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Moon S  Jung KH  Lee DE  Jiang WZ  Koh HJ  Heu MH  Lee DS  Suh HS  An G 《Plant & cell physiology》2006,47(11):1473-1483
Recent completion of the sequencing of the rice genome has revealed that it contains >40% repetitive sequences, most of which are related to inactive transposable elements. During the molecular analysis of the floral organ number 1/multiple pistil 2 (fon1/mp2) mutant, we identified an active transposable element dTok0 that was inserted at the kinase domain of FON1, a homolog of CLAVATA1. Insertion of the element into FON1 generated an 8 bp duplication of its target sites, which is one of the major characteristics of the hAT family of transposons. The dTok0 element was actively transposed out of the FON1 gene, leaving 5-8 bp footprints. Reinsertion into a new location was observed at a low frequency. Analysis of the genome sequence showed that the rice cultivar 'Nipponbare' contains 25 copies of dTok elements; similar numbers were present in all the Oryza species examined. Because dTok0 does not encode a transposase, enzyme activity should be provided in trans. We identified a putative autonomous transposon, Tok1 that contains an intact open reading frame of the Ac-like transposase.  相似文献   

A retrotransposon from the fungal plant pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici has been isolated and characterized. The element, designated skippy (skp) is 7846 by in length, flanked by identical long terminal repeats (LTR) of 429 by showing structural features characteristic of retroviral and retrotransposon LTRs. Target-site duplications of 5 bp were found. Two long overlapping open reading frames (ORF) were identified. The first ORF, 2562 by in length, shows homology to retroviral gag genes. The second ORF, 3888 bp in length, has homology to the protease, reverse transciptase. RNase H and integrase domains of retroelement pol genes in that order. Sequence comparisons and the order of the predicted proteins from skippy indicate that the element is closely related to the gypsy family of LTR-retrotransposons. The element is present in similar copy numbers in the two races investigated, although RFLP analysis showed differences in banding patterns. The number of LTR sequences present in the genome is higher than the number of copies of complete elements, indicating excision by homologous recombination between LTR sequences.  相似文献   

An autonomous impala transposon trapped in Fusarium oxysporum by insertion within the niaD gene encoding nitrate reductase was introduced in the genome of the fungus Penicillium griseoroseum, a producer of pectinase enzymes. Through a phenotypic assay, we demonstrate that this element is able to excise from the niaD gene and to reinsert at new genomic positions. As in the original host, impala inserts into a TA site and footprints left by impala excisions are generally 5 bp. The fact that impala is able to transpose in P. griseoroseum offers the opportunity to develop a gene-tagging system based on this element with the objective to detect and clone genes related in pectinase production.  相似文献   

A new type of active DNA transposon has been identified in the genome of Fusarium oxysporum by its transposition into the niaD target gene. Two insertions within the final exon, in opposite orientations at the same nucleotide site, have been characterized. These elements, called Hop, are 3,299 bp long, with perfect terminal inverted repeats (TIRs) of 99 bp. The sequencing of genomic copies reveals a 9-bp target site duplication and no apparent sequence specificity at the insertion sites. The sequencing of a cDNA indicates that Hop does not contain an intron and encodes a putative transposase of 836 amino acids. The structural features (length, TIRs size, and 9-bp duplication), together with the presence of conserved domains in the transposase, strongly suggest that Hop is a Mutator-like element (MULE). Hop is thus the first active member of this family found beyond plants. The high rate of excision observed indicates that Hop is very active and thus represents a promising efficient tagging system for the isolation of fungal genes. The distribution of Hop elements within the Fusarium genus revealed that they are present in different species, suggesting that related elements could be present in other fungal genomes. In fact, Hop-related sequences have been identified in the survey of the entire genome sequence of three other ascomycetes, Magnaporthe grisea, Neurospora crassa, and Aspergillus fumigatus.  相似文献   

The Xylella fastidiosa genome program generated a large number of gene sequences that belong to pathogenicity, virulence and adaptation categories from this important plant pathogen. One of these genes (XF1729) encodes a protein similar to a superfamily of aldo-keto reductase together with a number of structurally and functionally related NADPH-dependent oxidoreductases. In this work, the similar sequence XF1729 from X. fastidiosa was cloned onto the pET32Xa/LIC vector in order to overexpress a recombinant His-tag fusion protein in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3). The expressed protein in the soluble fraction was purified by immobilized metal affinity chromatography (agarose-IDA-Ni resin). Secondary structure contents were verified by circular dichroism spectroscopy. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements furnish general structural parameters and provide a strong indication that the protein has a monomeric form in solution. Also, ab initio calculations show that the protein has some similarities with a previously crystallized aldo-keto reductase protein. The recombinant XF1729 purified to homogeneity catalyzed the reduction of dl-glyceraldehyde (K(cat) 2.26s(-1), Km 8.20+/-0.98 mM) and 2-nitrobenzaldehyde (K(cat) 11.74 s(-1), Km 0.14+/-0.04 mM) in the presence of NADPH. The amino acid sequence deduced from XF1729 showed the highest identity (40% or higher) with several functional unknown proteins. Among the identified AKRs, we found approximately 29% of identity with YakC (AKR13), 30 and 28% with AKR11A and AKR11B, respectively. The results establish XF1729 as the new member of AKR family, AKR13B1. Finally, the first characterization by gel filtration chromatography assays indicates that the protein has an elongated shape, which generates an apparent higher molecular weight. The study of this protein is an effort to fight X. fastidiosa, which causes tremendous losses in many economically important plants.  相似文献   

