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对浙江省石竹科Caryophyllaceae一新变种闭花拟漆姑草(Spergularia marina var. cleistogama) 进行了描述和绘图。与原变种的主要区别在于本变种托叶三角状卵形,萼片宽度不等,花瓣0~4枚,有的花瓣变为雄蕊,闭锁,雌蕊具0.2~0.3mm的柄,雄蕊5~7枚,蒴果为宿存的花萼所包被,种子扁平,卵形。  相似文献   

对浙江省石竹科Caryophyllaceae一新变种闭花拟漆姑草(Spergulariamarinavat.cleistogama)进行了描述和绘图。与原变种的主要区别在于本变种托叶三角状卵形,萼片宽度不等,花瓣0~4枚,有的花瓣变为雄蕊,闭锁,雌蕊具0.2~0.3nlm的柄,雄蕊5~7枚,蒴果为宿存的花萼所包被,种子扁平,卵形。  相似文献   

毛茛科六新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(11):1303-1311
该文描述了毛茛科六新种:(1)托里乌头,与阿尔泰乌头近缘,区别为其茎和叶无毛,总状花序极密集,雄蕊花丝多有1或2小齿。(2)门源翠雀花,与大通翠雀花近缘,区别为其茎极短,花序总状,退化雄蕊瓣片不分裂。(3)云台山铁线莲,与裂叶铁线莲近缘,区别为其叶为二回羽状复叶,花较小,雄蕊花丝呈黑色,无脉。(4)黑丝铁线莲,与前种云台山铁线莲在亲缘关系上极为相近,区别为其小叶较小,多呈狭卵形或披针形,聚伞花序也较小,通常只具3花。(5)五台山毛茛,与砾地毛茛相似,区别为其基生叶被柔毛,花瓣蜜槽具鳞片,心皮具短而粗的花柱和小柱头。(6)靖西铁线莲,与宝岛铁线莲在亲缘关系上接近,区别为其茎疏被短柔毛,小叶卵形或狭卵形,不分裂,聚伞花序有1~3花,萼片较大(长1.7~2 cm,宽0.5~0.7 cm)。  相似文献   

徐长林 《广西植物》2016,36(9):1023-1025
该文描述了甘肃东祁连山发现的豆科( Leguminosae)扁蓿豆属( Melilotoides)一新变种———天祝扁蓿豆(Melilotoides ruthenica var. tianhzhuensis C. L. Xu )。该变种植株节间(3~18 mm)短于原变种(30~65 mm);叶片小于原变种;小叶宽卵形或倒卵形;花冠外部(背部)和内部(腹部)均为黄色,且不带紫色和条纹。上述特征与原变种明显不同,易于区别。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):95-96
该文描述了自广西发现的毛茛科铁线莲一新种,靖西铁线莲,此新种与宝岛铁线莲在亲缘关系上接近,与后者的区别在于本种的茎疏被短柔毛,小叶卵形或狭卵形,不分裂,聚伞花序有1~3花,萼片较大长1.7~2 cm,宽0.5~0.7 cm。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2017,37(6):675-684
描述了毛茛科唐松草属六新种:(1)大关唐松草,发现自云南东北部,与多枝唐松草甚为近缘,区别为其小叶较厚,较大,多呈卵形或宽卵形,心皮花柱较短,稍向后弯曲,瘦果呈新月形。(2)宽柱唐松草,发现自甘肃南部,其特征为心皮花柱扁平,近长圆形,腹面无柱头或柱头组织,据此特征可与此属中国其他种区别。(3)六脉萼唐松草,发现自四川中部,与白茎唐松草近缘,区别为其茎和小叶有毛,萼片具六条脉,一些雄蕊的花药败育,子房被短柔毛,柱头无翅。(4)吉隆唐松草,发现自西藏南部,与白茎唐松草甚为近缘,区别为小托叶卵形、急尖,复单歧聚伞花序一条顶生,无侧生者,雄蕊花药呈狭长圆形,顶端钝,无短尖头。(5)螺柱唐松草,发现自云南西北部,可能与白茎唐松草有亲缘关系,区别为其萼片具1条脉,花有4~5枚雄蕊,心皮花柱顶部螺旋状弯曲,柱头不明显。(6)札达唐松草,发现自西藏西南部,与多叶唐松草近缘,区别为其小叶顶端急尖,边缘具尖牙齿,聚伞圆锥花序具少数分枝和少数花,萼片狭卵形,花药狭长圆形。  相似文献   

河南槭叶铁线莲(毛茛科)一新变种——无裂槭叶铁线莲   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
报道了槭叶铁线莲一新变种——无裂槭叶铁线莲Clematis acerifolia Maxim. var. elobata S. X. Yan。该变种与原变种不同在于植株较矮,高不超过20 cm,叶卵形至宽卵形,不分裂,基部宽楔形至近截形,边缘具不规则锯齿。  相似文献   

