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Summary Different subfragments of a cDNA coding for DNA topoisomerase I were used as probes to determine the chromosomal localization of topoisomerase I sequences in human cells. Southern blotting of restricted DNA from a panel of rodent-human somatic cell hybrids revealed the localization of the complete gene on chromosome 20 and the presence of two truncated topoisomerase I pseudogene sequences on chromosomes 1 and 22. In situ chromosome hybridzation experiments confirmed these results showing the location of the complete gene on band q11.2–13.1 of chromosome 20, and the location of the pseudogene sequences on band q23–24 of chromosome 1 and q11.2–13.1 of chromosome 22.  相似文献   

Summary Mapping of human aldolase A (ALDOA) gene was performed by molecular hybridization techniques using a panel of human-mouse cell hybrids and sorted fractions of human metaphase chromosomes besides in situ hybridization. For the purpose, three kinds of DNA probes derived from the coding region (probe-1), the 3 noncoding region (probe-2), and the coding and 3 noncoding regions (probe-3) of human aldolase A cDNA clone, pHAAL116-3, were selectively employed. The results of RNA and DNA blot analyses indicated that the human ALDOA gene is located on chromosome 16. The in situ hybridization experiment also indicated that the ALDOA gene was localized to 16q22–q24.  相似文献   

The chromosomal location of the murine lambda 5 gene was analyzed by Southern hybridization using restriction enzyme-digested DNA from a panel of 15 mouse X hamster somatic cell hybrids. Sequences homologous with those of lambda 5 DNA were detected in DNA of 5 hybrids. In all 5 hybrids lambda 5 was contained in restriction fragments of equal sizes, the lengths of which indicated that the germline configuration of lambda 5 with three exons and the restriction sites expected from its genomic structure were present. Southern hybridization with the murine lambda 1 gene as a probe detected the same 5 hybrids as positive. The only mouse chromosome present on all of the positive hybrids, and absent from negative ones, was number 16. We conclude that lambda 5 is situated on the same chromosome as lambda 1, i.e., on the murine chromosome 16.  相似文献   

Summary We have used a full length cDNA clone to determine the chromosomal location ofthegene encoding human ornithine aminotransferase (OAT), a mitochondrial matrix enzyme. Southern blot analysis of ScaI-digested DNA from 34 human-mouse somatic cell hybrids revealed 11 human fragments. Three fragments mapped to chromosome 10q23-10qter, confirming the previous provisional assignment of the functional gene to this autosome by analysis of OAT expression in somatic cell hybrids (O'Donnell et al. 1985). The remaining eight fragments were assigned to the X chromosome, and regionally assigned to Xp21-Xp11 by use of an X-chromosome mapping panel. These X chromosome sequences could represent pseudogenes, or related members of a multigene family. Two of the X chromosome fragments are alternate alleles of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) making this OAT-related locus an excellent genetic marker. The RFLP may now be used to determine any possible relationship between this locus and several X-linked eye defects.  相似文献   

The humanRGR gene encodes an opsin protein (retinal G protein-coupled receptor), which is expressed in Müller cells and the retinal pigment epithelium and is thought to play a role in the visual process. To investigate a possible linkage of theRGR gene to retinal dystrophies, the locus of the gene was mapped on human metaphase chromosomes. Genomic and cDNA fragments of the humanRGR gene were used as probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization. Analysis of the fluorescence signals on high-resolution banded chromosomes showed that theRGR gene is localized to human chromosome lOq23. This result now provides for the rapid analysis of this gene with respect to inherited diseases of the retina.  相似文献   

