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The mutabilities of normal and xeroderma pigmentosum variant (XP4BE) human fibroblasts by ultraviolet light (UV) were compared under conditions of maximum expression of the 6-thioguanine resistance (TGr) phenotype. Selection was with 20 micrograms TG/ml on populations reseeded at various times after irradiation. Approx. 6--12 days (4--8 population doublings), depending on the UV dose, were necessary for complete expression. The induced mutation frequencies were linear functions of the UV dose but the slope of the line for normal cells extrapolated to zero induced mutants at 3 J/m2. The postreplication repair-defective XP4BE cells showed a higher frequency of TGr colonies than normal fibroblasts when compared at equal UV doses or at equitoxic treatments. The induced frequency of TGr colonies was not a linear function of the logarithm of survival for either cell type. Instead, the initial slope decreased to a constant slope for survivals less than about 50%. The UV doses and induced mutation frequencies corresponding to 37% survival of cloning abilities were 6.7 J/m2 and 6.2 X 10(-5), respectively, for normal cells and 3.75 J/m2 and 17.3 X 10(-5) for the XP4BE cells. The lack of an observable increase in the mutant frequency for normal fibroblasts exposed to slightly lethal UV doses suggests that normal postreplication repair of UV-induced lesions is error-free (or nearly so) until a threshold dose is exceeded.  相似文献   

Diploid xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) skin fibroblast strains from various XP-complementation groups (B, C, G, and H) were transformed with an origin-defective SV40 early region or with the pSV3 gpt plasmid. In the latter case, transfected cells were selected for their ability to express the dominant xgpt gene. Immortalized cell lines were obtained, from XP-complementation groups C (8CA, 3MA, and 20MA; XP3MA and XP20MA were formerly considered to belong to complementation group I), G (2BI and 3BR), and H (2CS). No immortalized cells could be isolated from complementation group B (11BE). The immortalization frequency of wild-type diploid fibroblasts and diploid cultures from XP patients was not significantly increased by cotransfection with the SV40 early region plus several selected viral and cellular oncogenes. In fact, co-transfection with some of the oncogenes caused a marked decrease of the transformation frequency. The observed immortalization occurred at a frequency of approximately 5 x 10(-8).  相似文献   

Inhibition of the gap-filling, polymerizing step of excision repair by 1-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine (ara-C) after irradiation with ultraviolet light in human diploid fibroblasts resulted in the formation of persistent DNA strand breaks in G1, G2, and plateau phase cells, but not in S phase cells. Addition of hydroxyurea to ara-C resulted in partial inhibition of repair in S phase cells. These observations can be explained either in terms of changing roles in repair for different DNA polymerases throughout the cell cycle or by the presence of a pool of deoxycytidine nucleotides during S phase equivalent to an external source of deoxycytidine at 50 μM concentration. A similar concentration dependence on ara-C was observed for inhibition of repair in normal human, xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) variant, and Cockayne's syndrome cells. Ara-C produced a similar number of breaks in normal and Cockayne's syndrome cells but slightly more in XP variant cells. Exonuclease III and S1 nuclease independently both degraded about 50% of the 3H-thymidine incorporated into repaired regions in the presence of ara-C. Sequential digestion with both enzymes degraded nearly 90% of the repaired regions. These observations can be explained if excision repair proceeds by displacing the damaged strand so that both the 3H-labeled patch and the damaged region are still ligated to high molecular weight DNA and compete for the same complementary strand during in vitro incubation with the nucleases. The amount of 3H-thymidine incorporated in DNA by repair decreased with increasing concentrations of ara-C and hydroxyurea, suggesting that the incomplete patches became shorter under these conditions. Extrapolation of the digestion kinetics with exonuclease III permits an estimate of the normal patch size of about 100 nucleotides, consistent with previous estimates.  相似文献   

