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Characteristics of responses of single neurons in zona incerta to electrical stimulation of the amygdala and central gray matter of the midbrain were compared in acute experiments on rats. Analysis of the results showed that stimulation of the central gray matter evokes predominantly excitation (86%), where stimulation of the amygdala invokes inhibition (64%). Convergence of impulses from the amygdala and central gray matter was observed on 58 of 174 responding neurons. Most frequently (57%) the responses were opposite in direction. Stimulation of the amygdala invoked inhibitory effects and stimulation of the central gray matter activation effects. Possible functional relation in the amygdala-zona incerta-central gray matter system are discussed and the role of competitive interactions of flows of impulses descending from the amygdala and ascending from the central gray matter of neurons of zona incerta is examined.Institute of Physiology, Siberian Branch, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Novosibirsk. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 46–52, January–February, 1980.  相似文献   

We have examined whether individual cells of the zona incerta of the thalamus have widespread projections across the brain. Double injections of different coloured fluorescent latex beads (red or green) were made, in various combinations, into regions of neocortex, dorsal thalamus or brainstem of Sprague-Dawley rats. These regions were chosen since they have been shown previously to receive projections from the zona incerta. We also made injections of different coloured beads into different regions of these same brain centres (ie, distinct cortical areas or individual dorsal thalamic and brainstem nuclei). In general, our results show that cells of the zona incerta have projections limited to one of these brain centres only. We saw very few double-labelled incertal cells after double injections of different coloured latex beads into either the neocortex/dorsal thalamus, neocortex/brainstem or dorsal thalamus/brainstem. Further, we show that within each of these brain centres, the projection patterns of individual incertal cells is rather restricted, since double injections of different coloured beads into separate regions of the same centre resulted in few double-labelled incertal cells. Taken together, these results suggest a very clear specificity of projection among cells of the zona incerta. Thus, although the cells of the zona incerta receive a plethora of inputs from many sources, it appears that its cells have a very clear and focussed output to distinct regions of the brain.  相似文献   

Diamond ME  Ahissar E 《Neuron》2007,56(4):578-579
In the sense of touch, it is the motion of the sensory receptors themselves that leads to an afferent signal-whether these receptors are in our fingertips sliding along a surface or a rat's whiskers palpating an object. Afferent signals can be correctly interpreted only if the sensory system receives information about the brain's own motor output. In this issue of Neuron, Urbain and Deschênes provide new insights into the physiological and anatomical interplay between tactile and motor signals in rats.  相似文献   

In this study, the lamination patterns of spinal cells projecting to the zona incerta (ZI), intralaminar nuclei and ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus have been explored. Injections of cholera toxin subunit B or latex beads were made into the ZI, intralaminar and ventral posterior nuclei of Sprague Dawley rats. The brain and spinal cord were then aldehyde fixed and processed using standard methods. Our results show two major findings. First, after injections into the ZI, there is a distinct pattern of lamination of labelled cells in the spinal cord, a pattern that changes across the different levels. At cervical levels, labelled cells are located within the medial region of the deep dorsal horn, while at lumbar and sacral levels, they are found in the intermediate grey matter. These results are similar to those seen after injections into the intralaminar or ventral posterior nuclei, except that in the latter cases, more labelled cells are located in the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn, particularly from the ventral posterior nucleus. Second, the ZI is not associated uniformly with all spinal levels; labelling is heaviest at cervical and lightest at thoracic levels. From each thalamic injection site, labelling is noted on both sides of the spinal cord, with a clear contralateral predominance. In conclusion, the results indicate that the ZI receives a distinct set of spinal projections principally from the cervical level. The particular pattern of lamination of spinal cells projecting to the ZI suggests that the type of information relayed is from deep somatic and/or visceral structures, and probably nociceptive in nature.  相似文献   

Many organisms rely on a capacity to rapidly replicate, disperse, and evolve when faced with uncertainty and novelty. But mammals do not evolve and replicate quickly. They rely on a sophisticated nervous system to generate predictions and select responses when confronted with these challenges. An important component of their behavioral repertoire is the adaptive context-dependent seeking or avoiding of perceptually novel objects, even when their values have not yet been learned. Here, we outline recent cross-species breakthroughs that shed light on how the zona incerta (ZI), a relatively evolutionarily conserved brain area, supports novelty-seeking and novelty-related investigations. We then conjecture how the architecture of the ZI's anatomical connectivity – the wide-ranging top-down cortical inputs to the ZI, and its specifically strong outputs to both the brainstem action controllers and to brain areas involved in action value learning – place the ZI in a unique role at the intersection of cognitive control and learning.  相似文献   

