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Fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum is an important disease of wheat and barley. In a previous study, we identified several mutants with reduced virulence by insertional mutagenesis. A transducin beta-like gene named FTL1 was disrupted in one of these nonpathogenic mutants. FTL1 is homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae SIF2, which is a component of the Set3 complex involved in late stages of ascospore formation. The Δftl1 mutant was significantly reduced in conidiation and failed to cause typical disease symptoms. It failed to colonize the vascular tissues of rachis or cause necrosis on the rachis of inoculated wheat heads. The Δftl1 mutant also was defective in spreading from infected anthers to ovaries and more sensitive than the wild type to plant defensins MsDef1 and osmotin. However, the activation of two mitogen-activated protein kinases, Mgv1 and Gpmk1, production of deoxynivalenol, and expression of genes known to be important for plant infection in F. graminearum were not affected, indicating that the defect of the Δftl1 mutant in plant infection is unrelated to known virulence factors in this pathogen and may involve novel mechanisms. The Δftl1 deletion mutant was significantly reduced in histone deacetylation, and many members of the yeast Set3 complex are conserved in F. graminearum. FTL1 appears to be a component of this well-conserved protein complex that plays a critical role in the penetration and colonization of wheat tissues.The filamentous ascomycete Fusarium graminearum (teleomorph Gibberella zeae) is the main causal agent of Fusarium head blight (FHB), or scab, which is an important disease on wheat and barley throughout the world (18). It also causes stalk and ear rots of maize and infects other small grains. In addition to causing yield losses, this pathogen often contaminates infested grains with trichothecene and estrogenic mycotoxins, such as deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenone. Unfortunately, complete resistance to F. graminearum is lacking in wheat, and fungicide application is not cost-effective for FHB control in wheat and barley.F. graminearum overwinters in infected plant debris and produces ascospores in the spring. Ascospores are forcibly discharged from mature perithecia (52) and function as the primary inoculum for FHB. The multicellular conidia or macroconidia are important for spreading the disease in the field and colonizing plant vegetative tissues. Wheat spikes are most susceptible to FHB at anthesis (34a). Although F. graminearum can colonize glumes, anthers are the main site of primary infection on flowering wheat heads (3, 38). Earlier studies indicated that wheat anther extracts stimulate F. graminearum virulence on wheat. Choline and glycine betaine were identified as two major components in anthers that stimulate fungal growth and predispose wheat to F. graminearum infection (50, 51). Under conducive conditions, the fungus can spread from the infected floret along the rachis and cause severe damage. The production of DON, the first virulence factor identified in F. graminearum (11, 42), is not necessary for the initial infection but is important for the spread of FHB on infected wheat heads (2).In the past few years, genetic and genomic studies of F. graminearum have advanced significantly. The genome of F. graminearum has been sequenced (10) and a whole-genome microarray of this haploid homothallic fungus is commercially available (21). A number of pathogenicity or virulence factors have been identified by insertional mutagenesis or targeted gene deletion approaches. Two mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase genes, MGV1 and GPMK1, are essential for pathogenicity in F. graminearum (23, 24). Genes that are important for full virulence in F. graminearum on wheat include FGL1 (54), GzCPS1 (31), FBP1 (22), FSR1 (48), SID1 (19), NPS6 (37), RAS2 (5), GzGPA2 and GzGPB1 (56), and HMR1 (47). These virulence-associated genes encode proteins with various biochemical activities, such as lipase, nonribosomal peptide synthase, Ras protein, and 3-hydroxy 3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase. Several genes involved in the primary metabolism, such as the CBL1, RSY1, GzHIS7, ADE5, and ARG2 genes (29, 44, 46) that are required for methionine, histidine, and arginine syntheses, also have been implicated in plant infection in F. graminearum. Overall, molecular mechanisms underlying F. graminearum pathogenesis appear to be complex and remain to be fully understood.In a previous study, we identified 11 restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) mutants that are defective in plant infection (46). In one of these mutants, the transforming vector was inserted in a predicted gene named FTL1 (for Fusarium transducin beta-like gene 1). FTL1 is homologous to the mammalian TBL1 or TBLR1 genes (40, 55) and the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SIF2 gene (8). The products of these genes are components of protein complexes involving histone deacetylases (HDACs). In mammalian cells, TBL1 and TBLR1 are parts of the N-CoR/SMRT/HDAC complexes (40). In yeast, SIF2 is a part of the Set3 complex regulating ascospore formation. In F. graminearum, the Δftl1 gene replacement mutant was significantly reduced in conidiation and failed to cause typical head blight symptoms on flowering wheat heads. It failed to colonize vascular tissues or cause necrosis on the rachis of inoculated wheat heads. The Δftl1 mutant also was defective in spreading from infected anthers to ovaries and was more sensitive than the wild type to plant defensins MsDef1 and osmotin. Although it was normal in the production of deoxynivalenol and the expression of known virulence factors, the Δftl1 mutant was significantly reduced in HDAC activities. FTL1 appears to be a component of this well-conserved HDAC complex that plays a critical role in the penetration and colonization of wheat tissues.  相似文献   

