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The possibilities of pseudo-peptide-DNA mimics like PNA (peptide nucleic acid) having a role for the prebiotic origin of life prior to an RNA world is discussed on the basis of literature data showing that this type of molecules might have formed on the primitive earth (or other places in the universe), as well as data indicating the possibilities of template-directed PNA chemical replication and ligation. In particular, the merits of an achiral prebiotic genetic material is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Five principles underly the evolution of the genetic language: formation of stereoregular heteropolymers, selection through self-replication, evolution of quasispecies towards optimal structures, regulated cooperation between competitors through catalytic hypercycles and evaluation of translation products through compartmentalization. These principles are formulated and illustrated by means of experimental resultsDedicated to the memory of Harold C. Urey (1893–1981)  相似文献   

We simulated in our laboratory a prebiotic environment where dry and wet periods were cycled. Under anhydrous conditions, lipid molecules present in the medium could form fluid lamellar matrices and work as organizing agents for the condensation of nucleic acid monomers into polymers. We exposed a mixture of 2′-deoxyribonucleoside 5′-monophosphates and a ssDNA oligomer template to this dry environment at 90 °C under a continuous gentle stream of CO2 and we followed it with rehydration periods. After five dry/wet cycles we were able to detect the presence of a product that was complementary to the template. The reaction had a 0.5% yield with respect to the template, as measured by staining with the Pico Green® fluorescent probe. Absent initial template, the product of the reaction remained below the detection limit. In order to characterize the fidelity of replication, the synthesized strand was ligated to adapters, amplified by PCR, and sequenced. The alignment of the sequenced DNA to the expected complementary sequence revealed that the misincorporation rate was 9.9%. We present these results as a proof of concept for the possibility of having non-enzymatic transfer of sequence information in a prebiotically plausible environment.  相似文献   

In vitro selection has proven to be a useful means of explore the molecules and catalysts that may have existed in a primordial 'RNA world'. By selecting binding species (aptamers) and catalysts (ribozymes) from random sequence pools, the relationship between biopolymer complexity and function can be better understood, and potential evolutionary transitions between functional molecules can be charted. In this review, we have focused on several critical events or transitions in the putative RNA world: RNA self-replication; the synthesis and utilization of nucleotide-based cofactors; acyl-transfer reactions leading to peptide and protein synthesis; and the basic metabolic pathways that are found in modern living systems.  相似文献   

The work on nonenzymatic nucleic acid replication performed by Leslie Orgel and co-workers over the last four decades, now extended by work on artificial selection of RNA aptamers and ribozymes, is generating some pessimism concerning the 'naked gene' theories of the origin of life. It is suggested here that the low probability of finding RNA aptamers and ribozymes within pools of random sequences is not as disquieting as the poor gain in efficiency obtained with increases in information content. As acknowledged by Orgel and many other authors, primitive RNA replication and catalysis must have occurred within already complex and dynamic environments. I, thus, propose to pay attention to a number of possibilities that bridge the gap between 'naked gene' theories, on one side, and metabolic theories in which complex systems self-propagate by growth and fragmentation, on the other side. For instance, one can de-emphasize nucleotide-by-nucleotide replication leading to long informational polymers, and view instead long random polymers as storage devices, from which shorter oligomers are excised. Catalytic tasks would be mainly performed by complexes associating two or more oligomers belonging to the same or to different chemical families. It is proposed that the problems of stability, binding affinity, reactivity, and specificity could be easier to handle by heterogeneous complexes of short oligomers than by long, single-stranded polymers. Finally, I point out that replication errors in a primitive replication context should include incorporations of alternative nucleotides with interesting, chemically reactive groups. In this way, an RNA sequence could be at the same time an inert sequence when copied without error, and a ribozyme, when a chemically reactive nucleotide is inadvertently introduced during replication.  相似文献   

