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Considerable hope surrounds the use of disease-specific pluripotent stem cells to generate models of human disease allowing exploration of pathological mechanisms and search for new treatments. Disease-specific human embryonic stem cells were the first to provide a useful source for studying certain disease states. The recent demonstration that human somatic cells, derived from readily accessible tissue such as skin or blood, can be converted to embryonic-like induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) has opened new perspectives for modelling and understanding a larger number of human pathologies. In this review, we examine the opportunities and challenges for the use of disease-specific pluripotent stem cells in disease modelling and drug screening. Progress in these areas will substantially accelerate effective application of disease-specific human pluripotent stem cells for drug screening.  相似文献   

The introduction of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells has been a milestone in the field of regenerative medicine and drug discovery. iPS cells can provide a continuous and individualized source of stem cells and are considered to hold great potential for economically feasible personalized stem cell therapy. Various diseases might potentially be cured by iPS cell-based therapy including Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington disease, ischemic heart disease, diabetes and so on. Moreover, iPS cells derived from patients suffering from unique incurable diseases can be developed into patient- and disease-specific cell lines. These cells can be used as an effective approach to study the mechanisms of diseases, providing useful tools for drug discovery, development and evaluation. The development of suitable methods for the culture and expansion of iPS cells and their differentiated progenies make feasible modern drug discovery techniques such as high-throughput screening. Furthermore, iPS cells can be applied in the field of toxicological and pharmacokinetics tests. This review focuses on the applications of iPS cells in the field of pharmaceutical industry.  相似文献   

Derived from any somatic cell type and possessing unlimited self-renewal and differentiation potential, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are poised to revolutionize stem cell biology and regenerative medicine research, bringing unprecedented opportunities for treating debilitating human diseases. To overcome the limitations associated with safety, efficiency, and scalability of traditional iPSC derivation, expansion, and differentiation protocols, biomaterials have recently been considered. Beyond addressing these limitations, the integration of biomaterials with existing iPSC culture platforms could offer additional opportunities to better probe the biology and control the behavior of iPSCs or their progeny in vitro and in vivo. Herein, we discuss the impact of biomaterials on the iPSC field, from derivation to tissue regeneration and modeling. Although still exploratory, we envision the emerging combination of biomaterials and iPSCs will be critical in the successful application of iPSCs and their progeny for research and clinical translation.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have received significant attention in recent years due to their large potential for cell therapy. Indeed, they secrete a wide variety of immunomodulatory factors of interest for the treatment of immune-related disorders and inflammatory diseases. MSCs can be extracted from multiple tissues of the human body. However, several factors may restrict their use for clinical applications: the requirement of invasive procedures for their isolation, their limited numbers, and their heterogeneity according to the tissue of origin or donor. In addition, MSCs often present early signs of replicative senescence limiting their expansion in vitro, and their therapeutic capacity in vivo. Due to the clinical potential of MSCs, a considerable number of methods to differentiate induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) into MSCs have emerged. iPSCs represent a new reliable, unlimited source to generate MSCs (MSCs derived from iPSC, iMSCs) from homogeneous and well-characterized cell lines, which would relieve many of the above mentioned technical and biological limitations. Additionally, the use of iPSCs prevents some of the ethical concerns surrounding the use of human embryonic stem cells. In this review, we analyze the main current protocols used to differentiate human iPSCs into MSCs, which we classify into five different categories: MSC Switch, Embryoid Body Formation, Specific Differentiation, Pathway Inhibitor, and Platelet Lysate. We also evaluate common and method-specific culture components and provide a list of positive and negative markers for MSC characterization. Further guidance on material requirements to produce iMSCs with these methods and on the phenotypic features of the iMSCs obtained is added. The information may help researchers identify protocol options to design and/or refine standardized procedures for large-scale production of iMSCs fitting clinical demands.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are able to maintain pluripotency in culture, to proliferate indefinitely and to differentiate into all somatic cell types. Due to these unique properties, hESC may become an exceptional source of tissues for transplantation and have a great potential for the therapy of incurable diseases. Here, we review new developments in the area of embryonic stem cells and discuss major challenges — standardization of protocols for cell derivation and cultivation, identification of specific molecular markers, development of new approaches for directed differentiation, etc. — which remain to be settled, prior to safe and successful clinical application of stem cells. We appraise several potential approaches in hESC-based therapy including derivation of autologous cells via therapeutic cloning (1), generation of immune tolerance to allogenic donor cells via hematopoetic chimerism (2), and development of the banks of hESC lines compatible with the main antigens and exhibiting equivalent pluripotency (3). In addition, we discuss briefly induced pluripotent cells, which are derived via genetic modification of autologous somatic cells and are analogous to ESC. Our analysis demonstrates that uncontrollable differentiation in vivo and teratogenic potential of hESC are critical limitations of their application in clinical practice. Therefore, the major approach in hESC therapy is derivation of a specific differentiated progeny, which has lower proliferative potential and immune privilege, yet poses fewer risks for organism. The review demonstrates that cell therapy is far more complex and resource-consuming process as compared with drug-based medicine and consequently pluripotent stem cell biology and technology still requires further investigation and development before these cells can be used in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The derivation of embryonic stem cells (hESC) from human embryos a decade ago started a new era in perspectives for cell therapy as well as understanding human development and disease. More recently, reprogramming of somatic cells to an embryonic stem cell‐like state (induced pluripotent stem cells, iPS) presented a new milestone in this area, making it possible to derive all cells types from any patients bearing specific genetic mutations. With the development of efficient differentiation protocols we are now able to use the derivatives of pluripotent stem cells to study mechanisms of disease and as human models for drug and toxicology testing. In addition derivatives of pluripotent stem cells are now close to be used in clinical practice although for the heart, specific additional challenges have been identified that preclude short‐term application in cell therapy. Here we review techniques presently used to induce differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into cardiomyocytes and the potential these cells have as disease models and for therapy. J. Cell. Biochem. 107: 592–599, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)不仅具有与胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ESC)相似的各项特性,相对于ESC,iPS细胞,尤其患者特异性iPS细胞还具有来源方便、不存在免疫排斥和伦理问题以及可以保留特定个体基因型等优点,为再生医学提供了可能的细胞来源。该文主要从心血管药物的筛选、疾病模型的建立、iPS细胞应用于心脏移植研究等方面入手,探讨了iPS细胞在心血管疾病研究和治疗中的现状和未来。  相似文献   

