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《Fungal biology》2020,124(9):753-765
The cereal infecting fungus Fusarium graminearum is predicted to possess a single homologue of plant RALF (rapid alkalinisation factor) peptides. Fusarium mutant strains lacking FgRALF were generated and found to exhibit wildtype virulence on wheat and Arabidopsis floral tissue. Arabidopsis lines constitutively overexpressing FgRALF exhibited no obvious change in susceptibility to F. graminearum leaf infection. In contrast transient virus-mediated over-expression (VOX) of FgRALF in wheat prior to F. graminearum infection, slightly increased the rate of fungal colonisation of floral tissue. Ten putative Feronia (FER) receptors of RALF peptide were identified bioinformatically in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum). Transient silencing of two wheat FER homoeologous genes prior to F. graminearum inoculation did not alter the subsequent interaction outcome. Collectively, our VOX results show that the fungal RALF peptide may be a minor contributor in F. graminearum virulence but results from fungal gene deletion experiments indicate potential functional redundancy within the F. graminearum genome. We demonstrate that virus-mediated over-expression is a useful tool to provide novel information about gene/protein function when results from gene deletion/disruption experimentation were uninformative.  相似文献   

We report the recombinant preparation from Escherichia coli cells of samples of two closely related, small, secreted cysteine‐rich plant peptides: rapid alkalinization factor 1 (RALF1) and rapid alkalinization factor 8 (RALF8). Purified samples of the native sequence of RALF8 exhibited well‐resolved nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra and also biological activity through interaction with a plant receptor kinase, cytoplasmic calcium mobilization, and in vivo root growth suppression. By contrast, RALF1 could only be isolated from inclusion bodies as a construct containing an N‐terminal His‐tag; its poorly resolved NMR spectrum was indicative of aggregation. We prepared samples of the RALF8 peptide labeled with 15N and 13C for NMR analysis and obtained near complete 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR assignments; determined the disulfide pairing of its four cysteine residues; and examined its solution structure. RALF8 is mostly disordered except for the two loops spanned by each of its two disulfide bridges.  相似文献   

Three MADS-box cDNA clones and two corresponding genomic sequences (gDNAs) have been isolated from the bryophyte Physcomitrella patens and sequenced. Our findings indicate that the genes may be expressed in a tissue- or age-specific manner, and that expression of one of them is regulated by an alternative splicing mechanism. Conceptual translation of the clones reveals that the encoded MADS-domain proteins have the typical plant-domain pattern (MIKC). Additionally, there is a high degree of conservation of intron number and positions between angiosperm MADS-box genes and the moss loci. These observations confirm the homology of moss and higher plant MADS-box genes. We conclude that the MIKC pattern evolved in MADS-box genes after the separation of the plant lineage from that of fungi and animals, and that it must have been present in the common ancestor of mosses, ferns and seed plants. Therefore it evolved at least 400 million yr ago. Phylogenetic analysis of a large subset of the sequenced plant MADS-box genes, incorporating those from P. patens , indicates that the bryophyte genes are not orthologues of spermatophyte genes belonging to any of the well recognized higher plant gene subfamilies. This conclusion accords well with reports that the known fern MADS-box genes also comprise subfamilies distinct from those of higher plants. Therefore we tentatively propose that the gene duplication and diversification events that created the MADS-box gene subfamilies, discernible in extant angiosperm and other spermatophyte groups, occurred after separation of the moss and fern lineages from the lineage which produced the higher plants.  相似文献   

A factor having the expected properties of the in vivo oxidant responsible for inactivating the in vivo light-activated chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1) has been partially purified from cell-free extracts of Dunaliella salina. This factor is highly polar, weakly acidic, and relatively temperature stable. The ability of this factor to inactivate light-activated CF1 is prevented if it is pretreated with reductants such as dithiothreitol. The factor has virtually no effect on the ethanol-induced, Mg2+ -dependent ATPase activity of the isolated CF1.  相似文献   

