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1. The contractile behavior of the large intestine of Xenopus laevis tadpoles was studied. 2. The large intestine is divided into a colon and rectum, and shows three types of movements: rhythmic ascending (antiperistaltic) waves of contraction originating at the anal end of the large bowel, rhythmic longitudinal contractions in the rectum and colon, and irregular contractions. The first two patterns occur in the large bowel in situ and thus appear mature. The last one occurred only in older preparations, and thus appeared pathological. 3. Antiperistaltic waves of contractions and longitudinal contractions are generated independent of each other, suggesting that circular muscles and longitudinal muscles contract separately. 4. Acetylcholine, adrenaline and noradrenaline augment motility. 5. The premetamorphic motility of the large bowel is similar to that seen in adult frogs. Comparable motility was not observed elsewhere in the larval alimentary tract. The large intestine appears to be the first portion of the anuran alimentary tract to acquire the adult physiological and morphological profile.  相似文献   

The effect of ivermectin or diethylcarbamazine (DEC) on Wuchereria bancrofti molting from the third to the fourth larval stage (L3 to L4) was evaluated in vitro. L3 larvae were harvested from laboratory-reared Aedes togoi 2 wk after feeding upon a microfilaremic human volunteer. The larvae were kept in an artificial medium (Franke's NI medium) with 10% human serum under an atmosphere of 5% CO2 for 20 days. Experimental tubes also contained ivermectin (0.1-1,000 ng/ml) or DEC (0.1-10,000 ng/ml). An estimated concentration of 50 ng/ml ivermectin inhibited molting in 50% of the larvae expected to molt. For DEC, this value was roughly 1,000 ng/ml. In this in vitro culture system, ivermectin inhibited the L3 to L4 molt of W. bancrofti and was roughly 20-fold more potent in this activity than DEC.  相似文献   

刘永华  郑羽墨  阎雄飞  贺英  陆鹏飞 《生态学报》2018,38(15):5595-5601
栎黄枯叶蛾(Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang)是近年在陕西吴起发现的严重危害沙棘的一种食叶害虫。为了准确把握栎黄枯叶蛾幼虫的分布规律,以便对该虫的危害盛期进行预测预报和采取防治措施,因而采用地统计学分析方法对不同坡向和疏密度的沙棘林中栎黄枯叶蛾低龄幼虫的空间分布格局进行了研究。结果表明:栎黄枯叶蛾卵孵化高峰期为6月中旬。通过全方向的变异函数曲线分析得知:阴坡密林、阴坡疏林、阳坡密林、阳坡疏林中,栎黄枯叶蛾低龄幼虫空间依赖范围分别为19.96、9.45、20.75、13.48 m,空间变异值分别为0.692、0.613、0.679、0.597。密林样地的半变异函数最佳拟合模型均为高斯模型,疏林样地均为指数模型,两种模型均指明栎黄枯叶蛾低龄幼虫的空间分布格局为聚集分布。引起种群聚集的原因主要为其生物学特性。用Kriging插值方法生成的空间分布图显示低龄幼虫在空间分布上存在明显的边缘效应。  相似文献   

本文提供上海地区最常见嗜尸性蝇类三龄幼虫图解检索表,共4科11种.该检索表可用于案发现场法医昆虫的分类鉴定,进而推断尸体的死亡时间,也可用于重要有瓣蝇类幼虫的孽生地调查.  相似文献   

Larvae of Ascaris suum recovered from the lungs of experimentally infected guinea pigs or rabbits, seven to ten days after infection, underwent the third moult in vitro to become fourth-stage larvae. Ecdysis was first observed on the first and second day of culture and was completed by the eighth day. The culture medium consisted of tissue culture Medium 199 supplemented with either guinea pig or porcine serum and glucose in a gaseous atmosphere of Nitrogen:Oxygen:Carbon dioxide (90:5:5). By the twelfth day in culture, early development of both the male and female reproductive systems was observed.  相似文献   

The effect of gamma irradiation at doses of 40- and 50 kR on the development of third stage larvae of Oesophagostomum columbianum and the protection conferred by these irradiated larvae against the nematode, was studied in 6-8 week old male Kashmir Merino lambs. At 40- and 50 kR doses, the third stage larvae failed to develop to the adult stage in the intestine. Though single vaccination with 2000, 50 kR irradiated larvae failed to protect the animals against the infection, vaccination with the same number of 40 kR irradiated larvae conferred a partial protection. The presence of adult worms of O. columbianum in sites outside the intestine of 6-8 week old lambs have been demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

The surface structure of the ciliary zone in 13 species of ciliates found in the large intestine of the horse was observed by scanning electron microscopy. In Holophryoides ovalis many fine depressions considered to be a result of phagocytosis or pinocytosis in the naked cytostome were noticed. In Blepharocorys spp. a distinct section was present between the portion with cilia and that without cilia. It was not present, however, in some species of the family Buetschliidae, such as Bundleia postciliata and Didesmis spp. The species of Entodiniomorphida had a lip around the ciliary zone with cilia forming synciliary tufts. In Spirodinium equi and Tetratoxum unifasciculatum the ciliary zone revolved counter-clockwise in an en face view. Some differences in the surface structure of the ciliary zone between the entodiniomorphid and spirotrich ciliates are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary In 9 fetuses, 9 to 24 weeks-old, the occurrence and relative distribution of argentaffin cells, as well as of cells immunoreactive to somatostatin (SRIF), glucagon-like polypeptide (GLI), pancreatic polypeptide (PP) and substance P (SP) were studied in five segments of the colon (appendix, cecum, ascending colon, descending colon, and rectosigmoid). For each colonic segment, data concerned with the occurrence of endocrine cells were expressed either as mean absolute numbers of specific cells per entire mucosal section, or as cell densities per mm3 of mucosa after calculation of the mucosal volume of the sections. Argentaffin, GLI, SRIF and PP immunoreactive cells are all present in relatively large numbers, scattered along the entire length of the colonic mucosa as early as the 9th–10th week of gestation, whereas substance P-containing cells occur sporadically and first appear during the 14th–17th week. Until the 20th week, with progressing embryonic development, an increase was determined in absolute numbers per section of all types of endocrine cells in all segments of the colon. This observation is clearly related to the general growth of the colonic mucosa, since cell densities per mm3 of mucosa do not greatly change or even decrease during gestation. However, it is possible that densities of argentaffin, GLI and BPP cells increase in the appendix around the 14th–17th week of gestation. Between the 20th and 24th week, absolute numbers of cells per section remain stable or slightly increase, while cell densities tend rather to decrease in all segments. These data demonstrate that some endocrine cells are present very early in the human fetal colon, but their functional significance remains to be elucidated.This work was supported by the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM)  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis according to Gahne (1966) reveals three new phenotypes designated FI, I and IS in horse serum albumin. Family material comprising 97 sire families with a total number of 2742 foals and their dams and population material comprising 2867 adult horses representative of the Swedish Trotter breed were examined. The results were consistent with a genetic theory of three codominant, autosomal alleles F, I and S controlling the six albumin phenotypes observed. The gene frequencies were estimated to be 0.489, 0.049 and 0.462, respectively, for the F, I and S genes in the Swedish Trotter breed. The risk of making false exclusions in paternity controls in the albumin system, if the I allele is not considered, is discussed.  相似文献   

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