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Primitive terrestrial life – defined as a chemical system able to transfer its molecular information via self-replication and to evolve – probably originated from the evolution of reduced organic molecules in liquid water. Several sources have been proposed for the prebiotic organic molecules: terrestrial primitive atmosphere (methane or carbon dioxide), deep-sea hydrothermal systems, and extraterrestrial meteoritic and cometary dust grains. The study of carbonaceous chondrites, which contain up to 5% by weight of organic matter, has allowed close examination of the delivery of extraterrestrial organic material. Eight proteinaceous amino acids have been identified in the Murchison meteorite among more than 70 amino acids. Engel reported that l-alanine was surprisingly more abundant than d-alanine in the Murchison meteorite. Cronin also found excesses of l-enantiomers for nonprotein amino acids. A large collection of micrometeorites has been recently extracted from Antarctic old blue ice. In the 50- to 100-μm size range, carbonaceous micrometeorites represent 80% of the samples and contain 2% of carbon, on average. They might have brought more carbon than that involved in the present surficial biomass. The early histories of Mars and Earth clearly show similarities. Liquid water was once stable on the surface of Mars, attesting the presence of an atmosphere capable of deccelerating C-rich micrometeorites. Therefore, primitive life may have developed on Mars as well and fossilized microorganisms may still be present in the near subsurface. The Viking missions to Mars in 1976 did not find evidence of either contemporary or past life, but the mass spectrometer on the lander aeroshell determined the atmospheric composition, which has allowed a family of meteorites to be identified as Martian. Although these samples are essentially volcanic in origin, it has been recognized that some of them contain carbonate inclusions and even veins that have a carbon isotopic composition indicative of an origin from Martian atmospheric carbon dioxide. The oxygen isotopic composition of these carbonate deposits allows calculation of the temperature regime existing during formation from a fluid that dissolved the carbon dioxide. As the composition of the fluid is unknown, only a temperature range can be estimated, but this falls between 0° and 90°C, which would seem entirely appropriate for life processes. It was such carbonate veins that were found to host putative microfossils. Irrespective of the existence of features that could be considered to be fossils, carbonate-rich portions of Martian meteorites tend to have material, at more than 1000 ppm, that combusts at a low temperature; i.e., it is an organic form of carbon. Unfortunately, this organic matter does not have a diagnostic isotopic signature so it cannot be unambiguously said to be indigenous to the samples. However, many circumstantial arguments can be made to the effect that it is cogenetic with the carbonate and hence Martian. If it could be proved that the organic matter was preterrestrial, then the isotopic fractionation between it and the carbon is in the right sense for a biological origin. Received: January 22, 1998 / Accepted: February 16, 1998  相似文献   

Amino acids were most likely available on the primitive Earth, produced in the primitive atmosphere or in hydrothermal vents. Import of extraterrestrial amino acids may have represented the major supply, as suggested by micrometeorite collections and simulation experiments in space and in the laboratory. Selective condensation of amino acids in water has been achieved via N-carboxy anydrides. Homochiral peptides with an alternating sequence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids adopt stereoselective and thermostable beta-pleated sheet structures. Some of the homochiral beta-sheets strongly accelerate the hydrolysis of oligoribonucleotides. The beta-sheet-forming peptides have also been shown to protect their amino acids from racemization. Even if peptides are not able to self-replicate, i.e., to replicate a complete sequence from the mixture of amino acids, the accumulation of chemically active peptides on the primitive Earth appears plausible via thermostable and stereoselective beta-sheets made of alternating sequences.  相似文献   

Summary Computer simulations of a spin glass model for the origin of biological information are discussed. Selection is found to occur among a wide diversity of possible species, and in addition competition, adaptation, and hysteresis are all exhibited.  相似文献   

