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Grain size and leaf angle are key agronomic traits that determine final yields in rice. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are not well understood. Here we demonstrate that the Oryza sativa Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase Kinase OsMKKK70 regulates grain size and leaf angle in rice. Overexpressing OsMKKK70 caused plants to produce longer seeds. The osmkkk62/70 double mutant and the osmkkk55/62/70 triple mutant displayed significantly smaller seeds and a more erect leaf angle compared to the wild type, indicating that OsMKKK70 functions redundantly with its homologs OsMKKK62 and OsMKKK55. Biochemical analysis demonstrated that OsMKKK70 is an active kinase and that OsMKKK70 interacts with OsMKK4 and promotes OsMAPK6 phosphorylation. In addition, the osmkkk62/70 double mutant showed reduced sensitivity to Brassinosteroids (BRs). Finally, overexpressing constitutively active OsMKK4, OsMAPK6, and OsWRKY53 can partially complement the smaller seed size, erect leaf, and BR hyposensitivity of the osmkkk62/70 double mutant. Taken together, these findings suggest that OsMKKK70 might regulate grain size and leaf angle in rice by activating OsMAPK6 and that OsMKKK70, OsMKK4, OsMAPK6, and OsWRKY53 function in a common signaling pathway that controls grain shape and leaf angle.  相似文献   

Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) were subjected to low temperature pretreatment (LT-PT; 10°C) for various length of time (1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24 h) followed by a 48-h chilling temperature stress (2°C). Chilling temperature tolerance of rice roots was improved with increasing duration of LT-PT, but LT-PT longer than 12 h gave no additional improvement. Alcohol dehydrogenase activity and ethanol concentration in the roots were increased with increasing duration of LT-PT up to 12 h. Chilling tolerance was also improved by exogenously applied ethanol. These results suggest that LT-PT may increase chilling tolerance in rice roots owing to ethanol accumulation in the roots and LT-PT acclimation to chilling temperature may occur within 12 h.  相似文献   

Abiotic stresses may result in significant losses in rice grain productivity. Protein regulation by the ubiquitin/proteasome system has been studied as a target mechanism to optimize adaptation and survival strategies of plants to different environmental stresses. This article aimed at highlighting recent discoveries about the roles ubiquitination may play in the exposure of rice plants to different abiotic stresses, enabling the development of modified plants tolerant to stress. Responses provided by the ubiquitination process include the regulation of the stomatal opening, phytohormones levels, protein stabilization, cell membrane integrity, meristematic cell maintenance, as well as the regulation of reactive oxygen species and heavy metals levels. It is noticeable that ubiquitination is a potential means for developing abiotic stress tolerant plants, being an excellent alternative to rice (and other cultures) improvement programs.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) shows the highest tolerance to Al toxicity among small-grain cereal crops, however, the mechanisms and genetics responsible for its high Al tolerance are not yet well understood. We investigated the response of rice to Al stress using the japonica variety Koshihikari in comparison to the indica variety Kasalath. Koshihikari showed higher tolerance at various Al concentrations than Kasalath. The Al content in root apexes was less in Koshihikari than in Kasalath, suggesting that exclusion mechanisms rather than internal detoxification are acting in Koshihikari. Al-induced secretion of citrate was observed in both Koshihikari and Kasalath, however, it is unlikely to be the mechanism for Al tolerance because there was no significant difference in the amount of citrate secreted between Koshihikari and Kasalath. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for Al tolerance were mapped in a population of 183 backcross inbred lines (BILs) derived from a cross of Koshihikari and Kasalath. Three putative QTLs controlling Al tolerance were detected on chromosomes 1, 2 and 6. Kasalath QTL alleles on chromosome 1 and 2 reduced Al tolerance but increased tolerance on chromosome 6. The three QTLs explained about 27% of the phenotypic variation in Al tolerance. The existence of QTLs for Al tolerance was confirmed in substitution lines for corresponding chromosomal segments.  相似文献   

