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Actin filament organization of foot processes in rat podocytes.   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The foot processes of podocytes possess abundant microfilaments and modulate glomerular filtration. We investigated the actin filament organization of foot processes in adult rat podocytes and the formation of the actin cytoskeletal system of immature podocytes during glomerulogenesis. Electron microscopy revealed two populations of actin cytoskeletons in foot processes of adult podocytes. One is the actin bundle running above the level of slit diaphragms and the other is the cortical actin network located beneath the plasmalemma. Immunogold labeling for actin-binding proteins demonstrated that alpha-actinin and synaptopodin were localized in the actin bundle, whereas cortactin was in the cortical actin network. Immunofluorescence labeling for actin-binding proteins in immature podocyte showed that alpha-actinin was localized at the level of the junctional complex, whereas cortactin was distributed beneath the entire plasmalemma. Synaptopodin was first observed along the basal plasmalemma from the advanced S-shaped body to the capillary loop stage. We conclude that foot processes have specialized actin filamentous organization and that its establishment is associated with the expression and redistribution of actin-binding proteins during development.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that the folliculostellate (FS) cells of the anterior pituitary change their shape from stellate (type I) to polygonal (type II) coincidently with variations in the secretory activity of the pituitary. To elucidate the mechanisms involved in this switch in phenotypes, here we studied the impact of serum factors on the morphology of the FS cell line TtT/GF. TtT/GF cells cultured in serum-containing medium displayed elongated shapes and membrane ruffles similarly to type I cells. Serum deprivation caused the loss of plasma membrane activity and the acquisition by the cells of a sedentary phenotype and of a polygonal shape typical of type II FS cells. Addition of serum to the starved cells induced the reappearance of membrane raffles and lamellipodia. The switch in phenotypes and the maintenance of a motile phenotype depended on tyrosine kinase but not on Erk activity. Because the transition between phenotypes involved the tyrosine kinase-dependent reorganization of cortical actin filaments, we studied the participation of the actin-binding protein, cortactin, a tyrosine kinase substrate. Cortactin and its tyrosine-phosphorylated form, pY421-cortactin, localized to membrane ruffles and lamellipodia in serum-cultured TtT/GF cells, while they were evenly distributed over the whole cell cortex in serum-starved cells. Serum treatment of starved cells induced a transient increase in pY421-cortactin levels and the clustering of pY421-cortactin in membrane regions where protrusions were developing. Both serum responses were blocked by a tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Together, the results indicate that the transition from a polygonal to an elongated shape entails the acquisition of a dynamic cortical actin cytoskeleton that involves the tyrosine kinase-dependent phosphorylation of cortactin and the translocation of cortical pY421-cortactin to sites of ruffle formation at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Lenartowska M  Michalska A 《Planta》2008,228(5):891-896
The actin cytoskeleton plays a crucial role in pollen tube growth. In elongating pollen tubes the organization and arrangement of actin filaments (AFs) differs between the shank and apical region. However, the orientation of AFs in pollen tubes has not yet been successfully demonstrated. In the present work we have used myosin II subfragment 1 (S1) decoration to determine the polarity of AFs in pollen tubes. Electron microscopy studies revealed that in the shank of the tube bundles of AFs exhibit uniform polarity with those close to the cell cortex having their barbed ends oriented towards the tip of the pollen tube while those in the cell center have their barbed ends oriented toward the base of the tube. At the subapex, some AFs are organized in closely packed and longitudinally oriented bundles and some form curved bundles adjacent to the cell membrane. In contrast, few AFs are dispersed with random orientation in the extreme apex of the pollen tube. Our results confirm that the direction of cytoplasmic streaming within pollen tubes is determined by the polarity of AFs in the bundles.  相似文献   