Summary Iron(III) hydroxide oxide [Fe(OH)O] efficiently catalyzed the condensation of 25 MM dl-glyceraldehyde to ketohexoses at 25°C (pH 5–6). At 16 days the yields were sorbose (15.2%), fructose (12.9%), psicose (6.1%), tagatose (5.6%), and dendroketose (2.5%) with 19.6% of triose unreacted. Analysis at 96 days showed no decomposition of hexoses. Under these conditions Fe(OH)O also catalyzed the isomerization and rearrangement of glyceraldehyde to dihydroxyacetone and lactic acid, respectively. In these reactions, about 10% of the glyceraldehyde was oxidized to glyceric acid with concurrent reduction of the iron(III) to iron(II). The partial reduction of Fe(OH)O did not noticeably reduce its ability to catalyze hexose synthesis. The relationship of these results to prebiotic sugar synthesis is discussed.  相似文献   

Nucleic acid synthesis is precisely controlled in living organisms by highly evolved protein enzymes. The remarkable fidelity of information transfer realized between template and product strands is the result of both the spatial selectivity of the polymerase active site for Watson-Crick base pairs at the point of nucleotide coupling and subsequent proof-reading mechanisms. In the absence of naturally derived polymerases, in vitro template-directed synthesis by means of chemically activated mononucleotides has proven remarkably inefficient and error-prone. Nevertheless, the spontaneous emergence of RNA polymers and their protein-free replication is frequently taken as a prerequisite for the hypothetical 'RNA world'. We present two specific difficulties that face the de novo synthesis of RNA-like polymers in a prebiotic (enzyme-free) environment: nucleoside base selection and intramolecular strand cyclization. These two problems are inherent to the assumption that RNA formed de novo from pre-existing, chemically-activated mononucleotides in solution. As a possible resolution to these problems, we present arguments and experimental support for our hypothesis that small molecules (referred to as 'molecular midwives') and alternative backbone linkages (under equilibrium control) facilitated the emergence of the first RNA-like polymers of life.  相似文献   

The rapid diversification of early Metazoa remains one of the most puzzling events in the fossil record. Several models have been proposed to explain a critical aspect of this event: the origin of Metazoan development. These include the origin of the eukaryotic cell, environmental triggers, key innovations or selection among cell lineages. Here, the first three hypotheses are evaulated within a phylogenetic framework using fossil, molecular and developmental evidence. Many elements of metazoan development are widely distributed among unicellular eukaryotes, yet only 3 of the 23 multicellular eukaryotic lineages evolved complex development. Molecular evidence indicates the lineage leading to the eukaryotic cell is nearly as old as the eubacterial and archaebacterial lineages, although the symbiotic events established that the eukaryotic cell probably occurred about 1.5 billion years ago. Yet Metazoa did not appear until 1000 to 600 million years ago (Myr), suggesting the origin of metazoan development must be linked to either an environmental trigger, perhaps an increase in atmospheric oxygen, or key innovations such as the development of collagen. Yet the first model fails to explain the unique appearance of complex development in Metazoa, while the latter fails to explain the simultaneous diversification of several ‘protist’ groups along with the Metazoa. A more complete model of the origin of metazoan development combines environmental triggering of a series of innovations, with successive innovations generating radiations of metazoan clades as lineages breached functional thresholds. The elaboration of new cell classes and the appearance of such developmental innovations as cell sheets may have been of particular importance. Evolutionary biologists often implicitly assume that evolution is a uniformitarian, time-homogeneous process without strong temporal asymmetries in evolutionary mechanisms, rate or context. Yet evolutionary patterns do exhibit such asymmetries, raising the possibility that such innovations as metazoan development impose non-uniformities of evolutionary process.  相似文献   

The potentiality of the sulfate ligand in the chemistry of polynuclear 3d-metal complexes (clusters) is illustrated through few, representative examples from our own research. A systematic search from the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Base reveals that the ligand can adopt 16 different bridging coordination modes, being capable of linking 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 or even 10 metal ions. Despite its tremendous structural flexibility, the use of the ligand in synthetic 3d-metal cluster chemistry has been largely neglected. This report shows that the sulfate ions, in combination with anions of di-2-pyridyl ketone or various 2-pyridyl oximes are versatile ligand “blends” for the synthesis of interesting Ni(II) and Zn(II) clusters with interesting structures and properties. A prognosis for the future is attempted.  相似文献   

