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Biological samples can contain proteins with concentrations that span more than 10 orders of magnitude. Given the limited dynamic range of analysis methods, observation of proteins present at the lower concentrations requires depletion of high-abundance proteins, or other means of reducing the dynamic range of concentrations. Hexapeptide diversity library beads have been used to bind proteins in a complex sample up to a given saturation limit, effectively truncating the maximum concentration of proteins at a desired level. To avoid the potential problem of susceptibility of the hexapeptides to cleavage by proteases in the sample and/or bacterial degradation, peptide analogues that exhibit similar binding characteristics to peptides can be used in place of peptides. We report here the use of hexameric peptoid diversity library beads to reduce the dynamic range of protein concentrations in human cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Using this method in conjunction with 2D LC/MS/MS analyses, we identified 200 unique proteins, about twice the number identified in untreated CSF.  相似文献   

The chicken is a useful animal for the development of the specificantibodies against the mammalian conserved proteins. We generated twotypes of recombinant chicken monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), using a phagedisplay technique from a chicken hybridoma HUC2-13 which secreted themAb to the N-terminal of the mammalian prion protein (PrP). Althoughthe mAb HUC2-13 is a useful antibody for the prion research, thehybridoma produces a low level of antibody production. In order to producea large amount of the mAb, we have constructed a single chain fragmentvariable region (scFV) mAb by using the variable heavy(VH) and light (VL)genes which were amplified by using the two primer pairs and theflexible linker. The two phage display mAbs (HUC2p3 and HUC2p5)expressed on a M13 filamentous phage and their soluble type mAbs(HUC2s3 and HUC2s5) were reacted with the PrP peptide antigen in theELISA. In the Western blot analysis, the mAbs HUC2p3 and HUC2s3 wereas reactive to PrPc from mouse brains as the mAb HUC2-13 was. The nucleotide sequences of VH and VL genes from HUC2-13 and the two cloneswere identical except for only one residue. These results indicate that themethods presented here provide an effective tool for the improvement ofthe low levels of antibody production in the chicken hybridoma system.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor-like domain 7 (EGFL7) has been implicated in promoting solid tumor growth and metastasis via stimulating tumor-associated angiogenesis. The advent of antibody display technology (phage, bacteria, and yeast) led to an enormous revival in the use of antibodies as diagnostic and therapeutic tools for fighting cancer. However, problems with protein folding, posttranslational modification, and codon usage still limit the number of improved antibodies that can be obtained. We describe here the isolation of an EGFL7-specific antibody from a mammalian cell-based full-length antibody display library generated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. Using a novel vector, contained glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor and restriction enzyme sites NheI and ClaI, antibody libraries are displayed as whole IgG molecules on the cell surface and screened for specific antigen binding by a combination of magnetic beads and measured by cell ELISA. Anti-EGFL7 antibody was successfully isolated from the library. The mammalian cell-based full-length antibody display library is a great potential application for rapid identification and cloning of human mAbs of targeting hepatocellular carcinoma.  相似文献   

Immunological reactivity of partially purified hexokinase A (ATP:D-hexose 6-phosphotransferase, EC from brain of several vertebrate species has been compared by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and seven monoclonal antibodies raised against the rat brain enzyme. The epitopes recognized by three of these antibodies have been rather widely conserved among the species examined (rat, mouse, guinea pig, rabbit, cat, dog, sheep, cow, pig, chicken), while this was not the case for the epitopes recognized by the other antibodies, which differed markedly in their distribution among these species. The domain structure of these enzymes has been examined by peptide mapping (after limited tryptic digestion) in conjunction with immunoblotting techniques employing monoclonal antibodies. The results indicate that the overall domain structure of these enzymes is similar to that previously described for rat brain hexokinase A, but that there are significant differences in the size of these domains in enzymes from different species.  相似文献   

