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We describe the construction and characterization of an oligonucleotide Holliday junction analog and characterize its interaction with a Saccharomyces cerevisiae endonuclease that cleaves Holliday junctions. A Holliday junction analog containing four duplex arms and 54 base pairs was constructed by annealing four unique synthetic oligonucleotides. Mixing curve analysis showed that the complex contained a 1:1:1:1 mol ratio of the four unique sequence strands. In addition, a linear duplex with a sequence identical to two of the junction arms was also constructed for use as a control fragment. High resolution gel exclusion chromatography was used to purify and characterize the synthetic junction. The synthetic Holliday junction was found to be a specific inhibitor of a S. cerevisiae enzyme that catalyzes the cleavage of Holliday junctions. Under standard cleavage conditions, 50% inhibition was observed at a synthetic Holliday junction to substrate ratio of 7/1, whereas no inhibition by linear duplex was observed at molar ratios in excess of 150/1. Kinetic analysis showed that Holliday junction was a competitive inhibitor of the reaction and had an apparent Ki = 2.5 nM, although the mode of inhibition was complex. The synthetic Holliday junction was not a substrate for the enzyme, but was found to form a specific complex with the enzyme as evidenced by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis DNA binding assays.  相似文献   

Rap endonuclease targets recombinant joint molecules arising from phage lambda Red-mediated genetic exchange. Previous studies revealed that Rap nicks DNA at the branch point of synthetic Holliday junctions and other DNA structures with a branched component. However, on X junctions incorporating a three base-pair core of homology or with a fixed crossover, Rap failed to make the bilateral strand cleavages characteristic of a Holliday junction resolvase. Here, we demonstrate that Rap can mediate symmetrical resolution of 50 bp and chi Holliday structures containing larger homologous cores. On two different mobile 50 bp junctions Rap displays a weak preference for cleaving the phosphodiester backbone between 5'-GC dinucleotides. The products of resolution on both large and small DNA substrates can be sealed by T4 DNA ligase, confirming the formation of nicked duplexes. Rap protein was also assessed for its capacity to influence the global conformation of junctions in the presence or absence of magnesium ions. Unlike the known Holliday junction binding proteins, Rap does not affect the angle of duplex arms, implying an unorthodox mode of junction binding. The results demonstrate that Rap can function as a Holliday junction resolvase in addition to eliminating other branched structures that may arise during phage recombination.  相似文献   

Holliday junction resolution performed by a variety of structure-specific endonucleases is a key step in DNA recombination and repair. It is believed that all resolvases carry out their reaction chemistries in a similar fashion, utilizing a divalent cation to facilitate the hydrolysis of the phosphodiester backbone of the DNA, but their architecture varies. To date, with the exception of bacteriophage T4 endonuclease VII, each of the known resolvase enzyme structures has been categorized into one of two families: the integrases and the nucleases. We have now determined the structure of the Escherichia coli RusA Holliday junction resolvase, which reveals a fourth structural class for these enzymes. The structure suggests that dimer formation is essential for Mg(2+) cation binding and hence catalysis and that like the other resolvases, RusA distorts its Holliday junction target upon binding. Key residues identified by mutagenesis experiments are well positioned to interact with the DNA.  相似文献   

DNA recombination is a universal biological event responsible both for the generation of genetic diversity and for the maintenance of genome integrity. A four-way DNA junction, also termed Holliday junction, is the key intermediate in nearly all recombination processes. This junction is the substrate of recombination enzymes that promote branch migration or catalyze its resolution. We have determined the crystal structure of a four-way DNA junction by multiwavelength anomalous diffraction, and refined it to 2.16 A resolution. The structure has two-fold symmetry, with pairwise stacking of the double-helical arms, which form two continuous B-DNA helices that run antiparallel, cross in a right-handed way, and contain two G-A mismatches. The exchanging backbones form a compact structure with strong van der Waals contacts and hydrogen bonds, implying that a conformational change must occur for the junction to branch-migrate or isomerize. At the branch point, two phosphate groups from one helix occupy the major groove of the other one, establishing sequence-specific hydrogen bonds. These interactions, together with different stacking energies and steric hindrances, explain the preference for a particular junction stacked conformer.  相似文献   

