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以氮分子激光脉冲(40μJ Pulse 3HZ)为激发光通过石英光导纤维,导入大白鼠脑皮层;使脑内一些辅酶类物质(二核苷酸类和喋呤类)受激而发射出的荧光脉冲也由同一根光导纤维引出,以弱荧光检测技术对发射荧光脉冲进行检测.同时,还记录了激光诱发皮层电位,利用高效液相色谱法分析了六个脑区内的二核苷酸和喋呤物质的浓度.结果表现异戍巴比妥麻醉的动物与清醒动物相比激光——荧光脉冲波幅显著增高,但激光诱发皮层电位(N_(200)波和P_(300)波)的波幅则显著降低.在皮层、间脑和海马中黄素辅酶(FAD)的浓度显著增高,皮层、尾状核和脑干内的主物喋呤含量降低;脑干中喋呤的含量(?)显著降低.  相似文献   

本文应用H.Froehlich生物玻色(Bose)凝聚理论,讨论微弱的亚毫米波激光辐射对生物活体作用的机理,并介绍相关的实验结果。  相似文献   

陈郁初 《生命科学》2001,13(4):189-192
介绍了一种新颖的在位实时监测脑内化学物质变化的新方法,在探头-透析电极制作中运用了酶化学,电化学和微透析技术,能连续测定行为动物脑人神经化学物质浓度的变化,并且不需要借助高效液相仪作测定^[1],同时,扼要地介绍了探头的结构以及该技术的应用。  相似文献   

溴氰菊酯对鼠脑蛋白磷酸化作用的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

利用大鼠颅骨开窗观察软脑膜微循环的方法研究了内皮素(ET-1)10-10-10-7mol/L对软脑膜微循环的影响以及失血性休克时软脑膜对ET-1的反应性。并用10-7mol/L造成失血性休克后脑血管痉挛的模型,观察尼莫地平、川芎嗪、654-2对内皮素引起血管痉挛的治疗作用。10-9、10-8和10-7mol/L3种浓度ET-1可使软脑膜小动脉、细动脉强烈收缩,收缩率分别为27.7%、46.8%、78.5%,其收缩强度与ET-1的浓度有关。对静脉的作用不明显。10-10mol/LET-1可使细动脉轻度扩张。出血性休克时,软脑膜血流明显减慢,小动脉、细动脉管径对ET-1的收缩作用更敏感,脑组织血流明显减少。尼莫地平具有较好的拮抗ET-1引起软脑膜动脉的收缩和改善局部微循环的作用。川芎嗪也能拮抗ET-1引起软脑膜动脉的收缩,但作用较尼莫地平弱。654-2不能缓解ET-1对软脑膜动脉的收缩作用。  相似文献   

鼠脑微血管内皮细胞的分离与长期培养   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
采用胶原酶消化、差速离心、尼龙网滤过技术分离和获取鼠脑微血管内皮细胞,接种后4h换液使获得的内皮细胞纯化,体外进行长期培养。细胞在体外生长176天,传至30代,细胞初期成活率为92%,纯度近90%。经形态学、超微结构和免疫组化鉴定,培养细胞为血管内皮细胞。培养至第30代的细胞仍能合成和分泌PGI2、ACE等,ⅧF:Ag阳性表达,染色体为二倍体(2n=42),基本保持着细胞的主要特征。该分离和培养方法的建立,将为研究与脑血管相关疾病提供有用工具。  相似文献   

 本文研究了几种蛋白激酶活化剂及吗啡对脑细胞膜蛋白质磷酸化的调节。cAMP刺激了一种68KDa蛋白质和几种60KDa相关的蛋白质的磷酸化作用,Ca~(++)刺激68KDa和50KDa蛋白质的磷酸化。μ吗啡受体的特异性兴奋剂D-脑啡肽(DAGO)增加68KDa蛋白质的磷酸化,而吗啡K受体的特异性兴奋剂,Bremazocyne抑制这一蛋白质的磷酸化。蛋白激酶c的特异性活化剂——磷脂酰丝氨酸(PS)和甘油二油酸酯(DO)不促进这一磷酸化。相反,却抑制cAMP、Ca~(++)、和DAGO所刺激的68KDa蛋白质的磷酸化。结果表明,在鼠脑细胞膜存在一种68KDa专一的蛋白激酶,其活性受吗啡及几种细胞内信使分子,如cAMP、Ca~(++)和DO的调节。  相似文献   

