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Cleavage of double-stranded DNA fragments with known nucleotide sequences upon sonication at 22 and 44 kHz was studied by PAGE. The cleavage rate was shown to depend on the fragment size, pH, ionic strength, and temperature. Double-strand breaks occurred preferentially in 5′-CpG-3′ dinucleotides. The strand was broken between C and G so that the phosphate group was at the 5′ side of G in the products. The cleavage rate proved to depend on the sequences flanking the cleavage site. The character of cleavage changed in the presence of Pt-bis-netropsin, a sequence-specific ligand that alters the local conformation of DNA.  相似文献   

The cellular response to DNA damage in Escherichia coli is controlled in part by the activity of the umuD gene products. The full-length dimeric UmuD2 is the initial product that is expressed shortly after the induction of the SOS response and inhibits bacterial mutagenesis, allowing for error-free repair to occur. Over time, the slow auto-cleavage of UmuD2 to UmuD′2 promotes mutagenesis to ensure cell survival. The intracellular levels of UmuD2 and UmuD′2 are further regulated by degradation in vivo, returning the cell to a non-mutagenic state. To further understand the dynamic regulatory roles of the umuD gene products, we monitored the kinetics of exchange and cleavage of the UmuD2 and UmuD′2 homodimers as well as of the UmuDD′ heterodimer under equilibrium conditions. We found that the heterodimer is the preferred but not exclusive protein form, and that both the heterodimer and homodimers exhibit slow exchange kinetics which is further inhibited in the presence of interacting partner DinB. In addition, the heterodimer efficiently cleaves to form UmuD′2. Together, this work reveals an intricate UmuD lifecycle that involves dimer exchange and cleavage in the regulation of the DNA damage response.  相似文献   

Bleomycin (BLM) is a cancer chemotherapeutic agent that cleaves cellular DNA at specific sequences. Using next-generation Illumina sequencing, the genome-wide sequence specificity of DNA cleavage by two BLM analogues, 6′-deoxy-BLM Z and zorbamycin (ZBM), was determined in human HeLa cells and compared with BLM. Over 200 million double-strand breaks were examined for each sample, and the 50,000 highest intensity cleavage sites were analysed. It was found that the DNA sequence specificity of the BLM analogues in human cells was different to BLM, especially at the cleavage site (position “0”) and the “+1” position. In human cells, the 6′-deoxy-BLM Z had a preference for 5′-GTGY*MC (where * is the cleavage site, Y is C or T, M is A or C); it was 5′-GTGY*MCA for ZBM; and 5′-GTGT*AC for BLM. With cellular DNA, the highest ranked tetranucleotides were 5′-TGC*C and 5′-TGT*A for 6′-deoxy-BLM Z; 5′-TGC*C, 5′-TGT*A and 5′-TGC*A for ZBM; and 5′-TGT*A for BLM. In purified human genomic DNA, the DNA sequence preference was 5′-TGT*A for 6′-deoxy-BLM, 5′-RTGY*AYR (where R is G or A) for ZBM, and 5′-TGT*A for BLM. Thus, the sequence specificity of the BLM analogue, 6′-deoxy-BLM Z, was similar to BLM in purified human DNA, while ZBM was different.  相似文献   

