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Abstract: The effect of plant succession on methane uptake was measured on intact soil cores collected from seven heathland sites. Six of the sites had undergone either secondary succession with grass or oak, ammonium fertilization or ploughing, while the seventh site was located in the native heathland. There was a positive relationship between methane uptake rate and time elapsed since the plant invasion had taken place in the native heathland. The native heathland site showed an insignificant atmospheric methane uptake of 0.01 mg CH4 m−2 d−1, whereas the established oak brushwood (70 years old) and the grass invaded heathland (13 years old) showed rates of 1.36 mg CH4 m−2 d−1 and 0.73 mg CH4 m−2 d−1, respectively. In the fertilized heathland plot (112 kg N ha−1 six years prior to this study) grass had become the dominating species and showed a methane oxidation rate of 0.28 mg CH4 m−2 d−1. Ploughing of the heathland resulted in methane oxidation rates seven times the rates measured in the native heathland. The results suggested that an increased future atmospheric nitrogen deposition in heathlands and other nutrient poor ecosystems may have a stimulating effect on the soil sink for atmospheric methane.  相似文献   

Aims:  The effect of high organic loading rate (OLR) on the physical characteristics of aerobic granules was studied.
Methods and Results:  Two column-type sequential aerobic sludge blanket reactors were fed with either glucose or acetate as the main carbon source, and the OLR was gradually raised from 6 to 9, 12 and 15 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) m−3 d−1. Glucose-fed granules could sustain the maximum OLR tested. At a low OLR, these granules exhibited a loose fluffy morphology dominated by filamentous bacteria. At higher OLRs, these granules became irregularly shaped, with folds, crevices and depressions. In contrast, acetate-fed granules had a compact spherical morphology at OLRs of 6 and 9 kg COD m−3 d−1, with better settling and strength characteristics than glucose-fed granules at similar OLRs. However, acetate-fed granules could not sustain high OLRs and disintegrated when the OLR reached 9 kg COD m−3 d−1.
Conclusions:  The compact regular microstructure of the acetate-fed granules appeared to limit mass transfer of nutrients at an OLR of 9 kg COD m−3 d−1. The looser filamentous microstructure of the glucose-fed granules and the subsequent irregular morphology delayed the onset of diffusion limitation and allowed significantly higher OLRs to be attained.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  High organic loading rates are possible with aerobic granules. This research would be helpful in the development of aerobic granule-based systems for high-strength wastewaters.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Populations of Stalls lutaria L. were sampled quantitatively at about monthly intervals during 3 years at two localities in the macrophyte rich River Suså, Denmark.
2. The life cycle was univoltine. The larvae hatched in June-July, and the initial S. lutaria population densities varied between 10 and 370 ind. m−2. These differences were probably due to extreme variations in stream discharge during the period of recruitment, high velocities preventing the small swimming larvae from reaching the sediment.
3. The S. lutaria rate of elimination varied between 0.11 and 1.47% d−1at the two localities. The high rate of elimination was possibly due to fish predation.
4. The growth rates varied between 0.54 and 15% d−1. Growth rates differed between localities and years.
5. Numbers of potential prey organisms were not higher in sample units with S. lutaria than in sample units without S. lutaria . Numbers of leeches, which were potential competitors, did not differ significantly in sample units with and without S. lutaria .
6. Production of S. lutaria varied between 0.16 and 2.49 g ash free dry weight m−2 y−1, and the P/ ratios varied between 3.0 and 7.3 y−1. The P/ ratios increased significantly with increasing rate of elimination.  相似文献   

