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Although various Trypanosoma vivax purine-specific inosine–adenosine–guanosine nucleoside hydrolase (IAG-NH) crystal structures have been determined and the chemical reaction mechanism of substrate hydrolysis has been studied recently, the mechanistic details for the release of base and ribose are still unclear. Herein molecular dynamics (MD) simulations combined with umbrella sampling technique were utilized to explore the regulation mechanisms of key residues and loops 1 and 2 for the base release. Our results have indicated that the base release process is not the rate-limiting step in the entire hydrolysis process, and the very low barrier of ~ 5.6 kcal/mol can be washed out easily by the notable exothermicity from the substrate hydrolysis step. Moreover, the MD simulations have revealed that Glu82/Trp83 in loop 1 and His247/Arg252 in loop 2 are important to modulate the base release. The partial helix-to-coil change of loop 2 along with the base release process has been observed, showing good agreement with the IAG-NH crystal structures. The local binding site around the ribose after the base release is also discussed.  相似文献   

GTPases of the Rab family are key components of vesicular transport in eukaryotic cells. Posttranslational attachment of geranylgeranyl moieties is essential for Rab function. Geranylgeranyltransferase type II (GGTase-II) catalyzes the modification of Rab proteins once they are in complex with their escort protein (REP). Upon completion of prenylation, REP and modified Rab leave the enzyme, enabling a new round of catalysis. We have studied the mechanism underlying substrate binding and product release in the geranylgeranylation of Rab proteins. Binding of the Rab7:REP-1 complex to GGTase-II was found to be strongly modulated by geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGpp). The affinity of GGTase-II for the Rab7:REP-1 complex increases from ca. 120 nM to ca. 2 nM in the presence of GGpp. To study the effect of GGpp on interaction of the enzyme with its product, we generated semisynthetic doubly prenylated Rab7 bearing a fluorescent reporter group. Using this novel compound, we demonstrated that the affinity of doubly prenylated Rab7:REP-1 complex for GGTase-II was 2 and 18 nM in the absence and presence of GGpp, respectively. The difference in affinities originates mainly from a difference in the dissociation rates. Thus, binding of the new isoprenoid substrate molecule facilitates the product release by GGTase-II. The affinity of GGpp for the prenylated Rab7:REP-1:GGTase-II was K(d) = 22 nM, with one molecule of GGpp binding per molecule of prenylated ternary complex. We interpreted this finding as an indication that the geranylgeranyl moieties transferred to Rab protein do not occupy the GGpp binding site of the GGTase-II. In summary, these results demonstrate that GGpp acts as an allosteric activator that stabilizes the Rab7:REP-1:GGTase-II complex and triggers product release upon prenylation, preventing product inhibition of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The nucleoside hydrolase (NH) of the Trypanosoma vivax parasite catalyzes the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond in ribonucleosides according to the following reaction: beta-purine (or pyrimidine) nucleoside + H(2)O --> purine (pyrimidine) base + ribose. The reaction follows a highly dissociative nucleophilic displacement reaction mechanism with a ribosyl oxocarbenium-like transition state. This paper describes the first pre-steady-state analysis of the conversion of a number of purine nucleosides. The NH exhibits burst kinetics and behaves with half-of-the-sites reactivity. The analysis suggests that the NH of T. vivax follows a complex multistep mechanism in which a common slow step different from the chemical hydrolysis is rate limiting. Stopped-flow fluorescence binding experiments with ribose indicate that a tightly bound enzyme-ribose complex accumulates during the enzymatic hydrolysis of the common purine nucleosides. This is caused by a slow isomerization between a tight and a loose enzyme-ribose complex forming the rate-limiting step on the reaction coordinate.  相似文献   