Recently we investigated the influence of classical and emerging antibiotics on the proteome of Bacillus subtilis including in our studies actinonin, a potent novel inhibitor of peptide deformylase. The protein synthesis pattern under actinonin treatment changed so dramatically that a direct comparison to the control pattern was impossible. Dual channel imaging revealed that actinonin treatment caused the majority of newly synthesised proteins to accumulate in spots different from the ones usually observed, indicating a more acidic isoelectric point. Two strategies were used to investigate the nature of the charge shift. In the first place, protein patterns of a conditional peptide deformylase mutant under nonrepressing and repressing conditions were compared. Secondly, several protein pairs excised from two-dimensional (2-D) gels of the peptide deformylase mutant, exponentially growing untreated wild-type and the actinonin treated wild-type were investigated with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization and electrospray ionization (ESI) time of flight mass spectrometry (TOF MS) for the existence of N-terminal formylation. Under nonrepressing conditions the mutant protein pattern resembled that of the wild-type. The loss of peptide deformylase activity under repressing conditions led to the same pI shift observed for actinonin treatment in the wild-type. Quadrupole TOF-MS on 11 protein pairs proved that the remaining N-terminal formyl residue was indeed responsible for the charge shift. Eight of these protein pairs were also present on 2-D gels of exponentially growing B. subtilis, where the more acidic, still formylated protein species represented the smaller parts.  相似文献   

Tumor-targeting therapy can be an efficacious way to cure a malignant tumor in clinical trials. Phage display is a molecular diversity technology that allows the presentation of a large number of peptides or proteins on the surface of filamentous phage for various applications. In this study, we report on using phage display to generate peptide libraries that bind to colon cancer tissues. To accomplish this, we developed a screening protocol that contained 3 rounds of in vitro positive panning on colon cancer cells (SW480) and 2 rounds of subtractive screening in vitro on normal human intestinal epithelial cells with a phage display-7 peptide library. After several rounds of panning, both phage titer and recovery efficiency were significantly improved. Through a cell-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, immunofluorescence, in vivo binding assay, immunocytochemical staining, and immunohistochemical staining, peptide CP15 (VHLGYAT) was demonstrated to be the most effective peptide in targeting tumor cells (SW480 and HT29 cells) and tumor tissues but not the normal human intestinal epithelial cells and control colon tissue. These studies suggest that peptide CP15 may be a promising lead candidate in the development of a useful colon tumor diagnostic and targeted drug delivery agent.  相似文献   

The contact interactions between a synthetic peptide and three different anti-peptide monoclonal antibodies have been studied by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The synthetic peptide is CTP3 (residues 50-64 of the B subunit of cholera toxin) suggested as a possible epitope for synthetic vaccine against cholera. The hybridoma cell lines TE33 and TE32 derived after immunization with CTP3 produce antibodies cross-reactive with the native toxin. The cell line TE34 produces anti-CTP3 antibodies that do not bind the toxin. Selective deuteriation of the antibodies has been used to simplify the proton NMR spectra and to assign resonances to specific types of amino acids. The difference spectra between the proton NMR spectrum of the peptide-Fab complex and that of Fab indicate that the combining site structures of TE32 and TE33 are very similar but differ considerably from the combining site structure of TE34. By magnetization transfer experiments with selectively deuteriated Fab fragment of the antibody, we have found that in TE32 and TE33 the histidine residue of the peptide is buried in a hydrophobic pocket of the antibody combining site, formed by a tryptophan and two tyrosine residues. The hydrophobic nature of the pocket is further demonstrated by the lack of any pH titration effect on the chemical shift of the C4H of the bound peptide histidine. In contrast, for TE34 we have found only one tyrosine residue in contact with the histidine of the peptide.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ligands specific to cell surface receptors have been heavily investigated in cancer research. Phage display technology is a powerful tool in this field and may impact clinical issues including functional diagnosis and targeted drug delivery. In this study, a hepatocellular carcinoma cell line (HepG2) and a normal hepatocyte line (L-02) were used to carry out subtractive screening in vitro with a phage display-7 peptide library. After four rounds of panning, there was an obvious enrichment for the phages specifically binding to the HepG2 cells, and the output/input ratio of phages increased about 976-fold (from 0.3x10(-7) to 292.8x10(-7)). A group of peptides capable of binding specifically to the hepatoma cells were obtained, and the affinity of these peptides to the targeting cells and tissues was studied. Through a cell-based ELISA, immunocytochemical staining, immunohistochemical staining, and immunofluorescence, the S1 phage and synthetic peptide HCBP1 (sequence FQHPSFI) were shown to bind to the tumor cell surfaces of two hepatoma cell lines and biopsy specimens, but not to normal hepatocytes, other different cancer cells, or nontumor liver tissues. In conclusion, the peptide HCBP1 may be a potential candidate for targeted drug delivery in therapy of hepatoma cancer.  相似文献   

