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Monitoring large carnivores is difficult because of intrinsically low densities and can be dangerous if physical capture is required. Noninvasive genetic sampling (NGS) is a safe and cost‐effective alternative to physical capture. We evaluated the utility of two NGS methods (scat detection dogs and hair sampling) to obtain genetic samples for abundance estimation of coyotes, black bears and Canada lynx in three areas of Newfoundland, Canada. We calculated abundance estimates using program capwire , compared sampling costs, and the cost/sample for each method relative to species and study site, and performed simulations to determine the sampling intensity necessary to achieve abundance estimates with coefficients of variation (CV) of <10%. Scat sampling was effective for both coyotes and bears and hair snags effectively sampled bears in two of three study sites. Rub pads were ineffective in sampling coyotes and lynx. The precision of abundance estimates was dependent upon the number of captures/individual. Our simulations suggested that ~3.4 captures/individual will result in a < 10% CV for abundance estimates when populations are small (23–39), but fewer captures/individual may be sufficient for larger populations. We found scat sampling was more cost‐effective for sampling multiple species, but suggest that hair sampling may be less expensive at study sites with limited road access for bears. Given the dependence of sampling scheme on species and study site, the optimal sampling scheme is likely to be study‐specific warranting pilot studies in most circumstances.  相似文献   

Tropical landscapes are changing rapidly as a result of human modifications; however, despite increasing deforestation, human population growth, and the need for more agricultural land, deforestation rates have exceeded the rate at which land is converted to cropland or pasture. For deforested lands to have conservation value requires an understanding of regeneration rates of vegetation, the rates at which animals colonize and grow in regenerating areas, and the nature of interactions between plants and animals in the specific region. Here, we present data on forest regeneration and animal abundance at four regenerating sites that had reached the stage of closed canopy forest where the average dbh of the trees was 17 cm. Overall, 20.3 percent of stems were wind‐dispersed species and 79.7 percent were animal‐dispersed species, while in the old‐growth forest 17.3 percent of the stems were wind‐dispersed species. The regenerating forest supported a substantial primate population and encounter rate (groups per km walked) in the regenerating sites was high compared to the neighboring old‐growth forests. By monitoring elephant tracks for 10 yr, we demonstrated that elephant numbers increased steadily over time, but they increased dramatically since 2004. In general, the richness of the mammal community detected by sight, tracks, feces, and/or camera traps, was high in regenerating forests compared to that documented for the national park. We conclude that in Africa, a continent that has seen dramatic declines in the area of old‐growth forest, there is ample opportunity to reclaim degraded areas and quickly restore substantial animal populations.  相似文献   

Land‐use change has resulted in rangeland loss and degradation globally. These changes include conversion of native grasslands for row‐crop agriculture as well as degradation of remaining rangeland due to fragmentation and changing disturbance regimes. Understanding how these and other factors influence wildlife use of rangelands is important for conservation and management of wildlife populations. We investigated bat habitat associations in a working rangeland in southeastern North Dakota. We used Petterson d500x acoustic detectors to systematically sample bat activity across the study area on a 1‐km point grid. We identified calls using Sonobat autoclassification software. We detected five species using this working rangeland, which included Lasionycteris noctivagans (2,722 detections), Lasiurus cinereus (2,055 detections), Eptesicus fuscus (749 detections), Lasiurus borealis (62 detections), and Myotis lucifugus (1 detection). We developed generalized linear mixed‐effects models for the four most frequently detected species based on their ecology. The activity of three bat species increased with higher tree cover. While the scale of selection varied between the four species, all three investigated scales were explanatory for at least one bat species. The broad importance of trees to bats in rangelands may put their conservation needs at odds with those of obligate grassland species. Focusing rangeland bat conservation on areas that were treed prior to European settlement, such as riparian forests, can provide important areas for bat conservation while minimizing negative impacts on grassland species.  相似文献   

The kukupa or New Zealand pigeon (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae) is gradually declining on the New Zealand mainland, due mostly to predation by introduced pest mammals including ship rats (Rattus rattus) and brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). We report on a co-operative project between Maori landowners, the Department of Conservation, and Manaaki Whenua–Landcare Research researchers to restore a Northland kukupa population and to examine kukupa nesting success in relation to pest abundance. Ship rats and possums were targeted by trapping and poisoning throughout Motatau Forest (350 ha) from 1997 to 1999; only possums were targeted in 2000. All 13 kukupa nests located before pest control started in late 1997 failed at the egg stage, but all seven nests located in 1998–99 successfully fledged young when trapping and tracking indices of possums and ship rats were less than 4%. After pest control, counts of kukupa and some other bird species increased at Motatau compared with counts in a nearby non-treatment block, suggesting numbers of adult kukupa can be increased in small forest areas by intensive pest control. This increase is due at least partly to increased nest success. Evidence from time-lapse video cameras, sign remaining at nests, and nest success rates under different pest control regimes suggest both ship rats and possums are important predators at kukupa nests.  相似文献   