Chalcone O-methyltransferase (ChOMT) and isoflavone O-methyltransferase (IOMT) are S-adenosyl-l-methionine (SAM) dependent plant natural product methyltransferases involved in secondary metabolism in Medicago sativa (alfalfa). Here we report the crystal structure of ChOMT in complex with the product S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and the substrate isoliquiritigenin (4,2',4'-trihydroxychalcone) refined to 1.8 A as well as the crystal structure of IOMT in complex with the products S-adenosyl-l-homocysteine and isoformononetin (4'-hydroxy-7-methoxyisoflavone) refined to 1.4 A. These two OMTs constitute the first plant methyltransferases to be structurally characterized and reveal a novel oligomerization domain and the molecular determinants for substrate selection. As such, this work provides a structural basis for understanding the substrate specificity of the diverse family of plant OMTs and facilitates the engineering of novel activities in this extensive class of natural product biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   

S-Adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) hydrolase catalyzes the reversible hydrolysis of AdoHcy to adenosine (Ado) and homocysteine (Hcy), playing an essential role in modulating the cellular Hcy levels and regulating activities of a host of methyltransferases in eukaryotic cells. This enzyme exists in an open conformation (active site unoccupied) and a closed conformation (active site occupied with substrate or inhibitor) [Turner, M. A., Yang, X., Yin, D., Kuczera, K., Borchardt, R. T., and Howell, P. L. (2000) Cell Biochem. Biophys. 33, 101-125]. To investigate the binding of natural substrates during catalysis, the computational docking program AutoDock (with confirming calculations using CHARMM) was used to predict the binding modes of various substrates or inhibitors with the closed and open forms of AdoHcy hydrolase. The results have revealed that the interaction between a substrate and the open form of the enzyme is nonspecific, whereas the binding of the substrate in the closed form is highly specific with the adenine moiety of a substrate as the main recognition factor. Residues Thr57, Glu59, Glu156, Gln181, Lys186, Asp190, Met351, and His35 are involved in substrate binding, which is consistent with the crystal structure. His55 in the docked model appears to participate in the elimination of water from Ado through the interaction with the 5'-OH group of Ado. In the same reaction, Asp131 removes a proton from the 4' position of the substrate after the oxidation-reduction reaction in the enzyme. To identify the residues that bind the Hcy moiety, AdoHcy was docked to the closed form of AdoHcy hydrolase. The Hcy tail is predicted to interact with His55, Cys79, Asn80, Asp131, Asp134, and Leu344 in a strained conformation, which may lower the reaction barrier and enhance the catalysis rate.  相似文献   

Until now, workers in the field of fatty acid metabolism have suggested that the substrates are isopotential with the enzymes and that the reactions are forced to completion by the formation of charge-transfer complexes [Gustafson, W. G., Feinberg, B. A., & McFarland, J. T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7733-7741]. To date, no experimental evidence for this hypothesis exists. The work presented here shows that the butyryl-CoA/crotonyl-CoA couple is not isopotential with the enzymes with which it interacts. The potential of the butyryl-CoA/crotonyl-CoA couple (E ' = -0.013 V) is significantly more positive than the potential of either of the enzymes with which it interacts, bacterial butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (E ' = -0.079 V) and mammalian general acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (E ' = 0.133 V). These data imply that the regulation of enzyme potential is essential for any electron transfer from substrate to enzyme to occur in mammalian or bacterial systems. In support of this assertion, a significant shift in potential for bacterial butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase (an analogue of the mammalian enzyme) in the presence of butyryl-CoA and crotonyl-CoA is reported. The potential is shifted positive by 60 mV. Larger potential shifts will undoubtedly be observed with the mammalian enzyme, which would be consistent with the catalytic direction of electron transfer.  相似文献   

