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Patterns of biodiversity predicted by the neutral theory rely on a simple phenomenological model of speciation. To further investigate the effect of speciation on neutral biodiversity, we analyze a spatially explicit neutral model based on population genetics. We define the metacommunity as a system of populations exchanging migrants, and we use this framework to introduce speciation with little or no gene flow (allopatric and parapatric speciation). We find that with realistic mutation rates, our metacommunity model driven by neutral processes cannot support more than a few species. Adding natural selection in the population genetics of speciation increases the number of species in the metacommunity, but the level of diversity found in the Barro Colorado Island is difficult to reach.  相似文献   

Restoration science is a relatively young branch of ecology that is growing in importance owing to the sheer scale and trend of habitat degradation worldwide and the range of strong benefits that it is seen to potentially carry. Although spearheaded mainly by developed countries, its usefulness at least for the conservation of biodiversity may be greatest in the developing world. Here we examine how Mauritius, a developing island nation that may be regarded as well equipped among developing countries in terms of access to restoration science, is using science to inform the ecological restoration of its degraded native habitats for biodiversity conservation. While Mauritius is known for a number of proactive and at times innovative approaches that may even be setting the pace worldwide, we found that the restoration activities which are impacting the largest areas and an overwhelming proportion of native biodiversity of the country sometimes remain averse to even basic ecological principles. This includes the removal from restoration areas of fast growing native pioneer species with proven nurse‐tree potential to be replaced by a multitude of nursery grown and much slower growing plants that would have naturally grown anyway. Besides representing setbacks to areas undergoing restoration, this elevates restoration costs in the face of scarcity of conservation resources and urgency to restore more than the tiny and isolated areas currently targeted. Research worldwide continues to improve restoration science but blockages to knowledge transfer can seriously undermine its impact where it is most needed.  相似文献   

In 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita clearly revealed that even in the United States the welfare of companion animals and nonhuman animals in the wild, zoo, or aquarium was not considered within the evacuation plans for their human caretakers (owners). The lack of proper planning and trained individuals resulted in a huge loss of animal life as well as suffering and trauma to both animals and their owners. The present Canadian Federal Emergency Response Plan does not have adequate procedures for the evacuation of animals together with their owners, nor do Canada or the provinces and territories have a plan in place that consists of properly trained and equipped individuals to respond to this aspect of disaster management. The Canadian Veterinary Reserve (CVR) was thus organized at a national level to respond properly to disasters or emergencies of all types and thereby reduce animal suffering and loss of life. This article describes the formation of the CVR and its anticipated national role in addressing animal welfare during times of catastrophic need.  相似文献   

How prevalent is functional alternative splicing in the human genome?   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Comparative analyses of ESTs and cDNAs with genomic DNA predict a high frequency of alternative splicing in human genes. However, there is an ongoing debate as to how many of these predicted splice variants are functional and how many are the result of aberrant splicing (or 'noise'). To address this question, we compared alternatively spliced cassette exons that are conserved between human and mouse with EST-predicted cassette exons that are not conserved in the mouse genome. Presumably, conserved exon-skipping events represent functional alternative splicing. We show that conserved (functional) cassette exons possess unique characteristics in size, repeat content and in their influence on the protein. By contrast, most non-conserved cassette exons do not share these characteristics. We conclude that a significant portion of cassette exons evident in EST databases is not functional, and might result from aberrant rather than regulated splicing.  相似文献   

