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Unresponsiveness to DNFB contact sensitivity induced by DNP-modified lymphoid cells (DNP-LC) is mediated by two separable pathways: a rapidly induced, long lasting inhibition of reactive T cell clones (donor tolerance), and a transient period of suppressor T cell (Ts) activity. The present report has examined the nature of the hapten-modified determinants responsible for the induction of these pathways by utilizing soluble DNP-LC cell lysate preparations as tolerogens. The results indicate that both DNP-modified MHC and non-MHC encoded determinants can mediate donor tolerance 7 days after tolerization. On the other hand, the induction of Ts requires DNP-modified MHC determinants, since DNP-LC lysates passed over lentil lectin or specific anti-H-2 immunoabsorbent columns lost their ability to induce Ts. Additional experiments showed that the injection of DNP-LC lysate compatible with the recipient strain at the H-2K and H-2D region of the MHC was sufficient for the induction of Ts. We propose that Ts induction involves the direct presentation of DNP-H-2 determinants to Ts precursors, whereas the induction of donor tolerance may involve host processing and presentation of DNP-modified membrane determinants in conjunction with host MHC structures.  相似文献   

The WRC rat, an intra-class II recombinant strain (RT1.B n B a D , a ), was used to study the relative roles of the two class II loci in mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) proliferation and suppressor T cell (Ts) generation. Both MLR proliferation and Ts generation were noted in cultures of WRC with DA (RTI a) stimulator cells. In contrast, cultures of WRC with BN (RT1sun ) stimulator cells proliferate but do not generate significant amounts of Ts. The data suggest that RT1.B incompatibility is important in the generation of Ts in the WRC rat. Suppressor cells generated in cultures of WF (RT1 u ) with WRC stimulator cells potently suppressed a WF+WRCx test MLR, with less suppression when tested against either the WF+DAx or WF+BNx MLRs. The latter experiments suggest that Ts clones may be produced to either class II subregion, and therefore that MLR proliferation and Ts induction are not necessarily linked, but vary with particular genotypes. The current lack of other rat intra-class II recombinant strains precludes assignment of suppressor induction/activation to a single locus.  相似文献   

The role of accessory cells (AC) in the initiation of mitogen-induced T cell proliferation was examined by comparing the effect of intact macrophages (M phi) with that of 4-beta-phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). In high-density cultures, purified guinea pig T cells failed to proliferate in response to stimulation with phytohemagglutinin (PHA), concanavalin A (Con A), or PMA alone. The addition of M phi to PHA or Con A but not PMA-stimulated cultures restored T cell proliferation. The addition of PMA to high-density T cell cultures stimulated with PHA or Con A also permitted [3H]thymidine incorporation, but was less effective than intact M phi in this regard. This action of PMA was dependent on the small number of AC contaminating the T cell cultures as evidenced by the finding that PMA could not support mitogen responsiveness of T cells that had been depleted of Ia-bearing cells by planning, even when these cells were cultured at high density. When PMA was added to T cell cultures supported by optimal numbers of M phi, catalase-reversible suppression of responses was noted. Even in cultures containing catalase, PMA failed to enhance responsiveness above that supported by optimal numbers of M phi. A low-density culture system was used to examine in greater detail the possibility that PMA could completely substitute for M phi in promoting T cells activation. In low-density cultures, mitogen-induced T cell proliferation required intact M phi. PMA could not support responses even in cultures supplemented with interleukin 1-containing M phi supernatants or purified interleukin 2 alone or in combination. Similar results were found in high-density cultures of T cells depleted of Ia-bearing cells. These results support a model of T cell activation in which AC play at least two distinct roles. The initiation of the response requires a signal conveyed by an intact M phi, which cannot be provided by either a M phi supernatant factor or PMA. The response can be amplified by additional M phi or M phi supernatant factors. PMA can substitute for M phi in this regard and can provide the signal necessary for amplification of T cell proliferation supported by small numbers of intact AC.  相似文献   