M M Tucker  M E Nesheim  K G Mann 《Biochemistry》1983,22(19):4540-4546
The Ca2+ dependence of factor Xa binding to phospholipid vesicles was measured in the presence and absence of factor Va. The increase in polarization of a fluorescently labeled derivative of factor Xa, [5-(dimethylamino)-1-naphthalenesulfonyl] glutamylglycylarginyl factor Xa (Dns-EGR-Xa), was used as a probe to measure the interaction of factor Xa with phospholipid. The Ca2+ concentration required for half-maximal binding of Dns-EGR-Xa to phospholipid vesicles was 3.5 X 10(-4) M in the presence of factor Va and 9.5 X 10(-4) M in the absence of factor Va. At a Ca2+ concentration of 5 X 10(-4) M, the binding of Dns-EGR-Xa to phospholipid-bound factor Va was near maximal, whereas there was no detectable interaction of Dns-EGR-Xa with phospholipid alone at this Ca2+ concentration as detected by fluorescence polarization. These results were qualitatively confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography. The rate of hydrolysis of the factor Xa synthetic substrate, benzoylisoleucylglutamylglycylarginine p-nitroanilide, by factor Xa in the presence of factor Va and phospholipid decreased in a Ca2+-dependent manner. These data were analyzed as fraction of factor Xa bound to the phospholipid. A Ca2+ concentration of 2.7 X 10(-4) M resulted in half-maximal binding by this technique. The relationship observed between rates of prothrombin activation and Ca2+ concentration could be predicted quantitatively from calculations of local enzyme and substrate concentrations.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies with substrate analogs and group-directed chemical modification agents were carried out for the purpose of identifying the enzyme-substrate interactions required for phosphonoacetaldehyde (P-Ald) binding and catalyzed hydrolysis by P-Ald hydrolase (phosphonatase). Malonic semialdehyde (Ki = 1.6 mM), phosphonoacetate (Ki = 10 mM), phosphonoethanol (Ki = 10 mM), and fluorophosphate (Ki = 20 mM) were found to be competitive inhibitors of the enzyme but not substrates. Thiophosphonoacetaldehyde and acetonyl phosphonate underwent phosphonatase-catalyzed hydrolysis but at 20-fold and 140-fold slower rates, respectively, than did P-Ald. In the presence of NaBH4, acetonyl-phosphonate inactivated phosphonatase at a rate exceeding that of its turnover. Sequence analysis of the radiolabeled tryptic peptide generated from [3-3H]acetonylphosphonate/NaBH4-treated phosphonatase revealed that Schiff base formation had occurred with the catalytic lysine. From the Vm/Km and Vm pH profiles for phosphonatase-catalyzed P-Ald hydrolysis, an optimal pH range of 6-8 was defined for substrate binding and catalysis. The pH dependence of inactivation by acetylation of the active site lysine with acetic anhydride and 2,4-dinitrophenyl acetate evidenced protonation of the active site lysine residue as the cause for activity loss below pH 6. The pH dependence of inactivation of an active site cysteine residue with methyl methanethiol-sulfonate indicated that deprotonation of this residue may be the cause for the loss of enzyme activity above pH 8.  相似文献   

Measurements of reaction rates at equilibrium by isotopic exchange techniques can give considerable information about the mode of action of modifiers of enzymic reaction rates. To illustrate the various patterns that may be obtained, differing effects of modifiers on the exchange of A with P and of B with Q in the simple enzymic reaction of A + BP + Q are given. For this, reasonable values of rate constants are assumed, and calculations made for random and compulsory binding order systems. Cases where modifiers bind at the catalytic sites of substrate or at other binding sites, and where substrate association, substrate dissociation, covalent interconversion, or total catalytic capacity are modified are considered. Some quite distinctive patterns emerge, among the most interesting being those in which a modifier may block net catalysis yet allow one equilibrium exchange to occur essentially unhindered.  相似文献   

Diseases caused by parasitic protozoa remain a major health problem, mainly due to old toxic drugs and rising drug resistance. Nucleoside hydrolases are key enzymes of the purine salvage pathway of parasites from the Trypanosomatidae family and are considered as possible drug targets. N-Arylmethyl substituted iminoribitols have been developed as selective nanomolar affinity inhibitors against the purine-specific nucleoside hydrolase of Trypanosoma vivax. The current paper describes the crystal structures of the T. vivax nucleoside hydrolase in complex with two of these inhibitors, to 1.3 and 1.85 Å resolution. These high resolution structures provide an accurate picture of the mode of binding of these inhibitors and their mechanism of transition-state mimicry, and are valuable tools to guide further inhibitor design. Comparison of the current structures with previously solved structures of the enzyme in complex with ground-state and transition-state-analogue inhibitors also allows for the elucidation of a detailed molecular mechanism of active-site loop opening/closing. These loop movements can be coupled to the complex kinetic mechanism of the T. vivax nucleoside hydrolase.  相似文献   