Fructans are water-soluble fructose oligomers and polymers thatare based on sucrose, and have been implicated in protectingplants against water stress. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is highlysensitive to chilling temperatures, and is not able to synthesizefructans. Two wheat fructan-synthesizing enzymes, sucrose:sucrose1-fructosyltransferase, encoded by wft2, or sucrose:fructan6-fructosyltransferase, encoded by wft1, were introduced intorice plants, and rice transformants that accumulate fructanswere successfully obtained. The mature leaf blades of transgenicrice lines with wft2 or wft1 accumulated 16.2 mg g–1 FWof oligo- and polysaccharides mainly composed of inulin oligomersof more than DP7, and 3.7 mg g–1 FW of oligo- and polysaccharides,mainly composed of phlein oligomers of more than DP15, respectively.The transgenic rice seedlings with wft2 accumulated significantlyhigher concentrations of oligo- and polysaccharides than non-transgenicrice seedlings, and exhibited enhanced chilling tolerance. Theoligo- and polysaccharide concentrations of seedlings expressingwft1 were obviously lower than those of lines expressing wft2,and no correlation between oligo- and polysaccharide concentrationsand chilling tolerance was detected in wft1-expressing ricelines. The results suggest that transgenic rice lines expressingwheat-derived fructosyltransferase genes accumulated large amountsof fructans in mature leaf blades and exhibited enhanced chillingtolerance at the seedling stage. This is the first report owingthat fructan accumulation enhanced tolerance to non-freezinglow temperatures. Key words: Chilling tolerance, fructan, fructosyltransferase, Oryza sativa, transgenic plant  相似文献   

Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L.) were subjected to low temperature pretreatment (LT-PT; 10°C) for various length of time followed by a 48-h chilling temperature stress (2°C). Chilling tolerance of rice roots was improved with increasing duration of LT-PT, but HT-PT longer than 12 h gave no additional improvement. LT-PT did not change in fatty acid composition in rice roots under the present experimental condition. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) activity and ethanol concentration in the roots were increased with increasing duration of LT-PT up to 12 h, which indicates that LT-PT increased ethanol fermentation in the roots. 4-Methylpyrazole, a potent inhibitor of ADH, reduced the ethanol concentration and the chilling tolerance in the roots. This reduction of the chilling tolerance recovered with exogenously applied ethanol. Ethanol also induced 21- and 33-kD protein synthesis in the roots and these proteins may contribute the improvement of the tolerance. The present research suggests that LT-PT may increase chilling tolerance in rice roots owing to ethanol production, and ethanol may trigger a signal transduction cascade, which might lead to a decrease in membrane damage and injury.Key words: acclimation, alcohol dehydrogenase, chilling tolerance, ethanol, heat shock protein, low temperature, Oryza sativaAlcohol dehydrogenase (ADH; EC. gene and protein were induced by low temperature in Arabidopsis, maize and rice seedlings.1,2,3 ADH is an enzyme involved in ethanolic fermentation and essential for plants to survive under anaerobic conditions.4,5 However, it is unlikely that the induction of ADH by low temperture is due to a switch from aerobic respiration to anaerobic respiration as reported with anaerobic conditions.2,6 Therefore, it is not clear that biological meanings of the induction of ADH in low temperature conditions.Rice seedlings (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) were subjected to low temperature pretreatment (LT-PT; 10°C) for various length of time (1, 2, 4, 6, 12, 18, 24 h) followed by a 48-h chilling temperature stress (2°C). Chilling tolerance of rice roots was improved with increasing duration of LT-PT, but HT-PT longer than 12 h gave no additional improvement. LT-PT did not change in any fatty acid compositions in rice roots under the present experimental condition. Several plant species, such as oat, rye and spinach increased freezing tolerance due to the increasing unsaturation of fatty acids in plasma membranes, but this cold acclimation process required exposure of these plants to subzero temperature for 2–3 weeks.7,8LT-PT increased ADH activity and ethanol concentration in rice roots, and the activity and the concentration were increased with increasing duration of LT-PT up to 12 h. Thus, LT-PT induced ethanolic fermentation system and stimulated ethanol production in the roots. 4-Methylpyrazole, which is a potent inhibitor of ADH and prevents ethanol production,9 reduced rice root growth to 40% of LP-PT root growth (Fig. 1), and the ethanol accumulation in the roots. This growth inhibition by 4-methylpyrazole recovered with exogenously applied ethanol. These results suggest that ethanol produced by LT-PT may contribute the chilling tolerance in the roots of the rice seedlings. In addition, an ADH deficient mutant of maize seedlings, which can not produce ethanol, was more sensitive to chilling temperature than their wild types.6Open in a separate windowFigure 1Effects of ethanol and 4-methylpyrazole on root growth of rice seedlings. Three-day-old rice seedlings were treated 12-h LT-PT (10°C) with or without 100 mM ethanol and/or 5 mM 4-methylpyrazole at 25°C for 24 h, and then subjected to chilling stress treatment (2°C, 48 h). Elongation of rice roots was determined over 48 h at 25°C after chilling stress treatment. Non-stressed seedlings and ethanol-treated seedlings were grown at 25°C. Chilling stressed seedlings were grown at 25°C for 24 h, and then subjected to chilling stress treatment. Means ± SE from five independent experiments with 20 plants for each determination are shown.When the seedlings were subjected to chilling temperature stress after ethanol treatment without LT-PT, the growth inhibition of rice roots by chilling temperature recovered from 22% to 71% of that of nonstressed roots (Fig. 1), which suggests that exogenously applied ethanol may improve chilling tolerance in the roots. It is also found that the ethanol treatment did not change in fatty acid composition in the roots at the temperature of this treatment (25°C).Chilling temperature induced lipid degradation in plant cells of cold-sensitive plants, such as cucumber, rice and soybean, as measured by an increase in malondialdehyde, which is a decomposition product of phospholipid peroxidation.10 Lipid peroxidation occurs when polyunsatured fatty acids are released from phospholipids by phospholipases and became substrates for lipoxygenases. Changes in the structural composition of the plasma membranes by lipid peroxidation cause the phase transition of the membrane from liquid to gel and the inactivation of membrane bound enzymes such as plasma membrane ATPase. Thus, the phase transition of the membranes was thought to be one of the primary causes of chilling injury.1113The addition of C1 to C6 alcohols including ethanol to model membranes increased fluidity of the membranes and lowered the phase transition temperature of the membranes.14,15,16 Therefore, ethanol produced by LT-PT may prevent the phase transition of the membrane from liquid to gel, and lower the phase transition temperature of the membranes, which may contribute the acclimation to the chilling tolerance. In addition, ethanol induced an increase in ATPase activity in plasma membranes,6 and prevented chilling-induced ion leakage from plant tissues.17Ethanol is also known to stimulate the synthesis of heat shock protein (HSP) in yeast, bacteria and some other plants.18,19 We thus determined the effect of ethanol on protein synthesis in rice roots by SDS-gel electrophoresis, and found that 21- and 33-kD protein synthesis were induced by ethanol. These proteins were also induced by heat shock treatment (45°C, 20 min). HSP was shown to be associated with the development of low temperature tolerance in spinach.20,21 Thus, 21- and 33-kD proteins induced by ethanol may contribute the improvement of the chilling tolerance.The present research suggests that LT-PT-induced chilling tolerance may be owing to ethanol accumulation in rice roots. Accumulated ethanol may increase the fluidity of plasma membranes and lower the phase transition temperature of the membranes, and may also induce protein synthesis. This hypothesis is supported by exogenously applied ethanol which increased the chilling tolerance. Thus, ethanol might trigger a signal transduction cascade, which would lead to a decrease in membrane damage and injury. Further work needs to be done to test this possibility.  相似文献   

Vanadate is beneficial to plant growth at low concentration. However, plant exposure to high concentrations of vanadate has been shown to arrest cell growth and lead to cell death. We are interested in understanding the signalling pathways of rice roots in response to vanadate stress. In this study, we demonstrated that vanadate induced rice root cell death and suppressed root growth. In addition, we found that vanadate induced ROS accumulation, increased lipid peroxidation and elicited a remarkable increase of MAPKs and CDPKs activities in rice roots. In contrast, pre-treatment of rice roots with ROS scavenger (sodium benzoate), serine/threonine protein phosphatase inhibitor (endothall), and CDPK antagonist (W7), reduced the vanadate-induced MAPKs activation. Furthermore, the expression of a MAPK gene (OsMPK3) and four tyrosine phosphatase genes (OsDSP3, OsDSP5, OsDSP6, and OsDSP10) were regulated by vanadate in rice roots. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that ROS, protein phosphatase, and CDPK may function in the vanadate-triggered MAPK signalling pathway cause cell death and retarded growth in rice roots.  相似文献   