Formamide (HCONH2) provides a chemical frame potentially affording all the monomeric components necessary for the formation of nucleic polymers. In the presence of the appropriate catalysts, and by moderate heating, formamide yields a complete set of nucleic bases, acyclonucleosides, and favors both phosphorylations and transphosphorylations. Physico-chemical conditions exist in which formamide favors the stability of the phosphoester bonds in nucleic polymers more than that of the same bonds in monomers. This property establishes 'thermodynamic niches' in which the polymeric forms are favored. The hypothesis that these specific attributes of formamide allowed the onset of prebiotic chemical equilibria capable of Darwinian evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the complex map of metabolism is a result of natural selection working at the molecular level. However, natural selection can only work on entities that have three basic features: information, metabolism and membrane. Metabolism must include the capability of producing all cellular structures, as well as energy (ATP), from external sources; information must be established on a material that allows its perpetuity, in order to safeguard the goals achieved; and membranes must be able to preserve the internal material, determining a selective exchange with external material in order to ensure that both metabolism and information can be individualized. It is not difficult to understand that protocellular entities that boast these three qualities can evolve through natural selection. The problem is rather to explain the origin of such features under conditions where natural selection could not work. In the present work we propose that these protocells could be built by chemical evolution, starting from the prebiotic primordial soup, by means of chemical selection. This consists of selective increases of the rates of certain specific reactions because of the kinetic or thermodynamic features of the process, such as stoichiometric catalysis or autocatalysis, cooperativity and others, thereby promoting their prevalence among the whole set of chemical possibilities. Our results show that all chemical processes necessary for yielding the basic materials that natural selection needs to work may be achieved through chemical selection, thus suggesting a way for life to begin.  相似文献   

Summary A theory is described for the origin of a simple chemical system named an autogen, consisting of two short oligonucleotide sequences coding for two simple catalytic peptides. If the theory is valid, under appropriate conditions the autogen would be capable of self-reproduction in a truly genetic process involving both replication and translation. Limited catalytic ability, short oligomer sequences, and low selectivities leading to sloppy information transfer processes are shown to be adequate for the origin of the autogen from random background oligomers. A series of discrete steps, each highly probable if certain minimum requirements and boundary conditions are satisfied, lead to exponential increase in population of all components in the system due to autocatalysis and hypercyclic organization. Nucleation of the components and exponential increase to macroscopic amounts could occur in times on the order of weeks. The feasibility of the theory depends on a number of factors, including the capability of simple protoenzymes to provide moderate enhancements of the accuracies of replication and translation and the likelihood of finding an environment where all of the required processes can occur simultaneously. Regardless of whether or not the specific form proposed for the autogen proves to be feasible, the theory suggests that the first self-replicating chemical systems may have been extremely simple, and that the period of time required for chemical evolution prior to Darwinian natural selection may have been far shorter than generally assumed. Due to the short time required, this theory, unlike others on the origin of genetic processes, is potentially capable of direct experimental verification. A number of prerequisites leading up to such an experiment are suggested, and some have been fulfilled. If successful, such an experiment would be the first laboratory demonstration of the spontaneous emergence by natural selection of a genetic, self-replicating, and evolving molecular system, and might represent the first step in the prebiotic environment of true Darwinian evolution toward a living cell.  相似文献   

Carbonaceous meteorites are rare fragments of asteroids that contain organic carbon of diverse composition, various complexity, and whose lineage can in several instances be traced back to pre-solar environments. Their analyses offer a unique glimpse into the chemistry of the solar system that preceded life and may have been available to its emergence on the early Earth. While the heterogeneity of the organic materials of meteorites is indicative of random synthetic processes for their formation, some of their components have identical counterparts in the biosphere, and a group of meteoritic amino acids were found to display chiral asymmetry, a property known since the time of Pasteur to be inextricably linked to life's processes. The ability of these amino acids to act as asymmetric catalysts, as well as indications that molecular asymmetry in meteorites may not be limited to these compounds, encourage the suggestion of possible involvement of meteoritic material in the induction of selective traits in molecular evolution.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that oligopeptides may be formed in submarine hydrothermal systems (SHSs). Oligopeptides have been synthesized previously under simulated SHS conditions which are likely geochemically implausible. We have herein investigated the oligomerization of glycine under SHS–like conditions with respect to the limitations imposed by starting amino acid concentration, heating time, and temperature. When 10−1 M glycine solutions were heated at 250°C for < 20 min glycine oligomers up to tetramers and diketopiperazine (DKP) were detectable. At 200°C, less oligomerization was noted. Peptides beyond glycylglycine (gly2) and DKP were not detected below 150°C. At 10−2 M initial glycine concentration and below, only gly2, DKP, and gly3 were detected, and then only above 200°C at < 20 min reaction time. Gly3 was undetectable at longer reaction times. The major parameters limiting peptide synthesis in SHSs appear to be concentration, time, and temperature. Given the expected low concentrations of amino acids, the long residence times and range of temperatures in SHSs, it is unlikely that SHS environments were robust sources of even simple peptides. Possible unexplored solutions to the problems presented here are also discussed.  相似文献   

