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Endocytosis plays key roles during infection of plant-pathogenic fungi, but its regulatory mechanisms are still largely unknown. Here, we identified a putative endocytosis-related gene, PAL1, which was highly expressed in appressorium of Magnaporthe oryzae, and was found to be important for appressorium formation and maturation. Deletion of PAL1 significantly reduced the virulence of M. oryzae due to defects in appressorial penetration and invasive growth in host cells. The Pal1 protein interacted and colocalized with the endocytosis protein Sla1, suggesting it is involved in endocytosis. The Δpal1 mutant was significantly reduced in appressorium formation, which was recovered by adding exogenous cAMP and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX). Moreover, the phosphorylation level of Pmk1 in Δpal1 was also reduced, suggesting Pal1 functions upstream of both the cAMP and Pmk1 signalling pathways. As a consequence, the utilization of glycogen and lipid, appressorial autophagy, actin ring formation, localization of septin proteins, as well as turgor accumulation were all affected in the Δpal1 mutant. Taken together, Pal1 regulates cAMP and the Pmk1 signalling pathway for appressorium formation and maturation to facilitate infection of M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Glutamate homeostasis plays a vital role in central nitrogen metabolism and coordinates several key metabolic functions. However, its function in fungal pathogenesis and development has not been investigated in detail. In this study, we identified and characterized a glutamate synthase gene MoGLT1 in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae that was important to glutamate homeostasis. MoGLT1 was constitutively expressed, but showed the highest expression level in appressoria. Deletion of MoGLT1 resulted in a significant reduction in conidiation and virulence. The ΔMoglt1 mutants were defective in appressorial penetration and the differentiation and spread of invasive hyphae in penetrated plant cells. The addition of exogenous glutamic acid partially rescued the defects of the ΔMoglt1 mutants in conidiation and plant infection. Assays for MoAtg8 expression and localization showed that the ΔMoglt1 mutants were defective in autophagy. The ΔMoglt1 mutants were delayed in the mobilization of glycogens and lipid bodies from conidia to developing appressoria. Taken together, our results show that glutamate synthase MoGlt1‐mediated glutamate homeostasis is important for pathogenesis and development in the rice blast fungus, possibly via the regulation of autophagy.  相似文献   

Intracellular free amino acid pools were quantified in suspension cultured cells of a blast‐sensitive and a blast‐resistant rice genotype at increasing times after treatment with Magnaporthe oryzae cell wall hydrolysates. Besides some expected variations in free phenylalanine, a remarkable early increase of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels was evident in both cultivars. Glutamate decarboxylase activity and protein levels were unaffected. GABA homeostasis was recovered in the sensitive cultivar 48 h after the treatment. In contrast, a further GABA accumulation and a general increase of most amino acids was found at this later stage in the resistant genotype, which showed a larger decrease in cell viability as a consequence of elicitor addition. Data support a recently hypothesised role of GABA metabolism in the plant response to fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Cell wall polysaccharides play key roles in fungal development, virulence, and resistance to the plant immune system, and are synthesized from many nucleotide sugars in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi secretory system. Nucleotide sugar transporters (NSTs) are responsible for transporting cytosolic-derived nucleotide sugars to the ER lumen for processing, but their roles in plant-pathogenic fungi remain to be revealed. Here, we identified two important NSTs, NST1 and NST2, in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Both NSTs were localized in the ER, which was consistent with a function in transporting nucleotide sugar for processing in the ER. Sugar transport property analysis suggested that NST1 is involved in transportation of mannose and glucose, while NST2 is only responsible for mannose transportation. Accordingly, deletion of NSTs resulted in a significant decrease in corresponding soluble saccharides abundance and defect in sugar utilization. Moreover, both NSTs played important roles in cell wall integrity, were involved in asexual development, and were required for full virulence. The NST mutants exhibited decreasing external glycoproteins and exposure of inner chitin, which resulted in activation of the host defence response. Altogether, our results revealed that two sugar transporters are required for fungal cell wall polysaccharides accumulation and full virulence of M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and breakdown have been studied in detail in plant‐pathogenic fungi, including the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae; however, the examination of the dynamic process of ROS production in real time has proven to be challenging. We resynthesized an existing ROS sensor, called HyPer, to exhibit optimized codon bias for fungi, specifically Neurospora crassa, and used a combination of microscopy and plate reader assays to determine whether this construct could detect changes in fungal ROS during the plant infection process. Using confocal microscopy, we were able to visualize fluctuating ROS levels during the formation of an appressorium on an artificial hydrophobic surface, as well as during infection on host leaves. Using the plate reader, we were able to ascertain measurements of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels in conidia as detected by the MoHyPer sensor. Overall, by the optimization of codon usage for N. crassa and related fungal genomes, the MoHyPer sensor can be used as a robust, dynamic and powerful tool to both monitor and quantify H2O2 dynamics in real time during important stages of the plant infection process.  相似文献   