The discovery of the induction of RNA degradation by double stranded RNA in C. elegans, "RNA interference", makes it possible to envision systematic studies of gene function in mammalian cells. Indeed, in spite of the existence in mammals of the interferon response to double stranded RNA, the introduction of small interfering RNA can induce a sequence specific inhibition of gene expression either through RNA degradation or by blocking translation. Although the inhibition is transient and usually not complete, strategies have been developed to achieve long term gene silencing. The issue of target specificity is still not completely clear and will probably constitute a limitation of this approach. However, because of the unprecedented ease with which large scale screens can be performed, RNA interference has already established itself as the tool of choice to initiate functional genomics in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The restoration community continues to discuss what constitutes good environmental stewardship. One area of tension is the extent to which the well‐being of wild animals should inform restoration efforts. We discuss three ways that the perspective of wild animal welfare can augment restoration ecology: strengthening people's relationship with nature, reinforcing biotic integrity, and reducing mechanistic uncertainty. The animal welfare movement elevates sentient animals as stakeholders and explores how environmental context directly impacts the well‐being of individuals. Viewing wild animals through this lens may encourage people to think and act with empathy and altruism. Second, we incorporate animal welfare into the concept of biotic integrity for ecological and ethical reasons. Restoring ecosystem processes may enhance animal welfare, and vice versa. Alternatively, there may be a trade‐off between these factors, requiring local decision‐makers to prioritize between restoring ecosystem function and promoting individuals' well‐being. We conclude by discussing how welfare can impact population recovery, thereby adding insights about mechanisms underpinning restoration objectives. Ultimately, restoration ecologists and proponents of wild animal welfare could enjoy a productive union.  相似文献   

We estimated the amount of carbon (C) stored in terrestrial ecosystems of the Chilean Patagonia and the proportion within protected areas. We used existing public databases that provide information on C stocks in biomass and soils. Data were analysed by ecosystem and forest type in the case of native forests. Our results show that some ecosystems have been more extensively studied both for their stocks in biomass and soils (e.g. forests) compared with others (e.g. shrublands). Forests and peatlands store the largest amount of C because of their large stocks per hectare and the large area they cover. The total amount of C stored per unit area varies from 261.7 to 432.8 Mg C ha−1, depending on the published value used for soil organic C stocks in peatlands, highlighting the need to have more precise estimates of the C stored in this and other ecosystems. The mean stock in national parks (508 Mg C ha−1) is almost twice the amount stored in undisturbed forests in the Amazon. State and private protected areas contain 58.9% and 2.1% of the C stock, respectively, playing a key role in protecting ecosystems in this once pristine area.  相似文献   

Norin E 《Anaerobe》2011,(6):431-432
When investigating different disturbances of the normal intestinal flora causing disorders and/or diseases in man and animal, these studies include comparisons of results with control materials, i.e., materials from conventional laboratory animals or healthy human beings. However, how "normal" is the control group’s flora? In this paper two different examples will be discussed; one investigation with laboratory animals and one from a human study.  相似文献   

Logic of experiments in ecology: is pseudoreplication a pseudoissue?   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Lauri Oksanen 《Oikos》2001,94(1):27-38
Hurlbert divides experimental ecologist into ‘those who do not see any need for dispersion (of replicated treatments and controls), and those who do recognize its importance and take whatever measures are necessary to achieve a good dose of it’. Experimental ecologists could also be divided into those who do not see any problems with sacrificing spatial and temporal scales in order to obtain replication, and those who understand that appropriate scale must always have priority over replication. If an experiment is conducted in a spatial or temporal scale, where the predictions of contesting hypotheses are convergent or ambiguous, no amount of technical impeccability can make the work instructive. Conversely, replication can always be obtained afterwards, by conducting more experiments with basically similar design in different areas and by using meta‐analysis. This approach even reduces the sampling bias obtained if resources are allocated to a small number of well‐replicated experiments. For a strict advocate of the hypothetico‐deductive method, replication is unnecessary even as a matter of principle, unless the predicted response is so weak that random background noise is a plausible excuse for a discrepancy between predictions and results. By definition, a prediction is an ‘all‐statement’, referring to all systems within a well‐defined category. What applies to all must apply to any. Hence, choosing two systems and assigning them randomly to a treatment and a control is normally an adequate design for a deductive experiment. The strength of such experiments depends on the firmness of the predictions and their a priori probability of corroboration. Replication is but one of many ways of reducing this probability. Whether the experiment is replicated or not, inferential statistics should always be used, to enable the reader to judge how well the apparent patterns in samples reflect real patterns in statistical populations. The concept ‘pseudoreplication’ amounts to entirely unwarranted stigmatization of a reasonable way to test predictions referring to large‐scale systems.  相似文献   

