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Drosophila mojavensishas been a model system for genetic studies of ecological adaptation and speciation. However, despite its use for over half a century, no linkage map has been produced for this species or its close relatives.


We have developed and mapped 90 microsatellites in D. mojavensis, and we present a detailed recombinational linkage map of 34 of these microsatellites. A slight excess of repetitive sequence was observed on the X-chromosome relative to the autosomes, and the linkage groups have a greater recombinational length than the homologous D. melanogaster chromosome arms. We also confirmed the conservation of Muller's elements in 23 sequences between D. melanogaster and D. mojavensis.


The microsatellite primer sequences and localizations are presented here and made available to the public. This map will facilitate future quantitative trait locus mapping studies of phenotypes involved in adaptation or reproductive isolation using this species.  相似文献   

A microsatellite genetic linkage map for Xiphophorus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Interspecies hybrids between distinct species of the genus Xiphophorus are often used in varied research investigations to identify genomic regions associated with the inheritance of complex traits. There are 24 described Xiphophorus species and a greater number of pedigreed strains; thus, the number of potential interspecies hybrid cross combinations is quite large. Previously, select Xiphophorus experimental crosses have been shown to exhibit differing characteristics between parental species and among the hybrid fishes derived from crossing them, such as widely differing susceptibilities to chemical or physical agents. For instance, genomic regions harboring tumor suppressor and oncogenes have been identified via linkage association of these loci with a small set of established genetic markers. The power of this experimental strategy is related to the number of genetic markers available in the Xiphophorus interspecies cross of interest. Thus, we have undertaken the task of expanding the suite of easily scored markers by characterization of Xiphophorus microsatellite sequences. Using a cross between Xiphophorus maculatus and X. andersi, we report a linkage map predominantly composed of microsatellite markers. All 24 acrocentric chromosome sets of Xiphophorus are represented in the assembled linkage map with an average intergenomic distance of 7.5 cM. Since both male and female F1 hybrids were used to produce backcross progeny, these recombination rates were compared between "male" and "female" maps. Although several genomic regions exhibit differences in map length, male- and female-derived maps are similar. Thus Xiphophorus, in contrast to zebrafish, Danio rerio, and several other vertebrate species, does not show sex-specific differences in recombination. The microsatellite markers we report can be easily adapted to any Xiphophorus interspecies and some intraspecies crosses, and thus provide a means to directly compare results derived from independent experiments.  相似文献   

A microsatellite linkage map of Barramundi, Lates calcarifer   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Wang CM  Zhu ZY  Lo LC  Feng F  Lin G  Yang WT  Li J  Yue GH 《Genetics》2007,175(2):907-915
Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) is an important farmed marine food fish species. Its compact genome (approximately 700 Mb) is among the smallest genomes of food fish species. We established a first-generation genetic linkage map of Barramundi with a mapping panel containing three parents (two males and one female) and 93 progeny. A total of 240 microsatellite markers were mapped into 24 linkage groups. Among these markers, 10 were located in ESTs and known genes. The total lengths of the female and male maps were 873.8 and 414.5 cM with an average marker spacing of 6.20 and 4.70 cM, respectively. Comparing the flanking sequences of the 240 Barramundi microsatellites with the assembled whole-genome sequences of Tetraodon nigrovidiris revealed 55 homologous sequences located in 19 of the 21 chromosomes of T. nigrovidiris. The map will not only enable the mapping of quantitative trait loci, but also provide new resources for understanding the evolution of fish genomes.  相似文献   

A linkage map of the Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) genome was constructed based upon segregation analysis of 72 microsatellite loci in 433 F(2) progeny of 10 half-sib families obtained from a cross between two quail lines of different genetic origins. One line was selected for long duration of tonic immobility, a behavioural trait related to fearfulness, while the other was selected based on early egg production. Fifty-eight of the markers were resolved into 12 autosomal linkage groups and a Z chromosome-specific linkage group, while the remaining 14 markers were unlinked. The linkage groups range from 8 cM (two markers) to 206 cM (16 markers) and cover a total map distance of 576 cM with an average spacing of 10 cM between loci. Through comparative mapping with chicken (Gallus gallus) using orthologous markers, we were able to assign linkage groups CJA01, CJA02, CJA05, CJA06, CJA14 and CJA27 to chromosomes. This map, which is the first in quail based solely on microsatellites, is a major step towards the development of a quality molecular genetic map for this valuable species. It will provide an important framework for further genetic mapping and the identification of quantitative trait loci controlling egg production and fear-related behavioural traits in quail.  相似文献   

