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The flightless cormorant (Phalacrocorax harrisi) is an endemic species of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. Health studies of the species have not previously been conducted. In August 2003, baseline samples were collected from flightless cormorant colonies on the islands of Isabela and Fernandina. Seventy-six birds, from nestlings to adults, were evaluated. Genetic sexing of 70 cormorants revealed 37 females and 33 males. Hematology assessment consisted of packed cell volume (n=19), leukograms (n=69), and blood smear evaluation (n=69). Microscopic evaluation of blood smears revealed microfilaria in 33% (23/69) of the cormorants. Plasma chemistries were performed on 46 cormorants. There was no significant difference in chemistry values or complete blood counts between male and female cormorants or between age groups. Based on a serologic survey to assess exposure to avian pathogens, birds (n=69) were seronegative for West Nile virus, avian paramyxovirus type 1 (Newcastle disease virus), avian paramyxovirus types 2 and 3, avian influenza, infectious bursal disease, infectious bronchitis, Marek's disease (herpes), reovirus, avian encephalomyelitis, and avian adenovirus type 2. Antibodies to avian adenovirus type 1 and Chlamydophila psittaci were found in 31% (21/68) and 11% (7/65) of flightless cormorants respectively. Chlamydophila psittaci was detected via polymerase chain reaction in 6% (2/33) of the cormorants. The overall negative serologic findings of this research suggest that the flightless cormorant is an immunologically na?ve species, which may have a reduced capacity to cope with the introduction of novel pathogens.  相似文献   

The Galápagos penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) is an endangered species endemic to the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. In 2003 and 2004, 195 penguins from 13 colonies on the islands of Isabela and Fernandina in the Galápagos archipelago were examined. Genetic sexing of 157 penguins revealed 62 females and 95 males. Hematology consisted of packed cell volume (n = 134), white blood cell differentials (n = 83), and hemoparasite blood smear evaluation (n = 114). Microfilariae were detected in 22% (25/114) of the blood smears. Female penguins had significantly higher eosinophil counts than males. Serum chemistry on 83 penguins revealed no significant differences between males and females. Birds were seronegative to avian paramyxovirus type 1-3, avian influenza virus, infectious bursal disease virus, Marek's disease virus (herpes), reovirus, avian encephalomyelitis virus, and avian adenovirus type 1 and 2 (n = 75), as well as to West Nile virus (n = 87), and Venezuelan, western and eastern equine encephalitis viruses (n = 26). Seventy-five of 84 (89%) penguins had antibodies to Chlamydophila psittaci but chlamydial DNA was not detected via polymerase chain reaction in samples from 30 birds.  相似文献   

JOHN FAABORG 《Ibis》1986,128(3):337-347
The Galapagos Hawk Buteo galapagoensis is one of few species showing cooperative polyandry. As many as four males may mate with one female and share a territory and nest, Such groups, on average, produce more young than monogamous pairs, but on a per male basis (assuming that each male of a group has an equal chance to fertilize each young) polyandrous males produce fewer young per year than monogamous males. Territorial breeding birds show higher yearly survivorship (90%) than non-territorial, non-breeding birds (50% or less). All territorial birds seem to remain on their territories for life, and monogamous pairs actually constitute the remnants of polyandrous groups. Some potential factors producing such an unusual system are discussed. Limited breeding space and high mortality among non-territorial birds seem to work in favour of group breeding in this and other cooperative species. Polyandry may be favoured because of the reduced value of extra females in hawk breeding behaviour. Equal-status males may occur because of the lack of kinship among cooperating males and the high potential genetic cost of being a helper in a long-lived, low fecundity species. Other possible factors favouring group breeding are territory acquisition and the variable nature of the Galapagos climate.  相似文献   