Grazing by oligochaetes and snails on epiphytes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SUMMARY. 1. The isotope 33P was used to assess the effect of grazitig by oligochaetes (mainly Stylaria lacttstris L.) and the snail, Lymnaea peregra (Muller), on epiphytes within an Equisetum fluviatile L. stand.
2. Two 1 m2 polystyrene enclosures were set up within the emergent macrophyte zone of the lake. At the start of the experiment 33P-solution was mixed with the water in both tanks. Algal and animal samples for 33P- analysis were collected during the peak occurrence of epiphytes in June.
3. Phosphorus release rates from the animals through defaecation and excretion were measured in the laboratory. The grazing rate of oligochaetes was 2.2–4.1 mg P m−2 (of bottom) d−1 of which about two - thirds was released and recycled. The oligochaete density ranged from 13,400 to 20,900 m−2. The snails (25 ind. m−2) grazed 1.2-1.5 mg P m−2d−1of whieh about a quarter was released through defaecation and excretion.
4. Daily consumption by the oligochaetes and snails corresponded to 22–45% of the average phosphorus uptake by the epiphytes.  相似文献   

Primary productivity of algal epiphytes on the surfaces of Phragmites, Potamogeton , and Nuphar was measured seasonally from June 1978, through June 1979, in the littoral zone of Lake Ohrid, using 14C methodology. Surface areas of individual macrophytes were determined throughout the study period through the use of a non-miscible surfactant and a calibration curve of surfactant weight versus known, calculated surface areas.
Mean total surface area available for epiphytic colonization during the study period was 1.032 m2 macrophyte surface per m2 of littoral zone for Phragmites , 0.810 m2 for Potamogeton , and 0.167 m2 for Nuphar . Seasonal rates of mean primary productivity of algal epiphytes on Phragmites from the surface to the light-compensation depth ranged from 84–1406 mg C m−2 littoral zone d−1; ranges for epiphytes on Potamogeton and Nuphar were 77–586 and 69–268 mg C m−2 littoral zone d−1, respectively. Maximum rates were observed typically during June; minimum rates were observed typically during August to December. Mean daily productivity rates over the 12 month period were for epiphytes on Potamogeton 167.0, on Nuphar 100.4 and on Phragmites 671.2 mg C m−2 littoral zone d−1. Calculated annual production for epiphytes on Nuphar was 36.65, on Potamogeton 60.95 and on Phragmites 245.0 g C m−2 littoral zone yr−1. Epiphytic production data were typically considerably higher than production data obtained for littoral and pelagial planktonic algae and compare favorably with published data for epiphytic and periphytic production in Lawrence Lake, Marion Lake, and Borax Lake.  相似文献   

The feces of stream insects may be a major component of fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) available to collector organisms. In Mink Creek, Idaho, winter defecation rates for 9 species ranged from 86 mg dry feces (g dry body wt)−1 d−1 (Ephemerella spinifera) to 154 mg g−1 d−1 (Paraleptophlebia heteronea) . Detailed studies of 3 species in summer revealed that rates were much greater than in winter and exhibited high between-individual variation (e.g., 695 ± 184.8 mg (g body wt)−1 d−1 for Baetis tricaudatus ). By combining measured and literature values, it is estimated that the benthic insect community egests approximately 3.4 kg feces m−2 yr−1. This value lies within the range of FPOM estimated to be derived from degradation of leaf litter input (0.7–9.9 kg m−2 yr−1, depending upon assimilation efficiency of the organisms).
Short-term winter growth experiments showed that, with two exceptions, collectors fed on fecal detritus will grow as well as on other food resources; relative growth rates depend upon the species. Because fecal detritus is abundant throughout the year, and is treated by many species as a source of food, it could be a major mechanism by which seasonal fluctuation in availability of allochthonous litter input is minimized and homeostasis of structure and function maintained.  相似文献   