Populations of large wild mammals are declining worldwide, while the abundance of livestock is increasing. The absence of large mammals frequently leads to increases in the abundance of small mammals such as rodents, but little is known about how the loss of large mammals affects the behaviour of small mammals. To investigate this question, we analysed long‐term data collected at the Kenya Long‐term Exclosure Experiment, which excludes different combinations of large mammals from a savannah ecosystem in central Kenya. We investigated the effects of excluding large mammals, both wild and domestic, on the movements of the pouched mouse (Saccostomus mearnsi), the most common species of small mammal in this habitat. Mice moved ~20% more in the presence of wildlife, but their movements were not significantly affected by the presence of cattle. An index of intraspecific contacts between mice was higher at higher mouse densities, and these high densities were more likely when wildlife and cattle were absent. The results suggest that the absence of large mammals led to higher densities of small mammals, which resulted in a greater probability of intraspecific contacts, despite lower average movement distances.  相似文献   

Several North American trees are hypothesized to have lost their co‐evolved seed disperser during the late‐Pleistocene extinction and are therefore considered anachronistic. We tested this hypothesis for the American persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) by studying the effects of gut passage of proposed seed dispersers on seedling survival and growth, natural fruiting characteristics, and modern animal consumption patterns. We tested gut passage effects on persimmon seeds using three native living species, the raccoon (Procyon lotor), Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana), and coyote (Canis latrans), and two Pleistocene analogs; the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and alpaca (Vicugna pacos). Persimmon seeds excreted by raccoons, coyotes, and elephants survived gut transit. Gut passage did not affect sprouting success, but did tend to decrease time to sprout and increase seedling quality. Under field conditions, persimmon fruits were palatable on the parent tree and on the ground for an equal duration, but most fruits were consumed on the ground. Seven vertebrate species fed upon persimmon fruits, with the white‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)—a species not capable of dispersing persimmon seeds—comprising over 90% of detections. Conversely, potential living seed dispersers were rarely detected. Our results suggest the American persimmon evolved to attract a variety of seed dispersers and thus is not anachronistic. However, human‐induced changes in mammal communities could be affecting successful seed dispersal. We argue that changes in the relative abundance of mammals during the Anthropocene may be modifying seed dispersal patterns, leading to potential changes in forest community composition.  相似文献   

Granivorous rodent populations in deserts are primarily regulated through precipitation‐driven resource pulses rather than pulses associated with mast‐seeding, a pattern more common in mesic habitats. We studied heteromyid responses to mast‐seeding in the desert shrub blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima), a regionally dominant species in the Mojave–Great Basin Desert transition zone. In a 5‐year study at Arches National Park, Utah, USA, we quantified spatiotemporal variation in seed resources in mast and intermast years in blackbrush‐dominated and mixed desert vegetation and measured responses of Dipodomys ordii (Ord's kangaroo rat) and Perognathus flavescens (plains pocket mouse). In blackbrush‐dominated vegetation, blackbrush seeds comprised >79% of seed production in a mast year, but 0% in the first postmast year. Kangaroo rat abundance in blackbrush‐dominated vegetation was highest in the mast year, declined sharply at the end of the first postmast summer, and then remained at low levels for 3 years. Pocket mouse abundance was not as strongly associated with blackbrush seed production. In mixed desert vegetation, kangaroo rat abundance was higher and more uniform through time. Kangaroo rats excluded the smaller pocket mice from resource‐rich patches including a pipeline disturbance and also moved their home range centers closer to this disturbance in a year of low blackbrush seed production. Home range size for kangaroo rats was unrelated to seed resource density in the mast year, but resource‐poor home ranges were larger (< 0.001) in the first postmast year, when resources were limiting. Blackbrush seeds are higher in protein and fat but lower in carbohydrates than the more highly preferred seeds of Indian ricegrass (Achnatherum hymenoides) and have similar energy value per unit of handling time. Kangaroo rats cached seeds of these two species in similar spatial configurations, implying that they were equally valued as stored food resources. Blackbrush mast is a key resource regulating populations of kangaroo rats in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