In probing the mechanism of inhibition of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF-1) by campothecins, we investigated the ability of human topoisomerase I to bind and cleave HIF-1 response element (HRE), which contains the known camptothecin-mediated topoisomerase I cleavage site 5′-TG. We observed that the selection of 5′-TG by human topoisomerase I and topotecan depends to a large extent on the specific flanking sequences, and that the presence of a G at the −2 position (where cleavage occurs between −1 and +1) prevents the HRE site from being a preferred site for such cleavage. Furthermore, the presence of −2 T/A can induce the cleavage at a less preferred TC or TA site. However, in the absence of a more preferred site, the HRE site is shown to be cleaved by human topoisomerase I in the presence of topotecan. Thus, it is implied that the −2 base has a significant influence on the selection of the camptothecin-mediated Topo I cleavage site, which can overcome the preference for +1G. While the cleavage site recognition has been known to be based on the concerted effect of several bases spanning the cleavage site, such a determining effect of an individual base has not been previously recognized. A possible base-specific interaction between DNA and topoisomerase I may be responsible for this sequence selectivity.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of DNA methylation status among alleles is observed in various cell types and is involved in epigenetic gene regulation and cancer biology. However, the individual methylation profile within each allele has not yet been examined at the whole-genome level. In the present study, we applied linkage disequilibrium analysis to the DNA methylation data obtained from whole-genome bisulfite sequencing studies in mouse germline and other types of cells. We found that the methylation status of 2 consecutive CpG sites showed deviation from equilibrium frequency toward concordant linkage (both methylated or both unmethylated) in germline cells. In the imprinting loci where methylation of constituent alleles is known, our analysis detected the deviation toward the concordant linkage as expected. In addition, we applied this analysis to the transitional zone between methylated and unmethylated regions and to the cells undergoing epigenetic reprogramming. In both cases, deviation to the concordant-linked alleles was conspicuous, indicating that the methylation pattern is not random but rather concordant within each allele. These results will provide the key to understanding the mechanism underlying allelic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Sequence-specific DNA cleavage is a key step in a number of genomic transactions. Here, we report a single-molecule technique that allows the simultaneous measurement of hundreds of DNAs, thereby collecting significant statistics in a single experiment. Microbeads are tethered with single DNA molecules in a microfluidic channel. After the DNA cleavage reaction is initiated, the time of cleavage of each DNA is recorded using video microscopy. We demonstrate the utility of our method by measuring the cleavage kinetics of NdeI, a type II restriction endonuclease.  相似文献   

Promiscuous mutant EcoRI endonucleases produce lethal to sublethal effects because they cleave Escherichia coli DNA despite the presence of the EcoRI methylase. Three promiscuous mutant forms, Ala138Thr, Glu192Lys and His114Tyr, have been characterized with respect to their binding affinities and first-order cleavage rate constants towards the three classes of DNA sites: specific, miscognate (EcoRI*) and non-specific. We have made the unanticipated and counterintuitive observations that the mutant restriction endonucleases that exhibit relaxed specificity in vivo nevertheless bind more tightly than the wild-type enzyme to the specific recognition sequence in vitro, and show even greater preference for binding to the cognate GAATTC site over miscognate sites. Binding preference for EcoRI* over non-specific DNA is also improved. The first-order cleavage rate constants of the mutant enzymes are normal for the cognate site GAATTC, but are greater than those of the wild-type enzyme at EcoRI* sites. Thus, the mutant enzymes use two mechanisms to partially bypass the multiple fail-safe mechanisms that protect against cleavage of genomic DNA in cells carrying the wild-type EcoRI restriction-modification system: (a) binding to EcoRI* sites is more probable than for wild-type enzyme because non-specific DNA is less effective as a competitive inhibitor; (b) the combination of increased affinity and elevated cleavage rate constants at EcoRI* sites makes double-strand cleavage of these sites a more probable outcome than it is for the wild-type enzyme. Semi-quantitative estimates of rates of EcoRI* site cleavage in vivo, predicted using the binding and cleavage constants measured in vitro, are in accord with the observed lethal phenotypes associated with the three mutations.  相似文献   