S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (SAHH) is a ubiquitous enzyme that plays a central role in methylation-based processes by maintaining the intracellular balance between S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) and S-adenosylmethionine. We report the first prokaryotic crystal structure of SAHH, from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), in complex with adenosine (ADO) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide. Structures of complexes with three inhibitors are also reported: 3'-keto aristeromycin (ARI), 2-fluoroadenosine, and 3-deazaadenosine. The ARI complex is the first reported structure of SAHH complexed with this inhibitor, and confirms the oxidation of the 3' hydroxyl to a planar keto group, consistent with its prediction as a mechanism-based inhibitor. We demonstrate the in vivo enzyme inhibition activity of the three inhibitors and also show that 2-fluoradenosine has bactericidal activity. While most of the residues lining the ADO-binding pocket are identical between Mtb and human SAHH, less is known about the binding mode of the homocysteine (HCY) appendage of the full substrate. We report the 2.0 A resolution structure of the complex of SAHH cocrystallized with SAH. The most striking change in the structure is that binding of HCY forces a rotation of His363 around the backbone to flip out of contact with the 5' hydroxyl of the ADO and opens access to a nearby channel that leads to the surface. This complex suggests that His363 acts as a switch that opens up to permit binding of substrate, then closes down after release of the cleaved HCY. Differences in the entrance to this access channel between human and Mtb SAHH are identified.  相似文献   

Beta-lactamases hydrolyze beta-lactam antibiotics and are the leading cause of bacterial resistance to these drugs. Although beta-lactamases have been extensively studied, structures of the substrate-enzyme and product-enzyme complexes have proven elusive. Here, the structure of a mutant AmpC in complex with the beta-lactam cephalothin in its substrate and product forms was determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.53 A resolution. The acyl-enzyme intermediate between AmpC and cephalothin was determined to 2.06 A resolution. The ligand undergoes a dramatic conformational change as the reaction progresses, with the characteristic six-membered dihydrothiazine ring of cephalothin rotating by 109 degrees. These structures correspond to all three intermediates along the reaction path and provide insight into substrate recognition, catalysis, and product expulsion.  相似文献   

Eighty-six species of fungi belonging to sixty-four genera were examined for their ability to metabolize naphthalene. Analysis by thin-layer and high pressure liquid chromatography revealed that naphthalene metabolism occurred in forty-seven species belonging to thirty-four genera from the major fungal taxa. All organisms tested from the order Mucorales oxidized naphthalene with species of Cunninghamella, Syncephalastrum and Mucor showing the greatest activity. Significant metabolism was also observed with Neurospora crassa, Claviceps paspali and four species of Psilocybe. The predominant metabolite formed by most organisms was 1-naphthol. Other products identified were, 4-hydroxy-1-tetralone, trans-1,2-dihydroxy-1,2-dihydronaphthalene, 2-naphthol, 1,2-and 1,4-naphthoquinone.  相似文献   

The prothrombinase complex, composed of the proteinase, factor Xa, bound to factor Va on membranes, catalyzes thrombin formation by the specific and ordered proteolysis of prothrombin at Arg(323)-Ile(324), followed by cleavage at Arg(274)-Thr(275). We have used a fluorescent derivative of meizothrombin des fragment 1 (mIIaDeltaF1) as a substrate analog to assess the mechanism of substrate recognition in the second half-reaction of bovine prothrombin activation. Cleavage of mIIaDeltaF1 exhibits pseudo-first order kinetics regardless of the substrate concentration relative to K(m). This phenomenon arises from competitive product inhibition by thrombin, which binds to prothrombinase with exactly the same affinity as mIIaDeltaF1. As thrombin is known to bind to an exosite on prothrombinase, initial interactions at an exosite likely play a role in the enzyme-substrate interaction. Occupation of the active site of prothrombinase by a reversible inhibitor does not exclude the binding of mIIaDeltaF1 to the enzyme. Specific recognition of mIIaDeltaF1 is achieved through an initial bimolecular reaction with an enzymic exosite, followed by an active site docking step in an intramolecular reaction prior to bond cleavage. By alternate substrate studies, we have resolved the contributions of the individual binding steps to substrate affinity and catalysis. This pathway for substrate binding is identical to that previously determined with a substrate analog for the first half-reaction of prothrombin activation. We show that differences in the observed kinetic constants for the two cleavage reactions arise entirely from differences in the inferred equilibrium constant for the intramolecular binding step that permits elements surrounding the scissile bond to dock at the active site of prothrombinase. Therefore, substrate specificity is achieved by binding interactions with an enzymic exosite that tethers the protein substrate to prothrombinase and directs cleavage at two spatially distinct scissile bonds.  相似文献   