We have examined and optimized several parameters to generate efficient, high-resolution, high-information tryptic peptide maps of monoclonal antibodies and their Fab fragments, without separating the H and L chains, using reversed-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography. Use of a high protease-to-substrate ratio with optimized digestion time and HPLC gradient conditions led to a reproducible mapping of the reduced, carboxymethylated Fab fragments of two antibodies. The technique was then used to screen Fab lots for batch-to-batch consistency, and for examining the effect of 10 mM cysteine on papain cleavage of whole antibody. The technique was modified by labeling cysteine with chromophoric analogues of iodoacetamide instead of radiolabeled iodoacetamide, resulting in a three-dimensional peptide map. With multiwavelength detection, this consisted of simultaneous observation of all chromophores at 214 nm, those with aromatic residues at 280 nm, and those with cysteine at 422 nm, without collecting and counting each peak to identify cysteine-containing peptides.  相似文献   

A combinatorial immune library of human single-chain antibody fragments (scFv) was constructed on the base of genes encoding variable domains of heavy and light chains of immunoglobulins cloned from the lymphocytes of four vaccinia virus (VACV) vaccinated donors. The size of the library was 3 x 10(7) independent clones. After the library was enriched with the clones producing scFv against recombinant analogue of variola virus surface protein prA30L, a panel of unique antibodies specific to both prA30L and VACV was selected from the library. A plaque reduction neutralization test was performed for all selected antibodies and two antibodies were shown to be able to neutralize plaque formation of VACV in Vero E6 cells monolayer. Binding specificities of these antibodies were confirmed using ELISA and Western blot analysis. To determine the amino acid sequences of neutralizing antibodies their genes were sequenced.  相似文献   

To study the structure and function of the cell nucleus, a library of 170 monoclonal antibodies was produced to nuclear antigens from 3-6 h old Drosophila embryos. In preparation for immunization, nuclei were separated, at neutral pH and in the presence of polyamines, into two fractions containing either urea-soluble non-histone nuclear proteins or histones plus small quantities of non-histone proteins complexed to DNA. The antibodies were characterized in a rapid, indirect immunofluorescent assay employing cultured Drosophila cells (Schneider's line 2). Low backgrounds and high specific fluorescence were achieved in this assay by purifying the rhodamine-labelled second antibody on a polystyrene resin and washing the cells with optimal concentrations of detergents. The assay categorized antigens according to their cellular locations: in nuclei, in nuclei plus cytoplasm, or primarily in cytoplasm. A subset of nuclear antigens reacted specifically with the nuclear envelope. In addition, some antibodies were characterized by their reactions with polytene chromosomes. The cultured cell assay provides a new, efficient method for expanding this antibody library. The monoclonal antibodies in the library now provide highly specific tools for investigating structural nuclear proteins and proteins that may be regulatory during embryonic development.  相似文献   

K K Wan  J M Lindstrom 《Biochemistry》1985,24(5):1212-1221
We tested the effects of 62 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to acetylcholine receptors from Torpedo californica on the function of receptor reconstituted into lipid vesicles. Two of these mAbs, mAbs 148 and 168, inhibited carbamylcholine-induced 22Na+ uptake into vesicles. The rate of 125I-labeled alpha-bungarotoxin (125I-alpha BGT) binding to the reconstituted liposomes was also reduced, although 125I-alpha BGT binding at equilibrium was not affected. Agonist-induced desensitization of the receptor was also affected by these mAbs. mAb 148 binds to the beta subunit of receptor, and mAb 168 binds to the gamma subunit. Both mAbs bind to the cytoplasmic surface of the receptor; correspondingly, both block function when added before reconstitution, and both were found to have no effect on function when added to preformed vesicles. Their effects were not due to interference with the reconstitution process. Both mAbs were capable of cross-linking receptors. In contrast to the bivalent mAbs, monovalent Fab fragments of these two mAbs had little effect on receptor function, which suggests that the effects of the bivalent mAbs resulted primarily from cross-linking receptors.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is a major pathogen in shrimp aquaculture. VP28 is one of the most important envelope proteins of WSSV. In this study, a recombinant antibody library, as single-chain fragment variable (scFv) format, displayed on phage was constructed using mRNA from spleen cells of mice immunized with full-length VP28 expressed in Escherichia coli. After several rounds of panning, six scFv antibodies specifically binding to the epitopes in the N-terminal, middle, and C-terminal regions of VP28, respectively, were isolated from the library. Using these scFv antibodies as tools, the epitopes in VP28 were located on the envelope of the virion by immuno-electron microscopy. Neutralization assay with these antibodies in vitro suggested that these epitopes may not be the attachment site of WSSV to host cell receptor. This study provides a new way to investigate the structure and function of the envelope proteins of WSSV.  相似文献   