The role of disease in regulating populations is controversial, partly owing to the absence of good disease records in historic wildlife populations. We examined birds collected in the Galapagos Islands between 1891 and 1906 that are currently held at the California Academy of Sciences and the Zoologisches Staatssammlung Muenchen, including 3973 specimens representing species from two well-studied families of endemic passerine birds: finches and mockingbirds. Beginning with samples collected in 1899, we observed cutaneous lesions consistent with Avipoxvirus on 226 (6.3%) specimens. Histopathology and viral genotyping of 59 candidate tissue samples from six islands showed that 21 (35.6%) were positive for Avipoxvirus, while alternative diagnoses for some of those testing negative by both methods were feather follicle cysts, non-specific dermatitis, or post mortem fungal colonization. Positive specimens were significantly nonrandomly distributed among islands both for mockingbirds (San Cristobal vs. Espanola, Santa Fe and Santa Cruz) and for finches (San Cristobal and Isabela vs. Santa Cruz and Floreana), and overall highly significantly distributed toward islands that were inhabited by humans (San Cristobal, Isabela, Floreana) vs. uninhabited at the time of collection (Santa Cruz, Santa Fe, Espanola), with only one positive individual on an uninhabited island. Eleven of the positive specimens sequenced successfully were identical at four diagnostic sites to the two canarypox variants previously described in contemporary Galapagos passerines. We conclude that this virus was introduced late in 1890's and was dispersed among islands by a variety of mechanisms, including regular human movements among colonized islands. At present, this disease represents an ongoing threat to the birds on the Galapagos Islands.  相似文献   

An avian malaria parasite (genus Plasmodium) has been detected consistently in the Galapagos Penguin (Spheniscus mendiculus) and less frequently in some passerines. We sampled three resident mosquito species (Aedes taeniorhynchus, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti) using CDC light and gravid traps on three islands in 2012, 2013, and 2014. We sampled along altitudinal gradients to ask whether there are mosquito‐free refugia at higher elevations as there are in Hawaii. We captured both Ae. taeniorhynchus and Cx. quinquefasciatus at all sites. However, abundances differed across islands and years and declined significantly with elevation. Aedes aegypti were scarce and limited to areas of human inhabitation. These results were corroborated by two negative binomial regression models which found altitude, year, trap type, and island as categorized by human inhabitation to be significant factors influencing the distributions of both Ae. taeniorhynchus and Cx. quinquefasciatus. Annual differences at the highest altitudes in Isabela and Santa Cruz indicate the lack of a stable highland refuge if either species is found to be a major vector of a parasite, such as avian malaria in Galapagos. Further work is needed to confirm the vector potential of both species to understand the disease dynamics of avian malaria in Galapagos.  相似文献   

Development implies a change in allocation of resources from somatic growth to reproduction. In a highly variable environment, growth can vary from year to year thereby influencing the long‐term life history perspective. The Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) lives in a highly unpredictable marine environment in which food abundance varies not only seasonally, but also annually due to El Niño. Galapagos sea lions are restricted to a patch of cold upwelling waters surrounding the archipelago and are closely tied to land as nursing females alternate between foraging at sea and nursing ashore. Therefore, their offspring are especially vulnerable to ocean warming causing reduced food abundance. We found a significant correlation between sea surface temperature (SST) and early growth: Both mass at birth and linear growth within the first 2 mo of life correlated negatively with SST. Absolute mass gain was higher for males, but both sexes gained equally 1.9% of birth mass per day. Until the age of 3 yr male and female juveniles showed similar growth to an asymptotic mass of 40 and 35 kg, respectively. As a consequence of the highly variable environment, the plasticity in growth strategy of Galapagos sea lion juveniles appears wider than that of all other sea lions allowing them to cope with poor conditions.  相似文献   

Morphological features correlate with many life history traits and are therefore of high interest to behavioral and evolutionary biologists. Photogrammetry provides a useful tool to collect morphological data from species for which measurements are otherwise difficult to obtain. This method reduces disturbance and avoids capture stress. Using the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki) as a model system, we tested the applicability of single-camera photogrammetry in combination with laser distance measurement to estimate morphological traits which may vary with an animal’s body position. We assessed whether linear morphological traits estimated by photogrammetry can be used to estimate body length and mass. We show that accurate estimates of body length (males: ±2.0%, females: ±2.6%) and reliable estimates of body mass are possible (males: ±6.8%, females: 14.5%). Furthermore, we developed correction factors that allow the use of animal photos that diverge somewhat from a flat-out position. The product of estimated body length and girth produced sufficiently reliable estimates of mass to categorize individuals into 10 kg-classes of body mass. Data of individuals repeatedly photographed within one season suggested relatively low measurement errors (body length: 2.9%, body mass: 8.1%). In order to develop accurate sex- and age-specific correction factors, a sufficient number of individuals from both sexes and from all desired age classes have to be captured for baseline measurements. Given proper validation, this method provides an excellent opportunity to collect morphological data for large numbers of individuals with minimal disturbance.  相似文献   

