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Host shifts and subsequent adaption to novel host plants are important drivers of speciation among phytophagous insects. However, there is considerably less evidence for host plant-mediated speciation in the absence of a host shift. Here, we investigated divergence of two sympatric sister elm leaf beetles, Pyrrhalta maculicollis and P. aenescens, which feed on different age classes of the elm Ulmus pumila L. (seedling versus adult trees). Using a field survey coupled with preference and performance trials, we show that these beetle species are highly divergent in both feeding and oviposition preference and specialize on either seedling or adult stages of their host plant. An experiment using artificial leaf discs painted with leaf surface wax extracts showed that host plant chemistry is a critical element that shapes preference. Specialization appears to be driven by adaptive divergence as there was also evidence of divergent selection; beetles had significantly higher survival and fecundity when reared on their natal host plant age class. Together, the results identify the first probable example of divergence induced by host plant age, thus extending how phytophagous insects might diversify in the absence of host shifts.  相似文献   

Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae were caged on the mature leaves of brussels sprout plants receiving different amounts of nitrogen and potassium. An increase in N or decrease in K resulted in an increase in soluble nitrogen levels in the leaves. The fecundity and reproductive rate of M. persicae were correlated with these changes; B. brassicae showed a markedly lower response to the nutrient treatments. The possible relationships of these results to other contrasts between the two aphids are discussed.
Zusammenfassung Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) und Myzus persicae (Sulz.) wurden in Käfigen auf mittelalten Blättern von Kohlpflanzen gehalten, die unterschiedlich mit Stickstoff und Kali gedüngt wurden. Erhöhung der Stickstoff- oder Verminderung der Kalidüngung steigerte den Gehalt löslichen Stickstoffs in den Blättern der Pflanze. Nachkommenzahl und Vermehrungsrate von M. persicae wurden durch diese Behandlungen mehr gefördert als die von B. brassicae und waren mit dem Gehalt an löslichem Stickstoff gut korreliert. Es ist möglich, daß sich dieser Unterschied zwischen B. brassicae und M. persicae teilweise auch in anderen Unterschieden zwischen den zwei Arten äußert, z.B. im Verhalten zu Blattalter und Wassermangel in der Pflanze. Eine hohe Kalidüngung hemmt die Vermehrung beider Arten und kann möglicherweise, wenn mit dem Eingriff der natürlichen Feinde integriert, eine nützliche Rolle in der Bekämpfung dieser Blattläuse spielen.

The relationships of plant and insect diversities in succession   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The basic features of an intensive study on the various stages of a secondary succession, from fallow Held to birch woodland, are described. The α-β diversities of the green plants, and two orders of insects, Hetcroptera and adult Coleoptera, are described. For the vegetation, in addition to taxonotnic diversity, structural diversity, with both spatial and architectural components, was recognized. It was found that up to a successional age of 16 months, the taxonomic diversities of plants and insects rose; thereafter the diversity of the plant species declined far more than the insect species diversity. It was concluded that in the later successional stages the maintenance of a high level of taxonomic diversity of these orders of insects is correlated with the rising structural diversity of the green plants, which virtually compensates for their falling taxonomic diversity. The larger fungi appear to show a similar trend to the insects.  相似文献   

Population divergence can occur due to mechanisms associated with geographic isolation and/or due to selection associated with different ecological niches. Much of the evidence for selection‐driven speciation has come from studies of specialist insect herbivores that use different host plant species; however, the influence of host plant use on population divergence of generalist herbivores remains poorly understood. We tested how diet breadth, host plant species and geographic distance influence population divergence of the fall webworm (Hyphantria cunea; FW). FW is a broadly distributed, extreme generalist herbivore consisting of two morphotypes that have been argued to represent two different species: black‐headed and red‐headed. We characterized the differentiation of FW populations at two geographic scales. We first analysed the influence of host plant and geographic distance on genetic divergence across a broad continental scale for both colour types. We further analysed the influence of host plant, diet breadth and geographic distance on divergence at a finer geographic scale focusing on red‐headed FW in Colorado. We found clear genetic and morphological distinction between red‐ and black‐headed FW, and Colorado FW formed a genetic cluster distinct from other locations. Although both geographic distance and host plant use were correlated with genetic distance, geographic distance accounted for up to 3× more variation in genetic distance than did host plant use. As a rare study investigating the genetic structure of a widespread generalist herbivore over a broad geographic range (up to 3,000 km), our study supports a strong role for geographic isolation in divergence in this system.  相似文献   