Amino-acid enantiomeric excesses (ee's) have been detected in different types of carbonaceous chondrites, all in favor of the L enantiomer. In this article, we discuss possible deterministic causes to the presence of these amino-acid ee's in meteorites and evaluate in particular enantioselective photolysis by circularly polarized light (CPL). The electronic circular dichroism spectra of a set of amino- and hydroxy-acids, all detected in chondritic matter but some with ee's and others without ee's, were calculated and compared. The spectra were calculated for the most stable conformation(s) of the considered molecules using quantum mechanical methods (density functional theory). Our results suggest that CPL photolysis in the gas phase was perhaps not at the origin of the presence of ee's in meteorites and that the search for another, but still unknown, deterministic cause must be seriously undertaken.  相似文献   

We use sequences from the nuclear ribosomal genes, 18S and 28S to analyze the phylogeny of the Rhizocephala Akentrogonida including two species, Clistosaccus paguri and Chthamalophilus delagei, that are critical for understanding rhizocephalan evolution but have not previously been part of a molecularly based study. In addition we use light and scanning electron microscopy to compare the cypris larvae of C. paguri, Sylon hippolytes and two species of the family Thompsoniidae, since this larval stage offers a suite of characters for analyzing the evolution of these otherwise highly reduced parasites. The Rhizocephala Akentrogonida form a monophyletic group nested within a paraphyletic “Kentrogonida”. C. paguri and S. hippolytes are sistergroups confirming the monophyly of the Clistosaccidae that was originally based on similarities in the cypris larvae. We find numerous LM and SEM level similarities between the two species, many of which appear to be correlated with their specialized sexual system, where male cyprids use an antennule to implant cells into the virgin female parasite. Some of these traits are also found in cyprids of the thompsoniid species. We conclude that the special cypris morphology and the implantation of males by antennular penetration was present in the stem species to the Thompsoniidae and the Clistosaccidae and emphasize the power of larval characters in rhizocephalan systematics. C. delagei is a sister group to Boschmaella balani and the two are nested deep within the Akentrogonida. This confirms the monophyly of the Chthamalophilidae and falsifies the theory that C. delagei should represent the most primitive extant rhizocephalan. Instead, chthamalophilid rhizocephalans represent some of the most highly advanced members of the parasitic barnacles.  相似文献   

Summary A theory is described for the origin of a simple chemical system named an autogen, consisting of two short oligonucleotide sequences coding for two simple catalytic peptides. If the theory is valid, under appropriate conditions the autogen would be capable of self-reproduction in a truly genetic process involving both replication and translation. Limited catalytic ability, short oligomer sequences, and low selectivities leading to sloppy information transfer processes are shown to be adequate for the origin of the autogen from random background oligomers. A series of discrete steps, each highly probable if certain minimum requirements and boundary conditions are satisfied, lead to exponential increase in population of all components in the system due to autocatalysis and hypercyclic organization. Nucleation of the components and exponential increase to macroscopic amounts could occur in times on the order of weeks. The feasibility of the theory depends on a number of factors, including the capability of simple protoenzymes to provide moderate enhancements of the accuracies of replication and translation and the likelihood of finding an environment where all of the required processes can occur simultaneously. Regardless of whether or not the specific form proposed for the autogen proves to be feasible, the theory suggests that the first self-replicating chemical systems may have been extremely simple, and that the period of time required for chemical evolution prior to Darwinian natural selection may have been far shorter than generally assumed. Due to the short time required, this theory, unlike others on the origin of genetic processes, is potentially capable of direct experimental verification. A number of prerequisites leading up to such an experiment are suggested, and some have been fulfilled. If successful, such an experiment would be the first laboratory demonstration of the spontaneous emergence by natural selection of a genetic, self-replicating, and evolving molecular system, and might represent the first step in the prebiotic environment of true Darwinian evolution toward a living cell.  相似文献   

