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全球温室气体排放概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球温室气体排放概况曹志平(中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态系,北京100094)IntroductionofGlobalEmissionsofGreenhouseGas.CaoZhiping(ColegeofResourcesandEnvironm...  相似文献   

秸秆还田与氮肥施用是农田生态系统中碳氮元素的两大主要补给途径,其在调控稻田甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)排放以及水稻产量方面具有重要作用。以往的研究主要关注秸秆还田或氮肥施用单因素对稻田温室气体排放的影响,而双因素互作对甲烷和氧化亚氮排放的影响尚未明确。同时,在秸秆还田条件下如何进行合理的氮肥施用鲜有深入研究。本研究基于3个氮肥处理(0、180、360 kg N/hm2)和3个秸秆还田处理(0、2.25、3.75 t/hm2)进行多年水稻田间定位试验,研究结果表明:CH4季节累积排放随秸秆还田量增加而增加,与施氮量无显著正相关关系;N2O季节累积排放随施氮量增加而增加,与秸秆还田量无显著正相关关系;秸秆还田对于产量的影响具有不确定性,两年均在秸秆不还田+不施氮处理(S0N0)出现最低产量,2021与2022年最低产量分别为5740.64和4903.75 kg/hm2。2021与2022年最高产量分别在秸秆不还田+高氮(S0N2)和高量秸秆还田+高氮(S2N2)出现,分别为10938.48和10384.83 kg/hm2。同时,本研究发现在低量秸秆还田条件下,在碳足迹(CF, Carbon Footprint)方面,施氮量为251 kg N/hm2时碳足迹达到最低点,为1.01 kg C/kg;而在生态经济净收益(NEEB, Net Ecosystem Economic Benefits)方面,施氮量为294 kg N/hm2时生态经济净收益达到最高点,为11778.15 元/hm2。为协同生态经济净收益与碳排放,在低量秸秆还田(S1)下,配合251-294 kg N/hm2的施氮量为最优施肥方案。研究结果为指导稻田温室气体减排、实现稻田碳中和以及农田管理提供了理论支撑,为实现水稻的高产稳产与低碳生产科学依据。  相似文献   

草原畜牧业温室气体排放现状、问题及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庄明浩  贡布泽仁  张静  李文军 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9970-9977
草原畜牧业生产系统是一个涉及环境、经济、社会多层面、且系统内部气候-土壤-草地-家畜-管理之间相互作用的复杂的社会生态系统。草原不仅为人类提供所需要的肉奶,也提供了多种生态系统服务。然而,草原畜牧业也是主要的温室气体排放源之一。减缓畜牧业温室气体排放的研究已成为当前气候变化科学研究关注的焦点。综述了国内外草原畜牧业温室气体排放研究现状,指出现有研究的不足主要集中在以下3个方面:(1)虽然生命周期评价方法广泛应用于草原畜牧业温室气体排放研究,但是存在诸多问题,导致目前的研究框架体系尚不完善,特别体现在以下几方面:是否考虑外部输入、是否考虑土壤有机碳、畜牧业温室气体排放强度指标的选择等;(2)缺乏单一环节减缓措施对草原畜牧业整体温室气体减排效果的研究;(3)目前对影响草原畜牧业温室气体排放强度的因素主要集中在生态系统层面的分析,忽略了社会系统的作用,无法反映社会系统与生态系统的相互反馈机制,导致机制阐释不完善。综上所述,未来仍需从以下三方面开展研究:(1)完善草原畜牧业研究框架体系及提升研究方法;(2)加强对单一环节减缓措施对草原畜牧业温室气体整体减排效果的综合评价;(3)基于社会生态系统的角度深入研究影响草原畜牧业温室气体排放强度差异的机制。一方面,这有助于深入理解草原畜牧业温室气体排放强度情况,也为低碳型草原畜牧业发展政策的制定提供思路借鉴;另一方面对于科学合理的可持续利用草场和恢复草地生态环境均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