Presently the gold standard diagnostic technique for rabies is the direct immunofluorescence assay (dFA) which is very expensive and requires a high level of expertise. There is a need for more economical and user friendly tests, particularly for use in developing countries. We have established one such test called the direct rapid immunohistochemical test (dRIT) for diagnosis of rabies using brain tissue. The test is based on capture of rabies nucleoprotein (N) antigen in brain smears using a cocktail of biotinylated monoclonal antibodies specific for the N protein and color development by streptavidin peroxidase-amino ethyl carbazole and counter staining with haematoxollin. The test was done in parallel with standard FAT dFA using 400 brain samples from different animals and humans. The rabies virus N protein appears under light microscope as reddish brown particles against a light blue background. There was 100 % correlation between the results obtained by the two tests. Also, interpretation of results by dRIT was easier and only required a light microscope. To conclude, this newly developed dRIT technique promises to be a simple, cost effective diagnostic tool for rabies and will have applicability in field conditions prevalent in developing countries.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor [1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-phosphocholine; PAF] is a unique signaling phospholipid which has been implicated in a number of biological activities (e.g., reproduction). PAF has been detected in the spermatozoa from a number of laboratory and domestic species, including, but not limited to, rabbit, bovine, and the mouse. The concentration of PAF is inversely related to human (Homo sapien) spermatozoal quality. Additionally, PAF levels are significantly higher in Bolivian squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) spermatozoa obtained during the breeding season than spermatozoa obtained during the nonbreeding season. There are no reports on the presence of PAF in rhesus (Macaca mulatta) spermatozoa. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to detect the presence of PAF in rhesus spermatozoa. A second objective was to determine if PAF spermatozoa levels differ between animals housed individually (single-caged) versus free-ranging (open corrals). Semen were collected from mature rhesus via electro-ejaculation. Spermatozoa were washed free of ejaculatory plug and quick frozen in PBS. Endogenous lipids were extracted from thawed spermatozoa and ejaculatory plugs then assayed for the presence of PAF by [125I]-radioimmunoassay. PAF was not detected in any ejaculatory plugs. PAF levels were significantly higher (P < 0.01) in spermatozoa obtained from free-ranging males (mean: 1.16 pmol/10(6) spermatozoa) than males housed individually in single cage units (mean: 0.53 pmol/10(6) spermatozoa). PAF was present in rhesus spermatozoa. Additionally, PAF levels were higher in spermatozoa obtained from corral-housed animals. Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the role of PAF in spermatozoa function.  相似文献   

This review describes a comprehensive analysis of a surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor study of molecular interactions in the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) molecular axis. In this study, we focus on the interaction between the polypeptide growth factors IGF-I and IGF-II with six soluble IGF binding proteins (IGFBP 1-6), which occur naturally in various biological fluids. We have describe the conditions required for the accurate determination of kinetic rate constants for these interactions and highlight the experimental and theoretical pitfalls, which may be encountered in the early stages of such a study. We focus on IGFBP-5 and describe a site-directed mutagenesis study, which examines the contribution of various residues in the protein to high affinity interaction with IGF-I and -II. We analyse the interaction of IGFBP-5 (and IGFBP-3) with heparin and other biomolecules and describe experiments, which were designed to monitor multi-protein complex formation in this molecular axis.  相似文献   

Platelet-activating factor (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine) (PAF) is a potent signaling phospholipid which has pleiotropic biological properties in addition to platelet activation. PAF has been detected in the spermatozoa in a number of species. The concentration of PAF is inversely related to human spermatozoal quality. There are no reports on the presence of PAF in nonhuman primate spermatozoa. Therefore, the primary objective of this study was to determine if PAF is present in the spermatozoa from the squirrel monkey (which is a seasonal breeder). A second objective was to determine if PAF levels change from the breeding to the nonbreeding season. Endogenous lipids were extracted from mature Bolivian squirrel monkeys (Saimiri boliviensis) spermatozoa and assayed for the presence of PAF by [125I] radioimmunoassay. PAF was detected in all samples assayed. PAF levels were significantly higher (P< 0.01) during the breeding season (mean: 3.58 ng/106 spermatozoa) than the nonbreeding season (mean: 0.76 ng/106 spermatozoa). The data demonstrate that PAF is present in squirrel monkey spermatozoa, with higher levels found during the breeding season. Additional studies are warranted to elucidate the role of PAF in spermatozoa function. Am. J. Primatol. 45:301–305, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

