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The cellular and subcellular localization of the neural cell adhesion molecules L1 and N-CAM was studied by pre- and postembedding immunoelectron microscopic labeling procedures in the developing mouse cerebellar cortex. The salient features of the study are: L1 displays a previously unrecognized restricted expression by particular neuronal cell types (i.e., it is expressed by granule cells but not by stellate and basket cells) and by particular subcellular compartments (i.e., it is expressed on axons but not on dendrites or cell bodies of Purkinje cells). L1 is always expressed on fasciculating axons and on postmitotic, premigratory, and migrating granule cells at sites of neuron-neuron contact, but never at contact sites between neuron and glia, thus strengthening the view that L1 is not involved in granule cell migration as a neuron-glia adhesion molecule. While N-CAM antibodies reacting with the three major components of N-CAM (180, 140, and 120 kD) show a rather uniform labeling of all cell types, antibodies to the 180-kD component (N-CAM180) stain only the postmigratory granule cell bodies supporting the notion that N-CAM180, the N-CAM component with the longest cytoplasmic domain, is not expressed before stable cell contacts are formed. Furthermore, N-CAM180 is only transiently expressed on Purkinje cell dendrites. N-CAM is present in synapses on both pre- and post-synaptic membranes. L1 is expressed only preterminally and not in the subsynaptic membranes. These observations indicate an exquisite degree of fine tuning in adhesion molecule expression during neural development and suggest a rich combinatorial repertoire in the specification of cell surface contacts.  相似文献   

1. Explants of cerebellum from foetal mouse were cultured in vitro for up to 12 days. Some glycoprotein components displayed time-dependent changes in concentration in the cultured explants. 2. The specific activity of several enzymes involved in the biosynthesis or degradation of N-linked glycoproteins, increased markedly in the cerebellar explants as a function of time in culture. 3. Glycoprotein expression in foetal mouse cerebellum is compared with that in the adult tissue.  相似文献   

The HNK-1 carbohydrate, which is recognized by anti-HNK-1 antibody, is well known to be expressed predominantly in the nervous system. The characteristic structural feature of the HNK-1 carbohydrate is 3-sulfo-glucuronyl residues attached to lactosamine structures (Gal beta1-4GlcNAc) on glycoproteins and glycolipids. The biosynthesis of the HNK-1 carbohydrate is regulated mainly by two glucuronyltransferases (GlcAT-P and GlcAT-S) and a sulfotransferase. In this study, we found that GlcAT-S mRNA was expressed at higher levels in the kidney than in the brain, but that both GlcAT-P and HNK-1 sulfotransferase mRNAs, which were expressed at high levels in the brain, were not detected in the kidney. These results suggested that the HNK-1 carbohydrate without sulfate (non-sulfated HNK-1 carbohydrate) is expressed in the kidney. We substantiated this hypothesis using two different monoclonal antibodies: one (anti-HNK-1 antibody) requires sulfate on glucuronyl residues for its binding, and the other (antibody M6749) does not. Western blot analyses of mouse kidney revealed that two major bands (80 and 140 kDa) were detected with antibody M6749, but not with anti-HNK-1 antibody. The 80- and 140-kDa band materials were identified as meprin alpha and CD13/aminopeptidase N, respectively. We also confirmed the presence of the non-sulfated HNK-1 carbohydrate on N-linked oligosaccharides by multistage tandem mass spectrometry. Immunofluorescence staining with antibody M6749 revealed that the non-sulfated HNK-1 carbohydrate was expressed predominantly on the apical membranes of the proximal tubules in the cortex and was also detected in the thin ascending limb in the inner medulla. This is the first study indicating the presence of the non-sulfated HNK-1 carbohydrate being synthesized by GlcAT-S in the kidney. The results presented here constitute novel knowledge concerning the function of the HNK-1 carbohydrate.  相似文献   

The expression of the neural cell adhesion molecules L1 and N-CAM and of their shared carbohydrate epitope L2/HNK-1 was studied during the development and after the transection of mouse sciatic nerves. During development, L1 and N-CAM were detectable on most, if not all, Schwann cells at embryonic day 17, the earliest stage tested. With increasing age, the immunoreactivity was reduced being confined to non-myelinating Schwann cells by post-natal day 10, at which stage the staining pattern resembled that seen in adult sciatic nerves. Double-immunolabelling experiments revealed a complete overlap between L1 and N-CAM antibodies. The L2/HNK-1 epitope was not detectable in developing sciatic nerves until the end of the 2nd post-natal week, when it appeared to be associated with the outer profiles of thick myelin sheets, as also seen in adult sciatic nerves. Three days after the transection of adult sciatic nerves, L1 antigen and N-CAM was detectable in more Schwann cells in the distal nerve end than in untreated control nerves. The peak level of the reappearance of L1 antigen and N-CAM in Schwann cells occurred between 2 and 4 weeks after transection. The reduction of L1-antigen expression to its normal adult level took more than a year, thus recapitulating normal development, but on a more protracted time scale. Similarly, the L2/HNK-1 epitope remained undetectable until the transected nerve had returned to its normal state of myelination, i.e. approximately 1 year after transection.  相似文献   

Receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) has been proposed as a signal transduction receptor to promote neurite outgrowth and cell migration, by its interaction with a neurite outgrowth promoting protein, Amphoterin. Amphoterin has been shown to interact with sulfoglucuronyl carbohydrate (SGC). The developmental expression of RAGE, Amphoterin and SGC was studied in pre-natal and post-natal mouse cerebellum to establish their cellular and subcellular localization and function. The amount of RAGE in the cerebellum increased with age. RAGE was expressed pre-natally in the external germinal layer and post-natally in the plasma membranes of the granule neurons of the external and internal granule cell layers and in Purkinje cells. Immunocytochemical analysis by high magnification confocal microscopy showed that RAGE was co-expressed with Amphoterin and SGC in the cell surfaces of granule neurons. This co-localization of RAGE, Amphoterin, and SGC was confirmed in isolated and cultured granule neurons and in migrating granule neurons in explant cultures. Anti-RAGE antibodies inhibited neurite outgrowth and cell migration in explant and slice cultures, similar to anti-Amphoterin and anti-SGC antibodies shown previously. The results suggest that RAGE could act as a signaling molecule for neurite outgrowth and cell migration by its interaction with Amphoterin and that of Amphoterin with SGC.  相似文献   

Rhombomeres are regarded as the manifestation of innate segmentation within the vertebrate CNS. To investigate developmental changes occurring in the CNS and PNS, a series of chick embryos were immunostained with several monoclonal antibodies. The HNK-1-immunoreactivity (IR) appeared in rhombomeres (r) 3 and r5 around stage 15, when r2 and r4 were not stained. This alternate pattern is similar to the Krox-20 gene expression in the mouse embryo. At levels of r2 and r4, HNK-1+ neural crest cell masses were attached to the CNS forming cranial sensory ganglia. In these rhombomeres, an accumulation of neuroepithelial cells near the cranial nerve root and early development of neuroblasts in the basal plate were observed. The above observations seem to suggest that the alternate HNK-1-IR in rhombomeres might be related to the expression of cell adhesion molecules, and therefore also to the adhesion of the cranial ganglion precursors to the CNS, which takes place every other rhombomere in the preotic region. Thus, the alternate pattern of the HNK-1-IR seems to be related to the morphogenesis of preotic branchial nerves.  相似文献   

The HNK-1 epitope has a unique structure comprising the sulfated trisaccharide (HSO(3)-3GlcAbeta1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAc), and two glucuronyltransferases (GlcAT-P and GlcAT-S) are key enzymes for its biosynthesis. However, the different functional roles of these enzymes in its biosynthesis remain unclear. Recently, we reported that a nonsulfated form of this epitope, which is biosynthesized by GlcAT-S but not by GlcAT-P, is expressed on two metalloproteases in mouse kidney. In this study, we found that a novel glycoprotein carrying the nonsulfated HNK-1 epitope in mouse kidney was enriched in the nuclear fraction. The protein was affinity-purified and identified as laminin-1, and we also confirmed the N-linked oligosaccharide structure including nonsulfated HNK-1 epitope derived from laminin-1 by mass spectrometry. Curiously, immunofluorescence staining of kidney sections revealed that laminin-1 appeared not to be colocalized with the nonsulfated HNK-1 epitope. However, proteinase treatment strengthened the signals of both laminin-1 and the nonsulfated HNK-1 epitope, resulting in overlapping of them. These results indicate that the nonsulfated HNK-1 epitope on laminin-1 is usually embedded and masked in the robust basement membrane in tight association with other proteins. To clarify the associated proteins and the functional role of the carbohydrate epitope, we investigated the interaction between laminin-1 and alpha-dystroglycan through their glycans in mouse kidney using the overlay assay technique. We obtained evidence that glucuronic acid as well as sialic acid inhibited this interaction, suggesting that the nonsulfated HNK-1 epitope on laminin-1 may regulate its binding and play a role in maintenance of the proper structure in the kidney basal lamina.  相似文献   

