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报道杜鹃花科仙女越橘属(Andromeda)在中国东北吉林省的新分布记录,该属为单型属,广布于北美北部、欧洲北部和东亚北部,但以前中国境内未有记录。本文提供了本属的形态描述和植物野外生境照片。另外,还描述了产自云南西双版纳的铁线莲属一新种易武铁线莲Clematis peii,并绘图。该新种隶属于威灵仙组(sect. Clematis)并与C.chingii近缘,不同点在于,该新种为三出复叶,小叶片近全缘,花药较长(约3mm),且药隔显著凸出,并讨论了该新种与sect. Clematis中其它具有三出复叶的种类在形态上的区别。  相似文献   

报道杜鹃花科仙女越橘属(Andromeda)在中国东北吉林省的新分布记录,该属为单型属,广布于北美北部、欧洲北部和东亚北部,但以前中国境内未有记录。本文提供了本属的形态描述和植物野外生境照片。另外,还描述了产自云南西双版纳的铁线莲属一新种易武铁线莲Clematispeii,并绘图。该新种隶属于威灵仙组(sect.Clematis)并与C.chingii近缘,不同点在于,该新种为三出复叶,小叶片近全缘,花药较长(约3mm),且药隔显著凸出,并讨论了该新种与sect.Clematis中其它具有j出复叶的种类在形态上的区别。  相似文献   

Rivasmartinezia cazorlana, from southern Spain, is newly described, illustrated, and compared with other species of the genus. The new species is characterized by a stock with abundant coarse fibres, basal leaves 4–5(–6)‐ternate with the petiole shorter than the limb and acicular ultimate segments, few‐rayed umbels, and mericarps with numerous vallecular and commissural vittae.  相似文献   

Ferula paeoniifolia X. G. Ma & C. Y. Liao sp. nov., from Sichuan Province, Southwest China, is described and illustrated. The new species is most similar to F. kingdon‐wardii Wolff in morphology, but differs significantly in its ternate‐2‐pinnate compound leaves with much broader leaflets. The key morphological characteristics and nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region were also compared between F. paeoniifolia and its relatives.  相似文献   

王文采  杨俊  谢晋 《广西植物》2019,39(3):288-290
该文描述了自安徽发现的毛茛科毛茛属一新种,怀宁毛茛(Ranunculus hainingensis)。此新种与猫爪草(R. ternatus)在亲缘关系上甚为相近,两者的区别在于怀宁毛茛植株具丝形,有块根的匍匐茎,具三出复叶的基生叶的二侧生小叶分裂成二不等大的小叶,心皮的花柱比子房稍短或与子房等长。  相似文献   

王文采  杨俊  谢晋 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):97-99
描述了发现自安徽的毛茛科毛茛属一新种,怀宁毛茛。此新种与猫爪草在亲缘关系上甚为相近,与后者的区别在于本种的植株具丝形,有块根的匍匐茎,具三出复叶的基生叶的二侧生小叶分裂成二不等大的小叶,心皮的花柱比子房稍短或与子房等长。  相似文献   

贵州悬钩子属(蔷薇科)一新种--务川悬钩子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道了贵州省务川县发现的悬钩子属Rubus(蔷薇科Rosaceae)一新种——务川悬钩子R.wuchuanensis S.Z.He。该种在体态上与锯叶悬钩子R.wuzhianus L.T.Lu&Boufford相近,区别在于其叶片卵状披针形,边缘疏生小锯齿;叶柄较短,长0.7-1cm;花序为顶生稀疏总状花序,具花8-10朵:花梗长3.55cm;花瓣先端具骤突尖头。  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Crossoglossa, C. frontinoensis Szlach. & Kolan. sp. nov., is described and illustrated based on Colombian material. The new species appears to be similar to Crossoglossa tipuloides, but it is easily separable by distinctly narrower lip with pandurate basal part and long‐acuminate apical part, much narrower, long‐acuminate sepals and petals and narrower leaves. Information about its habitat, ecology and distribution is provided.  相似文献   

Two new Brazilian species of Staelia with ternate leaves are described and illustrated. The first, Staelia paganuccii, was collected in the cerrado biome, whereas the second, S. domingosii belongs to the Caatingas domain of the Chapada Diamantina complex. The affinities of the two species within the genus are discussed. Photographs of the plants in their natural environments are provided. A brief commentary on the inflorescence structure of Staelia is presented and its importance is discussed.  相似文献   