产业园区温室气体排放清单   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
齐静  陈彬 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2750-2760
温室气体排放所导致的全球气候变化是国际社会长期关注的热点问题,它严重限制了人类社会的发展并威胁着人类的生存。产业园区通常集中了一个区域主要的生产要素与生产能力,也代表着特定产业在该区域的发展水平,理应作为发展低碳经济的基础单元和减少温室气体排放的重要控制点,也可以成为解决区域资源、环境问题的突破口。明确了产业园区温室气体排放的系统边界和内部结构,梳理了产业园区全生命周期温室气体排放行为,综合考虑产业园区能源消耗、工业生产、物质材料消耗、仪器设备投入、废弃物处理处置、景观绿化等过程,建立产业园区温室气体排放核算方法,并对案例园区进行了清单分析。结果表明:案例园区整个生命周期的温室气体排放量为1872177 t CO2-eq,其中运行管理阶段占全生命周期排放的比例最高,为95.35%。建设阶段的温室气体排放总量中建筑材料消耗引起的排放占到96.95%,主要集中在建筑工程、内部装修工程和外部装饰工程3个环节。运行管理阶段电力消耗、热力消耗和污水处理过程的排放量占到总量的98.69%。根据核算及分析结果提出了案例园区在建设和运行管理阶段实现温室气体减排的建议。  相似文献   

西安市温室气体排放的动态分析及等级评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了解西安市温室气体排放的动态规律和排放水平,基于全球标杆的温室气体排放等级评价方法,并采用国际公认的《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》和基于IPCC的《省级温室气体编制指南》推荐的方法对西安市的温室气体排放进行了动态分析和排放等级评估。结果表明,从1995年到2011年,西安市温室气体排放呈快速上升趋势,16年间温室气体排放量从1207.16×104t上升为3934.17×104t,年均增高7.66%。增幅最高的是水泥温室气体(年均增高11.75%)、废弃物(8.77%)和能源(7.63%),农业年均降低1.74%,林业固碳年圴增加3.56%。从温室气体构成看,能源占80.13%—90.55%,水泥占1.75%—7.49%,农业占1.86%—8.01%,林业固碳占-2.58%—-5.22%,废物处理占7.52%—16.38%。可见能源消费的增加是导致西安市温室气体排放增长的主要原因,林业碳汇能力有待提高。万元GDP温室气体排放不断降低,说明西安市碳减排方面的科技进步在不断提高。人均、单位面积温室气体排放量和排放指数增速很快,年均增幅分别达5.84%、7.66%和6.84%。西安市温室气体排放等级持续增高,16年间从较低等级(Ⅰc)上升为中下等级(Ⅱa),目前距应对气候变暖目标(Ⅰb)已高出两个亚级,温室气体排放增高的趋势不容忽视。  相似文献   

纤维素乙醇基因工程研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
天然微生物代谢木质纤维素生成乙醇的途径和能力各不相同,通过基因工程的手段,将不同菌种的优良基因加以重组和改造,提高乙醇产率及降低成本,是当前纤维素乙醇研究的重要课题。综述了已发现的能够代谢纤维素产乙醇的天然微生物的种类、特性、代谢机理及构建重组菌株的方法和研究进展,并对基因工程开发纤维素乙醇工程菌的前景和存在的问题进行分析。  相似文献   

不同氮肥对东北春玉米农田温室气体周年排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明不同氮肥条件下高纬度农田土壤的温室气体排放特性,采用静态箱-气相色谱法研究了常规施氮(CN)、施用缓释肥(SLN)、尿素添加硝化抑制剂和脲酶抑制剂(NIUI)、不施氮肥(NN)对东北春玉米农田土壤温室气体排放的影响.结果表明: CN、SLN和NIUI处理产量分别为9618、9376和9645 kg·hm-2.与CN处理相比,SLN促进了玉米生长季土壤N2O的排放,降低了非生长季土壤N2O的排放;NIUI处理N2O累积排放量比CN降低了39.0%;各处理土壤CO2周年累积排放通量无显著差异;东北春玉米田是大气中CH4的弱汇,NIUI处理较CN促进了玉米生长季土壤对CH4的吸收.综上,尿素添加脲酶抑制剂和硝化抑制剂可以在实现玉米高产的同时有效减少土壤温室气体排放.  相似文献   