Calpains regulate a wide spectrum of biological functions, including migration, adhesion, apoptosis, secretion, and autophagy, through the modulating cleavage of specific substrates. Ubiquitous microcalpain (μ-calpain) and millicalpain (m-calpain) are heterodimers composed of catalytic subunits encoded, respectively, by CAPN1 and CAPN2 and a regulatory subunit encoded by CAPNS1. Here we show that calpain is required for the stability of the deubiquitinating enzyme USP1 in several cell lines. USP1 modulates DNA replication polymerase choice and repair by deubiquitinating PCNA. The ubiquitinated form of the USP1 substrate PCNA is stabilized in CAPNS1-depleted U2OS cells and mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), favoring polymerase-η loading on chromatin and increased mutagenesis. USP1 degradation directed by the cell cycle regulator APC/Ccdh1, which marks USP1 for destruction in the G1 phase, is upregulated in CAPNS1-depleted cells. USP1 stability can be rescued upon forced expression of calpain-activated Cdk5/p25, previously reported as a cdh1 repressor. These data suggest that calpain stabilizes USP1 by activating Cdk5, which in turn inhibits cdh1 and, consequently, USP1 degradation. Altogether these findings point to a connection between the calpain system and the ubiquitin pathway in the regulation of DNA damage response and place calpain at the interface between cell cycle modulation and DNA repair.  相似文献   

The accumulation of viral RNA depends on many host cellular factors. The hexagonal peroxisome (Hex1) protein is a fungal protein that is highly expressed when the DK21 strain of Fusarium graminearum virus 1 (FgV1) infects its host, and Hex1 affects the accumulation of FgV1 RNA. The Hex1 protein is the major constituent of the Woronin body (WB), which is a peroxisome-derived electron-dense core organelle that seals the septal pore in response to hyphal wounding. To clarify the role of Hex1 and the WB in the relationship between FgV1 and Fusarium graminearum, we generated targeted gene deletion and overexpression mutants. Although neither HEX1 gene deletion nor overexpression substantially affected vegetative growth, both changes reduced the production of asexual spores and reduced virulence on wheat spikelets in the absence of FgV1 infection. However, the vegetative growth of deletion and overexpression mutants was increased and decreased, respectively, upon FgV1 infection compared to that of an FgV1-infected wild-type isolate. Viral RNA accumulation was significantly decreased in deletion mutants but was significantly increased in overexpression mutants compared to the viral RNA accumulation in the virus-infected wild-type control. Overall, these data indicate that the HEX1 gene plays a direct role in the asexual reproduction and virulence of F. graminearum and facilitates viral RNA accumulation in the FgV1-infected host fungus.  相似文献   

基于生物信息学的方法,以SignalP v3.0、TargetP v1.01、Big-PI Predictor和TMHMM v2.0四个分析软件对禾谷镰刀菌(Fusarium graminearum Schw.)全基因组的11 640个蛋白编码基因的N-端氨基酸序列进行信号肽分析,预测出606个潜在的分泌蛋白编码基因.通过对这些潜在的分泌蛋白进行MEME软件分析,发现其中有157个分泌蛋白的剪切点下游120氨基酸残基范围内具有一个保守的RXLX模体,其中有79个分泌蛋白具有可预测的功能性描述,包括FG00023.1具有与草酸盐氧化酶1有关的功能,FG01588.1具有与1,4-α-葡糖苷酶葡聚糖有关的功能,这些基因可作为禾谷镰刀菌致病相关的候选基因.其中FG04097.1编码的具有与丝氨酸型蛋白酶有关的功能在致病疫霉和疟原虫真核寄生物中具有相似保守的寄主靶标模体的效应蛋白中也观察到,但FG09127.1,FG05287.1编码的蛋白尚未被证明参与致病过程的研究报道.深入研究分泌蛋白将有助于明确植物与病原微生物互作的分子机制.利用禾谷镰刀菌基因组学研究成果,结合计算机技术和生物信息学的方法,分析其分泌蛋白组学,将有助于全面掌握其致病因子的结构与功能.对于这些蛋白功能的比较研究,将有利于对禾谷镰刀菌致病性的分子机制的探索,并为设计新的防治措施提供理论依据.  相似文献   

