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Ants are widely employed by plants as an antiherbivore defence. A single host plant can associate with multiple, symbiotic ant species, although usually only a single ant species at a time. Different plant‐ant species may vary in the degree to which they defend their host plant. In Kenya, ant–acacia interactions are well studied, but less is known about systems elsewhere in Africa. A southern African species, Vachellia erioloba, is occupied by thorn‐dwelling ants from three different genera. Unusually, multiple colonies of all these ants simultaneously and stably inhabit trees. We investigated if the ants on V. erioloba (i) deter insect herbivores; (ii) differ in their effectiveness depending on the identity of the herbivore; and (iii) protect the tree against an important herbivore, the larvae of the lepidopteran Gonometa postica. We show that experimental exclusion of ants leads to greater levels of herbivory on trees. The ants inhabiting V. erioloba are an effective deterrent against hemipteran and coleopteran, but not lepidopteran herbivores. Defensive services do not vary among ant species, but only Crematogaster ants exhibit aggression towards G. postica. This highlights the potential of the V. erioloba–ant mutualism for studying ant–plant interactions that involve multiple, simultaneously resident thorn‐dwelling ant species.  相似文献   

Myrmecophytes depend on symbiotic ants (plant‐ants) to defend against herbivores. Although these defensive mechanisms are highly effective, some herbivorous insects can use myrmecophytes as their host‐plants. The feeding habits of these phytophages on myrmecophytes and the impacts of the plant‐ants on their feeding behavior have been poorly studied. We examined two phasmid species, Orthomeria alexis and O. cuprinus, which are known to feed on Macaranga (Euphorbiaceae) myrmecophytes in a Bornean primary forest. Our observations revealed that: (i) each phasmid species relied on two closely‐related myrmecophytic Macaranga species for its host‐plants in spite of their normal plant‐ant symbioses; and (ii) there was little overlap between their host‐plant preferences. More O. cuprinus adults and nymphs were found on new leaves, which were attended by more plant‐ants than mature leaves, while most adults and nymphs of O. alexis tended to avoid new leaves. In a feeding choice experiment under ant‐excluded conditions, O. alexis adults chose a non‐host Macaranga myrmecophyte that was more intensively defended by plant‐ants and was more palatable than their usual host‐plants almost as frequently as their usual host‐plant, suggesting that the host‐plant range of O. alexis was restricted by the presence of plant‐ants on non‐host‐plants. Phasmid behavior that appeared to minimize plant‐ant attacks is described.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity–diversity relationship (HDR) is commonly shown to be positive in accordance with classic niche processes. However, recent soil‐based studies have often found neutral and even negative HDRs. Some of the suggested reasons for this discrepancy include the lack of resemblance between manipulated substrate and natural settings, the treated areas not being large enough to contain species' root span, and finally limited‐sized plots may not sustain focal species’ populations over time. Vegetated green roofs are a growing phenomenon in many cities that could be an ideal testing ground for this problem. Recent studies have focused on the ability of these roofs to sustain stable and diverse plant communities and substrate heterogeneity that would increase niches on the roof has been proposed as a method to attain this goal. We constructed an experimental design using green roof experimental modules (4 m2) where we manipulated mineral and organic substrate component heterogeneity in different subplots (0.25 m2) within the experimental module while maintaining the total sum of mineral and organic components. A local annual plant community was seeded in the modules and monitored over three growing seasons. We found that plant diversity and biomass were not affected by experimentally created substrate heterogeneity. In addition, we found that different treatments, as well as specific subplot substrates, had an effect on plant community assemblages during the first year but not during the second and third years. Substrate heterogeneity levels were mostly unchanged over time. The inability to retain plant community composition over the years despite the maintenance of substrate differences supports the hypothesis that maintenance of diversity is constrained at these spatial scales by unfavorable dispersal and increased stochastic events as opposed to predictions of classic niche processes.  相似文献   

