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The mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint delays anaphase until all chromosomes achieve bipolar attachment to the spindle microtubules. The spindle assembly checkpoint protein BubR1 is thought to act by forming an inhibitory complex with Cdc20. We here identify two Cdc20 binding sites on BubR1. A strong Cdc20 binding site is located between residues 490 and 560, but mutations that disrupt Cdc20 binding to this region have no effect upon checkpoint function. A second Cdc20 binding site present between residues 1 and 477 is highly specific for Cdc20 already bound to Mad2. Mutation of a conserved lysine in this region weakened Cdc20 binding and correspondingly reduced checkpoint function. Our results indicate that there may be more than one checkpoint complex containing BubR1, Mad2, and Cdc20. They also lead us to propose that in vivo checkpoint inhibition of Cdc20 is a two-step process in which prior binding of Mad2 to Cdc20 is required to make Cdc20 sensitive to inhibition by BubR1. Thus, Mad2 and BubR1 must cooperate to inhibit Cdc20 activity.  相似文献   

The mitotic checkpoint blocks the activation of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) until all sister chromatids have achieved bipolar attachment to the spindle. A checkpoint complex containing BubR1 and Bub3 has been purified from mitotic human cells. Upon checkpoint activation, the BubR1-Bub3 complex interacts with Cdc20. In the absence of Mad2, BubR1 inhibits the activity of APC by blocking the binding of Cdc20 to APC. Surprisingly, the kinase activity of BubR1 is not required for the inhibition of APCCdc20. BubR1 also prevents the activation of APCCdc20 in Xenopus egg extracts, and restores the mitotic arrest in Cdc20-overexpressing cells treated with nocodazole. Because BubR1 also interacts with the mitotic motor CENP-E, the ability of BubR1 to inhibit APC may be regulated by kinetochore tension or occupancy.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint prevents anaphase from occurring until all chromosomes have attached properly to the mitotic spindle. The checkpoint components Mad1 and Mad2 associate with unattached kinetochores and are probably involved in triggering the checkpoint. We now demonstrate that in Xenopus egg extracts Mad1 and Mad2 form a stable complex, whereas a fraction of Mad2 molecules is not bound to Mad1. The checkpoint establishment and maintenance are lost upon titrating out free Mad2 with an excess of Mad1 or a truncated Mad1 (amino acids 326-718, Mad1C) that contains the Mad2-binding region. Mad1N (amino acids 1-445) that binds kinetochores, but not Mad2, reduces Mad1 and Mad2 at kinetochores and abolishes checkpoint maintenance. Furthermore, the association between Mad2 and Cdc20, the activator for the anaphase-promoting complex, is enhanced under checkpoint-active condition compared with that at metaphase. Immunodepletion analysis shows that the Mad1-free Mad2 protein is unable to bind Cdc20, consistent with the model that kinetochore localization of Mad2 facilitates the formation of Mad2-Cdc20 complex. This study demonstrates that the ratio between Mad1 and Mad2 is critical for maintaining a pool of Mad1-free Mad2 that is necessary for the spindle checkpoint. We propose that Mad2 may become activated and dissociated from Mad1 at kinetochores and is replenished by the pool of Mad1-free Mad2.  相似文献   

The spindle checkpoint delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes have attached properly to the mitotic spindle. Checkpoint signal is generated at kinetochores that are not bound with spindle microtubules or not under tension. Unattached kinetochores associate with several checkpoint proteins, including BubR1, Bub1, Bub3, Mad1, Mad2, and CENP-E. I herein show that BubR1 is important for the spindle checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts. The protein accumulates and becomes hyperphosphorylated at unattached kinetochores. Immunodepletion of BubR1 greatly reduces kinetochore binding of Bub1, Bub3, Mad1, Mad2, and CENP-E. Loss of BubR1 also impairs the interaction between Mad2, Bub3, and Cdc20, an anaphase activator. These defects are rescued by wild-type, kinase-dead, or a truncated BubR1 that lacks its kinase domain, indicating that the kinase activity of BubR1 is not essential for the spindle checkpoint in egg extracts. Furthermore, localization and hyperphosphorylation of BubR1 at kinetochores are dependent on Bub1 and Mad1, but not Mad2. This paper demonstrates that BubR1 plays an important role in kinetochore association of other spindle checkpoint proteins and that Mad1 facilitates BubR1 hyperphosphorylation at kinetochores.  相似文献   