Most otariids have colony-specific foraging areas during the breeding season, when they behave as central place foragers. However, they may disperse over broad areas after the breeding season and individuals from different colonies may share foraging grounds at that time. Here, stable isotope ratios in the skull bone of adult Galapagos sea lions (Zalophus wollebaeki) were used to assess the long-term fidelity of both sexes to foraging grounds across the different regions of the Galapagos archipelago. Results indicated that the stable isotope ratios (δ13C and δ15N) of sea lion bone significantly differed among regions of the archipelago, without any significant difference between sexes and with a non significant interaction between sex and region. Moreover, standard ellipses, estimated by Bayesian inference and used as a measure of the isotopic resource use area at the population level, overlapped widely for the sea lions from the southern and central regions, whereas the overlap of the ellipses for sea lions from the central and western regions was small and non-existing for those from the western and southern regions. These results suggest that males and females from the same region within the archipelago use similar foraging grounds and have similar diets. Furthermore, they indicate that the exchange of adults between regions is limited, thus revealing a certain degree of foraging philopatry at a regional scale within the archipelago. The constraints imposed on males by an expanded reproductive season (~ 6 months), resulting from the weak reproductive synchrony among females, and those imposed on females by a very long lactation period (at least one year but up to three years), may explain the limited mobility of adult Galapagos sea lions of both sexes across the archipelago.  相似文献   

Synopsis Catch records from the Hawai'i Cooperative Shark Research and Control Program, which operated in Hawai'i from 1967–1969, were examined and data on the Galapagos shark,Carcharhinus galapagensis were analyzed. A total of 304 Galapagos sharks was caught, predominantly with longlines. More female sharks were caught than males, and the catch was skewed geographically. On the island of O'ahu the highest catch rates occurred along the north and south coasts. High catch rates also occurred near points of land, where longshore currents converge. Average depth of capture was greater for juveniles (45.1 m) and mature males (60.2 m), than for subadults (38.8 m) and mature female sharks (34.2 m). Males appear to reach maturity between 205 and 239 cm total length, and females between 215 and 245 cm. Litter size ranged from 4 to 16 pups, with an average of 8.7. In Hawaiian waters Galapagos sharks are born at just over 80 cm total length. Mating and parturition apparently occur early in the year, and gestation is estimated to be about 12 months. Stomach contents consisted mainly of teleosts and benthic prey, and ontogenetic changes in diet occurred as sharks increased in size. Sharks consumed a smaller proportion of teleosts and more elasmobranchs with increasing size. Dietary diversity also increased with increasing size of shark.  相似文献   

Males of many vertebrate species have flexible reproductivephenotypes and must decide before each mating season whetherto adopt sneaker, satellite, or territorial mating tactics.How do males gauge their abilities against others in the population?We tested experimentally whether hormone–behavior feedbackloops allow Galapagos marine iguana males to activate theirthree behavioral phenotypes as predicted by the relative plasticityhypothesis. Territorial males defended small mating areas andhad significantly higher plasma testosterone (T) levels (75± 11 ng/ml) than did satellite males that roamed aroundterritories (64 ± 8 ng/ml) or sneaker males that behavedlike females within territories (43 ± 11ng/ml). In territorialmales, temporary pharmacological blockade of T slowed head-bobpatrolling, decreased territory size threefold, and reducedthe number of females on territories 20-fold. This supportsprevious data that females may gauge male attractiveness byusing head-bob patrolling, here shown to be a T-dependent trait.Control-treated neighbors reacted to the weakening of T-blockedmales by increasing head-bob rate fivefold and territory size1.6-fold, and female numbers increased 2.5-fold. Unmanipulatedor control-injected males remained unchanged. Behavioral effectswere partly reversed after 7 days. T injections induced satellitemales to establish temporary territories, even at unconventionallocations. Some T-boosted satellite males suffered serious fightinginjuries. T-injected sneakers left female clusters and behavedlike larger satellite males that roam around territories. Thus,territorial and mating tactics are activated by T, but experimental(de-) activation at the wrong ontogenetic stage is costly: manipulatedmales switched phenotype but thereby lowered their access tofemales. We hypothesize that T levels of males that are basedon early-season behavioral interactions influence a males' subsequentphenotypic role.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial genes (ND1, ND2, COI, and tRNAs) were determined for 38 samples representing 15 taxa of tropidurid lizards from the Galapagos Islands and mainland South America. Phylogenetically informative characters (759 of 1,956) were analyzed under Bayesian, maximum likelihood, and parsimony frameworks. This study supports the hypothesis that tropidurid lizards dispersed to the Galapagos on at least two separate occasions. One dispersal event involved an eastern Galapagos clade (Microlophus habelii and M. bivittatus, on Marchena and San Cristobal islands, respectively) the sister taxon of which is M. occipitalis from coastal Ecuador and Peru; the closest mainland relative of the western Galapagos clade was not unambiguously identified. The wide-ranging M. albemarlensis is revealed to be a complex of weakly divergent lineages that is paraphyletic with respect to the insular species M. duncanensis, M. grayii, and M. pacificus.  相似文献   