The availability of human stem cells heralds a new era for modeling normal and pathologic tissues and developing therapeutics. For example, the in vitro recapitulation of normal and aberrant neurogenesis holds significant promise as a tool for de novo modeling of neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative diseases. Translational applications include deciphering brain development, function, pathologies, traditional medications, and drug discovery for novel pharmacotherapeutics. For the latter, human stem cell-based assays represent a physiologically relevant and high-throughput means to assess toxicity and other undesirable effects early in the drug development pipeline, avoiding late-stage attrition whilst expediting proof-of-concept of genuine drug candidates. Here we consider the potential of human embryonic, adult, and induced pluripotent stem cells for studying neurological disorders and preclinical drug development.  相似文献   

人类诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)的建立被公认为目前最重要的科技进展之一。iPS细胞在动物疾病模型上的成功治疗,病患特异性iPS细胞的研究及iPS细胞的定向分化研究将有可能使人们避开治疗性克隆的伦理和技术障碍,给人类疾病的干细胞治疗带来光明的前景。本文从iPS细胞的诱导策略和方法,来源细胞及筛选、重编程机制的研究现状、应用前景以及研究中存在的问题等方面对其作一综述和讨论。  相似文献   


Background aims

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) are becoming increasingly popular in research endeavors due to their potential for clinical application; however, such application is challenging due to limitations such as inferior function and low induction efficiency. In this study, we aimed to establish a three-dimensional (3D) culture condition to mimic the environment in which hepatogenesis occurs in vivo to enhance the differentiation of hiPSCs for large-scale culture and high throughput BAL application.


We used hydrogel to create hepatocyte-like cell (HLC) spheroids in a 3D culture condition and analyzed the cell-behavior and differentiation properties of hiPSCs in a synthetic nanofiber scaffold.


We found that treating cells with Y-27632 promoted the formation of spheroids, and the cells aggregated more rapidly in a 3D culture condition. The ALB secretion, urea production and glycogen synthesis by HLCs in 3D were significantly higher than those grown in a 2-dimensional culture condition. In addition, the metabolic activities of the CYP450 enzymes were also higher in cells differentiated in the 3D culture condition.