A linkage map of the ruff (Philomachus pugnax) genome was constructed based on segregation analysis of 58 microsatellite loci from 381 captive‐bred individuals spanning fourteen breeding years and comprising 64 families. Twenty‐eight of the markers were resolved into seven linkage groups and five single marker loci, homologous to known chicken (Gallus gallus) and zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) chromosomes. Linkage groups range from 10.1 to 488.7 cM in length and covered a total map distance of 641.6 cM, corresponding to an estimated 30–35% coverage of the ruff genome, with a mean spacing of 22.9 cM between loci. Through comparative mapping, we are able to assign linkage groups Ppu1, Ppu2, Ppu6, Ppu7, Ppu10, Ppu13, and PpuZ to chromosomes and identify several intrachromosomal rearrangements between the homologs of chicken, zebra finch, and ruff microsatellite loci. This is the first linkage map created in the ruff and is a major step toward providing genomic resources for this enigmatic species. It will provide an essential framework for mapping of phenotypically and behaviorally important loci in the ruff.  相似文献   

A microsatellite linkage map of the blacklip abalone, Haliotis rubra   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is considerable scope for genetic improvement of cultured blacklip abalone Haliotis rubra in Australia using molecular marker-assisted, selective-breeding practices. Such improvement is dependent on the availability of primary genetic resources, such as a genetic linkage map. This study presents a first-generation linkage map of H. rubra, containing 122 microsatellite markers typed in a single full-sib family. These loci mapped to 17 and 20 linkage groups for the male and female respectively, and when aligned, the consensus map represented 18 linkage groups. The male linkage map contained 102 markers (one unlinked) covering 621 cM with an average intermarker spacing of 7.3 cM, and the female map contained 98 markers (eight unlinked) covering 766 cM with an average intermarker spacing of 9.8 cM. Analysis of markers informative in both parents showed a significantly higher recombination rate in the female parent, with an average male-to-female recombination ratio of 1:1.45 between linked pairs of markers. This linkage map represents a significant advancement in the genetic resource available for H. rubra and provides a framework for future quantitative trait loci mapping and eventual implementation of marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

We have constructed a framework linkage map based on microsatellite markers for Vitis vinifera L., the European wine grape. The mapping population consisted of 153 progeny plants from a cross of Vitis vinifera cvs. Riesling × Cabernet Sauvignon. One hundred fifty-two microsatellite markers and one polymorphic EST marker have been mapped to 20 linkage groups (2n=38). The map covers 1,728 cM with an average distance between markers of 11.0 cM. Estimates of genome size, expected genome coverage, and observed genome coverage were determined with 135–140 markers. Genome length estimates differed between paternal and maternal data sets. Observed approximate genome coverage was 65% versus an expected coverage of 90%. Meiotic recombination rates were not significantly different between maternal and paternal parents. This map has been adopted as a reference map for the International Grape Genome Program.Communicated by C. Möllers  相似文献   

A microsatellite linkage map for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A linkage map of the Atlantic salmon is described here consisting of 15 linkage groups containing 50 microsatellite loci with a 14 additional unlinked markers (including three allozymes). The map shows the largest sex-specific recombination rate differences so far found in any vertebrate species (3.92:1 female:male). Homologies with previous linkage mapping studies of Atlantic salmon and rainbow trout are described. An in silico search of the Genbank database carried out using the microsatellites used in the mapping process identified significant matches between the flanking regions of the microsatellite SS11 and the calcium-binding mitochondrial carrier protein, 'Aralar1'.  相似文献   

L. Cheng  L. Liu  X. Yu  D. Wang  J. Tong 《Animal genetics》2010,41(2):191-198
Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is an important fish for aquaculture, but genomics of this species is still in its infancy. In this study, a linkage map of common carp based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) and microsatellite (SSR) markers has been generated using gynogenetic haploids. Of 926 markers genotyped, 151 (149 AFLPs, two SSRs) were distorted and eliminated from the linkage analyses. A total of 699 AFLP and 20 microsatellite (SSR) markers were assigned to the map, which comprised 64 linkage groups and covered 5506.9 cM Kosambi, with an average interval distance of 7.66 cM Kosambi. The normality tests on interval map distances showed a non‐normal marker distribution. Visual inspection of the map distance distribution histogram showed a cluster of interval map distances on the left side of the chart, which suggested the occurrence of AFLP marker clusters. On the other hand, the lack of an obvious cluster on the right side showed that there were a few big gaps which need more markers to bridge. The correlation analysis showed a highly significant relatedness between the length of linkage group and the number of markers, indicating that the AFLP markers in this map were randomly distributed among different linkage groups. This study is helpful for research into the common carp genome and for further studies of genetics and marker‐assisted breeding in this species.  相似文献   