The habitat of the earliest vertebrates (craniates) is still being debated. Marine as well as freshwater habitats and anadromous behaviour have been proposed. In contrast, an estuarine origin of vertebrates is suggested here, based on ontogenetic, comparative anatomical and functional data. This approach should resolve inconsistencies between the probable existence of glomeruli in the vertebrate ancestors and the marine habitat of all related extant groups (e.g. urochordates and cephalochordates). The kidney, as the main osmoregulatory organ, must have been developed according to the environmental prerequisites even in stem vertebrates. In the absence of fossil evidence only deductions from contemporary animals are possible. These data indicate that ancestral stem vertebrates probably had well-developed glomeruli, and were capable of at least some ion-exchange between urine and the body. However, they were probably unable to cope with a strong osmotic gradient with respect to their environment. The conclusion is that these animals were osmoconformers at around 300–350 mOsm and therefore were restricted to brackish water.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 435–441.  相似文献   

How random DNA mutations have established the diverse morphology of extant vertebrates is one of the major challenges in evolutionary biology. Thanks to the recent advancement in DNA sequencing technologies, the genome sequences of many non-model species have been determined, which allows us to address previously inaccessible questions about gene regulatory evolution in vertebrates. In particular, the genome sequences of non-teleost ray-finned fishes and cartilaginous fishes offer clues about when and how vertebrates gained developmental enhancers related to morphological traits that were required for the water-to-land transition. In this review, I examine the evolutionary origin of conserved non-coding elements (CNEs), which often function as tissue-specific developmental enhancers, and discuss how CNEs are related to gene regulatory changes that caused the major morphological transitions of vertebrates.  相似文献   

Resolving evolutionary relationships in groups that underwent fast radiation in deep time is a problem for molecular phylogeny, as the scant phylogenetic signal that characterises short internal branches is generally swamped by more recent substitutions. We implement an approach, that maps how the support for rival phylogenies changes when analysing subsets of sites with either faster and more heterogeneous rates or slower and more homogeneous rates, to address a long-standing problem in deuterostome phylogeny - the interrelationships of the eleutherozoan echinoderm classes. We show that miRNA genes are phylogenetically uninformative as to the relationships of asteroids, echinoids and ophiuroids, consistent with a rapid radiation of these groups as suggested by their fossil record. Using three nuclear rRNAs and seven nuclear housekeeping genes, we map the support for the three possible phylogenetic arrangements of asteroids, ophiuroids and echinoids when moving between subsets of the data with very similar or very different rates of evolution. Only one of the three possible topologies (asteroids (ophiuroids + echinoids)) strengthens when the most rate-homogeneous subset of data are analysed. The other two possible pairings become stronger in a less reliable data subset, which includes the fastest and thus homoplasy-rich data in our alignment. Thus, while superficial analysis of our concatenated alignment identifies asteroids and ophiuroids as sister taxa, more thorough analyses suggest that ophiuroids may be more closely related to echinoids. Divergence of these echinoderm groups, using a relaxed molecular clock, is estimated to have occurred within ∼5 million years. Our results illustrate that the analytic approach of phylogenetic signal dissection can be a powerful tool to investigate rapid radiations in deep geologic time.  相似文献   

Changes in the carbonate chemistry of coral reef waters are driven by carbon fluxes from two sources: concentrations of CO2 in the atmospheric and source water, and the primary production/respiration and calcification/dissolution of the benthic community. Recent model analyses have shown that, depending on the composition of the reef community, the air‐sea flux of CO2 driven by benthic community processes can exceed that due to increases in atmospheric CO2 (ocean acidification). We field test this model and examine the role of three key members of benthic reef communities in modifying the chemistry of the ocean source water: corals, macroalgae, and sand. Building on data from previous carbon flux studies along a reef‐flat transect in Moorea (French Polynesia), we illustrate that the drawdown of total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) due to photosynthesis and calcification of reef communities can exceed the draw down of total alkalinity (AT) due to calcification of corals and calcifying algae, leading to a net increase in aragonite saturation state (Ωa). We use the model to test how changes in atmospheric CO2 forcing and benthic community structure affect the overall calcification rates on the reef flat. Results show that between the preindustrial period and 1992, ocean acidification caused reef flat calcification rates to decline by an estimated 15%, but loss of coral cover caused calcification rates to decline by at least three times that amount. The results also show that the upstream–downstream patterns of carbonate chemistry were affected by the spatial patterns of benthic community structure. Changes in the ratio of photosynthesis to calcification can thus partially compensate for ocean acidification, at least on shallow reef flats. With no change in benthic community structure, however, ocean acidification depressed net calcification of the reef flat consistent with findings of previous studies.  相似文献   