The role of accessory cell populations in the generation of effector suppressor (Ts3) cells was studied. By using an in vitro culture system, it was previously determined that the induction of NP-specific effector suppressor activity requires T cells, antigen, and an anti-idiotypic B cell population. We now demonstrate that the generation of Ts3 cells in this system also requires accessory cells. The accessory population appears to play a role in the processing and presentation of antigen. These antigen-presenting accessory cells are required early in the induction phase of Ts3 generation. These accessory cells can present NP coupled to immunogenic or non-immunogenic polypeptide carriers, including polymers of L-amino acids. However, NP coupled to polymers of poorly metabolized D-amino acids fail to induce suppressor T cell generation. Furthermore, the data demonstrate that an H-2 homology must exist between the Ts3 precursors and the antigen-presenting cell population if suppressor activity is to be generated. We also characterize the differential genetic restrictions that govern the induction of Ts3 cells that control suppression of either T cell or B cell responses. The data suggest that although I-J region encoded gene products control the induction and effector phases of suppressor cell activity as measured on T cell responses, the suppression of B cell responses appear to be controlled by I-A gene products. Possible cellular mechanisms that might explain these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Modulation of suppressor T cell induction with gamma-interferon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of antigen-coupled splenic adherent cells to induce suppressor T cells (Ts) is dependent on the presence of I-J determinants on antigen-presenting cells. After 4 days of in vitro culture, antigen-coupled adherent cells lose the capacity to induce Ts. Supernatants from Con A-stimulated lymphocyte cultures and purified interferon-gamma can sustain accessory function for the induction of Ts. Furthermore, after in vitro culture of splenic adherent cells, there is an apparent correlation between the loss of I-A determinants and the decrease in I-J-restricted Ts induction. Stimulation of Ia expression with interferon-gamma results in a simultaneous increase in the ability to induce Ts. Finally, elimination of I-A-bearing splenic adherent cells with antibody + C eliminates I-J-restricted Ts induction. The combined data imply a co-regulation of I-A and I-J on the antigen-presenting cells involved in the induction of both the Ts1 and Ts3 suppressor T cell subsets.  相似文献   

Requirements for suppressor cell activation. Role of accessory cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the 4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenyl acetyl (NP) suppressor system, third order suppressor cells (Ts3) subset of suppressor cells is generated after Ag priming, but, in order to express suppressor activity, these cells need to be further activated or triggered with a specific second order suppressor factor. By in vitro activation of Ts3-containing lymph node cells or a pTs3 hybridoma we now show that macrophages are also required for Ts3 activation. In addition, we demonstrate that IJ genetic restrictions control this activation process. Furthermore, we directly demonstrate Ts3 activation using cloned macrophage hybridoma cells. To further investigate the interactions between Ts3 cells and the accessory cells involved in their activation, we attempted to block the second order suppressor factor mediated activation of Ts3 cells with antibodies. The activation of Ts3 cells can be blocked by the addition of anti-IJ, anti-IJ idiotype or anti-NPb idiotype antibodies, but not by anti-CD8, anti-IA, or anti-IE antibodies. Anti-IJ mAb blocked Ts3 activation at the lymphocyte level whereas anti-IJ idiotype blocked activation at the accessory cell level. Finally we tested, whether these antibodies can also directly activate primed Ts3 cells. We demonstrate that cross-linked anti-IJ, anti-NPb and anti-CD3 antibodies can activate Ts3 cells. The results are discussed in terms of receptor-ligand structures on Ts and accessory cells which are required for the activation of Ts3 cells.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic B cells are required for the induction of suppressor T cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A nylon wool-adherent, B cell-enriched population is required during the in vitro induction of third order effector suppressor T cells (Ts3). This B cell population expresses IgM and IgD and is devoid of conventional T cell markers such as Thy-1, L3T4, and Lyt-1. Treatment of the B cell population with anti-NP antibodies expressing the NPb idiotype and complement specifically eliminated the ability to generate Ts cell activity, suggesting that the critical B cells expressed anti-idiotypic receptors. To independently verify the role of anti-idiotypic B cells in the generation of Ts cells, B cells were panned on antibody-coated plates. The results demonstrated that only NPb idiotype-binding B cells could induce effector suppressor cells from naive T cell populations. The combined data demonstrate the role of Ig network interactions in the generation of Ts cells.  相似文献   

