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The universal triggering event of eukaryotic chromosome segregation is cleavage of centromeric cohesin by separase. Prior to anaphase, most separase is kept inactive by association with securin. Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) constitutes another binding partner of human separase, but the functional relevance of this interaction has remained enigmatic. We demonstrate that PP2A stabilizes separase‐associated securin by dephosphorylation, while phosphorylation of free securin enhances its polyubiquitylation by the ubiquitin ligase APC/C and proteasomal degradation. Changing PP2A substrate phosphorylation sites to alanines slows degradation of free securin, delays separase activation, lengthens early anaphase, and results in anaphase bridges and DNA damage. In contrast, separase‐associated securin is destabilized by introduction of phosphorylation‐mimetic aspartates or extinction of separase‐associated PP2A activity. G2‐ or prometaphase‐arrested cells suffer from unscheduled activation of separase when endogenous securin is replaced by aspartate‐mutant securin. Thus, PP2A‐dependent stabilization of separase‐associated securin prevents precocious activation of separase during checkpoint‐mediated arrests with basal APC/C activity and increases the abruptness and fidelity of sister chromatid separation in anaphase.  相似文献   

Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21Cip1 plays a crucial role in regulating cell cycle arrest and differentiation. It is known that p21Cip1 increases during terminal differentiation of cardiomyocytes, but its expression control and biological roles are not fully understood. Here, we show that the p21Cip1 protein is stabilized in cardiomyocytes after mitogenic stimulation, due to its increased CDK2 binding and inhibition of ubiquitylation. The APC/CCdc20 complex is shown to be an E3 ligase mediating ubiquitylation of p21Cip1 at the N terminus. CDK2, but not CDC2, suppressed the interaction of p21Cip1 with Cdc20, thereby leading to inhibition of anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome and its activator Cdc20 (APC/CCdc20)-mediated p21Cip1 ubiquitylation. It was further demonstrated that p21Cip1 accumulation caused G2 arrest of cardiomyocytes that were forced to re-enter the cell cycle. Taken together, these data show that the stability of the p21Cip1 protein is actively regulated in terminally differentiated cardiomyocytes and plays a role in inhibiting their uncontrolled cell cycle progression. Our study provides a novel insight on the control of p21Cip1 by ubiquitin-mediated degradation and its implication in cell cycle arrest in terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an abundant phosphoprotein phosphatase that acts as a tumor suppressor. For this reason, compounds able to activate PP2A are attractive anticancer agents. The compounds iHAP1 and DT‐061 have recently been reported to selectively stabilize specific PP2A‐B56 complexes to mediate cell killing. We were unable to detect direct effects of iHAP1 and DT‐061 on PP2A‐B56 activity in biochemical assays and composition of holoenzymes. Therefore, we undertook genome‐wide CRISPR‐Cas9 synthetic lethality screens to uncover biological pathways affected by these compounds. We found that knockout of mitotic regulators is synthetic lethal with iHAP1 while knockout of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi components is synthetic lethal with DT‐061. Indeed we showed that iHAP1 directly blocks microtubule assembly both in vitro and in vivo and thus acts as a microtubule poison. In contrast, DT‐061 disrupts both the Golgi apparatus and the ER and lipid synthesis associated with these structures. Our work provides insight into the biological pathways perturbed by iHAP1 and DT‐061 causing cellular toxicity and argues that these compounds cannot be used for dissecting PP2A‐B56 biology.  相似文献   

Regulation of BubR1 is central to the control of APC/C activity. We have found that BubR1 forms a complex with PCAF and is acetylated at lysine 250. Using mass spectrometry and acetylated BubR1-specific antibodies, we have confirmed that BubR1 acetylation occurs at prometaphase. Importantly, BubR1 acetylation was required for checkpoint function, through the inhibition of ubiquitin-dependent BubR1 degradation. BubR1 degradation began before the onset of anaphase. It was noted that the pre-anaphase degradation was regulated by BubR1 acetylation. Degradation of an acetylation-mimetic form, BubR1–K250Q, was inhibited and chromosome segregation in cells expressing BubR1–K250Q was markedly delayed. By contrast, the acetylation-deficient mutant, BubR1–K250R, was unstable, and mitosis was accelerated in BubR1–K250R-expressing cells. Furthermore, we found that APC/C–Cdc20 was responsible for BubR1 degradation during mitosis. On the basis of our collective results, we propose that the acetylation status of BubR1 is a molecular switch that converts BubR1 from an inhibitor to a substrate of the APC/C complex, thus providing an efficient way to modulate APC/C activity and mitotic timing.  相似文献   

