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Abstract This study describes the floristics and structure of a 0.95‐ha lowland tropical rainforest plot at the Australian Canopy Crane Research Facility at Cape Tribulation, Queensland. Five years of post‐cyclonic change in forest floristics and structure following the passage of Tropical Cyclone ‘Rona’ in February 1999 are examined. Local and regional variation in tropical rainforest is examined in comparison with other lowland plots established nearby and mid‐elevation plots located elsewhere in north Queensland at Eungella, Paluma and the Atherton Tablelands. These plots are placed in a broader Australasian context along with lowland rainforest plots at Baitabag and Oomsis, Papua New Guinea. The 2005 survey found 680 stems of 82 species ≥10 cm d.b.h. on the crane plot, an increase of 30.3% in stems and 16.4% of species in the 5 years since the previous survey. The most abundant families were Meliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Myrtaceae and Apocynaceae and the most abundant species were Cleistanthus myrianthus, Alstonia scholaris, Myristica insipida, Normanbya normanbyi and Rockinghamia angustifolia. Temporal floristic and structural variation suggests that the crane site remains in an active stage of post‐cyclonic recovery. Local spatial variability in floristics and structure at Cape Tribulation exceeded the variation exhibited by a single plot over a period of 5 years, despite the impact of Cyclone Rona. This finding suggests a high degree of temporal stability within this stand of rainforest despite frequent catastrophic disturbances. The rainforests of Cape Tribulation constitute a relatively unique floristic community when observed in an Australasian context. Variation in rainforest community composition across the region shows the importance of biogeographical connections, the impacts of local topography, environmental conditions and disturbance history.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. The role of several factors that affect the composition of the dung beetle assemblages in an Amazonian rainforest was quantified, together with the effect of these factors on the role that dung beetles play as secondary seed dispersers. 2. A total of 61 dung beetle species was captured during 3360 h of trapping. During nocturnal trapping periods, more dung beetles, of larger mean size, and more species were captured per trap than during diurnal trapping periods. 3. During the rainy season, more dung beetle species were captured per trap than during the dry season, but the number of individuals and their mean size did not vary between seasons. 4. Bait size had a significant effect on the mean number of beetles and mean number of species but not on mean beetle size. As bait size increased from 5, 10, 25, to 50 g, more beetles and more species were captured per trap. 5. Between 6 and 73% of plastic beads, used as seed mimics, were buried by dung beetles at depths that ranged from 0.5 to 7 cm. Both the proportion of beads buried and burial depth decreased with increasing bead size, and increased with increasing amounts of dung surrounding each bead (5, 10, and 25 g). 6. The proportion of buried seeds for three species varying in size between 5 and 27 mm, increased with increasing dung beetle size, using beetles of seven sizes, varying between 10 and 25 mm. 7. Seeds surrounded by dung were buried more often and more deeply when placed on the forest floor during the late afternoon than when placed during the early morning. Seeds were also buried more often when placed on the forest floor during the rainy season than when placed during the dry season, but season had no effect on burial depth. 8. Forests in Central Amazonia hold a rich dung beetle community that plays an active role in secondary seed dispersal, and consequently in plant regeneration. The interaction between seeds and beetles is complex because it is affected by many factors.  相似文献   

Characterization of the ecology of endangered timber species is a crucial step in any forest management strategy. In this study, we described the animal communities involved in seed dispersal and predation of a high‐value timber species Guibourtia tessmannii (Fabaceae; Detarioideae), which is newly listed on Appendix II of CITES. We compared the animal communities between two forest sites (Bambidie in Gabon and Ma'an in Cameroon). A total of 101 hr of direct observations and 355 days of camera trapping revealed that a primate (Cercopithecus nictitans nictitans) and a hornbill (Ceratogymna atrata) were important seed dispersers in Gabon. Conversely, a greater presence of a rodent (Cricetomys emini), which could act both as predator and disperser, was observed in Cameroon. This study suggests that animal communities involved in seed dispersal of G. tessmannii may vary depending on environmental conditions and anthropogenic impacts. However, further studies are needed to properly identify the factors involved in seed dispersal and predation of G. tessmannii.  相似文献   