Autoantibody against interferon is associated in many viral and non-viral diseases. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of anti-IFN-alpha autoantibodies in healthy Egyptian blood donors. The study included 558 (100 females (17.92%) and 458 males (82.08%)) Egyptian healthy blood donors who showed normal levels of liver enzymes and kidney tests and were conformed negative for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies (Abs), HIV-1/2 Abs, anti-HBc and Treponema Abs. Autoantibody against IFN-alpha-1a and IFN-alpha-2b were screened using ELISA. Anti-IFN-alpha-1a positive cases were found to be 43 subject (7.76%; 6 females (1.08%); 37 males (6.68%)) and anti-IFN-alpha-2b positive cases were found to be 3 (0.54%; all males). Combined positivity against both IFN-alpha-1a and IFN-alpha-2b was 38 (6.86%; 7 females (1.26%) and 31 males (6.60%)). From these findings we can conclude that antibodies against IFN-alpha are present in considerable number at low titer in accepted blood donors.  相似文献   

Raptors exhibit some of the highest rates of intra‐pair copulations among birds, perhaps in an attempt by males to reduce the risk of being cuckolded. Indeed, the frequency of extra‐pair fertilizations reported in studies of raptors to date is relatively low (0–11.2%). Socially monogamous Cooper's Hawks (Accipiter cooperii) exhibit one of the highest copulation rates among birds, yet there are no published accounts of extra‐pair copulations (or paternity). We studied a population of Cooper's Hawks in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, during three breeding seasons (2003, 2004, and 2007), examining the possible effects of age (1 yr old vs. ≥ 2 yr old), adult mass, and brood size on the frequency of extra‐pair paternity (EPP). We found that 19.3% of nestlings (N = 27/140) were extra‐pair young (EPY), and 34% of all broods (N = 15/44) had at least one EPY. The sires of the EPY in our study were identified for only two broods, suggesting that floater males may have engaged in extra‐pair copulations with territorial females. We found that brood size was a good predictor of the occurrence of EPP (EPP) in nests, but adult mass and female age were not. To our knowledge, these possible correlates of the occurrence of EPP in raptors had not previously been investigated. Male Cooper's Hawks provide food for females during the pre‐nesting period, and delivery of food is, in contrast to other raptor species, typically followed by copulation. Thus, one possible explanation of the relatively high rates of EPP in our study is that females might accept or even solicit extra‐pair copulations from males other than their mates as a means of maximizing energy intake for egg production. Such behavior might be particularly likely in our study area, i.e., a food‐rich urban setting with a high breeding density of Cooper's Hawks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Accurate identification of sex is important for many raptor studies, but may be difficult to determine in the field for some species. Because of size differences between males and females, morphological measurements have often been used to sex raptors. However, few investigators have examined the accuracy of using measurements of individuals made at one location to sex individuals of the same species at another location. Our objective was to develop more accurate region-specific methods for determining the sex of Red-tailed Hawks ( Buteo jamaicensis ), Red-shouldered Hawks ( B. lineatus ), and Cooper's Hawks ( Accipiter cooperii ) migrating through and wintering in California. We determined sex using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based genetic test and grouped individuals based on sex, age, and geographic area. We did not combine groups due to differences in measurements between age classes and geographic areas. We then compared a suite of morphological measurements between males and females of each combination, and developed both a discriminant function and a flowchart to determine the sex of Red-tailed and Red-shouldered hawks in the field. The flowcharts were more accurate than the functions for both species. We also confirmed the accuracy of the current flowchart used to determine the sex of Cooper's Hawks migrating along the California coast. These region-specific methods for Red-tailed and Cooper's hawks were generally more accurate than published methods, possibly indicating different populations of these species and highlighting the importance of validating sexing methods when using them in different locations.  相似文献   