从烟草品种k326中克隆到2个干旱应答元件结合蛋白类(DREB-Like)转录因子基因,命名为NtDREBI和NtDREB1A.序列分析发现,NtDREBI和NtDREB1A编码的蛋白质具有典型的AP2/EREBP转录因子家族EREBP亚族A类特征.酵母单杂交结果显示,NtDREBI具有激活功能, 而NtDREB1A不能激活下游基因,但可以与DRE元件结合.将NtDREBI、NtDREB1A与其它AP2/EREBP类转录因子序列比对,发现在C末端第148位氨基酸有显著差别.采用定点突变方法进一步研究表明,DREB1A类转录因子的第148位氨基酸残基与其邻近氨基酸残基的相互作用对调控转录激活功能起关键作用.  相似文献   

Microtubule-disruption (MTD) is often thought to arrest the mammalian cell cycle only during mitosis. However, MTD has also been demonstrated to arrest cells during interphase at a G1-phase point we call G1MTA. Microtubule integrity is now shown to be required for progression past G1MTA and the mammalian restriction-point. Neither p21waf1 nor p27kip1 are required for MTD-induced G1-arrest. Only p21waf1 is crucial for normal G1MTA passage. The p21waf1-Chk1-cdc25C-cdc2-checkpoint-pathway is implicated in monitoring this passage. P21waf1 deletion deregulates G1MTA transition and decreases MTD-G1 arrest, possibly via Chk1 disregulation. Oncogene-induced overexpression of p21waf1 produced opposite effects on the Chk1-cdc25C-cdc2 pathway and enhanced MTD-G1 arrest. G1MTA thus represents a novel facet of mammalian G1/S checkpoint.

Key Words:

Microtubule damage, p21waf1, Cell cycle, Restriction point, G1 phase  相似文献   

Although previous studies have shown that GATA1 is required for mast cell differentiation, the effects of the complete ablation of GATA1 in mast cells have not been examined. Using conditional Gata1 knockout mice (Gata1/y), we demonstrate here that the complete ablation of GATA1 has a minimal effect on the number and distribution of peripheral tissue mast cells in adult mice. The Gata1/y bone marrow cells were capable of differentiating into mast cells ex vivo. Microarray analyses showed that the repression of GATA1 in bone marrow mast cells (BMMCs) has a small impact on the mast cell-specific gene expression in most cases. Interestingly, however, the expression levels of mast cell tryptases in the mouse chromosome 17A3.3 were uniformly reduced in the GATA1 knockdown cells, and GATA1 was found to bind to a 500-bp region at the 5′ end of this locus. Revealing a sharp contrast to that observed in the Gata1-null BMMCs, GATA2 deficiency resulted in a significant loss of the c-Kit+ FcεRIα+ mast cell fraction and a reduced expression of several mast cell-specific genes. Collectively, GATA2 plays a more important role than GATA1 in the regulation of most mast cell-specific genes, while GATA1 might play specific roles in mast cell functions.  相似文献   

Meristems retain the ability to divide throughout the life cycle of plants, which can last for over 1000 years in some species. Furthermore, the germline is not laid down early during embryogenesis but originates from the meristematic cells relatively late during development. Thus, accurate cell cycle regulation is of utmost importance to avoid the accumulation of mutations during vegetative growth and reproduction. The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes two homologs of the replication licensing factor CDC10 Target1 (CDT1), and overexpression of CDT1a stimulates DNA replication. Here, we have investigated the respective functions of Arabidopsis CDT1a and CDT1b. We show that CDT1 proteins have partially redundant functions during gametophyte development and are required for the maintenance of genome integrity. Furthermore, CDT1-RNAi plants show endogenous DNA stress, are more tolerant than the wild type to DNA-damaging agents, and show constitutive induction of genes involved in DNA repair. This DNA stress response may be a direct consequence of reduced CDT1 accumulation on DNA repair or may relate to the ability of CDT1 proteins to form complexes with DNA polymerase ε, which functions in DNA replication and in DNA stress checkpoint activation. Taken together, our results provide evidence for a crucial role of Arabidopsis CDT1 proteins in genome stability.  相似文献   