The origin and evolutionary relationship of actin isoforms was investigated in chordates by isolating and characterizing two new ascidian cytoplasmic and muscle actin genes. The exon–intron organization and sequences of these genes were compared with those of other invertebrate and vertebrate actin genes. The gene HrCA1 encodes a cytoplasmic (nonmuscle)-type actin, whereas the MocuMA2 gene encodes an adult muscle-type actin. Our analysis of these genes showed that intron positions are conserved among the deuterostome actin genes. This suggests that actin gene families evolved from a single actin gene in the ancestral deuterostome. Sequence comparisons and molecular phylogenetic analyses also suggested a close relationship between the ascidian and vertebrate actin isoforms. It was also found that there are two distinct lineages of muscle actin isoforms in ascidians: the larval muscle and adult body-wall isoforms. The four muscle isoforms in vertebrates show a closer relationship to each other than to the ascidian muscle isoforms. Similarly, the two cytoplasmic isoforms in vertebrates show a closer relationship to each other than to the ascidian and echinoderm cytoplasmic isoforms. In contrast, the two types of ascidian muscle actin diverge from each other. The close relationship between the ascidian larval muscle actin and the vertebrate muscle isoforms was supported by both neighbor-joining and maximum parsimony analyses. These results suggest that the chordate ancestor had at least two muscle actin isoforms and that the vertebrate actin isoforms evolved after the separation of the vertebrates and urochordates. Received: 20 June 1996 / Accepted: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Adrenomedullin (AM) is postulated to exert organ-protective effects. It is expressed in the renal glomeruli, but its roles in the glomerular podocytes have been poorly elucidated. In the present study, we investigated the expression and regulation of AM in recently established conditionally immortalized mouse podocyte cell line in vitro and podocyte injury model in vivo. The cultured differentiated podocytes expressed AM mRNA and secreted measurable amount of AM. AM secretion from the podocytes was increased by H(2)O(2), hypoxia, puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN), albumin overload, and TNF-alpha. Real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed that AM mRNA expression in the podocytes was enhanced by PAN and TNF-alpha, both of which were suppressed by mitochondrial antioxidants. Furthermore, AM expression was upregulated in the glomerular podocytes of PAN nephrosis rats. These results indicated that AM expression in the podocytes was upregulated by stimuli or condition relevant to podocyte injury, suggesting its potential role in podocyte pathophysiology.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationship of muscle and nonmuscle actin isoforms in deuterostomia was studied by the isolation and characterization of two actin genes from the cephalochordate Branchiostoma lanceolatum and two from the hemichordate Saccoglossus kowalevskii The Branchiostoma genes specify a muscle and a nonmuscle actin type, respectively. Together with earlier results on muscle actins from vertebrates and urochordates, a N-terminal sequence signature is defined for chordate muscle actins. These diagnostic amino acid residues separate the chordates from the echinoderms and other metazoa. Although the two Saccoglossus actins characterized so far lack the diagnostic residues, in line with the presumptive phylogenetic position of hemichordates outside the chordates, a definitive conclusion can only be expected once the full complement of actin genes of Saccoglossus is established. Comparison of the intron patterns of the various deuterostomic actin genes shows that intron 330-3, which is present in all vertebrate genes, is conspicuously absent from nonvertebrate genes. The possible origin of this intron is discussed. Received: 4 July 1997 / Accepted: 29 August 1997  相似文献   

In many types of plant cell, bundles of actin filaments (AFs) are generally involved in cytoplasmic streaming and the organization of transvacuolar strands. Actin cross-linking proteins are believed to arrange AFs into the bundles. In root hair cells of Hydrocharis dubia (Blume) Baker, a 135-kDa polypeptide cross-reacted with an antiserum against a 135-kDa actin-bundling protein (135-ABP), a villin homologue, isolated from lily pollen tubes. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that the 135-kDa polypeptide co-localized with AF bundles in the transvacuolar strand and in the sub-cortical region of the cells. Microinjection of antiserum against 135-ABP into living root hair cells induced the disappearance of the transvacuolar strand. Concomitantly, thick AF bundles in the transvacuolar strand dispersed into thin bundles. In the root hair cells, AFs showed uniform polarity in the bundles, which is consistent with the in-vitro activity of 135-ABP. These results suggest that villin is a factor responsible for bundling AFs in root hair cells as well as in pollen tubes, and that it plays a key role in determining the direction of cytoplasmic streaming in these cells. Received: 16 September 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Actin coronas in normal and indeterminate gametophyte1 embryo sacs of maize   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
 The actin cytoskeletal organization and nuclear behavior of normal and indeterminate gametophyte1 (ig1) embryo sacs of maize were examined during fertilization. After pollination, during degeneration of one of the synergids and before arrival of the pollen tube, the cytoskeletal elements undergo dramatic changes including formation of the actin coronas at the chalazal end of the degenerating synergid and at the interface between the egg cell and central cell. The actin coronas are present only for a limited period of time and their presence is coordinated with pollen tube arrival and fusion of the gametes; they disappear before the zygote divides. This allows us to estimate the frequency of fertilized ovules along the ear. Up to 88% of the ovules on an ear contain actin coronas in the embryo sacs when observed 16–19 h after pollination, indicating the high frequency of fertilizing kernels along the ear at this stage. In the ig embryo sacs, two or more degenerated synergids containing actin coronas at their chalazal ends receive multiple pollen tubes for gametic fusion and can consequently give rise to twin or polyembryos. These findings with the monocot maize are consistent with previous reports on the dicots Plumbago and Nicotiana, suggesting that the formation of actin coronas in the embryo sac during fertilization is a universal phenomenon in angiosperms and is part of a mechanism of interaction between gametic signaling and actin cytoskeleton behavior which appears to precisely position and facilitate the access of male gametes to the egg cell and central cell for fusion. Received: 15 May 1998 / Revision accepted: 17 August 1998  相似文献   