Cryptococcosis patients frequently have high levels of cryptococcal antigen in their body fluids, and the levels of circulating antigen can generally be used to predict the patient's recovery, with high or rising antigen titers indicating a poor prognosis and low or decreasing levels a good prognosis. In a previous study, we reported on a murine model for studying the effects of cryptococcal antigen on host defense mechanisms. In that work, we demonstrated that an i.v. injection of cryptococcal antigen (CneF) into CBA/J mice, to simulate the antigenemia known to occur in human cryptococcosis, induced a population of T suppressor cells (Ts1) in the lymph nodes (LN). Upon adoptive transfer, the Ts1 cells specifically suppressed the afferent limb of the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to cryptococcal antigen. In the present study, we show that the precursors of the Ts1 cells are sensitive to low-dose cyclophosphamide treatment and that the phenotype of the Ts1 cells is Lyt-1+, Ia+ (I-J+). LN cells from CneF-injected mice or a soluble factor derived therefrom can induce in the spleens of recipient mice a second-order suppressor cell population that suppresses the efferent limb of the DTH response. The cells that induce the second-order or efferent suppressor cells have the same phenotype as the cells that appear to suppress the afferent limb of the DTH response. The findings in this study indicate that a complex regulatory mechanism is responsible for the observed suppression of the DTH response in this infectious disease model. Furthermore, the suppressive circuit thus far defined for cryptococcal antigen is similar to the antigen-specific suppressor cell pathway outlined for certain chemically defined haptenic systems.  相似文献   

The T suppressor (Ts) cell population that functions to regulate antigen-specific MHC-restricted T helper (Th)-B cell interactions also regulates the activation of B cells by cloned autoreactive Th cells. Activated Ts cells were generated by in vivo priming and restimulation in vitro with high concentrations of the specific priming antigen. Once generated, this Ts population inhibits the Th-dependent activation of primed B cells by both antigen-specific and autoreactive T cells in an antigen-nonspecific manner. This suppression requires the participation of both Lyt-1+2- and Lyt-1-2+ T cells. It was also demonstrated that accessory cells were required for the induction of Ts cells. Moreover, the generation of suppression was MHC-restricted and required the recognition by T cells of Ia antigens on accessory cells. These studies demonstrate that the same or a very similar Ts cell population can function to inhibit the activation of B cells by antigen-specific as well as autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize interactions among human T cell subpopulations involved in the generation of suppressor T cells specific for a soluble antigen. Purified PPD-primed Leu-3+ cells, when co-cultured for 7 days with fresh autologous Leu-2+ cells, induced differentiation of Leu-2+ but not Leu-3+ cells into specific suppressor T cells, which subsequently inhibited the proliferative response of fresh Leu-3+ cells to PPD but not to tetanus toxoid or allogeneic non-T cells. The PPD-specific suppressor effect of activated Leu-2+ cells was not due to altered kinetics of the PPD response and also extended to the secondary response of PPD-primed Leu-3+ cells. Furthermore, only those Leu-2+ cells that lacked the 9.3 marker, an antigen present on the majority of T cells including the precursors of cytotoxic T cells, differentiated into suppressor T cells. To analyze the inducer population, fresh Leu-3+ cells were separated into Leu-3+,8- and Leu-3+,8+ subpopulations with anti-Leu-8 monoclonal antibody, activated with PPD, and then were examined for inducer function. Although both Leu-3+,8- and Leu-3+,8+ cells proliferated in response to PPD and upon activation expressed comparable amounts of HLA-DR (Ia) antigens, the Leu-3+,8+ subpopulation alone induced Leu-2+ cells to become suppressor-effectors in the absence of PPD-pulsed autologous non-T cells. Once activated, however, Leu-2+ suppressor cells inhibited the PPD response of both Leu-3+,8- and Leu-3+,8+ cells. These results indicate that antigen-primed Leu-3+,8+ inducer cells can directly activate Leu-2+, 9.3- precursors of antigen-specific suppressor T cells in the absence of antigen-pulsed autologous non-T cells.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood lymphocytes were stimulated by concanavalin A (Con A) and then evaluated by their suppressive activity for thymus-derived (T) cell- and bone marrow-derived (B) cell-proliferative responses to mitogen and allogeneic cells. Con A-activated T cells markedly suppressed these responses, but Con A-activated B cells failed to demonstrate suppressor activity. Discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient separation of T cells which had been activated by Con A demonstrated that a fraction containing blast cells as well as fractions containing unproliferated cells manifest the same degree of suppressor capabilities. However, when density gradient separation of T cells followed by subsequent incubation with Con A was performed, fractions of proliferating cells of low density exhibited no suppression; a fraction containing high density T cells produced marked suppression, but this fraction incorporated only little thymidine in response to Con A. Thus, these studies indicate that Con A-induced suppressor T cells belong to a distinctive subpopulation which has already been programmed to express this function before exposure to Con A and that cell proliferation may not be a prerequisite for the development of such suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