The antigen-binding fragments of four monoclonal antibodies that cross-react with both the "loop" peptide of hen egg-white lysozyme (residues 57 to 84) against which they were raised, and with the native protein (HEL) have been crystallized. One of these fragments also crystallizes as a complex with the peptide antigen.  相似文献   

A polyvalent, lytic phage display system (T7Select415-1b) displaying a random peptide library has been investigated for its ability to discover novel mimotopes reactive with the therapeutic monoclonal antibody C595. Sequence analysis of enriched phage lead to the identification of a predominant sequence RNREAPRGKICS, and two other consensus sequences RXXP and RXP. The novel synthetic peptide RNREAPRGKICS was linked to beaded agarose and the performance as a mimotope affinity chromatography matrix evaluated. Antibody purified using the novel matrix was found to be of higher specific reactivity than antibody purified using the conventional epitope matrix (peptide APDTRPAPG). The RNREAPRGKICS peptide binding to C595 demonstrated a higher equilibrium association constant (K(A)=0.75 x 10(6)) than the epitope peptide (K(A)=0.16 x 10(6)). Circular dichroism showed that the novel peptide had a more highly ordered structure at 4 degrees C and room temperature, than the epitope peptide.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the molecular basis for antibody specificity and for the cross-reactivity of antipeptide antibodies with native proteins, it is important to study the three-dimensional structure of antibody complexes with their peptide antigens. For this purpose it may not be necessary to solve the structure of the whole antibody complex but rather to concentrate on elucidating the combining site structure, the interactions of the antibody with its antigen, and the bound peptide conformation. To extract the information about antibody–peptide interactions and intramolecular interactions in the bound ligand from the complicated and unresolved spectrum of the Fab–peptide complex (Fab: antibody fragment made of Fv—the antibody fragment composed of the variable regions of the light and heavy chains forming a single combining site for the antigen—the light chain, and the first heavy chain constant regions), an nmr methodology based on measurements of two-dimensional transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) difference spectra was developed. Using this methodology the interactions of three monoclonal antibodies with a cholera toxin peptide were studied. The observed interactions were assigned to the antibody protons involved by specific deuteration of aromatic amino acids and specific chain labeling, and by using a predicted model for the structure of the antibody combining site. The assigned NOE interactions were translated to restraints on interproton distances in the complex that were used to dock the peptide into calculated models for the antibodies combining sites. Comparison of the interactions of three antibodies against a cholera toxin peptide (CTP3). which differ in their cross-reactivity with the toxin, yields information about the size and conformation of antigenic determinants recognized by the antibodies, the structure of their combining sites, and relationships between antibodies' primary structure and their interactions with peptide antigens. © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   



To screen and identify the probe markers specifically binding to human cervical cancer, a phage-displayed 12-mer peptide library was used for biopanning of SiHa cells.


After four rounds of whole-cell subtraction biopanning, the phage recovery was 21-fold higher (from 3.9 × 10?5 to 8.3 × 10?4) than that of the first round, and specific phage clones were significantly enriched. 57 randomly selected phage clones were tested by ELISA, and 36 phage clones were identified as positive clones. After sequencing of positive clones, six different peptide sequences were obtained and CSP3 showed best affinity and specificity to SiHa cells via immunofluorescence assay.


Peptide, CSP3, bound to SiHa cells specifically and sensitively. It may be a potential candidate for molecular imaging detection and targeting therapy of cervical cancer.

Gao  Qian  Chen  Lirong  Jia  Chenshuang  Yuan  Yue  Li  Xinyao  Lu  Zheng  Feng  Yang  Zhao  Ruixia  Zhao  Xuewei  Wang  Yiwen  Cheng  Sinan  Zhang  Caixia  Xu  Jie  Shu  Zhan  Duan  Wei  Nie  Guochao  Xiao  Li  Hou  Yingchun 《Biotechnology letters》2022,44(8):951-960
Biotechnology Letters - Ovarian cancer is one of the most fatal gynecological malignancies. It is emergently needed to select a novel molecular fragment as a targeting element for the future...  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were raised against purified chicken retinol-binding protein. These were characterised extensively with respect to their ability to recognize retinol-binding proteins from different species. The monoclonal antibodies exhibited differential recognition characteristics. Though the majority presented restricted reactivities, one out of the four monoclonal antibodies studied cross-reacted with retinol-binding proteins from all species tested so far.  相似文献   

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