For the efficient surface presentation and release of virulence factors especially pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria have developed several distinct secretion mechanisms. An increasing number of pathogens in various species employs a mechanism denoted the 'autotransporter' pathway. This pathway is characterised by an outer membrane translocator module representing the C-terminal domain of the transported protein itself. An intriguing potential application of such systems involves the transport and surface expression of recombinant proteins or peptides, like e.g. the presentation of antigens for the generation of live oral vectors as vaccine carriers. Here we report on the incorporation of heterologous (poly-) peptides in permissive sites of the translocator module of the adhesin-involved-in-diffuse-adherence (AIDA) autotransporter system. We demonstrate the presentation of the B subunit of the heat labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli (LTB) as well as of functional T-cell epitopes of Yersinia enterocolitica heat-shock protein 60 (Y-hsp60) on the surface of E. coli.  相似文献   

Plant (and fungal) mitochondria contain multiple NAD(P)H dehydrogenases in the inner membrane all of which are connected to the respiratory chain via ubiquinone. On the outer surface, facing the intermembrane space and the cytoplasm, NADH and NADPH are oxidized by what is probably a single low-molecular-weight, nonproton-pumping, unspecific rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenase. Exogenous NADH oxidation is completely dependent on the presence of free Ca2+ with aK 0.5 of about 1 µM. On the inner surface facing the matrix there are two dehydrogenases: (1) the proton-pumping rotenone-sensitive multisubunit Complex I with properties similar to those of Complex I in mammalian and fungal mitochondria. (2) a rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenase with equal activity with NADH and NADPH and no proton-pumping activity. The NADPH-oxidizing activity of this enzyme is completely dependent on Ca2+ with aK 0.5 of 3 µM. The enzyme consists of a single subunit of 26 kDa and has a native size of 76 kDa, which means that it may form a trimer.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescence sandwich enzyme immunoassay, using a glucose oxidase (GO) label, was developed for detecting attomole amounts of human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). Purified goat F(ab′)2 immobilized on a bead and purified goat Fab′ labelled with GO were selected in combination with a chemiluminescent detection system comprising luminol and ferricyanide. The detection limits for G-CSF were 4amol/assay (1 pg/mL) in buffer solution and 10 amol/assay (2.5 pg/mL) in human serum. Coefficients of variation within assay and between assay ranged from 5.5% to 7.8% and from 3.4% to 16.0%, respectively. The G-CSF content of serum from normal healthy individuals was measurable using this method. G-CSF in 24 normal human sera showed a mean value of 19.3 pg/mL and ranged from 3.6 to 83.0 pg/mL.  相似文献   

Tissue factor (TF)-mediated factor VII (FVII) activation and a subsequent proteolytic TF-FVIIa binary complex formation is the key step initiating the coagulation cascade, with implications in various homeostatic and pathologic scenarios. TF binding allosterically modifies zymogen-like free FVIIa to its highly catalytically active form. As a result of unresolved crystal structure of the full-length TF1-263-FVIIa binary complex and free FVIIa, allosteric alterations in FVIIa following its binding to full-length TF and the consequences of these on function are not entirely clear. The present study aims to map and identify structural alterations in FVIIa and TF resulting from full-length TF binding to FVIIa and the key events responsible for enhanced FVIIa activity in coagulation. We constructed the full-length TF1-263-FVIIa membrane bound complex using computational modeling and subjected it to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. MD simulations showed that TF alters the structure of each domain of FVIIa and these combined alterations contribute to enhanced TF-FVIIa activity. Detailed, domain-wise investigation revealed several new non-covalent interactions between TF and FVIIa that were not found in the truncated soluble TF-FVIIa crystal structure. The structural modulation of each FVIIa domain imparted by TF indicated that both inter and intra-domain communication is crucial for allosteric modulation of FVIIa. Our results suggest that these newly formed interactions can provide additional stability to the protease domain and regulate its activity profile by governing catalytic triad (CT) orientation and localization. The unexplored newly formed interactions between EGF2 and TF provides a possible explanation for TF-induced allosteric activation of FVIIa.  相似文献   