In an effort to understand better the neurochemical changes that occur in Parkinson disease, we have examined the expression patterns of the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin in the zona incerta in parkinsonian rats. Sprague-Dawley rats had small volumes of either saline (control) or 6 hydroxydopamine (6OHDA) injected into the medial forebrain bundle, the major tract carrying dopaminergic nigrostriatal axons. After various post-lesion survival periods, ranging from 2 hrs to 84 days, rats were perfused with formaldehyde and their brains processed for routine tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) or parvalbumin immunocytochemistry. In the 3 to 84 days post-lesion cases, there was an overall 50% reduction in the number of parvalbumin+ cells in the zona incerta on the 6OHDA-lesioned side when compared to control. In the 2 hrs post-lesion cases, there was no substantial loss of parvalbumin+ cells in the zona incerta after 6OHDA lesion, although in these cases (unlike the longer survival periods), there was limited loss of TH+ cells in the midbrain on the lesion side. The loss of parvalbumin+ cells from the zona incerta was due to a loss of antigen expression rather than a loss of the cells themselves, since the number of Nissl-stained cells in the zona incerta was similar on the control and 6OHDA-lesioned sides. In summary, our results indicate that a loss of the midbrain dopaminergic cells induces a major change in parvalbumin expression within the zona incerta. This change may have key functional and clinical implications.  相似文献   



Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is a primordial process in development and its dysregulation has a central role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. Angiogenin (ANG), a peculiar member of the RNase A superfamily, is a potent inducer of angiogenesis involved in many different types of cancer, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and also with a possible role in the innate immune defense. The evolutionary path of this family has been a highly dynamic one, where positive selection has played a strong role. In this work we used a combined gene and protein level approach to determine the main sites under diversifying selection on the primate ANG gene and analyze its structural and functional implications.  相似文献   

Neocortical and hippocampal EEG activity was recorded in 23 rats subjected to the bilateral electrolytic lesions of the diencephalic zona incerta (ZI). The aim was to find whether damage to ZI can replicate insomnia and disturbances in cortical EEG desynchronization and hippocampal theta rhythm found after lesions of the lateral hypothalamic (LH) area. No effect of the ZI lesions on waking-sleep cycle was found. The amplitude and frequency of cortical waves and hippocampal theta rhythm during waking were changed only in some rats. These changes were small, short-lasting and bidirectional (toward and increase or decrease in different subjects). Both the amplitude and frequency of paradoxical sleep theta were depressed in part of animals. Thus the marked EEG changes after LH lesions can not be attributed to simultaneous damage of the adjacent subthalamic region. However, the ZI seems to constitute a part of a larger system regulating cortical arousal and hippocampal theta rhythm.  相似文献   