Endozoochory, the dispersal of seeds by animal ingestion, is the most dominant mode of seed dispersal in tropical forests and is a key process shaping current and future forest dynamics. However, it remains largely unknown how endozoochory is associated with environmental conditions at regional and local scales. Here, we investigated the effects of elevation, climate, and microhabitat conditions on the proportion of endozoochorous plant species in the seed rain of the tropical Andes of southern Ecuador. Over 1 year, we measured seed rain in 162 seed traps on nine 1-ha forest plots located at 1000, 2000, and 3000 m a.s.l. We recorded climatic conditions (mean annual temperature and rainfall) in each plot and microhabitat conditions (leaf area index and soil moisture) adjacent to each seed trap. In total, we recorded 331,838 seeds belonging to 323 morphospecies. Overall, the proportion of endozoochorous species in the seed rain decreased with elevation. The relative biomass of endozoochorous species decreased with increasing rainfall, whereas the relative seed richness of endozoochorous species increased with increasing temperature and leaf area index. These findings suggest an interplay between climate factors and microhabitat conditions in shaping the importance of endozoochorous plant species in the seed rain of tropical montane forests. We conclude that changing climatic and microhabitat conditions are likely to cause changes in the dominant dispersal modes of plant communities which may trigger changes in the current and future dynamics of tropical forests.  相似文献   

Abstract: For eleven tree species, differing in seed mass, germination success (emergence success for two small-seeded species) and the causes of failure to germinate were studied in the forest understorey and in logging gaps in the tropical rain forests of Guyana. In the forest understorey, germination success increased with seed mass. However, as gap size increased the difference between smaller and larger seeded species diminished because germination success of smaller-seeded species increased slightly, while that of larger-seeded species decreased dramatically. The negative effect of gap size on germination success of larger-seeded species was caused by an increased risk of desiccation with gap size, which was a far more important seed mortality agent for larger than for smaller-seeded species. Generally, seeds of smaller-seeded species suffered more from insect predation and were removed at higher rates than larger-seeded species. On the other hand, larger-seeded species were eaten more by mammals than smaller-seeded species. It is concluded that logging can result in shifts in the species composition in the tropical rain forests of Guyana which are dominated by species with large seeds, since germination success of larger-seeded species is dramatically reduced in large logging gaps.  相似文献   

以功能性状为基础的方法可以用来探讨植物群落中功能性状如何响应环境并揭示植物生态策略的潜在驱动力,但有关功能性状与环境因子之间的关系随植物群落演替变化的研究仍然匮乏.作者以海南岛热带低地雨林刀耕火种弃耕后处于不同演替阶段的次生林(包括弃耕后恢复15年、30年及60年的次生林)和老龄林为对象,通过群落学调查和对木本植物的功能性状及样地环境因子的测定,分析了群落水平植物功能性状与环境因子关系随演替阶段的变化规律.结果表明,随着演替的进行,林冠开阔度、土壤养分、比叶面积、叶片氮含量、叶片磷含量和叶片总有机碳含量逐渐降低,叶片干物质含量、木材密度、潜在最大高度逐渐升高,而土壤水分和叶片钾含量变化不大.多元逐步回归分析表明,影响群落水平植物功能性状的主要环境因子随演替阶段而发生显著的变化,在15年、30年和60年的次生林及老龄林中,对群落水平植物功能性状影响最大的环境因子依次为土壤有机质和pH值、林冠开阔度和土壤总磷含量、土壤总钾和有效磷含量,以及土壤有机质含量和磷含量.同一功能性状在不同演替阶段受到不同环境因子的控制,同时各功能性状又能够对不同演替阶段所处的特殊环境产生一定的适应性.  相似文献   

Over the past century, the Brazilian Atlantic forest has been reduced to small, isolated fragments of forest. Reproductive isolation theories predict a loss of genetic diversity and increases in inbreeding and spatial genetic structure (SGS) in such populations. We analysed eight microsatellite loci to investigate the pollen and seed dispersal patterns, genetic diversity, inbreeding and SGS of the tropical tree Copaifera langsdorffii in a small (4.8 ha), isolated population. All 112 adult trees and 128 seedlings found in the stand were sampled, mapped and genotyped. Seedlings had significantly lower levels of genetic diversity (A=16.5±0.45, mean±95% s.e.; He=0.838±0.006) than did adult trees (A=23.2±0.81; He=0.893±0.030). Parentage analysis did not indicate any seed immigration (mseeds=0) and the pollen immigration rate was very low (mpollen=0.047). The average distance of realized pollen dispersal within the stand was 94 m, with 81% of the pollen travelling <150 m. A significant negative correlation was found between the frequency and distance of pollen dispersal (r=−0.79, P<0.01), indicating that short-distance pollinations were more frequent. A significant SGS for both adults (∼50 m) and seedlings (∼20 m) was also found, indicating that most of the seeds were dispersed over short distances. The results suggested that the spatial isolation of populations by habitat fragmentation can restrict seed and pollen gene flow, increase SGS and affect the genetic diversity of future generations.  相似文献   