During plant-pathogen interactions, the plant may mount several types of defense responses to either block the pathogen completely or ameliorate the amount of disease. Such responses include release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) to attack the pathogen, as well as formation of cell wall appositions (CWAs) to physically block pathogen penetration. A successful pathogen will likely have its own ROS detoxification mechanisms to cope with this inhospitable environment. Here, we report one such candidate mechanism in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, governed by a gene we refer to as MoHYR1. This gene (MGG_07460) encodes a glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) domain, and its homologue in yeast was reported to specifically detoxify phospholipid peroxides. To characterize this gene in M. oryzae, we generated a deletion mutantΔhyr1 which showed growth inhibition with increased amounts of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Moreover, we observed that the fungal mutants had a decreased ability to tolerate ROS generated by a susceptible plant, including ROS found associated with CWAs. Ultimately, this resulted in significantly smaller lesion sizes on both barley and rice. In order to determine how this gene interacts with other (ROS) scavenging-related genes in M. oryzae, we compared expression levels of ten genes in mutant versus wild type with and without H2O2. Our results indicated that the HYR1 gene was important for allowing the fungus to tolerate H2O2 in vitro and in planta and that this ability was directly related to fungal virulence.  相似文献   

Polar growth during appressorium formation is vital for the penetration peg formation in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. Previous research has shown that the Sln1-septin-exocyst complex, localized at the base of the appressorium in contact with the leaf surface, forms a ring structure that influences growth polarity and affects penetration peg formation, and is necessary for pathogenicity. Our previous research showed CK2 proteins assemble another ring structure positioned perpendicular to the Sln1-septin-exocyst complex. Our research showed that the CK2 ring needs to become correctly assembled for penetration peg function and subsequent plant infection. In the present study, we found that the ring structures of CK2 are absent in the appressorium of ΔMoSep3 septin deletion mutants lacking the septin ring of the Sln1-septin-exocyst complex. Sln1 affects the septin proteins that recruit the exocyst complex that localizes as another ring at the appressorium's bottom. Destruction of the exocyst complex by mutation also causes incorrect localization of the CK2 ring structure. In conclusion, CK2 probably takes part in reestablishing the appressorium' spolarity growth necessary for penetration peg formation. We can also conclude that the correct localization and assembly of one or more CK2 ring structures in the appressorium depend on the initial assembly of the Sln1-septin-exocyst complex two rings at the base of the appressorium.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, Rab GTPases and the retromer complex are important regulators of intracellular protein transport. However, the mechanistic relationship between Rab GTPases and the retromer complex in relation to filamentous fungal development and pathogenesis is unknown. In this study, we used Magnaporthe oryzae, an important pathogen of rice and other cereals, as a model filamentous fungus to dissect this knowledge gap. Our data demonstrate that the core retromer subunit MoVps35 interacts with the Rab GTPase MoYpt7 and they colocalize to the endosome. Without MoYpt7, MoVps35 is mislocalized in the cytoplasm, indicating that MoYpt7 plays an important role in the recruitment of MoVps35. We further demonstrate that the expression of an inactive MoYpt7-DN (GDP-bound form) mutant in M. oryzae mimicks the phenotype defects of retromer cargo-sorting complex (CSC) null mutants and blocks the proper localization of MoVps35. In addition, our data establish that MoVps17, a member of the sorting nexin family, is situated at the endosome independent of retromer CSC but regulates the sorting function of MoVps35 after its recruitment to the endosomal membrane by MoYpt7. Taken together, these results provide insight into the precise mechanism of retromer CSC recruitment to the endosome by MoYpt7 and subsequent sorting by MoVps17 for efficient conidiation and pathogenicity of M. oryzae.  相似文献   