We analyzed the mechanism by which accessory cells support the induction of the proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells by a monoclonal anti-CD3 antibody, OKT3. Cross-linking of T cell receptor/CD3 complex by anti-CD3 coupled to latex beads and the addition of IL-1 are not enough to induce the IL-2 production and proliferation of T cells extensively depleted of accessory cells, while the addition of both the culture supernatant of macrophages or a monoblastic cell line, U937 cells, and the paraformaldehyde-fixed macrophages or U937 cells which had been precultured with interferon-gamma before fixation into the culture of the T cells with anti-CD3-latex did induce the T cell proliferation. Lack of the addition of either one of these did not induce the response. These results indicate that the signal(s) delivered by soluble factors released from the accessory cells and that delivered by the physical interaction between accessory cells and T cells are both required for the induction of IL 2 production and proliferation of T cells by anti-CD3-latex. Importantly, the macrophages or U937 cells had to be cultured with Con A-stimulated lymphocyte culture supernatant or IFN-gamma prior to fixation with paraformaldehyde, suggesting that a molecule(s) inducible on accessory cells surface by IFN-gamma or other lymphokine is necessary for the effective accessory cell-T cell interaction to induce the T cell response. It was further revealed that the activity of the culture supernatant of accessory cells may be mediated synergistically by IL 1 and a certain other factor(s) and was actually shown to be replaced by the combined addition of rIL-1 and rIL-6 but not by rIL-1 alone. The experimental system described here will be very useful for dissecting the accessory functions for T cell activation.  相似文献   

The in vitro generation of allospecific CTL by human PBMC was enhanced 4- to 16-fold by sequential plastic and nylon wool adherence, which depleted the PBMC of macrophages and B cells. The enhanced CTL response was suppressed by adding back irradiated, unfractionated PBMC or adherent cells to the depleted cells. This finding suggests that the enhanced CTL response was not simply a consequence of enrichment of T cells, but was instead due to active suppression by radioresistant cells contained in the adherent fraction. Of note is the finding that, unlike the CTL response, the proliferative response to allostimulation was not affected by the removal of adherent cells. The suppressor function could be abrogated by preincubation of irradiated PBMC with influenza A virus before the coculture with depleted cells. Furthermore, costimulation of unfractionated PBMC with influenza A virus and allogeneic stimulators augmented allospecific CTL activity. Thus, in the adherent fraction of human PBMC, there appears to be a native suppressor population that can be functionally inactivated by virus. This result may account for the clinical observation of increased allograft rejection after certain viral infections.  相似文献   

Cultures of normal spleen cells with anti-idiotypic antibody (anti-Id) or antigen B (AgB)-specific T suppressor factor (Tsf1) in mini-Marbrook chambers for 4 days at 37 degrees C lead to the in vitro induction of AgB-specific T suppressor (TS) cells. These TS cells significantly suppress a secondary AgB-specific IgE response, but they do not affect a secondary AgB-specific IgG response. Depletion of both B cells and macrophages from normal spleen cells by panning on anti-Ig-coated petri dishes provides an enriched T cell population. These enriched T cells when cultured with anti-Id or Tsf1 in mini-Marbrook chambers do not produce AgB-specific TS cells, and mice treated with cells harvested from the mini-Marbrook chambers have normal secondary AgB-specific IgG and IgE responses. The addition of as few as 1000 bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) to cultures of the enriched T cells with anti-Id, or Tsf1 restores the ability of these cultures to produce significant levels of AgB-specific TS cells. Further studies reveal that the macrophage population must be histocompatible and express a cell surface I-J antigen. Attempts to pulse BMDM with anti-Id or Tsf1 at 4 degrees C and to culture in mini-Marbrook chambers 10(3) pulsed BMDM with enriched T cells were unsuccessful in producing AgB-specific TS cells. However, pulsing BMDM with anti-Id or Tsf1 at 37 degrees C, and adding 10(3) of these pulsed BMDM to enriched T cells in culture led to the formation of significant levels of AgB-specific TS cells.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to natural sunlight on the immune system were studied in 15 normal human subjects. Exposure was for 1 hr each day for 12 days over 2 wk and tests were carried out before, on completion, and 2 wk after completion. In comparison to concurrent studies on 13 age- and sex-matched controls, sun-exposed subjects had a significant increase in their circulation of T cells recognized by OKT8 monoclonal antibodies and a decrease in OKT4 positive T cells. Suppressor T cell activity measured in pokeweed mitogen-stimulated cultures of T and B cells was significantly increased against IgG and IgM production. These changes were still evident in many of the subjects 2 weeks after completion of the sun exposure. A trend for depression of natural killer cell activity against a melanoma target cell was noted in the present study, but this did not appear as marked as that noted previously in subjects exposed to radiation in solariums. The differences between the effect of radiation from solariums and natural sunlight on the immune system may result from the higher dosage of UV-A in radiation from solariums. The results suggest that exposure to sunlight may favor the induction of suppressor pathways in response to antigenic stimuli and that this may limit immune responses against tumor cells such as melanoma. They support the idea from animal studies that systemic changes in the immune system may be an important factor in the association of UV radiation with malignancy.  相似文献   