The resolution of Holliday junctions in DNA involves specific cleavage at or close to the site of the junction. A nuclease from Saccharomyces cerevisiae cleaves model Holliday junctions in vitro by the introduction of nicks in regions of duplex DNA adjacent to the crossover point. In previous studies [Parsons and West (1988) Cell, 52, 621-629] it was shown that cleavage occurred within homologous arm sequences with precise symmetry across the junction. In contrast, junctions with heterologous arm sequences were cleaved asymmetrically. In this work, we have studied the effect of sequence changes and base modification upon the site of cleavage. It is shown that the specificity of cleavage is unchanged providing that perfect homology is maintained between opposing arm sequences. However, in the absence of homology, cleavage depends upon sequence context and is affected by minor changes such as base modification. These data support the proposed mechanism for cleavage of a Holliday junction, which requires homologous alignment of arm sequences in an enzyme--DNA complex as a prerequisite for symmetrical cleavage by the yeast endonuclease.  相似文献   

A eukaryotic sequence-specific endonuclease, Endo.SceI, causes sequence-specific double-stranded scission of double-stranded DNA to produce cohesive ends with four bases protruding at the 3' termini. Unlike in the case of restriction enzymes, an asymmetric 26-base pair consensus sequence was found around the cleavage site for Endo.SceI instead of a common sequence. We analyzed the base pairs that interacted with Endo.SceI on the recognition of its cleavage sites. A region comprising -10 through +16 base pairs from the center of the cleavage site was shown to be essential and sufficient for the sequence-specific cutting with Endo.SceI by experiments involving synthesized DNAs. Methylation interference experiments indicate that bases in the region comprising the +7 through +14 base pairs is involved in close contact with Endo.SceI in its recognition of the cleavage site. This +7 through +14-base pair region overlaps the most stringently conserved sequence in the consensus sequence for the cleavage site, suggesting that this region constitutes the core for the recognition by Endo.SceI.  相似文献   

The structure of the Holliday junction, and its resolution   总被引:50,自引:0,他引:50  
The Holliday (four-way) junction is a critical intermediate in homologous genetic recombination. We have studied the structure of a series of four-way junctions, constructed by hybridization of four 80 nucleotide synthetic oligonucleotides. These molecules migrate anomalously slowly in gel electrophoresis. Each arm of any junction could be selectively shortened by cleavage at a unique restriction site, and we have studied the relative gel mobilities of species in which two arms were cleaved. The pattern of fragments observed argues strongly for a structure with two-fold symmetry, based on an X shape, the long arms of which are made from pairwise colinear association of helical arms. The choice of partners is governed by the base sequence at the junction, allowing a potential isomerization between equivalent structural forms. Resolvase enzymes can distinguish between these structures, and the resolution products are determined by the structure adopted, i.e., by the sequence at the junction. In the absence of cations, the helical arms of the junction are fully extended in a square configuration, and unstacking results in junction thymines becoming reactive to osmium tetroxide.  相似文献   