在香港石鼓洲生物多样性调查的基础上,对该岛的324种植物的果实类型和种子的传播方式进行了统计和分析。该岛植物的果实类型可划分为13类,主要是核果、浆果、蒴果和荚果四类,分别占总数的19.75%、18.83%、16.98%和11.11%。岛上植物种子传播的类型主要有4种,即动物传播(含鸟类传播和其它动物传播)、风传播、人力传播和水流传播,分别有植物233种、74种、39种及22种,动物传播中鸟类传播的有139种,其它动物传播的有156种。有86种植物有2种以上的自然传播方式(不包括人力传播)。此外,还对石鼓洲植物种子传播方式与植被次生形成之间的关系进行了初步探讨,认为石鼓洲火烧之后岛上残存植物物种是目前植被的基础,鸟类和其它动物的传播作用对岛上的植被的次生形成具有重要的作用。  相似文献   

研究不同径级尺度群落系统发育多样性有助于了解不同年龄模式下物种的亲缘关系及其群落系统发育结构; 但是关于物种多度对群落系统发育结构影响的研究较少。以海南尖峰岭热带山地雨林群落为例, 首先在不同径级尺度比较物种多度加权与否分别对4个广泛采用的系统发育指数的影响, 继而利用其中2个经过标准化处理的系统发育多样性指数: 净种间亲缘关系指数(net relatedness index, NRI)和净最近种间亲缘关系指数(nearest taxon index, NTI), 结合群落的生境类型来量度不同局域生境条件下不同径级尺度木本植物系统发育关系。结果发现: (1)未考虑物种多度加权的系统发育平均成对距离(mean pairwise distance, MPD)指数比考虑物种多度加权的MPD指数显著地高估了群落整体系统发育多样性, 且这种现象在小径级尺度(1 cm≤DBH<5 cm)最为明显。因此, 在森林监测样地中对于中、小径级群落系统发育结构研究中建议考虑物种多度信息。(2) 从群落组成整体系统发育结构来看, 尖峰岭热带山地雨林在几乎所有径级尺度和生境下均倾向于系统发育发散, 且随着径级的递增发散程度趋于明显(NRI<0)。(3)从群落组成局部系统发育结构来看, 尖峰岭热带山地雨林在中、小径级倾向于系统发育聚集(NTI>0), 而在大径级(DBH≥15 cm)则倾向于系统发育发散(NTI<0)。总之, 研究群落系统发育结构时应考虑物种多度的影响以及径级尺度效应。  相似文献   

Large animal species, which provide important ecological functions such as dispersal of seeds or top–down control of seed predators, are very vulnerable in fragmented forests, being unable to survive in small fragments, and facing increasing hunting pressure. The loss of large animals affects two main ecological processes crucial for the tree reproductive cycle: seed dispersal of large seeds (e.g. provided by tapirs) and control of seed predator population (e.g. provided by large cats). The changes in both processes are expected to increase seed mortality since seeds are not dispersed away from conspecifics (causing increased pre‐dispersal mortality due to negative density dependent effects) and/or face increased predation after a dispersal event (post‐dispersal mortality). Although an extensive body of empirical knowledge exists on seed predation, the link between seed loss and adult tree community composition and structure is not well established, as well as the temporal scale seed changes affect adults. Using an individual‐based forest model (FORMIND), we evaluate the long‐term consequences of increased pre and post‐dispersal seed mortality on the future forest biomass retention of a Brazilian northeastern Atlantic forest. Our results show that forest biomass is significantly affected after 80–93% pre‐dispersal loss of large seeds, or post‐dispersal predation densities of 20–25 predators per parent tree. Large‐seeded tree species are at increased risk of local extinction causing up to 26.2% loss of forest biomass when both pre and post‐dispersal processes are combined. However, these changes can last up to 100 years after the occurrence of defaunation. In summary we conclude that large animal loss has the potential to reduce future forest biomass and tree species‐richness by impacting seed survival, and should be considered in the planning of biodiversity friendly landscapes as well as in calculations of the global carbon budget.  相似文献   

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