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Winter deicing operations occur extensively in mid- to high-latitude metropolitan regions around the world and result in a significant reduction in road accidents. Deicing salts can, however, pose a major threat to water quality and aquatic organisms. In this paper, we examine the utility of Arcellacea (testate amoebae) for monitoring lakes that have become contaminated by winter deicing salts, particularly sodium chloride. We analysed 50 sediment samples and salt-related water property variables (chloride concentrations; conductivity) from 15 lakes in the Greater Toronto Area and adjacent areas of southern Ontario, Canada. The sampled lakes included lakes in proximity to major highways and suburban roads and control lakes in forested settings away from road influences. Samples from the most contaminated lakes, with chloride concentrations in excess of 400 mg/l and conductivities of >800 μS/cm, were dominated by species typically found in brackish and/or inhospitable lake environments and by lower faunal diversities (lowest Shannon diversity index values) than samples with lower readings. Q-R-mode cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) resulted in the recognition of four assemblage groupings. These reflect varying levels of salt contamination in the study lakes, along with other local influences, including nutrient loading. The response to nutrients can, however, be isolated if the planktic eutrophic indicator species Cucurbitella tricuspis is removed from the counts. The findings show that the group has considerable potential for biomonitoring in salt-contaminated lakes, and their presence in lake sediment cores may provide significant insights into long-term benthic community health, which is integral for remedial efforts.  相似文献   

Abstract The distribution of soil microorganisms is generally believed to be patchy and to reflect habitat heterogeneity. Despite this general rule, the amount of existing data on species distribution patterns is scarce. Testate amoebae (Protozoa; Rhizopoda) are an important component of soil microbial communities and are increasingly used in ecological and paleoecological studies of Sphagnum-dominated peatlands, but data on the spatial structure of communities are completely lacking. This is an important aspect since quantitative models used for paleoecological reconstruction and monitoring are based on species assemblages. We explored the distribution patterns of testate amoebae distribution in a macroscopically homogeneous Sphagnum carpet, down to a scale of several centimeters. Distributions maps of the species and spatially constrained sample groups were produced. Multivariate and individual spatial autocorrelations were calculated. The importance of spatial structure was quantified by canonical correspondence analysis. Our ultimate goal is to find the finest resolution of environmental monitoring using testate amoebae. The distribution patterns differed among species, resulting in a complex spatial structure of the species assemblage in a whole. Spatial structure accounted for 36% of the total variation of species abundance in a canonical correspondence analysis constrained by spatial variables. This structure was partly correlated to altitude (microtopography) at a very fine scale. These results confirmed the existence of significant broad- and fine-scale spatial structures within testate amoebae communities that could in part be interpreted as effects of ecological gradients. This shows that, on a surface area of 0.25 m2, ecological conditions which look uniform from a macroscopic point of view are not perceived as such by Sphagnum-inhabiting organisms. Therefore, testate amoebae could prove very useful to monitor fine-scale ecological processes or disturbances. Studies of the species' spatial distribution patterns in combination with autoecological studies are needed and should be included in the toolbox of biomonitoring itself.  相似文献   

Testate amoebae (Protozoa) were studied in spring, summer, and fall from the same microhabitats in a small Sphagnum-dominated peatland in southern Ontario, Canada. A total of 32 sampling stations were established in two wetland plant communities, 19 in an open Ericaceae low-shrub community and 13 in a closed Picea mariana and Larix laricina swamp community. Sphagnum was collected in each station for analysis of testate amoebae and measurement of soil water content parameters and water table depth in May, August, and October 2001. pH and dissolved oxygen of the groundwater under the Sphagnum were measured also. A total of 52 taxa including the rotifer, Habrotrocha angusticollis, were identified. Soil water content and water table variables emerged as the primary factors separating testate amoebae between the open bog/fen community and swamp community. Testate amoebae in the open bog/fen community showed a clear separation between the May sampling period and the August and October sampling periods. Sampling stations in May had much higher water table and were wetter than those in August and October. Conversely, testate amoebae in the swamp community did not show a clear difference between sampling periods. Soil moisture and water tables appear to be more constant in the swamp communities. Biological factors or other microscale environmental factors may need to be considered to explain seasonal changes in testate amoebae. A greater understanding of relationships between testate amoebae and microenvironmental factors is necessary to track seasonality in testate amoebae distributions.  相似文献   