Peroxisomes are ubiquitous organelles in eukaryotic cells that fulfil a variety of biochemical functions. The biogenesis of peroxisomes requires a variety of proteins, named peroxins, which are encoded by PEX genes. Pex14/17 is a putative recently identified peroxin, specifically present in filamentous fungal species. Its function in peroxisomal biogenesis is still obscure and its roles in fungal pathogenicity have not yet been documented. Here, we demonstrate the contributions of Pex14/17 in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae (Mopex14/17) to peroxisomal biogenesis and fungal pathogenicity by targeting gene replacement strategies. Mopex14/17 has properties of both Pex14 and Pex17 with regard to its protein sequence. Mopex14/17 is distributed at the peroxisomal membrane and is essential for efficient peroxisomal targeting of proteins containing peroxisomal targeting signal 1. MoPEX19 deletion leads to the cytoplasmic distribution of Mopex14/17, indicating that the peroxisomal import of Pex14/17 is dependent on Pex19. The knockout mutants of MoPEX14/17 show reduced fatty acid utilization, reactive oxygen species (ROS) degradation and cell wall integrity. Moreover, Δmopex14/17 mutants show delayed conidial generation and appressorial formation, and a reduction in appressorial turgor accumulation and penetration ability in host plants. These defects result in a significant reduction in the virulence of the mutant. These data indicate that MoPEX14/17 plays a crucial role in peroxisome biogenesis and contributes to fungal development and pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Actin assembly at the hyphal tip is key for polar growth and pathogenesis of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. The mechanism of its precise assemblies and biological functions is not understood. Here, we characterized the role of M. oryzae Twinfilin (MoTwf) in Moryzae infection through organizing the actin cables that connect to Spitzenkörper (Spk) at the hyphal tip. MoTwf could bind and bundle the actin filaments. It formed a complex with Myosin2 (MoMyo2) and the Woronin body protein Hexagonal peroxisome 1 (MoHex1). Enrichment of MoMyo2 and MoHex1 in the hyphal apical region was disrupted in a ΔMotwf loss-of-function mutant, which also showed a decrease in the number and width of actin cables. These findings indicate that MoTwf participates in the virulence of M. oryzae by organizing Spk-connected actin filaments and regulating MoHex1 distribution at the hyphal tip.  相似文献   