Phenazine and its derivatives have been widely applied as nucleic acid cleavage agents due to active oxygen activating the C–H bond of the substrate. However, diffusion of oxygen radicals limits their potential applications in the DNA-targeted metal-free drug. Introduction of groove binder moiety such as polyamide enhanced the regional stability of radical molecules and reduced cytotoxicity of the drugs. In this work, we described the design and synthesis of a polyamide-modified phenazine-di-N-oxide as a DNA double-strand cleavage agent. The gel assays showed the hybrid conjugates can effectively break DNA double strands in a non-random manner under physiological conditions. The probable binding mode to DNA was investigated by sufficient spectral experiments, revealing weak interaction between hybrid ligand and nucleic acid molecules. The results of our study have implications on the design of groove-binding hybrid molecules as new artificial nucleases and may provide a strategy for developing efficient and safe DNA cleavage reagents.  相似文献   

Metal complexes that establish interactions with DNA are being studied not only because of their potential use as therapeutic agents but also as tools for biochemistry and molecular biology. Searching for drugs with anti-trypanosome activity, we previously synthesized a series of ruthenium mixed ligand dimethyl sulfoxide complexes of the type [Ru(II)Cl(2)(DMSO)(2)L], where L is 5-nitrofurylsemicarbazone derivatives and DMSO is dimethyl sulfoxide. Though they present the ability to bind DNA, no activity against parasites in cell culture was observed. Considering their potential application as molecular tools we further analyzed the interactions with DNA through an electrophoretic approach. Non covalent withdrawal of superhelicity and a rapid nicking activity upon covalent interaction was observed. Inhibition of both effects was observed in the presence of distamycin suggesting the involvement of the DNA minor groove in the interaction with the nitrofurylsemicarbazone ruthenium complexes. In addition cleavage inhibition by dimethyl sulfoxide suggests an oxidative mechanism of action.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the synthesis of a new class of cyclen-contained compounds with novel peptide nucleic acid (PNA) analog motif. Target bis-cyclen derivative B was prepared and characterized by ESI-MS, NMR and HPLC. Interactions between compound B and calf thymus DNA were studied by thermal denaturation. Results indicate that the DNA binding affinity of B is stronger than that of mono-cyclen compound A, and the binding ability is little affected by the change of ionic strength. Agarose and denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were used to assess the DNA cleavage activities. The macrocyclic polyamine-PNA analog conjugate B as a nuclease model can effectively cleave DNA via an oxidative pathway at micromolar concentration (10 μM) without the use of any additional metal ions. Meanwhile, the mono-cyclen compound A shows nearly no DNA cleavage effect under the same conditions.  相似文献   

A new sulfur-ligated Zn-peptide 1:2 complex, [Zn(II)(Boc-NH-Cys-Gly-Cys-OMe)2]2- (2), was prepared, characterized, and tested for its DNA-binding and -cleavage properties. Complex 2 was found to cleave DNA hydrolytically. The negative charge in 2 reduces the affinity of the complex for DNA, and enhances its binding specificity.  相似文献   

During the first steps of site-specific recombination, Cre protein cleaves and religates a specific homologous pair of LoxP strands to form a Holliday junction (HJ) intermediate. The HJ is resolved into recombination products through exchange of the second homologous strand pair. CreH289A, containing a His to Ala substitution in the conserved R-H-R catalytic motif, has a 150-fold reduced recombination rate and accumulates HJs. However, to produce these HJs, CreH289A exchanges the opposite set of strands compared to wild-type Cre (CreWT). To investigate how CreH289A and CreWT impose strand exchange order, we characterized their reactivities and strand cleavage preferences toward LoxP duplex and HJ substrates containing 8bp spacer substitutions. Remarkably, CreH289A had different and often opposite strand exchange preferences compared to CreWT with nearly all substrates. CreH289N was much less perturbed, implying that overall recombination rate and strand exchange depend more on His289 hydrogen bonding capability than on its acid/base properties. LoxP substitutions immediately 5' (S1 nucleotide) or 3' (S1' nucleotide) of the scissile phosphate had large effects on substrate utilization and strand exchange order. S1' substitutions, designed to alter base-unstacking events concomitant with Cre-induced LoxP bending, caused HJ accumulation and dramatically inverted the cleavage preferences. That pre-formed HJs were resolved via either strand in vitro suggests that inhibition of the "conformational switch" isomerization required to trigger the second strand exchange accounts for the observed HJ accumulation. Rather than reflecting CreWT behavior, CreH289A accumulates HJs of opposite polarity through a combination of its unique cleavage specificity and an HJ isomerization defect. The overall implication is that cleavage specificity is mediated by sequence-dependent DNA deformations that influence the scissile phosphate positioning and reactivity. A role of His289 may be to selectively stabilize the "activated" phosphate conformation in order to promote cleavage.  相似文献   