Most studies regarding ant–aphid interactions focus only on the direct effects of ants on tended aphids and aphidophagous predators, or the indirect effects on the host plant. Studies evaluating the effects of aphid‐tending ants on more than one trophic level are rare and evaluate only the presence or absence of such effects. Here we assessed the effect sizes of ants in a tri‐trophic system (common bean plants, aphids and lacewing larvae). We tested if the presence of aphid‐tending ants has positive effects on aphid abundance and host‐plant production and negative effects on aphid predator abundance. We also hypothesized that aphid‐tending ants affect more intensely trophic levels that are more directly related to them (i.e., first aphids, then aphid predators and then host plants). We tested these hypotheses in field mesocosms experiments using the presence and absence of ants. We found that aphid‐tending ants have great positive effects on final aphid abundance. Ants also positively affected the number of seeds; however, it was not possible to measure the effect size for this trophic level. Furthermore, ants had negative effects on lacewing larvae only at first release. The effect size of ants was greater for aphids, followed by lacewing larvae, and with no effects on the number of seeds produced. Ants positively affect aphids and host‐plant production, probably by way of honeydew collection preventing the development of entomophagous/saprophytic fungi. On the other hand, ants negatively affect lacewing larvae by excluding them from the host plant. In natural systems, several ant species may attend aphids, differently affecting the organisms of the various trophic levels within the ant–aphid interaction, thereby obscuring the real effect size of ants. Assessing the effect size of aphid‐tending ants on the organisms involved in ant–aphid interactions provides more realistic information about the effects of this interaction on natural systems.  相似文献   

A study in a remnant of cerrado vegetation in São Paulo State, Brazil, was carried out to investigate the possible role of leaf-cutting ants in the creation of nutrient-rich patches and their consequent influence on plant establishment and growth. The results showed that leaf-cutting ants had neither detectable effect on local nutrient enrichment nor on plant community structure. It is suggested that leaf-cutting ants may affect early successional stages of the vegetation, when colonies are more abundant and disperse into the habitat. Foi feito um estudo em um remanescente de vegetação de cerrado no Estado de São Paulo, com o objetivo de testar o papel das sa£vas na criação de manchas ricas em nutrientes e sua conseqüente influência no estabelecimento e crescimento das plantas. Os resultados mostraram que as saúvas não tiveram nenhum efeito detectável no enriquecimento local de nutrientes e nem na estrutura das comunidades vegetais. Sugere-se que as saúvas possam afetar os estádios iniciais da sucessão vegetal, quando as colônias são mais abundantes e dispersam-se mais no habitat.  相似文献   

In ant–plant protection mutualisms, plants provide nesting space and nutrition to defending ants. Several plant–ants are polygynous. Possessing more than one queen per colony can reduce nestmate relatedness and consequently the inclusive fitness of workers. Here, we investigated the colony structure of the obligate acacia‐ant Pseudomyrmex peperi, which competes for nesting space with several congeneric and sympatric species. Pseudomyrmex peperi had a lower colony founding success than its congeners and thus, appears to be competitively inferior during the early stages of colony development. Aggression assays showed that P. peperi establishes distinct, but highly polygynous supercolonies, which can inhabit large clusters of host trees. Analysing queens, workers, males and virgin queens from two supercolonies with eight polymorphic microsatellite markers revealed a maximum of three alleles per locus within a colony and, thus, high relatedness among nestmates. Colonies had probably been founded by one singly mated queen and supercolonies resulted from intranidal mating among colony‐derived males and daughter queens. This strategy allows colonies to grow by budding and to occupy individual plant clusters for time spans that are longer than an individual queen’s life. Ancestral states reconstruction indicated that polygyny represents the derived state within obligate acacia‐ants. We suggest that the extreme polygyny of Pseudomyrmex peperi, which is achieved by intranidal mating and thereby maintains high nestmate relatedness, might play an important role for species coexistence in a dynamic and competitive habitat.  相似文献   

