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Understanding the social organization of group‐living organisms is crucial for the comprehension of the underlying selective mechanisms involved in the evolution of cooperation. Division of labour and caste formation is restricted to eusocial organisms, but behavioural asymmetries and reproductive skew is common in other group‐living animals. Permanently, social spiders form highly related groups with reproductive skew and communal brood care. We investigated task differentiation in nonreproductive tasks in two permanently and independently derived social spider species asking the following questions: Do individual spiders vary consistently in their propensity to engage in prey attack? Are individual spiders' propensities to engage in web maintenance behaviour influenced by their previous engagement in prey attack? Interestingly, we found that both species showed some degree of task specialization, but in distinctly different ways: Stegodyphus sarasinorum showed behavioural asymmetries at the individual level, that is, individual spiders that had attacked prey once were more likely to attack prey again, independent of their body size or hunger level. In contrast, Anelosimus eximius showed no individual specialization, but showed differentiation according to instar, where adult and subadult females were more likely to engage in prey attack than were juveniles. We found no evidence for division of labour between prey attack and web maintenance. Different solutions to achieve task differentiation in prey attack for the two species studied here suggest an adaptive value of task specialization in foraging for social spiders.  相似文献   

Summary Anelosimus eximius is a social spider species of South America. Many individuals share the same web and participate in prey capture, taking some ten seconds to locate the prey in the silky structures. In the laboratory, we analyzed the movements of each spider which took part in the pursuit, and showed that they were both synchronized and rhythmical. Spiders alternate simultaneous periods of immobility (involving 100% of the attacking individuals) and activity (involving at least 70% of the spiders).The results are discussed with reference to the model developed by Goss and Deneubourg (1988) suggesting that autocatalysis may be the motor of certain synchronized and rhythmical activities in social arthropods.  相似文献   

Social spiders differ from social insects by the production and the use of silk to build irregular webs. This silk prevents dispersion of the individuals and ensures the group cohesion during swarming and collective displacements, playing a part similar to tracks of pheromones in ants. A social spider Anelosimus eximius is attracted by conspecific silk and does not show any discrimination relative to its origin, excluding any group closure. The quantity of silk and the state of satiety of the individual modulate this attraction, and might explain how the spider society adapts the size of the web to its nutritional needs.  相似文献   

Construction of a safe refuge is the first step toward the evolution of social organization in spiders. In the case of the subsocial spider Amaurobius Jerox (Araneae, Amaurobiidae), the young remain in the natal nest after consuming their mother's body (matriphagy). The benefit that the young could obtain from the maternal web was investigated in their collective prey capture. The results demonstrated the adaptive value of the maternal web. The prey capturing activity was more effective when the young were allowed to stay on the maternal web than when they used the web constructed by themselves. Maternal web may also provide a better transmission of information on prey state and clutch mates' activities, because more spiderlings were recruited to contact and hold the prey in a shorter period of time than when they were on a spiderling-constructed web. The young's inheritance of the maternal nest is probably one of the crucial ways in which the mother influences the post-maternal social period of the young.  相似文献   

The pentane extract of the social spider, Anelosimus eximius (Araneae, Theridiidae), contains hydrocarbons, fatty acids and their methyl esters, and a series of novel propyl esters of long-chain methyl-branched fatty acids. The propyl esters comprise almost three-fourths of the extract and consist predominantly of odd-numbered carbon chain components. Mass spectrometric analyses of the propyl esters, their methyl esters and cyanide derivatives showed that mono-, di- and trimethyl branched components with methyl branches on even numbered carbons predominate. The major components are propyl 4,20- and 4,30-dimethylhentriacontanoate and propyl 6,20- and 6,30-trimethylhentriacontanoate. The hydrocarbon fraction consists of n-, monomethyl- and dimethylalkanes, containing a relatively high proportion of even-numbered carbon chain components. The abundance of even-numbered carbon chain length alkanes and odd-numbered carbon chain length fatty acyl groups, along with abundant methyl-branches suggest that the propionyl-CoA and its carboxylated product, methylmalonyl-CoA, play important roles in the biosynthesis of these unique waxes. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 36:295–314, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We use fragments of three nuclear genes (Histone 3, 18SrDNA, and 28SrDNA) and three mitochondrial genes (16SrDNA, ND1, and COI) totalling approximately 4.5kb, in addition to morphological data, to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among Anelosimus spiders, well known for their sociality. The analysis includes 67 individuals representing 23 of the 53 currently recognized Anelosimus species and all species groups previously recognized by morphological evidence. We analyse the data using Bayesian, maximum likelihood, and parsimony methods, considering the genes individually as well as combined (mitochondrial, nuclear, and both combined) in addition to a 'total evidence' analysis including morphology. Most of the data partitions are congruent in agreeing on several fundamental aspects of the phylogeny, and the combined molecular data yield a tree broadly similar to an existing morphological hypothesis. We argue that such congruence among data partitions is an important indicator of support that may go undetected by standard robustness estimators. Our results strongly support Anelosimus monophyly, and the monophyly of the recently revised American 'eximius lineage', although slightly altered by excluding A. pacificus. There was consistent support for the scattering of American Anelosimus species in three clades suggesting intercontinental dispersal. Several recently described species are reconstructed as monophyletic, supporting taxonomic decisions based on morphology and behaviour in this taxonomically difficult group. Corroborating previous results from morphology, the molecular data suggest that social species are scattered across the genus and thus that sociality has evolved multiple times, a significant finding for exploring the causes and consequences of social evolution in this group of organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. A kleptoparasitic spider, Argyrodes kumadai , is known to use phylogenetically unrelated host species in different regions – Cyrtophora moluccensis (Araneidae) in south-west Japan and Agelena silvatica (Agelenidae) in north-east Japan. The work reported here examined whether differences in host characters affect prey acquisition of A. kumadai .
2. Field surveys showed that prey-biomass capture rate of Argyrodes was significantly higher in populations parasitising Cyrtophora than in populations parasitising Agelena . Although Argyrodes appeared to catch fewer prey within Cyrtophora webs, they were able to feed upon substantially larger prey.
3. Differences in prey-biomass capture rate were found to reflect differences in host traits rather than regional differences in potential prey availability. Individuals in populations parasitising Cyrtophora were observed to acquire prey via a number of foraging tactics that included stealing wrapped food bundles, feeding upon prey remains and, in the case of large prey items, feeding together with the host. In contrast, individuals in populations parasitising Agelena were only ever observed to feed upon small prey items ignored by its host.
4. This variability in prey acquisition between kleptoparasite populations reflected different opportunities for feeding within their respective host webs – opportunities that were primarily determined by the foraging behaviour of the host. One key trait associated with host foraging behaviour was host-web structure, namely the presence/absence of a retreat.  相似文献   