Considerable research has examined plant responses to concurrent attack by herbivores and pathogens, but the effects of attack by parasitic plants, another important class of plant-feeding organisms, on plant defenses against other enemies has not been explored. We investigated how attack by the parasitic plant Cuscuta pentagona impacted tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) defenses against the chewing insect beet armyworm (Spodoptera exigua; BAW). In response to insect feeding, C. pentagona-infested (parasitized) tomato plants produced only one-third of the antiherbivore phytohormone jasmonic acid (JA) produced by unparasitized plants. Similarly, parasitized tomato, in contrast to unparasitized plants, failed to emit herbivore-induced volatiles after 3 d of BAW feeding. Although parasitism impaired antiherbivore defenses, BAW growth was slower on parasitized tomato leaves. Vines of C. pentagona did not translocate JA from BAW-infested plants: amounts of JA in parasite vines grown on caterpillar-fed and control plants were similar. Parasitized plants generally contained more salicylic acid (SA), which can inhibit JA in some systems. Parasitized mutant (NahG) tomato plants deficient in SA produced more JA in response to insect feeding than parasitized wild-type plants, further suggesting cross talk between the SA and JA defense signaling pathways. However, JA induction by BAW was still reduced in parasitized compared to unparasitized NahG, implying that other factors must be involved. We found that parasitized plants were capable of producing induced volatiles when experimentally treated with JA, indicating that resource depletion by the parasite does not fully explain the observed attenuation of volatile response to herbivore feeding. Collectively, these findings show that parasitic plants can have important consequences for host plant defense against herbivores.  相似文献   

  • 1 The densities of insect herbivores in fertilized and unfertilized field plots of goldenrods, Solidago altissima (Compositae), were monitored over a period of 4 years.
  • 2 A total of seventeen insect taxa occurred on the plots over the course of the study, including sap feeders, leaf chewers, leaf miners, leaf gallers and stem gallers with multiple representatives in each of these feeding guilds.
  • 3 Nine of the seventeen taxa significantly increased in density on fertilized plots in at least one year of the study, two taxa showed marginally significant increases on fertilized plots, two significantly decreased in density on fertilized plots in at least one year, and the remaining taxa were unaffected by the fertilizer treatment.
  • 4 The effects of fertilization on the insects were not strongly related to feeding guild; the group of insects that increased on fertilized plots was functionally diverse, and for the most part members of the same guild did not respond to the fertilizer treatment in consistent ways.
  • 5 Differences between fertilized and unfertilized plots were greatest in the fourth year. The insects that showed delayed responses to fertilizer treatment may have been affected by changes in microclimate that developed slowly over the course of the study, suggesting that long-term studies may be necessary to detect effects of host plant stress on insect herbivores.

The high dependence of herbivorous insects on their host plants implies that plant invaders can affect these insects directly, by not providing a suitable habitat, or indirectly, by altering host plant availability. In this study, we sampled Asteraceae flower heads in cerrado remnants with varying levels of exotic grass invasion to evaluate whether invasive grasses have a direct effect on herbivore richness independent of the current disturbance level and host plant richness. By classifying herbivores according to the degree of host plant specialization, we also investigated whether invasive grasses reduce the uniqueness of the herbivorous assemblages. Herbivorous insect richness showed a unimodal relationship with invasive grass cover that was significantly explained only by way of the variation in host plant richness. The same result was found for polyphagous and oligophagous insects, but monophages showed a significant negative response to the intensity of the grass invasion that was independent of host plant richness. Our findings lend support to the hypothesis that the aggregate effect of invasive plants on herbivores tends to mirror the effects of invasive plants on host plants. In addition, exotic plants affect specialist insects differently from generalist insects; thus exotic plants affect not only the size but also the structural profile of herbivorous insect assemblages.  相似文献   

Consumers do not always utilize all suitable hosts. Understanding why parasitic plants do not always parasitize potentially suitable hosts requires a better understanding of the constraints that limit host use by parasitic plants. In Texas salt marshes, the parasitic plant Cuscuta indecora rarely parasitizes three hosts that support vigorous growth in the greenhouse. We identified three constraints on host use by C. indecora. First, a mismatch between the phenology of C. indecora and some suitable hosts meant that these hosts were not abundant when C. indecora was growing most vigorously, and therefore were underutilized. Second, C. indecora preferentially parasitized tall plants versus short ones, causing relatively short species to be underutilized. Third, C. indecora overwinters in some perennial hosts but has to reinfect annual hosts each year, causing annuals and perennials that do not support overwintering to be underutilized. In combination, these constraints, which reflect the general lack of mobility of parasitic plants relative to herbivores, remove half of the potential host species from the actual diet of C. indecora, and therefore likely represent a major limitation on the success of this parasite. Similar constraints are likely to limit the realized host range of many parasitic plants and select for generalized diet preferences.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi such as Metarhizium rileyi and Beauveria bassiana are widely used insect biological control agents. Little, however, is known concerning genetic or enzymatic factors that differentiate the mechanisms employed by these two fungal pathogens to infect target hosts. Infection by either of these organisms is known to increase levels of the growth and molting hormone, ecdysone, which also regulates the expression of a number of innate immune pathways. M. rileyi, but not B. bassiana, has apparently evolved an ecdysteroid-22-oxidase (MrE22O) that inactivate ecdysone. We show that deletion of MrE22O impaired virulence compared with the wild-type strain, with an increase in ecdysone titer seen in hosts that was coupled to an increase in the expression of antimicrobial genes. An M. rileyi strain engineered to overexpress MrE22O (MrE22OOE), as well as trans-expression in B. bassiana (Bb::MrE220OE) resulted, in strains displaying enhanced virulence and dampening of host immune responses compared with their respective wild-type parental strains. These results indicate that ecdysone plays an important role in mediating responses to fungal infection and that some insect pathogenic fungi have evolved mechanisms for targeting this hormone as a means for facilitating infection.  相似文献   