Despite years of study, it remains unclear if and to what extent the effects of extra‐floral nectaries (EFNs) on arboreal ants observed on individual trees scale up to larger spatial scales. Here, we address this issue in Brazilian savanna and tested three predictions: (i) Trees with EFN have higher richness of arboreal ant species than trees without; (ii) Arboreal ant species richness increases with the proportion of total EFN‐bearing trees at the site scale, due to a higher occurrence of non‐core ant species; (iii) Ant species composition changes with the proportion of EFN‐bearing trees at the site scale. We sampled arboreal ants in 32 plots with EFN‐bearing trees ranging from 0% to 60% of all trees. We sampled 72 ant species, from which 17 (mostly belonging to Camponotus, Cephalotes and Crematogaster) were identified as core species in at least one of the ant‐EFN networks in the 32 plots. Ant species richness was significantly higher on EFN‐bearing trees. We identified 11 ant species that preferentially occurred on EFN‐bearing trees, all of which were core partners in networks. Species richness at the site scales increased with the proportion of EFN‐bearing trees, regardless of tree density and richness; this pattern was due to a higher occurrence of non‐core ant species. Finally, species composition also varied with the proportion of EFN‐bearing trees. Therefore, we found that the presence of EFNs not only influences arboreal ants on individual trees but also has a substantial effect on the ant‐EFN network on a broader community scale. The increase in non‐core species site scale reveals that this interaction is unlikely to result in substantially enhanced protection services for EFN‐bearing plants.  相似文献   

In obligate ant–plant mutualisms, the asymmetric engagement of a single plant species with multiple ant species provides the opportunity for partners to vary in their behaviour. Variation in behaviour has implications for the interactions with third‐party species such as herbivores. This study assessed the effect of obligate ant‐mutualists (Crematogaster mimosae, Crematogaster nigriceps and Tetraponera penzigi) inhabiting the African ant‐acacia (Acacia drepanolobium) on three mega‐herbivore browsers: the Maasai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi), the reticulated giraffe (Giraffa c. reticulata) and the black rhino (Diceros bicornis). Giraffes are abundant and wide‐ranging herbivores of the acacias, whereas black rhinos are localized and perennial herbivores of the acacias. Multiyear field studies comparing the ants’ aggressive behaviour and browsing by mega‐herbivores suggested differences between the tending abilities of the primary ant species inhabiting A. drepanolobium. Trees occupied by the aggressive ant species C. mimosae had significantly less browsing by giraffes and black rhino than trees occupied by other ant species. The results of this study provide evidence that ant‐mutualists on African acacias can serve as deterrents to mega‐herbivores and that different ant species vary in their tending abilities.  相似文献   

Richness and occupancy patterns of epiphyll bryophytes in a fragmented landscape of tropical rain forests in northeastern Brazil (Murici Ecological Station) were investigated to assess the influence of regional and local disappearance of habitat on epiphyllous metapopulation indicators. Bryophytes were collected from ten forest fragments, from the fragment's border to 100 m inside the forest. The number of colonized phorophytes and the cover on leaves were scored. Decreasing trends in regional and local abundance linked to habitat loss were observed, which may be related to the sexual and asexual expression. Although fertility was not related to constancy in the fragments, frequently fertile species colonized more sites within fragments than infertile species. Landscape metrics and indicators of habitat quality explained better the variation in epiphyll richness and occupancy than distance from the forest's edge. This suggests that the abrupt habitat quality modification resulting from edge creation is secondary in the area studied, while irreversible landscape modifications still play an important role. The results add to empirical support that metapopulations are prone to negative and long-term effects in fragmented landscapes. Thus, the selection of priority areas for conservation must take into account the remaining amount of habitat as well as the connectivity between the landscape's patches.  相似文献   

For the past 17 years, scientists have been compiling a list of amphibian species susceptible to infection by the amphibian‐killing chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), all over the world, with >500 species infected on every continent except Antarctica (Olson et al. 2013 ). Where Bd has been found, the impacts on amphibians has been one of two types: either Bd arrives into a naïve amphibian population followed by a mass die‐off and population declines (e.g. Lips et al. 2006 ), or Bd is present at some moderate prevalence, usually infecting many species but at apparently nonlethal intensities for a long time. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Rodriguez et al. ( 2014 ) discover that the Atlantic Coastal Forest of Brazil is home to two Bd lineages: the Global Pandemic Lineage (Bd‐GPL) – the strain responsible for mass die‐offs and population declines – and a lineage endemic to Brazil (Bd‐Bz). Even more surprising was that both lineages have been present in this area for the past 100 years, making these the oldest records of Bd infecting amphibians. The team also described a moderate but steady prevalence of ~20% across all sampled anuran families for over 100 years, indicating that Brazil has been in an enzootic disease state for over a century. Most amphibians were infected with Bd‐GPL, suggesting this lineage may be a better competitor than Bd‐Bz or may be replacing the Bd‐Bz lineage. Rodriguez et al. ( 2014 ) also detected likely hybridization of the two Bd lineages, as originally described by Schloegel et al. ( 2012 ).  相似文献   