Obscurin is a recently identified giant multidomain muscle protein (∼800 kDa) whose structural and regulatory functions remain to be defined. The goal of this study was to examine the effect of obscurin gene silencing induced by RNA interference on the dynamics of myofibrillogenesis and hypertrophic response to phenylephrine in cultured rat cardiomyocytes. We found that that the adenoviral transfection of short interfering RNA (siRNA) constructs targeting the first coding exon of obscurin sequence resulted in progressive depletion of cellular obscurin. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that downregulation of obscurin expression led to the impaired assembly of new myofibrillar clusters and considerable aberrations of the normal structure of the contractile apparatus. While the establishment of the initial periodic pattern of α-actinin localization remained mainly unaffected in siRNA-transfected cells, obscurin depletion did cause the defective lateral alignment of myofibrillar bundles, leading to their abnormal bifurcation, dispersal and multiple branching. Bending of immature myofibrils, apparently associated with the loss of their rigidity, a modified titin pattern, the absence of well-formed A-bands in newly formed contractile structures as documented by a diffuse localization of sarcomeric myosin labeling, and an occasional irregular periodicity of sarcomere spacing were typical of obscurin siRNA-treated cells. These results suggest that obscurin is indispensable for spatial positioning of contractile proteins and for the structural integration and stabilization of myofibrils, especially at the stage of myosin filament incorporation and A-band assembly. This demonstrates a vital role for obscurin in myofibrillogenesis and hypertrophic growth.  相似文献   

Changes in actin organization in the living egg apparatus of Torenia fournieri from anthesis to post-fertilization have been investigated using microinjection and confocal microscopy. Our results revealed that the actin cytoskeleton displays dramatic changes in the egg apparatus and appears to coordinate the events of synergid degeneration, pollen tube arrival and gametic fusion during fertilization. Synergid degeneration occurs after anthesis and is accompanied by actin fragmentation and degradation. The actin cytoskeleton becomes organized with numerous aggregates in the chalazal end of the degenerating synergid, and some of the actin infiltrates into the intercellular gap between synergids, egg and central cell, forming a distinct actin band. An actin cap is present near the filiform apparatus after anthesis and disappears after pollen tube arrival. In the egg cell, actin filaments initially organize into a network and after pollination become fragmented into numerous patches in the cortex. These structures, along with the actin in the degenerating synergid and intercellular spaces form two distinct actin coronas during fertilization. The actin coronas vanish after gametic fusion. This is the first report of changes in actin organization in the living egg apparatus. The reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton in the egg apparatus and the presence of the actin coronas during fertilization suggest these events may be a necessary prelude to reception of the pollen tube and fusion of the male and female gametes. Received: 11 November 1999 / Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

Eun SO  Lee Y 《Planta》2000,210(6):1014-1017
Actin in guard cells is assembled in a radial pattern when stomata are induced to open under light, but the filaments are disassembled when stomata are closed under darkness or by abscisic acid (S.-O. Eun and Y. Lee, 1997, Plant Physiol. 115: 1491–1498). To test if signals that open stomata commonly generate the polymerized form of actin in guard cells, leaves of Commelina communis L. were treated with a potent stomatal opening agent, fusicoccin, and the actin organization examined by immunolocalization techniques. When stomata were induced to open by fusicoccin, hardly any of the filamentous form of actin was detected; instead, the actin resembled that present in guard cells that had been treated with an antagonist to actin filaments, cytochalasin D, and showed a sharp contrast to the long filaments developed in illuminated guard cells. Furthermore, treatment of illuminated leaves with fusicoccin disintegrated actin filaments that had already been formed in the guard cells. Preincubation of leaves with phalloidin, which interferes with fusicoccin-induced actin depolymerization, delayed fusicoccin-induced opening during the early phase. These observations suggest that the prevention of actin filament formation and/or depolymerization of actin filaments may accelerate the stomatal opening process in response to fusicoccin. Received: 1 October 1999 / Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

