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降钙素基因相关肽的心肌电生理作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
应用浮置微电极技术,记录和观察降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)对家兔正常及缺血心肌电生理反应的影响。实验表明,CGRP能够显著增加心室肌细胞静息电位,提高动作电位幅度。心肌缺血后,CGRP除有上述作用外,尚能明显延长复极化至30%和50%(APD_(30),APD_(50))的时程,而缩短复极化至100%(APD_(100))的时程,从而逆转了心肌缺血的APD异常变化。结果表明,CGRP对心肌电活动具有调节作用,对缺血心肌的电生理具有稳定和保护作用。  相似文献   

降钙素基因相关肽研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

降钙素基因相关肽的合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

降钙素基因相关肽与痛觉调制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

降钙素基因相关肽的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

本工作目的是在离体大鼠肠系膜动脉床灌流模型上,观察几种常见炎症介质:前列腺素E2(PGE2)、缓激肽(BK)、组胺(HIS)、血小板活化因子(PAF)及5-羟色胺(5-HT)对血管周围感觉神经介质CGRP释放的直接影响。结果显示:PGE2(1-100μmol/L)和BK(5-10μmol/L)能引起大鼠肠系膜动脉床时间和浓度依赖性地释放CGRP。HIS,PAF和5-HT则未见明显作用。结果提示,PGE2与BK可能是引起血管周围感觉神经兴奋和CGRP释放的主要炎症介质。  相似文献   

用固相合成法合成了有关降钙素基因相关肽CGRP五个肽段。它们的氨基酸顺序分别为:CGRP-1(24-37);CGRP-2(14-37);CGRP-3(9-23);CGRP-4(1-23)和CGRP-5(1-13)。用酶标方法测定了它们的抗原性,发现CGRP-2和CGRP-1能够很好地与抗CGRP抗血清结合。将CGRP-1;CGRP-3和CGRP-5分别免疫兔子,获得的抗血清分别与CGRP进行反应,发现只有抗CGRP-1的抗血清能够与CGRP很好地结合。因此,可以推测CGRP的羧端部分是其免疫活性部位。  相似文献   

降钙素基因相关肽肽段的抗原性和免疫原性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用固相合成法合成了有关降钙素基因相关肽CGRP五个肽段。它们的氨基酸顺序分别为:CGRP-1(24-37);CGRP-2(14-37);CGRP-3(9-23);CGRP-4(1-23)和CGRP-5(1-13)。用酶标方法测定了它们的抗原性,发现CGRP-2和CGRP-1能够很好地与抗CGRP抗血清结合。将CGRP-1;CGRP-3和CGRP-5分别免疫兔子,获得的抗血清分别与CGRP进行反应,  相似文献   

降钙素基因相关肽的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)是由37个氨基酸残基构成的生物活性多肽,与降钙素(CT)源子一个共同的基因。CGRP分布广泛,具有很强的血管扩张、降低血压以及心肌正性肌力作用等,并参与心血管系统稳态的调节。目前,CGRP已能人工合成,将为某些心血管疾病如高血压、心肌缺血、痉挛性或闭塞性周围血管疾病等的治疗提供一条崭新的途径。  相似文献   

Xu M  Wu YM  Li Q  Wang X  He RR 《生理学报》2008,60(2):175-180
本研究应用细胞内微电极技术,观察硫化氢(hydrogen sulfide,H2S)对家兔窦房结起搏细胞的电生理效应.结果表明:(1)NaHs(H2S供体)50、100、200 μmol/L浓度依赖地降低家兔窦房结起搏细胞4相去极化速率及起搏放电频率.(2)ATP敏感性钾(ATP-sensitive K ,KATP)通道阻断剂格列苯脲(glybenclamide,Gli,20 μmol/L)阻断NariS(100 μmol/L)的电生理效应.(3)预先应用起搏离子流(pacemaker currenL,If)通道阻断剂氯化铯(CsCl,2 mmol/L)对Naris(100μmol/L.)的电生理效应无影响.(4)胱硫醚-γ裂解酶(cystathionine γ-lyase,CSE)的不可逆抑制剂DL-propargylglycine (PPG,200 μmol/L)的家兔窦房结起搏细胞的动作电位参数无影响.以上结果提示,H2S对家兔窦房结起搏细胞有负性变时作用,这些效应可能与其开放KATP通道,增加K 外流有关,与If无关.本实验没有发现窦房结起搏细胞内有CSE催化产生的内源性H2S的合成.  相似文献   