Tripathi P  Pal D  Muniyappa K 《Biochemistry》2007,46(44):12530-12542
Saccharomyces cerevisiae HOP1, which encodes a component of synaptonemal complex, plays an important role in crossing over between homologues. Hop1p contains a zinc finger motif, and substitution of a conserved Cys371 by Ser rendered the hop1 mutant allele defective in sporulation and meiosis. However, the molecular mechanism underlying the function of Hop1 zinc finger motif (ZnF) remains obscure. Here we show that wild-type Hop1 ZnF binds significantly better to the Holliday junction compared with other recombination intermediates. Consequently, the salt titration midpoint for dissociation of the Holliday junction-ZnF complex was higher than the complexes containing flush-ended linear or tailed duplex DNA. Although DNase I footprinting showed that Hop1 ZnF binds to each of the four arms of the junction, KMnO4 probing and 2-aminopurine fluorescence emission data disclosed that it distorts the DNA structure along a pair of symmetrical arms. Molecular modeling studies show that Hop1 ZnF forms a unique zinc-binding fold, reminiscent of the basic helix-loop-helix motif. In the presence of Zn2+, docking studies show that alpha helix 1, which is replete with basic amino acid residues, makes stabilizing contacts with the sugar-phosphate backbone. Structural comparison revealed a striking similarity between RecG wedge domain and Hop1 ZnF motif. We propose that Hop1 ZnF motif plays a key role in the physical monitoring of recombination intermediates and branch migration of the Holliday junction.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rmi1 protein is a component of the highly conserved Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1 complex. Deletion of SGS1, TOP3, or RMI1 is synthetically lethal when combined with the loss of the Mus81-Mms4 or Slx1-Slx4 endonucleases, which have been implicated in Holliday junction (HJ) resolution. To investigate the causes of this synthetic lethality, we isolated a temperature-sensitive mutant of the RMI1 strain, referred to as the rmi1-1 mutant. At the restrictive temperature, this mutant phenocopies an rmi1Δ strain but behaves like the wild type at the permissive temperature. Following a transient exposure to methyl methanesulfonate, rmi1-1 mutants accumulate unprocessed homologous recombination repair (HRR) intermediates. These intermediates are slowly resolved at the restrictive temperature, revealing a redundant resolution activity when Rmi1 is impaired. This resolution depends on Mus81-Mms4 but not on either Slx1-Slx4 or another HJ resolvase, Yen1. Similar results were also observed when Top3 function was impaired. We propose that the Sgs1-Top3-Rmi1 complex constitutes the main pathway for the processing of HJ-containing HRR intermediates but that Mus81-Mms4 can also resolve these intermediates.  相似文献   

Cce1 is a magnesium-dependent Holliday junction endonuclease involved in the resolution of recombining mitochondrial DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cce1 binds four-way DNA junctions as a dimer, opening the junction into an extended, 4-fold symmetric structure, and resolves junctions by the introduction of paired nicks in opposing strands at the point of strand exchange. In the present study, we have examined the interactions of wild-type Cce1 with a noncleavable four-way DNA junction and metal ions (Mg(2+) and Mn(2+)) using isothermal titration calorimetry, EPR, and gel electrophoresis techniques. Mg(2+) or Mn(2+) ions bind to Cce1 in the absence of DNA junctions with a stoichiometry of two metal ions per Cce1 monomer. Cce1 binds to four-way junctions with a stoichiometry of two Cce1 dimers per junction molecule in the presence of EDTA, and one dimer of Cce1 per junction in 15 mM magnesium. The presence of 15 mM Mg(2+) dramatically reduces the affinity of Cce1 for four-way DNA junctions, by about 900-fold. This allows an estimation of DeltaG degrees for stacking of four-way DNA junction 7 of -4.1 kcal/mol, consistent with the estimate of -3.3 to -4.5 kcal/mol calculated from branch migration and NMR experiments [Overmars and Altona (1997) J. Mol. Biol. 273, 519-524; Panyutin et al. (1995) EMBO J. 14, 1819-1826]. The striking effect of magnesium ions on the affinity of Cce1 binding to the four-way junction is predicted to be a general one for proteins that unfold the stacked X-structure of the Holliday junction on binding.  相似文献   

The homing endonuclease PI-SceI from Saccharo myces cerevisiae consists of two domains. The protein splicing domain I catalyzes the excision of the mature endonuclease (intein) from a precursor protein and the religation of the flanking amino acid sequences (exteins) to a functional protein. Furthermore, domain I is involved in binding and recognition of the specific DNA substrate. Domain II of PI-SceI, the endonuclease domain, which is structurally homologous to other homing endonucleases from the LAGLIDADG family, harbors the endonucleolytic center of PI-SceI, which in vivo initiates the homing process by introducing a double-strand cut in the ~35 bp recognition sequence. At 1.35 Å resolution, the crystal structure of PI-SceI domain I provides a detailed view of the part of the protein that is responsible for tight and specific DNA binding. A geometry-based docking of the 75° bent recognition sequence to the full-length protein implies a conformational change or hinge movement of a subdomain of domain I, the tongs part, that is predicted to reach into the major groove near base pairs +16 to +18.  相似文献   