目的研究脑源性神经营养因子(bDNF)改善痴呆老龄鼠学习记忆的作用机制;胆碱乙酰转移酶活性(ChAT-IR)、胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性的影响。方法利用海马内注射bDNF及免疫组织化学技术,观察给药前后各组迷宫试验,胆碱乙酰转移酶(ChAT)、胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性的变化。结果治疗组学习记忆能力有明显改变(P〈0.05)。与对照组比较ChAT-IR表达明显增加(P〈0.01),AchE活性明显增强(P〈0.01)。结论bDNF使胆碱乙酰转移酶活性(ChAT)、胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性增强;对老龄鼠的智能有改善作用。  相似文献   

流动剪切力对鼠脑微血管内皮细胞ICAM—1表达的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Song XY  Zeng YJ  Li CX  Liao DH  Hu JL  Hao YL 《生理学报》2001,53(1):13-17
利用内皮细胞流动小室方法,对大鼠脑微血管内皮细胞的剪切力作用下细胞内粘附分子-1(ICAM-1,intercellular adhesion molecule-1)的表达进行了研究。图像分析结果提示,脑微血管内皮细胞在剪切力作用下ICAM-1的表达呈特异上调,且存在着时间依赖性,与一定范围内的剪切力强度无关,用对细胞施加剪切力作用后提取上清液孵育内皮细胞的方法证明:剪切力对鼠脑微血管内皮细胞ICAM-1表达的影响,是直接作用于内皮细胞引起的细胞内的直接反应,而不是剪切力导致细胞先释放细胞因子,释放的细胞因子再引起ICAM-1变化的间接反应。该工作为进一步开展剪切力对微血管内皮细胞信号转导机制的影响提供了实验数据。  相似文献   

利用大鼠颅骨开窗观察软脑膜微循环的方法研究了内皮素(ET-1)10^-10-10^-7mol/L对软脑膜微循环的影响以及失血性体克时软脑膜对ET-1的反应性。并用10^-7mol/L造成失血性休克后脑血管痉挛的模型,观察尼莫地平、川芎嗪、654-2对内皮素引起血管痉挛的治疗作用。10^-9,10^-8和10^-7mol/L3种浓度ET-1可使脑膜小动脉、细动脉强烈收缩,收缩率分别为27.7%、46  相似文献   

—The conversion of plasma glucose into brain proteins in vivo was measured in rats after various periods of food deprivation. Rates of flow of glucose carbon into both soluble and insoluble brain proteins were calculated from the curve representing the decrease of plasma [14C]-glucose specific activity with time, and from the specific activity of brain protein 180 min after intravenous injection of a tracer dose of d -[14C]-glucose. Compared to the post-absorptive rats, food deprivation for 72 h caused a 30 per cent reduction in the rate of flow of glucose carbon into soluble brain proteins but did not affect the flow into insoluble proteins. Results of experiments in which the soluble brain proteins were separated by isoelectric focusing suggest that prolonged fasting in adult rats causes substantial differences in the conversion of glucose to different proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract— The turnover of the different histone components from brain nuclei was studied after the administration of l -[3H]lysine and l -[14C-methyl]methionine to newborn rats. The radioactivities of the different histone subfractions as well as other proteins were determined over a 280-day period. Biphasic type decay curves (3H and 14C) were obtained for total brain histones and all the subfractions. From 6 to 40 days of age the half life of total brain histones was 19 days. After reaching brain maturity the half life was 132 days. The lysine rich histone (F1) was found to turnover the fastest of all the histones, having half lives of 13 and 112 days, respectively. The decay curve for the slightly lysine rich histones (F2a2, F2b) gave half lives of 25 days up to 40 days of age and 189 days after reaching brain maturity. The arginine rich histones (F2a1, F3) gave a half life of 32 days up to 40 days of age, while no turnover was observed after maturity. The turnover rates of the methyl groups and/or methionyl residues did not vary significantly from the turnover rates of the lysyl residues in the F2 and F3 histones. The lysine-rich histones did not contain significant amounts of methionyl residues or methyl groups.
Amino acid analysis of the brain histones revealed that about 3·6 per cent of the lysyl residues in the slightly lysine rich histones were methylated, mainly as ε-N-dimethyllysine. About 13 per cent of the lysyl residues in the arginine rich histones were methylated, mainly as ε-N-monomethyllysine and ε-N-dimethyllysine.  相似文献   