A comprehensive and contemporary understanding of habitat and resource requirements has been critical to the conservation of multiple taxa and ecosystems globally. Until recently, much of the ecological knowledge that contributes to conservation priorities and strategies for the Critically Endangered western ringtail possum (Pseudocheirus occidentalis) was largely derived from decades‐old observations in peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) and marri‐jarrah (Corymbia calophylla and Eucalyptus marginanta) woodlands in the northern parts of the species range. These observations do not account for more recent evidence of their flexible use of habitat resources in other regions of its range. This may represent a significant conservation opportunity for the species through the identification of additional habitats that warrant protection. In a region where knowledge of their ecology is scarce, we used scat analysis and quantitative spotlighting to determine the diet and density of western ringtail possums in three vegetation types: peppermint, sheoak (Allocasuarina fraseriana) and marri‐eucalypt (C. calophylla, E. marginanta and Eucalyptus staerii) woodlands. Given the species’ reported dependence on peppermint woodlands and dominant canopy species for food sources, we hypothesised that western ringtail possums would be most abundant in this habitat type and that their diet would comprise the foliage of few (≤2 species) canopy species. We found western ringtail possums consumed a higher diversity of plant species than expected (8–14), exhibited dietary preference for non‐dominant canopy species and were present in all sampled vegetation types at substantially higher densities than previously recorded for the region (as high as 17 possums ha?1). Our results confirm (i) the western ringtail possum is flexible in its use of habitat resources and (ii) the significant conservation value of sheoak and marri‐eucalypt woodlands in the southernmost portion of its distribution.  相似文献   

Predation by small mammals has been reported as an important mortality factor for the cocoons of sawfly species. However, it is difficult to provide an accurate estimate of newly spun cocoons and subsequent predation rates by small mammals for several reasons. First, all larvae do not spin cocoons at the same time. Second, cocoons are exposed to small mammal predation immediately after being spun. Third, the cocoons of the current generation are indistinguishable from those of the previous generation. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate these values from annual one‐time soil sampling datasets. To apply this model to an actual data set, field surveys were conducted in eight stands of larch plantations in central Hokkaido (Japan) from 2009 to 2012. Ten 0.04‐m2 soil samples were annually collected from each site in mid‐October. The abundance of unopened cocoons (I), cocoons emptied by small‐mammal predation (M), and empty cocoons caused by something other than small‐mammal predation (H) were determined. The abundance of newly spun cocoons, the predation rate by small mammals before and after cocoon sampling, and the annual rate of empty cocoons that remained were estimated. A posterior predictive check yielded Bayesian P‐values of 0.54, 0.48, and 0.07 for I, M, and H, respectively. Estimated predation rates showed a significant positive correlation with the number of trap captures of small mammals. Estimates of the number of newly spun cocoons had a significant positive correlation with defoliation intensity. These results indicate that our model showed an acceptable fit, with reasonable estimates. Our model is expected to be widely applicable to all hymenopteran and lepidopteran insects that spin cocoons in soil.  相似文献   

Flea beetles (Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini), with ~8,000 species worldwide, include pest species causing substantial economic damage to crops. The genera Phyllotreta and Chaetocnema include both pest and non‐pest species. An accurate and fast taxonomic identification approach is required for discriminating among taxa for non‐expert taxonomists; moreover, the utility of this approach spans from biodiversity conservation to the monitoring of pest species. DNA barcoding represents a reliable and easy identification tool based on the use of short DNA sequences. In this study, 45 new COI sequences of 13 Phyllotreta and five Chaetocnema species, representing ~30% and ~20% of the Turkish species belonging to these genera, were provided. These sequences increased by ~18% and ~25% the number of species of these genera whose sequences are available in BOLD. In order to test DNA barcoding efficiency in Phyllotreta and Chaetocnema species identification, we created a data set consisting of sequences belonging to species present in the Middle East and available in BOLD plus the sequences developed in this study (36 species). The efficiency of species identification, estimated using best close match analysis (with the ad hoc calculated optimal distance threshold of 1.5%), was 99%. The overall intraspecific and interspecific mean nucleotide divergences were 1.4% and 20%, respectively. Interestingly, COI sequences of Phyllotreta nigripes clustered into two well‐separated groups with a high value of the between‐group nucleotide distance (11.4%), which suggests the presence of cryptic species. In addition, information was provided on the crops exploited by the collected organisms and the observed damage.  相似文献   