SIRT2 induces the checkpoint kinase BubR1 to increase lifespan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mice overexpressing the mitotic checkpoint kinase gene BubR1 live longer, whereas mice hypomorphic for BubR1 (BubR1H/H) live shorter and show signs of accelerated aging. As wild‐type mice age, BubR1 levels decline in many tissues, a process that is proposed to underlie normal aging and age‐related diseases. Understanding why BubR1 declines with age and how to slow this process is therefore of considerable interest. The sirtuins (SIRT1‐7) are a family of NAD+‐dependent deacetylases that can delay age‐related diseases. Here, we show that the loss of BubR1 levels with age is due to a decline in NAD+ and the ability of SIRT2 to maintain lysine‐668 of BubR1 in a deacetylated state, which is counteracted by the acetyltransferase CBP. Overexpression of SIRT2 or treatment of mice with the NAD+ precursor nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) increases BubR1 abundance in vivo. Overexpression of SIRT2 in BubR1H/H animals increases median lifespan, with a greater effect in male mice. Together, these data indicate that further exploration of the potential of SIRT2 and NAD+ to delay diseases of aging in mammals is warranted.  相似文献   

Background: The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) imparts fidelity to chromosome segregation by delaying anaphase until all sister chromatid pairs have become bipolarly attached. Mad2 is a component of the SAC effector complex that sequesters Cdc20 to halt anaphase. In prometaphase, Mad2 is recruited to kinetochores with the help of Mad1, and it is activated to bind Cdc20. These events are linked to the existence of two distinct conformers of Mad2: a closed conformer bound to its kinetochore receptor Mad1 or its target in the checkpoint Cdc20 and an open conformer unbound to these ligands. Results: We investigated the mechanism of Mad2 recruitment to the kinetochore during checkpoint activation and subsequent transfer to Cdc20. We report that a closed conformer of Mad2 constitutively bound to Mad1, rather than Mad1 itself, is the kinetochore receptor for cytosolic open Mad2 and show that the interaction of open and closed Mad2 conformers is essential to sustain the SAC. Conclusions: We propose that closed Mad2 bound to Mad1 represents a template for the conversion of open Mad2 into closed Mad2 bound to Cdc20. This simple model, which we have named the "Mad2 template" model, predicts a mechanism for cytosolic propagation of the spindle checkpoint signal away from kinetochores.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint monitors the attachment of kinetochores to the mitotic spindle and the tension exerted on kinetochores by microtubules and delays the onset of anaphase until all the chromosomes are aligned at the metaphase plate. The target of the checkpoint control is the anaphase-promoting complex (APC)/cyclosome, a ubiquitin ligase whose activation by Cdc20 is required for separation of sister chromatids. In response to activation of the checkpoint, Mad2 binds to and inhibits Cdc20-APC. I show herein that in checkpoint-arrested cells, human Cdc20 forms two separate, inactive complexes, a lower affinity complex with Mad2 and a higher affinity complex with BubR1. Purified BubR1 binds to recombinant Cdc20 and this interaction is direct. Binding of BubR1 to Cdc20 inhibits activation of APC and this inhibition is independent of its kinase activity. Quantitative analysis indicates that BubR1 is 12-fold more potent than Mad2 as an inhibitor of Cdc20. Although at high protein concentrations BubR1 and Mad2 each is sufficient to inhibit Cdc20, BubR1 and Mad2 mutually promote each other's binding to Cdc20 and function synergistically at physiological concentrations to quantitatively inhibit Cdc20-APC. Thus, BubR1 and Mad2 act cooperatively to prevent premature separation of sister chromatids by directly inhibiting APC.  相似文献   