城市温室气体排放清单编制研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李晴  唐立娜  石龙宇 《生态学报》2013,33(2):367-373
温室气体排放清单是目前最常用的城市碳排放核算方法,有助于在大尺度上了解城市不同行业或部门的温室气体排放情况.然而,中国城市温室气体清单研究刚刚起步,研究成果还不多,尚缺乏系统、规范的城市温室气体研究方法和指标体系.概述了城市温室气体排放清单的主要参考编制方法,介绍了国内外城市温室气体清单的编制情况,对目前城市温室气体清单编制的特点进行了分析,总结了城市温室气体清单与国家温室气体清单在关键排放源、编制模式、方法体系等方面的差异;在此基础上结合我国城市实际,对适合中国城市的温室气体清单编制方法进行了探索,并针对清单编制过程中存在的具体问题提出了建议;最后对未来城市温室气体清单的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为中国温室气体清单编制及研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

冻融作用对土壤温室气体产生与排放的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
土壤冻融交替是中、高纬度和高海拔地区常见的自然现象,土壤在冻融期间会经历一系列物理、化学和生物变化过程。有研究表明,冻融区土壤是温室气体的重要排放源,冻融期土壤温室气体的排放量在全年总排放量中占有重要的份额,尤其是N2O。随着全球气候变暖,部分地区的土壤环境将经受更广泛和频繁的冻融交替作用,这会导致土壤温室气体排放量增加,从而又进一步促进了气候变暖。本文重点概述了冻融作用对土壤温室气体产生与排放的影响及其主要影响机制,并简要提出了目前土壤冻融研究中的一些不足以及今后值得关注和深入研究的科学问题。  相似文献   

中国主要农作物种植农药施用温室气体排放估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈舜  逯非  王效科 《生态学报》2016,36(9):2560-2569
过去30年来我国农作物的播种面积并未产生太大变化,但病虫害的发生和防治次数却不断增加。根据6种中国主要农作物的病虫害发生情况,收集了相应的农药用量及其制造的温室气体排放量数据,估算了中国主要农作物在种植过程中,因对病虫害使用杀虫剂和杀菌剂而产生的温室气体排放量现状。结果表明,我国主要农作物小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、油菜和棉花的每公顷病虫害防治时使用农药所产生的温室气体排放量分别是9.19(1.86—23.24)、20.54(2.03—50.95)、10.38(3.45—19.32)、5.91(2.15—18.34)、10.84(8.10—13.62)、19.51(5.11—49.01)kg CE hm~(-2)a~(-1),即水稻和棉花最高;但论单产农药温室气体排放量,则油菜和棉花远高于其余4种粮食作物。每年小麦、水稻、玉米、马铃薯、油菜和棉花的病虫害防治使用农药所产生的总温室气体排放量分别是220.8(44.7—558.4)、606.7(60.0—1505.1)、336.4(112.0—606.3)、30.9(11.2—96.0)、79.5(59.4—99.8)、96.4(25.2—242.2)Gg CE,总计1.37(0.31—3.13)Tg CE。将以上6种作物的病虫害防治情况外推到全国农作物,则我国一年因为农作物病虫害防治而产生的温室气体排放量为2.13(0.48—4.85)Tg CE。另外由于缺乏草害面次数据而没有包括除草剂本分,所以以上数字仍是低估。病虫害防治由于作物本身、防治对象、防治方法以及药剂用量的固有差异,导致农作物病虫害防治的温室气体排放量计算结果存在着较大的不确定性,目前基于自下而上农户调查的估算方法无法克服这些问题,更精确的估算需要自上而下的企业级调查数据。  相似文献   

