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An understanding of foraging behavior is crucial to understanding higher level community dynamics; in particular, there is a lack of information about how different species discover food resources. We examined the effect of forager number and forager discovery capacity on food discovery in two disparate temperate ant communities, located in Texas and Arizona. We defined forager discovery capacity as the per capita rate of resource discovery, or how quickly individual ants arrived at resources. In general, resources were discovered more quickly when more foragers were present; this was true both within communities, where species identity was ignored, as well as within species. This pattern suggests that resource discovery is a matter of random processes, with ants essentially bumping into resources at a rate mediated by their abundance. In contrast, species that were better discoverers, as defined by the proportion of resources discovered first, did not have higher numbers of mean foragers. Instead, both mean forager number and mean forager discovery capacity determined discovery success. The Texas species used both forager number and capacity, whereas the Arizona species used only forager capacity. There was a negative correlation between a species’ prevalence in the environment and the discovery capacity of its foragers, suggesting that a given species cannot exploit both high numbers and high discovery capacity as a strategy. These results highlight that while forager number is crucial to determining time to discovery at the community level and within species, individual forager characteristics influence the outcome of exploitative competition in ant communities.  相似文献   

Synopsis Foraging butterflyfishes follow predictable paths as they swim from one food patch to another within their territories and home ranges. The pattern is repeated throughout the day. The behavior is described in species belonging to the coral feeding guild. Habit formation and spatial learning are implicated. Foraging paths are based on learned locations of route specific landmarks. When a coral head is removed the fish look for it in its former location. If pairs of foraging fish are deflected from the path, they resume their routine pattern at the first landmark they encounter. Periodically, fish make excursions of 30 m or more to distant parts of the reef. Usually they follow different paths on the outbound and homeward legs of these excursions. The critical question is: Are the paths novel? If they are, it is evidence for the use of cognitive maps. Certainly fishes living in the highly structured coral reef environment are prime candidates to use cognitive maps in their orientation behavior.  相似文献   

The Line Islands are calcium carbonate coral reef platforms located in iron-poor regions of the central Pacific. Natural terrestrial run-off of iron is non-existent and aerial deposition is extremely low. However, a number of ship groundings have occurred on these atolls. The reefs surrounding the shipwreck debris are characterized by high benthic cover of turf algae, macroalgae, cyanobacterial mats and corallimorphs, as well as particulate-laden, cloudy water. These sites also have very low coral and crustose coralline algal cover and are call black reefs because of the dark-colored benthic community and reduced clarity of the overlying water column. Here we use a combination of benthic surveys, chemistry, metagenomics and microcosms to investigate if and how shipwrecks initiate and maintain black reefs. Comparative surveys show that the live coral cover was reduced from 40 to 60% to <10% on black reefs on Millennium, Tabuaeran and Kingman. These three sites are relatively large (>0.75 km2). The phase shift occurs rapidly; the Kingman black reef formed within 3 years of the ship grounding. Iron concentrations in algae tissue from the Millennium black reef site were six times higher than in algae collected from reference sites. Metagenomic sequencing of the Millennium Atoll black reef-associated microbial community was enriched in iron-associated virulence genes and known pathogens. Microcosm experiments showed that corals were killed by black reef rubble through microbial activity. Together these results demonstrate that shipwrecks and their associated iron pose significant threats to coral reefs in iron-limited regions.  相似文献   

Coral reef fish density and species richness are often higher at sites with more structural complexity. This association may be due to greater availability of shelters, but surprisingly little is known about the size and density of shelters and their use by coral reef fishes. We quantified shelter availability and use by fishes for the first time on a Caribbean coral reef by counting all holes and overhangs with a minimum entrance diameter ≥3 cm in 30 quadrats (25 m(2)) on two fringing reefs in Barbados. Shelter size was highly variable, ranging from 42 cm(3) to over 4,000,000 cm(3), with many more small than large shelters. On average, there were 3.8 shelters m(-2), with a median volume of 1,200 cm(3) and a total volume of 52,000 cm(3) m(-2). The number of fish per occupied shelter ranged from 1 to 35 individual fishes belonging to 66 species, with a median of 1. The proportion of shelters occupied and the number of occupants increased strongly with shelter size. Shelter density and total volume increased with substrate complexity, and this relationship varied among reef zones. The density of shelter-using fish was much more strongly predicted by shelter density and median size than by substrate complexity and increased linearly with shelter density, indicating that shelter availability is a limiting resource for some coral reef fishes. The results demonstrate the importance of large shelters for fish density and support the hypothesis that structural complexity is associated with fish abundance, at least in part, due to its association with shelter availability. This information can help identify critical habitat for coral reef fishes, predict the effects of reductions in structural complexity of natural reefs and improve the design of artificial reefs.  相似文献   