We have addressed the association between the site of DNA cleavage during apoptosis and DNA replication. DNA double strand breaks were introduced into chromatin containing pulse labeled nascent DNA by the induction of apoptosis or autocleavage of isolated nuclei. The location of these breaks in relation to nascent DNA were revealed by Bal 31 exonuclease digestion at the cut sites. Our data show that Bal31 accessible cut sites are directly linked to regions enriched in nascent DNA. We suggest that these regions coincide with the termini of replication domains, possibly linked by strong DNA-matrix interactions with biophysically defined topological structures of 0.5 - 1.3 Mbp in size. The 50 kbp fragments that are commonly observed as products of apoptosis are also enriched in nascent DNA within internal regions but not at their termini. It is proposed that these fragments contain a subset of replicon DNA that is excised during apoptosis through recognition of their weak attachment to the nuclear matrix within the replication domain.J. Cell. Biochem. 70:604-615, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Bioflavonoids as antiradicals,antioxidants and DNA cleavage protectors   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Flavonoids have recently aroused considerable interest because of their broad pharmacological activity. In fact, flavonoids have been reported to have antiviral, antiallergic, antiplatelet, anti-inflammatory and antitumoral activities. The pharmacological properties of bioflavonoids have been ascribed both to the concomitant inhibition of enzymes involved in the production of free radicals and to their free-radical scavenging and iron chelating capacity. However the antioxidant capacity of bioflavonoids due to free-radical scavenging and/or to iron chelating is still controversial. In this study, we have investigated the free-radical scavenging capacity of bioflavonoids (rutin, catechin, and naringin). In addition, the effects of these polyphenols on xanthine oxidase activity, spontaneous lipid peroxidation, and DNA cleavage were investigated. The bioflavonoids under examination showed a dose-dependent free-radical scavenging effect, a significant inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity, and an antilipoperoxidative capacity. In addition, they showed a protective effect on DNA cleavage. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Two new Cu(II) complexes, [Cu(acac)(dpq)Cl] () and [Cu(acac)(dppz)Cl] () (acac = acetylacetonate, dpq = dipyrido[3,2-d:20,30-f]quinoxaline, dppz = dipyrido[3,2-a:20,30-c] phenazine), have been synthesized and their DNA binding, photo-induced DNA cleavage activity and cell cytotoxicity are studied. The complexes show good binding propensity to calf thymus DNA in the order: 2(dppz) > 1(dpq). Furthermore, two complexes exhibit efficient DNA cleavage activity on natural light or UV-A (365 nm) irradiation via a mechanistic pathway involving formation of singlet oxygen as the reactive species. The photo-induced DNA cleavage activity of the dppz complex 2 is found to be more efficient than its dpq analogue. In vitro study of the photocytotoxicity of two complexes on HeLa cells indicate that both of them have the potential to act as effective anticancer drugs, with IC50 values of 5.25 ± 0.83 μM (1) and 4.40 ± 0.52 μM (2) in the natural light, and 2.57 ± 0.92 μM (1) and 2.18 ± 0.52 μM (2) in UV-A light. In addition, to detect an apoptotic HeLa body, cells were stained with Hoechst 33342 dye.  相似文献   