Cellulosic ethanol is widely believed to offer substantial environmental advantages over petroleum fuels and grain‐based ethanol, particularly in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. The environmental impacts of biofuels are largely caused by precombustion activities, feedstock production and conversion facility operations. Life cycle analysis (LCA) is required to understand these impacts. This article describes a field‐to‐blending terminal LCA of cellulosic ethanol produced by biochemical conversion (hydrolysis and fermentation) using corn stover or switchgrass as feedstock. This LCA develops unique models for most elements of the biofuel production process and assigns environmental impact to different phases of production. More than 30 scenarios are evaluated, reflecting a range of feedstock, technology and scale options for near‐term and future facilities. Cellulosic ethanol, as modeled here, has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions compared to petroleum‐based liquid transportation fuels, though substantial uncertainty exists. Most of the conservative scenarios estimate GHG emissions of approximately 45–60 g carbon dioxide equivalent per MJ of delivered fuel (g CO2e MJ?1) without credit for coproducts, and 20–30 g CO2e MJ?1 when coproducts are considered. Under most scenarios, feedstock production, grinding and transport dominate the total GHG footprint. The most optimistic scenarios include sequestration of carbon in soil and have GHG emissions below zero g CO2e MJ?1, while the most pessimistic have life‐cycle GHG emissions higher than petroleum gasoline. Soil carbon changes are the greatest source of uncertainty, dominating all other sources of GHG emissions at the upper bound of their uncertainty. Many LCAs of biofuels are narrowly constrained to GHG emissions and energy; however, these narrow assessments may miss important environmental impacts. To ensure a more holistic assessment of environmental performance, a complete life cycle inventory, with over 1100 tracked material and energy flows for each scenario is provided in the online supplementary material for this article.  相似文献   

Life cycle assessment of fuel ethanol from cassava in Thailand   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Goal and Scope  A well-to-wheel analysis has been conducted for cassava-based ethanol (CE) in Thailand. The aim of the analysis is to assess the potentials of CE in the form of gasohol E10 for promoting energy security and reducing environmental impacts in comparison with conventional gasoline (CG). Method  In the LCA procedure, three separate but interrelated components: inventory analysis, characterization and interpretation were performed for the complete chain of the fuel life cycle. To compare gasohol E10 and CG, this study addressed their impact potentials per gasoline-equivalent litre, taking into account the performance difference between gasohol and gasoline in an explosion motor. Results and Discussions  The results obtained show that CE in the form of E10, along its whole life cycle, reduces certain environmental loads compared to CG. The percentage reductions relative to CG are 6.1% for fossil energy use, 6.0% for global warming potential, 6.8% for acidification, and 12.2% for nutrient enrichment. Using biomass in place of fossil fuels for process energy in the manufacture of ethanol leads to improved overall life cycle energy and environmental performance of ethanol blends relative to CG. Conclusions and Outlook  The LCA brings to light the key areas in the ethanol production cycle that researchers and technicians need to work on to maximize ethanol’s contribution to energy security and environmental sustainability ESS-Submission Editor: Mark Goedkoop (goedkoop@pre.nl)  相似文献   

Enzymes and yeast are important ingredients in the production of ethanol, yet the energy consumption and emissions associated with their production are often excluded from life-cycle analyses of ethanol. We provide new estimates for the energy consumed and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted during enzyme and yeast manufacture, including contributions from key ingredients such as starch, glucose, and molasses. We incorporated these data into Argonne National Laboratory’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation model and observed that enzymes and yeast together contribute 1.4 and 27?% of farm-to-pump GHG emissions for corn and cellulosic ethanol, respectively. Over the course of the entire corn ethanol life cycle, yeast and enzymes contribute a negligible amount of GHG emissions, but increase GHG emissions from the cellulosic ethanol life cycle by 5.6?g CO2e/MJ.  相似文献   

Battery storage systems (BSSs) are popular as a means to increase the self-consumption rates of residential photovoltaics. However, their environmental impact is under discussion, given the greenhouse gas emissions caused by the production and the efficiency losses during operation. Against this background, we carry out a holistic environmental assessment of residential BSSs by combining a partial life cycle assessment for the production phase with a detailed simulation of 162 individual German households for the operational phase. As regards the production phase, we only find small differences between the carbon footprints of different cell chemistries. Moreover, we can show that the balance of plant components have a comparable impact on the global warming potential as the cell modules. In terms of the operational phase, our simulations show that BSSs can compensate at least parts of their efficiency losses by shifting electricity demand from high-emission to low-emission periods. Under certain conditions, the operational phase of the BSSs can even overcompensate the emissions from the production phase and lead to a positive environmental impact over the lifetime of the systems. As the most relevant drivers, we find the exact emissions at the production stage, the individual household load patterns, the system efficiency, and the applied operational strategy.  相似文献   