The relationship between chilling tolerance of six rice cultivars – Facagro 57, Facagro 76, Fujisaka 5, Kirundo 3, Kirundo 9 and IR64 -and the fatty acid composition in total lipids, phospholipids, galactolipids and neutral lipids from leaves was studied. Higher double bond index and proportions of linolenic acid in the phospholipid and galactolipid classes were related to cultivar chilling tolerance, but this was not so for the total lipids nor the neutral lipid class. The somaclonal families derived from Facagro 76, Kirundo 3 and Kirundo 9 that showed enhanced chilling tolerance as compared to their original parental cultivar were analyzed for fatty acid composition in phospholipids and galactolipids from leaves. Altered proportions in fatty acid composition in phospholipids, galactolipids or both were found in the somaclonal families derived from Facagro 76 and Kirundo 9, but not from Kirundo 3. These changes most usually resulted in higher double bond index and higher proportions in linoleic and linolenic acids which were related either to lower ratio of C16 to C18 fatty acids or to higher unsaturation in the C18 fatty acid fraction. Different mechanisms thus seem to be implicated in the altered fatty acid composition of somaclones, which may be related to the chilling tolerance improvement of some somaclonal families.  相似文献   

Abiotic stress is a major limiting factor in crop production. Physiological comparisons between contrasting abiotic stress-tolerant genotypes will improve understanding of stress-tolerant mechanisms. Rice seedlings (S3 stage) of a chilling-tolerant (CT) genotype (CT6748-8-CA-17) and a chilling-sensitive (CS) genotype (INIAP12) were subjected to abiotic stresses including chilling (13/12 degrees C), salt (100mM NaCl), and osmotic (200mM mannitol). Measures of physiological response to the stresses included changes in stress-related sugars, oxidative products and protective enzymes, parameters that could be used as possible markers for selection of improved tolerant varieties. Metabolite analyses showed that the two genotypes responded differently to different stresses. Genotype survival under chilling-stress was as expected, however, CT was more sensitive to salt stress than the CS genotype. The CT genotype was able to maintain membrane integrity better than CS, perhaps by reduction of lipid peroxidation via increased levels of antioxidant enzymes during chilling stress. This genotype accumulated sugars in response to stress, but the accumulation was usually less than in the CS genotype. Chill-stressed CT accumulated galactose and raffinose whereas these saccharides declined in CS. On the other hand, the tolerance mechanism in the more salt- and water-deficit-tolerant CS may be associated with accumulation of osmoprotectants such as glucose, trehalose and mannitol.  相似文献   


Key message

The overexpression of tomato GDP- l -galactose phosphorylase gene enhanced tolerance to chilling stress and reduced photoinhibition of photosystems I and II in transgenic tobacco.


Chilling stress is a crucial factor that limits the geographical distribution and yield of chilling-sensitive plants. Ascorbate (AsA) protects plants by scavenging reactive oxygen species and reduces photoinhibition by promoting the conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin in the xanthophyll cycle to dissipate excess excitation energy. Possible mechanisms of AsA for plant photoprotection under chilling stress were investigated by isolating the tomato GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase gene (SlGGP) and producing transgenic tobacco plants with overexpression of SlGGP. The transgenic plants subjected to chilling stress accumulated less H2O2, demonstrated lower levels of ion leakage and malondialdehyde, and acquired higher net photosynthetic rate, higher maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII, and higher D1 protein content compared with the wild-type (WT) plants. The transgenic plants subjected to chilling stress also showed higher GDP-l-galactose phosphorylase activity, increased AsA content as well as ascorbate peroxidase and oxidizable P700 activities than WT plants. Thus, SlGGP overexpression is crucial in promoting AsA synthesis and alleviating photoinhibition of two photosystems.  相似文献   

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