Bacterial cell division begins with the polymerization of the FtsZ protein to form a Z ring at the division site. This ring subsequently recruits the division machinery to allow cytokinesis. How the Z ring is positioned correctly remains a challenging question in biology and our knowledge in this area has been restricted to a few model species. Spatial regulation of division in these bacteria has been considered to be negatively controlled, with Z rings assembling in the area of least inhibition: the cell centre. An article in this issue of Molecular Microbiology reports the discovery of a new protein in Myxococcus xanthus, called PomZ (Positioning at midcell of FtsZ), that is required for the efficient recruitment of the Z ring to the division site. PomZ is a member of the Mrp/Min family of P loop ATPases that includes a diverse range of proteins involved in spatial regulation in bacteria. PomZ is the first positive regulator of Z ring positioning to be identified in vegetatively growing bacterial cells. Positive spatial regulation of division has previously been observed during sporulation in Streptomyces coelicolor and has been suggested to occur in Bacillus subtilis. Perhaps this will emerge as a common theme in the future.  相似文献   

Although all of the world’s coral reef regions have suffered degradation due to direct and indirect human influences, only the Western Atlantic reefs have declined to the extent that their continued existence appears to be in jeopardy. Of a once flourishing reef system, only about 10% is still alive and it is depauperate in terms of the food web diversity necessary to maintain a stable and productive ecosystem. The large carnivores and herbivores have become so scarce that they have failed to control the populations of smaller animals and plants, so that almost all the trophic levels have been disrupted. At the same time, the impacts of many other factors have contributed to the process of degradation resulting in a true crisis. The extent of damage, and the general impairment of regeneration, is such that a hope for natural recovery appears to be unrealistic. It is suggested that a recovery could be achieved through transplantation of corals and other reef species from areas where more diverse, relatively stable ecosystems still exist. Available data on the introduction of exotic species into marine ecosystems indicate that such species are generally accommodated and do not cause extinctions among the native species. Although some introduced species are considered to be pests, others have proved to be beneficial, and all have apparently increased the biodiversity of the invaded areas.  相似文献   

This review summarises the major factors that affect the post-mortem history of skeletons in a coral reef environment. Skeletal material is traced from life, through death, breakdown, transport, burial and diagenesis to its final fossil form. The fact that most reef sediments are of skeletal composition poses problems of concentration or dilution of individual grain types in taphonomic analysis of reefs. Rates of supply of grains vary, not only with organism abundance and skeletal growth rates, but also with rates of physical and biological breakdown to transportable sediment. Physical and organic processes affect sedimentary structures and textures by mixing or segregating skeletal grains, though biogenic processes normally dominate in the protected setting of reef lagoons. The soft and hard substrates associated with reefs present different media for calcium carbonate accumulation and post-depositional disturbance, for example, loose sediments suffer bioturbation and rocks surfaces suffer bioerosion. The wide range of durability of skeletons and their susceptibility to diagenesis contribute further to the complexities of the preservation of coral reefs.  相似文献   

Variation in gut length of closely related animals is known to generally be a good predictor of dietary habits. We examined gut length in 28 species of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae), which encompass a wide range of dietary types (planktivores, omnivores, and corallivores). We found general dietary patterns to be a good predictor of relative gut length, although we found high variation among groups and covariance with body size. The longest gut lengths are found in species that exclusively feed on the living tissue of corals, while the shortest gut length is found in a planktivorous species. Although we tried to control for phylogeny, corallivory has arisen multiple times in this family, confounding our analyses. The butterflyfishes, a speciose family with a wide range of dietary habits, may nonetheless provide an ideal system for future work studying gut physiology associated with specialization and foraging behaviors.  相似文献   

Polarization vision: how insects find their way by watching the sky   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Krapp HG 《Current biology : CB》2007,17(14):R557-R560
Scientists have long studied how some animals exploit celestial cues to solve navigational tasks. Recent discoveries show how locusts obtain unambiguous information from time-dependent patterns of polarized and unpolarized light in the sky.  相似文献   