Abstract 1. As herbivory often elicits systemic changes in plant traits, indirect interactions via induced plant responses may be a pervasive feature structuring herbivore communities. Although the importance of this phenomenon has been emphasised for herbivorous insects, it is unknown if and how induced responses contribute to the organisation of other major phytoparasitic taxa. 2. Survey and experimental field studies were used to investigate the role of plants in linking the dynamics of foliar‐feeding insects and root‐feeding nematodes on tobacco, Nicotiana tabacum. 3. Plant‐mediated interactions between insects and nematodes could largely be differentiated by insect feeding guild, with positive insect–nematode interactions predominating with leaf‐chewing insects (caterpillars) and negative interactions occurring with sap‐feeding insects (aphids). For example, insect defoliation was positively correlated with the abundance of root‐feeding nematodes, but aphids and nematodes were negatively correlated. Experimental field manipulations of foliar insect and nematode root herbivory also tended to support this outcome. 4. Overall, these results suggest that plants indirectly link the dynamics of divergent consumer taxa in spatially distinct ecosystems. This lends support to the growing perception that plants play a critical role in propagating indirect effects among a diverse assemblage of consumers.  相似文献   

Lianas (woody climbers) are structural parasites of trees that compete with them for light and below‐ground resources. Most studies of liana–tree interactions are based on ground‐level observations of liana stem density and size, with these assessments generally assumed to reflect the amount of liana canopy cover and overall burden to the tree. We tested this assumption in a 1‐ha plot of lowland rainforest in tropical Australia. We recorded 1072 liana stems (≥1 cm diameter at breast height {dbh}) ha?1 across all trees (≥10 cm dbh) on the plot and selected 58 trees for detailed study. We estimated liana canopy cover on selected trees that hosted 0–15 liana individuals, using a 47‐m‐tall canopy crane. Notably, we found no significant correlations between liana canopy cover and three commonly used ground‐based measurements of liana abundance as follows: liana stem counts per tree, liana above‐ground biomass per tree and liana basal area per tree. We also explored the role of tree size and liana infestation and found that larger trees (≥20 cm dbh) were more likely to support lianas and to host more liana stems than smaller trees (≤20 cm dbh). This pattern of liana stem density, however, did not correlate with greater liana coverage in the canopy. Tree family was also found to have a significant effect on likelihood of hosting lianas, with trees in some families 3–4 times more likely to host a liana than other families. We suggest that local ground‐based measures of liana–tree infestation may not accurately reflect liana canopy cover for individual trees because they were frequently observed spreading through neighbouring trees at our site. We believe that future liana research will benefit from new technologies such as high‐quality aerial photography taken from drones when the aim is to detect the relative burden of lianas on individual trees.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by plant roots can influence the germination and growth of neighbouring plants. However, little is known about the effects of root VOCs on plant–herbivore interactions of neighbouring plants. The spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) constitutively releases high amounts of sesquiterpenes into the rhizosphere. Here, we examine the impact of Cstoebe root VOCs on the primary and secondary metabolites of sympatric Taraxacum officinale plants and the resulting plant‐mediated effects on a generalist root herbivore, the white grub Melolontha melolontha. We show that exposure of Tofficinale to C.stoebe root VOCs does not affect the accumulation of defensive secondary metabolites but modulates carbohydrate and total protein levels in Tofficinale roots. Furthermore, VOC exposure increases Mmelolontha growth on Tofficinale plants. Exposure of Tofficinale to a major Cstoebe root VOC, the sesquiterpene (E)‐β‐caryophyllene, partially mimics the effect of the full root VOC blend on Mmelolontha growth. Thus, releasing root VOCs can modify plant–herbivore interactions of neighbouring plants. The release of VOCs to increase the susceptibility of other plants may be a form of plant offense.  相似文献   