俞奔驰  韦丽君 《植物学报》2017,52(2):175-178
以前期发明的一种木薯(Manihot esculenta)调控开花技术为基础, 成功研发出木薯两性花诱导技术, 并发现诱导出的木薯两性花能自花授粉结实。该文报道了木薯两性花、两性花自花授粉发育的蒴果及其种子的形态特征。木薯两性花同时具有雌蕊和雄蕊, 而单性花只具有雌蕊或雄蕊; 两性花蒴果卵圆形且长宽比大, 单性花蒴果阔椭圆形且长宽比小; 两性花种子种脊不隆起, 单性花种子种脊隆起明显。两性花和两性花种子是珍贵的木薯育种材料, 对揭示木薯的遗传特性及培育木薯新种质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

描述了蓼科一新变种——翅果密毛野荞麦[Fagopyrum densovillosum J. L. Liu var.pterocarpum J. L. Liuet X.J.Li],并绘制了形态图。新变种瘦果较大,长2.5~3mm,宽(2~)2.5~3mm,果棱上具翅,翅宽0.5~1mm,雄蕊长于雌蕊,从而区别于原变种密毛野荞麦(Fagopyrum densovillosumJ.L.Liu);另外,新变种全株密被短毛或长毛,茎枝较粗壮,红褐色,节较密集,叶片在表面具细皱纹和小泡状突起,雄蕊长于雌蕊,而又不同于齿翅野荞麦[Fagopyrum gracilipes(Hemsl.)Damm.et Diels var. odontopterum(Gross)Sam]。  相似文献   

Erythroxylum coca is a distylous species with a strong self-incompatibility system linked with the floral dimorphism. The two sets of stamens in the flowers are usually unequal in length, but between individuals of both morphs there is considerable variation in the relative qengths of the two sets of stamens, which is unrelated to the incompatibility system. Pin flowers produce more pollen grains than thrum flowers, but thrum pollen is larger than pin pollen. Within each morph the two sets of stamens produce pollen grains of slightly different diameter. Erythroxylum novogranatewe is also distylous. Pin flowers of E. novogranatense var. novogranatense are partially self-compatible, while thrum flowers of E. novogranatense var. truxillense are self-incompatible. Reports of tristyly and of four different morphs in species of Erythroxylum are probably misinterpretations, resulting from limited sampling, of the continuous variation in the relative lengths of the two sets of stamens.  相似文献   

Cao Rui 《西北植物学报》2007,27(8):1689-1689
Tetraena mongolica Maxim. is the only member of the genus Tetraena that belongs to the family Zygophyllaceae. It is characterized by the following features: small deciduous shrubs, 30-50 cm tall, much branched;leaves paripinnate,opposite on current year branches,and fascicled on old branches; leaflets 2,  相似文献   

Anthesis in Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis is diurnal with flowers opening and closing for three consecutive days. On the first day of anthesis, the stigmatic papillae secrete fluid and the outermost anthers are dehiscent. On the second day of anthesis the stamens form a cone above the dry stigmatic cup. The middle stamens open and turn outward. On the third day of flowering, all the stamens open and the dry stigmatic cup is exposed. The flowers are homogamous and not protogynous as the other Nymphaea. The gynoecium of the self-compatible N. capensis var. zanzibariensis , is characterized by a wet papillate stigma, a short hollow style, and secretory cells on the ventral surface of the ovary. The pollen is released on the receptive stigma. Following initial growth in intercellular spaces in the transmitting tract of the stigma, pollen tubes travel through the stylar canal and into the ovary.  相似文献   

报道并描述了滇川金沙江上游干旱河谷萝藦科一新变种——折叶白前(Cynanchum forrestii Schltr.var.conduplicatumJ.Wang&F.Du)。新变种与原变种的区别在于:叶常对折,卵状披针形,先端渐尖,花冠和副花冠紫红色,每花萼的萼片之间有2个较大的及2(~4)个较小的腺体,花粉块近球形。  相似文献   

宁夏枸杞属(茄科)一新种和一新变种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了宁夏茄科枸杞属一新种小叶黄果枸杞和一新变种密枝枸杞。小叶黄果枸杞与宁夏枸杞相接近,但前者枝条成"之"字形曲折,叶片较小,条形、条状披针形、条状倒披针形或狭椭圆形,花1~2朵与叶一起簇生于短枝顶端,花萼杯状或筒状,常2浅裂,裂片边缘无毛;花冠筒部与冠檐近等长,雄蕊着生于花冠筒的喉部,花丝连同花冠无毛或在基部仅被稀疏短柔毛,浆果扁球形或椭圆球形,常为淡黄色,近透明,长6~10mm,直径6~8mm,种子5~8枚而与后者明显不同。在外部形态上,小叶黄果枸杞与新疆枸杞和土库曼枸杞也比较接近,但新疆枸杞和土库曼枸杞的枝条不成"之"字形曲折,花常2~3朵或更多与叶一起簇生于短枝顶端,花冠筒部长约为檐部裂片长的2倍,雄蕊着生于花冠筒的近中部,浆果红色。尤其是土库曼枸杞的花萼为宽钟形,常4~5裂,花冠裂片边缘有短而稀疏的缘毛而明显有异于小叶黄果枸杞。宁夏枸杞的变种密枝枸杞与原变种的区别在于前者植株分枝多而密,叶片小,狭长椭圆形、倒披针形或匙形,长1~1.8cm,宽1.5~2.5mm;雄蕊着生于花冠喉部,长短不等,其中两枚较短,其余3枚较长,花丝连同花冠无毛或在基部仅被稀疏短柔毛;浆果卵球形或椭圆形,长5~8mm,直径3~6mm,淡紫色,近透明,多汁,味甜,种子2~4粒。  相似文献   