DNA-protein cross-linking by ultraviolet radiation was measured in human fibroblasts by an adaptation of the method of DNA alkaline elution. To measure cross-linking, a controlled frequency of DNA single-strand breaks was introduced by exposing the cells to a low dose of X-ray at 0 degrees C prior to analysis by alkaline elution. The effect of prior exposure of the cells to ultraviolet radiation was to reduce the rate and/or extent of DNA elution from X-irradiated cells. This effect was attributed to DNA-protein cross-linking, since the effect was reversed by treatment of the cell lysates with proteinase-K. Cross-linking in normal human fibroblasts occurred immediately after ultraviolet irradiation, prior to the appearance of DNA single-strand breaks due to excision repair. Upon incubation of normal cells after exposure, to ultraviolet radiation, the cross-linking was partially repaired. In xeroderma pigmentosum cells, cross-links appeared as in normal cells, but there was no repair. Instead, the extent of cross-linking appeared to increase upon incubation after ultraviolet irradiation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the induction of mutants resistant to 6-thioguanine (6TG) following 254 nm ultraviolet light exposure of density-inhibited cultures of human diploid fibroblasts. Phenotypic expression of 6TG resistance was maximal within 9 days and remained stable through 19 days after irradiation. In reconstruction studies, complete recovery of 6TG-resistant mutants occurred at cell densities of up to 35 000 cells per 100-mm petri dish. The induced mutation frequency increased linearly with dose over the range of 3–9 J/m2; the D0 of the survival curve was 4.2 J/m2. Delaying subculture to low density for 1.5–24 h after irradiation produced unexpected alterations in induced mutation frequencies. An increase in UV-induced mutations of approximately 3-fold was observed in cultures maintained in confluence for 3 h. This trend was reversed with longer holding times: the mutation frequency declined sharply in cultures held for 6 h compared to the 3-h value, and thereafter showed a steady and gradual diminution to background levels.

These data suggest that the repair of potentíally mutagenic damage is a complex phenomenon which can lead to an increase or decrease in mutation frequency as a function of holding time. Although the decline in mutation frequency observed following longer holding intervals is consistent with the notion of an error-free process, we hypothesize that the increased mutation frequency produced by a short holding period reflects the existence of a cell-mediated process which enhances the mutagenic potential of at least some UV-induced DNA photoproducts.  相似文献   

Summary Assessment of DNA repair in cultured human fibroblasts by autoradiography may be facilitated by using semiautomated grain counting instruments. The instrument-determined number of autoradiographic grains per nucleus in cultured human skin fibroblasts was found to be linear in comparison to visual counts up to only 30 grains per nucleus. However, with two different instruments a greater range of linearity (to 100 to 120 grains per nucleus) was attained by measuring the grain surface area per nucleus. Semiautomated analysis of the grain surface area per nucleus yielded measurements of relative rates of unscheduled DNA synthesis after ultraviolet irradiation in xeroderma pigmentosum and normal human fibroblasts, which were reproducible and rapid.  相似文献   

Cell survival and induction of endonuclease-sensitive sites in DNA were measured in human fibroblast cells exposed to fluorescent light or germicidal ultraviolet light. Cells from a xeroderma pigmentosum patient were hypersensitive to cell killing by fluorescent light, although less so than for germicidal ultraviolet light. Xeroderma pigmentosum cells were deficient in the removal of fluorescent light-induced endonuclease sites that are probably pyrimidine dimers, and both the xeroderma pigmentosum and normal cells removed these sites with kinetics indistinguishable from those for ultraviolet light-induced sites. A comparison of fluorescent with ultraviolet light data demonstrates that there are markedly fewer pyrimidine dimers per lethal event for fluorescent than for ultraviolet light, suggesting a major role for non-dimer damage in fluorescent light lethality.  相似文献   

Simian virus 40 infection of semipermissive human diploid fibroblasts (HF), at early passage in cell culture, was compared with that of permissive established monkey cell lines. Viral DNA can be readily detected at 24 to 48 h postinfection at 37 degrees C with a high multiplicity of infection, approaching 10% of that of monkey cells (TC7). The length of time necessary for replication of an average molecule of viral DNA was found to be indistinguishable in HF and TC7 cells. Strand elongation plus termination were assessed by following the accumulation of DNA I at 40 degrees C from replicative intermediates of tsA30 prelabeled at 33 degrees C, obviating isotope pool problems. Combined initiation and elongation of wild-type viral DNA was measured by density shift experiments involving a 5-bromodeoxyuridine chase of prelabeled [3H]thymidine-labeled viral DNA. Determination of accumulation of viral T and V antigens supports the conclusion that the most likely basis for the reduced virus yield in HF cells results from the inefficiency of an early stage in virus infection, before or during uncoating. Similar results were obtained in fibroblasts derived from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum, suggesting that enzymes of UV repair are not required in unirradiated simian virus 40 DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Clonogenic survival response to 254-nm ultraviolet light was measured in 2 strains of repair-proficient normal human fibroblasts and 4 strains of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) fibroblasts belonging to complementation groups A, C, D and variant. In all strains except XPA, cells irradiated in plateau phase and subcultured immediately were much more resistant to the lethal effect of UV than cells irradiated in the exponential phase of growth. Typically, 10-20% of plateau-phase cells were extremely resistant. When the cultures were held in plateau phase for 24 h after irradiation and before subculture, there was a further enhance of survival. By use of a UV-specific endonuclease assay, no difference was found in the number of DNA lesions induced in exponentially growing and plateau cultures by the same dose of UV light. Thus plateau-phase cells appear to be more efficient in their DNA-repair capability than cells in exponential growth. XP group A cells were uniquely found to be deficient in the processes which lead to plateau-phase resistance. Since plateau-phase repair was not lacking in XP groups C, D and variant, it may be related to a DNA-repair process different from that which is responsible for the overall UV sensitivity of these cells.  相似文献   