We have solved the crystal structure of the Holliday junction resolving enzyme T7 endonuclease I at 2.1 A resolution using the multiwavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) technique. Endonuclease I exhibits strong structural specificity for four-way DNA junctions. The structure shows that it forms a symmetric homodimer arranged in two well-separated domains. Each domain, however, is composed of elements from both subunits, and amino acid side chains from both protomers contribute to the active site. While no significant structural similarity could be detected with any other junction resolving enzyme, the active site is similar to that found in several restriction endonucleases. T7 endonuclease I therefore represents the first crystal structure of a junction resolving enzyme that is a member of the nuclease superfamily of enzymes.  相似文献   

Resolution of Holliday junction recombination intermediates in most Gram-negative bacteria is accomplished by the RuvC endonuclease acting in concert with the RuvAB branch migration machinery. Gram-positive species, however, lack RuvC, with the exception of distantly related orthologues from bacteriophages infecting Lactococci and Streptococci. We have purified one of these proteins, 67RuvC, from Lactococcus lactis phage bIL67 and demonstrated that it functions as a Holliday structure resolvase. Differences in the sequence selectivity of resolution between 67RuvC and Escherichia coli RuvC were noted, although both enzymes prefer to cleave 3' of thymidine residues. However, unlike its cellular counterpart, 67RuvC readily binds and cleaves a variety of branched DNA substrates in addition to Holliday junctions. Plasmids expressing 67RuvC induce chromosomal breaks, probably as a consequence of replication fork cleavage, and cannot be recovered from recombination-defective E. coli strains. Despite these deleterious effects, 67RuvC constructs suppress the UV light sensitivity of ruvA, ruvAB and ruvABC mutant strains confirming that the phage protein mediates Holliday junction resolution in vivo. The characterization of 67RuvC offers a unique insight into how a Holliday junction-specific resolvase can evolve into a debranching endonuclease tailored to the requirements of phage recombination.  相似文献   

Endonuclease VII is an enzyme from bacteriophage T4 capable of resolving four-arm Holliday junction intermediates in recombination. Since natural Holliday junctions have homologous (2-fold) sequence symmetry, they can branch migrate, creating a population of substrates that have the branch point at different sites. We have explored the substrate requirements of endonuclease VII by using immobile analogs of Holliday junctions that lack this homology, thereby situating the branch point at a fixed site in the molecule. We have found that immobile junctions whose double-helical arms contain fewer than nine nucleotide pairs do not serve as substrates for resolution by endonuclease VII. Scission of substrates with 2-fold symmetrically elongated arms produces resolution products that are a function of the particular arms that are lengthened. We have confirmed that the scission products are those of resolution, rather than nicking of individual strands, by using shamrock junction molecules formed from a single oligonucleotide strand. A combination of end-labeled and internally labeled shamrock molecules has been used to demonstrate that all of the scission is due to coordinated cleavage of DNA on opposite sides of the junction, 3' to the branch point. Endonuclease VII is known to cleave the crossover strands of Holliday junctions in this fashion. The relationship of the long arms to the cleavage direction suggests that the portion of the enzyme which requires the minimum arm length interacts with the pair of arms containing the 3' portion of the crossover strands on the bound surface of the antiparallel junction.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome X (745 442 bp) reveals a total of 379 open reading frames (ORFs), the coding region covering approximately 75% of the entire sequence. One hundred and eighteen ORFs (31%) correspond to genes previously identified in S. cerevisiae. All other ORFs represent novel putative yeast genes, whose function will have to be determined experimentally. However, 57 of the latter subset (another 15% of the total) encode proteins that show significant analogy to proteins of known function from yeast or other organisms. The remaining ORFs, exhibiting no significant similarity to any known sequence, amount to 54% of the total. General features of chromosome X are also reported, with emphasis on the nucleotide frequency distribution in the environment of the ATG and stop codons, the possible coding capacity of at least some of the small ORFs (<100 codons) and the significance of 46 non-canonical or unpaired nucleotides in the stems of some of the 24 tRNA genes recognized on this chromosome.  相似文献   

