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The influence of the ovaries and presence of a foal on periparturient concentrations of FSH and LH were studied in 19 Pony mares. In intact and ovariectomized mares, mean concentrations of FSH fluctuated between 1.1and 9.9 ng/ml on Days -14 to-1 before parturition (Day 0). A surge of FSH occurred in all mares in association with parturition. From Days 1 to 10, the high levels of FSH gradually decreased in the intact group to the minimal concentrations that occur during oestrus, but remained elevated in the ovariectomized mares. There were no significant pre-partum changes in LH in either type of mare. Post-partum changes in LH concentrations increased at a similar rate in ovariectomized and intact mares. The presence of a foal significantly lengthened the interval to first oestrus, depressed LH levels on Days 6--10 and decreased the FSH concentrations as averaged over the 10 days before the first ovulation after parturition.  相似文献   

Modulation of reproductive functions is one of the multiple effects of growth hormone (GH). To investigate effects of reproductive functions on GH release in the horse, plasma GH concentrations in ovary-intact (n = 7) and ovariectomized (n = 8) mares during the anovulatory and breeding seasons and in pregnant mares (n = 6) at various stages of gestation were determined. To analyze an opioidergic regulation of GH release, repeated blood samples were taken over 3 h, and mares were injected with the opioid antagonist naloxone (0.5 mg/kg i.v.) or saline. GH was determined by RIA with an antiserum raised against porcine GH and equine GH as standard. In ovariectomized and ovary-intact, cyclic mares, GH concentrations were low and not different between the two groups in November and December. GH concentrations increased significantly (P < 0.05) in cyclic mares during May and June but were not affected by stage of the cycle and were low in ovariectomized mares. In pregnant mares, plasma GH concentrations remained high throughout pregnancy and did not decrease during winter but increased significantly (P < 0.05) postpartum. Naloxone induced a significant GH release in ovary-intact mares; this response was most pronounced (P < 0.05) during the breeding season. Naloxone did not affect GH in ovariectomized mares. During pregnancy, naloxone induced a significant release of GH around Day 280 (P < 0.05) but not at other times of pregnancy. In conclusion, GH release is influenced by season. The seasonal changes depend on ovarian factors, are absent in ovariectomized mares, and can be modulated by pregnancy. GH release is regulated at least in part by opioidergic pathways.  相似文献   

Daily injections of 150 units oxytocin administered to 6 mares on Days 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 after ovulation (Day 0 = ovulation) failed to induced luteolysis as indicated by the maintenance of normal plasma progestagen concentrations and the occurrence of normal ovulatory intervals. Three additional mares were given oestrogen injections 24 h before an injection of oxytocin on Day 7 after ovulation, but this treatment also failed to induce luteolysis since plasma progestagen concentrations were maintained in all three mares. Two mares exhibited normal ovulatory intervals, while the third developed a corpus luteum which persisted for 46 days.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the efficacy of domperidone in the prevention of reproductive complications of fescue toxicosis in periparturient mares. Pregnant mares at ≤310 days of gestation were fed ≥200 μg ergovaline per kg diet daily in endophyte-infected fescue hay and seed, starting ≥30 days before their expected foaling date (EFD: 340 days after breeding). Thirty-five mares were randomized to a treatment group to receive either domperidone gel (n = 20, 1.1 mg/kg, PO, once daily) or placebo (n = 15). Treatment was initiated 10 to 15 days before the EFD and continued for 5 days after foaling. “Treatment success” was defined as foaling within 14 days of the EFD, adequate mammary development on the day of foaling, and adequate lactation for 5 days postpartum. Twenty-seven mares were included in the effectiveness analysis. More mares in the domperidone group (12/13, P < 0.0001) were treatment successes than in the control group (1/14). Gestation length was shorter (P = 0.0011), and lactation at foaling (P = 0.0011) was better for the domperidone-group mares. Foals from two control mares were born dead and four others died or were euthanized within a few days after birth, compared with one foal death (an autolyzed twin) from a domperidone-treated mare. Plasma IgG concentrations were evaluated in 24 foals. Failure of passive transfer of immunoglobulins (IgG <800 mg/dL) occurred in 13/16 (81%) foals of domperidone-group mares and 7/8 (88%) foals of control mares. In conclusion, the reproductive complications of fescue toxicosis in periparturient mares induced by a fescue seed/hay model were prevented by treatment with domperidone.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to measure plasma oxytocin concentrations at 4 different stages of the estrous cycle in 11 pony mares. Plasma oxytocin concentrations (muU/ml +/- SE) were found to be higher (P<.01) on day 2 of estrous (39.8 +/- 12.5) and day 5 post-ovulation (33.1 +/- 12.0) than on day 10 (2.3 +/- 1.6) and day 15 post-ovulation (6.8 +/- 4.1). A second experiment was conducted to measure jugular plasma oxytocin concentrations before and after sexual arousal in six pony stallions. Oxytocin concentrations (muU/ml +/- SE) were higher (P<0.06) after sexual arousal (50.5 +/- 8.9) than before sexual arousal (23.8 +/- 2.9). These data suggest plasma oxytocin concentrations may be associated with ovarian function in mares and with sexual behavior in stallions.  相似文献   