Abstract— The effects of acute and long-term exposure to CS2 on oxidation and phosphorylation processes in brain mitochondria of rats were studied. Although rats developed different symptoms of poisoning, depending on the type of exposure, the brain mitochondria of both groups of animals exhibited the same types of disturbances in oxidative phosphorylation. The main characteristic of these disturbances was the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation indicated by lower respiratory control indices due to stimulation of oxidation of respiratory substrates by mitochondria in the metabolic state 4. This effect was accompanied by a decreased P:O ratio and a lower ATP-Pi exchange rate. An inhibitory effect of CS2 on the energy transfer processes is also suggested.
The observed changes in oxidative phosphorylation were more distinct in the case of acute poisoning, with a longer period of an uninterrupted exposure enabling a more complete tissue saturation with CS2, than in the case of long-term exposure with shorter periods of intoxication within the day.  相似文献   

Abstract— Metabolic relationships between the four major brain gangliosides, GM1, GD1a, GDlb and GT1 were studied in vivo . Labelled acetate and glucosamine were injected intracerebrally into 6–12-day-old rats and the radioactivities of the cerebral gangliosides were analysed. Radioactivity from [3H]acetate was determined in sialic acid, sphingosine and stearic acid and from [1-14C]glucosamine in hexosamine and sialic acid. The gangliosides were labelled in proportion to their pool size. In 6 day-old rats the labelling was approx. 30 per cent lower in the sialidase-stable sialyl group than in the labile one. When the brain gangliosides were labelled in 12-day-old rats, however, the specific activities of sialidase-labile and stable sialyl groups were the same at 0.5 months after the injection of precursors and disappeared at the same rate. The results indicate that at the age of 6 days a small pool of monosialogangliosides exists, which is converted to di- and trisialogangliosides. The degradation of gangliosides was studied by following the radioactivities in sphingosine and stearic acid from 2 to 6 months after the injection of labelled acetate. The specific activities of sphingosine and stearic acid decreased simultaneously at the same rate in all the four major gangliosides. The specific activity of stearic acid was the same in total brain lipids as in gangliosides. The half-lives for the degradation of the gangliosides were age-dependent and estimated to 60 days in adult rats. They were much shorter in younger rats but no reliable figures could be determined.  相似文献   

—The concentrations of several metabolites, including glucose, glycogen, glucose-6-phosphate, lactate, ATP and phosphocreatine have been measured in the brains of mice rapidly frozen at various intervals after the intraperitoneal injection of d -amphetamine sulphate (5 mg/kg). During the initial 30 min following injection, amphetamine induced a fall in cerebral glycogen and phosphocreatine and an elevation of lactate. Changes in glucose and brain/blood glucose ratios were less marked over this period. The metabolite levels returned to control values at 60 min. The cerebral metabolic rate calculated by the ‘closed system’ technique also showed a biphasic change. An initial depression of energy flux over the first 15 min following amphetamine injection was followed by an increase that appeared to be closely associated with the increase in locomotor activity over this period. The results have been discussed in relation to the known catecholamine-releasing action of amphetamine, and differential effects on glial cells and neurons have been proposed.  相似文献   