Members of the Ndc80/Nuf2 complex have been shown in several systems to be important in formation of stable kinetochore-microtubule attachments and chromosome alignment in mitosis. In HeLa cells, we have shown that depletion of Nuf2 by RNA interference (RNAi) results in a strong prometaphase block with an active spindle checkpoint, which correlates with low but detectable Mad2 at kinetochores that have no or few stable kinetochore microtubules. Another RNAi study in HeLa cells reported that Hec1 (the human Ndc80 homolog) is required for Mad1 and Mad2 binding to kinetochores and that kinetochore bound Mad2 does not play a role in generating and maintaining the spindle assembly checkpoint. Here, we show that depletion of either Nuf2 or Hec1 by RNAi in HeLa cells results in reduction of both proteins at kinetochores and in the cytoplasm. Mad1 and Mad2 concentrate at kinetochores in late prophase/early prometaphase but become depleted by 5-fold or more over the course of the prometaphase block, which is Mad2 dependent. The reduction of Mad1 and Mad2 is reversible upon spindle depolymerization. Our observations support a model in which Nuf2 and Hec1 function to prevent microtubule-dependent stripping of Mad1 and Mad2 from kinetochores that have not yet formed stable kinetochore-microtubule attachments.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint inhibits anaphase until all chromosomes have become attached to the mitotic spindle. A complex between the checkpoint proteins Mad1 and Mad2 provides a platform for Mad2:Mad2 dimerization at unattached kinetochores, which enables Mad2 to delay anaphase. Here, we show that mutations in Bub1 and within the Mad1 C‐terminal domain impair the kinetochore localization of Mad1:Mad2 and abrogate checkpoint activity. Artificial kinetochore recruitment of Mad1 in these mutants co‐recruits Mad2; however, the checkpoint remains non‐functional. We identify specific mutations within the C‐terminal head of Mad1 that impair checkpoint activity without affecting the kinetochore localization of Bub1, Mad1 or Mad2. Hence, Mad1 potentially in conjunction with Bub1 has a crucial role in checkpoint signalling in addition to presenting Mad2.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) restrains anaphase until all chromosomes become bi-oriented on the mitotic spindle. The SAC protein Mad2 can fold into two distinct conformers, open (O) and closed (C), and can asymmetrically dimerize. Here, we describe a monoclonal antibody that specifically recognizes the dimerization interface of C-Mad2. This antibody revealed several conformation-specific features of Mad2 in human cells. Notably, we show that Mad2 requires association with Mad1 to adopt the closed conformation and that the activity of the Mad1:C-Mad2 complex undergoes regulation by p31comet-dependent 'capping'. Furthermore, C-Mad2 antibody microinjection caused an abrupt termination of the SAC and accelerated mitotic progression. Remarkably, microinjection of a Mad1-neutralizing antibody triggered a comparable mitotic acceleration. Our study provides direct in vivo evidence for the model that a kinetochore complex of Mad1:C-Mad2 acts as a template to sustain the SAC and it challenges the distinction between SAC and mitotic timer.  相似文献   

During mammalian mitosis, a proofreading network called the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is indispensable for ensuring the fidelity of chromosome segregation. An inhibitory SAC signal is deputed to inhibits mitotic cell-cycle progression in response to misaligned chromosomes until such imperfections are rectified thereby ensuring equitable chromosome partitioning to daughter cells. Amongst the cast of SAC proteins, mitotic arrest deficient 2 (Mad2) plays a leading role in transducing the SAC signal. The aneuploidy and cancer predispositions of individuals who harbour genetic mutations in SAC genes emphasise the in vivo significance of this surveillance mechanism. In humans, congenital aneuploidies such as Down's syndrome demonstrate an exponential increase with advancing female age. Although largely the result of female meiosis I errors, the molecular entities that succumb with age in oocytes remain elusive. Declining oocyte SAC function could plausibly contribute to such errors. Until recently however, convincing evidence for a functional SAC in mammalian oocytes during meiosis I was unforthcoming. Here I review the evidence regarding the SAC in female mammalian meiosis I and how our understanding of this system has evolved in recent years. This review will focus on Mad2 as this is the SAC protein that has been most comprehensively investigated.  相似文献   