Synopsis The bulk of Lake Opinicon fish biomass is concentrated in the physically diverse inshore areas. Quantitative analysis of the community compositions of the various inshore habitat types (weedy inlets, sandy shallows, rock shelf, gravel, etc.) showed that each supported a characteristic assemblage of fishes with a relatively constant species and year class composition. This was maintained throughout the season despite a drop in fish biomass in late summer when there was a progressive movement into the offshore waters.Weedbed areas supported the highest biomass, and greatest species and year class diversity. Thereafter, in declining order of richness, were rocky and sandy areas. A few fish species were restricted to single habitat types, e.g.Notropis heterodon to inshore weedbeds.Lepomis macrochirus, the commonest species in the lake was, by contrast, versatile and occurred in all inshore habitats. Commonly the numbers of a species in a habitat differed between day and night. Significant diel movements between habitats characterized two nocturnal feedersPomoxis nigromaculatus andIctalurus nebulosus.  相似文献   

Fossil shells of testate amoebae, commonly found in Quaternary sediments, provide another key for the interpretation of the recent history of lakes. Outline drawings and details of shell composition provide the micropalaeontologist with a practical guide to the taxonomy of these organisms.  相似文献   

Tremel  Birgitta  Frey  S.E.  Yan  Norman D.  Somers  Keith M.  Pawson  Trevor W. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,432(1-3):195-205
This study identified two scales of pattern in the assemblages of Chydoridae (Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anomopoda) in the shallow (<2 m) littoral zone of Plastic Lake, Ontario, Canada in the autumn of 1987. Twenty chydorid species were collected in 15 over-night sets of funnel traps in each of four habitat types. Analysis of variance multivariate analysis of variance, and discriminant function analysis revealed that assemblages differed among the habitats. Alona intermedia, Alona quadrangularis and Chydorus bicornutus were particularly abundant in the most structurally diverse habitat type – muddy, rock-strewn areas with approximately 40% bottom cover by the pipewort, Eriocaulon septangulare. In contrast, Anchistropus cf. minor was caught most often on bare shelves of rock. A second set of analyses demonstrated that chydorid assemblages also differed at a smaller scale, i.e. with local patchiness in bottom cover by the dominant macrophyte (E. septangulare). The abundance of Alona affinis was positively correlated with cover by E. septangulare, whereas Anchistropus cf. minor was caught mainly in microhabitats without vegetation. Alona intermedia and A. quadrangularis were most abundant in microhabitats with intermediate amounts of vegetation, suggesting their abundance is influenced by habitat factors other than vegetation.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between testate amoebae (Protozoa) communities and the depth to the water table (DWT), pH, conductivity, and microhabitat type in Sphagnum dominated peatlands of north-western Poland and built predictive (transfer function) models for inferring DWT and pH based on the testate amoebae community structure. Such models can be used for peatland monitoring and paleoecology. A total of 52 testate amoebae taxa were recorded. In a redundancy analysis, DWT and pH explained 20.1% of the variation in the species data and allowed us to identify three groups of taxa: species that are associated with (1) high DWT and low pH, (2) low DWT and low pH, and (3) high pH and mid-range DWT. Our transfer function models allow DWT and pH to be estimated with mean errors of 9.89 cm and 0.71 pH units. The prediction error of the DWT model and the tolerance of the species both increase with increasing dryness. This pattern mirrors the ecology of Sphagnum mosses: Species growing in wet habitats are more sensitive to change in water table depth than the species growing in drier microhabitats. Our results are consistent with studies of testate amoeba ecology in other regions, and they provide additional support for the use of these organisms in paleoecological and biomonitoring contexts.  相似文献   

Freshwater microbial diversity is subject to multiple stressors in the Anthropocene epoch. However, the effects of climate changes and human activities on freshwater protozoa remain poorly understood. In this study, the diversity and distribution of testate amoebae from the surface sediments were investigated in 51 Chinese lakes and reservoirs along two gradients, latitude and trophic status. A total of 169 taxa belonging to 24 genera were identified, and the most diverse and dominant genera were Difflugia (78 taxa), Centropyxis (26 taxa) and Arcella (12 taxa). Our analysis revealed that biomass of testate amoebae decreased significantly along the latitudinal gradient, while Shannon-Wiener indices and species richness presented an opposite trend (P?P?相似文献   

Zooplankton species diversity and selected chemical parameters were investigated at three stations in Lake St. Clair, Ontario, Canada, from 15 June–26 August, 1971. Primary productivity and zooplankton species diversity were greatest at stations 1 and 2 which were enriched by the Thames River drainage. No significant correlation between total zooplankton diversity and chlorophyll a was found, however, within the Cladocera and Copepoda, positive correlations with chlorophyll a, reactive silicate and nitrate were shown at stations 2 and 3. Rotifer species diversity showed negative correlation with chlorophyll a, nitrate and reactive silicate.  相似文献   