Abstract Seasonal variations of denitrification activity were determined and compared with various environmental parameters in undisrupted epilithon communities (biofilm) from two Danish lowland streams. In the nutrient-rich Gelbæk, denitrification activity followed extensive changes in biofilm thickness, dry weight and chlorophyll a content during the season. The absolute maximum of denitrification (1.4 mmol N m−2 d−1, dark incubation) was recorded when the biofilm was best developed in the spring (April and May). Activity decreased dramatically after most of the biofilm suddenly disintegrated and peeled off in early summer. Photosynthetic O2 production was an important controlling factor of denitrification on a diurnal scale, since the activities were always 2–3 fold lower in the light (50 μE m−2 s−1) than in the dark. In the more nutrient-poor Rabis Bæk, the biofilm was much less developed and denitrification activities were relatively small (maximum of 0.2 mmol N m−2 d−1 under dark incubation). The results indicate that productivity of the micro-algae regulates both the seasonal and diurnal patterns of denitrification in the biofilms.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Population dynamics (density, biomass, annual production), gut contents and feeding rates of mayflies ( Deleatidium spp.; Leptophlebiidae) were compared in two naturally acid (mean pH≃4.8). brownwater streams and two alkaline (mean pH 7.5), clearwater streams in South Westland, New Zealand.
2. Mean densities of larvae (range 234–2318 m−2) were higher in alkaline streams on most of the six bimonthly sampling dates. Mean biomass (range 0.020–0.376 g larval dry weight (LDW) m−2) was always highest at the stable, spring-fed, alkaline site and was lower at the acid sites and another alkaline site where the population was always dominated by small larvae.
3. Annual production was high at the more stable, alkaline site (10.35 gLDW m−2) but much lower at the other sites (2.49–3.77 g m−2).
4. Gut contents of larvae were dominated by fine (45–75 μm widest diameter) paniculate matter (69–99%), diatoms (up to 21%) and. at one site, filamentous algae (8–13%).
5. Grazing rates of mayflies on epilithon were significantly higher on stones taken from acid than alkaline streams and material grazed from the former contained a higher proportion of inorganic material (87–93% and 61–83% inorganics, respectively).
6. Higher grazing rates may reflect lower quality of epilithic food in acid, brownwater streams, a factor that could contribute to the lower productivity of Deleatidium populations at these sites.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. In laboratory experiments, 9.7–25.7% of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in groundwater (at concentrations of 18.7–24.8 mg 1-−1) was immobilized after perfusion through 8-cm-deep (22-cm-diameter) cores of stony stream-bed substratum.
2. This represented immobilization rates of 7.1–23.5 mg m−2 h−1 or, extrapolated across the year, potential immobilization rates within the stream bed of 62.2–205.9g m−2 yr−1. Actual rates in the entire stream bed were probably higher because perfusion through the experimental cores did not reduce groundwater DOC concentrations to levels measured in the adjacent stream.
3. Natural concentrations of dissolved free amino acids (DFAAs) in groundwater were generally unchanged following perfusion through the cores, suggesting the maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium in their concentrations.
4. Selective enrichments of amino acids in groundwater (up to 20-fold) were entirely immobilized following perfusion, indicating their rapid retention and flux in this environment. Thus, immobilization of the bulk DOC in stream-bed cores probably did not reflect net reductions in dissolved free, low-molecular-weight material, with higher molecular weight, more 'refractory' material being immobilized instead.
5. We conclude that groundwater can contribute substantial amounts of DOC, both high and low molecular weight, to a stream ecosystem. The stream bed is the site at which much of this material could be initially immobilized and made available to the stream trophic structure.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. A new method is described for sampling the drift in large rivers continuously and automatically, using equipment based on the marine, continuous plankton sampler of Hardy (1936).
2. Between April and November 1989, about 790 h were sampled continuously, equivalent to a water volume of 2937m3 and the total catch was 527 drifting macroinvertebrates, in forty-nine taxa. Twenty-five of these taxa are recorded in the drift for the first time and twenty-eight of the drifting taxa were present in benthos samples from the Danube.
3. Total drift density varied between 12 and 31 animals per 100m3 of water sampled throughout the year, with a maximum of 31 animals in May, The composition of major faunal groups showed a significant seasonal pattern, with Oligochaeta and Diptera predominant in spring, Crustacea and Insecta in summer and only Crustacea in autumn. The overall density of the macrozoobenthos from October 1986 to December 1987 was about 19360 animals m−2 and the proportion of total benthos animals, drifting at any instant in time, ranged from 0.0026 to 0.0064%.
4. The relationship between drift density day−1 and mean daily discharge was described by a power-function. Total mean drift rate of macroinvertebrates in the Danube was estimated to be 13 600 000 animals per 24 h and the mean drift distance was estimated to vary between about 4 and 31 m, dependent on the animal group and the water velocity.
5. No obvious consistent diel pattern could be established from the continuous samples, and no marked diel rhythm could be detected for Oligochaeta, Diptera larvae and Crustacea.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Mean annual density and biomass () of Cambarus bartonii in an Appalachian mountain stream (U.S.A.) was 12 individuals m−2 and 1669 mg (ash-free dry weight) m−2.
2. Annual production ( P ) of C bartonii was 961 mg AFDW m−2. Despite high biomass, low growth rates resulted in low production and a low P/ ratio of 0.58.
3. While C bartonii constituted 61% of the total macroinvertebrate biomass, it contributed only 13% of annual community secondary production.
4. Litter processing was positively related to temperature and crayfish size. Cambariis bartotnii was estimated to comminute 36 g m−2 y−1 of leaf litter (>1 mm2) to 24 g m−>2 y−1 fine particulate material (<1 mm2). The annual pattern of litter comminution by crayfish was regulated by temperature. As a result, >5()% of shredding activity by crayfish occurred from June to September which was also the period of lowest litter standing crops and activity of other shredding macroinvertebrates.
5. We speculate that during summer crayfish play an important role in temperate woodland streams by converting slowly processed leaf litter species (e.g. Rhododendron ) to fine particles which are then available to collector-gatherers (e.g. Chironomidae, Oligochaeta).  相似文献   