Aneuploidy and chromosomal instability (CIN) are common features of gastric cancer (GC), but their contribution to carcinogenesis and antitumour therapy response is still poorly understood. Failures in the mitotic checkpoint induced by changes in expression levels of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) proteins cause the missegregation of chromosomes in mitosis as well as aneuploidy. To evaluate the possible contribution of SAC to GC, we analyzed the expression levels of proteins of the mitotic checkpoint complex in a cohort of GC cell lines. We found that the central SAC proteins, Mad2 and BubR1, were the more prominently expressed members in disseminated GC cell lines. Silencing of Mad2 and BubR1 in MKN45 and ST2957 cells decreased their cell proliferation, migration and invasion abilities, indicating that Mad2 and BubR1 could contribute to cellular transformation and tumor progression in GC. We next evaluated whether silencing of SAC proteins could affect the response to microtubule poisons. We discovered that paclitaxel treatment increased cell survival in MKN45 cells interfered for Mad2 or BubR1 expression. However, apoptosis (assessed by caspase-3 activation, PARP proteolysis and levels of antiapoptotic Bcl 2-family members), the DNA damage response (assessed by H2Ax phosphorylation) and exit from mitosis (assessed by Cyclin B degradation and Cdk1 regulation) were activated equally between cells, independently of Mad2 or BubR1-protein levels. In contrast, we observed that the silencing of Mad2 or BubR1 in MKN45 cells showed the induction of a senescence-like phenotype accompanied by cell enlargement, increased senescence-associated β-galactosidase activity and increased IL-6 and IL-8 expression. In addition, the senescent phenotype is highly increased after treatment with PTX, indicating that senescence could prevent tumorigenesis in GC. In conclusion, the results presented here suggest that Mad2 and BubR1 could be used as prognostic markers of tumor progression and new pharmacological targets in the treatment for GC.  相似文献   