In this study, spatial concordance among microcrustaceans, rotifers and testate amoebae was examined in a small pond in Central Brazil. The main goal was to test how consistently different taxonomic groups ordinate 9 sites distributed along the pond's main axis. Microcrustaceans were more abundant during the dry season, characterized by waters with high transparency and dissolved oxygen concentration. An increase in species richness and densities of rotifers and testate amoebae was detected during rainy season, with low values of Secchi disk and concentrations of dissolved oxygen. However, the ordination patterns generated by these groups were different. Concordant patterns across sites were found only between cladocerans and copepods. These results suggest that great care should be taken when ordination patterns based on some taxonomic groups are extrapolated to other groups for detecting environmental changes. (© 2007 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Extreme precipitation events are recognised as important drivers of ecosystem responses to climate change and can considerably affect high-latitude ombrotrophic bogs. Therefore, understanding the relationships between increased rainfall and the biotic components of these ecosystems is necessary for an estimation of climate change impacts. We studied overall effects of increased magnitude, intensity and frequency of rainfall on assemblages of Sphagnum-dwelling testate amoebae in a field climate manipulation experiment located in a relatively dry subarctic bog (Abisko, Sweden). The effects of the treatment were estimated using abundance, species diversity and structure of living and empty shell assemblages of testate amoebae in living and decaying layers of Sphagnum. Our results show that increased rainfall reduced the mean abundance and species richness of living testate amoebae. Besides, the treatment affected species structure of both living and empty shell assemblages, reducing proportions of hydrophilous species. The effects are counterintuitive as increased precipitation-related substrate moisture was expected to have opposite effects on testate amoeba assemblages in relatively dry biotopes. Therefore, we conclude that other rainfall-related factors such as increased infiltration rates and frequency of environmental disturbances can also affect testate amoeba assemblages in Sphagnum and that hydrophilous species are particularly sensitive to variation in these environmental variables.  相似文献   

Like Bythotrephes, Bosmina (Eubosmina) coregoni coregoni Baird appears to have invaded North America from Eurasia, since there are no records from before 1965. All previously known North American populations have a well-rounded ventrocaudal corner of the carapace, suggesting that the founding race is one of the rotunda type, the most common eubosminid in European lakes. In Lake Muskoka, immediately to the east of Georgian Bay, Ontario, eubosminids were found that shared features of B. (E.) longicornis kessleri Ulianine. In contrast to other North America populations of B.(E. )c. coregoni, these specimens have a short, broadly based mucro. Morphological features suggest that these are interspecific F1-hybrids between B. (E.) longispina Leydig and B. (E.) coregoni, without any signs of introgression.This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr. John C.H. Carter.  相似文献   

Eight cylindrical enclosures (3 m diameter, 2.7 m long, V = 20m3) were installed in eutrophic Rice Lake (Ontario, Canada) in late spring of 1987. Fish (yearling yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and macrophytes (Potamogeton crispus) presence and absence were set at the beginning of the experiment to yield four combinations of duplicate treatments. The purpose of the experiment was to determine if the phytoplankton, zooplankton, macrophytes and fish species resident in the lake interact to influence water quality (major ions, phosphorus, algal densities and water clarity).The presence of fish was associated with: (1) decreased biomass of total zooplankton, (2) decreased number of species in the zooplankton, (3) decreased average size of several zooplankton taxa, (4) higher total phosphorus concentrations, (5) higher phytoplankton and chlorophyll a concentrations, (6) lower water clarity, (7) lower potassium levels during macrophyte die-back, (8) lower pH and higher conductivity in the presence of macrophytes. Biomass of large Daphnia species (but not total zooplankton) was highly correlated with the algal response (r 2 = 0.995) and was associated with reduced biomass of several algal taxa including some large forms (Mougeotia, Oedogonium) and several colonial blue-green algae. However, no significant control of late summer growth of the bloom-forming blue-green alga Anabaena planctonica Brun. was achieved by the Daphnia presence-fish absence treatment. Release of phosphorus to the water column during the die-back of P. crispus was not an important phenomenon.  相似文献   