The market for electric vehicles is growing rapidly, and there is a large demand for lithium-ion batteries (LIB). Studies have predicted a growth of 600% in LIB demand by 2030. However, the production of LIBs is energy intensive, thus contradicting the goal set by Europe to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and become GHG emission free by 2040. Therefore, in this study, it was analyzed how the energy consumption and corresponding GHG emissions from LIB cell production may develop until 2030. Economic, technological, and political measures were considered and applied to market forecasts and to a model of a state-of-the art LIB cell factory. Notably, different scenarios with trend assumptions and above/below-trend assumptions were considered. It could be deduced that, if no measures are taken and if the status quo is extrapolated to the future, by 2030, ∼5.86 Mt CO2-eq will be emitted due to energy consumption from European LIB cell production. However, by applying a combination of economic, technological, and political measures, energy consumption and GHG emissions could be decreased by 46% and 56% by 2030, respectively. Furthermore, it was found that political measures, such as improving the electricity mix, are important but less dominant than improving the production technology and infrastructure. In this study, it could be deduced that, by 2030, through industrialization and application of novel production technologies, the energy consumption and GHG emissions from LIB cell production in Europe can be reduced by 24%.  相似文献   

Converting land to biofuel feedstock production incurs changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) that can influence biofuel life‐cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Estimates of these land use change (LUC) and life‐cycle GHG emissions affect biofuels' attractiveness and eligibility under a number of renewable fuel policies in the USA and abroad. Modeling was used to refine the spatial resolution and depth extent of domestic estimates of SOC change for land (cropland, cropland pasture, grassland, and forest) conversion scenarios to biofuel crops (corn, corn stover, switchgrass, Miscanthus, poplar, and willow) at the county level in the USA. Results show that in most regions, conversions from cropland and cropland pasture to biofuel crops led to neutral or small levels of SOC sequestration, while conversion of grassland and forest generally caused net SOC loss. SOC change results were incorporated into the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Transportation (GREET) model to assess their influence on life‐cycle GHG emissions of corn and cellulosic ethanol. Total LUC GHG emissions (g CO2eq MJ?1) were 2.1–9.3 for corn‐, ?0.7 for corn stover‐, ?3.4 to 12.9 for switchgrass‐, and ?20.1 to ?6.2 for Miscanthus ethanol; these varied with SOC modeling assumptions applied. Extending the soil depth from 30 to 100 cm affected spatially explicit SOC change and overall LUC GHG emissions; however, the influence on LUC GHG emission estimates was less significant in corn and corn stover than cellulosic feedstocks. Total life‐cycle GHG emissions (g CO2eq MJ?1, 100 cm) were estimated to be 59–66 for corn ethanol, 14 for stover ethanol, 18–26 for switchgrass ethanol, and ?7 to ?0.6 for Miscanthus ethanol. The LUC GHG emissions associated with poplar‐ and willow‐derived ethanol may be higher than that for switchgrass ethanol due to lower biomass yield.  相似文献   

In recent years, liquid biofuels for transport have benefited from significant political support due to their potential role in curbing climate change and reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. They may also participate to rural development by providing new markets for agricultural production. However, the growth of energy crops has raised concerns due to their high consumption of conventional fuels, fertilizers and pesticides, their impacts on ecosystems and their competition for arable land with food crops. Low-input species such as Jatropha curcas , a perennial, inedible crop well adapted to semiarid regions, has received much interest as a new alternative for biofuel production, minimizing adverse effects on the environment and food supply. Here, we used life-cycle assessment to quantify the benefits of J. curcas biofuel production in West Africa in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use, compared with fossil diesel fuel and other biofuels. Biodiesel from J. curcas has a much higher performance than current biofuels, relative to oil-derived diesel fuels. Under West Africa conditions, J. curcas biodiesel allows a 72% saving in greenhouse gas emissions compared with conventional diesel fuel, and its energy yield (the ratio of biodiesel energy output to fossil energy input) is 4.7. J. curcas production studied is eco-compatible for the impacts under consideration and fits into the context of sustainable development.  相似文献   