Survival of irradiated spores from Fusarium oxysporum with ultraviolet radiation (UV) was increased following exposition to visible light, indicating that this phytopathogenic fungus has a mechanism of photoreactivation able to counteract the lethal effects of UV. A genomic sequence containing the complete photolyase gene (phr1) from F. oxysporum was isolated by heterologous hybridisation with the Neurospora crassa photolyase gene. The F. oxysporum phr1 cDNA was isolated and expressed in a photolyase deficient Escherichia coli strain. The complementation of the photoreactivation deficiency of this E. coli mutant by phr1 cDNA demonstrated that the photolyase gene from F. oxysporum encodes a functional protein. The F. oxysporum PHR1 protein has a domain characteristic of photolyases from fungi (Trichoderma harziaium, N. crassa, Magnaporthe grisea, Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to bacteria (E. coli), and clusters in the photolyases phylogenetic tree with fungal photolyases. The F. oxysporum phr1 gene was inducible by visible light. The phr1 expression was also detected in presence of alpha-tomatine, a glycoalkaloid from tomato damaging cell membranes, suggesting that phr1 is induced by this cellular stress.  相似文献   

BTG1, a member of a new family of antiproliferative genes.   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The BTG1 gene locus has been shown to be involved in a t(8;12)(q24;q22) chromosomal translocation in a case of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We report here the cloning and sequencing of the human BTG1 cDNA and establish the genomic organization of this gene. The full-length cDNA isolated from a lymphoblastoid cell line contains an open reading frame of 171 amino acids. BTG1 expression is maximal in the G0/G1 phases of the cell cycle and is down-regulated when cells progress throughout G1. Furthermore, transfection experiments of NIH3T3 cells indicate that BTG1 negatively regulates cell proliferation. The BTG1 open reading frame is 60% homologous to PC3, an immediate early gene induced by nerve growth factor in rat PC12 cells. Sequence and Northern blot analyses indicate that BTG1 and PC3 are not cognate genes. We then postulate that these two genes are the first members of a new family of antiproliferative genes.  相似文献   

Kodama K  Takagi S  Koga A 《Heredity》2008,101(3):222-227
Tol1 is a DNA-based transposable element residing in the genome of the medaka fish Oryzias latipes, and has been proven to be transposed in various vertebrate species, including mammals. This element belongs to the hAT (hobo/Activator/Tam3) transposable element family, whose members are distributed in a wide range of organisms. It is thus possible that Tol1 is mobile in organisms other than vertebrates. We here show that transposition of this element occurs in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. A donor plasmid containing a Tol1 element and a helper plasmid carrying the transposase gene were delivered into gonad cells and, after several generations of culturing, were recovered from worms. PCR analysis of the donor plasmid, using primers that encompassed the Tol1 element, revealed excision of the Tol1 portion from the plasmid. Analysis of genomic DNA of the worms by the inverse PCR method provided evidence that Tol1 had been integrated into the C. elegans chromosomes. Vertebrates and C. elegans are phylogenetically distantly related organisms in that the former are deuterostomes and the latter a protostome animal. Our results indicate (1) the transposition reaction of the Tol1 element requires, besides the transposase, no factors from host cells, or (2) the host factors, even if required, are those that are common to protostomes and deuterostomes. The results also have significance for the development of a gene transfer vector and other biotechnology tools for C. elegans.  相似文献   