Myosin phosphatase target subunit 1 (MYPT1), together with catalytic subunit of type1 δ isoform (PP1cδ) and a small 20-kDa regulatory unit (M20), form a heterotrimeric holoenzyme, myosin phosphatase (MP), which is responsible for regulating the extent of myosin light chain phosphorylation. Here we report the identification and characterization of a molecular interaction between Seven in absentia homolog 2 (SIAH2) and MYPT1 that resulted in the proteasomal degradation of the latter in mammalian cells, including neurons and glia. The interaction involved the substrate binding domain of SIAH2 (aa 116-324) and a central region of MYPT1 (aa 445-632) containing a degenerate consensus Siah-binding motif RLAYVAP (aa 493-499) evolutionally conserved from fish to humans. These findings suggest a novel mechanism whereby the ability of MP to modulate myosin light chain might be regulated by the degradation of its targeting subunit MYPT1 through the SIAH2-ubiquitin-proteasomal pathway. In this manner, the turnover of MYPT1 would serve to limit the duration and/or magnitude of MP activity required to achieve a desired physiological effect.  相似文献   

We have shown previously that the ubiquitin ligase MID1, mutations of which cause the midline malformation Opitz BBB/G syndrome (OS), serves as scaffold for a microtubule-associated protein complex that regulates protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity in a ubiquitin-dependent manner. Here, we show that the MID1 protein complex associates with mRNAs via a purine-rich sequence motif called MIDAS (MID1 association sequence) and thereby increases stability and translational efficiency of these mRNAs. Strikingly, inclusion of multiple copies of the MIDAS motif into mammalian mRNAs increases production of the encoded proteins up to 20-fold. Mutated MID1, as found in OS patients, loses its influence on MIDAS-containing mRNAs, suggesting that the malformations in OS patients could be caused by failures in the regulation of cytoskeleton-bound protein translation. This is supported by the observation that the majority of mRNAs that carry MIDAS motifs is involved in developmental processes and/or energy homeostasis. Further analysis of one of the proteins encoded by a MIDAS-containing mRNA, namely PDPK-1 (3-phosphoinositide dependent protein kinase-1), which is an important regulator of mammalian target of rapamycin/PP2A signaling, showed that PDPK-1 protein synthesis is significantly reduced in cells from an OS patient compared with an age-matched control and can be rescued by functional MID1. Together, our data uncover a novel messenger ribonucleoprotein complex that regulates microtubule-associated protein translation. They suggest a novel mechanism underlying OS and point at an enormous potential of the MIDAS motif to increase the efficiency of biotechnological protein production in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) is a critical enzyme for activation of anticancer nucleoside analogs. Its activity is controlled via Ser-74 phosphorylation. Here, we investigated which Ser/Thr phosphatase dephosphorylates Ser-74. In cells, the PP1/PP2A inhibitor okadaic acid increased both dCK activity and Ser-74 phosphorylation at concentrations reported to specifically target PP2A. In line with this, purified PP2A, but not PP1, dephosphorylated recombinant pSer-74-dCK. In cell lysates, the Ser-74-dCK phosphatase activity was found to be latent, Mn2+-activated, responsive to PP2A inhibitors, and diminished after PP2A-immunodepletion. Use of siRNAs allowed concluding definitively that PP2A constitutively dephosphorylates dCK in cells and negatively regulates its activity.  相似文献   

Bovine seminal plasma contains a group of similar proteins, namely BSP-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa (collectively called BSP proteins), and they are secreted by the seminal vesicles. In our study, we purified the BSP-A1/-A2 through affinity chromatography and found for the first time that BSP-A1/-A2 can inhibit the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and tyrosine protein kinase (TPK). The inhibition was dose dependent. When the PKC and TPK activities are expressed as the logarithm of percentage activity taking the activity in the absence of the BSP-A1/-A2 as 100%, there is a linear relationship between the their activities and the dose of BSP-A1/-A2.  相似文献   