The porin Omp32 is the major outer membrane protein of the bacterium Delftia acidovorans. The crystal structures of the strongly anion-selective porin alone and in complex with the substrate malate were solved at 1.5 and 1.45 A resolution, respectively, and revealed a malate-binding motif adjacent to the channel constriction zone. Binding is mediated by interaction with a cluster of two arginine residues and two threonines. This binding site is specific for Omp32 and reflects the physiological adaptation of the organism to organic acids. Structural studies are combined with a 7-ns unbiased molecular dynamics simulation of the trimeric channel in a model membrane. Molecular dynamics trajectories show how malate ions are efficiently captured from the surrounding bulk solution by the electrostatic potential of the channel, translocated to the binding site region, and immobilized in the constriction zone. In accordance with these results, conductance measurements with Omp32 inserted in planar lipid membranes revealed binding of malate. The anion-selective channel Omp32 is the first reported example of a porin with a 16-stranded beta-barrel and proven substrate specificity. This finding suggests a new view on the correlation of porin structure with substrate binding in specific channels.  相似文献   

As part of an ongoing enzyme discovery program to investigate the properties and catalytic mechanism of glycoside hydrolase family 12 (GH 12) endoglucanases, a GH family that contains several cellulases that are of interest in industrial applications, we have solved four new crystal structures of wild-type Humicola grisea Cel12A in complexes formed by soaking with cellobiose, cellotetraose, cellopentaose, and a thio-linked cellotetraose derivative (G2SG2). These complex structures allow mapping of the non-covalent interactions between the enzyme and the glucosyl chain bound in subsites -4 to +2 of the enzyme, and shed light on the mechanism and function of GH 12 cellulases. The unhydrolysed cellopentaose and the G2SG2 cello-oligomers span the active site of the catalytically active H.grisea Cel12A enzyme, with the pyranoside bound in subsite -1 displaying a S31 skew boat conformation. After soaking in cellotetraose, the cello-oligomer that is found bound in site -4 to -1 contains a beta-1,3-linkage between the two cellobiose units in the oligomer, which is believed to have been formed by a transglycosylation reaction that has occurred during the ligand soak of the protein crystals. The close fit of this ligand and the binding sites occupied suggest a novel mixed beta-glucanase activity for this enzyme.  相似文献   

Thrower JS  Blalock R  Klinman JP 《Biochemistry》2001,40(32):9717-9724
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase (ACC oxidase) catalyzes the last step in the biosynthetic pathway of the plant hormone, ethylene. This unusual reaction results in the oxidative ring cleavage of 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylate (ACC) into ethylene, cyanide, and CO2 and requires ferrous ion, ascorbate, and molecular oxygen for catalysis. A new purification procedure and assay method have been developed for tomato ACC oxidase that result in greatly increased enzymatic activity. This method allowed us to determine the rate of iron release from the enzyme and the effect of the activator, CO2, on this rate. Initial velocity studies support an ordered kinetic mechanism where ACC binds first followed by O2; ascorbate can bind after O2 or possibly before ACC. This kinetic mechanism differs from one recently proposed for the ACC oxidase from avocado.  相似文献   