Summary In root hair cells ofLimnobium stoloniferum, a protein phosphatase inhibitor, calyculin A (CA), at concentrations higher than 50 nM inhibits cytoplasmic streaming and induces remarkable morphological changes in the cytoplasm: the transvacuolar strands disperse and spherical cytoplasmic bodies emerge. The mechanism of the morphological changes of the cytoplasm induced by CA was studied by pharmacological analyses. The formation of spherical bodies in cells treated with CA was suppressed by the actin-depolymerizing and -fragmenting drugs latrunculin B and cytochalasin D at concentrations higher than 100 nM and 5 M, respectively. In contrast, 100 M propyzamide, a microtubule-depolymerizing drug, did not affect the formation of spherical bodies by CA. Interestingly, 60 mM 2,3-butanedione monoxime, an inhibitor of myosin, also suppressed the CA-induced formation of cytoplasmic spherical bodies. These results indicate that the actin cytoskeleton is intimately involved in the morphological changes of the cytoplasm induced by CA.Abbreviations APW artificial pond water - BDM 2,3-butanedione monoxime - CD cytochalasin D - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - LB latrunculin B - Pro propyzamide  相似文献   

Yokota E  Izeki T  Shimmen T 《Protoplasma》2003,221(3-4):217-226
Summary.  In root hair cells of Limnobium stoloniferum, transvacuolar strands disperse and cytoplasmic spherical bodies (CSBs) emerge upon treatment with a protein phosphatase inhibitor, calyculin A (CA), whose effects were previously shown to be canceled by simultaneous treatment of the cells with a nonselective protein kinase inhibitor, K-252a. CSB formation is also suppressed by latrunculin B (LB) or cytochalasin D, actin filament depolymerization drugs, or 2,3-butanedione monoxime, an inhibitor of myosin activity. To confirm the involvement of myosin activity in CSB formation induced by CA, we examined the effect of an inhibitor of energy metabolism, NaN3, on CSB formation in root hair cells pretreated simultaneously with CA and LB. In the presence of CA-LB, CSB formation was suppressed due to the depolymerization of actin filaments. When these drugs were removed, the actin filaments recovered and CSBs emerged even in the presence of K-252a. These results indicated that the phosphorylation level in the cells is elevated during the CA-LB treatment and that a phosphorylation level sufficient for the CSB formation was sustained even after CA removal. On the other hand, CSB formation after simultaneous treatment with CA and LB was significantly suppressed in the presence of NaN3. In such cells, actin filament bundles recovered, although their organization was random. The present and previous results suggested that myosin activity is necessary for CSB formation induced by CA, and that myosin regulated by phosphorylation-dephosphorylation is implicated in the organization of the actin cytoskeleton in root hair cells. Received June 26, 2002; accepted October 18, 2002; published online April 2, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Department of Life Science, Graduate School of Science, Himeji Institute of Technology, Harima Science Park City, Hyogo 678-1297, Japan.  相似文献   

The genome size of the phytoseiid Metaseiulus (=Typhlodromus or Galendromus) occidentalis (Nesbitt) needs to be estimated before the whole nuclear genome can be sequenced. Two different procedures were used to estimate the genome size of M. occidentalis; (1) flow cytometry (Marescalchi et al. in Genome 33:789–793, 1990) and (2) quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) (Wilhelm et al. in Nucleic Acids Res 31:e56, 2003). Fluorescence intensity of propidium iodide-stained nuclei of M. occidentalis was measured by flow cytometry using females, males, and eggs. Only the eggs yielded peaks, which ranged in size from 35 to 160 Mb, with a tall peak of 140 Mb in 1-day-old eggs and 65 Mb in 2-day-old eggs, respectively. However, the peaks are broad and do not provide an accurate estimate. The qRT-PCR procedure required single-copy nuclear gene sequences from this phytoseiid. This was accomplished by designing degenerate primers, amplifying the Actin and EF1α sequences from M. occidentalis, and then designing M. occidentalis-specific primers that amplified a unique sequence. The standard qRT-PCR protocol was inefficient and amplification failed frequently, so we developed a high-fidelity qRT-PCR protocol, which utilizes a mix of two DNA polymerases (Taq and a proof-reading Tgo or ACCUZYME) to consistently amplify sequences. This allowed us to estimate the nuclear genome size of M. occidentalis as 88–90 ± 5 Mb. When compared to other arthropod genomes, this appears to be very small.  相似文献   