The microstructural organization of the silk‐spinning apparatus of the comb‐footed spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum, was observed by using a field emission scanning electron microscope. The silk glands of the spider were classified into six groups: ampullate, tubuliform, flagelliform, aggregate, aciniform and pyriform glands. Among these, three types of silk glands, the ampullate, pyriform and aciniform glands, occur only in female spiders. One (adult) or two (subadult) pairs of major ampullate glands send secretory ductules to the anterior spinnerets, and another pair of minor ampullate glands supply the median spinnerets. Three pairs of tubuliform glands in female spiders send secretory ductules to the median (one pair) and posterior (two pairs) spinnerets. Furthermore, one pair of flagelliform glands and two pairs of aggregate glands together supply the posterior spinnerets, and form a characteristic spinning structure known as a “triad” spigot. In male spiders, this combined apparatus of the flagelliform and the aggregate spigots for capture thread production is not apparent, instead only a non‐functional remnant of this triad spigot is present. In addition, the aciniform glands send ductules to the median (two pairs) and the posterior spinnerets (12–16 pairs), and the pyriform glands feed silk into the anterior spinnerets (90–100 pairs in females and 45–50 pairs in males).  相似文献   

Abstract The potential costs and benefits of foraging in aggregations are examined for the orb-spinning spider Gasteracantha minax. Web-site tenacity is low in this species; individuals frequently move among sites, thereby joining aggregations of different sizes. Female spiders in aggregations suffered lower predation rates and attracted more males than their solitary counterparts. However, aggregated eggsacs, probably produced by females in aggregations, experienced higher rates of parasitism than solitary eggsacs. We found no evidence of higher prey capture success rates among spiders in aggregations. However, we demonstrate a novel way in which spiders can increase their foraging efficiency by decreasing silk investment. A spider spinning a web within an existing aggregation can attach the support threads of its web to those of other webs, thereby exploiting the silk produced by other spiders.  相似文献   

U. Seibt  W. Wickler 《Oecologia》1990,82(3):317-321
Summary This study investigates the suggested protective function of the compact silken nest of two species of social Stegodyphus spiders (S. dumicola and S. mimosarum), as a possible ultimate factor for their sociogenesis. Being inhabitants of African dry thornbush country, these spiders are endangered by overheating and desiccation. In the laboratory, both species were found to avoid temperatures >40° C. In the field, temperature in the nest between 7:00 and 21:00 h tends to be higher than air-temperature outside, and between 13:00 and 15:00 h even tends to exceed 40° C. The nest thus is of no value in temperature regulation. Nor is it effective in protecting the spiders from desiccation: Both species have a body water content of 65.2±3.8% and are extremely desiccation resistant; they survived 9 days at 37°C in an exciccator with P2O5, with a daily average % liveweight reduction of 4.94(±1.1). In the field, relative humidity inside the nest between 11:00 and 19:00 h tends to be lower than that of the air outside. Inspection of burnt areas showed that the nest does not protect the spiders from bushfire. The nest does protect from wind, hail, and direct sun-radiation; but available natural retreats, or a simple silken shield, or the funnel-shaped silk tube inhabited by solitary Stegodyphus, have the same effect.  相似文献   