The on-line calculated specific rates of growth, substrate consumption and product formation were used to diagnose microbial activities during a lactic acid fermentation. The specific rates were calculated from on-line measured cell mass, and substrate and product concentrations. The specific rates were more sensitive indicators of slight changes in fermentation conditions than such monitored data as cell mass or product concentrations.List of Symbols 1/h specific rate of cell growth - 1/h specific rate of substrate consumption - 1/h specific rate of product formation - * dimensionless specific rate of cell growth - * dimensionless specific rate of substrate consumption - * dimensionless specific rate of product formation - max 1/h maximum specific rate of cell growth - max 1/h maximum specific rate of substrate consumption - max 1/h maximum specific rate of product formation - X g/l cell mass concentration - S g/l substrate concentration - S * dimensionless substrate concentration - S 0 g/l initial substrate concentration - P g/l product concentration  相似文献   

Kinetics of electron-donor oxidation, storage-polymer formation and growth were studied in continuous cultures ofChromatium under conditions of balanced growth as well as during transient states.Under steady-state conditions, glycogen was accumulated at all dilution rates. This observation is consistent with previously postulated ideas about an ineffective glycogen-synthesis regulation.Upon perturbing the steady states, brought about by injection of extra sulfide into steady-state cultures, the following phenomena were observed immediately, irrespective of the dilution rate: the specific rate of sulfide oxidation increased to the value found in batch cultures, the sulfur-oxidation rate was decreased, the specific glycogen-synthesis rate increased, the increment being higher the lower the dilution rate, but an increase in the specific growth rate, if any, was below the limit of detection. The inverse relationship between the specific rates of glycogen synthesis and growth after removing the substrate limitation is to be explained by a shortage of intermediates, rather than by a growth-rate dependent intrinsic glycogen-synthesis limitation, because upon complete inhibition of growth a further increase in the rate of glycogen synthesis was observed. Essayed in this way, identical glycogen-synthesis rates were found at all dilution rates.Competitive advantages of such an apparently not adapted metabolism in environments with diurnal fluctuations in substrate concentrations are discussed.Non-Standard Abbreviations Nc cell nitrogen - TS total sugar - PHB poly--hydroxybutyrate - D dilution rate - SR reservoir concentration of the growth-limiting substrate - CAP chloramphenicol  相似文献   

Nucleoside hydrolases cleave the N-glycosidic bond of ribonucleosides. Crystal structures of the purine-specific nucleoside hydrolase from Trypanosoma vivax have previously been solved in complex with inhibitors or a substrate. All these structures show the dimeric T. vivax nucleoside hydrolase with an "open" active site with a highly flexible loop (loop 2) in its vicinity. Here, we present the crystal structures of the T. vivax nucleoside hydrolase with both soaked (TvNH-ImmH(soak)) and co-crystallised (TvNH-ImmH(co)) transition-state inhibitor immucillin H (ImmH or (1S)-1-(9-deazahypoxanthin-9-yl)-1,4-dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-ribitol) to 2.1 A and 2.2 A resolution, respectively. In the co-crystallised structure, loop 2 is ordered and folds over the active site, establishing previously unobserved enzyme-inhibitor interactions. As such this structure presents the first complete picture of a purine-specific NH active site, including leaving group interactions. In the closed active site, a water channel of highly ordered water molecules leads out from the N7 of the nucleoside toward bulk solvent, while Trp260 approaches the nucleobase in a tight parallel stacking interaction. Together with mutagenesis results, this structure rules out a mechanism of leaving group activation by general acid catalysis, as proposed for base-aspecific nucleoside hydrolases. Instead, the structure is consistent with the previously proposed mechanism of leaving group protonation in the T. vivax nucleoside hydrolase where aromatic stacking with Trp260 and an intramolecular O5'-H8C hydrogen bond increase the pKa of the N7 sufficiently to allow protonation by solvent. A mechanism that couples loop closure to the positioning of active site residues is proposed based on a comparison of the soaked structure with the co-crystallized structure. Interestingly, the dimer interface area increases by 40% upon closure of loop 2, with loop 1 of one subunit interacting with loop 2 of the other subunit, suggesting a relationship between the dimeric form of the enzyme and its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

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