Peter Mæhl 《Ecography》1982,5(4):420-427
Phytoplankton production and physico-chemical parameters were measured during the summers of 1976 and 1977 in Lake 95 at 60°52'N, 46°01'W (area 8 ha, z 6.9 m). The duration of lake stratification during summer was weather dependent. Concentrations of total-CO2 ranged from 2.04 mg l−1 (surface) to 4.02 mg l−1 (bottom during stratification). Nutrient concentrations were generally low, and systematic seasonal variation could not be detected with certainty. Vertical distribution of primary production typically showed a distinct maximum followed by a decline with depth. The low production, both per unit area (max. 60 mg C m−2 d−1) and per unit volume (max, 14.3 mg C m−3 d−1), and the annual production of 4.7 g C m−2 classified the lake as extremely oligotrophic.  相似文献   

A field incubator based on a closed flow system was applied for primary productivity measurements in situ. The seasonal development of epiphytes showed a pronounced productivity maximum in May (610 mg C m−2 Phragmites stand d−1) and a maximum chlorophyll a content of 414 mg m−2 Phragmites stand. Substratum limitation was indicated during the spring maximum. Primary productivity and biomass decreased to low values in late summer, mainly due to shading from the aerial shoots. Significant quantitative heterogeneities in epiphyte biomass occurred over a few decimeter of Phragmites stem. Productivity and biomass were higher on old stems than on new ones throughout the growth period. The annual epiphyte production (23,7 g C m−2 Phragmites stand) was mainly a result of the spring maximum. The fact that 64% was produced on old stems emphasizes the importance of the highly variable degree to which these may be destroyed. The host plant phenology appears from this investigation to be a key factor affecting epiphyte growth in the emergent vegetation determined by (1) the amount of available substratum and (2) the light penetration through the canopy.  相似文献   