Assessing species richness of small mammal communities is an important research objective for many live-trapping studies designed to assess or monitor biological diversity. We tested the effectiveness and efficiency of various trap densities for determining estimates and counts of small mammal species richness. Trapping was conducted in grassland habitats in northeastern Kansas during spring and fall of 2002 and 2003. Estimates and counts of species richness were higher at increased trap densities. This effect appeared to be primarily due to the higher number of individuals sampled at higher trap densities. At least 3 nights duration was needed to produce a stable estimate of species richness for the range of trap densities tested (9–144 trap stations/ha). Higher trap densities generally reached stable richness estimates in fewer nights than low density trapping arrangements. Given that counts and estimates of species richness were influenced by trap density and sampling duration, it is critical that these parameters are selected to most effectively meet research objectives.  相似文献   

Due to anthropogenic activities, tropical rain forests face many challenges in sustaining biodiversity and maintaining global climates. This study explores how forest successional stage, tree composition, and stratum affect communities of saproxylic cerambycid beetles—concealed feeders that play important roles in forest nutrient cycling. Forty trees in five families (Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Malvaceae, Moraceae, and Sapotaceae) were sampled in a mosaic of old‐growth and secondary forest on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica. Bait branches yielded 3549 cerambycid individuals in 49 species. Species richness was almost identical in old‐growth and secondary forest, and both yielded specialists, but abundance was higher in old‐growth forest. Overall community structure was most strongly influenced by host plant species; within most plant families it was also impacted by forest successional status. Moraceae was the exception, presumably because the focal tree species was abundant in both old‐growth and secondary forest. Several host and old‐growth specialist species reached high densities within patches of old‐growth forest, but seldom colonized apparently suitable trees within secondary forest. This suggests that even small areas of old‐growth forest can act as refuges, but that secondary forest may act as a barrier to dispersal. The vulnerability of specialized saproxylic insects to land use change will be linked to the ability of their preferred hosts to disperse to and persist in successional habitats; rearing studies may provide the most accurate method to monitor community changes over time.  相似文献   

Honeydew‐producing psyllids are an important pest of eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) in California, USA, and may influence surrounding litter arthropod communities. In particular, the introduced Australian psyllids Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore and Eucalyptolyma maideni Froggatt (both Hemiptera: Psyllidae) may facilitate the prevalence of invasive ant species. We examined ground‐dwelling arthropod communities under eucalyptus trees infested by psyllids. We used a model comparison approach to examine the association of psyllid infestation, ant abundance, and environmental factors with ground arthropod abundance and richness. We found a significant positive association between ant activity on eucalyptus trees and psyllid abundance. Higher psyllid abundance and higher Argentine ant abundance were associated with increased arthropod richness. Irrigation was also associated with increased arthropod richness and abundance. Regardless of location collected, arthropod communities collected in pitfall traps under trees with high psyllid abundance had high similarity to arthropod communities under trees with high ant activity. Abundance of isopods was positively associated with both ant and psyllid abundance. Other arthropod groups differed in their association with ants and psyllids. Argentine ants may exacerbate pest impacts and may also decrease the effectiveness of biological control programs for eucalyptus lerp psyllids.  相似文献   

Brevicoryne brassicae (L), Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt) and Myzus persicae (Sultzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) form the aphid complex that causes great losses in Brassicaceae in tropical and subtropical regions. Knowledge of their population dynamics is important for the development of integrated pest management programmes. This study aimed to investigate the effects of cabbage phenology, climatic factors and natural enemies populations on the dynamics of these organisms, and the factors regulating their predators’ occurrence. The densities of aphids and their natural enemies and the climate were monitored for two years in 16 cabbage crops. The highest densities of the aphids occurred during periods of relative humidity (RH) drop, a condition that affects them positively. Regarding the predators, the factors affecting their abundance varied but RH was positively related to most of them. This study provides relevant insights into the factors that regulate the aphids in cabbage and for the decision‐making process of control of these severe pests.  相似文献   

An evaluation of the pest potential of millipede species occurring in Ontario sweet potato and carrot fields was conducted in response to recent grower concerns about the presence of millipedes in close proximity to damaged vegetables. This study is the first North American survey of millipedes on arable soils and the first evaluation of North American millipede damage to sweet potatoes and carrots. Through field surveys, Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus was found to be the dominant millipede species in Ontario sweet potatoes and carrots. Fields were surveyed over the growing season, and the factors important to each species’ abundance were evaluated using Minimum AIC Estimation (MAICE). Post‐harvest damage assessments were performed, and MAICE analysis was used to determine which arthropod and environmental parameters were most important in explaining damage to sweet potatoes and carrots. Wireworm (Elateridae) abundance was consistently found to explain root damage better than C. caeruleocinctus abundance, and it is concluded that the majority of field‐observed damage was caused by wireworms. C. caeruleocinctus was negatively correlated with both wireworms and damage in carrot fields and is not likely to be a pest of that vegetable. However, abundance of C. caeruleocinctus in sweet potatoes was positively correlated with both wireworms and damage. This species may cause some damage to sweet potato tubers under field conditions, but management tactics should focus on wireworms as the primary source of damage.  相似文献   

