientes, Argentina. Three population units were monitored: T. infestans alone, T. sordida alone and both species together in equal proportions. Each population started with six male and six female adults, 116 eggs, and nymphal instars I to V numbering 82, 48, 16, 11 and 19, respectively. Numbers and weight of individual bugs were recorded monthly (August 1995 to December 1996). The pure populations of T. infestans and T. sordida showed temporal changes in abundance, rising in summer and falling in winter, similar to the typical trends under normal field conditions. In the mixed population, however, T. sordida fell to extinction after 6 months, whereas T. infestans reached similar abundance to the pure (control) population. For each nymphal instar of T. sordida, the mean body weight was significantly less and mortality rate was higher in the mixed population compared to the pure population, but there were no significant differences of adult longevity or fecundity between the pure and mixed populations of T. sordida. The apparent competitive displacement of T. sordida by T. infestans was attributed to the latter species having better ability to obtain bloodmeals. This might explain the rarity of mixed populations where these two species occur in sympatry.  相似文献   

Using experimental chicken houses at a site in central Argentina where the bug Triatoma infestans (Klug) is endemic, nine populations of this vector of Chagas disease were monitored during a 34-month period. Bug populations with four chickens as hosts were consistently larger than those with two chickens as hosts. Age structure of the bug population followed a similar pattern irrespective of the initial age structure. Egg to adult mortality was consistently around 98.5% and there was no consistent evidence for density-dependent mortality. There was some evidence for density dependence in fecundity and recruitment rates, but these were heavily constrained by low temperatures during the winter months. Nymphal development rates correlated most strongly with mean minimum temperatures rather than with mean maximum temperatures. We conclude that vector control using insecticides against this species would be most effective at the onset of winter, when recovery of any surviving populations would be inhibited by low temperatures.  相似文献   

Triatoma patagonica Del Ponte (Hemiptera: Reduviidae), a vector of Chagas' disease, is widely distributed in Argentina and is found in sylvatic and peridomiciliary ecotopes, as well as occasionally in human dwellings after the chemical control of Triatoma infestans. Anti-cholinesteratic products can be applied in peridomiciliary areas and thus knowledge of cholinesterase activity during embryonic development in this species might contribute further information relevant to effective chemical control. Cholinesterase activity was characterized by reactions to eserine 10(-5) m, to increasing concentrations of substrate and to varying centrifugal speeds. Acetylcholinesterase activity was detected on day 4 and was significant from day 5. A reduction in cholinesterase activity towards acetylthiocholine (ATC) was observed on days 9 and 10 of development. Cholinesterase activity towards ATC and butyrylthiocholine (BTC) in homogenates of eggs was inhibited by eserine 10(-5) m. The shape of the curve indicating levels of inhibition at different concentrations of ATC was typical of acetylcholinesterase. Activity towards BTC did not appear to be inhibited by excess substrate, which parallels the behaviour of butyrylcholinesterases. Cholinesterase activity towards ATC was reduced in supernatant centrifuged at 15 000 g compared with supernatant centrifuged at 1100 g. The cholinesterase system that hydrolyzes mainly ATC seems to belong to the nervous system, as indicated by its behaviour towards the substrates assayed, its greater insolubility and the fact that it evolves parallel to the development of the nervous system. Knowledge of biochemical changes associated with the development and maturation of the nervous system during embryonic development would contribute to the better understanding of anti-cholinesteratic compounds with ovicidal action that might be used in control campaigns against vectors of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Goat production is an important economic activity for rural communities in the Gran Chaco of Argentina. Goat corrals are important for the survival of peridomestic populations of Triatoma infestans. This study evaluated the impact of modifying the traditional structure of goat corrals on T. infestans populations and goat productivity in the region of Los Llanos (La Rioja). Thirty-nine experimental corrals were constructed and 57 traditional corrals were used as controls. We evaluated the infestations of the control and experimental corrals for five years following construction of the structures. The results showed that the new structures did not prevent the colonization, although it enhanced the detection of infestation at low densities of T. infestans. No significant difference was found in T. infestans population abundance between control and experimental corrals, probably because of the different detectability in the two types of structures, especially among the small nymphs. Although goat productivity average was higher in experimental than in control corrals, no significant difference was found because of high variability. The new structures can be used as a complement to promote the development of rural communities. Acceptability and adoption of the new corrals by the owners was high, as the enclosures offered better protection for the goats, increased growth of kids and facilitated herd handling.  相似文献   

Microsatellites were identified and characterized from Triatoma infestans, the principal vector of Chagas’ disease in the Southern Cone of South American countries. Ninety‐three microsatellite loci were isolated from partial genomic libraries, of which 30 were amplified and 10 were selected for genotyping. The degree of intrapopulation variation in these loci was determined using 34 specimens from the locality of Chancaní (Córdoba, Argentina). The number of alleles per locus ranged from five to 19 and the expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.608 to 0.941. The variability of these microsatellite markers provides a valuable molecular tool for population genetic studies in T. infestans.  相似文献   