This study documented temporal variation in the abundance of butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae) at Trunk Reef, on the central Great Barrier Reef, Australia, from May 2000 to March 2005. During this period, live coral cover declined by >90%, mostly due to severe coral bleaching. There were no short-term changes (within 4 months) in the abundance of butterflyfishes following initial declines in live coral cover. Surveys conducted in 2005, however, revealed significant declines in the abundance of Chaetodon baronessa , Chaetodon lunulatus , Chaetodon trifascialis, Chaetodon plebeius and Chaetodon rainfordi , all of which are obligate hard-coral feeders. In contrast, there was no significant change in the abundance of Chaetodon auriga , Chaetodon aureofasciatus , Chaetodon citrinellus , Chaetodon melannotus or Chaetodon vagabundus , which are much less reliant on scleractinian coral for food. Clearly, extensive coral depletion, such as that caused by severe coral bleaching, can have a major effect on the abundance of butterflyfishes. Specific responses of butterflyfishes varied according to their reliance on hard corals for food and their ability to utilize alternate prey types.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Coral reefs are suffering unprecedented declines worldwide. Most studies focus on stressors such as rising temperatures, nutrient pollution, overfishing, and ocean acidification as...  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Degradation and loss of reef habitat is one of the foremost threats to coral reef fishes, especially for highly specialised species with specific reliance on live corals. Aside from...  相似文献   

The discovery of epipsammitic Foraminifera in sediments of Moorea and Scilly (French Polynesia) and the study of close relationships between embedded specimens and host-grains indicate that some species participate in the weakening and subsequent breakdown of skeletal grains and consequently contribute to the production of silt-sized particles. The study of 36 stations around the islands shows the factors that control the distribution and abundance of this incrusted microfauna. Specimens are more abundant on sand particles larger than 1,000 microns and in the high energy areas; this abundance decreases with depth. The physiological mechanism of penetrations is presumably chemical, but each species apparently has its own process: complete dissolution with removal of ions for the cytoplasm of calcareous species; partial dissolution with transport of silt-size aggregates on the test of agglutinated species. The purpose of such penetration may be to protect themselves against water turbulence and to provide material for test construction.  相似文献   

Ecological persistence interrupted in Caribbean coral reefs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The recent mass mortality of Caribbean reef corals dramatically altered reef community structure and begs the question of the past stability and persistence of coral assemblages before human disturbance began. We report within habitat stability in coral community composition in the Pleistocene fossil record of Barbados for at least 95 000 years despite marked variability in global sea level and climate. Results were consistent for surveys of both common and rare taxa. Comparison of Pleistocene and modern community structure shows that Recent human impacts have changed coral community structure in ways not observed in the preceding 220 000 years.  相似文献   

Coral reefs have reconstituted themselves after previous large sea-level variations, and climate changes. For the past 6000 years of unusually stable sea-level, reefs have grown without serious interruptions. During recent decades, however, new stresses threaten localized devastation of many reefs. A new period of global climate change is occurring, stimulated by anthropogenic increases in greenhouse gases. Coral reefs will cope well with predicted sea-level rises of 4.5 cm per decade, but reef islands will not. Higher sea levels will provide corals with greater room for growth across reef flats, but there are no foreseeable mechanisms for reef island growth to keep pace with sea-level rise, therefore many low islands may ultimately become uninhabitable. Climate change will introduce localized variations in weather patterns, but changes to individual reefs cannot be predicted. Reefs on average should cope well with regional climate change, as they have coped with similar previous fluctuations. Air temperature increases of 0.2–0.3 °C/decade will induce slower increases in sea-surface temperatures, which may cause localized, or regional increases in coral bleaching. Changes in rainfall will impact on reefs near land masses. Likewise, increased storms and variations in El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) may stress some reefs, but not others. The greatest impact of climate change will be a synergistic enhancement of direct anthropogenic stresses (excessive sediment and pollution from the land; over-fishing, especially via destructive methods; mining of coral rock and sand; and engineering modifications), which currently cause most damage to coral reefs. Many of the world's reefs have been degraded and more will be damaged as anthropogenic impacts increase under the ‘demophoric’ increases in population (demos) and economic (phoric) activity. This biotic and habitat loss will result in severe economic and social losses. Reefs, however, have considerable recovery powers and losses can be minimized by effective management of direct human impacts and reducing indirect threats of global climate change.  相似文献   

A three step decision-making process is advocated for coral reef managers which (1) evaluates an area at risk, (2) quantifies the risk, and (3) assesses recoverability and consequences in terms of ecological succession and bioconstruction. The judgements required at each stage of the decision-making process should be based on a clear understanding of their ecological and geomorphological implications. Biodiversity and bioconstruction criteria are used to evaluate locations on a five point scale. Ecological risk assessment assigns likelihoods for various damage scenarios. Acceptable change is scale and context dependent and ranges from zero to complete, depending on ecological value and alternate values. Three questions need to be addressed in relation to recoverability of damaged sites: (1) effects on future suitability for settlement, growth and/or repair, (2) certainty of supply of appropriate propagules; and (3) identifiable, on site ecological factors (such as predators, competitors, diseases) which may prevent recovery.  相似文献   

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