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Studies in Cameroon and Burkina Faso examined the invasion process of cattle by adult Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius (Acari: Ixodidae) ticks. Nearly all the ticks picked up in the pasture during grazing were found on the limb ends, near the hooves, where they temporarily attached. Then when the cattle lay down, the ticks moved from the feet towards the predilection sites, where they attached definitively. Many ticks disappeared during this displacement. All the female ticks and approximately 70% of the males were thus unable to attach to the predilection sites as long as the pioneer males had not attached and started to produce attraction-aggregation-attachment pheromones. Nevertheless, A. variegatum females and males attached to the feet in similar numbers during grazing, whether the cattle were already infested or not, indicating that stimuli originating from the hosts are powerful enough to attract both sexes. After attachment of the pioneer males, the number of ticks that successfully reached the predilection sites increased. However, even on infested animals, 40-50% of A. variegatum ticks found near the hooves after the grazing periods disappeared during the night following their capture. When moving from the temporary attachment sites towards the final ones, one-third of the ticks changed the individual host. Considering this two-stage infestation process, it is suggested that a targeted tick control, using a foot-bath, might greatly reduce cattle infestation. In particular, it could be effective in traditional herds, with animals grazing permanently during the day, lying down only once back in the night pen.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 1999 rainy season, three traditional cattle herds were monitored for 48 days while grazing in the bushy savannah of southwestern Burkina Faso. Cattle in each herd were caught on several occasions each day and the attached ticks were counted. This confirmed that Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius (Acari: Ixodidae) adults picked up in the pastures mainly attach to the interdigital areas (87% of the 791 ticks captured), and reach the predilection sites later (chest and udder/inguinal area) when the animals lie down. As many females as males attached to the hosts, but the seasonal distribution was very heterogeneous, with only a few females attaching as long as the humidity rate remained low. It is suggested that this prevents eggs from being laid when conditions are not optimal for their survival and that of the larvae. Ticks attached all day but the number picked up hourly and daily varied greatly according to their density on the pasture. As a general trend, confirmed by another study carried out in 2005, the number of ticks picked up daily increased from less than one tick/animal/day, before the onset of the rainy season, to 6.5 (+/- 1.5) ticks/animal/day on average during the infestation peak, which lasted 6-8 weeks, until early or mid-July. The number then decreased to less than one tick/animal/day from the end of July onwards. The infestation on the predilection sites followed the same trend, with a daily tick burden increase of three to five A. variegatum adults, depending on herd and year, during the infestation peak.  相似文献   

Ticks belonging to arthropoda are blood feeding, geographically widespread ectoparasites of mammals, reptiles and birds. Their saliva contains active substances that protect them from host immune attack and allow for transmission of various pathogens during the feeding process. Characterization of tick saliva components can therefore contribute to the development of effective methods for the control of tick-borne diseases.

Here we describe the identification and basic characterization of a gene encoding a 55 kDa protein found in the salivary glands (SG) of Amblyomma variegatum tick. Based on the primary structure and homology to the family of protein disulfide isomerases (PDI; EC the gene was named AvPDI. The 1461 nt long AvPDI open reading frame codes for a 487 amino acid protein. In vitro expressed AvPDI was exclusively localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. RT-PCR and Western blot analysis revealed that AvPDI expression is not restricted to the SG of the tick. More detailed analysis on tissue slides from SG detected an AvPDI specific signal in granular cells of the acini type II and III. Finally, reductase activity of AvPDI was confirmed in an insulin assay. The structural and functional characteristics suggest that AvPDI is another member of the PDI protein family and represents the first more closely characterized PDI in the ticks.  相似文献   