The peptide hormone, insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), is a major determinant of growth in mammals, and also plays a role in differentiation of adipocytes and other cells (Van Wyk, 1984). Although IGF-I is synthesized in many cell types, the liver appears to be the principal organ in which IGF-I is synthesized in response to pituitary growth hormone. In mice, there is a spurt of IGF-I synthesis in liver at about three weeks of age. In human pygmies, the absence of a growth spurt at adolescence is associated with the absence of an increase in serum levels of IGF-I (Merimee et al., 1981). Thus deficiency of IGF-I may be the primary determinant of short stature in pygmies and in other isolated cases of growth hormone resistant dwarfism. Although the murine Igf-1 locus has not been assigned to a chromosome, the human homolog (IGF1) has been mapped to chromosome region 12q22----q24.1 (Francke et al., 1986). Since there appears to be extensive homology between this human chromosomal segment and the distal part of murine Chromosome 10, linkage to this chromosome was suspected. Because the growth deficient mutation of the mouse, pygmy (pg), has also been mapped to Chromosome 10 (Falconer and Isaacson, 1965), we were interested in localizing Igf-1 in order to investigate the possibility that pg might be allelic to Igf-1. We show that the Igf-1 locus is located in the central part of Chromosome 10, a considerable distance from pg.  相似文献   

A study was conducted on the feasibility of isolating genes and pseudogenes that map to chromosome 13 by a hybridization-based approach using a 13-specific library and pools of repeat-free cDNA clones. Five pairs of cDNA and chromosome 13 genomic clones were identified and characterized. Partial or full-length sequence was derived from all cDNAs, and database searches were performed for putative gene identification. Partial sequence was also obtained from the chromosome 13 genomic clones for comparison with those of the hybridizing cDNAs. As a result of these analyses we identified three genes, a putative homologue of a porcine mRNA encoding an unidentified hepatic protein, a putative homologue of a yeast integral membrane protein, and a gene for a translationally controlled tumor protein, and two processed pseudogenes, ribosomal proteins L23a and S3a. The latter was formerly identified as the v-fos transformation effector gene, Fte-1, and recently cited as a possible candidate for the BRCA2 gene on chromosome 13. All genes and pseudogenes were localized to cytogenetic bands by in situ hybridization of metaphase chromosomes with probes derived from the chromosome 13 genomic clones.  相似文献   

Three U7 RNA-related sequences were isolated from mouse genomic DNA libraries. Only one of the sequences completely matches the published mouse U7 RNA sequence, whereas the other two apparently represent pseudogenes. The matching sequence represents a functional gene, as it is expressed after microinjection into Xenopus laevis oocytes. Sequence variations of the conserved cis-acting 5' and 3' elements of U RNA genes may partly explain the low abundance of U7 RNA.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding the complete sequence of porcine choline acetyltransferase (CHAT) isolated by S. Berrard et al. (1987, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84: 9280-9284) was hybridized to TaqI digests of a panel of 25 human-rodent somatic cell hybrids and to a complementary panel of 10 human-rodent hybrids in order to determine the chromosomal localization of human CHAT. To enhance the detection of the human signal, hybridization and washings were performed under low stringency conditions on membranes presaturated with sonicated DNA from parental rodent strains. All informative human fragments had the same distribution among the hybrids, mapping CHAT to a single human chromosome. CHAT was assigned to chromosome 10 because all other chromosomes were eliminated by exclusion based on the analysis of the signal segregation. This result indicates that mutation of the CHAT gene cannot be responsible for the primary defect in familial Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

We typed the progeny of two sets of genetic crosses to determine the map locations for loci containing sequences related to the ferritin light chain (Ft11) gene. Twelve loci were positioned on 11 different chromosomes. One of these genes mapped to a position on Chr 7 predicted to contain the expressed gene on the basis of the previously determined position of the human homolog on 19q13.3-q13.4. Received: 23 July 1997 / Accepted: 20 September 1997  相似文献   

A comparative genome map is necessary for the implementation of comparative positional candidate gene cloning in cattle. We have developed a medium density comparative gene map of bovine chromosome 25 (BTA25). A radiation hybrid (RH) panel was used to map nine microsatellites and nine genes. Eight of the nine comparative loci were also mapped by FISH. These results were combined with data from published articles to create a comprehensive comparative map of BTA25 with human chromosomes 7 (HSA7) and 16 (HSA16). This map should facilitate the cloning of genes of interest on bovine chromosome 25.  相似文献   