V. A. Funk 《Brittonia》1997,49(1):110-117
A new genus is described based on a species formerly found in Werneria s.1. It is named after a collector, Miss Winifred M. A. Brooke. The new genus, Misbrookea, is confined to dry, high-elevation areas in Peru and northern Bolivia. It is distinguished by its unusual, long, multicellular hairs that cover the leaves and involucre of the plant, the style apices with long, multicellular hairs and apparent vascular traces, and the pale or silvery gray-green color of the leaves and involucre.  相似文献   

Pternopetalum arunachalense M. Bhaumik & P. Satyanar. is a new species from Arunachal Pradesh in India and is described and illustrated here. This new species is similar to P. trichomanifolium (Franch.) Hand.‐Mazz. by highly dissected, ternate 2–4‐pinnate leaves, ultimate segments linear and erect elongate styles but differs by generally smaller habit and scabrid mericarps with 1–2 vittae in each furrow and commissure.  相似文献   

报道了产于贺兰山的顶冰花属(百合科)一新种——贺兰山顶冰花Gagea alashanica Y. Z. Zhao & L. Q. Zhao。该种因柱头头状,鳞茎外皮上端向上延伸成圆筒状,抱茎,无附属小鳞茎,植物除基生叶外,茎上具有3-4枚附生叶,无明显总苞片而与新疆顶冰花G. neopopovii Goloskokov相似,但基生叶2枚,半圆筒形;鳞茎外皮向上延伸较短,长约2. 5cm,易于区别。  相似文献   

首次发现并描述了中国广东省的绣球花科(Hydrangeaceae)常山属(Dichroa)一新种:广东常山(D.fistulosa)。该种具有空心的茎,这在常山属中是唯一的。该种与海南常山(D.mollissima)相似,但可以通过其叶上的毛被来区分。该种亦与菲律宾常山(D.philippinensis)相似,但其叶的形状及锯齿明显不同。  相似文献   

Ixeris Cass., strinctly speaking, is confined to plants which have achenes with sharply winged ribs. Ixeridium (A. Gray ) Tzvel. contains plants which have persistent radical leaves at anthesis and achenes with obtuse ribs and a fine rostrum at its apex. Paraixeris Nakai is restricted to plants which are of the same achenes as in the genus Ixeridium (A. Gray) Tzvel., but rostra of achenes are robust and radical leaves deciduous in flowering in the former. The Chorisis DC., a monotypic genus, is characterized by ternate palatisect leaves. In the light of the above mentioned understanding of these genera, the author thinks that the division of Chinese Ixeris group, a comparatively complex one, into four genera would be more reasonable than merging them into one genus, namely, Ixeris Cass. Based on the examination of specimens in the Herbarium of the Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica (PE), the author found that there are four species in the genus Ixeris Cass., including one new combination in China. They are I. polycephala Cass., I. dissecta (Makino) Shih, I. japonica (Burm. f. ) Nakai and I. stolonifera A. Gray. The genus Ixeridium (A. Gray ) Tzvel. has 13 species, including five new combinations and three new species in China, namely, I. sagittaroides (C. B. Clarke) Shih, I. gramineum (Ledb.) Tzvel., I. yunnarense Shih,I. graminifolium(Ledb.)Tzvel.,I, biparum Shih,I.aculeolatum Shih,I. chinense( Thunb. ) Tzvel., I. strigosum( Fisch. ) Tzvel., I. elegans( Franeh. ) Shih, I. sonchifolium (Maxim.)Shih,I. laevigatum (BI.)Shih,I. dentatum(Thunb. )Nakai and I. gracile(DC.)Shih, in China. There are six species in the genus Paraixeris Nakai, including One new combination, namely, P. denticulata(Houtt.) Nakai, P. humifusa(Dunn) Shih, P. cheldonifolia( Makino) Nakai, P. saxatilis( Baran. ) Tzvel., P.pinnatipartita (Makino)Tzvel. and P.serotina(Maxim.)Tzvel.in China.  相似文献   