The known action of Cu, Zn superoxide dismutase (Cu(2)Zn(2)SOD) that converts O(2)(-) to O(2) and H(2)O(2) plays a crucial role in protecting cells from toxicity of oxidative stress. However, the overproduction of Cu(2)Zn(2)SOD does not result in increased protection but rather creates a variety of unfavorable effects, suggesting that too much Cu(2)Zn(2)SOD may be injurious to the cells. The present study examined the DNA cleavage activity mediated by a Cu(n)SOD that contains 1-4 copper ions, in order to obtain an insight into the aberrant copper-mediated oxidative chemistry in the enzyme. A high SOD activity was observed upon metallation of the apo-form of Cu(2)Zn(2)SOD with Cu(II), indicating that nearly all of the Cu(II) in the Cu(n)SOD is as active as the Cu(II) in the copper site of fully active Cu(2)Zn(2)SOD. Using a supercoiled DNA as substrate, significant DNA cleavage was observed with the Cu(n)SOD in the presence of hydrogen peroxide or mercaptoethanol, whereas DNA cleavage with free Cu(II) ions can occur only <5% under the same conditions. Comparison with other proteins shows that the DNA cleavage activity is specific to some proteins including the Cu(n)SOD. The steady state study suggests that a cooperative action between the SOD protein and the Cu(II)may appear in the DNA cleavage activity, which is independent of the number of Cu(II) in the Cu(n)SOD. The kinetic study shows that a two-stage reaction was involved in DNA cleavage. The effects of various factors including EDTA, radical scavengers, bicarbonate anion, and carbon dioxide gas molecules on the Cu(n)SOD-mediated DNA cleavage activity were also investigated. It is proposed that DNA cleavage occurs via both hydroxyl radical oxidation and hydroxide ion hydrolysis pathways. This work implies that any form of the copper-containing SOD enzymes (including Cu(2)Zn(2)SOD and its mutants) might have the DNA cleavage activity.  相似文献   

Two new Zn(II) complexes containing guanidinium groups, [Zn(L1)Cl2](ClO4)2 · H2O · CH3OH (1) and [Zn(L2)Cl2](ClO4)2 · 0.5H2O (2), were synthesized and characterized (L1 = 5,5′-di[1-(guanidyl)methyl]-2,2′-bipyridyl bication and L2 = 6,6′-di[1-(guanidyl)methyl]-2,2′-bipyridyl bication). Both complexes are able to catalyze bis(p-nitrophenyl) phosphate (BNPP) hydrolysis efficiently. Obtained kinetic data reveal that both 1 and 2 show nearly 300- and 600-fold rate enhancement of BNPP hydrolysis, respectively, compared to their simple analogue without the guanidinium groups [Zn(bpy)Cl2] (bpy = 2,2′-bipyridy) (3). Enhanced acceleration for cleavage of BNPP could be attributed to cooperative interaction between the Zn(II) ion and the guanidinium groups by electrostatic interaction and H-bonding. Studies on inhibition of sequence-specific endonucleases (DraI and SmaI) by complexes show that 1 and 2 are able to recognize nucleotide sequence, -TTT^AAA-, and highly effectively cleave the plasmid DNA in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, while 3 has no specific binding to the DNA target sequences and only shows low DNA cleavage activity.  相似文献   