Four field experiments were conducted with creole cattle in Guadeloupe to study the attractivity for adult ticks of animals previously infested with males of Amblyomma variegatum producing aggregation attachment pheromones (AAPs). In each experiment, two groups of cattle were used; the first group was infested with adult A. variegatum and the second group was kept free of ticks and pheromones by acaricidal treatment and by washing the hair and skin of previously infested sites. Both groups were then exposed to natural infestation by ticks present in the environment or by ticks bred in the laboratory and released on the pasture. The number of additional ticks infesting animals were compared between the treated and control groups. There were no significant differences between both groups in the numbers of new male ticks infesting the animals during the first days following the beginning of the experiment. Thereafter, comparison of the slopes of infestation indicated that infested cattle were no more attractive for male ticks than uninfested hosts. Uninfested cattle were spontaneously and rapidly infested by male ticks. It is concluded that carbon dioxide or another host component was a major attractant for A. variegatum males. Female ticks attached on predilection sites exclusively in the presence of AAP-producing males, i.e. 5–10 days after the attachment of the first males. Based on these results we postulate that slow-release devices impregnated with pheromones have no additional attractive effect on A. variegatum males under Caribbean conditions. However, they may be useful in inducing the attachment of females, but only in the first days preceding the arrival of pioneer AAP-producing males. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

The efficiency of strategic and strategic/selective applications of flumethrin spray formulation for controlling ticks were assessed, respectively, in two groups of fourteen N'Dama cattle (Group S and Group S/S) by comparison of the number of feeding ticks with thirteen untreated N'Dama cattle (Group U) over a period of 11 months (June 1996 to April 1997). During the expected peak of tick abundance, acaricide was applied fortnightly on the whole body in animals in Group S and only on the most infested body areas in cattle in Group S/S. Weight changes and skin lesions, directly associated with tick attachment, were recorded in cattle in the three groups. The costs of the two tick control schemes were estimated. Maximum level of ticks, all species together, feeding on cattle was observed in the rainy season. Both in Group S/S and Group S, cattle carried a lower (P < 0.001) number of feeding ticks than animals in Group U over the whole study period. Percentage of tick control, over the entire period of tick investigation, was satisfactory in both acaricide-treated groups, reaching 61.2 and 75.2% in Groups S/S and S, respectively. However, the proportion of control varied according to tick species or genus. Significantly lower prevalence of skin lesions was observed on the ano-genital and udder region in cattle in Group S/S (P < 0.05) and Group S (P < 0.01) in comparison with cattle in Group U. Mean amount of acaricide solution used and relative estimated cost of treatment in cattle in Group S/S were, respectively, 25- and 14-fold lower than those in cattle in Group S. At the end of the study, animals in Groups S/S and S were, respectively, 7.2 and 15.9 kg heavier than animals in Group U. The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.02) only between Groups S and U. However, the efficiency, low cost and derived benefits of the strategic/selective acaricide application scheme indicated that it might be the most cost effective.  相似文献   