The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is an endangered marine chelonian with a circum-global distribution. Reference blood parameter intervals have been published for some chelonian species, but baseline hematology, biochemical, and blood gas values are lacking from the Galapagos sea turtles. Analyses were done on blood samples drawn from 28 green turtles captured in two foraging locations on San Cristóbal Island (14 from each site). Of these turtles, 20 were immature and of unknown sex; the other eight were males (five mature, three immature). A portable blood analyzer (iSTAT) was used to obtain near immediate field results for pH, lactate, pO2, pCO2, HCO3 , Hct, Hb, Na, K, iCa, and Glu. Parameter values affected by temperature were corrected in two ways: (1) with standard formulas; and (2) with auto-corrections made by the iSTAT. The two methods yielded clinically equivalent results. Standard laboratory hematology techniques were employed for the red and white blood cell counts and the hematocrit determination, which was also compared to the hematocrit values generated by the iSTAT. Of all blood analytes, only lactate concentrations were positively correlated with body size. All other values showed no significant difference between the two sample locations nor were they correlated with body size or internal temperature. For hematocrit count, the iSTAT blood analyzer yielded results indistinguishable from those obtained with high-speed centrifugation. The values reported in this study provide baseline data that may be useful in comparisons among populations and in detecting changes in health status among Galapagos sea turtles. The findings might also be helpful in future efforts to demonstrate associations between specific biochemical parameters and disease.  相似文献   

Abstract Evolutionary radiations of colonists on archipelagos provide valuable insight into mechanisms and modes of speciation. The apparent diversification of Galapagos mockingbirds (Nesomimus) provoked Darwin's initial conception of adaptive radiation, but the monophyly of this historically important exemplar has not been evaluated with molecular data. Additionally, as with most Galapagos organisms, we have a poor understanding of the temporal pattern of diversification of the mockingbirds following colonization(s) from source populations. Here we present a molecular phylogeny of Galapagos and other mockingbird populations based on mitochondrial sequence data. Monophyly of Galapagos mockingbirds was supported, suggesting a single colonization of the archipelago followed by diversification. Our analyses also indicate that Nesomimus is nested within the traditional genus Mimus, making the latter paraphyletic, and that the closest living relatives of Galapagos mockingbirds appear to be those currently found in North America, northern South America, and the Caribbean, rather than the geographically nearest species in continental Ecuador. Thus, propensity for over‐water dispersal may have played a more important role than geographic proximity in the colonization of Galapagos by mockingbirds. Within Galapagos, four distinct mitochondrial DNA clades were identified. These four clades differ from current taxonomy in several important respects. In particular, mockingbirds in the eastern islands of the archipelago (Española, San Cristóbal, and Genovesa) have very similar mitochondrial DNA sequences, despite belonging to three different nominal species, and mockingbirds from Isabela, in the west of the archipelago, are more phylogenetically divergent than previously recognized. Consistent with current taxonomy is the phylogenetic distinctiveness of the Floreana mockingbird (N. trifasciatus) and close relationships among most mockingbirds from the central and northern region of the archipelago (currently considered conspecific populations of N. parvulus). Overall, phylogeographic patterns are consistent with a model of wind‐based dispersal within Galapagos, with colonization of more northerly islands by birds from more southern populations, but not the reverse. Further radiation in Galapagos would require coexistence of multiple species on individual islands, but this may be prevented by relatively limited morphological divergence among mockingbirds and by lack of sufficient habitat diversity in the archipelago to support more than one omnivorous mimid  相似文献   