The dopamine-producing neurons of the tuberoinfundibular region are known targets of estrogen and progesterone, and are of considerable neuroendocrine importance. To determine the anatomical distribution, and number of cells that contain tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA in the tuberoinfundibular region and other regions of the brain we carried out in situ hybridization on sections prepared from ovariectomized female rats given either oil vehicle, or estrogen, or estrogen plus progesterone. The intensity of label per cell was assessed to compare the relative amount of mRNA found per cell among TH-mRNA containing cells. [3H]cRNA probes to the rat TH sequence were used. Autoradiograms demonstrated the presence of TH-mRNA in the cytoplasm of cells in the arcuate and periventricular nuclei, zona incerta, substantia nigra, and the adrenal medulla. The number and anatomical distribution of cells that contained TH-mRNA was identical to the number and distribution of cells previously demonstrated by others to contain TH immunoreactivity. In the arcuate and periventricular nuclei, compared to treatment with estrogen alone, estrogen plus progesterone did lead to a statistically significant decrease in the number of TH mRNA-containing cells we could detect. No alteration in the mean number of grains per cell, among cells detected as containing TH-mRNA was found in any group. In contrast, these same hormone treatments had no effect on the number TH-mRNa producing cells we could detect in the zona incerta. Most of the cells in the zona incerta are found within the same tissue sections as arcuate/periventricular cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A dopaminergic system in the zona incerta stimulates LH release and may mediate the positive feedback effects of the gonadal steroids on LH release. In this study the mechanisms by which steroids might increase dopamine activity in the zona incerta were investigated. In addition, experiments were conducted to determine whether the inhibitory effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) on LH release in the zona incerta are due to suppression of dopamine activity in this area or conversely whether the stimulatory effects of dopamine on LH release are due to suppression of a tonic inhibitory GABAergic system. Ovariectomized rats were treated s.c. with oil, 5 micrograms oestradiol benzoate or 5 micrograms oestradiol benzoate followed 48 h later by 0.5 mg progesterone, and killed 54 h after the oestradiol benzoate injection. At this time the LH concentrations were suppressed in the oestradiol benzoate group and increased in the group treated with oestradiol benzoate and progesterone. The ratio of tyrosine hydroxylase:beta-actin mRNA in the zona incerta was significantly increased by the oestradiol benzoate treatment, but the addition of progesterone resulted in values similar to those in the control group. At the same time, the progesterone treatment increased tyrosine hydroxylase activity in the zona incerta as indicated by an increase in L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) accumulation after 100 mg 3-hydroxybenzylhydrazine hydrochloric acid (NSD1015) kg-1 and an increase in dopamine release as indicated by a increase in dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) concentrations (one of the major metabolites of dopamine). Ovariectomized rats treated with oestradiol benzoate plus progesterone were also injected i.p. with 75 mg gamma-acetylenic GABA kg-1 (a GABA transaminase inhibitor) to increase GABA concentrations in the brain. This treatment had no effect on the ratio of tyrosine hydroxylase:beta-actin mRNA but decreased L-DOPA accumulation and DOPAC concentrations in the zona incerta, indicating a post-translational inhibition of dopamine synthesis and release. Treatment of ovariectomized rats with oestradiol benzoate followed by 100 mg L-DOPA i.p. to increase dopamine concentrations in the whole brain had no effect on glutamic acid decarboxylase mRNA expression in the zona incerta, although it increased the glutamic acid decarboxylase:beta-actin mRNA ratio in other hypothalamic areas (that is, the medical preoptic area, ventromedial nucleus and arcuate nucleus). In conclusion, the steroids act to increase dopamine activity in different ways: oestrogen increases tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA expression and progesterone acts after translation to increase tyrosine hydroxylase activity and dopamine release (as indicated by increases in DOPAC concentrations). This latter effect may be due to progesterone removing a tonic GABAergic inhibition from the dopaminergic system.  相似文献   

This study describes a large reciprocal connection between zona incerta and posterior nucleus of the thalamus in the rat. The incerto-thalamic contingent of fibers arises essentially from pars caudalis of the ZI and is directed towards the caudal three quarters of the PT. The thalamo-incertal bundle originates from the central portion of the PT and is mainly directed to pars caudalis of the ZI.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Development of a protein-free medium for in vitro maturation of oocytes that prevents zona hardening is essential for the study of components that affect the maturation process. METHODS: Immature macaque oocytes were cultured in modified CMRL medium with serum protein or without protein [with or without polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)] for 24 hours. RESULTS: Sperm penetration of oocytes cultured for 24 hours prior to insemination was poor in CMRL medium alone, but was dramatically improved in CMRL medium with the addition of either PVA or BCS. In the second experiment, in vivo matured oocytes were cultured in CMRL with PVA or serum for 6 hours prior to insemination. The incidence of fertilization and embryo development to the blastocyst stage were similar in CMRL with PVA. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that fertilization failure occurs when macaque oocytes are cultured in medium without protein, but can be prevented with PVA.  相似文献   

In two areas of phylogenetics, contrary predictions have been developed and maintained for character analysis and weighting. With regard to adaptation, many have argued that adaptive characters are poorly suited to phylogenetic analysis because of a propensity for homoplasy, while others have argued that complex adaptive characters should be given high weight because homoplasy in complex characters is unlikely. Similarly, with regard to correlated sets of characters, one point of view is that such sets should be collapsed into a single character-a single piece of phylogenetic evidence. Another point of view is that a suite of correlated characters should be emphasized in phylogenetics, again because recurrence of detailed similarity in the same suite of features is unlikely. In this paper, I discuss the theoretical background of adaptation and functional integration with respect to phylogenetic systematics of primates. Several character examples are reviewed with regard to their functional morphology and phylogenetic signal: postorbital structures, tympanic morphology, fusion of the mandibular symphysis, the tooth comb, strepsirrhine talar morphology, and the prehensile tail. It is clear when considering characters such as these that some characters are synapomorphic of major clades and at the same time functionally important. This appears particularly to be the case when characters are integrated into a complex and maintained as stable configurations. Rather than being simply a problem in character analysis, processes of integration may help to explain the utility of phylogenetically informative characters. On the other hand, the character examples also highlight the difficulty in forming a priori predictions about a character's phylogenetic signal. Explanations of patterns of character evolution are often clade-specific, which does not allow for a simple framework of character selection and/or weighting.  相似文献   