Summary Several strains of Gram-negative microorganisms were screened for maximum 3-deoxy-d-manno-2-octulosonic acid (KDO) aldolase (EC activity. Although this enzyme has been noted to be inducible on special medium, no induction was found. By centrifugation studies the KDO aldolase was found to be localized in the cell wall or membrane fraction. The enzyme activity was very susceptible to small amounts of detergent in solution. Offprint requests to: M.-R. Kula  相似文献   

Localization of mouse phenylalanine hydroxylase locus on chromosome 10   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mouse phenylalanine hydroxylase has been localized on chromosome 10C2----D1 by in situ hybridization using a mouse phenylalanine hydroxylase cDNA clone. This locus is distinct from the hyperphenylalaninemia locus on chromosome 14 and the locus for tyrosine hydroxylase on chromosome 7.  相似文献   

The open reading frame (ORF) of the human Tom20 gene (hTom20) was amplified by PCR from a HeLa cDNA library using primers based on the sequence of HUMRSC145 and cloned into a pET15b vector. Amplification of human genomic DNA using these primers yielded a DNA fragment of the same size as that of the ORF of hTom20 cDNA. Sequencing of this fragment revealed that: (1) it has the same number of base pairs as the ORF of hTom20 cDNA (438 bp); and (2) the two sequences differ by 14 single base pair substitutions (97% similarity) causing eight changes in the amino acid sequence and two premature stop codons. Further amplification of human genomic DNA adaptor-ligated libraries using primers based on HUMRSC145 revealed three different sequence-related genomic regions; one corresponding to the fragment referred above, another corresponding to the hTom20 gene, and a third fragment of which the sequence differs from the ORF of hTom20 cDNA by only 22 base pair substitutions and a deletion of 4 bp. We conclude that, in addition to the hTom20 gene, there are two genomic DNA sequences (Ψ1Tom20 and Ψ2Tom20) that are processed pseudogenes of hTom20. Aspects concerning their evolutionary origin are discussed. Received: 12 September 1997 / Accepted: 29 November 1997  相似文献   

Identification of predictive markers in QTL regions that impact production traits in commercial populations of swine is dependent on construction of dense comparative maps with human and mouse genomes. Chromosomal painting in swine suggests that large genomic blocks are conserved between pig and human, while mapping of individual genes reveals that gene order can be quite divergent. High-resolution comparative maps in regions affecting traits of interest are necessary for selection of positional candidate genes to evaluate nucleotide variation causing phenotypic differences. The objective of this study was to construct an ordered comparative map of human chromosome 10 and pig chromosomes 10 and 14. As a large portion of both pig chromosomes are represented by HSA10, genes at regularly spaced intervals along this chromosome were targeted for placement in the porcine genome. A total of 29 genes from human chromosome 10 were mapped to porcine chromosomes 10 (SSC10) and 14 (SSC14) averaging about 5 Mb distance of human DNA per marker. Eighteen genes were assigned by linkage in the MARC mapping population, five genes were physically assigned with the IMpRH mapping panel and seven genes were assigned on both maps. Seventeen genes from human 10p mapped to SSC10, and 12 genes from human 10q mapped to SSC14. Comparative maps of mammalian species indicate that chromosomal segments are conserved across several species and represent syntenic blocks with distinct breakpoints. Development of comparative maps containing several species should reveal conserved syntenic blocks that will allow us to better define QTL regions in livestock.  相似文献   

Using N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine mutant RM54 of Rhizobium meliloti L5-30 defective in the nodulation process (Nod-) and in the biosynthesis of adenine was obtained. Nod- phenotype of this mutant was not caused by the auxotrophic mutation. The nod gene is located on the chromosome. The wild type strain of R. meliloti and Nod- mutant RM54 harbour two indigenous plasmids having a molecular weight of 90 Mdal and about 300 Mdal.  相似文献   

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