Pawlak J  Kini RM 《Biochimie》2008,90(6):868-877
Denmotoxin is a colubrid three-finger toxin isolated from the venom of Boiga dendrophila, which exhibits bird-specific neurotoxicity. We have sequenced the full-length cDNA and the gene encoding the precursor of denmotoxin. This is the first glimpse of genomic organization of a colubrid three-finger toxin. Denmotoxin cDNA shows low similarity to elapid three-finger toxins, except for the conserved signal peptide region. The open reading frame of denmotoxin possesses an additional fragment encoding a part of the putative signal peptide followed by an extra long N-terminus. The exon/intron organization of denmotoxin is also different from elapid three-finger toxin genes. The denmotoxin gene contains four exons and three introns, while elapid genes share virtually identical gene organization consisting of three exons and two introns. It appears that Elapidae snakes have lost the extra second exon after the divergence of the snake families.  相似文献   

Summary The nucleomorph is a unique self-replicating organelle which is invariably present in the periplastidal compartment of cryptomonads. The nucleomorph ofCryptomonas abbreviata is located in a groove on the inner face of the pyrenoid. When JB-4-embedded sections ofC. abbreviata are stained with 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI), the nucleomorph exhibits a blue fluorescence characteristic of DNA-DAPI complexes. This fluorescence is removed by DNase digestion, but not by RNase. When cells are prepared for electron microscopy by the method of Ryter and Kellenberger (Schreil 1964), a network of fine DNA-like fibrils is observed in the nucleomorph matrix. It is estimated that the nucleomorph contains between 108 and 109 daltons of DNA. The presence of DNA in nucleomorphs strongly supports the hypothesis that the nucleomorph is the vestigial nucleus of a eukaryotic endosymbiont. It is postulated that this eukaryotic symbiont was an ancestral red alga or an organism closely related to red algae. The cryptomonad host cell, on the other hand, is not evolutionarily close to any other group of algae.  相似文献   

Various hypotheses have been proposed for why the traits distinguishing humans from other primates originally evolved, and any given trait may have been explained both as an adaptation to different environments and as a result of demands from social organization or sexual selection. To find out how popular the different explanations are among scientists, we carried out an online survey among authors of recent scientific papers in journals covering relevant fields of science (paleoanthropology, paleontology, ecology, evolution, human biology). Some of the hypotheses were clearly more popular among the 1,266 respondents than others, but none was universally accepted or rejected. Even the most popular of the hypotheses were assessed “very likely” by <50% of the respondents, but many traits had 1–3 hypotheses that were found at least moderately likely by >70% of the respondents. An ordination of the hypotheses identified two strong gradients. Along one gradient, the hypotheses were sorted by their popularity, measured by the average credibility score given by the respondents. The second gradient separated all hypotheses postulating adaptation to swimming or diving into their own group. The average credibility scores given for different subgroups of the hypotheses were not related to respondent's age or number of publications authored. However, (paleo)anthropologists were more critical of all hypotheses, and much more critical of the water‐related ones, than were respondents representing other fields of expertise. Although most respondents did not find the water‐related hypotheses likely, only a small minority found them unscientific. The most popular hypotheses were based on inherent drivers; that is, they assumed the evolution of a trait to have been triggered by the prior emergence of another human‐specific behavioral or morphological trait, but opinions differed as to which of the traits came first.  相似文献   

Termites are instantly recognizable mound-builders and house-eaters: their complex social lifestyles have made them incredibly successful throughout the tropics. Although known as 'white ants', they are not ants and their relationships with other insects remain unclear. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses, the most comprehensive yet attempted, show that termites are social cockroaches, no longer meriting being classified as a separate order (Isoptera) from the cockroaches (Blattodea). Instead, we propose that they should be treated as a family (Termitidae) of cockroaches. It is surprising to find that a group of wood-feeding cockroaches has evolved full sociality, as other ecologically dominant fully social insects (e.g. ants, social bees and social wasps) have evolved from solitary predatory wasps.  相似文献   

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