Male C57BL/6 mice were exposed to 1% (w/w) (+)- or (?)-2-ethylhexanoic acid or an equimolar mixture of these enantiomers in their diet for 4 or 10 days. A significant increase in liver weight and a 2- to 3-fold increase in the protein content of the mitochondrial fraction were seen in all cases. Peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA oxidation was increased 2- to 3.5-fold after 4 days of treatment and 4- to 5-fold after 10 days, while the corresponding increases in peroxisomal lauroyl-CoA oxidase activity were 2- to 3-fold and 9- to 12-fold, respectively. Peroxisomal catalase activity was unchanged, whereas the microsomal and cytosolic activities were increased 2- to 3-fold and 6- to 16-fold, respectively. These treatments also induced microsomal ω-hydroxylation of lauric acid 7-fold and soluble epoxide hydrolase activity in the mitochondrial and cytosolic fractions, as well as microsomal epoxide hydrolase activity about 50–100%. The only significant differences observed between the effects of (+)-2-ethylhexanoic acid and its (?)-enantiomer were on peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA oxidation and lauroyl-CoA oxidase activity after 4 days of treatment. In both these cases the (+)-enantiomer resulted in increases which were 50–75% greater than those seen with the (?)-form. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fibrosis in animal models and human diseases is associated with aberrant activation of the Wnt/β‐catenin pathway. Despite extensive research efforts, effective therapies are still not available. Myofibroblasts are major effectors, responsible for extracellular matrix deposition. Inhibiting the proliferation of the myofibroblast is crucial for treatment of fibrosis. Proliferation of myofibroblasts can have many triggering effects that result in fibrosis. In recent years, the Wnt pathway has been studied as an underlying factor as a primary contributor to fibrotic diseases. These efforts notwithstanding, the specific mechanisms by which Wnt‐mediated promotes fibrosis reaction remain obscure. The central role of the transforming growth factor‐β (TGF‐β) and myofibroblast activity in the pathogenesis of fibrosis has become generally accepted. The details of interaction between these two processes are not obvious. The present investigation was conducted to evaluate the level of sustained expression of fibrosis iconic proteins (vimentin, α‐SMA and collagen I) and the TGF‐β signalling pathway that include smad2/3 and its phosphorylated form p‐smad2/3. Detailed analysis of the possible molecular mechanisms mediated by β‐catenin revealed epithelial–mesenchymal transition and additionally demonstrated transitions of fibroblasts to myofibroblast cell forms, along with increased activity of β‐catenin in regulation of the signalling network, which acts to counteract autocrine TGF‐β/smad2/3 signalling. A major outcome of this study is improved insight into the mechanisms by which epithelial and mesenchymal cells activated by TGFβ1‐smad2/3 signalling through Wnt/β‐catenin contribute to lung fibrosis.  相似文献   

The rice blast pathogen, Magnaporthe oryzae has been widely used as a model pathogen to study plant infection-related fungal morphogenesis, such as penetration via appressorium and plant-microbe interactions at the molecular level. Previously, we identified a gene encoding peroxisomal alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase 1 (AGT1) in M. oryzae and demonstrated that the AGT1 was indispensable for pathogenicity. The AGT1 knockout mutants were unable to penetrate the host plants, such as rice and barley, and therefore were non-pathogenic. The inability of ∆Moagt1 mutants to penetrate the susceptible plants was likely due to the disruption in coordination of the β-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle resulted from a blockage in lipid droplet mobilization and eventually utilization during conidial germination and appressorium morphogenesis, respectively. Here, we further demonstrate the role of AGT1 in lipid mobilization by in vitro germination assays and confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

The chaperone-mediated sequestration of misfolded proteins into specialized quality control compartments represents an important strategy for maintaining protein homeostasis in response to stress. However, precisely how this process is controlled in time and subcellular space and integrated with the cell''s protein refolding and degradation pathways remains unclear. We set out to understand how aggregated proteins are managed during infection-related development by a globally devastating plant pathogenic fungus and to determine how impaired protein quality control impacts cellular differentiation and pathogenesis in this system. Here we show that in the absence of Hsp104 disaggregase activity, aggregated proteins are spatially sequestered into quality control compartments within conidia, but not within terminally differentiated infection cells, and thus spatial protein quality control is cell type–dependent. We demonstrate that impaired aggregate resolution results in a short-term developmental penalty but has no significant impact upon appressorium function. Finally, we show that, somewhat unexpectedly, the autophagy machinery is necessary for the normal formation and compartmentalization of protein aggregates. Taken together, our findings provide important new insight into spatial protein quality control during the process of terminal cellular differentiation by a globally important model eukaryote and reveal a new level of interplay between major proteostasis pathways.  相似文献   

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