Geminiviruses are plant pathogens that replicate by a rolling-circle mechanism, analogous to that used by several prokaryotic ssDNA replicons. Recent reports provide important progress in understanding the structure and functioning of replication origin from these viruses. We have used these data to propose models for the initiation of replication in dicot- and monocot-infecting geminiviruses.  相似文献   

Genomic propagation in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is tightly regulated at the level of initiation, ensuring that the genome is accurately replicated and equally segregated to the daughter cells. Even though replication origins and the proteins that bind onto them (initiator proteins) have diverged throughout the course of evolution, the mechanism of initiation has been conserved, consisting of origin recognition, multi‐protein complex assembly, helicase activation and loading of the replicative machinery. Recruitment of the multiprotein initiation complexes onto the replication origins is constrained by the dense packing of the DNA within the nucleus and unusual structures such as knots and supercoils. In this review, we focus on the DNA topological barriers that the multi‐protein complexes have to overcome in order to access the replication origins and how the topological state of the origins changes during origin firing. Recent advances in the available methodologies to study DNA topology and their clinical significance are also discussed. J. Cell. Biochem. 110: 35–43, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary An equation is developed that describes the condition of homeostasis in a general molecular system containing catalysts. In a prebiotic environment, this condition first results from a critical level of catalytic feedback in feedback loops containing differing organic molecular species. This critical level results in temporary exponential growth in concentrations of those catalyst species participating in the feedback loops, leading to homeostasis as the steady-state endpoint. None of the molecules in any feedback loop need be self-replicating for this autocatalysis to occur. Homeostasis is regarded as a definition of life at the lowest possible hierarchical level. A general mathematical boundary condition is derived for the critical level of catalytic feedback mentioned above-in effect, an origin of life condition. The paper argues that any natural prebiotic system of organic molecules in an H2O medium will automatically form many catalytic feedback loops, even if of very low catalytic efficiency. The analysis in this paper indicates that high temperatures strongly increase the efficiency of such catalytic feedback. If the temperature and total concentration of carbon in the system (e.g., in CO2, CH4, etc.) are sufficiently high, the critical condition for initial exponential growth will be attained. High initial temperatures for the earth are predicted by the planetesimal accretion model.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid synthesis is precisely controlled in living organisms by highly evolved protein enzymes. The remarkable fidelity of information transfer realized between template and product strands is the result of both the spatial selectivity of the polymerase active site for Watson-Crick base pairs at the point of nucleotide coupling and subsequent proof-reading mechanisms. In the absence of naturally derived polymerases, in vitro template-directed synthesis by means of chemically activated mononucleotides has proven remarkably inefficient and error-prone. Nevertheless, the spontaneous emergence of RNA polymers and their protein-free replication is frequently taken as a prerequisite for the hypothetical 'RNA world'. We present two specific difficulties that face the de novo synthesis of RNA-like polymers in a prebiotic (enzyme-free) environment: nucleoside base selection and intramolecular strand cyclization. These two problems are inherent to the assumption that RNA formed de novo from pre-existing, chemically-activated mononucleotides in solution. As a possible resolution to these problems, we present arguments and experimental support for our hypothesis that small molecules (referred to as 'molecular midwives') and alternative backbone linkages (under equilibrium control) facilitated the emergence of the first RNA-like polymers of life.  相似文献   

Fernando C  Rowe J 《Bio Systems》2008,91(2):355-373
We propose conditions in which an autonomous agent could arise, and increase in complexity. It is assumed that on the primitive Earth there arose a recycling flow-reactor containing spontaneously formed oil droplets or lipid aggregates. These droplets grew at a basal rate by simple incorporation of lipid phase material, and divided by external agitation. This type of system was able to implement a natural selection algorithm once heredity was added. Macroevolution became possible by selection for rarely occurring chemical reactions that produced holistic autocatalytic molecular replicators (contained within the aggregate) capable of doubling at least as fast as the lipid aggregate, and which were also capable of benefiting the growth of its lipid aggregate container. No nucleotides or monomers capable of modular heredity were required at the outset. To explicitly state this hypothesis, a computer model was developed that employed an artificial chemistry, exhibiting conservation of mass and energy, incorporated within each individual of a population of lipid aggregates. This model evolved increasingly complex self-sustaining processes of constitution, a result that is also expected in real chemistry.  相似文献   