Human B lymphocytes can be induced to differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells by Leu-3+ T lymphocytes stimulated with pokeweed mitogen (PWM), a polyclonal T cell activator. In contrast, other polyclonal T cell mitogens, such as phytohemagglutinin (PHA), also activate Leu-3+ T cells but are relatively ineffective inducers of B cell differentiation. We have performed a series of experiments to investigate the mechanism underlying this apparent paradox. When human B cells were cultured with unfractionated T cells and PWM or PHA, only PWM was able to induce plasma cell formation and immunoglobulin (Ig) secretion. However, when the T cells were treated with mitomycin C (MMC) before culture, both PWM and PHA were able to induce significant B cell differentiation. These data indicated that both mitogens were able to activate the helper T cells required for B lymphocyte differentiation and suggested that MMC-sensitive suppressor T cells were responsible for inhibiting the induction of antibody-secreting cells by MMC-untreated T cells stimulated with PHA. Phenotypic analysis of the T cells capable of suppressing PHA-induced B cell differentiation revealed that small numbers of either Leu-2+ or Leu-3+ T cells could profoundly suppress the B cell differentiation induced by PHA. In contrast, significant suppression of PWM-stimulated B cell differentiation was observed only with relatively large numbers of Leu-2+ T cells. These data confirm previous reports that OKT4+/Leu-3+ T cells can suppress human B cell differentiation and indicate that the difference in B cell differentiation induced by PWM and PHA with MMC-untreated T cells is largely a reflection of the relative potency of these mitogens to activate these phenotypically distinct suppressor T cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

We have produced a hamster mAb, H1.2F3, which was derived by immunization with a murine TCR-gamma delta + epidermal T cell line. H1.2F3 immunoprecipitates a cell surface-expressed disulfide-linked dimer that has a m.w. of 85,000 under non-reducing conditions and consists of subunits of 35,000 to 39,000 m.w. This dimer is distinct from the CD3-associated TCR-gamma delta complex (CD3/TCR), inasmuch as H1.2F3 does not co-precipitate or co-modulate with the CD3/TCR complex and recognizes an Ag with a single-peptide backbone of 22,000 m.w. after N-Glycanase treatment. H1.2F3 is weakly reactive with a small percentage of cells from unfractionated thymus, spleen, or lymph node, but reactivity with both T and B lymphocytes is markedly enhanced by a brief period of stimulation with Con A or PMA in vitro. This enhancement requires de novo protein synthesis. Enhanced expression of the H1.2F3 Ag can also be induced in vivo by injection of Con A or anti-CD3. H1.2F3 is a potent stimulator of T, but not B, cell proliferation in the presence of PMA and FcR-bearing accessory cells. These functional and biochemical studies strongly suggest that the Ag recognized by H1.2F3 is the murine homologue of the human CD28 Ag recognized by mAb 9.3.  相似文献   

The mechanism for the induction of cytotoxic T cells specific for tumor-associated antigens was studied by using fractionated responder T cells, tumor cells, and accessory cells in vitro. The tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells were induced by culturing immunized spleen cells with the tumor cells in vitro for 5 days. Nylon-column-purified T cells alone did not induce cytotoxic T cells upon culture with tumor cells, but the addition of normal spleen cells as accessory cells did successfully induce the cytotoxic T cells, suggesting that the presence of accessory cells is required for the activation of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. The accessory function was associated with spleen cell populations adhering to a plastic dish, a Sephadex G-10 column or a nylon wool column, and was sensitive to anti-Ia serum and C treatment, but was resistant to anti-Ig serum or anti-Thy 1 serum and C treatment, suggesting that the accessory cells are Ia-positive macrophages. Not only syngeneic but also allogeneic macrophages had the accessory function and the allogeneic macrophages were also Ia positive. These results suggest that Ia-positive macrophages play a crucial role in the induction of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells in vitro. The possible role of Ia-positive accessory cells in the induction of tumor-specific cytotoxic T cells is discussed from the standpoint of cellular interactions.  相似文献   

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