The amygdala and autism: implications from non-human primate studies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Brothers (1990 ) has proposed that the amygdala is an important component of the neural network that underlies social behavior. Kemper and Bauman (1993 ) identified neuropathology in the amygdala of the postmortem autistic brain. These findings, along with recent functional neuroimaging data, have led Baron-Cohen et al. (2000 ) to propose that dysfunction of the amygdala may be responsible, in part, for the impairment of social behavior that is a hallmark feature of autism. Recent data from studies in our laboratory on the effects of amygdala lesions in the adult and infant macaque monkey do not support a fundamental role for the amygdala in social behavior. If the amygdala is not essential for the component processes of social behavior, as seems to be case in both non-human primates and selected patients with bilateral amygdala damage, then it is unlikely to be the primary substrate for the impaired social behavior of autism. However, damage to the amygdala does have an effect on a monkey's response to normally fear-inducing stimuli, such as snakes, and removes a natural reluctance to engage novel conspecifics in social interactions. These findings lead to the conclusion that an important role for the amygdala is in the detection of threats and mobilizing an appropriate behavioral response, part of which is fear. Interestingly, an important comorbid feature of autism is anxiety ( Muris et al. 1998 ). If the amygdala is pathological in subjects with autism, it may contribute to their abnormal fears and increased anxiety rather than their abnormal social behavior.  相似文献   

We describe a scaphoid and two capitates from the late Miocene site of Rudabánya, Hungary using qualitative and quantitative comparisons to a large sample of hominoid, cercopithecoid, and platyrrhine primates. The scaphoid (RUD 202) is not fused to the os centrale and in this way is like most primates other than African apes and humans (hominines). Qualitatively, its morphology is most similar to Pongo, and univariate analyses generally confirm an ape-like morphology with an increased range of mobility. One capitate (RUD 167) is compatible in size to the scaphoid, and its morphology suggests a combination of monkey-like generalized arboreality and ape-like enhanced mobility. RUD 203 is a smaller, fragmentary capitate, about half the size of RUD 167, and preserves only the distal portion of the body with the third metacarpal articular surface. Its morphology is virtually identical to that of RUD 167, and an exact randomization test revealed that it is statistically likely to find two carpal bones of such disparate sizes within one taxon. However, due to morphological similarities with other Miocene hominoids as well as implications for size variation within one taxon and sex, we consider the taxonomic affiliation of RUD 203 to be unresolved. We attribute the scaphoid and RUD 167 capitate to the hominine Rudapithecus hungaricus (formerly Dryopithecus brancoi; see Begun et al., 2008) based on overall morphological similarity to extant apes, particularly Pongo, and not to the pliopithecoid Anapithecus hernyaki, the only other primate known from Rudabánya. The similarities in carpal morphology to suspensory taxa are consistent with previous interpretations of Rudapithecus positional behavior. The scaphoid and the RUD 167 capitate are consistent in size with a partial skeleton including associated postcranial and craniodental specimens from the same level at the locality and may be from the same individual. These are the first carpal bones described from Rudabánya and from this taxon, and they add to our understanding of the evolution of arboreal locomotion in late Miocene apes.  相似文献   

The studies reported here are the first to demonstrate that recombinant zona pellucida (ZP) proteins will elicit a humoral immune response that recognizes native ZP proteins. Three cDNAs encoding rabbit ZP protein antigens expressed in bacteria were used to immunize cynomolgus monkeys. Four groups of six monkeys each were immunized with bacterially expressed cro-beta-galactosidase recombinant proteins encoded by a full-length cDNA (rc55) encoding the 55-kDa rabbit ZP recombinant protein (rec55), two partial cDNAs (rc75a and rc75b) encoding two recombinant peptides (rec75a and rec75b) of the 75-kDa rabbit ZP protein, and the plasmid-encoded cro-beta-galactosidase control protein. Initial immunizations with these fusion proteins using the muramyl dipeptide adjuvant did not elicit significant levels of antibodies to native or recombinant ZP proteins. Further immunizations were therefore carried out using recombinant ZP proteins conjugated to either protein A or keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Antibodies were detected in the groups immunized with the rec55 and rec75a; however, no antibodies were generated against the rec75b protein. These antibodies have been characterized by two-dimensional PAGE immunoblotting and shown to recognize antigenic domains associated with two of the native rabbit ZP proteins. Reprobes of these immunoblots with sheep anti-total native rabbit ZP proteins, affinity-purified on pig ZP, further demonstrate that a fourth distinct rabbit ZP antigen may be present. The characterization of species-conserved antigenic domains of mammalian ZP proteins is important for studies of the functional regions of ZP proteins and is critical for the design of safe and effective contraceptive vaccines.  相似文献   

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