Evidence for the presence of oxytocin in the ovine epididymis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The testes of several species contain oxytocin and/or neurophysin, but the content or localization of oxytocin in epididymal tissue has not been studied. The present study was undertaken to localize oxytocin and neurophysin in epididymal tissue of the ram, and to quantify oxytocin in the ductus epididymidis and fluids entering and leaving the ductus epididymidis. Neurophysin was not detected in the epididymis; thus, synthesis of oxytocin by the epididymis is unlikely. Immunohistochemical localization of oxytocin was confined to the epithelium and capillaries. Oxytocin immunostaining was most intense for epithelium of the caput and declined in corpus and cauda regions. However, based on radioimmunoassay, no difference in oxytocin concentration was detected among regions of the epididymis. Since rete testis fluid entering and cauda epididymal fluid leaving the epididymis contained at least fourfold more oxytocin than testicular venous plasma, it was concluded that regional differences in epithelial concentration of oxytocin may have been masked by oxytocin contained in the luminal fluid. It was concluded further that the epididymis of the ram does not synthesize oxytocin, but about 22 ng/day enters the epididymis in rete testis fluid. Most of this luminal oxytocin apparently is absorbed by the epithelium of the caput epididymidis, with additional adsorption in the corpus and cauda. Although a role for oxytocin in ductal contractility cannot be excluded, it is more likely that the luminal oxytocin influences epithelial or sperm function.  相似文献   

The most probable reason for persistent postbreeding endometritis in mares is weak myometrial contractility. The influence of oxytocin (OT; an ecbolic agent) and flunixin meglumine (FLU; a prostaglandin inhibitor serving as a model for mares with decreased uterine contractility) on uterine response to artificial insemination (AI) was studied in mares with no history of reproductive failure. The mares were treated intravenously with 10 mL saline (Group C, n = 10) or 0.01 IU/kg OT (Group OT, n = 10) 2, 4, 8, and 25 h after AI. Group FLU (n = 11) was treated with 1.1 mg/kg FLU 2 h after AI and with saline thereafter. The mares received the same treatments in the first and third cycles but were sampled either at 8 or 25 h. The amount of intrauterine fluid (IUF) and edema and the number of uterine contractions were recorded before AI and 10 min after the treatments using transrectal ultrasonography. At 8 h after AI, the mares were treated with human chorionic gonadotropin, and, after 8-h or 25-h scans, a 500-mL uterine lavage and a biopsy were performed. Ovulation was confirmed at 48 h and pregnancy 14 to 17 d after AI. No manipulations were done during the second estrus. At 8 h after AI, Group FLU had more polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) in the uterine lavage fluid than did Group OT (P < 0.05), but uterine contractions did not differ significantly. At 25 h, the PMN concentrations were low in all groups. Group OT rarely showed IUF. The uterine biopsy specimens of Group FLU showed less inflammation of the stroma but more PMNs in the uterine lumen 8 h after AI than that of the control group (P < 0.05). The pregnancy rates did not differ between the groups (63% C, 53% OT, and 50% FLU). Oxytocin rapidly and effectively removed IUF and PMNs after AI and thereby shortened the duration of postbreeding inflammation.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of dose and day of oxytocin treatment on intrauterine pressure, 6 normal mares were treated with 10 or 25 IU oxytocin 2 days before ovulation, on the day of ovulation and 2 days after ovulation. Intrauterine pressure (IUP) was measured using micro-tip-catheters (one placed intrauterine, a second and third serving as reference sensors in the vagina and external to the mare) and transmitted by telemetry for 30 min to establish a baseline before saline was administered, iv, and for an additional 30 min after saline administration. Oxytocin was then given, iv, and IUP was recorded for 60 min. No change in IUP was observed after saline injection. The administration of both 10 (n=16) and 25 (n=10) IU oxytocin induced a response (P<0.01). The intensity of response depended on the day of administration (P<0.01) and the dose of oxytocin (P<0.001). The variation of response was significantly greater after 10 IU oxytocin (CV 15.78%) compared with 25 IU oxytocin (CV 6.42%). The uterine response was greatest on Day 2 prior to ovulation and lowest on Day 2 after ovulation. The response was negatively correlated to increasing plasma progesterone (10 IU oxytocin: r = -0.435, 25 IU oxytocin: r = -0.265). There was no correlation between the uterine response and plasma estradiol-17beta concentration (P<0.01). In conclusion the results of this study show that oxytocin administration to mares before ovulation provides a greater response than after ovulation. A decline in the intensity of response after ovulation can be compensated for with a higher dose of oxytocin. Furthermore, the use of the multiple catheter technique is an effective method for assessing changes in uterine pressure.  相似文献   