The genus Salix (willow) contains a number of species of great value as biomass crops. Efforts to breed varieties with improved biomass yields and resistances to pests and diseases are limited by the lack of knowledge on the genetic basis of the traits. We have used AFLP and microsatellite markers to construct a genetic map of willow from a full-sib cross of the diploid species Salix viminalis (2n = 38). In accordance with a double pseudo-testcross approach, separate parental maps were constructed and merged to produce a consensus map comprising 291 AFLP and 39 willow microsatellite markers. Nineteen poplar microsatellites were also tested in willow. Five of these amplified loci, of which two were mapped. Linkage groups of the consensus map that could be identified in the parental maps are presented here and spanned 1,256.5 cM with an average interval between markers of 4.4 cM.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) was constructed from 174 microsatellite markers, including 145 new markers reported in this study. The mapping panel was derived from farmed sea bass from the North Adriatic Sea and consisted of a single family including both parents and 50 full-sib progeny (biparental diploids). A total of 162 microsatellites were mapped in 25 linkage groups. Eleven loci represent type I (coding) markers; 2 loci are located within the peptide Y (linkage group 1) and cytochrome P450 aromatase (linkage group 6) genes. The sex-averaged map spans 814.5 cM of the sea bass genome. The female map covers 905.9 cM, whereas the male map covers only 567.4 cM. The constructed map represents the first linkage map of European sea bass, one of the most important aquaculture species in Europe.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map for radiata pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) has been constructed using segregation data from a three-generation outbred pedigree. A total of 208 loci were analyzed including 165 restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), 41 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 2 microsatellite markers. The markers were assembled into 22 linkage groups of 2 or more loci and covered a total distance of 1382 cM. Thirteen loci were unlinked to any other marker. Of the RFLP loci that were mapped, 93 were detected by loblolly pine (P. taeda L.) cDNA probes that had been previously mapped or evaluated in that species. The remaining 72 RFLP loci were detected by radiata pine probes from a PstI genomic DNA library. Two hundred and eighty RAPD primers were evaluated, and 41 loci which were segregating in a 11 ratio were mapped. Two microsatellite markers were also placed on the map. This map and the markers derived from it will have wide applicability to genetic studies in P. radiata and other pine species.  相似文献   

The turkey is an agriculturally important species for which, until now, there is no published genetic linkage map based on microsatellite markers--still the markers most used in the chicken and other farm animals. In order to increase the number of markers on a turkey genetic linkage map we decided to map new microsatellite sequences obtained from a GT-enriched turkey genomic library. In different chicken populations more than 35-55% of microsatellites are polymorphic. In the turkey populations tested here, 43% of all turkey primers tested were found to be polymorphic, in both commercial and wild type turkeys. Twenty linkage groups (including the Z chromosome) containing 74 markers have been established, along with 37 other unassigned markers. This map will lay the foundations for further genetic mapping and the identification of genes and quantitative trait loci in this economically important species. Genome comparisons, based on genetic maps, with related species such as the chicken would then also be possible. All primer information, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions, allele sizes and genetic linkage maps can be viewed at http://roslin.thearkdb.org/. The DNA is also available on request through the Roslin Institute.  相似文献   

A first-generation genetic linkage map of the baboon (Papio hamadryas) genome was developed for use in biomedical and evolutionary genetics. Pedigreed baboons (n = 694) were selected from the breeding colony maintained by the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research. To facilitate comparison with the human genome, the baboon linkage map consists primarily of human microsatellite loci amplified using published human PCR primers. Genotypes for 325 human microsatellites and 6 novel baboon microsatellites were used in linkage analyses performed with the MultiMap expert system. The resulting sex-averaged meiotic recombination map covers all 20 baboon autosomes, with average spacing among loci of 7.2 cM. Direct comparison among homologous (orthologous) loci reveals that, for 7 human autosomes, locus order is conserved between humans and baboons. For the other 15 autosomes, one or more rearrangements distinguish the two genomes. The total centimorgan distances among homologous markers are 28.0% longer in the human genome than in the baboon, suggesting that rates of recombination may be higher in humans. This baboon linkage map is the first reported for any nonhuman primate species and creates opportunities for mapping quantitative trait loci in baboons, as well as for comparative evolutionary analyses of genome structure.  相似文献   