Yeast exonuclease 5 is encoded by the YBR163w (DEM1) gene, and this gene has been renamed EXO5. It is distantly related to the Escherichia coli RecB exonuclease class. Exo5 is localized to the mitochondria, and EXO5 deletions or nuclease-defective EXO5 mutants invariably yield petites, amplifying either the ori3 or ori5 region of the mitochondrial genome. These petites remain unstable and undergo continuous rearrangement. The mitochondrial phenotype of exo5Δ strains suggests an essential role for the enzyme in DNA replication and recombination. No nuclear phenotype associated with EXO5 deletions has been detected. Exo5 is a monomeric 5′ exonuclease that releases dinucleotides as products. It is specific for single-stranded DNA and does not hydrolyze RNA. However, Exo5 has the capacity to slide across 5′ double-stranded DNA or 5′ RNA sequences and resumes cutting two nucleotides downstream of the double-stranded-to-single-stranded junction or RNA-to-DNA junction, respectively.Endonucleases and exonucleases are intimately involved in all aspects of DNA metabolism in the cell. In mitochondria, several constitutive nucleases have been identified that contribute to the proper maintenance of the mitochondrial genome through replication and recombination pathways. In addition, nucleases can localize to mitochondria in response to DNA stress in order to mediate appropriate DNA repair. Among the constitutive mitochondrial nucleases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the Nuc1 nuclease that contributes to DNA recombination efficiency and functions in apoptosis (4, 38) and the Cce1 endonuclease that resolves recombination intermediates (29). The Din7 endonuclease is a mitochondrially located 5′ flap endonuclease related to FEN1 (20). While deletion of the gene for either of these enzymes produced marginal mitochondrial phenotypes, more severe phenotypes were observed when combined deletions of these nuclease genes were studied or when they were combined with deletions of other genes involved in DNA recombination or repair, such as MHR1 or MSH1 (20, 22, 27). Recently, human Dna2 was shown to localize to both the nuclear and mitochondrial compartments and to participate in mitochondrial DNA replication and base excision repair (11, 39). Its function in yeast mitochondrial DNA maintenance has not been studied in detail. Finally, the 5′ flap endonuclease FEN1, which normally functions in primer RNA degradation during Okazaki fragment maturation in the nucleus, also localizes to the mitochondrion in response to DNA damage, participating in long-patch base excision repair (19, 23).Since mitochondrial function is not essential to yeast survival, dysfunction caused by mutations of the mitochondrial genome can be readily detected as a loss of respiration function, which is scored as the inability to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources. A defect in the mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ MIP1 results in complete loss of the mitochondrial DNA, and the mutant fails to grow on glycerol-containing media lacking glucose (14). Such cells are designated ρ0. Genome maintenance defects can also result in the generation of petite mutants that still contain mitochondrial DNA. Generally, most of the mitochondrial genome has been deleted, and a small origin-containing region has been amplified (ρ). S. cerevisiae contains eight such origin regions that are highly similar in sequence and are distributed over the 86-kb mitochondrial genome (8, 9, 15). Petites that have amplified the ori5 region have been studied more extensively (16, 22).While the nucleases listed above participate in the proper maintenance of the mitochondrial genome through their replication and/or recombination functions, none appears to be essential for the integrity of the mitochondrial genome. One reasonable explanation for these observations is functional redundancy. Indeed, functional nuclease redundancy is quite common; it has been observed in the process of DNA degradation during mismatch repair in Escherichia coli, during Okazaki fragment maturation in yeast, and during the resection of double-stranded breaks in yeast (7, 25, 33). However, the possibility remains that an additional nuclease(s) is active in the mitochondrion. The present paper describes an essential mitochondrial exonuclease that is distantly related to the nuclease domain of RecB, a subunit of the bacterial RecBCD recombinase. This nuclease was discovered over 2 decades ago during a biochemical chromatographic survey of yeast exonucleases and was called exonuclease 5 (3). Initial studies with a partially purified enzyme preparation showed it to be a 5′ exonuclease specific for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). Here we report the identification of the EXO5 gene and describe comprehensive biochemical and genetic studies that show a critical role for EXO5 in mitochondrial DNA maintenance, presumably through the processing of replication intermediates. Upon deletion of EXO5 or inactivation of its nuclease activity, only ρ mutants could be recovered. EXO5 has previously been characterized as DEM1 (defects in morphology) because the deletion mutant shows defects in growth and in mitochondrial morphology (10, 12). No nuclear defect associated with an EXO5 deletion has been detected.  相似文献   

Ascospores are the primary inoculum in Fusarium graminearum, a causal agent of wheat head blight. In a previous study, FgPAL1 was found to be upregulated in the Fgama1 mutant and important for ascosporogenesis. However, the biological function of this well-conserved gene in filamentous ascomycetes is not clear. In this study, we characterized its functions in growth, differentiation and pathogenesis. The Fgpal1 mutant had severe growth defects and often displayed abnormal hyphal tips. It was defective in infectious growth in rachis tissues and spreading in wheat heads. The Fgpal1 mutant produced conidia with fewer septa and more nuclei per compartment than the wild type. In actively growing hyphal tips, FgPal1-GFP mainly localized to the subapical collar and septa. The FgPal1 and LifeAct partially co-localized at the subapical region in an interdependent manner. The Fgpal1 mutant was normal in meiosis with eight nuclei in developing asci but most asci were aborted. Taken together, our results showed that FgPal1 plays a role in maintaining polarized tip growth and coordination between nuclear division and cytokinesis, and it is also important for infectious growth and developments of ascospores by the free cell formation process.  相似文献   

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