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—Soluble and insoluble proteins from the retina of dark-reared rats and from similar rats exposed to light for the first time, were subjected to electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. After injection of [3H] or [14C]lysine, using a double-labelling technique, striking differences were observed in the pattern of incorporation into the forty-one fractions investigated. After exposure for 1 h significant differences emerged in 13 of these fractions (High Differential Activity fractions) when compared with incorporation in control animals, a finding which persisted, irrespective of the order of labelling. Histochemical examination for acetylcholinesterase and glycoprotein material, showed the presence of these substances in some of the high differential activity fractions, and molecular weight determination was carried out on the insoluble fractions separated on SDS-gels. It is concluded that the consistent enhancement of incorporation of precursor into retinal proteins which accompanies first exposure to light is a complex response involving a number of particular protein species, rather than a general elevation.  相似文献   

—A resolution of the enhancement of protein synthesis in the visual cortex of rats during first exposure to light (Richardson and Rose , 1972) was achieved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis using a double-labelling technique. Differential incorporation of lysine was established between exposed and control animals in two fractions of the soluble proteins and seven fractions of the insoluble proteins. This suggests that exposure to a new experience of this type involves a specific effect on protein synthesis, rather than a general stimulation across all fractions.  相似文献   

Abstract— The binding of [3H]colchicine (or a functionally similar metabolite) to acid-insoluble material in vivo was measured in the motor and visual cortices of littermates rats which were either dark-reared (D), exposed to light for 3 h or 24 h (L), or raised normally (N) in 12 h light/12 h dark animal house conditions. No significant differences were found in the binding in the motor cortex of the 3 h or 24 h L, D or N animals, but in the visual cortex after 3 h of light exposure a 23% elevation in binding was measured in L compared with D animals and a small though non-significant (10%) increase in binding was also observed in this region in L compared with N animals. After 24 h of light exposure, binding of the label in the L animals fell near to that of the N and D animals. The results of vinblastine precipitation experiments suggested that much of the radioactivity was bound to the protein tubulin, and this was confirmed when no increased binding of an analogue of colchicine, lumi-colchicine, was observed after 3 h of light exposure in L compared with D animals. It is suggested that these experiments show that colchicine can be used as a marker for changes in the tubulin population in light exposed animals, and demonstrate the transient nature of the increase in tubulin quantity, as opposed to a lasting effect on its synthesis. Further, they argue strongly in support of the idea that a component of protein flow from neuronal cell body to axons and dendrites in light exposed animals, is subject to environmental modification.  相似文献   

Wingless信号传导是果蝇胚胎和幼虫发育过程中的一个关键性的信号传导通路。已鉴定出来许多参与Wg Wnt信号传导的Wg或其脊椎动物同源基因Wnt下游传导通路的基因。Wg下游的Wg信号传导是由核TCF LEF 1通过Armadillo (Arm) β catenin介导的。pygopus (pygo)是一个最近发现的Wg Wnt信号传导通路新成员。通过细胞定位实验发现pygo专一性的表达在细胞核中。运用反义mRNA作探针的原位杂交技术 ,观察到了pygo基因在果蝇胚胎中的表达特性。虽然pygo普遍表达于果蝇胚胎发生全过程 ,但pygo在前囊胚层 (pre blastoderm)中的表达水平相对较高 ,这说明胚胎发生过程中来自母方的贡献较高。在幼虫组织 (包括翅成虫盘 ,眼成虫盘和腿成虫盘 )的发育过程中 ,pygo的表达水平总的来说比较低。然而 ,比较翅成虫盘 ,眼成虫盘和腿成虫盘的pygo表达水平 ,则在翅成虫盘和腿成虫盘pygo的表达水平相对较高。  相似文献   

Wg/Wnt signaling is a key signaling pathway in Drosophila. Many genes involved in Wingless(wg) signal transduction pathway downstream of Wg, or it‘‘ s vertebrate Wg homologue Wnt, have been identified.Transduction of the Wg signal downstream of Wg is mediated by nuclear TCF/LEF-1, through association with Ar-madillo (Arm)/β-catenin. Pygopus (pygo) is a new identified component in this pathway . Cellular localization experiment showed that pygo was expressed specifically in the nucleus. The expression profile of pygo in embryos was examined using in situ hybridization. Although pygo expressed ubiquitously in the embryos, it expressed at relatively high level in pre-blastoderm embryos which indicate a high degree of maternally provided message, fol-lowed by a low level of ubiquitous zygotic expression. This continues into larval tissues (including wing disc, eye disc and leg disc), where pygo appears to be expressed at low level. Comparison of pygo expression levels, in the wing disc, eye disc and leg disc, showed pygo expression level in the wing disc pouch and leg disc were rela-tive higher.  相似文献   