The distribution of macroinvertebrate communities in two Portuguese rivers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SUMMARY. 1. The distribution of macroinvertebrates in two chemically different rivers of Central Portugal (Soure and Alva) was analysed.
2. In the Soure, a lowland, alkaline river (mean values for alkalinity, conductivity and pH, 101 mg I−1 CaCO3, 255 μS cm−1 and 7.8, respectively), a relatively high number of individuals and low diversity (mean H '= 2.27) was found. There was considerable temporal variation in the number of individuals present.
3. In the Alva, a highland, acidic river (mean values for alkalinity, conductivity and pH. 4.8 mg 1−1 CaCO3, 22 μ S cm−1 and 5.7, respectively), diversity was higher (mean H '=3.41). There were large temporal changes in the number of species present, but not in the number of individuals.
4. Similarity indices and cluster analysis identified six site-types and seventeen groups of co-occurring taxa. Some of the taxonomic groups were characteristic of one or more sites, hut others had no strong association with a particular site. Although the rivers differed considerably in terms of physico-chemistry, communities in the upper sections of the two rivers were more similar to each other, than to other communities in the same river. The way the samples of both rivers were clustered seems to indicate that community structure was influenced by factors associated with (1) within river longitudinal variation (e.g. substrate grain size), (2) water chemistry, and (3) seasonal variations (e.g. temperature, flow).  相似文献   

Abstract. Settlement timing and differential settlement for the larval stage of the green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis , in the southern Gulf of Maine was studied during the summer of 1996. Settlement densities on astroturf panels were highest in June and early July (13 to 37 m −2 d−1), and peaked in mid-June (199 m−2 d−1). Settlement was low to nonexistent from mid-July through August (0 to 2 m−2 d−1). During the peak in settlement, no selection for substrate type was observed. In the remainder of the settlement period, differential settlement occurred, with a preference for substrate covered with live coralline algae. Test diameter of newly settled urchins varied among the substrates, with urchins settling on live coralline algae having the largest test diameter (0.43 ± 0.01 mm). There were no differences in test diameter among the different weeks in which sampling was done. Sustained onshore winds occurred only during peak settlement, suggesting that wind drift currents may concentrate larvae and influence patterns of larval settlement.  相似文献   

Abstract The effects of organic additions on nitrification and dentrification were examined in sediment microcosms. The organic material, heat killed yeast, had a C/N ratio of 7.5 and was added to sieved, homogenized sediments. Four treatments were compared: no addition (control), 30 g dry weight (dw) m−2 mixed throughout the 10 cm sediment column (30M), 100 g dw m−2 mixed throughout sediments (100M), and 100 g dw m−2 mixed into top 1 cm (100S). After the microcosms had been established for 7–11 days, depth of O2 penetration, sediment-water fluxes and nitrification rates were measured. Nitrification rates were measured using three different techniques: N-serve and acetylene inhibition in intact cores, and nitrification potentials in slurris. Increased organic additions decreased O2 penetration from 2.7 to 0.2 mm while increasing both O2 consumption, from 30 to 70 mmol O2 m−2 d−1, and NO3 flux into sediments. Nitrification rates in intact cores were similar for the two methods. Highest rates occurred in the 30M treatment, while the lowest rate was measured in the 100S treatment. Total denitrification rates (estimated from nitrification and nitrate fluxes) increased with increased organic addition, because of the high concentrations of NO3 (40 μM) in the overlaying water. The ratio of nitrification: denitrification was used as an indication of the importance of nitrification as the NO3 supply for denitrificaion. This ratio decreased from 1.55 to 0.05 iwth increase organic addition.  相似文献   

Abstract. Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers., a plant having crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM), was grown in high light (16–23 mol photons m−2 d−1) and in the shade (0.8–2.1 mol photons m−2 d−1), respectively. Plants were stressed in three ways, i.e. by transfer from high light to shade or vice versa just before measurements, and by withholding nitrogen and/or water. During the day-night cycle of CAM, K. pinnata showed day-night changes of citrate levels (Δ citrate) in addition to malate changes (Δ malate). Changes of leaf-cell sap osmotic pressure. Δπ, were linearly correlated with these changes of organic-acid anion levels with a relation of Δπ/(Δ citrate +Δ malate) = 1/1. The environmental stressor, i.e. limited N-nutrition, drought and higher or lower irradiance than experienced during growth, affected the absolute and relative contributions made by Δ citrate and Δ malate to total nocturnal organic-acid accumulation. In the high-light-grown plants transferred to the shade, changes of citrate levels were much less affected than changes of malate levels by the generally decreased metabolic activity and inhibition of CO2 uptake. In the shade-grown plants, Δ citrate increased in response to stress imposed by interactive effects of the three stressors.  相似文献   