Abstract. When detached leaves of Sedum telephium are incubated in the absence of water, a rapid switch from C3 photosynthesis to CAM (as indicated by the onset of day-to-night fluctuations in titratable acidity. ΔH+) occurs within the first dark period. The C3-CAM switch in intact plants occurs within 3 5d. Extractable activity of phospho enol pyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) increases five-fold in intact plants during CAM induction; however, during rapid CAM induction in detached leaves, there is only a very small increase in PEPC activity. Fractionation by anion exchange chromatography of crude extracts from leaves of intact plants subjected to water deficit shows that CAM induction is associated with the appearance of a molecular species of PEPC termed PEPC I. PEPC I is barely detectable in well-watered plants which are not performing CAM. The major form in these plants is termed PEPC II. In leaves from intact plants, there is a significant positive correlation between PEPC I activity and ΔH+ during a period of increasing water deficit. PEPC I exhibits day to night fluctuations in malate sensitivity, being less sensitive during the dark period. In contrast, PEPC II is more sensitive to inhibition by malate and has no day to night fluctuation in sensitivity. In detached leaves deprived of water, a small increase in PEPC I capacity is detected at the end of the first dark period (20 h after the start of treatment). The results suggest that PEPC I is required for attainment of maximum nocturnal malic acid synthesis. There is a significant correlation between leaf water status (relative water content), ΔH+, total PEPC and PEPC I activity suggesting that the internal water status of the plant may be a trigger for CAM induction. Abscisic acid applied to detached leaves does not cause nocturnal acidification.  相似文献   

Preillumination of intact cells of the eukaryotic, halotolerant, cell-wall-less green alga Dunaliella salina induces a dark ATPase activity the magnitude of which is about 3–5-fold higher than the ATPase activity observed in dark-adapted cells. The light-induced activity arises from the activation and stabilization in vivo of chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF1). This activity, 150–300 μmol ATP hydrolyzed/mg Chl per h, rapidly decays (with a half-time of about 6 min at room temperature) in intact cells but only slowly decays (with a half-time of about 45 min at room temperature) if the cells are lysed by osmotic shock immediately after illumination. The activated form of the ATPase in lysed cells is inhibited if the membranes are treated with ferri- but not ferrocyanide, suggesting that the stabilization of the activated form of CF1 is due to the reduction of the enzyme in vivo in the light.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of benzo(a)pyrene by a newly isolated Fusarium sp   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) is a five-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon produced by the incomplete combustion of organic materials. It is one of the priority pollutants listed by the US Environmental Protection Agency. This study describes a fungal isolate that is able to biodegrade benzo(a)pyrene. The filamentous fungus, isolated from leaves of Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz., was identified as a Fusarium sp. (strain E033). Fusarium sp. E033 was able to survive in the presence of benzo(a)pyrene concentrations up to 1.2 mM (300 mg L(-1)). Biodegradation experiments using 0.4 mM (100 mg L(-1)) benzo(a)pyrene demonstrated that Fusarium sp. E033 was able to degrade 65-70% of the initial benzo(a)pyrene provided, and two transformation products, a dihydroxy dihydro-benzo(a)pyrene and a benzo(a)pyrene-quinone, were detected within 30 days of incubation at 32 degrees C. The factors affecting biodegradation efficiency were also investigated. While increasing aeration promoted better fungal growth and benzo(a)pyrene biodegradation, increasing the glucose concentration from 5 to 50 mM had an adverse effect on biodegradation. Ethanol and methanol, provided at 5 mM to increase benzo(a)pyrene water solubility, increased the fungal biomass yield but did not promote degradation. The Fusarium sp. E033 isolated in this study can tolerate and degrade relatively high concentrations of benzo(a)pyrene, suggesting its potential application in benzo(a)pyrene bioremediation.  相似文献   

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