A new species of Rubiaceae, Spiradiclis glabra, is described and illustrated from China. The species is most similar to S. fusca, but differs by having 5–7 pairs of adaxially unconspicuous secondary veins in the leaves, stipules 2–5 mm long, calyx lobes ovate‐triangular, corollas slightly purple–reddish, tubes 13–15 mm long, inside with a pubescent ring of long hairs at the throat, and stamens near the base in long‐styled form. The conservation status of this new species was assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ (VU) according to IUCN.  相似文献   

傅书遐 《植物研究》1986,6(4):157-160
Sedum algidum Ledeb.及其变种var.tanguticum Maxim.长期曾为研究我国景天科植物的学家所引用。因为Maximowicz[6]将种分为3个变种,引用标本多所错杂,描写简单,造成后来人鉴定植物的困难。  相似文献   

The floral morphogenesis and androecium developmental sequence of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. var. flore-minore Maxim. were observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM)and by means of histological methods in order to expand our knowledge of the morphogenesis and development of the floral organs of the Ranunculaceae. The initiation of the floral elements is a centripetal spiral and the direction of the spiral is clockwise or anti-clockwise. However, the development of the androecium is highly unusual: in a longitudinal series of four stamens, the second stamen develops first from the inner to outer, then the third one, the fourth one and the first one in turn. The microsporogenesis and anther maturation follows the same developmental sequence. The tepals are different from the bracts and the stamens in both shape and size in the early developmental stage, but there is no difference between the stamens and carpels in the early developmental stage. Therefore, we established a spatio-temporal process of the floral morphogenesis of4. rivularis var.flore-minore and offer another meaning of the floral diversity patterns attributed to the level of the genus.  相似文献   

Spiradiclis lui, a new species of Rubiaceae growing inside limestone caves and on wet shaded limestone walls in Guangxi, southwestern China is here described as most similar to S. umbelliformis, but differing from the latter in its glabrous stems, ovate or oval leaf blades, and the position of stamens and stigmas inside corollas. The conservation status of the novelity is asessed as ‘Vulnerable’ (VU) according to the IUCN red list categories and criteria. A diagnostic key to the species of Spiradiclis with corolla tubes longer than 12 mm is also provided.  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):88-94
描述了毛茛科五新种:(1)托里乌头,与阿尔泰乌头近缘,区别为其茎和叶无毛,总状花序极密集,雄蕊花丝多有1或2小齿。(2)门源翠雀花,与大通翠雀花近缘,区别为其茎极短,花序总状,退化雄蕊瓣片不分裂。(3)云台山铁线莲,与裂叶铁线莲近缘,区别为其叶为二回羽状复叶,花较小,雄蕊花丝呈黑色,无脉。(4)黑丝铁线莲,与前种云台铁线莲在亲缘关系上极为相近,区别为其小叶较小,多呈狭卵形或披针形,聚伞花序也较小,通常只具3花。(5)五台山毛茛,与砾地毛茛相似,区别为其基生叶被柔毛,花瓣蜜槽具鳞片,心皮具短而粗的花柱和小柱头。  相似文献   

魏景  彭冶  杨立梅 《西北植物学报》2021,41(12):2072-2079
为探究垂丝海棠重瓣花成花原因,该研究以单瓣垂丝海棠和重瓣垂丝海棠为实验材料,应用体式显微镜和扫描电镜观察垂丝海棠单瓣、重瓣品种花器官分化过程;解剖观察重瓣垂丝海棠大蕾期的花与盛开的花,统计其花器官的形态与数目;应用R语言对重瓣垂丝海棠的花瓣数目与其余各轮花器官数目进行相关性分析。结果显示:(1)单瓣和重瓣垂丝海棠的花器官分化均分为萼片原基分化期、花瓣原基分化期、雄蕊原基分化期、雌蕊原基分化期,且各轮花器官按照向心顺序依次分化发育。(2)在花瓣原基分化期,单瓣垂丝海棠仅分化出一轮(5枚)均匀分布于两枚萼片交汇处的花瓣原基,而重瓣垂丝海棠分化出两轮分布散列的花瓣原基,第一轮为5~7枚,第二轮为7~10枚。(3)在重瓣垂丝海棠各轮花器官中存在较多萼片瓣化、雄蕊瓣化、雌雄蕊异常发育的情况。(4)重瓣垂丝海棠各轮花器官数目间相关性分析结果显示,其花瓣数目与雄蕊数目以及瓣化中的雄蕊数目间存在明显的正相关关系,该现象与常规雄蕊瓣化植物表现的雄蕊数目减少、花瓣数目增多的现象不同。研究表明,重瓣垂丝海棠花瓣数目的增多并不完全依赖于雄蕊变瓣,暗示垂丝海棠重瓣花成花原因的多元性与复杂性。  相似文献   

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