The ticks Amblyomma hebraeum and A. variegatum are the main vectors of heartwater, a disease of ruminants caused by Cowdria ruminantium, in the agricultural areas of Zimbabwe. At present, A. hebraeum is widely distributed in the dry southern lowveld, and occurs in at least seven foci in the higher rainfall highveld. Amblyomma variegatum occurs in the Zambezi valley and surrounding dry lowveld areas in the northwest. The distribution of A. hebraeum has changed considerably over the past 70 years, while that of A. variegatum appears to have remained fairly static. The distribution patterns of both species in Zimbabwe display anomalous features; the ticks occur in areas of lowest predicted climatic suitability for survival and development and in areas where the densities of cattle, the most important domestic host, are lowest. The only factor favouring the survival of the species in the lowveld habitats in which they occur is the presence of alternative wildlife hosts for the adult stage. Their absence from more climatically favourable highveld habitats appears to have been the result of intensive acaricide treatment of cattle over a long period and a historic absence of significant numbers of wildlife hosts. Eradication of A. hebraeum and A. variegatum by intensive acaricide treatment of cattle can be achieved in the absence of significant numbers of alternative hosts, because of the long attachment and feeding periods of the adults of these tick species. However, eradication becomes impossible when alternative hosts for the adult stage are present, because a pheromone emitted by attached males attracts the unfed nymphal and adult stages to infested hosts. The unfed ticks are not attracted to uninfested hosts, such as acaricide-treated cattle.Regular acaricide treatment of cattle is expensive and so, for economic reasons, the Government of Zimbabwe is no longer enforcing a policy of strict tick control. It is likely that reduced tick control will result in the spread of Amblyomma ticks to previously uninfested areas. Added to this, recent introductions of various wildlife species to highveld commercial farming areas have created conditions in which the ticks could become established in higher rainfall areas. Amblyomma hebraeum is more likely to spread than A. variegatum, because its adults parasitize a wider range of wildlife hosts (warthogs, medium to large-sized antelope, giraffe, buffalo and rhinoceros), whereas adults of A. variegatum appear to be largely restricted to one wildlife species (buffalo) in Zimbabwe, the distribution of which is now confined to very limited areas of the country, as part of foot and mouth disease control measures. A model to predict the rate of spread of A. hebraeum through the highveld is described.Possible control options for dealing with the spread of Amblyomma ticks and heartwater to previous unaffected highveld areas, include (1) continuation of intensive acaricide treatment of cattle to prevent the spread, (2) establishment of a buffer zone of intensive tick control around affected areas to contain the spread and (3) allow the spread to occur and control heartwater by means of immunization. An economic analysis to determine the costs and benefits of the control options, which takes into account the development of Amblyomma-specific tick control technologies and improved heartwater vaccines, is recommended.Deceased.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of adults of the bont tick, Amblyomma hebraeum on the milk production of Sanga and Sanga x zebu (Brahman) cattle were measured over a period of 11 weeks in the lowveld of Zimbabwe in the summer of 1986. Four groups of lactating cows, consisting of two breeds, each divided into a high and low tick treatment, were exposed to very low or high challenges of ticks and their milk production measured by weighing their calves before and after suckling. The liveweight gains (LWG) of the calves were also measured.
Tick burdens on the infested groups averaged around fourteen engorging females of A.hebraeum per day, which amounted to infestations of about 150 adult ticks. That is greater than most observed field infestations. This caused no significant reduction in milk yield or calf growth over the whole period, provided the teats of the dams had not been damaged by ticks. Mismothering occurred when teats were damaged. No breed differences were observed so all data was pooled for further analysis. Average calf LWGs of the high tick groups were reduced by 2.2kg (P < 0.01) during one 4-week period but overall the 3.9 kg difference in LWG of the tick treatment groups was not quite significant (P < 0.10). Although there was a poor relationship between tick numbers and reduced milk yield or calf LWG, the effects were always in the direction expected. The effects averaged 6 ± lOg reduction of milk and 2.6 ± 1.8g loss of LWG of calves for every female tick that engorged. It was concluded that milk production is not an important consideration when estimating the losses in production caused by A.hebraeum on Brahman x Sanga or Sanga breeds of cattle. Losses due to teat or udder damage could be much more important and need to be quantified.  相似文献   

In ecological studies in central Zambia, both climate and ecotype affected population dynamics of tick species. Below average rainfall for several years caused a suppression in numbers of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Neumann adults. Reduction in rainfall leading to changes in grazing patterns is thought to have been responsible for an increase in numbers of Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius adults in a grassland habitat. There were reasonable correlations between numbers of each tick species on individual hosts over 1 year old. However, there were no relationships between numbers of ticks and bovine lymphocyte antigens (BoLA).  相似文献   