Skin fibroblasts from normal human subjects were exposed in vitro to long-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVA, 320–400 nm) alone, or in combination with 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP). DNA damage was analysed with the alkaline elution technique before and after post-treatment incubation of the cells at 37°C for various times.Cells treated with UVA at 1.1 J/cm2 showed an increased DNA elution rate, which returned to the normal level within 30 min of post-treatment incubation. In cells treated with PUVA (8-MOP at 20 μg/ml plus UVA at 0.04 J/cm2), the alkaline elution rate was not different from untreated control cells, either before or after post-treatment incubation for times up to 7 days.When the PUVA treatment was followed first by a washing, to remove any unbound 8-MOP, and then by UVA (PUVA + UVA) at 1.1 J/cm2, the alkaline elution rate decreased below the control level. During the post-treatment incubation of the PUVA + UVA-treated cells there was a gradual increase of the alkaline elution rate to a level significantly above that in control cells. This increase was observed after 30 min. It reached a miaximum after 24 h and remained after 7 days of post-treatment incubation. Cells from a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum of complementation group A, which were given the same PUVA + UVA treatment, did not show any change in the alkaline elution rate during the post-treatment incubation.If, as seems likely, an increased alkaline elution rate indicates an increase of DNA breaks, and a decreased alkaline elution rate indicates the sealing of breaks and/or the formation of cross-links, the results would suggest the following: (1) UVA irradiation in itself is capable of inducing DNA breaks, which are rapidly sealed during post-treatment incubation; (2) PUVA treatment induces mono-adducts, some of which appear to remain in the DNA for at least 7 days of post-treatment incubation and can be activated to form DNA cross-links by a second dose of UVA; (3) DNA cross-links induced by PUVA + UVA can be recognized by a repair process that involves the formation of DNA breaks. This process is not observed in xeroderma pigmentosum cells of group A.  相似文献   

Enhanced reactivation (ER) and enhanced mutagenesis (EM) of herpes simplex virus type 1 were studied simultaneously in UV-irradiated stationary cultures of diploid normal human and xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) fibroblasts. Mutagenesis was assayed with unirradiated herpes simplex virus type 1 as a probe in a forward mutation assay (resistance to iododeoxycytidine). Dose-response studies showed that ER increased with the UV dose given to the virus. Optimal reactivation levels were obtained when normal cells and XP variant cells were exposed to a UV dose of 8 J . m-2 and the virus was irradiated with 150 J . m-2. Repair-deficient XP cells of complementation groups A, C, and D showed optimal reactivation levels with a UV dose to the cells of 1.0 J . m-2 and a UV dose to the virus of 40 J . m-2. The time course of appearance of ER and EM was also studied, both in the normal and XP cells. In all cell types except the XP variant cells, EM followed similar kinetics of appearance as did ER. Maximal activities occurred when infection was delayed 1 or 2 days after cell treatment. In XP variant cells, however, maximal expression of the EM function was significantly delayed with respect to ER. The results indicate that ER and EM are transiently expressed in normal and repair-deficient XP cells. Although both phenomena may be triggered by the same cellular event, ER and EM appear to be separate processes that occur independently of each other.  相似文献   