Yu Y  Feng Y  Xu C  Liu J  Li D 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(8):5123-5128
In the process of ethanol production from steam-exploded corn stover (SECS), a cellulose-degradation strain of Aspergillus nidulans (FLZ10) was investigated whether it could remove the inhibitors released from steam exploded pretreatment , and thereby be used for biological detoxification on Saccharomycescerevisiae. The results showed that FLZ10 removed 75.2% formic acid, 53.6% acetic acid, and 100% hydroxymethyl furfural (5-HMF) and furfural from the hydrolysate washed from SECS after 72 h cultivation. A cellulase activity of 0.49 IU/ml was simultaneously produced while the biological detoxification occurred. An ethanol yield of 0.45 g/g on glucose was obtained in the hydrolysate biodetoxified by FLZ10. The glucose consumption rate of FLZ10 was much lower than that of S. cerevisiae, thereby it had little competition with S. cerevisiae on glucose consumption. Based on SECS to ethanol mass balance analysis, with the onsite bio-detoxification, fermentation using S. cerevisiae effectively converted monomeric glucose with 94.4% ethanol yield.  相似文献   

森林生态系统的碳汇功能对我国完成“双碳目标”具有独特意义,其中森林伐后碳减排,包括木质林产品全生命周期内的碳储和替代减排,是增强林业中长期碳减排能力的重要路径。当前我国森林伐后碳减排研究尚落后于欧美等发达国家,不利于我国林业国家碳库模型的构建以及更好地指导固碳增汇的森林管理策略。系统回顾了近30余年国内外学术界关于森林伐后碳减排方法学的演进动态,总结了碳循环和碳减排模型的核心参数,为推进我国森林伐后碳减排研究提供理论基础。学术界近30余年涉及方法模型的主要成果如下:(1)建立并完善了立足于木材采伐国的生产法和简单分解法,以及立足于终端木质林产品消费国的储量变化法和大气流动法两类方法框架;(2)形成了体系化的碳储计算模型,并在包括发达国家和主要发展中国家取得了大量实测数据和参数积累;(3)初步完成了替代减排分析模型和基于情景设定的分析框架,并在以欧美国家为主体的部分地区进行了应用。在梳理历史文献的基础上,本研究认为当前存在的方法缺陷包括:第一,既有依靠实测调研获取数据的成本过高,限制了研究国家的深度和广度,尤其导致广大发展中国家研究较为薄弱;第二,当前方法框架在追踪木质林产品贸易流方面较...  相似文献   

Switchgrass‐derived ethanol has been proposed as an alternative to fossil fuels to improve sustainability of the US energy sector. In this study, life cycle analysis (LCA) was used to estimate the environmental benefits of this fuel. To better define the LCA environmental impacts associated with fertilization rates and farm‐landscape topography, results from a controlled experiment were analyzed. Data from switchgrass plots planted in 2008, consistently managed with three nitrogen rates (0, 56, and 112 kg N ha?1), two landscape positions (shoulder and footslope), and harvested annually (starting in 2009, the year after planting) through 2014 were used as input into the Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions and Energy use in transportation (GREET) model. Simulations determined nitrogen (N) rate and landscape impacts on the life cycle energy and emissions from switchgrass ethanol used in a passenger car as ethanol–gasoline blends (10% ethanol:E10, 85% ethanol:E85s). Results indicated that E85s may lead to lower fossil fuels use (58 to 77%), greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (33 to 82%), and particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions (15 to 54%) in comparison with gasoline. However, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other criteria pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter (PM10), and sulfur dioxides (SOx) were higher for E85s than those from gasoline. Nitrogen rate above 56 kg N ha?1 yielded no increased biomass production benefits; but did increase (up to twofold) GHG, VOCs, and criteria pollutants. Lower blend (E10) results were closely similar to those from gasoline. The landscape topography also influenced life cycle impacts. Biomass grown at the footslope of fertilized plots led to higher switchgrass biomass yield, lower GHG, VOCs, and criteria pollutants in comparison with those at the shoulder position. Results also showed that replacing switchgrass before maximum stand life (10–20 years.) can further reduce the energy and emissions reduction benefits.  相似文献   

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