We previously reported that exposure of HeLa cells to selenite for 2 h results in a decrease in their ability to attach to fibronectin (Yan and Frenkel,Cancer Res. 52, 5803–5807 [1992]), as well as a decrease in the level of fibronectin receptor (α5β1 integrin) at the cell surface (Yan and Frenkel,Biol. Trace Element Res. 46, 79–89 [1994]). We have now found that after exposure to selenite, there was a decrease in the total cellular content of the receptor protein, as well as in the level of the mRNAs for both of the subunits. Exposure of cells to actinomycin D (an inhibitor of RNA synthesis) also resulted in a decrease in the level of these mRNAs, suggesting that the effect of selenite is the result of its known inhibitory effect on RNA synthesis (Frenkel,Toxicol. Lett. 25, 219–223 [1985]). Exposure of cells to actinomycin D for 2 h also resulted in a decrease in the ability of cells to attach to fibronectin. Furthermore, both selenite and actinomycin D caused a decrease in integrin mRNA levels and in cell attachment to fibronectin only when high-density cells were exposed to the agents. In contrast, when low-density cells were exposed,neither agent had any detectable effect on mRNA levels or on cell attachment. These results have suggested the following scheme for the mechanism of the inhibition of cell attachment by selenite: After exposure to selenite for 2 h, there is a significant inhibition of cellular RNA synthesis, which results in a general decrease in the cellular level of those mRNAs with relatively short half-lives, including in particular those of the fibronectin receptor. This leads to a decrease in the intracellular level of the receptor protein and, consequently, in its level at the cell surface, which in turn causes a decrease in the rate of cell attachment to fibronectin.  相似文献   

Disintegration of the vacuolar membrane (VM) has been proposed to be a crucial event in various types of programmed cell death (PCD) in plants. However, its regulatory mechanisms are mostly unknown. To obtain new insights on the regulation of VM disintegration during hypersensitive cell death, we investigated the structural dynamics and permeability of the VM, as well as cytoskeletal reorganization during PCD in tobacco BY-2 cells induced by a proteinaceous elicitor, cryptogein. From sequential observations, we have identified the following remarkable events during PCD. Stage 1: bulb-like VM structures appear within the vacuolar lumen and the cortical microtubules are disrupted, while the cortical actin microfilaments are bundled. Simultaneously, transvacuolar strands including endoplasmic microtubules and actin microfilaments are gradually disrupted and the nucleus moves from the center to the periphery of the cell. Stage 2: cortical actin microfilament bundles and complex bulb-like VM structures disappear. The structure of the large central vacuole becomes simpler, and small spherical vacuoles appear. Stage 3: the VM is disintegrated and a fluorescent dye, BCECF, leaks out of the vacuoles just prior to PCD. Application of an actin polymerization inhibitor facilitates both the disappearance of bulb-like vacuolar membrane structures and induction of cell death. These results suggest that the elicitor-induced reorganization of actin microfilaments is involved in the regulation of hypersensitive cell death via modification of the vacuolar structure to induce VM disintegration.  相似文献   

In order to characterize a fibroblast cell line representing normal human skin fibroblasts in three-dimensional cultures, we compared the fibroblast line MSU-1.1, derived from human foreskin and immortalized by v-myc, to primary human dermal fibroblasts (NDF). Our results demonstrate that in contrast to NDF, all MSU-1.1 fibroblasts die within 3-4 d when cultured within three-dimensional contractile collagen matrices. Also, in contrast to NDF. MSU-1.1 cells die markedly in anchored collagen gels as well. Death is due to apoptosis and is attenuated by addition of antibodies against collagen-recognizing receptors alpha1beta1 and alpha2beta1. Apoptosis of NDF in collagen lattices was repressed by an inhibitor of caspase-1, which was ineffective on apoptosis of MSU-1.1. Further, apoptosis by MSU-1.l fibroblasts was also observed in anchored, i.e., restrained collagen lattices, an environment that supports proliferation of NDF.  相似文献   

Resistance to abiotic and biotic stress is a central topic for sustainable agriculture, especially in grapevine, one of the field crops with the highest economic output per acreage. As early cellular factors for plant defense, actin microfilaments (AF) are of high relevance. We therefore generated a transgenic actin marker line for grapevine by expressing a fusion protein between green fluorescent protein and the second actin-binding domain of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) fimbrin, AtFIM1. Based on this first cytoskeletal-marker line in grapevine, the response of AFs to phytopathogenic microorganisms could be followed in vivo. Upon inoculation with fluorescently labeled strains of phytopathogenic bacteria, actin responses were confined to the guard cells. In contrast, upon contact with zoospores of Plasmopara viticola, not only the guard cells, but also epidermal pavement cells, where no zoospores had attached responded with the formation of a perinuclear actin basket. Our data support the hypothesis that guard cells act as pacemakers of defense, dominating the responses of the remaining epidermal cells.  相似文献   

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