Abstract Wg/Wnt signaling is a key signaling pathway in Drosophila. Many genes involved in Wingless(wg) signal transduction pathway downstream of Wg, or it s vertebrate Wg homologue Wnt, have been identified. Transduction of the Wg signal downstream of Wg is mediated by nuclear TCF/LEF-1, through association with Armadillo (Arm)β-catenin. Pygopus (pygo) is a new identified component in this pathway. Cellular localization experiment showed that pygo was expressed specifically in the nucleus. The expression profile of pygo in embryos was examined using in situ hybridization. Although pygo expressed ubiquitously in the embryos, it expressed at relatively high level in pre-blastoderm embryos which indicate a high degree of maternally provided message, followed by a low level of ubiquitous zygotic expression. This continues into larval tissues (including wing disc, eye disc and leg disc), where pygo appears to be expressed at low level. Comparison of pygo expression levels, in the wing disc, eye disc and leg disc, showed pygo expression level in the wing disc pouch and leg disc were relative higher.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake into brain and the incorporation into brain protein of intraperitoncally administered, labelled amino acids has been studied in myelinating rats during prolonged hyperphenylalaninaemia maintained by administration of p -chlorophenylalanine. Compared with controls, there was a 50% reduction in both uptake and incorporation into protein of leucine and a parallel reduction in the acid-soluble leucine pool. With glycine and lysine no such changes were observed. On the other hand, when each of the three amino acids was injected directly into the brain, the only significant differences observed between controls and hyperphenylalaninaemic animals were again with leucine, which showed an increased incorporation into protein and an increased specific activity in the otherwise reduced acid-soluble pool.
It is concluded that hyperphenylalaninaemia reduces the rate of transport of leucine into the brain and hence reduces the brain pool of leucine, but that any effects on protein synthesis are small. The validity of the model, and the implications of the findings, in relation to phenylketonuria, are discussed.  相似文献   

Monkeys exposed to a rhythmically flickering light (flicker frequency 7/sec, intensity 1614 lumens/m2) show a higher incorporation of intracisternally administered l -(U-3H)-lysine into proteins of the visual cortex as compared to monkeys kept in darkness. An increase in specific radioactivity is noticed in both the soluble and particulate (including membrane linked) proteins. The 105,000 g supernatant proteins from the visual cortex have been fractionated on DEAE-cellulose columns followed by resolution of each fraction on polyacrylamide gels. The results suggest that there is a group of acidic low molecular weight proteins whose synthesis is significantly stimulated during the exposure of the animal to flickering light. The fractions give immunological cross-reaction with anti S-100 Serum.  相似文献   

Abstract— Labelled inorganic phosphate (32P1) was administered intraventricularly to unrestrained sleeping and waking adult rats. After about 20 min of sleep or a comparable period of wakefulness, as monitored by EEG and EMG, the animals were frozen in liquid nitrogen and the brains were analysed. One group of animals (A) was not previously acclimatized to the apparatus. A second group (B) was acclimatized. The specific radioactivity of a phosphoprotein fraction was elevated during sleep in group A but not in group B. The specific radioactivity of the phosphatides of group B was depressed in sleeping as compared with waking animals. This effect was not observed in group A. No significant difference was detected between the EEG patterns of sleeping animals in groups A and B, as evaluated by standard criteria. These observations suggest that the physiological conditions attributable to environmental, emotional or other determinants can influence shifts in brain metabolism during the sleep-wakefulness cycle.  相似文献   

A preparation of synaptosomal cytoplasm was isolated from forebrain of young rats and incubated with various amino acids in vitro. Incorporation of amino acids into protein was observed. This incorporation did not occur by ribosomal protein synthesis. The amino acid incorporating system was not stimulated by ATP and was inhibited by calcium. The system incorporated amino acids enzymatically. An electrophoretic analysis of the synaptosomal preparation, following incubation in the presence of radioactive amino acids, showed only three labelled protein species (molecular weights 37,000, 26,000 and 20,000). This incorporation of amino acids was found to have a high degree of specificity for three protein species. Migration of the three protein species was found to be nearly identical to that of rabbit muscle troponin. The proteins incorporating amino acids were also found to have other characteristics of the troponin subunits. A possible role of troponin modification is discussed.  相似文献   

剥去受精膜的林蛙卵分裂时,分裂沟中的新膜会暴露出来。林蛙老膜上有大量均匀分布的麦胚和大豆凝集素受体。卵裂前,将剥去受精膜的蛙卵浸于上述的凝集素溶液中,新膜的外露就被抑制。凝集素愈浓,浸泡时间愈长,抑制愈大。在这些卵的表面可看到一层较厚的由凝集素引起的外被。碱处理过的受精卵表面,凝集素受体减少,凝集素抑制新膜外露的作用亦减弱,由凝集素引起的外被亦薄。凝集素是多价的,会在细胞表面产生交链,形成“外骨骼”,抑制新膜外露。凝集素也可通过受体,影响微丝,产生作用。  相似文献   