Abstract Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) consume a broad spectrum of liquid food sources including nectar and honeydew, which play a key role in their diet especially in tropical forests. This study compares carbohydrates and amino acids from a representative spectrum of liquid sources used by ants in the canopy and understorey of a tropical rainforest in northern Queensland, Australia. Eighteen floral nectars, 16 extrafloral nectars, two wound sap and four homopteran honeydew sources were analysed using high performance liquid chromatography. Wounds comprised flower abscission scars on Normanbya normanbyi L. H. Bailey and bitemarks on Cardwellia sublimis F. Muell. where ants were actively involved in wounding. Discriminant analysis was performed to model differences between food sources in sugar and amino acid concentration and composition. All characteristics varied significantly among plant species. Honeydew contained a broader spectrum of sugars (including melezitose, raffinose, melibiose, lactose and maltose) than nectar (sucrose, glucose, fructose), but certain extrafloral nectars had similar amino acid profiles and, like honeydew sources, were often monopolized by ants. Most common amino acids across the sources were proline, alanine and threonine among 17 α‐amino acids identified. Interspecific variability concealed characteristic differences in sugar and amino acid parameters between nectar, honeydew and wound sap across all plants, but these types differed significantly when found on the same plant. Among all sources studied, only a few flower nectars were naturally not consumed by ants and they were significantly less attended than sugar controls in feeding trials. These nectars did not differ in sugars and amino acids from ant‐attended flower nectars, suggesting the activity of repellents. Apart from these exceptions, variability in amino acids and carbohydrates is proposed to play a key role in ant preferences and nutrition.  相似文献   

Frequent low‐intensity fires are used in management of Australian forests to reduce fuel loads and protect natural resources and human property. Low‐intensity fires are typically patchy and unburned litter microhabitats are often associated with large objects such as logs, which may act as refuges both for vertebrate and for invertebrate fauna. The aim of this study was to determine whether ants were using unburned leaf litter microhabitats associated with logs as a refuge after fire. The study was carried out in Bulls Ground State Forest, New South Wales, Australia, where experimentally burned and unburned sites had previously been established. Species richness and abundance of ants in leaf litter did not differ between habitats adjacent to logs and away from logs, in burned and unburned sites. Fifteen of the 42 ant species were found in all four habitats, and contributed 94% of total ant abundance. Every habitat had a group of unique species, which together made up 30% of the total species richness. There was also a distinct group of species that was not found in the leaf litter associated with the burned/open habitat. However, as 45% of all species were found in low abundance (less than 10 individuals), care must be taken in inferring patterns for these groups. When functional groups were used to assess community structure, ‘cryptic’ species were found to be common in all habitats, whereas ‘subordinate Camponotini’ were found in burned habitats only. This study indicates that in an area where frequent burning is applied on a broad scale, preserving a range of microhabitats, including those associated with retained logs, may make a substantial contribution to conserving ant biodiversity.  相似文献   

Automated analysis of acoustic communities is a rapidly emerging approach for the characterization and monitoring of biodiversity. To evaluate its utility, we should verify that such ‘bioacoustics’ can accurately detect ecological signal in spatiotemporal acoustic data. Targeting the ‘Biological Dynamics of Forest Fragments Project’ sites in Brazil, we ask: What is the relative contribution of the spatial, temporal and habitat dimension to variation in bird acoustic communities in a previously fragmented tropical rainforest? Does the functional diversity of bird communities scale similarly to space and time as does species diversity, when both are recorded by bioacoustics means? Overall, is the imprint of landscape fragmentation 30 years ago still audible in the present‐day soundscape? We sampled forty‐four sites in secondary forest and 107 sites in old‐growth forest, resulting in 11 000 h of audio recordings. We detected 60 bird species with satisfactory precision and recovered a linear log–log relation between sampling time and species diversity. Sites in primary forest host more species than sites in secondary forest, but the difference decreased with sampling time, as the slope was slightly higher in secondary than primary forests. Functional diversity, as exposed by vocalizing birds, accumulates faster than does species diversity. The similarity among local communities decreases with distance in both time and space, but stability in time is remarkably high: two acoustic samples from the same site one year (or more) apart prove more similar than two samples taken at the same time but from sites situated just a few hundred meters apart. These findings suggest that habitat modification can be heard as a long‐lasting imprint on the soundscape of regenerating habitats and identify soundscape–area and soundscape–time relations as a promising tool for biodiversity research, applied biomonitoring and restoration ecology.  相似文献   

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