Twist1 is the mouse ortholog of TWIST1, the human gene mutated in Saethre-Chotzen syndrome. Previously, a Twist1 null allele was generated by gene targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells. Twist1 heterozygous mice develop polydactyly and a craniofacial phenotype similar to Saethre-Chotzen patients. Mice homozygous for the Twist1 null allele die around embryonic day 11.5 (E11.5) with cranial neural tube closure and vascular defects, hindering in vivo studies of Twist1 function at later stages of development. Here, we report the generation of a Twist1 conditional null allele in mice that functions like a wild-type allele but can be converted to a null allele upon Cre-mediated recombination.  相似文献   

To gain insight into the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying epithelial cell surface interactions in the adult mouse intestine, we have characterized the cell adhesion molecules L1, N-CAM and J1 by immunocytological, biochemical and cell biological methods. Whereas N-CAM and J1 expression was found to be confined to the mesenchymal and neuroectodermally-derived parts of the intestine, L1 was localized in the proliferating epithelial progenitor cells of crypts, but not in the more differentiated epithelial cells of villi. L1 was detected in crypt cells by Western blot analysis in the molecular forms characteristic of peripheral neural cells, with apparent mol. wts of 230, 180 and 150 kd. Aggregation of single, enriched crypt, but not villus cells, was strongly inhibited in the presence of Fab fragments of polyclonal L1 antibodies. These observations show that L1 is not confined to the nervous system and that it may play a functional role in the histogenesis of the intestine in the adult animal.  相似文献   

In conclusion we have shown that: (a) liver N-CAM is a functionally active adhesion molecule, (b) its expression during the morphogenetic processes occurring during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis correlates with morphological changes in the cell-to-cell interaction; (c) Thyroxine is not directely involved in the activation of the expression of liver N-CAM.  相似文献   

Galanin is a modulator of fast transmission in adult brain and recent evidence suggests that it also acts as a trophic factor during neurogenesis and neural injury and repair. Previous studies in our laboratory have identified galanin mRNA in Purkinje cells of adult and developing rat (but not adult mouse) cerebellum; and galanin-binding sites in adult mouse (but not rat) cerebellum. The post-natal development of the cerebellum provides a unique and convenient model for the investigation of developmental processes and to learn more about putative cerebellar galanin systems, the current study examined the presence and distribution of galanin-like-immunoreactivity (- LI), [(125)I]-galanin binding sites and galanin receptor-1 (GalR1) mRNA in post-natal mouse cerebellum. Using autoradiography and in situ hybridization, [(125)I]-galanin binding sites and GalR1 mRNA were first detected on post-natal day 10 (P10) in the external germinal layer of all lobes and high levels were maintained until P14. Quantitative real-time PCR assays detected GalR1 mRNA in whole cerebellum across the post-natal period, with a strong induction and peak of expression at P10. Assessment of galanin levels in whole cerebellum by radioimmunoassay revealed relatively similar concentrations from P5 to P20 and in adult mice (80-170 pg/mg protein), with a significantly higher concentration (250 pg/mg, p < 0.01) detected at P3. These concentrations were some four- to six-fold lower than those in adult forebrain samples. Using immunohistochemistry, galanin-like-immuno-reactivity was observed in prominent fibrous elements within the white matter tracts of the cerebellum at P3-5 and in more punctate elements in the internal granule cell layer and associated with the Purkinje cell layer at P12 and P20. Increased levels of GalR1 mRNA and galanin binding (attributed to GalR1) in the external granule cell layer at P10-12/(14) coincide with granule cell migration from the external to the inner granule cell layer and together with demonstrated effects of other neuropeptide-receptor systems suggest a role for GalR1 signalling in regulating this or related developmental processes.  相似文献   

Both neuronal and glial cell differentiation occur in reaggregating cell cultures of mouse cerebellums, as evidenced by electron microscopy and immunofluorescence to the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA). However, after the initial 10 days in culture a process occurs in which the neuronal cells degenerate while glial cells predominate. We have found that when poly-l-lysine is added to the culture medium either for the entire culture period or during the latter days of culture, i.e., Days 4 through 10, the neuronal character is stabilized, as evidenced by acetylcholin-esterase levels and electron microscopy, while the gliosis is inhibited. Culturing reaggregating cells in poly-l-lysine containing medium from Days 0 through 4 has no inhibitory influence on the gliosis observed on Day 10. Cerebellar cells cultured as monolayers on plastic surfaces coated with poly-l-lysine express an intense immunofluoresence with antisera to GFA as do cells grown on uncoated flasks. The data suggest that poly-l-lysine in reaggregating cell cultures stabilizes the neuronal cells by some unknown mechanism. It is postulated that a stable neuronal population reduces the trend toward gliosis in cerebellar aggregates.  相似文献   

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