Abstract— Incorporation of dl -[1-14C]leucine into proteins of the cerebral cortex of the rat was measured during spreading cortical depression (CSD) evoked by a single topical application of 25% (w/v) KCI. Maximal inhibition (42 per cent) of the rate of incorporation occurred 1 hr after application of KCI. Spreading depression of 2–3 hr duration was associated with 22 per cent and 13 per cent decreases, respectively, of incorporation of labelled leucine. Specific activity of the free pool leucine was not decreased during CSD but appeared to be higher than controls at 20 min after initiation of CSD. The specific activity of the total free pool amino acids was also increased at 10, 20, 60 and 120 min after application of KCI.
The inhibitory effect of CSD on incorporation of leucine into proteins was uniformly distributed among the crude mitochondrial, microsomal and soluble subcellular fractions from brains of adult animals, while in fractions from 25-day old animals there appeared to be relatively more inhibition in the crude mitochondrial fraction.  相似文献   

Abstract— In experiments designed to localize the increased turnover of phosphoprotein-P which occurs in respiring brain slices as a result of electrical stimulation, a cell separation procedure was used to prepare a fraction enriched in neuronal cell bodies from incubated slices labelled with [32P]phosphate. Labelled phosphoprotein was found to be twice as concentrated in the neuron-enriched fraction as in other fractions. Electrical stimulation for 10 s increased the rate of incorporation of [32P]phosphate into phosphoproteins in the neuron-enriched fraction by 25 per cent ( P < 0.05), but had no effect on incorporation into a partially purified glial fraction contaminated with neuropil and cell debris.  相似文献   

急性缺氧和缺氧习服对鼠足冻伤组织存活面积的影响   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
本工作观察了急性缺氧和缺氧习服对Wistar大鼠左后足冻伤组织存活面积的影响。急性缺氧冻伤组和平原冻伤组大鼠冻足TSA分别为57.68%、60.25%和67.77%、66.88%,损伤程度基本相同,表明大鼠模拟6000m高度急性缺氧8h不加重冻伤引起的组织损伤。大鼠模拟6000m高度减压缺氧习服14d或28d后再作-15℃或-20℃冻伤,冻足TSA仅为14、84%-23.91%,明显少于急性缺氧冻  相似文献   

Abstract— Explants of rat cerebellum obtained 12-24 h after birth were maintained in culture in Maximow assemblies. About 90 per cent of the cultures myelinated after 10–12 days in vitro . Cultures maintained for varying periods of time were exposed to [35S]Na2SO4; labelled sulphatide was recovered from the total homogenate. Preparation of a subcellular fraction with density properties corresponding to those of myelin indicated that labelled sulphatide appeared in this fraction. Cultures which were poorly-myelinated always exhibited a lower rate of inccrpomtion than well-myelmated cultures from littermate animals, but the distribution of labelled sulphatide into the 'myelin' fraction was similar in the two groups. The rate of incorporation of [35S]Na2SO4 into total sulphatide increased with the duration of the culture, with a low level of incorporation until the seventh day in vitro , followed by a sharp increase in rate up to the 21st day. This pattern resembles that observed for rat cerebellum in vivo .  相似文献   

—Total proteins, free amino acids, tritiated water and subcellular proteins of mouse brain were examined for changes in radioactivity during operant conditioning after subcutaneous administration of labelled amino acids. The conditioning was based on appetitive learning, using sweetened milk as a reward. During training and incorporation for 20-30 min, both [3H]leucine and [1-14C]leucine underwent a significant increase in catabolism, resulting in a decreased radioactivity in the free amino acids. [2-2H]Methionine underwent a rapid loss of isotope, so that 90% of the radioactivity was in the form of tritiated water at the end of training, and this phenomenon masked any possible effect of training. The brain uptake of [35S]methionine increased during the training, resulting in an increased radioactivity in the proteins. Uptake of [3H]lysine increased slightly during training only after 1 h incorporation and not after 20 or 30 min, as judged from a time course of radioactivity in the free amino acids. Incorporation into nuclear proteins increased selectively during 20 min, and into nuclear and cytosol proteins after 60 min incorporations. It is concluded that changes in the observed rate of incorporation of a precursor into brain subcellular proteins under the influence of behaviour might be the result of changes in precursor catabolism or uptake, or both, and that each amino acid behaves in a different way. Even the same amino acid gives different results depending on the isotope and its position in the amino acid.  相似文献   

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