Summary The structure of the extensible (alloscutum) and inextensible (scutum) integument of the nymph, Amblyomma variegatum was examined during the whole bloodmeal and the nymphal-adult moulting cycle. Integumental events were tentatively correlated with the ecdysteroid levels measured by radioimmunoassay. We observed that all the integumental events were realised along an anteroposterior gradient. During the 5 days corresponding to the bloodmeal, although the hormone concentration was low, a new endocuticle was deposited on both the alloscutum and scutum. Furthermore, mitoses were initiated in the capitulum. On days 1–2 after the meal, ecdysteroid titres began to increase and reached a first peak corresponding to 4.1 ng 20-hydroxyecdysone equivalents/tick on the 4th day after the ticks dropped off their host. At this time the epidermis of the capitulum was detached and the outline of the adult capitulum was already visible. Mitotic activity in the alloscutum was initiated. On day 6 post-drop, the frontal apolysis was achieved and the ecdysteroid titres declined to basal values. A second peak much higher than the first one (maximum value of 33.7 ng/tick) and identified principally as 20-hydroxyecdysone by HPLC/RIA was noted on the 13th day post-drop. During the period of increase in the ecdysteroid levels (days 9–10 post-drop), the mitotic phase ended in the alloscutum and the apolysis began. Epicuticle was deposited after day 12 postdrop. Then, while the titre fell to low values (about 1.6 ng/tick, days 16–20 post-drop), the exocuticle was deposited and the nymphal cuticle was digested. All adult structures were functional 3 days before ecdysis. In young male as in female adults the mean value of the ecdysteroid levels corresponded to about 2.5 ng/tick. Finally, hydrolysis of tick whole extracts with esterase demonstrated a low increase of RIA-positive material, demonstrating the probable presence of natural ecdysteroid fatty-acid conjugates in this species.  相似文献   

A large-scale field test using pheromone-acaricide-impregnated plastic tail-tag decoys demonstrated excellent efficacy of these devices for control of the bont tick,Amblyomma hebraeum, on cattle in Zimbabwe. The tail tags were impregnated with a mixture containingo-nitrophenol, methyl salicylate, 2,6-dichlorophenol and phenylacetaldehyde and one of three different acaricides (cyfluthrin, flumethrin or alphacypermethrin).o-Nitrophenol and methyl salicylate are components of theA. hebraeum attraction-aggregation-attachment pheromone, while 2,6-dichlorophenol and phenylacetaldehyde are proven attractants for this tick. Botho-nitrophenol and methyl salicylate were lost gradually from the tags over 12 and 14 week periods, respectively. In field trials, tick counts were compared between cattle that received tail tags either impregnated with pheromone mixture alone, cyfluthrin and pheromone mixture, flumethrin and pheromone mixture, alphacypermethrin and pheromone mixture or were left untreated. During the first 3 month trial period, control of adult bont ticks was 94.9% with cyfluthrin tail tags and 87.5% with flumethrin tail tags. In general, there was no significant difference in bont tick numbers on cattle without tags and those with tail tags containing pheromone only. When the trial was repeated for another 3 month period, control of bont ticks with tail tags containing cyfluthrin and flumethrin was 99.3 and 95.1%, respectively. However, control of bont ticks using alphacypermethrin was only 79.2%. Overall, retention of tail tags was excellent although some loss was encountered during the rainy season. In addition to controlling bont ticks, the tail tags provided moderate control of other tick species (Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi, Rhipicephalus zambeziensis andHyalomma spp.) simultaneously infesting cattle in the trials.Deceased.  相似文献   

The newly described tick Amblyomma vikirri has a narrow host range, being found mainly on the Australian lizard, Egernia stokesii and rarely on another lizard, Tiliqua rugosa. Both hosts are in the family Scincidae. Larvae of A. vikirri were as successful in locating E. stokesii as T. rugosa from a range of release distances between 20 and 120 mm from the host. Over this range the proportion of ticks which successfully located hosts declined and the time taken by successful ticks to locate hosts increased with increasing release distance. From 60 mm, larvae of A. vikirri located four other lizard species from the families Scincidae and Agamidae and two non-living targets as successfully as they did E. stokesii. The only evidence that there was any host specificity in the searching behaviour of larvae of A. vikirri was that A. vikirri larvae spent less time paused and questing when they were searching for E. stokesii than when they were searching for T. rugosa. Aponomma hydrosauri, a tick which commonly infests T. rugosa but not E. stokesii, spent less time paused and questing when it was searching for T. rugosa than when it was searching for E. stokesii. However, the results overall suggest that the narrow host range of A. vikirri cannot be explained by any ability of the larvae of that species to discriminate between their natural host and other reptile species.  相似文献   