R. R. Aliev 《Biophysics》2006,51(6):955-958
The effect of fluctuations of the transmembrane potential on the generation of the action potential is studied by simulating the rabbit sinoatrial node (SAN) pacemaker. It is shown that the effect of fluctuations is enhanced with an increase in the concentration of acetylcholine and becomes most pronounced at the border of spontaneous activity loss and after it. When applying and washing off acetylcholine, the hysteretic effect is observed.  相似文献   

兔主动脉前庭自律细胞与窦房结电生理特性的比较   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
Zhang XY  Chen YJ  Ge FG  Wang DB 《生理学报》2003,55(4):405-410
为进一步阐明左心室流出道(主动脉前庭)自律细胞的特性,及其与窦房结细胞的异同,本实验利用常规的玻璃微电极细胞内记录技术,观察了一些离子通道阻断剂分别对离体兔窦房结起搏细胞与左心室流出道慢反应自律细胞的电生理特性的影响,重点探讨了这两种自律细胞的0期、4期去极离子流的异同。结果表明:(1)用1μmol/L维拉帕米(verapamil,VER)灌流后,窦房结及主动脉前庭自律细胞的动作电位幅值(APA)、0相最大除极速率(V_(max))、最大舒张电位(MDP)绝对值、舒张期除极速率(VDD)、自发放电频率(RPF)均明显下降,复极90%时间(APD_(90))延长(P<0.05)。(2)用180μmol/L氯化镍(NiCl_2)灌流,两自律细胞的VDD均明显下降;APA、V_(max)和RPF也显著降低,且窦房结细胞的APD_(90)明显延长。(3)给予2 mmol/L 4-氨基吡啶(4-AP)后,窦房结及主动脉前庭自律细胞的VDD均明显增快,MDP绝对值、APA和V_(max)显著下降,APD_(90)明显延长(P<0.05)。(4)给予2 mmol/L氯化铯(CsCl),两自律细胞的VDD及RPF均明显变慢。结果提示:(1)主动脉前庭自发慢反应电位的0相、4相去极离子流及复极离子流均与窦房结优势起搏细胞相似。(2)主动脉前庭起搏细胞Ca~(2+)内流为其0相主要去极离子流,复极过程主要由K~+外流引起,4相自动除极以K~+外流衰减为主,另外  相似文献   

Xu R  Liu BY  Niu WZ 《生理学报》2002,54(2):154-158
实验应用常规微电极方法研究了在生理温度下 (36 5± 0 5℃ )降钙素基因相关肽 (calcitoningene relatedpeptide ,CGRP)对豚鼠心房肌细胞复极过程的影响及其与钾电流的关系。结果表明 :(1)CGRP(16nmol/L)可拮抗由钾通道阻断剂BaCl2 、4 AP引起的动作电位时间延长。 (2 )CGRP(16nmol/L)能够增加细胞外高钾 (18 5mmol/L)条件下心房肌慢反应动作电位的APA和Vmax,并缩短传导时间。 (3)CGRP(16nmol/L)能减弱甚至消除因并用CsCl (5mmol/L)和无钾灌流液诱发的触发活动。 (4)CGRP对动作电位复极过程的作用因温度条件而异。在生理温度下 ,CGRP(5、16和 5 0nmol/L)能够使动作电位平台抬高 ,缩短动作电位复极化 2 0 %、5 0 %和 90 %时程。其中 ,对动作电位复极化 2 0 %、5 0 %时程的作用呈剂量依赖性。而在室温下 (2 5 5± 2 1℃ ) ,CGRP使动作电位复极化 2 0 %、5 0 %和90 %时程延长。上述结果提示 ,CGRP对心房肌细胞具有多重电生理效应 ,其中生理温度下CGRP对钾电流的促进作用在动作电位的改变中占重要地位 ,今后有必要进一步研究CGRP对各种钾通道的作用  相似文献   

M. E. Mazurov 《Biophysics》2006,51(6):959-965
The most significant experimental data on the formation of the common rhythm of the heart sinoatrial node are presented for both the intact heart sinoatrial node and cardiomyocytes in cell structures. The basic mathematical models for studying the synchronization processes in the sinoatrial node, including the Noble equation, Bonhoffer-van der Pol model, and modified axiomatic models, are described. The basic results obtained with the mathematical models are presented. The most important causes affecting the formation of the common rhythm—the pacemaker potential shape in the slow diastolic depolarization phase, its porosity, the coupling force between pacemakers, and the electrical power of pacemakers—are revealed. Rhythmogenesis is studied using the modified axiomatic model. The method allows the calculation of the common rhythm of the sinoatrial node, with allowance for the mutual effect of the pacemaker cells, including the coupling force, electric power of cells, and possibility of the cells clustering. It has been shown that the common rhythm of the sinoatrial node is generally formed at the intermediate level of the rhythms of all pacemaker cells.  相似文献   