Members of the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) specific RNase III family are known to use a conserved dsRNA-binding domain (dsRBD) to distinguish RNA A-form helices from DNA B-form ones, however, the basis of this selectivity and its effect on cleavage specificity remain unknown. Here, we directly examine the molecular requirements for dsRNA recognition and cleavage by the budding yeast RNase III (Rnt1p), and compare it to both bacterial RNase III and fission yeast RNase III (Pac1). We synthesized substrates with either chemically modified nucleotides near the cleavage sites, or with different DNA/RNA combinations, and investigated their binding and cleavage by Rnt1p. Substitution for the ribonucleotide vicinal to the scissile phosphodiester linkage with 2'-deoxy-2'-fluoro-beta-d-ribose (2' F-RNA), a deoxyribonucleotide, or a 2'-O-methylribonucleotide permitted cleavage by Rnt1p, while the introduction of a 2', 5'-phosphodiester linkage permitted binding, but not cleavage. This indicates that the position of the phosphodiester link with respect to the nuclease domain, and not the 2'-OH group, is critical for cleavage by Rnt1p. Surprisingly, Rnt1p bound to a DNA helix capped with an NGNN tetraribonucleotide loop indicating that the binding of at least one member of the RNase III family is not restricted to RNA. The results also suggest that the dsRBD may accommodate B-form DNA duplexes. Interestingly, Rnt1p, but not Pac1 nor bacterial RNase III, cleaved the DNA strand of a DNA/RNA hybrid, indicating that A-form RNA helix is not essential for cleavage by Rnt1p. In contrast, RNA/DNA hybrids bound to, but were not cleaved by Rnt1p, underscoring the critical role for the nucleotide located at 3' end of the tetraloop and suggesting an asymmetrical mode of substrate recognition. In cell extracts, the native enzyme effectively cleaved the DNA/RNA hybrid, indicating much broader Rnt1p substrate specificity than previously thought. The discovery of this novel RNA-dependent deoxyribonuclease activity has potential implications in devising new antiviral strategies that target actively transcribed DNA.  相似文献   

The sequence specificity of topoisomerase-II-mediated DNA cleavage, stimulated by 2-methyl-9-hydroxy ellipticinium and 4′, 5′,7-trihydroyflavone (genistein) was investigated by sequencing analysis of DNA cleavage sites and molecular modeling techniques. The former drug exhibits a marked preference for a T base at the position immediately preceding the cleavage site (?1). The latter shares the preference for the same base, with an additional preference for a thymine at position +1. The cleavage intensity patterns for the two drugs differ considerably. From a conformational point of view, ellipticinium and genistein exhibit similar overall shape and dimensions. However, the fused ring system in the former generates a planar structure whereas the single bond, connecting the two aromatic portions in the latter, allows internal rotation. The most stable conformation of genistein corresponds to a deviation of about 40° from planarity. A computer-assisted analysis was carried out to compare the steric and electrostatic properties of the two compounds. Two types of preferred (energetically almost degenerate) alignment for the two molecules were found. One corresponds to overlapping of the 9-hydroxyl containing ring of ellipticinium with the 4′-hydroxyphenyl moiety of genistein, the other envisages the same moiety of ellipticine superimposed to the hydroxyl-benzopyrone portion of genistein. The structural similarities of the test drugs might account for the common preference for stimulation of DNA cleavage at position +1, whereas the different possible arrangements of genistein in the cleavable complex could explain both the additional +1 specificity exhibited by this compound and the differences in cleavage intensity patterns observed in comparison to ellipticinium.  相似文献   

Gene silencing via promoter CpG island hypermethylation offers tumor cells growth advantages. This epigenetic event is pharmacologically reversible, and uncovering a unique set of methylation-silenced genes in tumor cells can bring a new avenue to cancer treatment. However, high-throughput tools capable of surveying the methylation status of multiple gene promoters are needed for this discovery process. Herein we describe an oligonucleotide-based microarray technique that is both versatile and sensitive in revealing hypermethylation in defined regions of the genome. DNA samples are bisulfite-treated and PCR-amplified to distinguish CpG dinucleotides that are methylated from those that are not. Fluorescently labeled PCR products are hybridized to arrayed oligonucleotides that can discriminate between methylated and unmethylated alleles in regions of interest. Using this technique, two clinical subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, mantle cell lymphoma, and grades I/II follicular lymphoma, were further separated based on the differential methylation profiles of several gene promoters. Work is underway in our laboratory to extend the interrogation power of this microarray system in multiple candidate genes. This novel tool, therefore, holds promise to monitor the outcome of various epigenetic therapies on cancer patients.  相似文献   

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