The inhibition of DNA replication in ultraviolet-irradiated human fibroblasts was characterized by quantitative analysis of radiation-induced alterations in the steady-state distribution of sizes of pulse-labeled, nascent DNA. Low, noncytotoxic fluences (<1 J/m2, producing less than one pyrimidine dimer per replicon) rapidly produced an inhibition of DNA synthesis in half-replicon-size replication intermediates without noticeably affecting synthesis in multi-repliconsize intermediates. With time, the inhibition produced by low fluences spread progressively to include multi-replicon-size intermediates. The results indicate that ultraviolet radiation inhibits the initiation of DNA synthesis in replicons. Higher (>1 J/m2, producing more than one dimer per replicon) cytotoxic fluences inhibited DNA synthesis in operating replicons presumably because the elongation of nascent strands was blocked where pyrimidine dimers were present in template strands. Xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts with deficiencies in DNA excision repair exhibited an inhibition of replicon initiation after low radiation fluences. indicating the effect was not solely dependent upon operation of the nucleotidyl excision repair pathway. Owing to their inability to remove pyrimidine dimers ahead of DNA growing points, the repair-deficient cells also were more sensitive than normal cells to the ultraviolet-induced inhibition of chain elongation. Xeroderma pigmentosum cells belonging to the variant class were even more sensitive to inhibition of chain elongation than the repair-deficient strains despite their ability to remove pyrimidine dimers. This analysis suggests that normal and repair-deficient human fibroblasts either are able to rapidly bypass certain dimers or these dimers are not recognized by the chain elongation machinery.  相似文献   

We have determined the levels of DNA-polymerases-alpha and-beta in fibroblasts obtained from normal subjects and from patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum (XP) belonging to three different complementation groups and to the variant form. The assays have been performed in crude extracts and after fractionation on sucrose gradients. The levels of alpha and beta-polymerases in the different cases of XP were found to lie within the same range as the control values, and no correlation was found with the severity of the symptoms. The sedimentation coefficients of the two polymerases from all the pathological lines were identical to those of the normal fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The mutagenesis shuttle vector, pZ189, was treated with ultraviolet (u.v.) radiation in vitro and passed through a DNA repair-deficient lymphoblastoid cell line derived from a patient with xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group A (XP-A) (XP12BE(EBV)) and a DNA repair-proficient lymphoblastoid cell line (GM606(EBV)). After u.v. treatment, plasmid survival was lower and mutation frequency higher with the XP-A cells mirroring the survival and mutagenesis of the host cells. The nature of the mutations in the suppressor tRNA marker gene was determined by direct sequence analysis. The G.C to A.T transition was the dominant (85%) base substitution mutation with the XP lymphoblasts and was the major (56%) base substitution mutation with the repair-proficient lymphoblasts. We found a G.C to A.T transition mutational hotspot with the XP lymphoblasts not seen in our previous experiments with fibroblasts from the same patient. Comparison of the data presented here with our results with DNA repair-deficient and DNA repair-proficient fibroblasts suggests that hotspot variability is not due to genetic polymorphism or repair capacity of the cells. Instead it appears that cellular factors can influence the probability of mutagenesis of modified DNA at particular sites.  相似文献   

Levels of 5'-adenyl dinucleotides, measured as diadenosine-5',5'-P1,P4-tetraphosphate (Ap4A), were found to accumulate in cultured human fibroblasts following treatment with N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG), the radiomimetic drug bleomycin, and nitroquinoline-1-oxide (NQO) or UV-irradiation in the presence of cytosine arabinofuranoside (araC). In contrast, cells derived from patients with xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group A (XP-A) did not demonstrate an increase in DNA-strand breaks following UV irradiation or NQO in the presence of araC nor an increase in Ap4A levels. Ap4A accumulation did occur in XP-A cells following treatment with MNNG. Cells derived from patients characterized as XP variants, which are incision repair-proficient, accumulated 5'-dinucleotides following bleomycin, MNNG and UV or NQO in the presence of araC. Taken together, these data suggest that Ap4A accumulates as a response to DNA-strand breaks.  相似文献   