Introduced species present the greatest threat to the unique terrestrial biodiversity of the Galapagos Islands. We assess the current status of plant invasion in Galapagos, predict the likelihood of future naturalizations and invasions from the existing introduced flora, and suggest measures to help limit future invasions. There has been a 1.46 fold increase in plant biodiversity in Galapagos due to alien plant naturalizations, reflecting a similar trend on islands elsewhere. There are 870 alien plant species recorded in the archipelago. Of evaluated species, 34% species have naturalized. Within this group are the invasive species (16% of evaluated) and the transformers (3.3% of evaluated). We show that, as expected, naturalized species have been present in the archipelago longer than non-naturalized species. We also find that a higher human-mediated propagule pressure is associated with a greater human population and with properties that have been settled longer. This, combined with the relatively recent introduction of most species, leads us to the conclusion that Galapagos is at an early stage of plant invasion. We predict that more species from the existing alien flora will find an opportunity to naturalize and invade as propagule pressure increases alongside rapid human population growth associated with immigration to serve the booming tourism industry. In order to reduce future invasion risk, we suggest reviewing inter-island quarantine measures and continuing community education efforts to reduce human-mediated propagule pressure.  相似文献   

Marine algae collected from rock pools on Hood, Fernandina and Mosquera, in the Galapagos Islands, have provided a fauna of 26 ostracod species of which 14 are new. One genus, belonging to the Hemicytheridae, is also new and appears to be endemic to the Islands. From two littoral algal samples collected from Punta Canoa and San Pedro beach, Ecuador, an assemblage of some nine species, four of which are new, is also described. Two ostracods: Touroconcha lapidiscola and Loxoconcha (Lox-ocorniculum) lenticuloides , are the only species so far known to be present both in the Galapagos Islands and off the coast of Central and South America. One species: Cytherelloidea praecipua recorded from off Tobago and Clipperton Islands may be present in the Galapagos but this has not definitely been confirmed. The evolution in the Gulf Coast/Caribbean region of several ostracods and their subsequent dispersal westwards is discussed.  相似文献   

The Galapagos archipelago has been colonized by two species of otariid, the fur seal, Arctocephalus galapagoensis , and the sea lion, Zalophus californianus wollebaeki. The former probably arrived from South America and the latter from North America, both by way of periodic incursions of colder water forming the east Pacific corridor. The terrestrial behaviour of both these otariids is affected by the high ambient temperatures in the Galapagos Patterns of breeding behaviour of otariids which lead to intense polygyny and sexual dimorphism appear to be modified. The habit of prolonging lactation, widespread in otariids, is carried to an extreme in the Galapagos fur seal. The reason for this is unclear.  相似文献   

Galapagos giant tortoises (Chelonoidis spp.) are a group of large, long-lived reptiles that includes 14 species, 11 of which are extant and threatened by human activities and introductions of non-native species. Here, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of all extant and two extinct species (Chelonoidis abingdonii from the island of Pinta and Chelonoidis niger from the island of Floreana) using Bayesian and maximum likelihood analysis of complete or nearly complete mitochondrial genomes. We also provide an updated phylogeographic scenario of their colonization of the Galapagos Islands using chrono-phylogenetic and biogeographic approaches. The resulting phylogenetic trees show three major groups of species: one from the southern, central, and western Galapagos Islands; the second from the northwestern islands; and the third group from the northern, central, and eastern Galapagos Islands. The time-calibrated phylogenetic and ancestral area reconstructions generally align with the geologic ages of the islands. The divergence of the Galapagos giant tortoises from their South American ancestor likely occurred in the upper Miocene. Their diversification on the Galapagos adheres to the island progression rule, starting in the Pleistocene with the dispersal of the ancestral form from the two oldest islands (San Cristóbal and Española) to Santa Cruz, Santiago, and Pinta, followed by multiple colonizations from different sources within the archipelago. Our work provides an example of how to reconstruct the history of endangered taxa in spite of extinctions and human-mediated dispersal events and provides a framework for evaluating the contribution of colonization and in situ speciation to the diversity of other Galapagos lineages.  相似文献   

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