To prevent aneuploidy, cells require a mitotic surveillance mechanism, the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). The SAC prevents metaphase/anaphase transition by blocking the ubiquitylation and destruction of cyclin B and securin via the Cdc20-activated anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C)-mediated proteolysis pathway. This checkpoint involves the kinetochore proteins Mad2, BubR1, and Cdc20. Mad2 and BubR1 are inhibitors of the APC/C, but Cdc20 is an activator. Exactly how the SAC regulates Cdc20 via unattached kinetochores remains unclear; in vertebrates, most current models suggest that kinetochore-bound Mad2 is required for initial binding to Cdc20 to form a stable complex that includes BubR1. Here, we show that the Mad2 kinetochore dimerization recruitment mechanism is conserved and that the recruitment of Cdc20 to kinetochores in Drosophila requires BubR1 but not Mad2. BubR1 and Mad2 can bind to Cdc20 independently, and the interactions are enhanced after cells are arrested at mitosis by the depletion of Cdc27 using RNA interference (RNAi) in S2 cells or by MG132 treatment in syncytial embryos. These findings offer an explanation of why BubR1 is more important than Mad2 for SAC function in flies. These findings could lead to a better understanding of vertebrate SAC mechanisms.The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) is a mitotic surveillance mechanism that negatively regulates the activation of the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C)-mediated proteolysis pathway to prevent the destruction of two key substrates, cyclin B and securin, thereby inhibiting the metaphase-to-anaphase transition until bipolar attachment of all chromosomes has been achieved (35). A number of conserved kinetochore proteins have been identified as SAC components, such as Mad1, Mad2, Bub1, BubR1, Bub3, Mps1, Zw10, and Rod and Aurora B kinase (reviewed by Musacchio and Salmon [35]). In vertebrates, it is believed that a diffusible inhibitory “wait anaphase” signal is generated from unattached kinetochores or lack of spindle tension (27, 45, 47) and that its primary target is Cdc20/Fzy (Fzy is the Drosophila Cdc20 homolog that we refer to as Cdc20 here), which is an essential APC/C activator (35). Mad2, BubR1 (Mad3 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae), Bub3, and Cdc20 have been found in the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC) or its subcomplexes Bub3-BubR1-Cdc20 and Mad2-Cdc20 (42, 50, 56). Kinetochore-dependent recruitment and activation of Mad2 have been illustrated in a “template” model (12) and later a modified “two-state” model (28, 32, 35, 36, 40, 57). This model suggests that a kinetochore-bound and conformationally rearranged Mad2 is required for Cdc20 binding and that it leads to the formation of the Mad2-Cdc20 complex (8, 9, 12, 16, 48, 49). This is further supported by a more recent report that unattached kinetochores from purified HeLa cell chromosomes can catalytically generate a diffusible Cdc20 inhibitor when presented with kinetochore-bound Mad2 and that these purified chromosomes can also promote BubR1 binding to APC/C-Cdc20 by acting directly on Mad2 but not BubR1 (27). In vitro assays also suggest that Mad2 is required for Cdc20 binding to BubR1 (7, 10, 19). Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis has suggested that the ∼50% of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Cdc20 that associates with slow-phase kinetics on PtK2 cell kinetochores is Mad2 dependent (22). However, contradictory reports also exist to suggest that Mad2 might not be required for Cdc20 kinetochore localization in Xenopus and PtK2 cells (22) and that BubR1 might play a crucial role for this in human cell lines (33). In contrast to the above-mentioned slow-phase GFP-Cdc20, the remaining ∼50% of GFP-Cdc20 that associates with fast kinetics on prometaphase or metaphase kinetochores is Mad2 independent, and its kinetics parallel those of GFP-BubR1 in PtK2 cells. GFP-Cdc20 is still detectable on kinetochores through anaphase, where both Mad2 and BubR1 are greatly reduced (22, 25). Moreover, the direct requirement for the kinetochore in the formation of the SAC-inhibitory complexes has been challenged by a non-kinetochore-based formation hypothesis, with MCC found to be present in HeLa cells during S phase (50) and complex formation in yeast previously shown to be independent of intact kinetochores (17, 43). Therefore, despite the importance of Cdc20 in understanding SAC mechanisms, exactly how the SAC regulates Cdc20 via unattached kinetochores remains unclear in vertebrates.Drosophila melanogaster is a well-established model used to study the spindle assembly checkpoint (2, 3, 6, 39). More recently, phenotypes of two mad2-null Drosophila mutant alleles, mad2Δ and mad2P, have been characterized, showing that Mad2 protein is not essential for normal mitotic progression but remains essential for SAC when microtubule attachment, chromosome alignment, and congression are abnormal (5). This contrasts with its counterpart in mouse and human (14, 34, 54) and is also different from the lethality phenotypes reported for bubR1 and cdc20 mutations in Drosophila (3, 11). It has also been reported that Mad2 is less important for SAC than BubR1 and that it is regulated differently in Drosophila S2 culture cells (39). These observations led to the tentative conclusion that Drosophila Mad2 may possess different kinetochore molecular mechanisms and function differently from its homologs in mouse and human (14, 34, 54, 58). We therefore tested Mad2 kinetochore function and further investigated the mechanisms required for Cdc20 kinetochore recruitment and localization using Drosophila transgenic and mutant lines, as well as culture cells. We have characterized a new mad2-null mutant allele, mad2EY, and demonstrated that Drosophila possesses a highly conserved Mad2 kinetochore dimerization mechanism required for SAC function. However, Mad2 is not required for Cdc20 kinetochore recruitment and localization. Instead, there is an essential role for BubR1 in this mechanism during normal mitosis and SAC activation.  相似文献   