报道了于山东大学(威海)校园文心湖畔发现的糙毛狮齿菊(新拟)Leontodon hispidus L.,隶属于菊科(Asteraceae)狮齿菊属(Leontodon L.)。该种的主要特征为头状花序,叶及花序梗具粗糙硬毛,冠毛二型。经过调查研究发现该属、种均为中国新记录。简要讨论了其价值及入侵风险,依据近缘属种形态特征编制了狮齿菊属与近缘属分类检索表。  相似文献   

描述了竹亚科思劳竹属一新种——万石山思劳竹(Schizostachyum wanshishanensis S.H.Chen,K.F.Huang et H.Z.Guo)。该种与思劳竹(S.pseudolima McClure)近缘,但本种箨片较平直,且短,长不及箨鞘之1/2,叶表无毛,叶背具柔毛,易于区别;本种也与沙罗单竹(S.funghomii McClure)近缘,但本种秆梢端细长下垂,叶鞘具有白色短刺毛,易于区别。  相似文献   

陆玲娣 《植物研究》1984,4(4):37-59
桂樱属(Laurocerasus Tourn.ex Duh.)是蔷薇科李亚科的一个属。它是De Tournefort(Institutiones rei Herbariae 627.t.403.1700)以Prunus laurocerasus L.和P.lusitanica L.两种奠定基础,而至1755年由Duhmal代为正式发表而建立。自该属建立以后的二百多年来,各国植物学家对其分类位置各持不同观点。  相似文献   

A new genus ( Protosciadopityoxylon gen nov. ) of Early Cretaceous fossil wood reported in the present paper was discovered from Liaoning Province, China, and is named as a new species:Protosciadopityoxylon liaoningense gen. et sp. nov. It is described here and this generic name, adopted by the authors, is employed for fossil wood that is believed to be nearly related to the recent genus Sciadopitys and the fossil genus Sciadopityoxylon. The new genus bears some similarities to Protophyllocladoxylon,Protocircoporoxylon and Xenoxylon in different geological ages, but it differs from them in the types of cross-field pitting.  相似文献   

Begonia pellionioides YM. Shui & WH. Chen, a new species of the genus Begonia L. (sect. Petermannia (Klotzsch) A. DC., Begoniaceae), is described and illustrated. The new species is endemic to limestone areas in Southeastern Yunnan Province, China, and is most similar to Begonia hainanensis Chun & F. Chun but distinguished by its more elongated leaves with cuneate base and acuminate to caudate apex, tepals adaxially with spiny hairs and sharply triangular capsule wings with truncate superior margin. Besides, the unknown flower morphology of previously published Begonia sublongipes YM. Shui in Begonia sect. Petermannia is described.  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞属(茄科)一新种和一新变种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了宁夏茄科枸杞属一新种小叶黄果枸杞和一新变种密枝枸杞。小叶黄果枸杞与宁夏枸杞相接近,但前者枝条成"之"字形曲折,叶片较小,条形、条状披针形、条状倒披针形或狭椭圆形,花1~2朵与叶一起簇生于短枝顶端,花萼杯状或筒状,常2浅裂,裂片边缘无毛;花冠筒部与冠檐近等长,雄蕊着生于花冠筒的喉部,花丝连同花冠无毛或在基部仅被稀疏短柔毛,浆果扁球形或椭圆球形,常为淡黄色,近透明,长6~10mm,直径6~8mm,种子5~8枚而与后者明显不同。在外部形态上,小叶黄果枸杞与新疆枸杞和土库曼枸杞也比较接近,但新疆枸杞和土库曼枸杞的枝条不成"之"字形曲折,花常2~3朵或更多与叶一起簇生于短枝顶端,花冠筒部长约为檐部裂片长的2倍,雄蕊着生于花冠筒的近中部,浆果红色。尤其是土库曼枸杞的花萼为宽钟形,常4~5裂,花冠裂片边缘有短而稀疏的缘毛而明显有异于小叶黄果枸杞。宁夏枸杞的变种密枝枸杞与原变种的区别在于前者植株分枝多而密,叶片小,狭长椭圆形、倒披针形或匙形,长1~1.8cm,宽1.5~2.5mm;雄蕊着生于花冠喉部,长短不等,其中两枚较短,其余3枚较长,花丝连同花冠无毛或在基部仅被稀疏短柔毛;浆果卵球形或椭圆形,长5~8mm,直径3~6mm,淡紫色,近透明,多汁,味甜,种子2~4粒。  相似文献   

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