Vocalizations are important components of social behaviour in many vertebrate species, including our own. Less well-understood are the hormonal mechanisms involved in response to vocal cues, and how these systems may influence the course of behavioural evolution. The neurohormone oxytocin (OT) partly governs a number of biological and social processes critical to fitness, such as attachment between mothers and their young, and suppression of the stress response after contact with trusted conspecfics. Rodent studies suggest that OT''s release is contingent upon direct tactile contact with such individuals, but we hypothesized that vocalizations might be capable of producing the same effect. To test our hypothesis, we chose human mother–daughter dyads and applied a social stressor to the children, following which we randomly assigned participants into complete contact, speech-only or no-contact conditions. Children receiving a full complement of comfort including physical, vocal and non-verbal contact showed the highest levels of OT and the swiftest return to baseline of a biological marker of stress (salivary cortisol), but a strikingly similar hormonal profile emerged in children comforted solely by their mother''s voice. Our results suggest that vocalizations may be as important as touch to the neuroendocrine regulation of social bonding in our species.  相似文献   

Specific receptors for oxytocin (OT) on intact luteal cells are demonstrated. Cultured cells from bovine corpora lutea (CL) at different stages (Days 3-5, 8-12, and 15-18 of the estrous cycle) were examined for OT receptors by a radioreceptor assay using the 125I-labeled OT antagonist [d(CH2)5,Tyr(Me)2,Thr4,Tyr-NH2(9)] -vasotocin. Binding specificity was demonstrated in displacement studies with various related peptides. Scatchard analysis revealed the presence of a binding site with an association constant of Ka = 2.6 x 10(9) M-1 and a capacity of 5.9 fmol/micrograms DNA. Additionally, in 50% of the experiments (n = 6) two different binding sites were observed. The Ka of the high-affinity site was 2.6 x 10(10) M-1; its capacity was 0.73 fmol/micrograms DNA. The low-affinity site had an apparent Ka of 4.9 x 10(8) M-1 and a capacity of 8.8 fmol/micrograms DNA. Observation of one versus two binding sites related neither to the assay conditions nor to the state of the individual CL used for the cell culture and therefore appeared to reflect individual variation within the OT receptor population. Significant binding of OT was observed at all luteal stages. OT binding was maximal at the mid-luteal stage (Days 8-12). We conclude that a direct action of OT on the bovine CL is mediated by the OT receptor, supporting the hypothesis that luteal OT plays an important physiological role in the regulation of progesterone release and/or other luteal functions in a paracrine or autocrine fashion.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed on isolated detrusor smooth muscle from New Zealand White rabbits. Oxytocin was shown to exhibit high intrinsic contractile activity on isolated strips of detrusor muscle, where the maximum contractile amplitude was 12% greater than control responses to 1 microM carbachol. Repeated applications of 1 microM oxytocin were associated with tachyphylaxis representing a 49% decrease in the amplitude which became reproducible after several applications without further decay of contractile strength. Dose-response experiments indicated that threshold contractions to oxytocin occur at 3 nM and were maximum at 10 microM with mean effective concentration of 125 nM. The contractile responses to 1 microM oxytocin were not antagonized by phentolamine, atropine, methysergide, saralasin, or naloxone, but were partially inhibited by 1 microM of indomethacin. Ligand binding studies on partially purified membrane preparations from detrusor smooth muscle were performed over a range of 78 pM to 10 nM with 125I-labelled oxytocin. Scatchard analysis of specific bound receptors indicated a KD of 2.5 nM and Bmax of 187 fmol/mg protein and a second compartment that was unsaturable at the concentrations of ligand employed. Nonspecific binding ranged from 36 to 77% of the total binding.  相似文献   