3D hydrogel culture condition can promote differentiation of hiPSCs into hepatocytes. The 3D culture approach could be applied to the differentiation of hiPSCs into hepatocytes for bioartificial liver.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells have considerable promise as a novel tool for modelling human disease and for drug discovery. While the generation of disease-specific iPS cells has become routine, realizing the potential of iPS cells in disease modelling poses challenges at multiple fronts. Such challenges include selecting a suitable disease target, directing the fate of iPS cells into symptom-relevant cell populations, identifying disease-related phenotypes and showing reversibility of such phenotypes using genetic or pharmacological approaches. Finally, the system needs to be scalable for use in modern drug discovery. Here, we will discuss these points in the context of modelling familial dysautonomia (FD, Riley-Day syndrome, hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy III (HSAN-III)), a rare genetic disorder in the peripheral nervous system. We have demonstrated three disease-specific phenotypes in FD-iPS-derived cells that can be partially rescued by treating cells with the plant hormone kinetin. Here, we will discuss how to use FD-iPS cells further in high throughput drug discovery assays, in modelling disease severity and in performing mechanistic studies aimed at understanding disease pathogenesis. FD is a rare disease but represents an important testing ground for exploring the potential of iPS cell technology in modelling and treating human disease.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance(IR)is associated with several metabolic disorders,including type 2 diabetes(T2D).The development of IR in insulin target tissues involves genetic and acquired factors.Persons at genetic risk for T2D tend to develop IR several years before glucose intolerance.Several rodent models for both IR and T2D are being used to study the disease pathogenesis;however,these models cannot recapitulate all the aspects of this complex disorder as seen in each individual.Human pluripotent stem cells(hPSCs)can overcome the hurdles faced with the classical mouse models for studying IR.Human induced pluripotent stem cells(hiPSCs)can be generated from the somatic cells of the patients without the need to destroy a human embryo.Therefore,patient-specific hiPSCs can generate cells genetically identical to IR individuals,which can help in distinguishing between genetic and acquired defects in insulin sensitivity.Combining the technologies of genome editing and hiPSCs may provide important information about the genetic factors underlying the development of different forms of IR.Further studies are required to fill the gaps in understanding the pathogenesis of IR and diabetes.In this review,we summarize the factors involved in the development of IR in the insulin-target tissues leading to diabetes.Also,we highlight the use of hPSCs to understand the mechanisms underlying the development of IR.  相似文献   

小鼠的成纤维细胞通过转染四种转录因子(Oct3/4、Sox2、c-Myc和K1F4)可以被诱导转变成类似胚胎干细胞的多能性干细胞,称之为诱导型多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPS),这种多能干细胞在细胞形态、增殖速率、致瘤性、基因表达以及形成嵌合小鼠的能力上与胚胎干细胞有许多相似之处,将来可能成为胚胎干细胞在临床应用中的替代。本文综述了iPS相关的几种转录因子,及其在重编程过程中的作用以及iPS的发展前景。  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs) derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells(hiPSCs) provide a novel source for generating adipocytes, thus opening new avenues for fundamental research and clinical medicine. We present the adipogenic potential of hiPSCs and the various methods to derive hiPSC-MSCs. We discuss the main characteristic of hiPSC-MSCs, which is their low adipogenic capacity as compared to adult-MSCs. Finally, we propose several hypotheses to explanation this feature, underlying a potential critical role of the micro-environment. We favour the hypothesis that the range of factors or culture conditions required to induce adipocyte differentiation of MSCs derived from adult tissues and from embryonic-like cells could differ.  相似文献   

Recent advances in stem cell technology have generated enthusiasm for their potential to study and treat a diverse range of human disease. Pluripotent human stem cells for therapeutic use may, in principle, be obtained from two sources: embryonic stem cells (hESCs), which are capable of extensive self-renewal and expansion and have the potential to differentiate into any somatic tissue, and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are derived from differentiated tissue such as adult skin fibroblasts and appear to have the same properties and potential, but their generation is not dependent upon a source of embryos. The likelihood that clinical transplantation of hESC- or iPSC-derived tissues from an unrelated (allogeneic) donor that express foreign human leucocyte antigens (HLA) may undergo immunological rejection requires the formulation of strategies to attenuate the host immune response to transplanted tissue. In clinical practice, individualized iPSC tissue derived from the intended recipient offers the possibility of personalized stem cell therapy in which graft rejection would not occur, but the logistics of achieving this on a large scale are problematic owing to relatively inefficient reprogramming techniques and high costs. The creation of stem cell banks comprising HLA-typed hESCs and iPSCs is a strategy that is proposed to overcome the immunological barrier by providing HLA-matched (histocompatible) tissue for the target population. Estimates have shown that a stem cell bank containing around 10 highly selected cell lines with conserved homozygous HLA haplotypes would provide matched tissue for the majority of the UK population. These simulations have practical, financial, political and ethical implications for the establishment and design of stem cell banks incorporating cell lines with HLA types that are compatible with different ethnic populations throughout the world.  相似文献   

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