Host-cell reactivation (HCR) of UV-irradiated herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), capacity of UV-irradiated cells to support HSV-2 plaque formation and UV-enhanced reactivation (UVER) of UV-irradiated HSV-2 were examined in fibroblasts from 4 patients with Cockayne syndrome (CS), 5 with xeroderma pigmentosum and 5 normals. All UV-survival curves for HSV-2 plaque formation showed 2 components. HCR was similar to normal for the XP variant strain and the 2 CS strains tested, but substantially reduced in the 4 excision-deficient XP strains. The capacity of UV-irradiated fibroblasts to support HSV-2 plaque formation was determined by UV-irradiating fibroblast monolayers with various doses of UV and 48 h later, infecting the monolayers with unirradiated HSV-2. The D37 values for the delayed-capacity curves so obtained were in the range 8.6-12.4 J/m2 for the normal strains, 2.8-3.2 J/m2 for the CS strains, 6.7 J/m2 for an XP variant strain and between 0.3 and 1.5 for the XP excision-deficient strains tested. These results indicate that delayed capacity for HSV-2 plaque formation is a more sensitive assay than HCR in the detection of cellular DNA-repair deficiency for XP and CS. For the examination of UVER, fibroblasts were irradiated with various UV doses and subsequently infected with either unirradiated or UV-irradiated HSV and scored for plaque formation 2 days later. UVER expression was maximum when the delay between UV-irradiation of the cells and HSV infection was 48 h. The magnitude of UVER expression was also found to be dependent on the UV dose to the cells and increased with increasing UV dose to the virus. Using a UV dose to the virus resulting in a plaque survival of about 10(-2) on unirradiated cells, the the maximum UVER factor had a mean value of 1.3 for the normal strains following a dose of 15 J/m2 to the cells. Somewhat higher UVER values were found for all the patient strains tested and resulted from lower UV doses to the cells than for normal strains. Maximum UVER factors for the CS strains ranged from 2.2 to 3.3 at a dose of 5 J/m2 to the cells, for the XP excision-deficient strains; 2.1 to 2.6 at doses of 0.5 to 2.5 J/m2 to the cells and for the XP variant strain tested; 2.5 at UV dose of 10 J/m2 to the cells.  相似文献   

Summary Ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum are human hereditary diseases in which patients are cancer prone and demonstrate increased sensitivity to DNA damage by ionizing and ultraviolet radiation, respectively. In culture, both ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum skin fibroblasts show increased synthesis and secretion of the extracellular matrix proteins fibronectin and collagen. To determine whether these differences in protein production result from fundamental abnormalities in regulation of genes associated with cellular interactions, we compared the effects of trifluoperazine and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate on expression of the extracellular matrix-degrading metalloproteinases, procollagenase and prostromelysin, by normal, ataxia-telangiectasia, and xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts. After trifluoperazine treatment the overall levels of these metalloproteinases were much greater in three ataxia-telangiectasia cell strains and in cells from xeroderma pigmentosum complementation groups A and D than in normal cells. In contrast, cells from xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group C produced only slightly more procollagenase than normal cells. 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate also induced higher than normal levels of procollagenase in some ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum strains, but less than that induced by trifluoperazine. Because increased extracellular accumulation of matrix-degrading enzymes has long been implicated in metastatic progression, this altered expression of procollagenase and prostromelysin in ataxia-telangiectasia and xeroderma pigmentosum cells could play an important role in the pathogenesis of various tumors in individuals with these genetic diseases. This work was supported by the Office of Health and Environmental Research, U. S. Department of Energy (contract DE-AC03-76-SF01012) (J. A., J. P. M.) and by a Fellowship in Medical Research from the A. P. Giannini/Bank of America Foundation (J. A.). A summary of these results has appeared previously in abstract form (1).  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of the “K-region” epoxides as well as several other reactive metabolites or chemical derivatives of polycyclic hydrocarbons was compared in normally-repairing human diploid skin fibroblasts and in fibroblasts from a classical xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient (XP2BE) whose cells have been shown to carry out excision repair of damage induced in DNA by ultraviolet (UV) radiation at a rate approx. 20% that of normal cells. Each compound tested exhibited a 2- to 3-fold greater cytotoxicity in this XP strain than in the normal strain. To determine whether this difference in survival reflected a difference in the capacity of the strains to repair DNA damage caused by such hydrocarbon derivatives, we compared the cytotoxic effect of several “K-region” epoxides in two additional XP strains, each with a different capacity for repair of UV damage. The ration of the slopes of the survival curves for each of the XP strains to that of the normal strain, following exposure to each epoxide, was very similar to that which we had previously determined for their respective UV curves, suggesting that human cells repair damage induced in DNA by exposure to hydrocarbon derivatives with the same system used for UV-induced lesions.To determine whether the deficiency in rate of excision repair in this classical XP strain (XP2BE) causes such cells to be abnormally susceptible to mutations induced by “K-region” epoxides of polycyclic hydrocarbons, we compared them with normal cells for the frequency of induced mutations to 8-azaguanine resistance. The XP cells were two to three times more susceptible to mutations induced by the “K-region” epoxide of benzo(a)pyrene (BP), 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA), and dibenz(a,h)anthracene (DBA). Evidence also was obtained that cells from an XP variant patient are abnormally susceptible to mutations induced by hydrocarbon epoxides and, as is the case following exposure to UV, are abnormally slow in converting low molecular weight DNA, synthesized from a template following exposure to hydrocarbon epoxides, into large-size DNA.  相似文献   

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