植物和刺吸式口器昆虫的诱导防御与反防御研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘勇  孙玉诚  王国红 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):1052-1059
刺吸式口器昆虫在长期的进化过程中形成特殊的口针结构,用于专门吸食植物韧皮部筛管细胞的汁液成分.以蚜虫为例,它们在取食过程中分泌的胶状唾液和水状唾液将有效的降低植物防御反应,其中水状唾液包含的大量酶类不仅可以帮助蚜虫穿刺植物韧皮部,刺探到筛管细胞,同时也是植物感受蚜虫为害的激发因子,诱导出植物防御反应和相关抗性基因的表达...  相似文献   

Understanding the interactions among plants, hemipterans, and ants has provided numerous insights into a range of ecological and evolutionary processes. In these systems, however, studies concerning the isolated direct and indirect effects of aphid colonies on host plant and other herbivores remain rare at best. The aphid Uroleucon erigeronensis forms dense colonies on the apical shoots of the host plant Baccharis dracunculilfolia (Asteraceae). The honeydew produced by these aphids attracts several species of ants that might interfere with other herbivores. Four hypotheses were tested in this system: (1) ants tending aphids reduce the abundance of other herbivores; (2) the effects of ants and aphids upon herbivores differ between chewing and fluid-sucking herbivores; (3) aphids alone reduce the abundance of other herbivores; and (4), the aphid presence negatively affects B. dracunculifolia shoot growth. The hypotheses were evaluated with ant and aphid exclusion experiments, on isolated plant shoots, along six consecutive months. We adjusted linear mixed-effects models for longitudinal data (repeated measures), with nested spatial random effect. The results showed that: (1) herbivore abundance was lower on shoots with aphids than on shoots without aphids, and even lower on shoots with aphids and ants; (2) both chewing and fluid-sucking insects responded similarly to the treatment, and (3) aphid presence affected negatively B. dracunculifolia shoot growth. Thus, since aphids alone changed plant growth and the abundance of insect herbivores, we suggest that the ant–aphid association is important to the organization of the system B. dracunculifolia-herbivorous insects.  相似文献   

Salvatoe J. Agosta 《Oikos》2006,114(3):556-565

"Pests soon colonize plants that are cultivated extensively, plant species recruit different pest species in different regions, and associations of insects with plants are often more casual, fortuitous, and labile than those usually interpreted as coevolutionary." ( Strong 1979 , pp. 89)

"…  when a parasite arrives in a new habitat, it will feed on those species whose defense traits it can circumvent because of the abilities it carries at the time. Such a parasite cannot be distinguished from one that evolved the ability to circumvent a defense while in trophic contact with its host." ( Janzen 1980 , pp. 611)

"We believe that a reasonable null hypothesis  …  is that many associations between insects and plants can occur without much evolution…" (Rey, McCoy and Strong 1981, pp. 620)

"The main role of secondary plant substances in insect/host plant relationships is that they form the 'fingerprint'  …  by which the insect recognizes the plants  …  The recognition of a plant as host is unrelated to whether the plant and the insect have evolved together or whether they meet for the first time in their evolutionary history." ( Jermy 1984 , pp. 620)