Chironomidae (Diptera) of peatlands in northwestern Ontario, Canada   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eighty-four species of Chironomidae were collected, using emergence traps, from three poor fens located in the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA) of northwestern Ontario. Of these, 37 were considered to be true peatland fauna. The majority (23) of the peatland species are new North American or Canadian records and, of these, 10 are previously undescribed. Numbers m−2 yr−1 emerging from the fens were similar to neighbouring lakes but biomass (mg) m−2 yr−1 emerging was much less, indicating the small average size of the fen chironomids. Emergence began in early May and was virtually completed by late July-early August in all three years of the study. Most of the emergence occurred early in the season. Eight species accounted for ≥90% of the emergence. Five of these, Gymnometriocnemus (R.) acigus Saeth., Doithrix villosa Saeth. and Subl., Pseudorthocladius (s.s.) destitutus Saeth. and Subl., P. (s.s.) curtistylus (Goetgh.), and Paramerina nr. smithae (Subl.) had univoltine life cycles and relatively stichronous emergences. Pseudosmittia forcipata (Goetgh.) was bivoltine, and Limnophyes minimus (Meig.) and Smittia nr. nudipennis Geotgh. had protracted emergence periods that made voltinism difficult to determine. Characteristic features of the chironomid fauna of peatlands at ELA are discussed. The general applicability of these features to peatlands, and needs for further research in these neglected but extensive Canadian habitats are considered.  相似文献   

Exceptionally well-preserved organic remains of thecamoebians (testate amoebae) were preserved in marine sediments that straddle the greatest extinction event in the Phanerozoic: the Permian-Triassic Boundary. Outcrops from the Late Permian Zewan Formation and the Early Triassic Khunamuh Formation are represented by a complete sedimentary sequence at the Guryul Ravine Section in Kashmir, India, which is an archetypal Permian-Triassic boundary sequence [1]. Previous biostratigraphic analysis provides chronological control for the section, and a perspective of faunal turnover in the brachiopods, ammonoids, bivalves, conodonts, gastropods and foraminifera. Thecamoebians were concentrated from bulk sediments using palynological procedures, which isolated the organic constituents of preserved thecamoebian tests. The recovered individuals demonstrate exceptional similarity to the modern thecamoebian families Centropyxidae, Arcellidae, Hyalospheniidae and Trigonopyxidae, however, the vast majority belong to the Centropyxidae. This study further confirms the morphologic stability of the thecamoebian lineages through the Phanerozoic, and most importantly, their apparent little response to an infamous biological crisis in Earth’s history.  相似文献   

Numerous serotypes of Salmonella have been detected in a variety of wild animals, including raccoons (Procyon lotor). Raccoons are common, mid-size omnivores that live in close association with people in urban and rural areas in Ontario. Although raccoons are known to shed Salmonella, little is known about their potential long-term role in maintaining Salmonella infections. We sampled feces from raccoons in three areas of Ontario: one primarily urban site around Niagara, one primarily rural site north of Guelph, and the grounds of the Toronto Zoo, in 2007 to identify which serotypes of Salmonella were commonly shed by raccoons in southern Ontario. In addition, we conducted a longitudinal study at the Toronto Zoo site to determine if raccoons remain persistently infected with Salmonella. Salmonella was found in 45% of samples. The prevalence of Salmonella in raccoon feces ranged from 27% at the rural site to 65% at the urban site. We detected 16 serotypes of Salmonella in 83 positive samples. The most common serotype detected in raccoons from the rural and zoo sites was Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium, whereas Salmonella Newport was detected most commonly in the urban site. Only one raccoon of 11 that were captured in four or more consecutive trapping sessions shed the same Salmonella serotype for two consecutive months, suggesting that raccoons regularly acquire new Salmonella serotypes from the environment.  相似文献   

To determine if different algal viruses ( Phycodnaviridae ) share common patterns of seasonal abundance, quantitative PCR methods were developed and applied to monitor the abundances of three different viruses in Lake Ontario, Canada over 13 months. Throughout the year, the abundances of two different phycodnavirus polB gene fragments (LO1b-49 and LO1a-68) varied by more than two orders of magnitude, peaked during the autumn months, and were lowest during the summer. The seasonal abundance patterns of these two virus genes were similar and both were detected in almost every sample, but LO1b-49 was consistently an order of magnitude more abundant than LO1a-68. LO1b-49 reached a maximum abundance of 5413 ± 312 genes ml−1, whereas LO1a-68's abundance peaked at only 881 ± 113 genes ml−1. Another phycodnavirus polB fragment that was monitored (LO1b-16) was detected in only a few samples, but reached a higher maximum concentration (6771 ± 879 genes ml−1) than either LO1b-49 or LO1a-68. The results of this year-long investigation of virus gene abundances suggests that Lake Ontario's phycodnavirus community is composed of persistent viruses detectable throughout the year and transient viruses present in only a few sporadic samples. The results also suggest that some persistent algal viruses are able to survive at relatively low abundances through several seasons.  相似文献   

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