Xishuangbanna,with its typical tropical rainforest,is one of China's biodiversity hotspots.Through several years of extensive survey work on the spiders in rainforest and adjacent habitats,32 genera and 101 species,including 33 new species,of the family Theridiidae were collected.Four genera,Allothymoites Ono,2007,Nojimaia Yoshida,2009,Tekellina Levi,1957 and Yunohamella Yoshida,2007,are newly recorded from China.The 33new species are diagnosed,described and illustrated.Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing(IZCAS).  相似文献   

According to optimal foraging theory, spiders should adapt their web building to environmental variations. Until now, there was no data on the influence of simultaneous information coming from different environmental factors on web building behaviour. Under laboratory conditions, we studied the behaviour of Zygiella x-notata in the presence of prey, conspecifics, or both simultaneously. There was a stimulating effect of prey, but web building was not affected by the presence of conspecifics. When spiders and prey were present simultaneously, the effect was similar to that of prey alone; it seemed that there was no interactive influence of both factors. We discussed about the use of environmental information by spiders in foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relationship between individual heterozygosity and characteristics likely to be associated with fitness was investigated in the labyrinth spider Metepeira ventura . Adult females and their egg sacs were collected at a coastal site in southern California, and three measures of bodily condition (carapace width, weight, residual index) and six measures of reproductive output (number of egg sacs, variation in egg number among sacs [coefficient of variation], total number of eggs, mean eggs/sac, mean eggs/sac divided by carapace width, mean eggs/sac divided by weight) were determined for each spider. The sample was polymorphic at three allozyme loci that were in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, and individual females were heterozygous at up to two of the three loci, forming three heterozygosity classes (0, 1, and 2). None of the bodily condition measures were significantly related to the number of heterozygous loci, while four of the reproductive output estimators (total number of eggs, mean eggs/sac, mean eggs/sac divided by carapace width, mean eggs/sac divided by weight) were significantly influenced by heterozygosity. In each significant case, values for class 2 females were less than those for class 0 and 1 females, whose values were usually more similar. Thus, while female bodily condition was comparable among classes, the most heterozygous females produced fewer total eggs and eggs per sac than their less heterozygous peers. The fact that females of M. ventura engage in a reproductive investment-number trade-off suggests that high-variability and low-variability females may be pursuing distinct reproductive strategies in the wild, with more heterozygous females being K -selected (smaller clutches, heavier eggs) and more homozygous females being r -selected (larger clutches, lighter eggs). Further investigation will be needed to assess more fully the fitness value of heterozygosity in M. ventura .  相似文献   

Data on the frequencies of the main colour morphs ( lineata, redimita and ovata ) of Enoplognatha ovata have been collected from a total of 454 Ordnance Survey 10 km squares distributed throughout Great Britain. Only c. 0.5% of samples were monomorphic, for lineata in each case. Multiple regression analysis has been used to assess possible associations between morph frequencies and principal components derived from nine environmental variables. The distribution of morph frequencies is not random but shows weak clines associated with certain climatic factors. These large scale clines indicate the action of natural selection although very local variations in morph frequencies may result from selection and/or drift.  相似文献   

Abstract  To assess the relative impact of a range of habitat variables on spider abundance, field and laboratory experiments were conducted on populations of the urban wall spider Oecobius navus in suburban Perth, Western Australia. Habitat characteristics investigated were: substrate type, wind speed, rainfall, sunlight exposure, relative humidity, air temperature, substrate temperature, artificial lighting and prey type/abundance. In the field, O. navus was found to be associated with high humidity, low air temperature and shelter from sunlight and rainfall. Oecobius navus was more abundant at sites with greater prey abundance. The most common prey item was the red meat ant Iridomyrmex chasei . Juvenile spiders were more abundant than adult spiders; however, patterns between spider abundance and habitat variables were similar for both adults and juveniles. Laboratory experiments showed that O. navus preferred to build webs on wooden substrates, and pitted limestone walls. These findings indicate that O. navus may be vulnerable to desiccation and/or thermal stress, and thus survives better on sheltered walls.  相似文献   

Young of the Japanese foliage spider, Chiracanthium japonicum, show matriphagy, whereby they consume their own mothers before dispersal. By removing mothers in the laboratory, I examined the importance of this sacrificial habit for offspring survival and dispersal behavior. Spiderlings that cannibalized their mothers gained weight more than threefold and dispersed from their breeding nests after molting into the third instar. The third-instar spiderlings had relatively longer legs than the previous instars and appeared to be more adapted to a solitary hunting life style. On the other hand, most spiderlings separated from their mothers could not molt into the third instar and dispersed significantly earlier than those with matriphagy. Furthermore, the lack of matriphagy decreased the survival rate of predispersal spiderlings. These results showed that matriphagy of C. japonicum has a great advantage in allowing offspring to disperse at a more developed and active instar. Received: October 23, 2000 / Accepted: March 15, 2001  相似文献   

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