Abstract— Pinacolyl S -(2-dimethylaminoethyl)methylphosphonothioate (compound I) and its quaternary analogue (compound II), are potent anticholinesterases, that form a very stable phosphonylated AChE and differ in their in vitro anticholinesterase potency by a factor of two, but have widely differing lipid solubilities.
In vitro , compound I diffused through a cerebral cortex slice when applied to the intact surface at twelve times the rate of compound II and through a diaphragm segment at four times the rate. When applied to the intact surface of a cerebral cortex slice or a diaphragm segment for 10 min, compound I gained access to AChE sites more readily than compound II but the difference was much less than the difference in their lipid solubilities. There was no discontinuity in the percentage AChE inhibition versus logarithm of the concentration of compound II, indicating that there was no clear separation of AChE into two fractions which differed greatly in their accessibility to quaternary compounds. Both compounds gained access to AChE sites in cerebral cortex slices more readily than in diaphragm segments.
In vivo , the peak plasma levels and the rates of removal from the plasma of free inhibitor were similar for both compounds, given subcutaneously in equimolar amounts. Compound I in high doses inhibited over 90 per cent of the AChE in the cerebral cortex and the diaphragm; compound II even in lethal doses produced only marginal inhibition of AChE in the cerebral cortex and only 50–60 per cent inhibition of AChE in the diaphragm.
These results indicate that the in vivo distribution of quaternary compounds is different from that observed in vitro . The implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— In vivo protein synthesis rates in rats were estimated by single i.p. injections of large quantities of [1-14C]valine. This method gives reliable estimates of the precursor specific activity and average protein synthesis rates. In the brain, spinal cord, heart and liver, the average rates for adults were 0.65, 0.42, 0.49 and 1.92% replacement of protein-bound amino acid per h. In the brain and liver of 10-day olds the average rates were estimated to be 1.46 and 3.12% per h respectively. Hypophysectomy decreased synthesis rates by 25% or more in all tissues studied. The disadvantages of the method are that applying large amounts of valine i.p. appeared to constitute a stress and that the valine solution required for injection was hypertonic, causing withdrawal of body fluids of the animal.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake of [14C]guanine and some of its [14C]-labelled derivatives into rat brain was studied in vivo and in vitro. In vivo guanine, guanosine, and hypoxanthine penetrated the brain of adult rats to a very small extent. Inosine was taken up somewhat better. In young animals, also, guanosine was taken up poorly, but guanine was taken up fairly well. When guanine was administered to adult animals, only guanine was found in the brain. In young animals, by contrast, radioactivity from guanine appeared in guanosine and in guanine nucleotides, but no free guanine was found. In vitro guanine was taken up much better and, in fact, remained mostly as guanine in slices from 10-day-old rats. The in vitro conversion of guanine to GMP and its incorporation into RNA was unimpaired by the addition of unlabelled guanosine, an indication that guanine was converted directly to GMP. The uptake of guanine in vitro was not subject to competitive inhibition or influenced by the presence of dinitrophenol. This finding suggested that guanine entered the slice by simple diffusion.  相似文献   

The levels of certain amines (catecholamines, 5-HT, and ‘histamine’) and of certain enzymes (tyrosine hydroxylase, tryptophan hydroxylase, ChAc, or AChE) in whole brain or selected brain areas of rats and mice susceptible to audiogenic seizure have been compared with the levels in matched groups of non-sensitive animals. Sensitive groups included both those where susceptibility is inborn and those where it is induced by administration of methionine sulphoximine or thiosemicarbazide. No significant difference was found which could be correlated with susceptibility to audiogenic seizure.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uptake into brain and the incorporation into brain protein of intraperitoncally administered, labelled amino acids has been studied in myelinating rats during prolonged hyperphenylalaninaemia maintained by administration of p -chlorophenylalanine. Compared with controls, there was a 50% reduction in both uptake and incorporation into protein of leucine and a parallel reduction in the acid-soluble leucine pool. With glycine and lysine no such changes were observed. On the other hand, when each of the three amino acids was injected directly into the brain, the only significant differences observed between controls and hyperphenylalaninaemic animals were again with leucine, which showed an increased incorporation into protein and an increased specific activity in the otherwise reduced acid-soluble pool.
It is concluded that hyperphenylalaninaemia reduces the rate of transport of leucine into the brain and hence reduces the brain pool of leucine, but that any effects on protein synthesis are small. The validity of the model, and the implications of the findings, in relation to phenylketonuria, are discussed.  相似文献   

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