An important mechanism in stabilizing tightly linked host-parasitoid and prey-predator interactions is the presence of refuges that protect organisms from their natural enemies. However, the presence and quality of refuges can be strongly affected by the environment. We show that infection of the host plant Silene latifolia by its specialist fungal plant pathogen Microbotryum violaceum dramatically alters the enemy-free space of a herbivore, the specialist noctuid seed predator Hadena bicruris, on their shared host plant. The pathogen arrests the development of seed capsules that serve as refuges for the herbivore's offspring against the specialist parasitoid Microplitis tristis, a major source of mortality of H. bicruris in the field. Pathogen infection resulted both in lower host-plant food quality, causing reduced adult emergence, and in twofold higher rates of parasitism of the herbivore. We interpret the strong oviposition preference of H. bicruris for uninfected plants in the field as an adaptive response, positioning offspring on refuge-rich, high-quality hosts. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration that plant-inhabiting micro-organisms can affect higher trophic interactions through alteration of host refuge quality. We speculate that such interference can potentially destabilize tightly linked multitrophic interactions.  相似文献   

Phytohormones mediate plant development and responses to stresses caused by biotic agents or abiotic factors. The functions of phytohormones in responses to viral infection have been intensively studied, and the emerging picture of complex mechanisms provides insights into the roles that phytohormones play in defense regulation as a whole. These hormone signaling pathways are not simple linear or isolated cascades, but exhibit crosstalk with each other. Here, we summarized the current understanding of recent advances for the classical defense hormones salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA), and ethylene (ET) and also the roles of abscisic acid (ABA), auxin, gibberellic acid (GA), cytokinins (CKs), and brassinosteroids (BRs) in modulating plant–virus interactions.  相似文献   

The colonization of exotic plants by herbivorous insects has provided opportunities for investigating causes and consequences of the evolution of niche breadth. The butterfly Lycaeides melissa utilizes exotic alfalfa, Medicago sativa, which is a relatively poor larval resource, and previous studies have found that caterpillars that consume M. sativa develop into smaller and less fecund adults. Here we investigate the effect of smaller female body size on male mate preference, a previously unexplored consequence of novel host use. Smaller females, which developed on the exotic host, were less likely to be visited by males. This result was confirmed with a second set of choice tests involving females reared on a single plant species, thus ruling out host-specific confounding factors. We suggest that an effect on mate choice be considered part of the complex suite of factors determining persistence of herbivorous insects following colonization of new habitats or resources.  相似文献   

Rhizosphere microbes affect plant performance, including plant resistance against insect herbivores; yet, a direct comparison of the relative influence of rhizosphere microbes versus plant genetics on herbivory levels and on metabolites related to defence is lacking. In the crucifer Boechera stricta, we tested the effects of rhizosphere microbes and plant population on herbivore resistance, the primary metabolome, and select secondary metabolites. Plant populations differed significantly in the concentrations of six glucosinolates (GLS), secondary metabolites known to provide herbivore resistance in the Brassicaceae. The population with lower GLS levels experienced ~60% higher levels of aphid (Myzus persicae) attack; no association was observed between GLS and damage by a second herbivore, flea beetles (Phyllotreta cruciferae). Rhizosphere microbiome (disrupted vs. intact native microbiome) had no effect on plant GLS concentrations. However, aphid number and flea beetle damage were respectively about three‐ and seven‐fold higher among plants grown in the disrupted versus intact native microbiome treatment. These differences may be attributable to shifts in primary metabolic pathways previously implicated in host defence against herbivores, including increases in pentose and glucoronate interconversion among plants grown with an intact microbiome. Furthermore, native microbiomes with distinct community composition (as estimated from 16s rRNA amplicon sequencing) differed two‐fold in their effect on host plant susceptibility to aphids. The findings suggest that rhizosphere microbes, including distinct native microbiomes, can play a greater role than population in defence against insect herbivores, and act through metabolic mechanisms independent of population.  相似文献   

Enemy-free space (EFS) is a potentially important factor affecting host plant use by phytophagous insects. Yet only a few field studies have demonstrated that natural enemy activity is the sole mechanism underlying use of novel host plants by herbivorous insects. This may be due to the fact that in earlier studies, both herbivores and natural enemies had the opportunity to adapt to the new host plant. Here we studied the possibility that EFS underlies the recently recorded increase in Phthorimaea operculella densities on tomato plants in a few areas within its geographical range. Through field experiments in Ethiopia, we show that all three conditions proposed by Berdegue et al. to demonstrate EFS are fulfilled. First, a significantly higher proportion of larvae survive on caged than on exposed potato plants, showing that natural enemies are an important mortality factor on the original host, potato. Second, larval survival was significantly higher on exposed tomato than potato plants, implying greater protection for the herbivore from its natural enemies on tomato than on potato plants. Thus tomato plants provide P. operculella with an EFS. Finally, larval survival was significantly higher on caged potato than on caged tomato plants at the preblossom stage, indicating that, in the absence of natural enemies, there is a fitness cost when larvae feed on the sub-optimal tomato plants. Fulfillment of this third condition points to the importance of natural enemy activity relative to that of other unidentified factors, such as food quality and competition. An intensive field survey provides further support for this conclusion.  相似文献   

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