A feature of metazoan reproduction is the elimination of maternal centrosomes from the oocyte. In animals that form syncytial cysts during oogenesis, including Drosophila and human, all centrosomes within the cyst migrate to the oocyte where they are subsequently degenerated. The importance and the underlying mechanism of this event remain unclear. Here, we show that, during early Drosophila oogenesis, control of the Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C), the ubiquitin ligase complex essential for cell cycle control, ensures proper transport of centrosomes into the oocyte through the regulation of Polo/Plk1 kinase, a critical regulator of the integrity and activity of the centrosome. We show that novel mutations in the APC/C-specific E2, Vihar/Ube2c, that affect its inhibitory regulation on APC/C cause precocious Polo degradation and impedes centrosome transport, through destabilization of centrosomes. The failure of centrosome migration correlates with weakened microtubule polarization in the cyst and allows ectopic microtubule nucleation in nurse cells, leading to the loss of oocyte identity. These results suggest a role for centrosome migration in oocyte fate maintenance through the concentration and confinement of microtubule nucleation activity into the oocyte. Considering the conserved roles of APC/C and Polo throughout the animal kingdom, our findings may be translated into other animals.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) plays a critical role in transcellular ion transport and when defective, results in the genetic disease cystic fibrosis. CFTR is novel in the ATP-binding cassette superfamily as an ion channel that is enabled by a unique unstructured regulatory domain. This R domain contains multiple protein kinase A sites, which when phosphorylated allow channel gating. Most of the sites have been indicated to stimulate channel activity, while two of them have been suggested to be inhibitory. It is unknown whether individual sites act coordinately or distinctly. To address this issue, we raised monoclonal antibodies recognizing the unphosphorylated, but not the phosphorylated states of four functionally relevant sites (700, 737, 768, and 813). This enabled simultaneous monitoring of their phosphorylation and dephosphorylation and revealed that both processes occurred rapidly at the first three sites, but more slowly at the fourth. The parallel phosphorylation rates of the stimulatory 700 and the putative inhibitory 737 and 768 sites prompted us to reexamine the role of the latter two. With serines 737 and 768 reintroduced individually into a PKA insensitive variant, in which serines at 15 sites had been replaced by alanines, a level of channel activation by PKA was restored, showing that these sites can mediate stimulation. Thus, we have provided new tools to study the CFTR regulation by phosphorylation and found that sites proposed to inhibit channel activity can also participate in stimulation.  相似文献   

The Anaphase Promoting Complex/Cyclosome (APC/C) in complex with its co‐activator Cdc20 is responsible for targeting proteins for ubiquitin‐mediated degradation during mitosis. The activity of APC/C–Cdc20 is inhibited during prometaphase by the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC) yet certain substrates escape this inhibition. Nek2A degradation during prometaphase depends on direct binding of Nek2A to the APC/C via a C‐terminal MR dipeptide but whether this motif alone is sufficient is not clear. Here, we identify Kif18A as a novel APC/C–Cdc20 substrate and show that Kif18A degradation depends on a C‐terminal LR motif. However in contrast to Nek2A, Kif18A is not degraded until anaphase showing that additional mechanisms contribute to Nek2A degradation. We find that dimerization via the leucine zipper, in combination with the MR motif, is required for stable Nek2A binding to and ubiquitination by the APC/C. Nek2A and the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) have an overlap in APC/C subunit requirements for binding and we propose that Nek2A binds with high affinity to apo‐APC/C and is degraded by the pool of Cdc20 that avoids inhibition by the SAC.  相似文献   

The shugoshin proteins are universal protectors of centromeric cohesin during mitosis and meiosis. The binding of human hSgo1 to the PP2A‐B56 phosphatase through a coiled‐coil (CC) region mediates cohesion protection during mitosis. Here we undertook a structure function analysis of the PP2A‐B56‐hSgo1 complex, revealing unanticipated aspects of complex formation and function. We establish that a highly conserved pocket on the B56 regulatory subunit is required for hSgo1 binding and cohesion protection during mitosis in human somatic cells. Consistent with this, we show that hSgo1 blocks the binding of PP2A‐B56 substrates containing a canonical B56 binding motif. We find that PP2A‐B56 bound to hSgo1 dephosphorylates Cdk1 sites on hSgo1 itself to modulate cohesin interactions. Collectively our work provides important insight into cohesion protection during mitosis.  相似文献   