Infestations of adults and nymphs of Amblyomma hebraeum were counted on Brahman (Br), Brahman x Simmental (BS), Sanga (Sa) and Hereford (He) steers exposed to infested pastures at Mbizi in southern Zimbabwe in 1986–1987. Herefords were always the most heavily infested, while the Sanga tended to carry the fewest ticks with the Brahman and Brahman x Simmental groups being in between. The ratios of the engorged females on the four breeds were 2.3 : 1.4 : 1.4 : 1.0 for He : Br : BS : Sa. The ratios of the standard nymphs were 2.2 : 1.4 : 1.7 : 1.0 for He : Br : BS : Sa. The results confirm earlier observations in Africa and support the view that there are genetic differences between breeds in the expression of resistance to this tick species.Deceased.  相似文献   

For more than 100 years, tick fever and the cattle tick have caused tremendous financial loss to cattle producers around the world. Since Australia became infected with the disease and infested with its tick vector in the mid-19th century, a great deal of research effort has been directed towards their effective control by Australian farmers, administrators and scientists. Such research has yielded information which has facilitated the development of various control strategies that have equal application in other countries afficted with the same problem. It has been demonstrated that integration of a variety of these strategies is necessary for long-lasting control.  相似文献   

Abstract A survey of tick spatial and seasonal distribution in traditional managed N' Dama cattle over 1 year old was carried out in The Gambia over 16 months. Presence of Anaplasma marginale and Babesia spp. in the blood smears and their antibodies in the serum of same animals were also examined. Tick species, in decreasing order of abundance, were: Boophilus geigy, Rhipicephalus senegalensis, B.decoloratus, Hyalomma truncatum, H. marginatum rufipes and Amblyomma variegatum. All tick species peaked during the rainy season. Additional B.geigy peaks occurred towards the end of the dry season. The most infested animal body areas were anogenital, udder and abdomen. A.variegatum, Hyalomma spp. and, to a lesser extent, Boophilus spp. showed strong preferences for these anatomical regions. Overall prevalence of A.marginale, B.bigemina and B.bovis haemoparasites were 3.2%, 0.9% and 0.1 %, respectively. Peaks of A.marginale and B.bigemina occurred at the end of the rainy season-beginning of the dry season; an additional A.marginale peak was observed at mid-end dry season. Overall antibody seroprevalence were 29.6% for A.marginale , 44.7% for B.bigemina and 5.2% for B.bovis; monthly fluctuations in percentage of seroreactors were limited. Endemic stability for A.marginale and B.bigemina is postulated. Implications of the outcomes are discussed in relation to tick-control strategy in The Gambia.  相似文献   

Male Amblyomma variegatum ticks feeding on a host release a mixture of o -nitrophenol and methyl salicylate which serves to attract conspecifics. The behavioural responses of A. variegatum on a servosphere to these volatiles presented in an air stream are detailed here. In still air, ticks walked on all eight legs, but with long halts. In contrast, the air stream caused continuous walking and induced a reaching response where the forelegs actively sampled the air. Such reaching increased the angular velocity and reduced walking speed, effects that were amplified in the presence of vapours from o -nitrophenol and methyl salicylate in the air flowing over the ticks. Vapour from a 1:1 mixture of o -nitrophenol and methyl salicylate was attractive over a 104-fold concentration range providing an increase in upwind displacement of 20–40%, significantly higher than the natural ratio where o -nitrophenol vapour predominates. Although the responses to o -nitrophenol vapour were variable when presented alone, this chemical was consistently attractive when delivered with steer hair odour – unattractive on its own. Moreover, the upwind walk to this combination did not cause a change in speed or angular velocity. This supports the hypothesis that the response to the pheromone is enhanced by host odour. Accepted: 16 October 1999  相似文献   