A linkage map of cacao based on codominant markers has been constructed by integrating 201 new simple sequence repeats (SSR) developed in this study with a number of isoenzymes, restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP), microsatellite markers and resistance and defence gene analogs (Rgenes-RFLP) previously mapped in cacao. A genomic library enriched for (GA)n and (CA)n was constructed, and 201 new microsatellite loci were mapped on 135 individuals from the same mapping population used to establish the first reference maps. This progeny resulted from a cross between two heterozygous cacao clones: an Upper-Amazon Forastero (UPA 402) and a Trinitario (UF 676). The new map contains 465 markers (268 SSRs, 176 RFLPs, five isoenzymes and 16 Rgenes-RFLP) arranged in ten linkage groups corresponding to the haploid chromosome number of cacao. Its length is 782.8 cM, with an average interval distance between markers of 1.7 cM. The new microsatellite markers were distributed throughout all linkage groups of the map, but their distribution was not random. The length of the map established with only SSRs was 769.6 cM, representing 94.8% of the total map. The current level of genome coverage is approximately one microsatellite every 3 cM. This new reference map provides a set of useful markers that is transferable across different mapping populations and will allow the identification and comparison of the most important regions involved in the variation of the traits of interest and the development of marker-assisted selection strategies.Communicated by H. Nybom  相似文献   

A detailed linkage map is necessary for efficient detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) in chicken resource populations. In this study, microsatellite markers isolated from a (CA)n-enriched library (designated as ABR Markers) were mapped using a population developed from a cross between Japanese Game and White Leghorn chickens. In total, 296 markers including 193 ABR, 43 MCW, 31 ADL, 22 LEI, 3 HUJ, 2 GCT, 1 UMA and 1 ROS were mapped by linkage to chicken chromosomes 1-14, 17-21, 23, 24, 26-28 and Z. In addition, five markers were assigned to the map based on the chicken draft genomic sequence, bringing the total number of markers on the map to 301. The resulting linkage map will contribute to QTL mapping in chicken.  相似文献   

Twenty-six (CA)n polymorphic microsatellites were isolated from a flow-sorted chromosome 20 library. To reduce the number of sequencing gels, these microsatellites were genotyped on 15 CEPH families using a procedure derived from the multiplex sequencing technique of G. M. Church and S. Kieffer-Higgins (1988, Science 240:185-188). A primary map with a strongly supported order was constructed with 15 (CA)n markers. Regional localizations for the 11 other microsatellites were obtained with regard to the primary map. The 26 loci span approximately 160 cM. Regional localizations for a set of index markers (D20S4, D20S6, D20S16, and D20S19) and for other markers from the CEPH Public Database (D20S5, D20S15, D20S17, and D20S18) have also been determined. The total map spans a genetic distance of approximately 195 cM extending from the (CA)n marker IP20M7 on 20p to D20S19 on 20q. The density of microsatellite markers is markedly higher in the pericentromeric region, with an average distance of 3 to 4 cM between adjacent markers over a distance of 43 cM. Two-thirds of these randomly isolated microsatellites are clustered in that region between D20S5 and D20S16 representing approximately one-fourth of the linkage map. This might suggest a nonrandom distribution of (CA)n simple sequence repeats on this chromosome.  相似文献   

A novel set of 50 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers were developed and mapped on existing RAPD framework maps of Eucalyptus grandis and E. urophylla. Together with the twenty previously developed microsatellite markers, these were used to align the existing maps for the two most commercially important Eucalyptus species in the tropics. Sixty-three microsatellite markers were placed on the E. grandis map in 11 linkage groups, and 53 on the E. urophylla map distributed in 10 linkage groups. Approximately 66% of the microsatellite markers segregated in a fully informative fashion, allowing the establishment of colinear syntenic linkage groups between the two maps. The 50 new microsatellite markers were highly informative, with an average of 14 alleles per locus, and average expected heterozygosity between 0.82 and 0.87. Furthermore, within the subgenus Symphyomyrtus, to which the vast majority of commercially important Eucalyptus species belong, these markers display on average 90% transportability. This set of 70 mapped microsatellite markers represents a significant step toward the development of a genus-wide reference linkage map for Eucalyptus. These highly multiallelic and transportable markers constitute a powerful tool for QTL discovery and validation, and can be used in directed searches for QTL allele variation across Eucalyptus pedigrees.  相似文献   

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