Holliday junction is the key homologous recombination intermediate, resolved by structure-selective endonucleases (SSEs). SLX1 is the most promiscuous SSE of the GIY-YIG nuclease superfamily. In fungi and animals, SLX1 nuclease activity relies on a non-enzymatic partner, SLX4, but no SLX1-SLX4 like complex has ever been characterized in plants. Plants exhibit specialized DNA repair and recombination machinery. Based on sequence similarity with the GIY-YIG nuclease domain of SLX1 proteins from fungi and animals, At-HIGLE was identified to be a possible SLX1 like nuclease from plants. Here, we elucidated the crystal structure of the At-HIGLE nuclease domain from Arabidopsis thaliana, establishing it as a member of the SLX1-lineage of the GIY-YIG superfamily with structural changes in DNA interacting regions. We show that At-HIGLE can process branched-DNA molecules without an SLX4 like protein. Unlike fungal SLX1, At-HIGLE exists as a catalytically active homodimer capable of generating two coordinated nicks during HJ resolution. Truncating the extended C-terminal region of At-HIGLE increases its catalytic activity, changes the nicking pattern, and monomerizes At-HIGLE. Overall, we elucidated the first structure of a plant SLX1-lineage protein, showed its HJ resolving activity independent of any regulatory protein, and identified an in-built novel regulatory mechanism engaging its C-terminal region.  相似文献   

The heterodimeric nuclease Mus81-Eme1 has been proposed to be a Holliday junction resolvase and has now been found to be responsible for nearly all meiotic crossovers in fission yeast. The intriguing substrate preference of this enzyme for nicked Holliday junctions opens the possibility that crossover formation may not always involve double Holliday junctions.  相似文献   

Holliday junctions (HJs) that physically link sister chromatids or homologous chromosomes are formed as intermediates during DNA repair by homologous recombination. Persistent recombination intermediates are acted upon by structure-selective endonucleases that are required for proper chromosome segregation at mitosis. Here, we have purified full-length human GEN1 protein and show that it promotes Holliday junction resolution by a mechanism that is analogous to that exhibited by the prototypic HJ resolvase E. coli RuvC. We find that GEN1 cleaves HJs by a nick and counter-nick mechanism involving dual co-ordinated incisions that lead to the formation of ligatable nicked duplex products. As observed with RuvC, cleavage of the first strand is rate limiting, while second strand cleavage is rapid. In contrast to RuvC, however, GEN1 is largely monomeric in solution, but dimerizes on the HJ. Using HJs containing non-cleavable phosphorothioate-containing linkages in one strand, we show that the two incisions can be uncoupled and that the first nick occurs upon GEN1 dimerization at the junction. These results indicate that the mechanism of HJ resolution is largely conserved from bacteria to man, despite a lack of sequence homology between the resolvases.  相似文献   

Various branched DNA structures were created from synthetic, partly complementary oligonucleotides combined under annealing conditions. Appropriate mixtures of oligonucleotides generated three specific branched duplex DNA molecules: (i) a Holliday junction analog having a fixed (immobile) crossover bounded by four duplex DNA branches, (ii) a similar Holliday junction analog which is capable of limited branch migration and, (iii) a Y-junction, with three duplex branches and fixed branch point. Each of these novel structures was specifically cleaved by bacteriophage T7 gene 3 product, endonuclease I. The cleavage reaction "resolved" the two Holliday structure analogs into pairs of duplex DNA products half the size of the original molecules. The point of cleavage in the fixed-junction molecules was predominantly one nucleotide removed to the 5' side of the expected crossover position. Multiple cleavage positions were mapped on the Holliday junction with the mobile, or variable, branch point, to sites consistent with the unrestricted movement of the phosphodiester crossover within the region of limited dyad symmetry which characterizes this molecule. Based on the cleavage pattern observed with this latter substrate, the enzyme displayed a modest degree of sequence specificity, preferring a pyrimidine on the 3' side of the cleavage site. Branched molecules that were partial duplexes (lower order complexes which possessed single-stranded as well as duplex DNA branches) were also substrates for the enzyme. In these molecules, the cleaved phosphodiester bonds were in duplex regions only and predominantly one nucleotide to the 5' side of the branch point. The phosphodiester positions 5' of the branch point in single-stranded arms were not cleaved. Under identical reaction conditions, individually treated oligonucleotides were completely refractory. Thus, cleavage by T7 endonuclease I displays great structural specificity with an efficiency that can vary slightly according to the DNA sequence.  相似文献   

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