The sinoatrial node (SAN) is composed mostly of pacemaker, transitional and Purkinje‐like cells. Pacemaker cells, especially in the centre of the SAN, are surrounded by dense fibrous tissue and do not have any contact with transitional cells. We hypothesize that the SAN contains telocytes that have contacts with pacemaker cells and contractile myocardium. Immunohistochemistry using antibodies against HCN4 and antibody combinations against CD34 and HCN4 was carried out on 12 specimens. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) with two mixtures of primary antibodies, namely CD34/S100 and vimentin/S100, was performed in three cases. In two cases, CLSM was carried out with CD117 antibody. Specimens for electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry with HCN4 immunogold labelling were taken from another three patients. In our study, we found cells with the immunophenotype of telocytes in the SAN. There were twice as many of these cells in the centre of the SAN as in the periphery (20.3 ± 4.8 versus 10.8 ± 4.4 per high‐power field). They had close contact with pacemaker cells and contractile cardiomyocytes and expressed HCN4. The ultrastructural characteristics of these cells are identical to those of telocytes observed earlier in other organs. Our study provides evidence that telocytes are present in the SAN.  相似文献   

The excitation of the sinoatrial node from frog heart atria has been experimentally investigated. Potentials were measured by means of microelectrodes introduced in pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial node. It has been found that atria can modulate the rhythm of the sinoatrial node due to electric and electromechanical actions, among which the electromechanical action is more important. Specific transient processes accompanying the establishment of the stationary rhythm have been studied. A mathematical model of the transient processes of achieving the rhythm of the sinoatrial node is proposed on the basis of Diophantine methods. The calculations performed using the mathematical model satisfactorily agree with the experimental results. The stabilizing role of atria in forming the rhythm of the sinoatrial node is revealed.  相似文献   

Several new potent CGRP receptor antagonists have been prepared in which the amide bond of lead compound 1 has been replaced by bioisosteric imidazole moieties. Substitution at N-1 of the imidazole was optimized to afford compounds with comparable potency to that of lead 1. Conformational restraint of the imidazole to form tetrahydroimidazo[1,5-a]pyrazine 43 gave substantially improved permeability.  相似文献   

辣椒素对家兔房室结细胞自发活动的电生理效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Li Q  Wu YM  He RR 《生理学报》2004,56(2):248-252
本工作旨在研究辣椒素对家兔房室结细胞自发活动的电生理效应及其作用机制.应用经典玻璃微电极记录方法,观察到辣椒素(1~30 μmol/L)剂量依赖性地抑制房室结起搏细胞的动作电位幅度,零相最大上升速度(Vmax),舒张期除极速度和起搏放电频率,而且延长复极化90%时间(APD90).应用L型钙通道开放剂Bay K8644(0.5 μmol/L),以及提高灌流液中钙离子浓度(5 mmol/L),均可抑制辣椒素对起搏细胞的电生理效应.辣椒素受体阻断剂钌红(10μmol/L)对辣椒素(10μmol/L)的上述电生理效应并无影响.上述结果表明,辣椒素能抑制家兔房室结的自发活动,此效应可能与其抑制钙离子内流有关,但并非由辣椒素受体介导.  相似文献   

The nature of the interaction between Porphyromonas gingivalis and the multifunctional peptides adrenomedullin and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was investigated. Growth of P. gingivalis was not inhibited in the presence of either of these peptides [minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC)>250 microg mL(-1)]. The ability of the arginine- and lysine-specific proteases from P. gingivalis to breakdown these peptides was investigated. Adrenomedullin and CGRP were incubated with culture supernatants from wild-type and protease gene knockout strains. No significant effect on antimicrobial activity against the indicator organism Escherichia coli BUE55 was found (MIC=6.25 microg mL(-1) in all cases). The role of anionic components on the surface of P. gingivalis, which may alter binding of these cationic peptides, was also investigated in relation to adrenomedullin. Growth of gene knockout strains lacking surface polysaccharide and capsule components was not inhibited (MIC>250 microg mL(-1)). It is suggested that a lack of sensitivity to adrenomedullin and CGRP may enable P. gingivalis to persist in the oral cavity and cause disease.  相似文献   

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