PP5 is a ubiquitously expressed Ser/Thr protein phosphatase. High levels of PP5 have been observed in human cancers, and constitutive PP5 overexpression aids tumor progression in mouse models of tumor development. However, PP5 is highly conserved among species, and the roles of PP5 in normal tissues are not clear. Here, to help evaluate the biological actions of PP5, a Cre/loxP-conditional mouse line was generated. In marked contrast to the early embryonic lethality associated with the genetic disruption of other PPP family phosphatases (e.g. PP2A and PP4), intercrosses with mouse lines that ubiquitously express Cre recombinase starting early in development (e.g. MeuCre40 and ACTB-Cre) produced viable and fertile PP5-deficient mice. Phenotypic differences caused by the total disruption of PP5 were minor, suggesting that small molecule inhibitors of PP5 will not have widespread systemic toxicity. Examination of roles for PP5 in fibroblasts generated from PP5-deficient embryos (PP5(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts) confirmed some known roles and identified new actions for PP5. PP5(-/-) mouse embryonic fibroblasts demonstrated increased sensitivity to UV light, hydroxyurea, and camptothecin, which are known activators of ATR (ataxia-telangiectasia and Rad3-related) kinase. Further study revealed a previously unrecognized role for PP5 downstream of ATR activation in a UV light-induced response. The genetic disruption of PP5 is associated with enhanced and prolonged phosphorylation of a single serine (Ser-345) on Chk1, increased phosphorylation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein (p53) at serine 18, and increased p53 protein levels. A comparable role for PP5 in the regulation of Chk1 phosphorylation was also observed in human cells.  相似文献   

Lu C  Mains PE 《Developmental biology》2007,302(2):438-447
The C. elegans embryo supports both meiotic and mitotic spindles, requiring careful regulation of components specific to each spindle type. The MEI-1/katanin microtubule-severing complex is required for meiosis but must be inactivated prior to mitosis. Downregulation of MEI-1 depends on MEL-26, which binds MEI-1, targeting it for degradation by the CUL-3 E3 ubiquitin ligase complex. Here we report that other protein degradation pathways, involving the anaphase promoting complex (APC) and the MBK-2/DYRK kinase, act in parallel to MEL-26 to inactivate MEI-1. At 25 degrees all mel-26(null) embryos die due to persistence of MEI-1 into mitosis, but at 15 degrees a significant portion of embryos hatch due to lower levels of ectopic MEI-1, suggesting that a redundant pathway also regulates MEI-1 degradation at 15 degrees. Previously the MBK-2/DYRK kinase was suggested to trigger MEL-26 mediated MEI-1 degradation. However, mbk-2 enhances the incomplete lethality of mel-26(null) at 15 degrees, arguing that MEL-26 acts in parallel to MBK-2. APC mutants behave similarly. In mel-26 embryos, ectopic MEI-1 remains until the onset of gastrulation, but in mbk-2; apc embryos, MEI-1 only persists through the first mitosis. We propose that mbk-2 and apc couple the initial phase of MEI-1 degradation to meiotic exit, after which MEL-26 completes MEI-1 degradation.  相似文献   

Size and weight control is a tightly regulated process, involving the highly conserved Insulin receptor/target of rapamycin (InR/TOR) signaling cascade. We recently identified Cyclin G (CycG) as an important modulator of InR/TOR signaling activity in Drosophila. cycG mutant flies are underweight and show a disturbed fat metabolism resembling TOR mutants. In fact, InR/TOR signaling activity is disturbed in cycG mutants at the level of Akt1, the central kinase linking InR and TORC1. Akt1 is negatively regulated by protein phosphatase PP2A. Notably the binding of the PP2A B′-regulatory subunit Widerborst (Wdb) to Akt1 is differentially regulated in cycG mutants, presumably by a direct interaction of CycG and Wdb. Since the metabolic defects of cycG mutant animals are abrogated by a concomitant loss of Wdb, CycG presumably influences Akt1 activity at the PP2A nexus. Here we show that Well rounded (Wrd), another B' subunit of PP2A in Drosophila, binds CycG similar to Wdb, and that its loss ameliorates some, but not all, of the metabolic defects of cycG mutants. We propose a model, whereby the binding of CycG to a particular B′-regulatory subunit influences the tissue specific activity of PP2A, required for the fine tuning of the InR/TOR signaling cascade in Drosophila.  相似文献   

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