The influence of fish on leaf breakdown in a Virginia pond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. To find if fish affect leaf breakdown, sugar maple leaves ( Acer sacchrum March) were placed in a soft-water, farm pond at a depth of 1 m for up to 3 months in four treatment groups: (1) enclosure with sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus Rafinesque) (SUNFISH treatment); (2) enclosure with catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus Rafinesque) (CATFISH treatment); (3) enclosure without fish (NO FISH treatment); and (4) no enclosure (OPEN treatment). The study was conducted in spring and autumn.
2. The leaf breakdown rates, k ±95% CL, for SUNFISH (0.0082± 0.00059 and 0.0111±0.00162 d−1) and CATFISH (0.0072±0.00096 and 0.0103±0.00077 d−1) were greater in spring and summer, respectively, than in the OPEN treatments (0.0065 ±0.00048 and 0.0105± 0.00141 d−1) and NO FISH (0.0067±0.00039 and 0.0088±0.00099 d−1). However, only k for SUNFISH was significantly different from NO FISH and OPEN treatments.
3. Fish in the pond did not appear to affect breakdown rates of OPEN leaf packs in the first replicate but k approached that of the fish treatments in the second replicate.
4. Fish may have promoted leaf breakdown directly by fragmentation of leaves while foraging for food and, indirectly, by agitation of leaves, leading to increased microbial activity.  相似文献   

Abstract The reversibility of adhesion of 3 representative strains of oral streptococci from a phosphate-buffered suspension onto 5 different solid substrata was studied.
Streptococcus mitis T9 (surface free energy γb= 39 mJ · m−2). Streptococcus sanguis CH3 (γb= 95 mJ · m−2) and Streptococcus mutans NS (γb= 117 mJ · m−2) were selected on basis of their surface free energy. Solid substrata were employed with a surface free energy γs ranging from 20 mJ · m−2 for polytetrafluorethylene to 109 mJ · m−2 for glass. Bacterial suspensions containing 2.5 × 109 cells per ml were incubated with 2 samples of each substratum. After 1 h the number of adhering bacteria was evaluated on one sample, while the second sample was kept for another hour at a 10-fold lower bacterial concentration. Bacteria with a low surface free energy desorbed only from substrata with a high surface free energy, while bacteria with a high surface free energy desorbed from substrata with a low surface free energy. Thus low energy bacterial strains adhered reversibly to high energy substrata and vice versa. Similar observations were made with polystyrene particles. Calculation of the interfacial free energy of adhesion (Δ F adh) for each bacterial strain as well as for the polystyrene particles showed that a reversible adhesion was associated with a positive Δ F adh, denoting unfavourable adhesion conditions upon a thermodynamic basis.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Natural population sinking rates were calculated by fitting an exponential regression to 6 years'observations on declining crops of Melosira italica subarctica O. Müll. and Stephanodiscus astraea (Ehr.) Grun.
2. Losses were described by an exponential model which yielded still water sinking rates of 0.86 md−1 for M. italica and 0.45md−1 for S. astraea.
3. Laboratory measurements of the sinking rate of natural populations showed that the rate increased abruptly from less than 0.2 m d−1 in growing populations to 0.4 m d−1 after silica depletion.
4. The measured sinking rate of S. astraea agreed well with that observed in the field. Where as populations of M. italica appeared to sink more quickly in the lake than could be accounted for by laboratory observations.  相似文献   

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