The role of "subvocalization" during language comprehension, especially reading, is examined. Four arguments against it having a role in accessing memory are erroneous because 1) its latency is much shorter than is conventionally stated; 2) rate of visual information processing is erroneously estimated by failing to distinguish between reading and scanning; 3) covert speech does not disappear in the competent language performer; and 4) the argument that subvocalization is an epiphenomenon is irrelevant. Rather, data support the generalization that covert speech is present during all cognitive functioning and that its specific topography is discriminatively related to the class of phoneme being processed. It is thus inferred that during cognition the speech musculature generates a phonetic code that may function to access linguistic memory. However, since there are also numerous other psychophysiologic events associated with covert speech, a multichannel processing system is hypothesized wherein speech, visual, and kinesthetic modalities interact with the brain. Illustrations are given of how this accessing model is compatible with existing holographic and feature analyzer models of memory. Data are presented that illustrate how phonetically encoded neuromuscular events can be directly measured through psychophysiologic methods. It is hypothesized that cognitive processes are generated when cybernetic neuromuscular circuits selectively interact. Consequently, all components of these neuromuscular circuits serve a function during cognition so that a role for "subvocalization" (a muscular component) cannot be ruled out in an apriori manner.  相似文献   

The use of intracoronary stents represent a major breakthrough in the armamentarium of interventional cardiology. Stents reduce significantly the incidence of recurrent stenosis (in-stent restenosis) via an improved post-procedure luminal diameter and an abrogation of the constrictive remodeling of the arterial wall. However, stent-related arterial injury results in intense proliferative and inflammatory responses and severe intimal hyperplasia, which, in 20% to 40% of the patients, may end up with clinically significant in-stent restenosis. Efficient prevention of in-stent restenosis has yet to be found. Systemic treatments have failed because they don't take into account the specific physiopathology and, most importantly, the focal nature of in-stent intimal hyperplasia. Hence, local prevention appears to be a straightforward approach to the unsolved issue of in-stent restenosis. In situ beta- or gamma-irradiation (brachytherapy) has received much attention as a curative treatment of in-stent restenosis but is not indicated for prevention. In contrast, drug-releasing stents have been tested in experimental models and have already provided very promising results in randomized clinical trials. Most of clinical studies have been performed with the antiproliferative agents sirolimus and paclitaxel, but other agents are under scrutiny. In addition, important research is carried out, in which the efficacy of antiproliferative genes is investigated. Clearly, drug-releasing stents are on the verge of profoundly modifying our practice of interventional cardiology. However, several questions remain unanswered as regard to the long term efficacy/toxicity and the cost-effectiveness of this new approach.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the effects of roads on wildlife have been extensively studied. Theoretically, railways cause similar effects as well, yet ecologists do not understand the magnitude of these effects. Despite the field of road ecology rapidly expanding and the large footprint created by railways, there is a prominent lack of research related to railways and their effects on wildlife. To emphasize gaps between road and railway wildlife studies, we performed a thorough systematic review of twelve peer-reviewed journals in which ecologists and conservation biologists commonly publish. We found a clear underrepresentation of railway studies despite the potential negative ecological effects associated with this important anthropogenic feature. We found 259 road-wildlife articles and only 17 railway-wildlife articles in the journals we assessed with the majority of road studies focused in North America and the majority of railway studies in Europe. Although road-wildlife studies have increased through time, railway-wildlife studies have remained stagnant. In our opinion, the development of research pertaining to ‘Railway Ecology’ is long overdue.  相似文献   

Summary About one third of the Dutch environmental research is concentrated on aquatic problems. The largest number of these projects is physicochemical (65%) and 47% of the aquatic projects contains an ecological component. The aquatic research projects are executed in a large number of different research institutes. Many institutes just formulated one project (43.2%) and about 10% of the institutes formulated 10 projects. The institutes with 10 or more projects account for almost 50% of the total number of projects. However, the size of the research projects with respect to the average total personnel per year may differ considerably. The largest number of aquatic research projects is carried out in governmental institutes. This relative high share of governmental institutes has proportionally increased during the period of 1975–1982. During this period the relative shares of all the aquatic research projects with an ecological component, of the strictly ecological projects and of the ecological/physicochemical projects have also proportionally inclined. However, in absolute numbers there seems to be a decline of both ecological and non-ecological projects on aquatic problems.  相似文献   

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