This work was performed to test the efficacy of winter–spring control strategies against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) infestations on cattle in the area ecologically most favourable for the development of this tick in Argentina. Two control schemes using three and four annual applications of acaricides, respectively, were evaluated. Animals in Group 1 were treated with ivermectin 3.15% on day 0, fluazuron on day 34, and fipronil on day 85. Animals in Group 2 were treated with ivermectin 3.15% on day 0, fluazuron on day 34, flumethrin on day 85, and fipronil on day 114. Animals in Group 3 represented the control group. Both treatment schemes provided appropriate levels of efficacy against R. microplus and also prevented the occurrence of the major peak in the frequency of this tick in autumn. The two treatment schemes were similar in terms of efficacy and thus the addition of a fourth treatment does not seem to confer any further advantage. The results of this work indicate that these strategic control methods provide appropriate levels of control against R. microplus.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Rhipicephalus microplus (Ixodida: Ixodidae) in northwest Argentina was analysed to support the design of strategic methods for its control. Both parasitic and non‐parasitic phases were studied. The seasonal activity of R. microplus in its parasitic phase was characterized by three peaks in abundance: the first in mid–late spring; the second in summer, and the third in autumn. The non‐parasitic phase of R. microplus was characterized by a long total non‐parasitic period observed after exposures of females from mid‐summer to early autumn, a short total non‐parasitic period observed after exposures of females from late winter to late spring, a short period of larval longevity in early and mid‐summer, and no hatch of the eggs produced by females exposed in mid‐ and late autumn and winter. Treatments of cattle administered during the period from late winter to late spring will act on small cohorts of R. microplus, preventing the emergence of larger generations in summer and autumn. A 17‐week spelling period starting in late spring and early summer will be necessary to achieve optimal control of R. microplus free‐living larvae. If spelling begins in mid‐ or late summer or in autumn, the required period will be 26–27 weeks.  相似文献   

Ovaries of the ixodid tick, Amblyomma hebraeum Koch, grew rapidly after engorgment as a result of yolk uptake. At 26 °C, oviposition began by day 10 post-engorgement, plateaued on days 16-18, and ended by day 38. Vitellin (Vt) was partially purified from ovaries of day 10 engorged ticks by gel filtration and ion exchange chromatography. This Vt comprises seven major and several minor polypeptides. Two polypeptides (211 and 148 kD) from haemolymph of engorged female ticks corresponded to minor polypeptides of similar molecular weight in the ovary. The haemolymph titre of the 211 and 148 kD polypeptides increased up to the onset of oviposition. These polypeptides were absent in males and non-vitellogenic females (day 0 engorged or day 10 partially-fed females), and were thus designated as vitellogenin (Vg). Antibodies raised against haemolymph Vg211 and 148 recognized these polypeptides in partially purified Vt, as well as six of the seven major polypeptides. Using these antibodies we developed an indirect, competitive ELISA to quantify Vg. Rise in haemolymph Vg-concentration lagged slightly behind the rise in haemolymph ecdysteroid (ES)-concentration, and Vg-synthesis was stimulated by injections of 20E into non-vitellogenic females. These observations indicate that an ES is the vitellogenic hormone in A. hebraeum.  相似文献   

A trial is described, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil, as one of a series suggested to investigate the effects of strategic but selective acaricide treatments of cattle within herds against Boophilus microplus. They are aimed at considering the repercussions of farmer attempts at immediate reductions in acaricide costs and the potential for creation of ‘refugia’ of untreated ticks. Half (Group 1) of a small experimental herd of European breed heifers were treated strategically against ticks, three times during the late spring–early summer and twice during autumn (southern hemisphere), with an injectable avermectin endectocide, designed to act directly against the first and third generations of parasitic B. microplus per ‘cattle tick year’ at this site, respectively. The consequent levels of infestations on all of the member cattle in their common pasture were monitored. Group 1 showed low to zero tick counts during the 28-day treatment interval periods and up to ca. 14 days after the last of such a series. Treated cattle, however, became re-infested outside of these periods and to levels that would be considered as unacceptable by farmers in the state. The untreated cattle (Group 2) showed infestations at generally higher levels, than their contemporaries, within and outside of the treatment periods. There were thus ample sources of larvae in the pasture, derived principally from falling, untreated engorged female ticks, re-infesting both the treated and untreated cattle. Advantages of maintaining chemically untreated cattle ticks within a herd, compared to their disadvantages as contaminants to classical strategic control procedures, merit re-evaluation, especially in relation to the recent, world-wide resurgence of acaricide resistance in B. microplus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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