Achieving very low densities of small mammal pests is routinely attained by expensive, large-scale, broadcast poisoning. There are two strategic responses to maintaining these low pest densities (or attempting to eradicate the survivors) – repeat the poisoning at regular intervals, or attempt to detect and mop- up the survivors. Here we report preliminary trials working toward the latter approach for possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) in a large mainland forest in New Zealand, and show that detection-and-mop-up is not only feasible but also possibly the most economically sensible and reliable way of achieving 100% kills. We use a simple bioeconomic model to predict the optimal surveillance (detection) strategy for possum mop-up, based on the characteristics of the detection device, and the few data available on the aggregation patterns of possums at extreme low density.  相似文献   

We evaluated the performance of dolphin echolocation detectors (C‐PODs) in the New River, North Carolina, by ground‐truthing echolocation detections with digital acoustic recordings. We deployed C‐PODs at three sites for a total of 204 monitoring hours. We also performed detection range trials at two sites where water depths ranged from 1.0 to 4.5 m. We used Detection Positive Minutes (DPMs), minutes of C‐POD recordings that contained at least one echolocation click train, to indicate the presence of at least one dolphin. The C‐PODs performed well in detecting dolphin click trains, although all units performed conservatively by failing to detect some echolocation events and therefore underestimated the true occurrence of dolphins. C‐PODs reported only a small number of false detections, as indicated by low false positive rates ranging between 1% and 4% for individual units. Overall, C‐PODs performed with a high accuracy (72%–91%) and detected echolocation at a distance of at least 933 m. We conclude that C‐PODs hold considerable promise in future monitoring studies of this species, but recommend a careful study design especially in complex, coastal environments.  相似文献   

Expansion of human activities in the Sudanian savannah is changing natural habitats together with their animal communities. The abundance and diversity of small mammal communities were investigated in human‐influenced savannahs in close proximity to Niokolo Koba National Park (NKNP) in south‐eastern Senegal and compared with those from NKNP. Two localities were sampled in natural and two in human‐influenced areas during two dry and two rainy seasons. Total sampling effort was 5400 trap‐nights. Ninety‐eight individuals of eleven species were captured outside NKNP, while only 28 individuals of five rodent species were caught inside the park (all of which were found also outside NKNP). The most abundant species outside NKNP was Mastomys erythroleucus, while inside NKNP it was Praomys daltoni. Both relative abundance and diversity were significantly higher in human‐influenced landscape than in natural savannahs of NKNP. The difference in species richness may be linked with lower population densities of certain species in NKNP and the effect of traditional agriculture, which may support the presence of species typical for deforested landscape. Furthermore, food availability, and predator abundances are discussed as possible reasons for the higher rodent abundances outside NKNP.  相似文献   

Ecosystem service‐driven methods of agricultural production that make optimal use of an ecosystem's natural services are often effective in smallholder crops, leading increases in habitat heterogeneity at large spatial scales that encourage beneficial species. Pollination services in cacao farms can be enhanced through efforts to conserve pollinator habitats, such as adding cacao fruit husks underneath trees to provide habitat and food resources for midge pollinators. However, it remains unclear how this habitat manipulation affects pest densities or biological control. Here, we evaluated the effects of the predaceous ant Oecophylla smaragdina on three major pests of Australian cacao (Helopeltis spp., Amblypelta spp., and Rhyparida nitida) in an Australian cacao farm, in the presence and absence of cacao fruit husks. We also evaluated the effect of O. smaragdina on their potentially plant‐damaging, mutualistic mealybug (Pseudococcidae) partners in the presence and absence of cacao fruit husks. Oecophylla smaragdina reduced the combined densities of Helopeltis spp. and Amblypelta spp., regardless of cacao fruit husk addition. The ants also reduced the densities of R. nitida in the absence of cacao fruit husks, but R. nitida densities were naturally low in the experimental plots that received the addition of cacao fruit husks, regardless of ant presence. In contrast, ants generally increased the densities of mealybugs. These data suggest that O. smaragdina ants provide pest control services for three major insect pests in Australian cacao farms. Furthermore, this control may be compatible with habitat manipulations (i.e., the addition of cacao fruit husks) to improve pollinator habitat.  相似文献   

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