Deltamethrin‐based campaigns to control Triatoma infestans (Klug) (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) have decreased in success as a result of the development of insecticide resistance. We compared the in vitro effects of the pyrethroid deltamethrin and two doses of the organophosphate fenitrothion, presented on different materials, on T. infestans from La Esperanza, Argentina. Laboratory tests demonstrated a decrease in susceptibility to deltamethrin in the field population [LD50: 30.32 nanograms per insect (ng/i)] compared with the reference population (LD50: 0.13 ng/i), giving a high resistance ratio of 233.42. By contrast, similar susceptibility to fenitrothion was assessed in both the field and reference populations (LD50: 21.65 ng/i and 21.38 ng/i, respectively). The effectiveness of the formulated insecticides varied according to the surfaces to which they were applied. The application of fenitrothion formulations to glass or brick resulted in mortality of 90–100%. The application of fenitrothion formulations to wood or mud caused mortality in the range of 6.7–56.7%. Resistant insects presented low mortality when exposed to the deltamethrin formulation and high mortality when exposed to fenitrothion formulations. Moreover, the insecticides demonstrated residual activity only when applied to glass. The present work demonstrates that fenitrothion is an alternative to pyrethroids for the management of deltamethrin‐resistant insects in La Esperanza. However, this effectiveness is not sustained over time.  相似文献   

Experiments were done to determine the effect of BCG treatment on longevity, development of parasitemia, and in vivo distribution of 51Cr-labelled trypanosomes in C3H(He) female mice infected with a Brazil strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. BCG sensitization of mice was accomplished by a single IV injection of 3·0 mg (wet weight) of BCG. Twenty-one days after BCG injection mice were infected with 5 × 104 blood-form trypomastigotes. Parasitemia determinations were made on alternate days during the experiment while in vivo distribution of exogenously supplied 51Cr-epimastigotes was made in groups of BCG or PBS stimulated mice on day 15 of the T. cruzi infection.It was found that BCG sensitization had no effect on longevity or parasitemia development in T. cruzi infected C3H(He) female mice. There were, however, some differences in the in vivo distribution of parasites between BCG treated and control mice. BCG stimulated mice accumulated greater numbers of radiolabelled trypanosomes in the kidneys and small intestines while PBS treated mice were found to have greater numbers of labelled parasites in the liver. Although no significant differences were observed in longevity of BCG or PBS treated mice, it was noted that BCG treated animals which were bled for parasitemia determinations lived significantly longer than those which were merely observed for longevity.  相似文献   

The genetic structure in populations of the Chagas' disease vector Triatoma infestans was examined. Comparisons of the levels of genetic variability in populations of this species from areas with different periods since last insecticide treatment and from areas that never received treatment were also carried out. A total of 598 insects from 19 populations were typed for 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The average observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.186 to 0.625 and from 0.173 to 0.787, respectively. Genetic drift and limited gene flow appear to have generated a substantial degree of genetic differentiation among the populations of T. infestans. Departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations due to an excess of homozygotes suggested the presence of null alleles and population subdivision. Microgeographical analysis supports the existence of subdivision in T. infestans populations. Levels of genetic diversity in the majority of the populations of T. infestans from insecticide-treated localities were similar or higher than those detected in populations from areas without treatment. Since the populations of T. infestans are subdivided, a population bottleneck would result in independent genetic drift effects that could randomly preserve different combinations of alleles in each subpopulation. These events followed by a rapid population growth could have preserved high levels of genetic diversity. This study supports the hypothesis of vector population recovery from survivors of the insecticide-treated areas and therefore highlights the value of population genetic analyses in assessing the effectiveness of Chagas' disease vector control programmes.  相似文献   

Males and females of dioecious plant species often show different responses to competition with individuals of the same or opposite gender, but almost no data are available on the outcome of competition with members of other species. Here, we show that male and female individuals of the wind-pollinated herb Mercurialis annua are sexually dimorphic in both their intraspecific and interspecific competitive abilities. In a controlled experiment, we found that both sexes of M. annua were negatively affected by interspecific competition, but the sensitivity of males and females depended on the identity of their competitor species, with females tending to suppress the aboveground growth of competitor species more than males. Further, we found that intrasexual and intersexual competition affected the aboveground growth of males but not that of females: only males showed a significant reduction in growth when growing with conspecific competitors (male or female). We discuss our results with reference to related studies that suggest that males and females of M. annua have different resource requirements for reproduction, which in turn affect their competitive abilities.  相似文献   

We investigated the site occupancy dynamics of greater prairie-chickens at Konza Prairie Biological Station, a protected site in northeastern Kansas that is managed for ecological research. We surveyed the site during mid-Mar to mid-May, 1981–2008, and recorded detections of birds in a grid of 6.3 ha survey plots (n = 187 plots). We used multiseason occupancy models to estimate the probabilities of occupancy (ψ) and detection (p), and tested whether land cover in woody vegetation, and land use with prescribed fire or grazing management influenced the dynamic processes of site colonization and local extinction. Probability of detection per site was consistently <1 and varied among years (p = 0.12–0.82). Site occupancy of prairie-chickens declined 40% over the study period from a high of ψ = 0.19 ± 0.02 SE in 1981 to a low of 0.11 ± 0.03 in 2008, despite protection from disturbance at leks and losses to harvest. We found that different sets of environmental factors impacted the probabilities of colonization and local extinction. Probability of colonization for an unoccupied site was negatively associated with the proportion of site occupied by woodland cover (β = −1.25), and was lower for grazed sites (β = −0.62). In contrast, probability of local extinction was affected by a weak interaction between grazing and average frequency of prescribed fire (β = −1.01), but model-averaged slope coefficients were not statistically different than 0. To conserve prairie-chickens, we recommend prairies be managed with combinations of prescribed fire and grazing that maintain a heterogeneous mosaic of prairie habitats, while preventing woody encroachment. To assess biotic responses to land management practices, field sampling should be based on occupancy models or similar techniques that account for imperfect detection. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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