Annetocin is a structurally and functionally oxytocin-related peptide isolated from the earthworm Eisenia foetida. We present the characterization of the annetocin cDNA. Sequence analyses of the deduced precursor polypeptide revealed that the annetocin precursor is composed of three segments: a signal peptide, an annetocin sequence flanked by a Gly C-terminal amidation signal and a Lys-Arg dibasic processing site, and a neurophysin domain, similar to other oxytocin family precursors. The proannetocin showed 37.4-45.8% amino acid homology to other prohormones. In the neurophysin domain, 14 cysteines and amino acid residues essential for association of a neurophysin with a vasopressin/oxytocin superfamily peptide were conserved, suggesting that the Eisenia neurophysin can bind to annetocin. Furthermore, in situ hybridization experiments demonstrated that the annetocin gene is expressed exclusively in neurons of the central nervous system predicted to be involved in regulation of reproductive behavior. These findings confirm that annetocin is a member of the vasopressin/oxytocin superfamily. This is the first identification of the cDNA encoding the precursor of an invertebrate oxytocin-related peptide and also the first report of the identification of an annelid vasopressin/oxytocin-related precursor.  相似文献   

Jugular venous concentrations of oxytocin and progesterone changed in parallel during the oestrous cycle in the ewe, falling at luteal regression and rising with formation of the new corpus luteum. These fluctuations in the circulating concentration of oxytocin were not caused by changes in its metabolic clearance rate. On Days 6-9 of the cycle circulating oxytocin concentrations exhibited a diurnal rhythm, peaking at 09:00 h; this rhythm was absent on Days 11-14. Although there was no evidence for increased production of oxytocin at or preceding luteal regression in samples taken daily, more frequent sampling revealed that two thirds of detected surges of uterine secretion of prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha were accompanied by raised levels of oxytocin. This oxytocin was not of pituitary origin. Luteal regression induced with cloprostenol on Day 8 after oestrus caused a decrease in circulating progesterone level followed after 24 h by a fall in oxytocin. Measurements of oxytocin in the ovary and other organs before and after treatment with cloprostenol identified the corpora lutea as a major potential source of oxytocin, and suggested that 98% of luteal oxytocin was available for secretion in response to prostaglandin stimulation. The data are consistent with a role for ovarian secretion of oxytocin in response to uterine release of PGF-2 alpha in the control of luteal regression.  相似文献   

Intermittent release of oxytocin during suckling in the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Mares treated with subcutaneous deslorelin implants on the first postpartum estrus early in the breeding season had significant reductions in the number of large follicles at early pregnancy examinations and delayed return to estrus (in mares that failed to become pregnant); these adverse effects were attributed to a prolonged release of the drug from the implant. In 2003, an injectable short-term release (<24 h) deslorelin product became available. The objective of this study was to determine if this product would hasten ovulation in early foaling first postpartum estrus mares without reducing the number of large follicles at early pregnancy examination (14-15 days postovulation). Beginning 5-6 days postpartum, first postpartum estrus (foal-heat) mares were teased daily and examined thrice weekly (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) by transrectal ultrasonography. Mares in estrus with a follicle > or = 34 mm diameter on Tuesdays or Thursdays were alternately assigned to: Treatment 1, n = 17; 1.5 mg injectable short-term release deslorelin, or Treatment 2, n = 16; Control (no treatment). The schedule allowed accurate determination of the number of mares ovulating within 2 days of treatment (i.e., ovulations detected on Thursday or Saturday). Mares were mated on the day of treatment and at 2-day intervals until either ovulation was confirmed or until behavioral estrus ceased. Transrectal ultrasonography was done 14-15 days after ovulation to assess ovarian follicles and pregnancy status. Fewer covers were required and more mares ovulated within 2 days of treatment in deslorelin-treated versus Control mares (P < 0.01). Pregnancy rates were normal (69%) in deslorelin-treated mares. The number of large follicles 14-15 days after ovulation did not differ between deslorelin-treated and Control mares (P > 0.10), suggesting follicular suppression did not occur with this formulation of deslorelin.  相似文献   

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