We isolated three alleles of an Arabidopsis thaliana gene named ROXY1, which initiates a reduced number of petal primordia and exhibits abnormalities during further petal development. The defects are restricted to the second whorl of the flower and independent of organ identity. ROXY1 belongs to a subgroup of glutaredoxins that are specific for higher plants and we present data on the first characterization of a mutant from this large Arabidopsis gene family for which information is scarce. ROXY1 is predominantly expressed in tissues that give rise to new flower primordia, including petal precursor cells and petal primordia. Occasionally, filamentous organs with stigmatic structures are formed in the second whorl of the roxy1 mutant, indicative for an ectopic function of the class C gene AGAMOUS (AG). The function of ROXY1 in the negative regulation of AG is corroborated by premature and ectopic AG expression in roxy1-3 ap1-10 double mutants, as well as by enhanced first whorl carpeloidy in double mutants of roxy1 with repressors of AG, such as ap2 or lug. Glutaredoxins are oxidoreductases that oxidize or reduce conserved cysteine-containing motifs. Mutagenesis of conserved cysteines within the ROXY1 protein demonstrates the importance of cysteine 49 for its function. Our data demonstrate that, unexpectedly, a plant glutaredoxin is involved in flower development, probably by mediating post-translational modifications of target proteins required for normal petal organ initiation and morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The plant defensin, NaD1, from the flowers of Nicotiana alata displays potent antifungal activity against a variety of agronomically important filamentous fungi including Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov). To understand the mechanism of this antifungal activity, the effect of NaD1 on Fov fungal membranes and the location of NaD1 in treated hyphae was examined using various fluorescence techniques. NaD1 permeabilized fungal plasma membranes via the formation of an aperture with an internal diameter of between 14 and 22A. NaD1 bound to the cell walls of all treated hyphae and entered several hyphae, resulting in granulation of the cytoplasm and cell death. These results suggest that the activity of antifungal plant defensins may not be restricted to the hyphal membrane and that they enter cells and affect intracellular targets.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum is an important soilborne fungal pathogen with many different formae speciales that can colonize the plant vascular system and cause serious crop wilt disease worldwide. We found a glycoside hydrolase family 12 protein FoEG1, secreted by F. oxysporum, that acted as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) targeting the apoplast of plants to induce cell death. Purified FoEG1 protein triggered cell death in different plants and induced the plant defence response to enhance the disease resistance of plants. The ability of FoEG1 to induce cell death was mediated by leucine-rich repeat (LRR) receptor-like kinases BAK1 and SOBIR1, and this ability was independent of its hydrolase activity. The mutants of cysteine residues did not affect the ability of FoEG1 to induce cell death, and an 86 amino acid fragment from amino acid positions 144 to 229 of FoEG1 was sufficient to induce cell death in Nicotiana benthamiana. In addition, the expression of FoEG1 was strongly induced in the early stage of F. oxysporum infection of host plants, and FoEG1 deletion or loss of enzyme activity reduced the virulence of F. oxysporum. Therefore, our results suggest that FoEG1 can contribute to the virulence of F. oxysporum depending on its enzyme activity and can also act as a PAMP to induce plant defence responses.  相似文献   

Complementary DNA clones of a putative transforming gene were isolated from NIH 3T3 cells transformed with human Ewing sarcoma DNA. The gene was termed B-raf because it is related to but distinct from c-raf and A-raf. It appears that substitution in the amino-terminal portion of the normal B-raf protein confers transforming activity to the gene.  相似文献   

Recent completion of rice genome sequencing has revealed that more than 40% of its genome consists of repetitive sequences, and most of them are related to inactive transposable elements. In the present study, a transposable element, nDaiZ0, which is induced by tissue culture with high frequency, was identified by sequence analysis of an allelic line of the golden hull and internode 2 (gh2) mutant, which was integrated into the forth exon of GH2. The 528-bp nDaiZ0 has 14-bp terminal inverted repeats (TIRs), and generates an 8-bp duplication of its target sites (TSD) during its mobilization. nDaiZs are non-autonomous transposons and have no coding capacity. Bioinformatics analysis and southern blot hybridization showed that at least 16 copies of nDaiZ elements exist in the japonica cultivar Nipponbare genome and 11 copies in the indica cultivar 93-11 genome. During tissue culture, only one copy, nDaiZ9, located on chromosome 5 in the genome of Nipponbare can be activated with its transposable frequency reaching 30%. However, nDaiZ9 was not present in the 93-11 genome. The larger elements, DaiZs, were further identified by database searching using nDaiZ0 as a query because they share similar TIRs and subterminal sequences. DaiZ can also generate an 8-bp TSD. DaiZ elements contain a conserved region with a high similarity to the hAT dimerization motif, suggesting that the nDaiZ–DaiZ transposon system probably belongs to the hAT superfamily of class II transposons. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that it is a new type of plant hAT-like transposon. Although nDaiZ is activated by tissue culture, the high transposable frequency indicates that it could become a useful gene tagging system for rice functional genomic studies. In addition, the mechanism of the high transposable ability of nDaiZ9 is discussed.  相似文献   

Conkunitzin-S1 (Conk-S1) is a 60-residue neurotoxin from the venom of the cone snail Conus striatus that interacts with voltage-gated potassium channels. Conk-S1 shares sequence homology with Kunitz-type proteins but contains only two out of the three highly conserved cysteine bridges, which are typically found in these small, basic protein modules. In this study the three-dimensional structure of Conk-S1 has been solved by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. The solution structure of recombinant Conk-S1 shows that a Kunitz fold is present, even though one of the highly conserved disulfide cross-links is missing. Introduction of a third, homologous disulfide bond into Conk-S1 results in a functional toxin with similar affinity for Shaker potassium channels. The affinity of Conk-S1 can be enhanced by a pore mutation within the Shaker channel pore indicating an interaction of Conk-S1 with the vestibule of potassium channels.  相似文献   

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