The replication of genetic information, as we know it from today's biology, relies on template-directed, polymerase-catalyzed extension of primers. It is known that short stretches of complementary RNA can form on templates in the absence of enzymes. This account summarizes recent work on efficient enzyme-free primer extension, both with 3'-amino-terminal deoxyribonucleotide primers and with primers made of unmodified RNA. Near-quantitative primer extension with half-life times on the order of hours has been demonstrated by using azaoxybenzotriazolides of nucleotides and downstream-binding oligomers. Further, small non-nucleosidic substituents placed on the terminus of the template or the downstream-binding oligomer have been shown to increase the rate and fidelity of primer-extension reactions. Since all four templating bases (A, C, G, T/U) direct sequence-selective primer-extension steps, we feel that there is renewed hope that full, nonenzymatic replication from monomers may eventually be achieved.  相似文献   

Matsuno K 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):159-168
The evolutionary onset of a reaction cycle such as an autocatalytic cycle requires a reliable framework for protecting the harbinger cycle, once it appears by any chance, against the hostile environments in the neighborhood. One natural candidate for protecting the fragile nascent cycle could be available from the operation of internal measurement envisioned in the relative-state formulation of quantum mechanics. Once every chemical reactant is taken to be relative to every other reactant in the act of measuring each other internally, the relative-state formulation provides the condition for favoring and protecting those events such that the reactions mediating between the reactants and the products may eventually form a reaction cycle.  相似文献   

DNA replication ensures the accurate duplication of the genome at each cell cycle. It begins at specific sites called replication origins. Genome‐wide studies in vertebrates have recently identified a consensus G‐rich motif potentially able to form G‐quadruplexes (G4) in most replication origins. However, there is no experimental evidence to demonstrate that G4 are actually required for replication initiation. We show here, with two model origins, that G4 motifs are required for replication initiation. Two G4 motifs cooperate in one of our model origins. The other contains only one critical G4, and its orientation determines the precise position of the replication start site. Point mutations affecting the stability of this G4 in vitro also impair origin function. Finally, this G4 is not sufficient for origin activity and must cooperate with a 200‐bp cis‐regulatory element. In conclusion, our study strongly supports the predicted essential role of G4 in replication initiation.  相似文献   

Summary The adsorption of ATP and ADP on montmorillonite, kaolinite, and A1(OH)3 was studied as a funtion of pH and, for montmorillonite and kaolinite, as a funtion of the ionic composition of the system. The three minerals exhibit different adsorption charcteristics. Mg2+- and Zn2+-montmorillonite adsorb ATP and ADP more than Na+-montmorillonite, presumably because of complex formation. In kaolinite, the effect of these divalent cations is small. Pure ATP decomposes upon heating, and the rate of the decomposition is accelerated by the presence of glycine. Drying and heating glycine to 70°C under vacuum in the presence of ATP results in abiotic peptide formation with yields up to 0.25%. This peptide formation also occurs when kaolinite or montmorillonite is added to the system. The presence of kaolinite, Mg2+-or Zn2+-koalinite, or Mg2+-montmorillonite results in a reduction in the rate of the ATP decomposition in the abiotic peptide synthesizing system. These results suggest that one role for clays and metal ions in chemical evolution may have been the stabilization of nucleotides during prebiotic peptide synthesis.On Leave from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel  相似文献   

The paper deals with molecular self-organization leading to formation of a protocell. Plausible steps towards a protocell include: polymerization of peptides and oligonucleotides on mineral surfaces; coevolution of peptides and oligonucleotides with formation of collectively autocatalytic sets; self-organization of short peptides into vesicles; entrapment of the peptide/oligonucleotide systems in mixed peptide and simple amphiphile membranes; and formation of functioning protocells with metabolism and cell division. The established propensity of short peptides to self-ordering and to formation of vesicles makes this sequence plausible. We further suggest that evolution of a protocell produced cellular ancestors of viruses as well as ancestors of cellular organisms.  相似文献   

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