In cells containing disrupted spindles, the spindle assembly checkpoint arrests the cell cycle in metaphase. The budding uninhibited by benzimidazole (Bub) 1, mitotic arrest-deficient (Mad) 1, and Mad2 proteins promote this checkpoint through sustained inhibition of the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome. Vertebrate oocytes undergoing meiotic maturation arrest in metaphase of meiosis II due to a cytoplasmic activity termed cytostatic factor (CSF), which appears not to be regulated by spindle dynamics. Here, we show that microinjection of Mad1 or Mad2 protein into early Xenopus laevis embryos causes metaphase arrest like that caused by Mos. Microinjection of antibodies to either Mad1 or Mad2 into maturing oocytes blocks the establishment of CSF arrest in meiosis II, and immunodepletion of either protein blocked the establishment of CSF arrest by Mos in egg extracts. A Mad2 mutant unable to oligomerize (Mad2 R133A) did not cause cell cycle arrest in blastomeres or in egg extracts. Once CSF arrest has been established, maintenance of metaphase arrest requires Mad1, but not Mad2 or Bub1. These results suggest a model in which CSF arrest by Mos is mediated by the Mad1 and Mad2 proteins in a manner distinct from the spindle checkpoint.  相似文献   

The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) ensures accurate chromosome segregation by delaying entry into anaphase until all sister chromatids have become bi‐oriented. A key component of the SAC is the Mad2 protein, which can adopt either an inactive open (O‐Mad2) or active closed (C‐Mad2) conformation. The conversion of O‐Mad2 into C‐Mad2 at unattached kinetochores is thought to be a key step in activating the SAC. The “template model” proposes that this is achieved by the recruitment of soluble O‐Mad2 to C‐Mad2 bound at kinetochores through its interaction with Mad1. Whether Mad1 has additional roles in the SAC beyond recruitment of C‐Mad2 to kinetochores has not yet been addressed. Here, we show that Mad1 is required for mitotic arrest even when C‐Mad2 is artificially recruited to kinetochores, indicating that it has indeed an additional function in promoting the checkpoint. The C‐terminal globular domain of Mad1 and conserved residues in this region are required for this unexpected function of Mad1.  相似文献   

BubR1 is a critical component of the mitotic checkpoint but has also been shown to play an essential role in establishing kinetochore:microtubule attachments. BubR1 is hyperphosphorylated in mitosis and recent studies in human and Xenopus have identified 9 phosphorylation sites. Plk1-dependent phosphorylations (T792, T1008 and S676) were reported to stimulate BubR1 kinase activity, promote kinetochore microtubule attachments, monitor kinetochore tension, as well as the recruitment of Mad2 checkpoint protein to kinetochores. Plk1-independent sites (S435, S543, S670 and S1043) were also identified and some of these were found to be sensitive to the loss of microtubule attachment but not tension. Functional studies showed that phosphorylation of S670 is critical for correcting aberrant attachments. Once end-on attachments are established, dephosphorylation of S670 appeared to be important for generating tension to signal anaphase onset. The collective data when combined with early EM studies that showed BubR1 is present at both the inner and outer kinetochore plates suggest that BubR1 maybe an effector of multiple kinases that specifies its roles in microtubule attachments and checkpoint functions.  相似文献   

Germline mutations that inactivate BRCA2 promote early-onset cancer with chromosome instability. Here, we report that BRCA2 regulates the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC). Previously, we reported that BubR1 acetylation is essential for SAC activity. In this study we show that BRCA2 recruits the PCAF acetyltransferase and aids in BubR1 acetylation during mitosis. In the absence of BRCA2, BubR1 acetylation is abolished, and the level of BubR1 decreases during mitosis. Similarly, Brca2-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts exhibited weak SAC activity. Transgenic mice that were engineered to have interruptions in the BRCA2-BubR1 association exhibited marked decrease of BubR1 acetylation, weakened SAC activity, and aneuploidy. These transgenic mice developed spontaneous tumors at 40% penetrance. Moreover, immunohistochemical analyses of human breast cancer specimens suggested that BRCA2 mutation and BubR1 status is closely linked. Our results provide an explanation for how mutation of BRCA2 can lead to chromosome instability without apparent mutations in SAC components.  相似文献   

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